#stained teeth
gmdental · 6 months
Stained Teeth: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment
A bright, healthy smile can demonstrate confidence and make those around you warm to you. But if your teeth are lacklustre, yellow, or even stained, you might not feel so good about sharing your smile. 
If your smile has lost its sparkle, you’re not alone. Many people experience discolouration and staining, and there are several potential causes. 
While brushing your teeth alone won’t bring them back to being perfectly white, there are other ways. 
In this guide, we’ll look at the causes of stained and discoloured teeth. We’ll also discuss how we can treat them and equip you with the know-how to ensure your smile stays bright. 
What Causes Discoloured or Stained Teeth?
There are several potential causes for stains and discolouration, some are preventable, others are unavoidable. 
Stains affecting the outer layer of your teeth are called extrinsic stains. This type of stain is often caused by diet. Common culprits for causing these stains include dark berries, coffee, tea, red wine, spicy food, and cola. Smoking can also leave extrinsic stains. 
When the stains penetrate the tooth, they can affect the dentin. This is the layer below the dental enamel. Potential causes for intrinsic stains include dental trauma, infection, and certain medications. Stains from smoking can become intrinsic. 
As we age, our dental enamel thins. This causes the darker-coloured dentin below the surface to show through, giving your once-white teeth a yellow appearance.
Other potential causes for discolouration include genetics and certain cancer treatments. 
Can You Tell the Cause of Stained Teeth By the Colour?
Discoloured teeth could turn yellow, brown, purple, or grey. You may also develop white or black spots on your teeth. 
Yellow teeth occur through ageing, diet, and poor oral hygiene. Smoking can turn your teeth brown; however, some brown marks may be tooth decay.  If your teeth are a shade of purple, you likely enjoy red wine. 
Grey teeth indicate that your nerve endings have died. This typically occurs as a result of dental infection or trauma. White spots are fluorosis, which is usually from consuming high levels of fluoride as a child. Black spots are caused by severe decay. 
How Are Stained and Discoloured Teeth Treated?
There are several ways that we can treat stained and discoloured teeth, including whitening treatments, composite bonding, and dental veneers. 
Teeth Whitening
A professional teeth whitening treatment can remove extrinsic and intrinsic stains. This safe, dentist-led treatment uses powerful whitening gels to lift stains and bring your teeth to a natural and healthy shade of white. 
You can undergo the treatments we provide in stages from the comfort of your home. We’ll provide you with custom whitening trays that apply the gel directly to your teeth. Using the trays and gel for around two weeks will improve the appearance of your smile. 
Composite Bonding
Sometimes called cosmetic bonding, this treatment uses tooth-coloured resin to fix several dental defects simultaneously. We can use this resin to cover any stains and discolouration. 
We begin by applying the resin to your teeth and blending it in until it looks natural. Next, we use a special light to harden the resin, leaving you with a restored tooth. Composite bonding is quick and painless. 
Dental Veneers
We can also use dental veneers to cover stained and discoloured teeth. Veneers are fine, life-like porcelain shells that coat the fronts and sides of your teeth. Once in place, they give your smile a bright, healthy appearance. 
How Can You Prevent Stained Teeth?
There are several ways to prevent staining and discolouration. Cutting out all food and drinks that cause stains isn’t always an option; however, you can limit the amount of them you consume and brush your teeth immediately after meals. 
Improve your oral hygiene by using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice daily, floss, and use mouthwash. 
Drinking plenty of water can help reduce staining. If you’re a smoker, talk to us or your GP about ways to quit, and visit our clinic regularly for a checkup and hygiene visit. 
Preventing and Treating Stained Teeth at GM Dental
At GM Dental, we have various ways to address stained and discoloured teeth. Call us today to schedule your next appointment, and let’s bring the sparkle back to your smile together.
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clevelanddentalcare · 6 months
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fernsnailz · 2 years
ok wait what's everyone's character assassination pet peeve. like a trait writers or fans will give a character that is fairly insignificant but so blatantly ooc that it ignites the most primal of rage. mine is whenever i see sonic the hedgehog smoking
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brightbarteeth · 2 years
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Triple White Treatment | Bright Bar Teeth Whitening
The Triple Treatment is our most popular treatment. Done in one session of 3x 20-minute increments, for a whiter brighter smile. Triple Whitening' that help make your teeth white and make your smile bright.
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piss-stained-jorts · 1 year
saw some clown on here whining about other people not liking kissing and reducing it to the gross parts and that it’s indicative of a society that fears flesh (which yes it does but that’s not how to go about making the point) and blah blah fucking blah
anyway instead of being a salty bitch and getting into an internet argument with some stranger I’m gonna be a Big Adult and use my rage and spite to remind all of you that
hating kissing is okay, you’re not weird or broken or a prude,
whether you’re asexual or allosexual it’s fine if you despise swapping spit with another human being, it doesn’t mean you love them any less, and you’re FINE. love is expressed in different ways. humans celebrate each other differently, love comes in different forms, it’s fine if you only want to kiss people you’re close to or not at all or literally anything in-between, and shaming people for hating an act of intimacy is fucked up. show love how you want. enjoy the company of others how you want. you don’t have to see kissing as anything more than the gross parts, and “reducing” it to that or whatever is just as okay as romanticizing it as something more. it’s just some ritual humans made up, and we’re allowed to feel literally any fucking way in the world about it.
live your life. be free. 
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artflameball · 3 months
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[Commissions for Palestine are open! Check my pinned for details!]
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mayhemspreadingguy · 1 year
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Beautiful Nightmare 🖤
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heartnosekid · 1 year
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dusk for anon!
🎼-🦇-🎼 / 🦇-🎼-🦇 / 🎼-🦇-🎼
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teleostuber · 2 years
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Cherry brain freezy🩸🩸🩸
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iwonderwh0 · 3 months
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echollama · 7 months
Hearing Rooster Teeth shutting down is like hearing a distant family passing away: you see them maybe once a year at gatherings, you don't know their daily lives, you were close to them while you were younger but as time passes you've moved onwards elsewhere, and one day you hear they've passed on.
You feel indifferent mostly, but somewhere in there a little piece laments that they are no longer around.
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soapeca · 1 year
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notes on teeth. mine used to be pretty bad
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preseriesdean · 1 year
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it’s over for me. you can keep going.                                   who says i want to?
“Mirror Traps” —Hera Lindsay Bird
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gummi-stims · 8 days
I love all the autumn, fall, and like halloweeenie slimes youre posting could you mayhaps do something vampiric, it can be anything from slime, paint, glitter
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I love the Halloween-y stims too, and I definitely plan on finding and posting more soon! Glad you've been enjoying them. c:
Hope you like this! Even ended up using a couple of gifs you posted haha
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valtsv · 2 years
i think the funniest thing about me as a person is that i'm often a nervous wreck and terrified of trying new things or screwing up, but my disrespect for authority is so strong that the second someone tries to suggest that i can't do something because they won't let me or don't believe i'm capable of it, it completely overwrites my anxiety and makes me determined to prove them wrong right then and there. unfortunately combined with my general impulsiveness and impatience this used to make me very easy to manipulate if you understood this about me as well as leading me to take some really stupidly dangerous risks (until i started working on my self awareness and critical thinking), but it did also lead to several very funny moments in my life where someone misplaced a lot of confidence in my inability to fight back and got their shit rocked when i stepped up and called their bluff.
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ewicomkicks2point0 · 1 year
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When I first saw that artwork, I immediately thought that it was the most beautifully gay thing I’ve ever seen, so of course I had to draw it.
These two pretty much only stand next to each other so to see Zoot carrying Lips while flying in the air with golden angel wings is phenomenal.
Gay Muppets.
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