#stakeholder impressions
idea-explorer · 28 days
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rahulp3 · 3 months
What Are The Major Factors Driving Retinal Biologics Market Growth?
The Retinal Biologics Market is experiencing a surge in demand, fueled by advancements in eye disease treatments and a growing emphasis on vision health. According to a recent analysis by Future Market Insights (FMI), a leading market research firm, the market is currently valued at an impressive US$22.25 billion in 2022. Looking ahead, the market is projected to witness a remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.1% over the next six years. This translates to a staggering market valuation of US$41.92 billion by 2028, highlighting the significant potential of retinal biologics in revolutionizing eye care.The remarkable expansion of the Global Retinal Biologics sector is fueled by advancements in technology, innovative research, and a growing demand for cutting-edge treatments. As the industry continues to evolve, it presents unprecedented opportunities for stakeholders, investors, and healthcare professionals alike.Key Retinal Biologics Market Insights:
Rising Prevalence of Diabetes-related Eye Disorders and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) The prevalence of diabetes-related eye disorders and age-related macular degeneration is on the rise, underscoring the growing need for innovative solutions within the Retinal Biologics Industry.Substantial Investment in R&D for Biologics in Retinal Disorders The industry is witnessing a significant influx of research and development resources, aimed at advancing biologics for both infectious and non-infectious retinal disorders. This investment underscores the commitment to addressing unmet medical needs.
Emergence of Specific Biologic Molecules as Therapeutic Targets Specific biologic molecules are gaining prominence as highly promising therapeutic targets, offering new hope for patients with retinal conditions.Gene Therapy as a Solution for Monogenic Retinal Illnesses With a growing number of monogenic retinal illnesses, gene therapy is emerging as a pivotal component of the Retinal Biologics Market, presenting innovative solutions for these challenging conditions.
Request a Sample Copy of This Report Now.https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-8663
#The Retinal Biologics Market is experiencing a surge in demand#fueled by advancements in eye disease treatments and a growing emphasis on vision health. According to a recent analysis by Future Market I#a leading market research firm#the market is currently valued at an impressive US$22.25 billion in 2022. Looking ahead#the market is projected to witness a remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.1% over the next six years. This translates to a s#highlighting the significant potential of retinal biologics in revolutionizing eye care.The remarkable expansion of the Global Retinal Biol#innovative research#and a growing demand for cutting-edge treatments. As the industry continues to evolve#it presents unprecedented opportunities for stakeholders#investors#and healthcare professionals alike.Key Retinal Biologics Market Insights:Rising Prevalence of Diabetes-related Eye Disorders and Age-relate#underscoring the growing need for innovative solutions within the Retinal Biologics Industry.Substantial Investment in R&D for Biologics in#aimed at advancing biologics for both infectious and non-infectious retinal disorders. This investment underscores the commitment to addres#offering new hope for patients with retinal conditions.Gene Therapy as a Solution for Monogenic Retinal Illnesses With a growing number of#gene therapy is emerging as a pivotal component of the Retinal Biologics Market#presenting innovative solutions for these challenging conditions.Request a Sample Copy of This Report Now.https://www.futuremarketinsights.#institutional sales in the Retinal Biologics Industry#where Retinal Biologics are supplied in speciality clinics and hospitals#will generate higher revenues. In 2018#hospital sales accounted for more than 35% of market revenue.According to the report#retail sales of Retinal Biologics will generate comparable revenues to hospital sales and will expand at an 11.9% annual rate in 2019. Reta#with retail pharmacies generating more money than their counterparts in the future years.Penetration in North America Higher#APEJ’s Attractiveness to IncreaseNorth America continues to be the market leader in Retinal Biologics revenue. According to FMI estimates#North America accounted for more than 46% of global Retinal Biologics Industry revenues in 2018. Revenues in North America are predicted to#continuous growth in the healthcare infrastructure#and a favourable reimbursement scenario.Europe accounted for about one-fourth of the Retinal Biologics market#with Western European countries such as Germany#the United Kingdom#France#Italy
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DPXDC prompt: Parents don’t approve of Dead on main
Fentons are geniuses but not multitaskers. They’re used to giving their all to the most important thing on the list, forgetting even food and sleep, and then going back to something else.
So when they find out that Danny is Phantom, they panic and can’t think of anything else. Well, until they see the Gotham News on TV. What does it matter if their boy’s ghost or not? He's in bad company now and dating a crime lord! That's a real problem. No time to whine about their research about the nature of ghosts. Their boy is in danger! Change of priorities, urgent change of priorities!
So, when Danny moves in with Jason because of identity reveal, Batman prepares for various outcomes. To the flow of GIWs in Gotham, to the parents of the boy who may continue to hunt him and even to the likelihood that Maddie and Jack will accept their child without any questions. Bruce is a genius, but he forgets to include one important variable in the equation, namely his son. Despite the anti-hero’s current status, Red Hood is still remembered by the general public for his bloody methods of controlling Crime Alley. Which could definitely bother..anyone, to be honest. And it's understandable that video of Red Hood and Phantom beating Black Mask up on news did not make a pleasant first impression.
However, Bruce himself know a completely different side of his son and therefore could not tolerate the completely unfounded accusations from Maddie. Batman: How dare you! My boy is an angel. Your son is incredibly lucky to have such a thoughtful and caring partner. Jack: Yeah? I don't think so. How do we know he’s not just going to use Danno powers in his criminal plans? Maddie: We’re taking our boy home and it’s out of the question. Batman: Yeah? And how do we know you’re not just taking him for your experiments? Danny *whispers*: Um, Jay, we should go away, if you remember. Red Hood *whispers*: Yeah, yeah, I know. But just listen to it. Usually we can not get a word out of him. A temporary cure for emotional constipation is a true miracle. May your parents stay longer if, you know, they will not try to shoot you or smth else?
Maddie at home*aggressively filing a petition against anti-ecto laws*: I don’t care if the parental rights aren’t over the ghosts. How dare a bloody furry tell me I have no official right to take my son home and shove my own quotes in my face calling him a thing?!
Vlad who has long wanted to get rid of GIW *enters the house*: Bonjour, need a helping hand? Jack and Maddie *exchange glances without knowing if Danny’s secret should be revealed to their friend*. Vlad: Oh, for Ancients’s sake. *Snaps his fingers and goes Plasmius* Vlad: I’m also a stakeholder in it, okay? ~~~after two hours of talking~~~ Jack: Wait, V-man, if you know about Danny being Phantom, you know about his boyfriend too? Vlad: Red Hood? How could I not. I often visit Gotham for business deals. This is a favorite topic of newspapers and gossip. I don’t know who he is without a mask but I must admit the guy has a good aim, a lot better than you, Jack. Maddie: *pulls out the Ghost Peeler*
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animeomegas · 9 months
The Quest for a Second Life - Part 7 - 50 Shades of Audacity (3)
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Summary: The Autumn Company Party. It had been the centre of the storyline for reasons unknown, and now it was upon you. Whatever happened though, this was sure to be your last night in Kakashi's pocket universe, and a difficult decision was right around the corner. At least you had one final attempt to get your dick wet. GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple
Word count: 10k
Warnings: N-sfw content, talks of collaring, alcohol consumption, Kakashi's abandonment issues. All alpha have dicks, fyi.
A/N: The final major part is done!!! Gosh, it's been such a journey and it's bittersweet to see it coming to an end. Happy holidays to everyone and I hope you enjoy this final part. @omeganronpa has a tough choice for the epilogue, which will be released on Christmas day :D Direct all arguments, begging and bribery here! May the best omega win! <3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
Despite your best attempts, you never did get an explanation of Kakashi’s strange behaviour during that phone call. Kakashi had remained tight-lipped in the face of every strategy you used to weasel the information out of him. You fully believed that, if you had been given the appropriate amount of time, you would have eventually extracted the information, but unfortunately, time had been something of a rarity over the last few weeks.
The Autumn Company Party had approached like a speeding train, and you had been forced against your will to do your job and aid in the planning. You had lost track of how many times the importance of the event had been explained to you at this point, mainly to justify your massive and ever-growing workload.
“Every important investor and stakeholder will be in attendance!” You didn’t care.
“The board of directors will be there!” You really didn’t care.
“This will be your debut as the CEO’s secretary, if you don’t make a good impression, you could be fired and blacklisted!” You especially didn’t care about that one. Don’t threaten people with a good time.
No, the part itself wasn’t something you particularly cared about. It was going to be a boring work party, like every other one you’d attended in your life, that would be partially saved by the fact that you got to be the one to design the menu with the catering company.
No, you cared about whatever the other ‘thing’ at the party would be. This was the climax of the story, and that was putting you on edge. Even James didn’t know what would happen, but she seemed completely convinced that something would.
And so, it was with a weird combination of foreboding, fatigue, and excitement that you were putting together the finishing touches of your outfit, ten minutes before Kakashi was scheduled to pick you up and take you to the party.
It felt weird, standing in a still unfamiliar flat, looking in an unfamiliar mirror, to see a done-up version of yourself that you didn’t recognise. Because really, that had been the only thing you had carried with you from your real life. You had always been you, in body and mind, even as reality melted and reformed around you.
And you still were you, of course, just a version of you that was wearing more expensive clothes, had styled hair, and donned with more jewellery than you normally would. It just made you feel strange.
You straightened, brushing down imaginary creases in your outfit, and pointed at your own reflection accusatorily. “Get over yourself. You’re wearing nice clothes, stop being dramatic.”
There, that should fix it. You were just nervous about the unknown ‘thing’ that would be happening tonight, and it was bleeding into everything else.
Your phone buzzed on your desk, almost certainly a text from Kakashi telling you that he was outside. With one final glance in the mirror, you left the flat, wondering vaguely if you’d be back to see it before the demo ended. If this party was indeed the climax of this story, then you might never return.
You gave the flat a little goodbye wave, just in case.
As you exited the building, the chill of the Autumn wind caught you off guard. You wrapped your arms around yourself, already regretting the decision not to bring a coat, and hurried towards the sleek, black car that was waiting for you.
Kakashi stepped out of the car as you approached and held open the door for you.
You grinned, “What a gentleman, thank you.”
“Of course.” He followed you back into the car and shut the door behind him, leaving you enclosed in the glorious warmth of Kakashi’s heated car and its heated seats. “You look beautiful.”
You knew it was a standard thing to say in a situation like this, but Kakashi just had a way of making compliments sound so genuine. Maybe because he wasn’t the type to keep his negative opinions to himself. Either way, you were flattered.
“Thanks, Kakashi, I appreciate that. And you paying for the outfit, of course.” You took a moment to study him, in turn. He was wearing a well tailored suit like he always was, but to match the celebratory feel, he’d gone for a dark green colour scheme as opposed to his usual monochrome. Although the lighting inside the car was dim, it was easy to see how well the colour suited him. “You’re looking incredibly handsome, yourself. What a pair we make.”
“A very attractive pair indeed,” Kakashi agreed, taking one of your hands in his. He gave it a squeeze, so you gave one back.
Silence fell, and for a moment, you focused on the way Kakashi’s thumb was rubbing on the back of your hand. This was the first time you’d been properly alone for a while now, and you found your mind drifting back to that weird phone call. You decided to ask him about it again now, seeing as he had nowhere to run.
You had both started to speak at once.
“Sorry, I didn’t—” You started to apologise.
“No, I’m sorry, what were you going to say?”
“Oh, it was nothing, you go first.”
Kakashi looked like he was going to argue, but he clearly decided against it and said what was on his mind.
“At the party, we can’t behave as we’d normally do at the office,” he said. “Our relationship isn’t compatible with our jobs, and while the people in my office are friendly and mostly discreet, stakeholders and board members have a track record for being less so.”
Kakashi looked guilty, so you gave his hand another squeeze to show that you didn’t hold this against him. It made sense that an important work party wasn’t the right place for making out, but you wondered if he thought that you thought he was ashamed of your relationship or something.
“I understand. Old, rich people are terrible at keeping their noses out of other people’s business.”
“That’s certainly putting it lightly,” Kakashi muttered. He seemed more frustrated that you’d expected for what was objectively a minor issue.
Granted, you had kind of been expecting some kind of action at this party, this being the climax of a porn universe narrative, but you’d live if it turned out that the ‘thing’ was something non-horny. Honestly, you’d be happy if you got through the night without any more spontaneous stripping.
“Hey, it’s only one night, right? We can manage.” Kakashi looked at you consideringly, before a small smile bloomed on his face.
“One night,” he repeated, voice soft. “I can do that.”
“We’re five minutes away, sir.”
You took a deep breath. No matter what this party threw at you, you could handle it!
Apparently, what this party was throwing at you was extreme boredom.
Admittedly, it wasn’t an entirely lost cause. The venue was dazzling and incredibly fancy, and you knew you’d never stepped foot in a hotel so expensive before. Walking through the front doors with Kakashi, dressed to perfection… well, it had felt a little like you were royalty. It was incredibly good for the old self-esteem.
Once you had actually entered the party though, it was a whole different story.
While your coworkers were quick to compliment you, which was lovely, it was clear that they were too on edge to be having fun. The music was quiet, which was better for talking and networking, but didn’t exactly encourage dancing. And whenever you did try to speak to new people, they wanted to ask about your professional qualifications and experiences working under Kakashi. The cherry on top of this awful cake was that the only alcohol offered was champagne, which wasn’t your favourite, nor did it numb the boredom of the party very well.  
You had barely even seen Kakashi, bar a few quick flashes in passing as he schmoozed his way through the hall like a pro. His serious warning about not behaving like a couple seemed a bit dramatic now, seeing as you hadn’t even had the chance to make eye contact.
‘Are you sure it was just a warning, human?’
You jumped at James’ sudden interjection. You furtively glanced around you to make sure that none of your coworkers had noticed your seemingly out of place reaction. Thankfully, people seemed too busy to care.
‘What do you mean? What else could it have been?’
‘Perhaps it was an explanation, human.’
‘An explanation? An explanation for what? Surely that means the same thing as a warning in this context.’
James didn’t respond. How bizarre. You didn’t much care for having a riddle added on top of your evening. Honestly, if it were just a boring party, you would have found someway to have fun, but you knew that some kind of event would be unfolding here, which was putting you on edge. Every second that ticked by completely normally felt like it was building to something big. And James’ riddles weren’t helping assuage the anxiety that sensation was creating.
Between the stress, the lack of alcohol, and the enforced networking, it was an exceptionally mid party, even if it was pretty.
The only saving grace was the buffet table, that you were slowly weaving your way back towards for probably the tenth time that night. This time, you decided to just remain lingering by the food in the hopes that it would stop people from asking questions about a degree you didn’t actually do.
You loaded up your plate was as much as you could and then found an empty section of wall to lean on. You popped one of the mac and cheese balls in your mouth and almost moaned at the flavour sensation that followed. They were heavenly, salty and creamy, and the breadcrumbs around the outside had just the right amount of crispiness. Like everything else on the buffet, it had an impressive depth of flavour. You weren’t ashamed to admit that having access to this catering company was on the pros column for staying in this world.
Consumed in your world of cheesy goodness, you almost didn’t notice when what you thought was a member of waitstaff leant against the wall next to you. He was carrying a tray of hors d’oeuvres, and you wondered if he was just taking a break or if you were somehow in his way.
“How are you holding up?” Hearing a familiar voice come from what you thought was a stranger had you doing a double take. You were met with Iruka’s charming grin. He was dressed in a standard black suit that obviously wasn’t tailored the way Kakashi’s were, but somehow, he pulled off the ‘slightly too big’ look with a level of a scampish charm.
What you had originally thought was a tray of hors d’oeuvres was in fact a plate that Iruka had stacked full of shot glasses, each one filled with a mini ramen. As he waited for your response, he grabbed one of the glasses and poured the ramen into his mouth with a satisfied hum.
Ah, you thought, amused, he’d wasted no time finding them.
“As well as can be,” you said, answering his original question. “How about you? Enjoying the food?”
Iruka, who was in the middle of eating a second ramen shot, paused for a second, his ears going slightly red. You snorted, averting your eyes for a second to allow him to finish the ramen shot in peace.
“Thanks,” he muttered, referring to your insistence that the catering team create a ramen hors d’oeuvre. “Makes this ridiculous party worth it.”
“No, thank you,” you countered, referring to his substantial help with the planning and paperwork for this event when your duties got a bit overwhelming. “I couldn’t have got everything finished without your help.”
“Too busy running around with Kakashi?” When you didn’t defend yourself, he rolled his eyes fondly. “You two are menaces. Actually, speaking of Kakashi, shouldn’t you be getting ready with him to go on stage about now?”
“What?” That was the first you’d heard about any obligation to go on stage. If this turned into a cheesy scene where you had to do something ridiculous like sing a duet with Kakashi, you were going to riot, possible retaliations from porn logic be damned. You did not sign up for High School Musical shenanigans. “Why would I have to go on stage?”
“Oh, you don’t know? Sorry, I thought Kakashi would have explained it to you.”
“Okay, fine, but he obviously didn’t, so could you please tell me why I have to go on stage?” Was this what James meant by the big ‘thing’ that would be happening at the Autumn Company Party?
“Of course.” Despite his positive response, Iruka then proceeded to eat another one of his ramen shots, and only after he was done, did he continue with the explanation. “Every year, Kakashi gives a speech around halfway through the party. Normal stuff, just summarising the last year, talking about new projects, thanking all the generation donators and stakeholders. The CIO of the company, Tsunade, stands by him for the speech, and for the first few years, his personal assistant stood behind him too. He hasn’t had one for a while, but now you’re here, you’ll need to stand behind him with Tsunade.”
You squinted your eyes suspiciously. “And I won’t have to speak?”
“Nope,” Iruka said, brightly. “You just have to stand there.”
Huh, that wasn’t so bad. It was slightly annoying that you were being taken away from the buffet table, but you would live.
‘You are being very brave, human.’
‘Thanks, James.’ Again, you had no idea if she didn’t know what the concept of sarcasm was, or she deployed it with skill on a never-before-seen scale. It was definitely either or, but which one, you would never know.
“Wait,” you said, suddenly remembering what Kakashi had told you about your interview with him. “Kakashi used to have a personal assistant? He said he didn’t want one because he worked better alone.”
Iruka hesitated. He looked left, then right, and when he saw that you were as alone as you could be, he leant in close and whispered.
“His old personal assistant is why he didn’t want a new one,” he explained. “At first, it didn’t seem like anything was wrong with him, but it turned out he had been placed there by the board to spy on Kakashi and relay information back. Kakashi fired him as soon as he found out, but he never accepted a personal assistant again, until the board forced him to hold interviews, and he hired you.”
“Seriously?” Iruka nodded, lips tight. “That’s crazy.” You wondered briefly how many of the people you were sitting with in the waiting room were plants from the board.
“We don’t talk about it, but everyone who was working there at the time this went down knows about it. That’s one of the reasons we were so surprised, not only when you were hired, but when you and Kakashi seemed to be having a personal relationship outside of work. I’m surprised he trusted you at all.”
Goodness. You leant against the wall as you considered what Iruka was saying. It was wild to think about how much resistance and betrayal Kakashi had faced from within his own company. You’d bet that they hadn’t been too happy when Kakashi turned 18 and decided he wanted to lead his company, and when they couldn’t take it from him, they kept tabs and put pressure on him as much as possible.
This information also contextualised your interview differently. Kakashi had claimed that he hired you because you were funny. You had theorised that you had awoken his submissive side, this being an erotica and all. And maybe both of those were true to some extent, but you now believed that it was far more likely that Kakashi had decided you were too rowdy, rude, and unprofessional to have been a plant from the board of directors.
It clicked his initial suspicions about your motivations into place, too. He hadn’t trusted your reasons for asking him to dinner, not at first. When you had demanded to spend time with him, you’d bet he was wandering if you were there to spy on him.
“Poor Kakashi…”
Iruka nodded solemnly, and then downed another ramen shot. You scanned the room while he did, hoping to catch Kakashi’s eye, wherever he was. It took you a moment, but then you found him, standing at the base of the stage, standing next to Tsunade. Ah fuck.
“I think I have to go, thanks for keeping me company, Iruka.”
Iruka waved his hand, “Good luck. I can look after your plate for you if you want—”
“No need.” You shoved the last handful of mac and cheese balls into your mouth, dumped the plate on the table, and then chewed furiously as you worked your way to the stage.
“There you are,” Tsunade said, two glasses of champagne in hand. She quickly downed them both and then shoved them into the hands of a poor waiter as he passed by. “Let’s get this over with.”
You tried to catch Kakashi’s eye, but he was too focused on walking to the stage. You and Tsunade followed after him, and you resolved to talk to him after the speech was finished.
Kakashi went up to the mic and you and Tsunade stood at his side, a few paces back. You spotted a few board members in the crowd, and you felt the urge to stick your tongue out at them. You just about managed to resist.
Kakashi used the knife against the champagne glass he was holding, and a sharp ting echoed through the microphone and around the room. The spotlight on the stage turned on, and suddenly you were bathed in a bright, white light. Everyone quieted and turned to face the stage.
The lights were hurting your eyes and making your skin feel hot, but at least your only job was to stand there and look pretty. You were good at that.
“Good evening, everyone,” Kakashi said, sounding effortlessly comfortable speaking in front of so many people. “Thank you all for coming tonight, and I hope you’ve been enjoying yourselves thus far.”
It was weird to hear him speak like this; he sounded very different when you two were alone. That was to be expected, you supposed, but it didn’t make it feel any less jarring.
“I won’t keep you long, but I thought it prudent to take a moment to thank everyone who has made this last year as successful as it was. To our staff, to our stake holders, and to our board members, I say thank you.” He raised his glass in a toast. “We would not have a company without you.”
This was an incredibly boring and generic speech. You had been sure that the ‘thing’ that was supposed to happen would happen now, but all that was happening was you struggling not to fall asleep in front of everyone.
“The past year has been a year of perfecting, of tweaking that which was already in place to make it perfect. Among other things, the building work on the new cafeteria was completed this year, and the debut of our first international branch went smoothly and successfully.”
Ugh, as Kakashi’s personal assistant, you knew all this stuff already. You just wanted to go back to the buffet, was that too much to ask?
“However, following the stage of perfection will always be a stage of change. We must now introduce new projects that will grow and be perfected over time, like the projects that came before them. And there is one major change that will take effect going forward.”
Confused whispers spread across the hall. You noticed a few members of the board looking specifically irritated, and you’d bet that Kakashi had not informed anyone in advance of whatever this big change was.
Even Tsunade was watching him warily from the corner of her eye.
“I’m resigning,” Kakashi announced, paired with his signature eye smile.
The room was silent enough that you could have heard a pin drop.
Chaos erupted. People were shouting questions, making exclamations of disbelief, and loudly assuming this was a prank that wasn’t very funny.
Kakashi ignored the noise and leant back into the mic. “I nominate Tsunade as my successor.”
Tsunade sputtered, “Eh?! Like hell you are, brat!”
He had resigned. Kakashi had resigned as CEO of the company he had been a part of his entire life. James had said that whatever happened at the party would be a direct consequence of how you had acted in this demo. So, presumably, this was your fault, but how?
Our relationship isn’t compatible with our jobs, that’s what he’d said to you in the car. You had thought he was warning you to tone things down for the evening, but James had suggested that it wasn’t a warning, but an explanation. You hadn’t understood what she’d meant, but now you did. He was explaining to you, in his own way, why he was about to resign.
The strange phone call fit, too. He had mentioned thinking about the Autumn Company Party, and whatever was on his mind had made him seek your number for comfort, but he refused to tell what he was thinking about. He was likely thinking about whether he should resign.
While you put the pieces together, the room around you was still very much in a state of chaos. Kakashi, however looked completely calm. He put the microphone back in the stand, handed his champagne and knife to a raging Tsunade, and then turned to you.
You watched as he approached you. You could feel how wide your eyes were. You thought he was going to say something, but he got closer and closer until he was right in your personal space, where he looped an arm around your waist, pulled you tight against him, and kissed you.
He was kissing you. Kakashi was kissing you in front of his whole company. You had kissed Kakashi before, many times, but there was something about this kiss that overshadowed all the others. It took a moment for your brain to catch up to what was happening and remember to how to kiss, but you eventually found your footing.
Your lips and tongues danced together serenely, driving out the chaos of the background noise until you two were the only people that mattered. You could feel and taste the longing pouring out of Kakashi, begging you to understand him and stay by his side. You wound your hands around his neck to reassure him, and in return, he squeezed your waist affectionately.
You were quickly running out of air, but you didn’t want this moment to end.
Regardless of your wishes, however, the kiss did end. As Kakashi pulled away slowly, the bubble burst and the noise from the party came rushing back in. Questions were still being shouted, and while some people were displeased by Kakashi’s display, others cheered.
You felt like you were trapped in a daze. You half expected to topple over when Kakashi let go of you to lean back to the microphone.
“We have paid for the venue until 1am, so please enjoy the rest of the party. Goodnight!”
And with that, he grabbed you by the hand and pulled you through a stage door and out of the party. You let him, still completely stunned at what had just happened.
You walked out of the venue in silence, through a back exit for somewhat obvious reasons, and Kakashi’s car was already waiting for you both. You both slid into the warmth of the car, and the second the seatbelts were on, the car pulled away from the hotel and into the city. The bright lights filtered into the car as you drove, but the outside world had never felt so far away.
“Are you… okay?” Kakashi asked, voice nervous.
You wanted to answer him properly, really you did, but your mouth and brain weren’t quite in agreement yet, so the only thing that came out was, “I was going to fill the Tupperware in my bag with more mac and cheese bites.”
Kakashi blinked at you for a moment, before he sent you nervous smile. “I’ll order you some more, as many as you want, I promise.”
Through your embarrassment at you lacking filter, you nodded, and silence fell in the car again. Unlike the normal, comfortable silence that you shared with Kakashi, the awkwardness was palpable. You wanted to break it, but you didn’t quite know how, after everything that had just happened. When your phone buzzed, you grabbed for it desperately as an escape from the weird silence. It was a text from Kurenai.
‘Sorry for not warning you in advance what Kakashi was planning. I feel pretty guilty now, Asuma too. He says the apology is from him too.’
Right, so some people did know in advance. Honestly, you were a bit annoyed that no one had warned you. You were halfway through writing a slightly snarky text back, when she sent another message.
‘We were planning on telling you, but we had to focus on convincing Kakashi out of his idea to propose to you this evening.’
You immediately forgave them both, deleted the previous message, and instead thanked them profusely for saving you from a very awkward conversation. Oh, Kakashi.
Speaking of Kakashi, he was sitting awkwardly in his seat, staring out the window. His shoulders were incredibly tense. You couldn’t just leave him sitting there.
“So, are you really resigning?”
Kakashi swallowed heavily, “Yes… I was thinking about what you said, about having my own dreams, and I still don’t know what those dreams are yet, but I know they aren’t in that company, not anymore.”
You nodded slowly. Kakashi was watching your reaction like a hawk.
“I’m not going to leave completely, I don’t think I could,” he hastened to add. “I can’t abandon my father’s company completely, but… I need time.”
“I understand, Kakashi, it’s okay.”
“You do?” He sounded so vulnerable and lost. You undid your seatbelt and slid into the middle seat instead, before clicking the belt back on. From there, you were able to wrap your arms around Kakashi.
It was slightly awkward in the car, but you didn’t let that stop you. Kakashi fell into your arms gratefully and braced his head against your shoulder.
“I do, darling. You’ve been working your entire life at that company, Kakashi, you deserve a break. I’m already tired of working, so I can’t imagine how you feel. I’ll support whatever pathway you choose to take.”
Kakashi sagged onto you, breathing harshly and clinging onto you with desperate hands. You shushed him, and gently ran your fingers through his hair.
Poor Kakashi, you thought, holding him tightly. You could tell that he was so incredibly burnt out, but he hadn’t even noticed until someone had forced him to see that other choices existed. And once you had pulled the curtain back and showed him reality, he couldn’t bare to continue the way he had been for even a second longer.
Now that the shock had subsided, you were filled with pride for him. It wasn’t easy to leave something life-defining behind, even if you wanted to. But he had done it, and now you were going to be here to make sure he could handle the emotional backlash.
You pressed a kiss to Kakashi’s gravity-defying hair and gave him an affectionate nuzzle. If you chose this world, and your fictional family became real, you were dragging Kakashi into it.
“I want to do up my childhood home properly,” he said, pulling away and rubbing at his eyes. “I want to modernise it again, fill it with new photos and unrestrained laughter. I want to walk my dogs; I don’t want to hire a dog walker anymore. And…”
“And?” you pressed your forehead against his.
“And I hope you’ll be there with me. Because that’s one thing I do know. I love you, and I want you with me wherever I go.”
“Oh, Kakashi,” you cooed softly, pecking him on the lips. “I love you too, and I’ll follow you wherever you go, my darling.”
He sighed, relieved, “And you aren’t angry at me for not telling you that I was resigning?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that. I would have appreciated a heads up, I won’t lie.”
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. He dropped his head onto your shoulder. “Maybe… maybe you should punish me…”
It took a moment for his unexpected words to sink in, but when they did, heat rushed downwards.
You had expected to end up at Kakashi’s penthouse, but his chauffeur had pulled up in front of your flat instead. It had given more credence to your theory that Kakashi preferred your flat to his. You didn’t mind, so you didn’t comment on it.
You could have done without the flat look Kakashi’s chauffeur had given you both when he said that he wouldn’t be needing a lift home until tomorrow though.
The warmth of your flat was a welcome change from the Autumn chill, but it was the hot, electric tension fizzling through air that really captured your attention. You both kicked off your shoes and put down your bags, but the second you were done, the tension snapped, and you slammed Kakashi against the door with your body, pressing your lips against his in an aggressive kiss.
Kakashi met your sudden kiss with no hesitation and just as much aggression. You could feel the clack of your teeth knocking together, but you couldn’t hear it over the door shaking in the frame. You sent a half-hearted apology to your neighbours for the kind of noises they were about to hear.
You kissed with urgency. Kakashi moaned into your mouth and his hands pawed at your waist. There weren’t any undertones of dominance or submissive yet, only passion. Your lips tangled with his as you pushed through the burning need for oxygen.
When you could hold out no longer, you pulled away and instead took the opportunity to nuzzle at Kakashi’s neck, inhaling his heady scent, and undo the buttons on Kakashi’s shirt.
“Your shirts still have too many buttons,” you panted against Kakashi’s skin. “I think we should burn them all.”
“If you want me naked, you just have to ask,” he said, chest heaving.
“Maybe I will.” You finished the last button, leaving Kakashi’s shirt to hang open. He was still wearing his tie and suit jacket, which framed the newly revealed sliver of skin. “Now that you’re not a big, fancy CEO, I can keep you as my naked butler.”
Kakashi snorted. “Of course, you’re into that.”
You pulled away from his neck and grinned, “How do you feel about cat ears?”
Kakashi didn’t seem to find your idea as amusing as you did. “You wish.”
You hummed in amusement, loosening his tie and throwing it behind you somewhere. His jacket quickly followed, crumpling on the ground at the base of the front door, leaving Kakashi in only his open shirt and trousers.
Kakashi, sensing the unfair differences in dress, attempted to liberate you from your shirt, but you caught both of his wrists in your hands and pinned them against the door.
“I can’t touch you? That’s hardly fair,” he pouted, playfully tugging at your restraint.
You slipped a knee in between his legs and ground it up against his crotch. Kakashi gave a hoarse gasp and folded forward slightly. “This isn’t supposed to be fair, Kakashi. Was it fair that you didn’t tell me of your resignation in advance? This is a punishment, darling.”
Kakashi growled lightly. You knew how much he loved to touch you, which is exactly why you denied him the honour. You growled back at him and to your delight, he immediately submitted, baring his neck. You nipped at the newly presented flesh, trying to keep yourself from getting too close to mating mark territory.
Maybe one day he would wear your mating mark, but today was not that day.
“Come on,” you said, pulling him forward by the belt. “I think it’s time we move to the bedroom before someone complains about the banging on the front door.”
“Do you have to tug me by my trousers?” Kakashi asked, although he didn’t do anything to stop you.
“Hmm, you’re right, this would be much easier with a lead, and a collar, of course.” You grinned at him with heavily lidded eyed. “Would you like me to get you your very own collar, ‘kashi?”
You were just testing the waters with that particular kink. It would be easy for him to write it off as a joke, like the cat ears, but if he liked it…
Kakashi’s pale skin lit up in a brilliant pink. Well, that answered that question.  
“Figures. You’d look hot in a collar, puppy.”
“Shut up,” Kakashi mumbled weakly, still following you obediently.
On the way to the bedroom, Kakashi lost his shirt, his trousers, and his underwear, creating a trail of clothes to the bedroom like a strange R-rated version of Hansel and Gretel.
You entered your bedroom and flicked on the lights. Kakashi went to stand by the bed, seemingly waiting for your next instruction. Having a naked omega in your bedroom really was the best way to end a night.
Honestly, it was a shame you couldn’t have a naked Kakashi and naked Itachi here with you. That impossibility was far more tragic than your own untimely death.
“Now, what should I do for your punishment, Kakashi, hm?” you asked, tilting your head consideringly. “Should I replicate Makoto’s punishment? You seemed to enjoy that.”
You delicately rested your hands on his throat, teasing him with featherlight touches. Kakashi shuddered, and his eyes fluttered closed. You used both hands to complete the full collar effect around his neck, just as had been described in the Icha Icha book.
“It makes sense that you like collars, considering the amount of time you spend reading about Makoto wearing one. Is that why you like Icha Icha, Kakashi?”
“I told you, I read it for the story. It’s a masterpiece of—"
You gently applied a little more pressure to the sides of his neck and his weak argument went silent. You felt powerful watching him fold at your feet.
As much as asking him for his opinion on his punishment was a method of teasing him, you really did have to figure out what his punishment was going to be.
You hadn’t had much time to plan, and your flat was tragically empty of things like toys or bondage. You resolved to fix that if you ended up in this world, but that didn’t help you right now.
For anyone else, you might have considered just denying him pleasure while he pleasured you, but Kakashi was a service sub through and through. No, he wasn’t going to be allowed to touch you, but you weren’t going to touch him either. He needed to focus on his own pleasure, and just like that, the perfect idea sprang to mind.
“Get on the bed and present to me; I want to see that sopping hole of yours.”
You watched with rapt attention as Kakashi climbed onto your bed on all fours. He let his shoulders fall to the blanket and then, resting his weight on his shoulders, he reached behind him.
“That’s it,” you mumbled, almost drooling. “Show alpha that needy hole.”
Kakashi used his hands to bare his hole for you, holding it open for your scrutiny. And what pretty picture he made, just for you.
His hole was indeed sopping wet, glistening in the warm lighting as his fingers struggled to retain a grip on the slippery skin. His dick swung proudly downwards, framed by the A-line shape Kakashi had created with his thighs. It dribbled a few clear beads of precum onto your sheets, but the idea of having to grab a towel for your activities was quickly dismissed when you realised you couldn’t bare to take your eyes off your omega for even a second.
Kakashi’s muscles strained as he kept up the presenting position for you. Confidence practically oozed from every pore in his body, exemplified no better in the challenging grin he had on his face. Kakashi knew he was sexy, and he was willing to weaponize that against you as much as possible.
Once again, you were struck by how different he was from Itachi. Sex didn’t make Kakashi bashful, emotions did. Sex didn’t make him feel like a different person, it amplified his traits. Itachi had been the opposite in both.
Honestly, if an outsider had seen your two dimension choices, you wouldn’t have blamed them for assuming that two different people had been involved.
You sat on the edge of the bed and leant forward so that you face was eye height with his hole. It twitched under your scrutiny, and you couldn’t help but coo.
“What a pretty hole you have, omega.” You blew some cold air on it to watch it flinch. As it clenched, a drop of slick began to run down to his thighs. It was practically drooling for you, begging you to fill it with something.
Although the rest of Kakashi was very pretty indeed, his hole had to be one of his best features. Tragically, you hadn’t had much time to spend with it recently, with all the work you’d had to do. It was probably lonely without you, and that wouldn’t do.
Except… you studied it closely, noting the slight gape and softness that you didn’t expect. Maybe his hole hadn’t been as lonely as you’d thought, because he was far too stretched considering it had been more than a week.
Oh, you realised, smirking, big, bad, genius Kakashi had been touching himself. He had been lonely and horny as work kept you both apart, and he had decided to take matters into his own hands. You imagined him for a moment, splayed on the massive bed in his penthouse, one hand fucking himself and the other pressed over his mouth to keep himself from waking his dogs.
“Have you been lonely, Kakashi?” you asked, deciding to call him out on it.
“No?” You could hear the question in his voice; he didn’t know where you were going with this, and that made it sweeter.
“I only asked because, well,” -you paused for effect- “your hole is looking very ready right now. I wonder if perhaps you’ve been touching yourself without my permission.”
The pink flush crept down Kakashi’s back, and he turned to hide his face in your duvet; you’d caught him red handed.
“Ah, what a slutty puppy I have, hm?” Kakashi whined, and some more beads of pre cum splashed against the blanket. “Tell me, did you use a toy, or did you use your fingers?”
“Is that any of your business?”
“Kakashi…” you said, warning clear.
“…Fingers,” Kakashi said reluctantly, his voice muffled by your blanket. “I used my fingers.”
Perfect. “Show me.”
“Show me how you fingered yourself, Kakashi. What position did you use? Show your alpha how you placated that slutty hole of yours.”
Hesitantly, Kakashi turned over so that he was laying on his back, legs splayed wide for your viewing pleasure. He then grabbed one of the decorative cushions and slotted it under his hips so that his hole was easier to reach. Kakashi held his lips between his teeth and brought a hand down so that his fingertips were resting on his hole.
“I did it like this…”
“I see,” you said, tilting your head at him. “And how many fingers did you use?”
“I started with one.”
You waved your hand at him to go ahead. “Show me how you did it.”
Kakashi slowly sunk his middle finger in, making an obscene squelching noise as he did. Clear fluid dripped out around his finger, and you were once again incredibly grateful for the immaculate horny imagery that the porn logic provided for you.
Idly, you wondered if he really had started with his middle finger, or if it was some kind of subtle ‘fuck you’. With Kakashi, you could never bee 100% sure.
He pumped the finger in a few times, obviously finding no resistance. His angry cock stood proudly, but Kakashi ignored it for the time being.
“But one finger didn’t satisfy you, did it? Your greedy hole needed more.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes but nodded, “I used two fingers next.” He didn’t need to be asked to show you this time, and his pointer finger soon joined his middle one.
Now he had two fingers, Kakashi picked up the pace and began periodically curling his fingers in search of that wonderful bundle of nerves. The wet noises increased, but Kakashi didn’t seem to be having much luck.
You watched as he got progressively more frustrated at his inability to find his prostate. He tried to hike his legs up further to get a better angle, but no luck. He tried switching hands, but it didn’t help at all. He even tried holding his breath at one point, just in case it had some kind of effect, but nothing.
His face scrunched up and he bared his teeth, but it wasn’t like his own body was going to somehow be intimidated into giving him what he wanted, so that didn’t work either.
You watched, baffled and slightly amused, as the wet patch underneath his hips grew larger and larger, completely soaking your decorative pillow, and yet Kakashi still couldn’t seem to get close to his orgasm.
For a moment, you wondered if something was wrong, before you realised what forces controlled the universe you were currently in. This was a punishment because Kakashi took an action without you. It only made narrative sense that he couldn’t find his own prostate and needed you to do it for him.
The lecherous grin that blossomed on your face would have likely scared more delicate omegas away.
You let him finger himself for almost ten minutes, at which point you could tell his hands were starting to cramp, and his face was bright red from exertion. His thighs were trembling, and he was sweating, but his release had escaped him the entire time.
You figured fifteen minutes of frustrating edging was enough punishment for now. You gently rested your hand on top on his, ceasing his frantic fingering. Carefully, you extracted his fingers with a wet plop. Kakashi whined, but you shushed him, putting his hand down on his stomach.
“It’s not going to happen on your own, darling, don’t you understand?” Kakashi peered up at you, panting. His eyes made it clear that he didn’t understand. “You need me to do it for you. I can make you feel so very good, but you need to learn to trust me. I know what you need, I can deliver what you need. You just” -you slipped two of your own fingers inside him- “need” -you pumped them slowly- “to trust” -you curled your fingers, immediately finding his swollen prostate with the power of porn logic- “me.” You pressed down on the bundle of nerves as hard as you could.
Kakashi gasped, his entire body lifting off the bed as he finally got a taste of the pleasure he had been desperately chasing. His cock was weeping, and you rolled his balls in your free hand, but stopped moving your fingers.
“Right there,” he panted, sounding close to tears. “Hit there again.”
You stared him down, pointedly not moving your fingers. “Why are you being punished, Kakashi?”
“Why are you being punished?” He glared at you, but you only raised an eyebrow at him, the same way he did to you so often when you first met.
“You’re playing this game now?” You refused to budge, and quickly, his desperation outweighed his pride. “Because I didn’t warn you that I was going to resign.”
“And why is that bad?”
Kakashi growled, “Because it concerned you and you deserved to know.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice desperate. He rocked his hips down on your fingers, muscles shaking. “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, just please, get me off!”
It was hardly the most articulate or heartfelt of apologies, but you were happy to let it slide this time. You pumped your fingers in and out a few times and Kakashi relaxed. Now, you just had to curl your fingers just right, and— There!
You grinded your fingers into his prostate mercilessly. Kakashi’s eyes rolled backwards and the noise that escaped him was one of pure, toe curling, ecstasy.
“This feels better, doesn’t it, ‘kashi.” You didn’t phrase it as a question because you knew you were right. “That’s because I’m doing it. You’re so used to being the one in control, the one everyone comes to when they need help or advice, but deep down, you just want someone else to deal with everything, don’t you?”
Kakashi whined as you picked up the pace with your fingers. His prostate was so swollen that you caught it every time. When you used your other hand on his cock, his whine transitioned into an open-mouthed moan as Kakashi writhed on your bed.
You set a fast pace, but when you saw his balls tighten, you withdrew your hands completely. Kakashi thrashed in frustration, his swollen cock bobbing in the open air.
“Why’d you stop?” he asked, panting. His tongue was lolling out ever so slightly.
“Because you’re loose enough to take me now, Kakashi, why would I continue?” You maintained an innocent façade that Kakashi could obviously see through but couldn’t question. “Your punishment may be over, but my pleasure still outranks yours.”
Kakashi scoffed, but he was too far gone to successfully pretend that he was aching for your cock, so he remained quiet.
You decided it was time to strip. Your clothes were feeling a little tight in some key areas, and while the contrast between yours and Kakashi’s states of dress was sexy, you had had enough of wearing them.
Kakashi’s stare was red hot as it lingered on every piece of newly revealed skin, as your outfit was slowly shed. It was flattering how much pleasure he seemed to gain just from seeing you strip, and you couldn’t resist blowing him a little kiss as the final article of clothing fell to the floor. Like the utter dork he was, he mimed catching the kiss and then held that fist to his chest.
You crawled over him, giggling at his antics, as you settled in between his still splayed legs. You hummed, running your hands up and down his chest, your fingers catching on his pebbled nipples. “While this view is delectable, I was thinking about a slightly different position for the grand finale.”
“And what position would that be?”
With some difficultly, you pulled Kakashi up and slid yourself into his previous position, kicking the soaking cushion off the bed as you did. When you were finished, Kakashi was now the one hovering over you. You took advantage of your new position and stole a quick kiss from him.
“I think that it’s your turn to make me feel good,” you said, grabbing a hold of your cock and pumping it slowly. “How do you feel about riding me?”
You had a front row seat to the way Kakashi’s eyes dilated at your suggestion. He drew back, and his eyes flickered down to your dick. With obvious physical agreement, Kakashi straddled you, one knee either side of your hips, and replaced your hand with his own on your dick.
He sent you a sultry look, and then dragged the head of your dick back and forth against him, until the head caught of his loosened hole. Kakashi hovered there for a moment, until a drop of his slick ran down your dick.
“Tease me and I’ll edge you until you cry, Kakashi.”
He considered your challenge with a head tilt and eye smile. “If you say so.”
He slammed his hips down all at once, skin hitting skin with a wet slap. You choked at the sudden onslaught of sensations as his wet heat wrapped around you.
“Fuck, you are such a brat, you know that?”
“Me?” He put a hand against his chest in mock offence. “Never.” To emphasise his point, he drew his hips up until you almost slipped out, only to then drop his hips down all at once, again. 
“Just get to it, pretty, before I go soft from boredom.” That was entirely a bluff, of course; you were incredibly hard and that wasn’t changing any time soon.
Kakashi did as you’d asked. At first, the pace of his hips was fast, but not particularly rhythmic. His thighs were incredibly muscular and had no trouble holding his weight as he bounced up and down, but you could tell that he had never done this before, so you settled your hands on his hips to help him.
“You don’t have to go all the way off every time,” you explained, holding him still. “Here, try moving your hips backwards and forwards for a bit, like you’re grinding.”
Kakashi tried what you were explaining, and you could tell immediately that it felt better for him, because his face screwed up in pleasure as his slid backwards and forwards on your hips, painting them with his slick.
From that point onwards, he alternated between powerful up and down riding, and sensual rocking. He seemed to delight in avoiding a noticeable pattern, so you could never quite predict when he was going to switch between them.
His gooey insides were your favourite place to be regardless, so you let him play how he wanted to. To retain some of your power, you took to plucking at his nipples whenever his pace flagged. While it was probably incredibly rude to compare two omegas’ nipples, you couldn’t help it. Itachi did have cuter nipples, it had to be said, but Kakashi had better pecs, so it evened out.
Again, you desperately wished James would tell you who created these drop dead gorgeous omegas, but extracting information from her was worse than pulling teeth.
As Kakashi continued to ride you, the squelching was so loud that you were certain that at least one of your neighbours was cursing you right now. Or maybe they were into it; it was a porn world.
The rhythmic slapping felt like a countdown to your impending orgasm, as something burning bubbled underneath your skin. You loved being more sensitive in porn worlds, but it did make it harder to last.
Kakashi was getting more desperate, too. Although his thighs were starting to slow from exertion, he was relentless in his riding. He moaned unabashedly as your knot started to inflate and catch on his rim.
Your instincts screamed at you to knot him. You felt delirious with pleasure, and you needed this pretty omega to take your seed. You needed to mark him, so that no one else, no clients, no colleagues, and no board members, would ever even consider touching him again.
You looked up at Kakashi as he hovered above you. His skin shined in the light, although it had nothing on the way his slick shined against your skin. “Good boy, you’re such a good boy, Kakashi, my good boy.”
Kakashi seized, and with a cry, he shot white ropes of cum all over your stomach and chest, while clear liquid forced its way past your dick and out into the open air. With each shot, Kakashi’s insides tensed and pulsed, and you couldn’t hold on any longer.
You came too, knot locking into place inside him, as you painted his insides white. You came so hard that you almost blacked out. You were more used to the increased number of cum shots now, but it still felt insanely good to ride the high of a good 50 seconds of orgasm.
Kakashi slowly fell forward, breathing harshly, until his face was resting beside yours. He was making a valiant effort to keep the majority of his weight off you, but that wasn’t what you wanted.
“Come here,” you said, tugging him down until his entire weight was resting on you. “That’s it, I’ve got you, you don’t need to worry about stuff like that, remember?”
Kakashi chuckled tiredly, “If you insist.”
You pressed a loving kiss to the side of his head, basking in the after glow as you both waited for your knot to deflate.
“Thank you,” Kakashi muttered, pressing a kiss against your shoulder.
“For what?”
“For staying with me.”
Guilt spiked inside your chest as you remembered the choice you were to have to make.
And of course, right at that moment, your vision faded out from the edges, dousing your vision in black. When light bled back in, Kakashi was nowhere to be seen. James was there instead, and you were back to standing in the middle of the library. You swallowed heavily as your final moments with Kakashi swelled up inside you as grief and longing.
You felt pretty rough.
“Welcome back, human,” James said, sounding quieter than normal. Her voice wasn’t really soft, but it was what you imagined she believed that soft was.
“Thanks, James.” Wow, even your voice sounded rough.
Like last time, James reached out to tap you on the head, but unlike the relief that had followed when your emotions were supressed, this time only made you feel worse as all the emotions from Itachi’s pocket dimension came flooding back in too. It made you feel like you were wearing a head several sizes too small.
You took a deep breath and tried to compartmentalise as much of what you were feeling as you could.
“I know you must be feeling overwhelmed, human alpha, but I must remind you that you will kill us both, along with many others, if you do not make a fast decision on which pocket dimension you wish to use the rest of your life energy in.” She straightened out both books in front of you on the library table. ‘Potions and Magic and Sex, Oh My!’ was on your right, while ’50 Shades of Audacity’ sat on your left.
“Fuck, James, how am I supposed to choose?” You slumped into one of the library chairs and put your head in your hands.
“I know this must be a difficult choice human. You performed remarkably in both worlds, and I am certain that both omegas love you dearly.” Ugh, that did not make you feel any better. “However, one of them will feel right in a way that the other doesn’t. Use your instincts, human, I trust that they will not steer you wrong.”
Your instincts? It felt like they were in a mess. You felt conflicting messages flood through you as your instincts screamed at you for even considering leaving either omega. But you had to leave one of them.
You closed your eyes and allowed your instinctual reaction to guide you. It was a mess in your head, but you didn’t have time to untangle anything.
“When you’re ready, put your hand on the book that you wish to enter.”
“James?” You opened your eyes and stared down at the weird Curator that had been guiding you all this time.
“Yes, human alpha?”
“Thank you for everything,” you said earnestly, sending her a smile. “I’m going to miss you.”
James seemed taken aback, but she eventually returned your smile. “I will miss you too, human. I will request to be the Curator to meet you here after your life energy is gone, so that I may escort you onwards.”
“Thanks James.” You kind of felt like crying, but you couldn’t delay this anymore. “I think I’m ready.”
Quickly, so that you couldn’t agonise over changing your mind, you slapped your hand down on world that you wanted, and everything went dark.
Next chapter
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onecornerface · 23 days
Accidentally agreeing with the strawman
Common phenomenon: People misunderstand a famous theory... and then agree with the misunderstood version of the theory.
Example 1: Misunderstand Karl Popper's theory of falsification (or his view of the "paradox of tolerance"), and then agree with the pseudo-Popper theory.
(Okay, that's two examples, but people do this to Popper in both ways. They misunderstand both of his theories, and then agree with stuff Popper never said.)
Example 2: Misunderstand Milton Friedman's "shareholder" theory, and then agree with the pseudo-Friedman theory. (For very interesting discussion of this, see Roderick Long's paper draft "Stakeholder Theory for Libertarians.")
The phenomenon also seems to come in some varieties. Sometimes people misunderstand the theory as better than it really is, and then agree with the better theory-- unintentionally improving on the original.
Other times, people misunderstand the theory as worse than it really is... and then agree with the worse theory. This latter version is weirdly similar to strawmanning-- followed by agreement with one's own strawman!
Sometimes people do both at once. My (very rough) impression is that the popular misunderstanding of Popper's theory of falsification is both better AND worse than Popper's actual theory.
This combination might not be uncommon when academic theories get co-opted by the public. Academic theories tend to be both sophisticated and weird-- situated within a fairly elaborate discursive context and strange theoretical assumptions and aims. Popular misunderstandings of them may well tend to be both less bizarre and less properly contextualized, thus resulting in new pop theories that are both better and worse.
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waytooinvested · 1 month
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 23
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Lena laid her suitcase down on the thoughtfully provided stand and took in the space that would be her home for the next couple of nights.
The room was decorated in neutral shades of white and grey, with small pops of colour provided by a couple of throw pillows and a large arrangement of flowers on the desk. The entirely of one wall was made up of a window overlooking the city skyline, with a sliding panel door out onto a balcony that had been set with a table and chairs, so that guests could dine under the stars if they so wished. The over all impression was clean and uncluttered, a blank canvas to allow her the space to think without all the noise. Impersonal yes, but that just made it feel like home. After all, Lena had grown up in rooms like this one, and being here brought her back to the part of herself she had been neglecting of late.
This was the first stop on the long awaited launch tour for L-Corp’s about-to-be-released combustion emissions converter, which meant that she would be away from National City for a full week of press conferences, demonstrations, stakeholder events and corporate networking opportunities in various major cities across the country. It was the first time since Kara’s kidnapping that she had been out of town for more than a night or two, and it felt strange to be stepping away now, for all Project Atlantis was still stalled and she wouldn’t have been doing all that much on it even if she had been there.
Well... except seeing Kara. But Lena was long past the point of being able to convince herself that that had anything to do with ‘maintaining positive relations for the project’. If she had been there to spend time with Kara, it would just have been because she wanted to. And she would have wanted to. It was months since they had gone so long without at least a quick morning coffee catch up on the way to work.
But even so, there was something nice about stepping away for a while. Both she and Kara had been working through so many big feelings, and while Lena felt lighter for it, more complete than she had felt in years (possibly ever), it was exhausting. Having seven whole days where her only job was to do her actual job, without all the complicated emotions and Atlantis work on the side would be almost like a vacation (and alright, it was a vacation filled to the brim with press scrutiny, speech prep and making nice with very important, very stuffy business men, but she would take what she could get).
Besides, she was excited about the emissions converter she had worked so hard to build, and wanted to give it the attention it deserved. She had actually come up with the idea almost by accident, while trying to find a way to scrub the lead she had released from the atmosphere. Instead her research had taken her in a different direction, and the end result was a deceptively small device that could be paired with just about any type of combustion engine to effectively capture and neutralise 99.99% of carbon dioxide emissions, converting them harmlessly back into their component elements. It used a technique of Lena’s own devising to split CO2 that neatly avoided the usual high cost and/or energy intensive processes required by more traditional methods, as well as successfully producing pure carbon and oxygen rather than carbon monoxide. What was more, her device could also deal effectively with carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, benzene and a whole host of other pollutants, and would beat the efficiency of existing catalytic converters by several orders of magnitude.
Of course it was at best a stop gap measure in the fight against climate change, but if it could be adopted widely enough it could certainly buy the planet some time while humanity weaned off their reliance on fossil fuels. After her failure with the Q-wave generator and subsequent inability to find a way to armour Kara against the trauma of her memory barrier, it was nice to take some time to acknowledge her successes and take another step towards making the Luthor name stand for something good.
From tomorrow morning almost every minute of her time would be filled, but for the next few hours her schedule was clear, and Lena was free to celebrate in whatever way she chose. She considered going down to the bar, or even out to see the city sights, as it was still early, but she felt a strange reluctance to do so.
Honestly, she was just so tired.
Bone achingly, soul crushingly, painfully tired.
A quiet night in then.
She made use of the clothes press to get any wrinkles out of her outfit for the next day and hung it up in the closet, then went to investigate the bathroom. It did not disappoint.
The tub was frankly ridiculous, even by her standards. It was almost big enough to swim laps in if you really put your mind to it, and covered in little circular openings that hinted at jacuzzi jets, as well as boasting a vast selection of tiny shampoos, shower gels, bubble baths and moisturisers lined up on the tiled ledge behind it. She skimmed the labels, then dumped a bottle of Sisley Soir de Lune into the tub and filled it with water just on the right side of painfully hot.
As soon as it was full she stripped off and sank gratefully into the fragrant heat and mounds of silky bubbles, almost groaning as her travel-weary muscles relaxed into it.
God, she needed to take more baths.
Most days Lena settled for a quick shower, having more pressing demands on her time than lying about in warm water, but when she did she remembered just how much she enjoyed it. She felt all her nerves about the coming week melting out of her and evaporating away with the steam as she drifted, eyes closed and hair floating on the surface. She stayed there, doing nothing but experiencing the sensation of being wrapped up in a warm embrace (even if not that of another person), until finally the water began to cool and the bubbles had mostly popped. She considered topping it up for a second round, but her fingers and toes were pruning, and now that she had worked out her tension, her book was calling out its siren song from her travel bag.
She finished her ablutions quickly and then got out, opting to pull on one of the two fluffy robes that had been provided rather than bothering to get properly dried and dressed, then helped herself to some of the complimentary mixed nuts and a not-so-complimentary miniature bottle of Talisker-25 from the mini-bar. The super-king bed was obscenely comfortable, and Lena settled down amidst a heap of pillows to the serious business of reading, luxuriating in the feeling of having absolutely nowhere she needed to be and nothing she was supposed to be doing.
She was only a couple of chapters in and fully absorbed in the story when her phone buzzed on the night stand with a text. She tutted, annoyed at the intrusion into the her brief respite from the world. It would be another nudge from her Head of PR, ‘politely’ suggesting that she really ought to make an appearance at the bar because XYZ important person was there and it would be an oh-so-perfect opportunity for a bit of impromptu schmoozing; or else a panicked message from the product demo team with a last minute crisis they needed her to solve that would inevitably keep her up until the small hours of the morning.
So much for her early night.
However, when she unlocked her phone she found it wasn’t a work emergency at all, and her irritation evaporated immediately to be replaced by a little leap of gladness in her chest as she saw who the text was from.
Kara: you’ve been gone less than 12 hours and I already need you back
The short message made butterflies stir in Lena’s belly as she tried to work out exactly what it meant. If she was in some kind of trouble and actually did need her back she would have called rather than texting, or at least been more specific, so… what was she saying? Lena had time to consider all the possible-unlikely-wishful-thinking scenarios in which Kara had suddenly realised her feelings and couldn’t bear even one more night of not kissing Lena, when a second text followed the first.
Kara: Alex and Kelly are destroying me at game night
Ah. Well that made more sense. And was a much better answer given that she had resolved not to act on anything for as long as Kara didn’t know the truth of their history. Lena tried to tell herself the heat in her cheeks was just in response to the hot bath she had taken as she tapped out a reply.
Lena: How is that possible? You’ve trounced them the last two weeks in a row.
Kara: That’s only because I had you there. You’re like my perfect game night partner
Kara: we are unstoppable!
Kara: not so much when it’s just me. And Alex is being SO smug about it
Kara: I think she’s about 5 seconds away from doing a victory dance
Lena smiled to herself, picturing the scene even as she pressed her whiskey glass to her face to cool her still-burning cheeks.
Lena: Well that would be only fair after YOUR victory dance last week
Lena: And the winner song that went with it
Kara: hey! You’re meant to be on my side here!
Lena: I’m always on your side
Lena: Anyway, who was it that came up with half the rhymes for that song? I didn’t say I didn’t love it.
Lena: And we will make Alex pay when I’m back next week
Kara: DEAL!
Kara: How’s your night going so far? Are you still working?
Lena: Nope – I got all my prep for tomorrow out the way on the flight, so I am being 100% indolent tonight. I just had a bubble bath and now I’m curled up on my bed reading a book.
Lena: I’m not QUITE in my pajamas at 8.30pm, but I’m not sure if a fluffy hotel robe is actually any better?
Lena: I’m basically an old lady
Kara: psh, no way. You have to make the most of a night in a five star hotel or what’s even the point of paying for one? And I bet the bed is SO comfy.
Lena: It is. It’s also HUGE
She snapped a quick photo of herself sitting in the middle of the bed, one arm extended to show how far she was from being able to touch the edge, and sent it to Kara.
Lena: If you were here we could both spend the night stretched out without ever managing to meet in the middle
As soon as she hit send, she regretted it. She hadn’t even meant anything by it, but on a reread, and sent immediately following a photo of herself on said bed, all the important bits fully covered but still knowing full well that she was naked under the robe, it seemed imbued with subtext that she couldn’t allow herself to mean. She felt the tips of her ears getting as warm as her face as she tried to think of a way to minimise it or take it back without making things worse.
Before she could however Kara’s reply pinged in.
Kara: wow, it’s like an aquarium!
That was… not the response she had expected. Lena stared at her phone, brows furrowed as she tried to decode the meaning of the statement.
She gave up.
Lena: Sorry you’ve lost me. An aquarium? As in… fish?
Kara: Yes, because of how many starfish it could hold! [laughing face]
Kara: you know… like when you spread out your arms and legs in bed
Kara: so you look like a starfish
Kara: and because it’s a big bed you could fit multiple starfish on it
Kara: like at an aquarium
Lena couldn’t help laughing. Not because the joke itself was funny (it was terrible), but because it was so Kara, and made all the more so by the elaborate explanation she had given for it. She smiled fondly at the text chain, as if it was Kara herself she was holding in the palm of her hand.
Lena: you’re right, it is just like an aquarium
And then because this was Kara, and she was allowed to be a dork to Kara without feeling silly, she added:
Lena: You could say I’ll be sleeping with the fishes tonight.
Kara sent back a string of laughing-crying emojis, then a fish emoji, a sleepy face and a heart.
Kara: I’d better go back and join the others before they think I got lost on the way to J’onn’s kitchen
Kara: I was only meant to be fetching another bottle of wine, but I wanted to take a moment to lick my wounds and get a morale boost from my favourite gaming partner after my latest defeat.
Kara: sweet dreams, and good luck tomorrow, you’ll be amazing
Kara: I’m so proud of you <3
Lena: Thank you <3
Lena: Sweet dreams to you too, and I hope you manage to obliterate Alex and Kelly in your next game xxx
Kara: xxxxx
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alwaysonf1 · 8 months
charles in his own way?
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 2.6k
Warning: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: N/A
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The occasional big deal Ferrari gala is fine for Charles. To a degree he enjoys these things, the chance to get out and talk to people who he needs to impress and who in turn want to impress him. But something about this season has meant a lot more events to go to. Mandatory ones that mean that even if he feels slightly off his game, he can’t avoid them. And they’re all so serious that he feels nervous in a way he hasn’t since the beginning of his career.
This one, the one that has him hiding out at a small bar in the corner of the massive ballroom, is one he wasn’t even briefed on. All Fred did was remind him it was happening, tell him where, and mentioned that some big investors and sponsors would be. He emphasized that there were several potential sponsors so he should be as charming as ever in their presence.
It wasn’t until Charles was walking to his car that he thought about how little he knew and called Carlos. A useless move since the Spaniard had as much information as he did.
Upon his arrival he was thrown into the lion's den as Fred and then a higher up woman from Ferrari guided him around the place. They tried their best to make it seem like he wasn’t on a very short leash, but he was sure that everyone he spoke to expected a little herding of the talent. Which is what one of them called him and while true, made him feel weird enough that he made his escape as soon as he could.
Thus, his hideout and the rum he was nursing. He’d already downed two and knew that was going to hit him hard enough without adding a third into the mix. That’s why there was also a glass of water in front of him. His second of the night. But he knows it won’t be enough. Charles ate before he came, but he needed more food in him. An added distraction for anyone who finds and wants to talk to him.
He takes a deep breath, downs the rest of the water, and with his rum in hand turns to find a waiter walking around. Just as he faces away from the bar a hand clamps down onto his shoulder. It startles him, but he maintains composure as he turns to look at to whom it’s attached.
Seeing Lando relaxes him. But it also confuses him.
“Mate, what are you doing here?” he asks as they shake hands.
Lando looks at him with a slightly confused expression.
“This is a McLaren event too. Actually, it’s for McLaren, Ferrari, Williams, and Aston Martin. Did you not see the signs?”
The inclination of Lando’s thumb has Charles looking around the room. Several seconds of scanning and then he notices the tasteful banner that holds all those logos. How he missed it and the other signs indicating what was going on was beyond him. 
Charles shakes his head. “I was barely given time to breathe.”
There’s a look of understanding that dawns on the younger man’s face. Every driver knows what these things are like. How you’re so wrapped up in making the best impressions that you barely get time to think, let alone take in the space. 
“Yeah, they’re like a pack of wild animals. All wanting a piece,” Lando whispers.
There’s a couple next to them that appear like the rich type and there is no need for them to hear and spread what either of them is saying. Feelings in this kind of place are much more fragile than any of them would be willing to admit. Though there have been many times Charles has endured them calling other people’s feelings soft when most of the time the response to their displeasing personalities are more than warranted.
With a tilt of his head Charles leads Lando away. He heads toward an area of the room that is largely just employees of one of the teams. Many of the potential stakeholders are speaking amongst themselves at this point in the evening.
“All of them act as if they’re going to attack. Every question I answer, they have another question before I’m finished. And they lack understanding of space.”
“One tried to breathe my air.”
They both laugh.
“One man was so focused on getting the chance to drive the car that he didn’t realize his father had been talking for five minutes. It was two of them at once and neither knew how to shut up. I’m sure the father kicked him seven times before he finally stopped,” Charles says.
“Oh, I had them too. I think I heard him getting yelled at. Something about being fired if he doesn’t get his act together.”
There was a mutual eye roll there. Though Charles could never remember the names of that particular family it was always the same thing and then they’d see the man again. He didn’t understand how someone ten years his senior still acted like a child.
“Have you seen any of the others?”
“Mate, I did not even know you were here until moments ago.”
Lando laughs. “I forgot about that. You should have checked your phone; we were all with Carlos and he texted you. We all did, even Iman.”
Charles' body went rigid and though he was already looking at the younger driver he turned his neck hard enough to induce whiplash. 
“Iman is here?”
A sly smirk forms on Lando’s face and Charles curses himself for having such an obvious reaction. Lando, like many of the other pilots on the grid, like to tease Charles about his very obvious feelings for Iman. He refuses to call it a crush because they always do and it makes him feel like he’s back in grad school. Hell, he tries to ignore the feelings all together when he can help it. After all these years he thought they’d leave, but they stay firmly in place and have only grown since she joined the grid.
“I don’t know why you won’t ask her.”
“There is nothing to ask.”
“It’s not like she’d say no.”
“If there was something to ask, she’d laugh in my face.”
“You know that’s a lie, mate. Everyone knows she’d say yes if you just ask. Your banter is a bit gross and makes the feelings clearly mutual.”
Without a thought Charles throws back the rest of his rum and takes a long, deep breath. “You know it’s complicated.”
“How is it complicated?”
“We work together,” he pauses, holding up a finger as Lando opens his mouth. “I know we work for different teams, but it is too close. Plus, what happens with Lewis, I still look up to him. And Sargeant, he’s made it clear he would kill for her.”
Lando grimaces, looking off into the distance for a moment before coming back to the present. Charles is sure he’s remembering the time the American punched a man because he was less than respectful to Iman. The look in his eyes as he was held back made Charles a little scared of him.
“Yeah, he was definitely going to end up in jail if Oscar hadn’t stopped him. But you aren’t going to do anything to upset them. From what I hear you’ve liked her since that week. Logan noticed it and he was barely with you lot for twelve hours. And him and Lewis approve. So, what is it really?”
A number of excuses are on the tip of Charles’ tongue, but he knows they’re useless. All of them are a bit pathetic when he doesn’t actually believe what he’s saying. In all honesty he isn’t sure why he keeps fighting what he feels for Iman. At one point it was because those feelings hadn’t developed all that much and he had stronger ones for the women he was with, but as time went on and he got to spend more time with her and saw her passion for the sport and honestly everything she was passionate about things were harder to deny. He couldn’t claim not knowing her enough for things to be only superficial because he talked to her multiple times a week. They hung out as a group sometimes. They were definitely good friends.
Another sigh escapes Charles and he reaches for Lando’s drink, but he puts it out of reach and nods his head to the space behind Charles. Even without the mischievous grin Charles knows who is behind him. 
With a smile he turns and watches Iman walk towards them. The soft smile that was never ingenuine grows as she looks at him, but then he notices her quick pace and the tension in her face. Concern washes over him, and he scans the space behind her. Most people are giving her just a passing glance or looking at the two drivers, but there is a man who seems to be following her but gets pulled into a conversation. He makes eye contact with Charles for a second and looks away almost immediately. 
“Everything okay?” Charles asks the moment she’s in reach.
“Fine. Just dodging a man who believes we’re meant to dance together, and I need one of you to dance with me so he gets the hint without me doing something that James will have to smooth over later.”
A hand on Charles’ shoulders stills him and he realizes he was walking toward the man in question. It hadn’t been a conscious thought, but it also wasn’t one he disagreed with. His eyes move to the hand and Lando takes the cup he’s holding and lightly pushes him toward Iman.
“I’ll run interference,” Lando says.
Then without another word he heads toward where the man in question is talking, and he engages with the group in an animated conversation. He makes sure that the creep is involved in the conversation, leaving no room for him to leave without appearing rude.
“I owe him,” Iman says.
“So do I.”
Charles was sure he said that under his breath, but the raised brow from Iman tells him that isn't the case. He shakes his head and holds out a hand.
“I think I owe you a dance.”
The confusion leaves Iman’s face and she puts her hand in his. There’s a momentary shock when they touch, but to Charles it’s nothing compared to the warmth he feels as he leads her toward the dance floor. Once there his hand moves to her back and they begin what is a simple variation of the waltz, matching the others scattered across the floor.
Minute one of it is a comfortable silence and Charles finds that he’s never felt more at peace dancing in this way. He also notes the ease in which they fall into the dance despite never having done it together before.
“I owe you too.” Iman breaks the silence.
“For saving me.”
“You would never owe me that.”
“Which I appreciate, but I still owe you.”
There’s an urge to make it very clear how serious Charles is about her never owing him for helping her out because he would do it a million times over. That he would jump if she said so. That helping her makes him feel like he’s doing what he should be. But he’s still fighting himself and this isn’t the right moment. Nor is it the right setting. 
He’s also a little scared of her response if he bears his heart a little, even if he can admit that Lando wasn’t wrong.
So, instead he dawns what Iman calls his cocky little smirk.
“I’ll have to think about what I want then. Would be a shame to not get the favor in full.”
Iman rolls her eyes and softly hits him.
“Ugh, you can’t stop being a cocky little shit for more than a minute, huh?”
Charles scoffs, faux offense coloring his face. 
“How am I being cocky? You offered me something and I plan to use what you’ve offered me. It would be rude of me to leave you unsatisfied.”
The double meaning was clear.
“You sure that’s why? I have it under good authority that you’re not used to leaving someone unsatisfied.”
Now he’s a little offended.
“I have never. You could ask and everyone would say I’m very good at keeping satisfaction high.”
“I am!” he softly shouts.
Iman throws her head back and laughs. The sound is music to Charles’ ears, but it doesn’t stop the slight pout from what she’s implying. He tries his best to not be insecure about that and she isn’t poking at that insecurity, but it does call out some of the compatibility things he’d gone over before in his attempt to get rid of how he feels about her. Another failure on his part.
It takes a few seconds, but Iman stops laughing and meets Charles’ eyes with her own. They’re a little watery due to her laughter, but the threat to her make-up doesn’t change how beautiful she is. Her hair is in its naturally curly state and framing her face in a way that makes her look angelic. Charles tries to focus on that and not the way her deep brown dress compliments the brown of her skin and the curves of her body.
“Haha,” he says sarcastically.
“Oh, Charlie, I’m sure you’re good at what you do. I mean how else could you have pulled girls from similar circles so often. They must speak of you fondly.”
That one doesn’t land. It’s something he’d seen on the internet and is a joke among his friends and on the grid. His intentions have never been that and he knows that to a degree it makes him appear as a walking red flag, but it rolls off his back. And he’s smart enough to know that if Iman had an actual fear of that she wouldn’t also have a thing for him. Even if Charles thinks it’s different from his thing.
Goodness, he is an idiot. But that doesn’t matter now.
“Haha, very funny.”
“Aw, you know I don’t mean it, Charlie. I think you’re more of a yellow flag than anything.”
That one gets him to laugh, and he knows they both are drawing attention with how loud their amusement is, but he doesn’t have it in him to care. All that matters to him is this moment because it feels so good. How being with Iman always feels.
“At least, I’m not the one dating weirdos. How long did that thing with Dennis last? Before or after the weird kink incident,” Charles says.
“You promised to never speak of it!”
“I know, but he really thought that you’d never find out about his Lew…”
A tap on the shoulder stops Charles and his attention shifts to Carlos, who looks a little sorry to be interrupting, but also has a glint in his eyes that Charles isn’t fond of.
“Sorry to interrupt. Fred has someone we must speak to and Iman, James is looking for you,” Carlos says.
Iman nods and slowly pulls away, which feels almost painful on Charles’ end.
She gives Carlos a side hug. “Thanks for letting me know.”
Without a word to Charles, she turns to leave, but then she turns back and looks at him with narrowed eyes and her hands firmly planted on her hips.
“You and I will not be picking up this conversation where we left off.”
“Yes, we will.”
And with one last eye roll she leaves. Which means Charles and Carlos are standing in the middle of the dance floor and that glint is still in the Spaniard’s eye.
“Don’t say it.”
Carlos smirks but holds his hands up in surrender.
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mitigatedchaos · 2 months
The Guidestones
(~650 words, 3 minutes)
In symbolic news that you probably didn't hear about, the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed in 2022.
The stones were first subject to a bombing, which did some damage, and then the local government tore down the monument citing safety concerns.
The guidestones were erected in 1980 with what could be described as progressive messaging:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Opponents long argued that the guidestones were 'Satanic' (#1 & #2) or advocating for a 'New World Order' (#1, #3, #6).
According to Wikipedia, local stakeholders have expressed doubt that the guidestones would ever be rebuilt.
I find a number of things interesting about this.
First, while they were written in multiple languages, the inscriptions are quite vague. These seem to be "feel good" statements of a particular ideology in a particular era, rather than information that would help a new government mechanically implement successful policy. It feels like an insufficient amount of thought was put into this monument.
You would be better off inscribing the hard-won U.S. Bill of Rights, part of the mechanisms used to ensure human rights in the most powerful country at the time the stones were inscribed.
The Long Now Foundation's Rosetta Disk project is likely to fare much better - apparently they are planning to put one on the Moon.
Second, the monument only made it for 44 years, less than one human lifespan.
There are two ways to view this.
The monument was built in 1980, 11 years before the fall of the Soviet Union, and 35 years after World War 2. The threat of nuclear war no doubt seemed very real. "Keep the population low enough that you aren't all desperately slaughtering each other for survival, and use courts instead of war," probably seemed like a reasonable message to leave for the survivors in the event of a nuclear war within the following several decades.
However, the monument also looked a lot like Stonehenge, which is estimated to be about 3,600 years old. 44 years is a very short time if you wanted to create the next Stonehenge.
The world's oldest bond dates to the year 1624, but bonds aren't automatically preserved. They require an entire supporting civilization.
One of the reasons that the Georgia Guidestones were so controversial is that they are commands for potential future civilizations. The point of putting them on giant carved rocks is to give the impression, in the fog after the fall of civilization, that these commands are either divine in origin or come from some other powerful authority.
As the Georgia Guidestones were already political, a better choice might have been to inscribe a fairly accurate historical record of humanity up to that point in time, including ancient history, the history of the United States, and the history of tribes that had lived in the area.
This would then be an ongoing generational project where another stone is added every 10 years or so. (Figuring out how to describe a decade in under 500 words might be a challenge - but a worthwhile one.)
This version would endeavor tell the truth about the past in order to allow the people of the future to make the decisions on what to do for themselves. It would likely be considered a beloved national treasure, and an artifact of great interest to future historians.
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minnaci · 5 months
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nana.ken · Happy 40 years left until retirement. May our taxes always be correctly filed and our meetings always be emails. Let's impress our stakeholders again tomorrow <3
minnaci · ill swoon
nana.ken · No, don't. Yuor so sexy.
joining in on the fun with a lil min x nanami 🩵
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headingalaxys-spicy · 8 months
The Office Cowboy.
This is a spicy one shot that I wanted to make. Enjoy and read at your own risk.
⭐️⭐️🌶️🤠Spicy Cowboy Alfred🤠🌶️⭐️⭐️
The blonde shifted back and forth uncomfortably. He’d been stalking his prey for a while now.
(First Name) (Last Name) He’d seen you around the city a lot. With your friends for Sunday brunches, heading off the bar, or hurrying off to work. Your smile, the way you dressd, the vibe you had etc, really drew him in. He had a burning desire to consume anything and all of you.
With fitted teeth and sweat beginning to form at his temples, he forces his hand to cease on advancing to his sunshine state. You’d strolled over once more to gleefully ask if he wanted another Hors-d’oeurve. The flaky pastry smothered the tender meat of the beef Wellington and the extremely crunchy bruschetta with fresh pressed olive oil and chopped tomatoes. He happily takes you up on you offer. He pops another Wellington in his mouth. Alfred makes sure to show you gratitude with a brilliant smile and a flirty wink. He saw you eyes shoot upwards in brief firecracker like glee. His ears did detect a few muffled giggles that you had to conceal due to you being on the clock. Alfred loved to challenge you to come up with classy but clever quips whenever a large group of his colleagues or your boss was around.
It was a light-hearted game of cat and mouse at yet another corporate office party. He’d seen you on numerous other occasions before book club meetings, art galleries, fundraisers, presentations, etc. Alfred was well acquainted with you through the numerous events that you catered for his company. He got a kick out of being able to see you dress up in uniform. Although many of his imaginations involved your clothes decorating his office floor and, even better yet, his master bedroom floor.
He bit down on his bottom lip. You were gracefully gliding around, asking if people wanted more beer or wine. He looked at that tantalizing liquid that had the ability to drag down even the most refined and dignified men throughout history…. His eyes had a bright flash from within; he’d gotten a devious idea.
‘The best way to do this: take as much booze as possible. Best way to prepare for any rodeo.’
Alfred whistled you over. You turned your head over to him quickly as if already under his command. You let him snag off the ice-cold beer. It would be his dissent into the depths tonight. After all, it was liquid confidence.
“Thanks, darlin’ “ He raises his glass to you, and he flaunts his million-dollar smile. You swiftly said thank you and continued on with your duties.
A few others now seem to have a heightened interest due to the golden boy now having an alcoholic drink in hand.
“CHEERS TO THIS FOOD BEING AWESOME AS HELL!” He proceeded to toss back the beer in just four large gulps. He went on to ask one of your co-workers for another and another as if he was trying to wrangle loose cattle.
“ALFRED! ALFRED! ALFRED!” His co-workers, CEOs, and stakeholders were all goading him to continue in his borderline feral antics. He saw you from a few feet away tending to your own business.
The hunger within him was back and it wasn’t one that could be soothed by sustenance.
The way your butt swayed to and fro teased him like a bull that was seeing red. When you bent over he thought about all the ways he could grab your waist and begin to pound away at you.
The latest wave of beer was beginning to take over. He proudly sauntered over to you like a stallion making first impressions to a potential mate.
“Howdy Y/N~” he teased. He propped himself on the wall that was behind you. You looked up to meet his playful grin. His thick upper arms looked like all they were fit to do is wrangle bulls. His sleeves were rolled up ¾ of the way so you could see how his muscles were sculpted together.
You were unprepared for the Alfred’s other arm to slither around your waist. Just from his bare forearm alone you swore you could feel the heat of the desert sun radiate off of his skin.
“Howdy~” He says again, hotly next to your ear. You were able to smell the beer, perspiration, and cologne that created a musk storm. It filled your nose and made desire grow from deep within you.
“Ha. Ha. What can I help you with Mr.Jo-“
“Aw you don’t have to be so formal with me darlin’ just call me Alfred.” His lips touch your forehead sending a wildfire of red to paint your face. His eyes point downward to take in your beautifully flushed face.
“God you’re gorgeous.” His hand gently strokes your chin. You could feel the rough skin from his callouses and dead skin on his hands. You tried to concentrate on that and maintain your composure as you could feel the heat building in his black slacks.
“Thank you Alfred…. Ha I really have to get back t-“
He tilted your face so it could be aligned with his. His shimmery crystal blues roped around your keen sensibilities and made you weak in the knees. Alfred took his shot and closed the distance between your lips and his. He’d successfully tied you down. Alfred’s far south state was grateful to be poking at your warm seas a little more deeply. You let out a squeak of shock and surprise. Alfred grew in size eager to get you alone and scatter your clothes onto the floor.
The whoops, wooos, and flirty ooooooohs.” They were hoping to incite a live rodeo. And Alfred was normally the guy to deliver on crazy antics.
Alfred boldly gripped your ass and forced you closer to his ember touched rod.
“I want to brand you as mine y/n.” He stated in an ignited fervor against your ear before me moved to kiss the side of your face. He placed a sloppy kiss on your upper lobe. Before you knew it you were being slung over his brawny shoulder.
Alfred rushed off from the main room and made his grand escape for his office. You were his prize he absconded with. Once he was there he made sure his blinds were down and his door was locked.
Your heart was humming in your ears and you were so shaky that it was impossible for you to walk. You eyes caught the bull skull that was mounted behind his desk. It was the only thing you were able to make out before you’d been slammed onto the polished mahogany desk. You winced in pain as a pen accidentally stabbed your back.
“Sorry darlin’ “ He helps to remove it along with some of the other things scattered about on his desk. With one swoop of his arm that was as large as a redwood tree trunk. The clattering on the items on the floor were like gunfire that signaled that it was go-time.
Alfred’s hardened cock met up with your heated clit. The sudden poke of his rod made you gasp. He took this as the right moment to seal your lips with his. He gradually forced you down as he dominated your mouth. You obediently followed with some resistance. There was still fear screaming in the back of your mind to stop and return to your post. The screaming ceased when you felt Alfred agile fingers begin to unbutton your shirt.
“Whoa! Whoa! I …” you start.
“What is it y/n? You’ll be fine…..” immediately knowing what you were concerned about. “I’ll just tell your manager you had a side assignment.” He says while he threw your pants to the other side of the room. The only thing left in his was were your bra and panties. The charming wink he gave brimmed over with shining confidence. He invented your inhibitions within an instant. How could you not? Not when his southern accent got you drunk like having too much whiskey on the rocks. You weren’t able to think of a quip that could save you from being branded.
“Ahhhh!” The intense prodding sensation was back. His penis was already bare and only being held back by the flimsy cotton that separated the two of you. He kissed you starting from your forehead then trailed down to your ear. He bit you harshly at the tip so he could elicit a reaction from you.
“Ouch! Alfred!”
“Easy girl, heh heh.” He shifts you to be fully on one leg that balanced your entire body. Your arms quickly shot up so you could stabilize yourself. His imposing hands move to the side of your panties and rips them from off your legs. The fabric slightly scatters from itself. You weren’t able to see where they'd been tossed. Alfred had quickly stuck them in his back pocket; it was his trophy he won for tonight.
You were ill equipped for the sharp thrust that Alfred made to meet your core. Even though he was only ¼ of the way in, you felt like he was trying to rip you in half with his girth. He plunged himself fully within you to make you scream. When you did he was fully immersed and felt like his head was drifting among the clouds. He adored how tightly your walls held onto his state….completely draining him of any fluid.
Alfred had your shoulders pinned and massaged his way down to your waist back and forth in waves. He was trying to soothe you while he pounded into you mercilessly.
You’d never admit it out loud but you loved the way that he was still completely dressed while he plowed into you. He picked up the pace his hunt was successful, his other hunger was being satiated.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Alfred chanted with boisterous glee. He’s never felt like this before! It was quite the high! He grabbed the other side of the desk so he could completely conquer the whole of you. His knees stapled themselves to the opposite edge of his desk. His drive into you continued to burn brighter.
“Ah! Ah! AH!” Short screeches fell from your mouth. Pain and pleasure mixed together in a desert storm twister. Alfred had you right where he wanted you. Your hands gripped his cotton studded shirt tighter as you tried not to ruin his Bolo tie. You always pegged him for having a wild side… the way he talked…carried himself and liked to showcase his assets.
You were out of breath and so was he. Alfred began to pace himself as he released his seed. He sang out your name in what sounded to be an old Wild West tune.
“Y/N…. y/n….” His lips once again met your forehead, then it maneuvered to your cheek. Like a sneaky rattlesnake he bites your neck with ferocious vigor. You screech but have little ability to do much about it. You’d been branded.
“Your mine Y/N.”
You pass out due to exhaustion. You fell unconscious while Alfred was inside the crux of your core.
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kaurwreck · 3 months
Seeing people talking badly about bsd anime make me sad sometimes because as a bsd manga reader, the thing that make me read it now was the anime back then. I know the anime adaptation doesn't always follow the manga and novels but i always assume it to be something like, "Here is another scenario/possibility of what could happen this scene/moment." Another way to explore the character more instead of, "We're changing this because fuck you that's why."
Animation and print publication are also completely different mediums, with different considerations and constraints, distributed through different channels, and operating within different regulatory regimes. The implications and considerations for mangaka re: pacing, narrative tools, page space, labor, content restrictions, skill constraints, time for creation, process for revisions and iteration, distribution channels, and stakeholders are not the same as the considerations and implications undertaken by studios animating a television series.
I'm not sure why it's so difficult for people to conceptualize that print and animation are not the same anymore than sculptures and paintings. Or text and successions of images manipulated to create the illusion of movement overlaid by audio.
Thoughtful adaptations are also addressed to both existing and new audiences, the latter of which is further split into those who may engage with the original version and those who won't. Adaptations need to capture the original story enough to make sense and maintain the story's essence for those who aren't going to engage with the original material, without neglecting the audience that has experienced or may follow-up with the original material.
For example, I came to the manga from the anime and would have become bored and likely not finished reading the already animated volumes of the manga if not for the variations between the manga and anime. An adaptation risks becoming parasitic to the original material if it strips incentive to engage with the original material.
Also, the choices made in bsd's adaptations are made under the creative direction of the original material's creators, who are being given additional narrative tools (timing, sound design, animation) to manipulate under different constraints (studio oversight, different content regulations, 20-minute episodes, number of episodes per season) with other collaborators who offers additional and divergent expertise, skillsets, expectations, incentives, creative input, resources, and experience (animators, directors, producers, voice actors, sound technicians). Like, why constrain them to the version of their story where they didn't have any of those things, and why dismiss what the adaptation's other creators have to offer the story?
The audience is interpreting and engaging with the story with limited information in isolation. We are not in a room bouncing ideas with Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa; we are not negotiating timelines and publication schedules and budgetary constraints; we do not know th3 details of the licensing agreements or the prospect of renewal for additional seasons or movies; we do not have for reference the outline of the plot and impending arcs or the intended themes or the full context of the characters' backstories and relationships. The vast majority of the English speaking fandom doesn't even have the relevant cultural and historical context foundational to the story. So, on what basis can the audience justify relying on our initial impressions and knee-jerk reactions to the choices made in the adaptations?
Like, this isn't to say we can't make reasonable criticisms or contribute valuable perspectives, nor is it to say that there aren't layers to stories beyond the creators' intentions or that foreign media can't reverberate cross culturally.
But it does mean any bitching and moaning made in willful ignorance of the bsd anime's creativity, constraints and context is worth less than the electricity consumed to publicize the same on tumblr.com.
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Lost Fic
I read it many many years ago, but Peter had a lot of debts to Stiles' casino that he got from his mother, so he trades in Derek. And Stiles has to keep derek to ... impress stakeholders or something? But they develop an intense bdsm relationship amen
You found your own fic! Thank you for letting me know.
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Gambling Debts by lady emebalia (emebalia)
(67/67 I 141,004 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles owns a casino, Peter has a gambling problem and Derek has to pay his uncle's debts. You know the setup, you know where this leads. Or maybe not …
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formulauno98 · 2 years
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Once Upon a Time in Monaco | Chapter Three
Everyone knew that Monaco was a special race weekend but you weren't quite prepared for exactly how special it would be. Glitz, glamour and yachts, you had arrived.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: This one is a slow burn so none
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
You arrived in Monte Carlo on a bright and sunny Wednesday afternoon, having enjoyed a whistle-stop tour of Brackley the day before. You’d been pleasantly surprised by your office space, it was roomy and modern and you’d feel right at home there- if you ever got to stay in the UK for more than a few days. 
As promised your office was right next door to Toto’s, something you weren’t sure was a blessing or a curse. The tall Austrian was still an enigma to you, sometimes he was warm and friendly, almost flirtatious, then the next minute a mask would go on and his demeanour completely shifted to cold and distant. You weren’t sure which one was the real Toto but suspected he was somewhere halfway between the two acts. 
The rest of the team had been brilliant in welcoming you into the role, with endless patience for your questions. You were pleased with the way that your department functioned and so far had no major red flags to report to the board. You were a little apprehensive about the impending UBS dinner but reassured that Toto would be there and that he had a close relationship with one of the stakeholders. They were the sponsor who offered the most in return for the least so an important company to keep on board for next season.
Your hotel in Monte Carlo was the best one yet, with a small balcony with a beautiful view of the famous harbour. It was a truly pinch me I’m dreaming situation. 
As you unpacked your phone buzzed, it was Lara.
Hello Y/N. Hope you had a safe flight. TW will pick you up from your hotel at 19:45 for the 20:00 dinner. Thanks, Lara.
Surprised he would be driving himself you hurried a reply.
It went well thank you, Lara, sounds perfect. Thank you for organising.
Glancing at the clock and seeing it was just past six o’clock, you realised you had plenty of time to unpack, find an outfit and answer some emails.
You’d packed a few different outfit options having done a deep-dive stalk of the restaurant on Instagram, trying to decide what would best fit the vibe and the clientele. It was an upscale hotel restaurant with a panoramic view of the harbour and seemed to attract all sorts, from glamorous tourists to lowkey locals. After much deliberating, and a few texts to your trusted girlfriends’ group chat, you settled on a simple navy silk slip dress with a navy pinstripe men’s blazer artfully placed across your shoulders. 
You paid special attention to your hair and make-up, keen to make a good impression and represent the team in the best way possible. It was a red lipstick situation and the bold pop of colour gave you the boost of confidence you needed.
At 19:40 you decided to head down to the lobby, not sure where Toto would be collecting you from. To your surprise he was already waiting in the lobby, looking incredibly dapper in a navy linen jacket, white shirt and crisp beige chinos. He was a striking man and you could see why he garnered so much attention in the paddock, standing head and shoulders above most of the other Team Principals. You saw him do a double take as he clocked you crossing the lobby.
"Good Evening Y/N. You look beautiful," he said leaning down to kiss you on each cheek in the traditional European custom.
Slightly blushing you replied, "Thank you Toto, and so do you."
He chuckled, "Thank you. I try. I’ve parked the car with the valet, let’s go and grab it."
You followed him out of the lobby, more than aware that he was attracting curious stares and trying to ignore them.
"I hope you weren’t waiting too long, Lara told me 19:45 so I thought I was early," you said apologetically.
"No, not at all, I was early. We’re obviously on the same timing." he smiled as the valet went to fetch his car, "So, have you been to Monte Carlo before?"
"Glad to hear it. Yes, I’ve been quite a few times but I’ve never stayed anywhere with such a good view." 
"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow, "Well another one of our sponsors is to thank for that."
"Smart move that one," your eyes widened as the valet pulled up in one of the most breathtaking cars you had ever seen. An original silver Mercedes 300SL. "Wow."
"You like it?" he asked, taking the keys from the very nervous-looking valet and thanking him with a stack of Euro bills.
"Maybe." you laughed, "How do I get in?"
That elicited a laugh from Toto who ran around to open the gullwing door for you. 
"Thank you, that saved me some embarrassment!" you climbed in, being careful not to flash anyone in your dress.
"You’re welcome," he shot you a charming grin, "All in?"
"Yes thank you,” you smiled back at him.
He closed the door carefully and made his way around to the driving seat, climbing in next to you. He was a tall man and his legs only just fit, making it a tight squeeze and a cosy fit next to you.
It was a short drive to the restaurant which you spent going over strategy, what you’d like to gain from next year’s sponsorship deal and what Toto thought they would be after from your end. He was clearly a conscientious leader who paid attention to the smallest of details. You mentally noted that he was probably not the kind of boss to suffer fools gladly and hoped you would never be on the end of his scrutinising.
The dinner went smoothly. You met with your two UBS counterparts and they were amiable to your offers for next year, even willing to send a little extra sponsorship money your way. Toto played hardball and you played the friendly new face, flirting up a storm with the two older gentlemen. This raised Toto’s eyebrows a few times, worrying you that you had gone too far at some points. You then reigned it in and successfully closed the deal, contracts would be drawn up in the morning and would be finalised over the coming weeks. All in all a productive dinner and you were beaming from ear to ear by nine-thirty.
You bid the UBS team goodnight and made your way out of the restaurant with Toto. Again, you could feel eyes on him wherever he went, making a note to ask him about this once you had got to know him better. As you went to collect your jackets from the cloakroom he gently placed a hand on your shoulder and asked, “So, do you want to sit somewhere and debrief? There is a place down the street that I know.”
Surprised by his eagerness to work into the night you turned your head to face him, replying, “Sure, I’m happy to work on this tonight. Shall I get our jackets first?”
“Excellent.” he smiled, dropping his hand from your shoulder, “Yes good idea, it can get cold here at night and it’s a short walk.” 
You collected your jackets from the cloakroom and made your way out into the street outside. It had gotten dark whilst you were inside, the street bathed in inky moonlight. Not sure where you needed to go you let Toto take the lead.
"It’s not far but it’s quieter than the restaurant. It’s just down there," he said, gesturing towards the end of the road.
"Good idea," you said, slightly struggling to keep up with his pace, the height difference glaringly obvious.
Noticing you were lagging behind, Toto turned around, "I’m so sorry, are you alright with your shoes?"
You laughed, surprised he’d noticed your strappy heels "No no it’s fine, you’re just so much taller than me, one of your steps is equal to about three of mine."
He blushed, "Oh, sorry, I always forget. Not very gentlemanly of me." He slowed down his pace, allowing you to catch up.
"No worries, maybe I’ll need to get a scooter if we do any long paddock walks." you smiled at him.
"Not in those shoes though I hope," he smirked, "You look great tonight by the way. The UBS guys were very taken with you."
Now it was your turn to blush. "Thank you, I was worried I went a little too far in flattering them so reigned it in. But glad it worked."
"Well it’s not a tactic I tend to use, but I think those guys have trouble saying no to a beautiful woman. Maybe you’re our new secret weapon with the sponsors." Toto slowed down as you approached a non-descript set of double doors, partially obscured by a sweeping bougainvillaea trellis.
Glad it was dark enough to hide your reddening face, you weren’t sure what to say, "You’re telling me you’ve never charmed people like that? I’m sure it would go down a storm."
"What can I say? Those men just aren’t receptive to my advances. Believe me, I have tried." Toto smirked as he opened the door for you, allowing you to step into a rustic space with a long bar, plush red velvet seating and low-hanging wooden chandeliers.
A sharply dressed man appeared to greet you both, "Good evening Mr Wolff and to you Madame. How are you this evening?"
"Very well thank you, Sebastian. And yourself? Could we please take one of the booths at the back?" Toto replied, clearly a regular.
"Glad to hear it, I am very well thank you. Please follow me," he said, leading his way to a second, more intimate room behind the bar.
Sebastian discreetly took your jackets and promised to return with a menu. As you settled into the red velvet banquette you could tell why Toto liked it here. There was one small group of businessmen in the corner, quietly chatting but apart from that you were undisturbed.
"So, do you come here often?" you said, immediately laughing at your choice of phrase.
Chuckling from across the table, Toto replied, "Not often but enough for them to know me. It’s a good spot as it’s quieter than most of the other places in town but has impeccable service."
"A good find. So what was it that you’d like to discuss?" you crossed your arms, getting down to business.
"I wanted to know how you thought that went, the good, the bad and the ugly. I know you’ve dealt with sponsors before and I was very pleased with the outcome." he leant back into the banquette.
Taking a measured pause, you echoed his body language, leaning back into the plush red cushions, "I feel largely positive, grateful you were there as coming into this fresh there are always going to be details I am not yet aware of." you took a moment to consider, "To be honest, I feel I could have negotiated harder but didn’t want to step on your toes."
Toto raised his eyebrows and leant across, looking at you in curiosity, "How much harder? Do you think I was too easy?"
A little unnerved, you tried to be diplomatic, "No, not at all, it was a great deal but I do think as a newcomer I could have gone in harder. It’s harder to backtrack further down the line with these types of annual deals."
"Interesting, perhaps let’s test this theory next time. You could be correct, they were very receptive to you. We will have similar talks coming with IWC. I could take a step back?" he said, turning his head as Sebastian approached your booth with a small menu.
"Monsieur, Madame, sorry to interrupt but would you like to review our wine list? Or perhaps you would prefer to order something from the bar?" he said, handing you the small burgundy leather card.
"Could I take a Negroni please?" said Toto, before you had even had a chance to turn the menu over.
Slightly flustered, you decided to play it safe and order the same, "Could I have one please too?"
"Two negronis, coming right away," Sebastian whisked the menu away and made his way back through the bar.
"A negroni man, huh?" you said, raising an eyebrow, "Sbagliato, with prosecco in it?"
Clearly not the most familiar with the viral Negroni Tiktok, Toto looked confused, "I've heard that before somewhere. Is it a speciality in England?"
You laughed, "It's a stupid internet thing, on Tiktok."
"Oh. I think the social media team might have shown me." he said, his brow furrowed, trying to remember, "Maybe we should order one next?"
"I have to say, I am curious to see if it lives up to the hype," you smiled, before adding, "So you're not on Tiktok?"
"No, I'm far too old for it. My children send them to me but I would not even know where to start. Dancing is not my strong point." he said, ruffling a hand through his hair.
"I'm too old for Tiktok but I don't let it stop me," you winked, "You know you are very popular on it. As soon as I was offered the first job interview I familiarised myself with our brand content on every platform. There are a hell of a lot of thirst traps of you and our drivers."
"Thirst traps?" he looked at you quizically.
"I'm not even sure where to begin on this one," you tailed off as Sebastian appeared with two cut crystal tumblers.
As he settled them down on the table, Toto interjected, "Sebastian, could we also get two Negroni Sbagliato with prosecco?"
You couldn't help but laugh, hearing the phrase in Toto's deep Austrian voice was something else entirely.
Sebastian looked taken aback, likely also not au-fait with the Tiktok, "Sure, coming right up."
As he disappeared once again, you turned to face Toto, who now had a sparkle in his eye. "Don't tell the social media team, they'll make me say it for them."
You grinned, "Funnily enough that was my very first thought. You'd go viral in no time."
"So what is a thirst trap?" Toto asked, "And cheers to a successful evening by the way. Here's to many more," He raised his glass to yours and clinked them, keeping eye contact as was the custom in France.
"I'm not escaping this one, am I?" you groaned, "A thirst trap is when people post sexy photos or videos on the internet for attention."
"What photos and videos are they posting of me?" Toto asked, his eyes wide in horror.
"Various, I saw everything from you smashing tables to your post Abu Dhabi partying antics."
Looking a little embarrassed, Toto made a face, "I can't believe it. And you think this is intended to be sexy?"
Not sure how to respond delicately, you skirted around, "They call you Daddy Toto. So 100%."
At that, Toto choked on his drink, "They call me what?"
"Daddy Toto."
"Daddy Toto?"
Again, his accent made the phrase sound even more ridiculous, "Indeed. I told you you had an army of female fans. Netflix asked you to film gym scenes. Who did you think wanted them?"
"Weight-lifting enthusiasts?" he said weakly.
"I think for that to be the case you'd need to be lifting more than ten kilos," you teased, still not letting him forget your gym session.
"Very funny." he took a sip of his drink, "Well, you learn something new every day."
"I do think we could exploit it a little," you echoed his body language, sipping your drink. It was stronger than you expected so you were mindful to take it slow. "Give the people what they want."
"And what's that?" he said, his voice low.
"Thirst traps of Daddy Toto," you said seriously making eye contact before you both broke out into laughter.
"For a price, maybe." he smiled, sipping more of his drink.
You spent the next hour nursing Negronis and discussing the ins and outs of the following day's media circuit. Toto was due to attend a Team Principal press conference with his arch-rival, Christian Horner, and was not looking forward to it.
"At least there is Mattia to take some of the heat," you said, reassuringly, "He has a lot to answer for following Ferrari's issues."
"This is true," Toto sat back, suddenly eyeing up the lineup of empty glasses in front of him, "Shall I order one more round?"
Aware that you were now three strong drinks deep, you knew that one more would tip you into drunk territory, "I'm not sure, I'm feeling quite merry, I'm not sure how useful I will be talking shop if I have one more."
"We're done talking about work, we can have one more for the road?"
"Well, if you insist," you smiled, easily swayed.
Toto gestured towards Sebastian and the older man made his way once again to the bar.
"So, Y/N, now we're off duty, I want to know more about you. I'm curious, we have spent a lot of time together but I don't know much about you."
Surprised by this sudden line of questioning, you retorted, "Well, I don't know so much about you."
"What would you like to know?" he said, the glint back in his eyes, "I'm an open book."
"What do you like doing outside of motorsports? You have children right?"
"Two questions in one, that's not fair." he sat back, "So yes I do have two children but they're old now and don't want to spend so much time with me. My son is in college and my daughter is due to go in September."
"I'm sure that's not the case," you said sympathetically, well aware that most teenagers don't want to hang out with their parents.
"I do try to see them as much as possible, they're great people. I text them every day." 
"There you go, texting them every day, that's an achievement in itself with teenagers."
"They don't always reply," he said with a smile.
"But they send you Tiktoks?"
"That is true, and then I don't always reply."
"So what do you do when you're not with the kids? What keeps you busy?"
"Honestly, not so much. I cook, I try to stay fit, go outdoors, and spend time in nature. I'm pretty boring."
"That's not boring, it sounds delightful." you decided to take the opportunity to dig deeper, "So there's no Mrs Wolff?"
"Not anymore." he said wistfully, "That ship sailed about a decade ago. The children were younger and I worked all the time and was never home. It was never going to end well."
"You can't blame yourself, it's always six of one and half a dozen of the other in these situations." you tailed off, your words unconvincing as you caught yourself thinking about your recent breakup.
"Perhaps." he said, before musing "So, is there a Mr Y/N?"
"There was, but he decided to dive into thirst traps when he already had a fiancé. I had to end things when I found out."
"I'm sorry to hear that, for what it's worth, he sounds like an idiot," Toto said, looking at you curiously. "So did this trigger the job change?"
"Am I that much of a cliché?" you laughed, flicking your hair over your shoulder, "Yes, I packed my bags, left our house and put it straight on the market. If you know anybody who needs a country cottage for a reasonable price, send them my way."
"You lived in a cottage?" Toto looked surprised, "I would not have guessed that."
"Why would I not live in a cottage?"
"I don't know, you look more glamorous than someone who lives in a cottage."
"You're crazy. I grew up in the countryside, I'm a country girl at heart."
"I'll take your word for it," said Toto, as Sebastian approached with your final round of drinks.
"Monsieur, Madame, just to inform you that we will be closing shortly. If you wish to order more drinks please note that service will be ending in twenty minutes," he said as he set your drinks down and collected the empty glasses that were scattered across the table.
"Thank you, Sebastian, can I get the cheque, please? I think we're done for the night." Toto suggested.
"No problem Mr Wolff, I will be back in two minutes." 
As Sebastian once again disappeared Toto continued his line of questioning. "So, you grew up in the countryside, but you're not British?"
"What makes you think that?"
"How do you answer every question with a question? You'd make a great politician you know. I heard you speaking Spanish last weekend, you sound native."
"Kind of, my Grandfather is Argentine, so I can speak a little. I've heard you speak several languages, is Spanish one of them?"
"Sadly not, maybe you can teach me?" he looked at you expectantly, his rich, brown eyes heavy.
"Only if you teach me German."
"Deal." he reached out and grabbed your hand, shaking it as if it were a real business deal.
"Look at this, talking shop all over again." you laughed.
"I can't help myself." he took a big gulp of his drink, "I knew you weren't entirely British, you're too bubbly."
"Bubbly? I guess I'll take that as a compliment."
"It is, British people can be dry. You bring energy to the team, much more so than your predecessor."
"Well cheers to that," you raised the last glass, making more eye contact with the handsome Austrian.
"Cheers indeed." Toto finished his drink in one and sat up straight.
Following suit you gulped the rest of your drink down, shivering a little as it had gotten cold in the cool stone room.
"Are you cold?" Toto asked, gesturing at Sebastian to fetch your jackets as well as the bill.
Grateful that he was so attentive, you confessed, "Yes, a little."
"I'm sorry I did not mean to keep you out so late, we have another early start tomorrow." Toto looked guilty.
"No, don't be silly, it was nice to unwind and discuss the dinner. Thank you for taking the time, I know you have a crazy schedule."
Sebastian returned with your jackets and the bill, you shimmied your jacket back over your shoulders.
Having settled the bill before you even had a chance to dig out your card, Toto stood up, proposing, "Right, shall we make a move? Thank you very much, Sebastian, please take care."
Making your way out into the night, slightly stumbling thanks to your copious amount of Negronis, you turned to face Toto, "Thank you for getting that, we should have split it."
"Don't be silly, I invited you, it's normal." Toto was equally as unsteady on his feet.
"Well thank you, that was a lovely evening." 
"Shit." Toto stopped dead in his tracks.
"You thought the evening was shit?" you teased.
"No, but I did leave my car with the valet. I can't drive like this. Let me walk you back to your hotel, you won't get a taxi at this hour and I want to make sure you get home safe. The only downside to Monaco is the lack of taxis."
"Oh." your face dropped, knowing the walk would be back up a steep hill, "Honestly it's fine, I used to wander around South London at night, I think I can handle Monaco."
"Please, you never know," he said, offering the crook of his arm in a gentlemanly fashion.
"Fine, you did say you like being outdoors," you said, taking his arm.
You made your way up the first hill, around the sweeping vista you had passed earlier on in the day.
"So are you going to go and collect your car tomorrow morning?" you asked.
"No, they'll bring it to me," Toto replied, effusively.
"Oh, that's handy, is that normal here? Or do you do this often?"
Toto laughed, "I've done it once or twice, always after a night with UBS."
"Good to know for next year. I'll have to detox my liver in preparation."
"Y/N," Toto suddenly stopped in his tracks, "Would you like to come to mine for a nightcap? It's on the way."
Surprised by his bold invitation, you considered it for a moment. It had been a pleasant evening and Toto was incredibly handsome and charming. If it had been a date you would not have hesitated but the fact of the matter was that it was business. You couldn't be the new starter who fell for the boss, it would be another cliché.
"As lovely as that offer sounds, I really do need to sleep ahead of tomorrow. It's a busy day and I want to be at my best." you smiled, your eyes soft, "But maybe another time?"
"Understood." he said, a steely demeanour suddenly taking over, "Sorry if I misstepped."
"Not at all," you touched his arm lightly, "I would have loved to, but honestly I just need to be on form for tomorrow."
"Well, I can't fault that. Maybe this was a test," he said, a cheeky glint in his eye.
"A test for what?"
"To know if you're a responsible employee."
"Did I pass?"
"With flying colours." 
Not sure if he was joking or serious, you replied, "Thank goodness for that. Next time we don't have an early start let's hit the town properly."
"Deal," he said, looking satisfied that he hadn't offended you entirely with his invitation.
You made your way up the second hill in comfortable silence, with Toto occasionally pointing out various driver's balconies. It seemed as if everybody had a place in Monaco.
"Maybe it's time to trade the cottage in," you joked, looking up at a particularly flashy apartment building.
"Now, that's where I could imagine you living!" Toto exclaimed.
"For real?" you said, surprised.
"100%. You'd fit in well here."
"I guess I'll take that as a compliment then," you said smiling.
It wasn't long before you made it back up to your hotel, the walk having been less intense than you'd expected.
"Well, thank you, Toto, for a lovely evening and for walking me back." you stepped awkwardly towards the entrance.
"It was my pleasure. Thank you for your hard work," Toto bent down to kiss you goodnight, once again showing his European roots.
"I could say the same to you. Goodnight Toto and see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight Y/N," Toto said as he turned to make his way back down the hill before you called out to him.
"Yes?" he turned back around.
"Will you please text me when you're home safe?"
His eyes crinkled in amusement, "Of course. Although I used to walk through Vienna at night."
"Touché.," you said as he turned back around and made his way down the hill.
You had returned to your room, jumped in the shower and settled into bed when your phone suddenly pinged and lit up.
Home - TW
Bemused by the formal initial sign-off, you replied.
Thank you for letting me know - Y/N
You pressed send, the whoosh noise signalling it was on its way before your hand hovered on the Tiktok icon. You had thought about sending Toto a thirst trap video but then thought the better of it. 
Scrolling, you found the infamous Abu Dhabi video where Toto had been pictured partying in a wet white t-shirt. Eyeing up the share button, the Negroni flowing through your veins tipped you over the edge and towards the send button. Whoosh, off it went. That would give you something to discuss in tomorrow’s brand comms meeting.
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allisonperryart · 8 months
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Welcome to the multiverse of stairwells in Carol's apartment complex! Well, not really, but one of our goals after I was promoted to art director was revisiting and polishing up some stuff from earlier episodes - especially episode 1, since it would be viewers' first impression of our world. One of these things was this stairwell Carol walks through to exit her apartment. The original background (not pictured) looked great and was completely serviceable, but we really wanted to push the world-building and disconnect between Carol and this communal space where people seemed to perpetually be partying. My job was to help figure out how we could SHOW that thorough colour - not just tell it, and as you can see, there was a LOT of discussion and potential solutions. Personally, I think part of an art director's job is being a liaison between their team of artists and everyone else: translating other stakeholders' words/abstract ideas into concrete, visual direction. Sometimes all this means is handing off a brief to an artist, but other times it requires more: actively listening to stakeholders, creating multiple (sometimes many!) solutions that meet their goals/vision, helping guide them to the solution they feel best meets that goal (not just telling them), and then whatever direction results from that dialogue can be handed off to the artist(s). Anyways, thanks for looking, and watch Carol and the End of the World on Netflix! Showrunner: Dan Guterman
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imjustania · 9 months
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How to nail 💅your Essays
No matter if you’re in university or school, you will need to write a research paper. Now this post will be dedicated to a normal essay structure, if you need to write an essay based assignment on medical, biological, chemical, or any other science, you need to be more specific, as writing a lab report has a couple extra steps.
Now, you have an essay due in two weeks? A week? Tonight? I’ve been there and I share your pain. I am currently in my last year in university studying for bachelor degree in Marketing, and oh boy let me tell you, the amount of essays I had to write was unreal. Therefore, let me share with you some of my essays skills, to help your speed run your own assignment.
Step 1: OUTLINE IT!?
Ok i think so many of you out there are missing this step. You cant expect yourself to sit in front of the computer and start typing away your essay? No you cant do that. You need to spend a good amount of time sitting down and outlining your essay. Figure out what goes where, and what sources to use for each section. Luckily for you, you have me here to tell you the basic outline structure of every essay. It consists of the:
Table of content (depends on how professional your essay is asked for)
Main body
… THATS IT! Only 4 sections (and a half) to write your essay. However of course there is more to write then just that. Lets break down those sections
1) Introduction: When writing the introduction for your essay, it's important to start off with a bang! You want to give your readers a glimpse of what's to come and hook their attention right from the beginning. Make sure to include a strong thesis statement that clearly states the main argument or purpose of your essay. To make it even more engaging, you can provide some background information about the topic and give a brief outline of the main points you'll be discussing in your essay. Therefore, every introduction should have an hook, explanation what you’re writing, what you think will be the result or what is the point you’re writing your essay, and outline all the points of the main body (but simplify them)
2) Main body: In each section of your essay, it's important to provide a detailed analysis and offer supporting evidence for the points you introduced at the beginning. Take each paragraph as a chance to present a single main idea or argument and support it with enough evidence, examples, or citations to back up your claim. To make sure your ideas flow smoothly, use clear and logical transitions between paragraphs. Lastly, remember to give credit to your sources and include proper references for any external information you include in your essay. Here are some side tips for you
Try to have at least a minimum of 3 main body paragraphs . Each paragraph should have one point which helps support your main hypothesis or reasons or this essay.
Each essay will have different main bodies, depending on the subject. Sometimes your main bodies will be dedicated to presenting information about your topic. So for example, as a marketer, I had to write many reports. Most reports written will always include a main analysis of the company (so SWOT, PESTEL, Stakeholder analysis, mission and vision of the company, etc). Depending on what the essay require you to do, you should consider to present your points in that order.
Even your main body should have a proper structure of introduction, main points, and the conclusion.
Don’t forget to have a proper in-text citations depending on which format you use.
3) Conclusion: A conclusion is a chance to wrap up your essay by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis statement. Remember not to introduce any new information here; instead, provide a concise summary of the arguments you've made throughout your essay. Furthermore, this is your chance to leave a lasting impression on your reader by offering insights, implications, or recommendations related to the topic. A well-written conclusion should leave your reader with a sense of closure and a clear understanding of the importance of your essay's content.
4) References: The references section of your essay is where you list all the sources you have cited or referenced. It's important because it helps readers find and verify the credibility of the sources you used. When writing the references section, make sure to follow the specific citation style required by your institution or professor, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style. Include the author's name, publication year (if there is no publication year, then the article must not be reliable. It must always have a year), title of the source, publication information, and any other required details. Arrange the references alphabetically by the author's last name or by the title if there is no author (if there is no author try using the organisation or the website that published the text). Don't forget to double-check the formatting and punctuation for accuracy and consistency throughout the references section.
After your essay was outlines and you know exactly what you’re supposed to write… write it dude? Like you have the format, you have the sources, and you know your points. Just start writing… if you are having trouble getting started, then give a click to another one of my blogs on how to actually get started on studying.
If you want to go the extra mile, and also make the essay more professional here are some of my personal tips to accomplish that:
size 12 for normal text and size 14 for title (titles can be only bold)
Use text Times New Roman (ROMAN EMPIREEEEEEEEEE)
Double space of all essay
Have a cover page! You can find templates in the insert section of the word tabs.
Have numbers tag the foot of the page
And thats all for today folks! Hope this is actually useful to you, and if you are struggling with anything specific, then do let me know in the comment section or send me a question through the tumblr! Now thank you for reading, and leaving likes <3 don't forget to smile, because you’re beautiful.
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apcseo · 2 months
Ovo Embraces Its Evolution: A New Brand Identity for the Energised Challenger
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In a defining moment for the energy industry, Ovo, the renowned challenger brand founded in 2009, is undergoing a remarkable transformation. As the company continues to evolve and expand its services beyond being just a “kilowatt-per-hour energy supplier,” it has decided to embrace its new identity as a major energy player while retaining its cherished challenger spirit. This bold move involves dropping the word “Energy” from its name as part of a comprehensive brand refresh that reflects its maturity as a business. Let’s explore the significance of this strategic decision and how Ovo is poised to solidify its position as a formidable force in the energy market.
Since its inception, Ovo has been a trailblazer in the energy sector, challenging the status quo and revolutionising the way consumers interact with their energy suppliers. What began as a small, audacious venture has now grown into a significant player in the industry, setting new benchmarks for customer-centricity, innovation, and sustainability. The decision to remove “Energy” from its name is symbolic of Ovo’s transformation from a scrappy challenger to a dominant force that has established itself as a major energy company.
The rebranding initiative is not merely a cosmetic change; it is a strategic move that aligns with Ovo’s growth and diversification as a business. Over the years, Ovo has expanded its offerings beyond traditional energy supply, venturing into new territories such as smart home solutions, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and renewable energy projects. By dropping “Energy” from its name, Ovo signals its intention to be recognized as a multifaceted energy solutions provider rather than limiting itself to a narrow definition of its services.
Francesca Danczak, Head of Brand at Ovo, emphasises that this streamlined name is a true reflection of the company’s current stature, symbolising its readiness to embrace its position as a major energy company. The brand refresh is a conscious effort to shed any perceptions of Ovo being confined to a single dimension and to showcase the broader range of innovative products and services it now offers.
While Ovo is keen on embracing its growth and maturity, it remains steadfast in its commitment to preserving its challenger spirit. The challenger ethos has been at the heart of Ovo’s success, driving its appetite for disruption and pushing the boundaries of the energy industry. Despite becoming a major player, Ovo is determined to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit that fueled its rise to prominence. This unique combination of growth and challenger mindset positions Ovo as a dynamic and adaptive company, ready to tackle new challenges and explore untapped opportunities.
As Ovo rolls out its streamlined name across all communication channels, the company is mindful of its customers’ experience and perceptions. Ensuring clarity amidst this transformation is of paramount importance, as any confusion or ambiguity could potentially impact customer trust and loyalty. Ovo’s customer-centric approach ensures that every aspect of the rebranding process is carefully monitored, and communication is transparent to all stakeholders.
Ovo’s decision to drop “Energy” from its name and undergo a brand refresh marks a defining moment in the company’s journey. From a scrappy challenger in the energy market to a major energy player, Ovo’s evolution is nothing short of impressive. This strategic move not only signals its maturity as a business but also underscores its commitment to diversification and growth in the energy sector. By retaining its challenger spirit, Ovo demonstrates its agility and determination to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and customer-centricity.
As the rebranding is rolled out, Ovo’s focus on clear communication and customer satisfaction ensures that the transition is smooth and seamless. As we witness this transformation, it is evident that Ovo’s energy will not just power homes and businesses but also drive the energy industry’s future towards sustainability and excellence.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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