#stadt met k
wtfuckevenknows · 2 years
Hometown Love ❤️
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/12/10 Llegamos a la oficina de turismo de la ciudad que es un museo tanto de historia como de tradiciones de la ciudad. Hay expuestos muchos objetos que relatan la cronología histórica hasta llegar a lo que es hoy la capital de la provincia.
We arrive at the city's tourist office, which is a museum of both the history and traditions of the city. There are many objects on display that relate the historical chronology until reaching what is today the capital of the province.
Google translation into Italian: Arriviamo all'ufficio turistico della città, che è un museo della storia e delle tradizioni della città. Numerosi sono gli oggetti esposti che raccontano la cronologia storica fino a giungere a quello che oggi è il capoluogo di provincia.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Chegamos ao posto de turismo da cidade, que é um museu da história e tradições da cidade. São muitos os objetos expostos que relatam a cronologia histórica até chegar ao que é hoje a capital da província.
Google Translation into French: Nous arrivons à l'office du tourisme de la ville, qui est un musée à la fois sur l'histoire et les traditions de la ville. De nombreux objets exposés relatent la chronologie historique jusqu'à ce qui est aujourd'hui la capitale de la province.
Google Translation into Arabic: وصلنا إلى مكتب السياحة في المدينة ، وهو متحف لكل من تاريخ المدينة وتقاليدها. ترتبط العديد من المعروضات بالجدول الزمني التاريخي لما يُعرف الآن بالعاصمة الإقليمية.
Google Translation into German: Wir erreichen das Fremdenverkehrsamt der Stadt, ein Museum über die Geschichte und Traditionen der Stadt. Viele Exponate beziehen den historischen Zeitstrahl auf die heutige Landeshauptstadt.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Mbërrijmë në Zyrën Turistike të qytetit, një muze për historinë dhe traditat e qytetit. Shumë ekspozita e lidhin afatin historik me kryeqytetin e sotëm të shtetit.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք ժամանում ենք քաղաքի զբոսաշրջության գրասենյակ՝ քաղաքի պատմության և ավանդույթների մասին պատմող թանգարան: Շատ ցուցանմուշներ պատմական ժամանակագրությունը կապում են այսօրվա նահանգի մայրաքաղաքի հետ:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Прист��гаме в туристическия офис на града, музей за историята и традициите на града. Много експонати свързват историческата хронология с днешната столица на щата.
Google Translation into Czech: Přijíždíme do městské turistické kanceláře, muzea o historii a tradicích města. Mnoho exponátů vztahuje historickou časovou osu k dnešnímu hlavnímu městu státu.
Google Translation into Croatian: Dolazimo do gradskog Turističkog ureda, muzeja o povijesti i tradiciji grada. Mnogi izlošci povezuju povijesnu vremensku liniju s današnjim glavnim gradom.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prichádzame do mestskej turistickej kancelárie, múzea o histórii a tradíciách mesta. Mnohé exponáty spájajú historickú časovú os s dnešným hlavným mestom štátu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prispemo do mestnega turističnega urada, muzeja o zgodovini in tradiciji mesta. Številni eksponati povezujejo zgodovinsko časovnico z današnjo prestolnico države.
Google Translation into Estonian: Jõuame linna turismibüroosse, linna ajalugu ja traditsioone tutvustavasse muuseumi. Paljud eksponaadid seostavad ajaloolist ajaskaala tänapäeva osariigi pealinnaga.
Google Translation into Suomi: Saavumme kaupungin matkailutoimistoon, kaupungin historiaa ja perinteitä käsittelevään museoon. Monet näyttelyt liittyvät historiallisen aikajanan nykyiseen osavaltion pääkaupunkiin.
Google Translation into Greek: Φτάνουμε στο Τουριστικό Γραφείο της πόλης, ένα μουσείο για την ιστορία και τις παραδόσεις της πόλης. Πολλά εκθέματα συσχετίζουν το ιστορικό χρονοδιάγραμμα με τη σημερινή πρωτεύουσα του κράτους.
Google Translation into Dutch: We komen aan bij het VVV-kantoor van de stad, een museum over de geschiedenis en tradities van de stad. Veel exposities brengen de historische tijdlijn in verband met de huidige hoofdstad van de staat.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi ankommer byens Turistkontor, et museum om byens historie og tradisjoner. Mange utstillinger relaterer den historiske tidslinjen til dagens delstatshovedstad.
Google Translation into Polish: Docieramy do Miejskiego Biura Turystycznego, muzeum historii i tradycji miasta. Wiele eksponatów odnosi się do historycznej osi czasu do dzisiejszej stolicy stanu.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ajungem la Biroul de Turism al orașului, un muzeu despre istoria și tradițiile orașului. Multe exponate relaționează cronologia istorică cu capitala statului de astăzi.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы прибываем в туристический офис города, музей истории и традиций города. Многие экспонаты связывают историческую хронологию с сегодняшней столицей штата.
Google Translation into Serbian: Долазимо до градске Туристичке канцеларије, музеја о историји и традицији града. Многи експонати повезују историјску временску линију са данашњом престоницом државе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi kommer till stadens turistbyrå, ett museum om stadens historia och traditioner. Många utställningar relaterar den historiska tidslinjen till dagens delstatshuvudstad.
Google Translation into Turkish: Şehrin tarihi ve gelenekleri hakkında bir müze olan şehrin Turizm Ofisine varıyoruz. Birçok sergi, tarihi zaman çizelgesini bugünün eyalet başkentiyle ilişkilendirir.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Приходимо до міського туристичного офісу – музею історії та традицій міста. Багато експонатів пов'язують історичну шкалу часу з сучасною столицею штату.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা শহরের পর্যটন অফিসে পৌঁছে যাই, শহরের ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্য নিয়ে একটি যাদুঘর। অনেক প্রদর্শনী ঐতিহাসিক সময়রেখাকে আজকের রাজ্যের রাজধানীতে যুক্ত করে।
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们到达城市的旅游局,这是一个关于城市历史和传统的博物馆。 许多展品将历史时间表与今天的州首府联系起来。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 도시의 역사와 전통에 관한 박물관인 관광 안내소에 도착합니다. 많은 전시물이 역사적 연대표를 오늘날의 주도와 관련시킵니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אנחנו מגיעים ללשכת התיירות של העיר, מוזיאון העוסק בהיסטוריה של העיר ומסורותיה. מוצגים רבים מקשרים את ציר הזמן ההיסטורי לבירת המדינה של היום.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम शहर के पर्यटन कार्यालय पहुंचे, जो शहर के इतिहास और परंपराओं के बारे में एक संग्रहालय है। कई प्रदर्शन ऐतिहासिक समयरेखा को आज की राज्य की राजधानी से संबंधित करते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami tiba di Tourist Office kota, sebuah museum tentang sejarah dan tradisi kota. Banyak pameran menghubungkan garis waktu sejarah dengan ibu kota negara bagian saat ini.
Google Translation into Japanese: 市の歴史と伝統に関する博物館である市の観光案内所に到着します。 多くの展示品は、歴史的なタイムラインを今日の州都に関連付けています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз шаардын тарыхы жана каада-салтын чагылдырган музейге, шаардын туристтик кеңсесине келдик. Көптөгөн экспонаттар тарыхый убакыт графигин бүгүнкү мамлекеттик борбор менен байланыштырышат.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami tiba di Pejabat Pelancong bandar, sebuah muzium tentang sejarah dan tradisi bandar. Banyak pameran mengaitkan garis masa sejarah dengan ibu negeri hari ini.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਟੂਰਿਸਟ ਦਫਤਰ, ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਅਤੇ ਪਰੰਪਰਾਵਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਇੱਕ ਅਜਾਇਬ ਘਰ ਪਹੁੰਚਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨੀਆਂ ਅੱਜ ਦੀ ਰਾਜ ਦੀ ਰਾਜਧਾਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਇਤਿਹਾਸਕ ਸਮਾਂ-ਰੇਖਾ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਹਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د ښار د ګرځندوی دفتر ته ورسیدو، د ښار تاریخ او دودونو په اړه موزیم. ډیری نندارتونونه د نن ورځې د دولت پلازمینې تاریخي مهال ویش سره تړاو لري.
Google Translation into Persian: به دفتر گردشگری شهر می رسیم، موزه ای درباره تاریخ و سنت های شهر. بسیاری از نمایشگاه ها جدول زمانی تاریخی را به پایتخت امروزی ایالت مرتبط می کنند.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dumating kami sa Tourist Office ng lungsod, isang museo tungkol sa kasaysayan at tradisyon ng lungsod. Iniuugnay ng maraming eksibit ang makasaysayang timeline sa kabisera ng estado ngayon.
Google Translation into Thai: เรามาถึง Tourist Office ของเมือง ซึ่งเป็นพิพิธภัณฑ์เกี่ยวกับประวัติศาสตร์และประเพณีของเมือง นิทรรศการจำนวนมากเกี่ยวข้องกับเส้นเวลาทางประวัติศาสตร์กับเมืองหลวงของรัฐในปัจจุบัน
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم شہر کے ٹورسٹ آفس پہنچتے ہیں، جو شہر کی تاریخ اور روایات کے بارے میں ایک میوزیم ہے۔ بہت سی نمائشیں تاریخی ٹائم لائن کو آج کے ریاستی دارالحکومت سے جوڑتی ہیں۔
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public-void-main · 6 years
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firebird-inkheart · 5 years
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the kind of music they listen to. put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
tagged by @virus-selfship and @shirorabu
Take This Lonely Heart ― Nothing But Thieves
Stadt met K ― Kasalla
Toxic ― A Static Lullaby
Paranoid ― I Prevail
Breathe, It’s Over ― Blue October
The Last Hope In A World of Hopes ― Temperance
Ouroboros ― NoisyCell
In The City ― Kevin Rudolph
Schöne neue Welt ― Kasalla
Solringen ― Wardruna
uhh, I’ll tag @foreveryours-mouse, @dapper-ships-herself, @wildcardwithaheart, @fictionalharem, @futureschemistry, @daylightlullabies, @dorky-self-shipper, @maratus-araneae and anyone else that would like to participate (though you don’t have to)
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xlostinobsessionsx · 6 years
Kölle Alaaf!
Endlich ist wieder Karneval!
Hier eine kleine Top 10 Liste (nicht zwingend in der Reihenfolge):
1. Kölsch statt Käsch - Miljö
2. Dä Plan - Querbeat
3. Stadt met K - Kasalla
4. Nie mehr Fastelovend - Querbeat
5. Viva Colonia - Höhner
6. Kölsche Mädche sin jefährlich - Colör
7. Kölsche Jung - Brings
8. Wolkeplatz - Miljö
9. Liebchen - Höhner
10. Polka, Polka, Polka - Brings
Es gibt noch soviele tolle Lieder aber das reicht erstmal! Euch eine schöne Karnevalszeit & Kölle Alaaf!
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pvnkmoon · 6 years
spotify throwback februar 2019
Top artists -- Short Term (4 weeks)
Bring Me The Horizon
Enter Shikari
Papa Roach
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Nothing But Thieves
Tokio Hotel
Night Riots
Of Mice & Men
You Me At Six
Rise Against
My Chemical Romance
Imagine Dragons
Billie Eilish
Foreign Air
Chase Atlantic
Von Wegen Lisbeth
Die Ärzte
Twenty One Pilots
We Came As Romans
Linkin Park
Panic! At The Disco
The 1975
Gerard Way
The Unlikely Candidates
Storm The Sky
Harry Styles
Cold War Kids
Avril Lavigne
Blackout Problems
Bad Suns
3 Doors Down
Fall Out Boy
Set It Off
Pale Waves
Limp Bizkit
Top artists -- Medium Term (6 months)
Bring Me The Horizon
Enter Shikari
Imagine Dragons
Twenty One Pilots
Rise Against
Linkin Park
Nothing But Thieves
You Me At Six
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Night Riots
Green Day
Lil Peep
We Came As Romans
The 1975
My Chemical Romance
Battle Tapes
Papa Roach
The Killers
A Perfect Circle
Good Charlotte
Twin Wild
Adam Angst
Paper Flowers
Harry Styles
The Offspring
Vinyl Theatre
Fall Out Boy
Foreign Air
Of Mice & Men
Die Ärzte
Panic! At The Disco
The Neighbourhood
Von Wegen Lisbeth
Catfish and the Bottlemen
X Ambassadors
Top artists -- Long Term (years)
Linkin Park
Bring Me The Horizon
Twenty One Pilots
Imagine Dragons
We Came As Romans
Rise Against
Brand New
Parkway Drive
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Nothing But Thieves
Green Day
Catfish and the Bottlemen
The Neighbourhood
Storm The Sky
The 1975
Fall Out Boy
My Chemical Romance
The Offspring
A Day To Remember
Lana Del Rey
Of Mice & Men
Yung Lean
Die Antwoord
Enter Shikari
Von Wegen Lisbeth
You Me At Six
The Killers
Asking Alexandria
The Royal Concept
Kontra K
August Burns Red
Top tracks -- Short Term (4 weeks)
Bring Me The Horizon, nihilist blues (feat. Grimes)
Bring Me The Horizon, heavy metal (feat. Rahzel)
Bring Me The Horizon, why you gotta kick me when i'm down?
Bring Me The Horizon, in the dark
Gerard Way, Hazy Shade of Winter (feat. Ray Toro)
Bring Me The Horizon, sugar honey ice & tea
X Ambassadors, BOOM
Lil Peep, I've Been Waiting (w/ ILoveMakonnen & Fall Out Boy)
Adam Angst, Punk
Blackout Problems, Difference
Bring Me The Horizon, nihilist blues (feat. Grimes)
Muse, Pressure
Muse, Bliss
Enter Shikari, Rabble Rouser
SWMRS, Berkeley's On Fire
Adam Angst, Splitter von Granaten
Papa Roach, I Suffer Well
Bring Me The Horizon, wonderful life (feat. Dani Filth)
Foals, Exits
Papa Roach, Who Do You Trust?
SWMRS, Trashbag Baby
Weezer, Pink Triangle
Rise Against, Bullshit
Enter Shikari, Undercover Agents
Night Riots, On The Line
Foreign Air, Wake Me Up
Bring Me The Horizon, wonderful life (feat. Dani Filth)
Muse, Break it to Me
Gorillaz, Every Planet We Reach Is Dead
Enter Shikari, The Revolt Of The Atoms
PVRIS, No Mercy
Enter Shikari, Live Outside
Billie Eilish, bellyache
AJR, 100 Bad Days
DREAMERS, Misfits T-Shirt
Teacup Monster, Take It
Bring Me The Horizon, mother tongue
The Moth & The Flame, Red Rising
Enter Shikari, ...Meltdown
Die Ärzte, Männer sind Schweine
Fall Out Boy, This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
Cold War Kids, Drive Desperate
SWMRS, April In Houston
Joyce Manor, Think I'm Still In Love With You
Querbeat, Nie mehr Fastelovend
Enter Shikari, Arguing With Thermometers
Drag Me Out, I'm Sorry
Von Wegen Lisbeth, Meine Kneipe
Top tracks -- Medium Term (6 months)
Muse, Pressure
Muse, Break it to Me
Imagine Dragons, Zero - From the Original Motion Picture "Ralph Breaks The Internet"
Enter Shikari, Rabble Rouser
Bring Me The Horizon, wonderful life (feat. Dani Filth)
Querbeat, Nie mehr Fastelovend
Night Riots, Nothing Personal
Night Riots, On The Line
Muse, Pressure
Bring Me The Horizon, nihilist blues (feat. Grimes)
DREAMERS, Misfits T-Shirt
Muse, Propaganda
Enter Shikari, Live Outside
Battle Tapes, No Good
Muse, Break it to Me (Sam de Jong Remix)
Bring Me The Horizon, heavy metal (feat. Rahzel)
Enter Shikari, Arguing With Thermometers
Enter Shikari, Undercover Agents
Pale Waves, Eighteen
Adam Angst, Punk
Foreign Air, Echo
Lucky Boys Confusion, Anything, Anything (I'll Give You)
Fall Out Boy, This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
Muse, Psycho
Twenty One Pilots, Chlorine
A Perfect Circle, So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
Muse, Bliss
Bring Me The Horizon, why you gotta kick me when i'm down?
Muse, Supermassive Black Hole
Muse, Hysteria
You Me At Six, I O U
Gorillaz, Feel Good Inc
Muse, Uprising
Die Ärzte, Junge
Muse, Dead Inside
The Unlikely Candidates, Violence
AJR, Pretender - Acoustic
Muse, The Dark Side
Rise Against, Bullshit
Kasalla, Stadt met K
Muse, Panic Station
Imagine Dragons, Machine
Rise Against, Politics Of Love
Parade of Lights, Golden
Caligola, Forgive Forget
Foreign Air, Free Animal
Muse, Algorithm
DON BROCO, Technology
Top tracks -- Long Term (years)
DAT ADAM, 700 Main Street
Bring Me The Horizon, Doomed
PVRIS, Mirrors
VUKOVI, Animal
I See Stars, Murder Mitten
We Came As Romans, Memories
The Neighbourhood, West Coast
PVRIS, St. Patrick
Fall Out Boy, Centuries
Rise Against, Savior
The Royal Concept, Goldrushed
Twenty One Pilots, Tear In My Heart
PVRIS, Eyelids
Twenty One Pilots, Ode To Sleep
PVRIS, No Mercy
Daughter, No Care
PVRIS, Smoke
Bring Me The Horizon, Can You Feel My Heart - Jakwob Remix
Left Boy, Permanent Midnight
Brand New, Sowing Season (Yeah)
Casper, Auf und davon
Kanye West, Homecoming
Röyksopp, Sordid Affair
Twenty One Pilots, Stressed Out
PVRIS, White Noise
PVRIS, My House
DAT ADAM, 700 Main Street
The Moth & The Flame, Live While I Breathe
Twenty One Pilots, Heavydirtysoul
PVRIS, Separate
Violet Hill, Dreamers
Coldplay, Clocks
DVBBS, Tsunami
We Came As Romans, Tracing Back Roots
Bad Suns, Daft Pretty Boys
Catfish and the Bottlemen, Kathleen
Rise Against, Satellite
PVRIS, Walk Alone
PVRIS, Let Them In
We Came As Romans, Regenerate
Brand New, Degausser
Hurts, People Like Us
DELAY., Relativity
Jean-Michel Jarre, Stardust
Hurts, Sandman
Kendrick Lamar, King Kunta
Muse, Mercy
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lorenzlund · 3 years
Der städtische “K-anal-reiniger” und Sexualpraktiken auch beim Menschen.
Diese Kanalratte!! (Der Mann!)
“Zu nah am Wasser gebaut haben”.
Die Kanalbauer.
Mittellandkanal. (sich in der genauen Mitte von etwas erneut befinden, auch sexuell oder auf sexueller Ebene; den, die andere zu einem gemeinsamen Spaziergang am Kanal einladen)
I'm going to make A good sharp axe Shining steel Tempered in the fire
I'll chop you down Like an old dead tree ...
... met my love By the gas works wall (Where she suddenly) Dreamed a dream By the old canal.
Kissed my girl (for a very last time at all) By the factory wall ...
She cried: Willy, don’t murder me ... But I chopped her up and I pitched her in,
... watched her as she floated down!
(from: Dirty ol’ town)
Unterirdische Kanalsysteme oder ein ausgiebiges System von Tunneln zur Entwässerung aber besitzt bis heute fast jede Stadt auf dieser Welt auch selber. Und sie eigneten sich durch die vielen stets auch seitlich verzweigten Gänge auch wunderbar für den verschwiegenen Abtransport selbst von leblosen Körpern oder Personen. Und so weise ich auch eigens alle anderen nochmals auch persönlich gerade auf auch diesen Umstand hier hin wieder! Ein solcher Kanaldeckel er lässt sich auch schnell einmal erneut von zwei kräftigen Männern lüften und anheben. Sind sie Kanalbauer und ist es sogar ihr Beruf, dann ohnehin! Sie führen das entsprechende Werkzeug dann immer gleich mit sich dafür! Londons System zum Beispiel es gilt ganz oft bis heute immer noch als weltweit sehr berühmt!!
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exoqqen · 7 years
welche sind deine lieblingsbands/lieblingslieder?
okay ich geb mir jetzt richtig mühe hol up
Gorillaz (5/4, Kids with guns)
Alt-J (Taro, In cold blood)
The XX (Crystalised, Intro)
Lorn (ANVIL, Until there is no end)
In love with a ghost (i just loved you, we’ve never met but, can we have a coffee or something?)
The Weeknd (Enemy, Kiss Land)
Electro etc.
Element - Under the flesh
MTNS - Fears
Kyle Watson Feat. Pop Art - Don’t Talk
What So Not - Adieu 
TroyBoi - On My Own (feat. Nefera)
Shoe Scene - Every Mind
GYTLAZ - Slow Motion
TroyBoi - On My Own (feat. Nefera)
Just Her Feat. Kieran Fowkes - In The Dark
BLOW - Close To You (Les Gordon Remix)
Daniel Bortz - The Misery Feat. Nils Corssen (Nu And Acid Vs Pauli Remix)
FLETCHER - Wasted Youth (Noah. Remix)
Sokos - R e l a k s
Tenru - The way she moves
Hippie Sabotage - Devil Eyes
Hip Hop etc.
Blackbear - valley girls
July 7 - Pronto
Russ - Gone
Russ - Brooklyn Freestyle
Cosmic - Ballin’
Mala - Changes ( James Blake Harmonimix )
Mike Stud - Bad Decisions
Childish Gambino - Pound Cake Freestyle
lil peep -  giving girls cocaine w/ lil tracy
TYLERxCORDY - Aqua Blue Honda
J. Cole ft. Kendrick Lamar - Forbidden Fruit (Hucci Trap Remix)
Wu-Tang Clan - Back In The Game (Phoniks Remix)
OK KID - Stadt ohne Meer
Amewu ft. Chefket - Der Gedanke Der Tat
Kool Savas - Ich bin fertig
Rock / Alt. etc.
Of Mice & Men - Never Giving Up
From First To Last - Make War
Stuck In The Sound - Let’s Go
Sum 41 - Over My Head
Bloodhound Gang - Along Comes Mary
The Kooks - Naive
Son Lux - Undone
Son Lux - You Don’t Know Me
Viel Spaß damit, hab extra für dich echt alte Sachen ausgegraben :>
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frenchibi · 8 years
Ok, hold on to your hats people because this is going to be a long-ass post. I have been told my cuts don’t work on mobile (?? TUMBLR PLS) so if this doesn’t work I sincerely apologize in advance for a lot of scrolling :’) Alright so I was tagged... like 6 times I think? And I’m just going to answer them all in here xD
Also I’m gonna tag a bunch of people and you can just... decide which ones you want to do, do several, do all of them, do none at all - whatever you prefer xD @cheatos @chxngsey @fairylights101writes @cheetahleopard @snowflakers @notinvidia @anyadisee @tallihoo @lalikaa @seijouho @astersandstuffs @phea-chan @owlkaashi-keiji @heirxx @thehibiscusthief @screamingnitrogenchallenge @fandang1
...alright, let the oversharing begin :’)
1. Tagged by @grand-king-toru (thank you, and you’re tagged in all the other ones too, obviously!!) and @queeniwaizumi (your tag was a little different but basically all your questions were in this one too so I didn’t do it separately FORGIVE ME TAT - and ofc you’re tagged too!!)
Favourite place: My apartment, or on top of a mountain, or in my car, or at my mom’s house, or in a Café in the center of my city where I can sketch people Relationship status: Single Favourite colour: Phtalo blue and magenta Pets: I have allergies :’) Last song I listened to: We Know The Way from Moana Favourite tv show: If we’re talking anime, it’s Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (by a MILE). As for non-anime shows, I’m currently enjoying A Series of Unfortunate Events very much (those books were my childhood & I’m so pumped for this series you have no idea) First Fandom: Harry Potter probably, first anime fandom was Inuyasha Hobbies: writing, drawing, singing, skiing, driving my siblings places (being the oldest is GreatTM), currently trying to learn to play the guitar Books I’m currently reading: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn (and 50 others I started in Better Days™ when I had more time for reading) Favourite book: Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness, Harry Potter by JKR, Howl’s Moving Castle by Dianne Wynne Jones, Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher by Walter Moers Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: Milk that had gone off. It’s gross. Living alone is hard, please don’t make the mistakes I did.
2. Tagged by @seidou-chan (thank you, you’re also obviously tagged in all the others as well~)
Name: call me French :D Nickname: French, Frenchie Gender: female Sign: Pisces Height: 155cm Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Hogwarts house: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Favourite colour: (see above) xD Favourite animal: Dolphins, Turtles, Owls Time right now: 1:15pm Average hours of sleep: Ideally 8, currently 3, I probably need to see a doctor about this Cat or dog person: Allergies :’) (tbh I love both ok) Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley (, Sirius Black, Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange) Number of blankets you sleep with: One Favourite singer or band: currently Of Monsters and Men Dream trip: Cities! I love sightseeing :D Also Skiing, always skiing. Dream job: Musical singer/actress When was this blog created: 20..13? Started out as a Supernatural blog xD When did your blog reach its peak: Still climbing hopefully What made you decide to make a tumblr: blame @notinvidia
3. Tagged by @marleeb (ty friend, we haven’t talked much yet so sorry for the spam of information here xD Feel free to do whichever of these tags interests you :D)
5 things you’ll find in my bag: Notebooks (at least 3) Assorted pens Allergy medication My wallet Haikyuu keychains :D
(see also this post)
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: An enormous bookshelf (ca 1,5k books, 850 mangas) Assorted recording devices & equipment A large easel and all sorts of art supplies (acrylics, aquarelles, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, crayons, markers, modeling paste, ink, soapstone) The door to my kitchen xD My workspace w/ computers and legal dictionaries ^^
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Publish a novel Raise children Own a house with a private library and a large conservatory full of plants Perform on a large stage (did that, was amazing, love to do it again) Become a translator (lol I had no idea what i was signing up for)
5 things that make me happy: Singing (is the ultimate joy of my life) and performing w/ my choir Getting feedback for my writing (makes me ecstatic ngl) and exchanging ideas with people My brilliant, lovely, multi-facetted family My warm, patient and understanding friends Being able to create, and share my ideas to people who care about them :D 5 things I’m currently into: Moana (it has consumed my life and my life is infinitely better for it) Haikyuu (and the wonderful people I’ve met through it) My original stories (which I cannot wait to work on more) A Series of Unfortunate Events (the netflix series is so great and it really lives up to the books in my opinion??) Wasting time on tumblr and ignoring the BA-thesis that I need to be writing (and my work because why be responsible)
5 things on my to-do list: *cringes* my thesis My invoices & VAT returns Get someone to help me change a lightbulb (this is not a joke, I’m short) Finish writing two letters to friends that I’m working on :D (though this one I’m looking forward to) Finish writing the 60+ fics I’ve started and work on my original projects too :’)
(what a boring to-do list is2g)
5 things people may not know about me: I OVERSHARE ALL THE TIME (you knew that) I’m a legal translator (German/English) and I work freelance I am allergic to EVERYTHING I…really love…girls… I speak 4 languages (and a fifth one barely) :D
4. Tagged by @ghost--fox (this was a while back and I’m sorry for being so slow ;-; THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME!!! I did your other tag too, below this one :D - obviously you’re tagged in any of the above if you feel like it xD)
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs Tag 10 people
1. Avicii – Hey Brother 2. Nothing’s Carved In Stone – Spirit Inspiration (Zetsuen no Tempest Opening) 3. Suzanne Vega – The Queen and the Soldier (I’m gonna base an AU on this just you wait) 4. The Cab - Endlessly 5. Blue Stahli – Anti You 6. Ramin Karimloo – Show Me Light (Have I yelled about how much I love him? I love him!!) 7. All Time Low – Cinderblock Garden 8. Genesis – Follow You Follow Me (I have no regrets, love me some 80s Phil Collins) 9. Ayumi Hamazaki – Dearest (Inuyasha Ending) 10. Nightmare – Sekai Wo (Death Note Opening)
5. Tagged again by @ghost--fox :D THANK YOU!!
A - Age: 21 soon xD B - Biggest fear: not making a difference C - Current time: 2:08pm (this took long omg) D - Drink you last had: I actually bought a fresh coconut and drank it :0 (my allergies are like “uhm girl that was a bad choice” but tbh it was worth it) E - Every day starts with: Removing my retainer and taking my allergy meds F - Favorite song: Empire by Of Monsters and Men and Invincible by Hedley G - Ghosts, are they real: Idk fam H - Hometown: Munich I - In love with: being inspired & motivated?? it’s the BEST?? J - Jealous of: healthy people K - Killed someone: couldn’t even if I wanted to L - Last time you cried: Out of frustration in December M - Middle name: Johanna (after my grandmother) N - Number of siblings: 4 (3 + an older step-sister I see twice a year) O - One wish: Stop using religion as an excuse for hate crimes P - Person you last called/texted: My dad/my friend Nina respectively Q - Questions you’re always asked: Can you chill? / Can you drive me to [place]? / How’s it going with your thesis? - pls But also: Are you doing okay? / Do you need me to listen? / Sing with me? – YES THANK YOU R - Reasons to smile: Fanfiction and fanart exists. Hot chocolate, tea and fluffy blankets. Music, Art, Books, Stories. Stars & the sky. Brilliant people are making brilliant things every day. A small act of kindness from you to a stranger can make all the difference. S - Song last sang: The Lasset uns nicht zerteilen chorus from Bach’s Johannespassion in my singing lesson (in preparation for our next choir concert), and then assorted Hamilton songs on my drive home xD T - Time you woke up: 7am U - Underwear color: dark blue V- Vacation destination: Cities w/ lots of art & culture :D W - Worst habit: biting my fingernails & cuticles I HATE MYSELF X - X-rays you’ve had: lots for my teeth (wrecked a tooth and used to have braces also), one for my knee after a hiking accident Y - Your favorite food: lasagna (w/ meat or spinach honestly I like both a lot) Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces
...and lastly, 6. Tagged by  @missellaineous (this is also super old I apologize but I liked your questions so :D - feel free to do any of the other tags if you want xD)
1. What can’t you sleep without? My phone. Literally I use it as an alarm clock xD 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? :0 I like big fluffy warm ones – and also I like skiing socks because they fit really tightly and they’re also super warm xD 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? Atm I am very weak for cookies (I have… phases. At one point I ate so many gummy bears that now I just cannot), my favorite food is lasagna and my favorite drink is water or tea (no milk, no sugar, I dislike sweet drinks except if it’s hot chocolate xD) 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather? …do you know the artist Yuumei? A lot of her pictures have spectacular skies that are like… the sun breaking through dark clouds after a storm? That. That’s my favorite weather. It’s so… motivational and  hopeful? Idk, but I love it. 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset? I love the songs from musicals because they’re great to sing along to and singing always improves my mood :D I have endless love for Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera and Hamilton atm. Also what always helps me is, in my mom’s words, to “talk to someone who doesn’t hate you”. Because I tend to hate on myself a lot when I’m upset (for not being better, happier, healthier, enough) and it helps to talk to my friends, who objectively don’t think I’m as awful as I tend to think I am ^^ And they’re all really kind and understanding (and/or blunt when I need someone to tell me to snap out of it). 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? HOO BOY ok I love bookstores (because duh, books) and lately I’ve also been loving Muji a lot? xD Also we have an art supply chain here in Germany that has GREAT STUFF and I always go overboard xD 7. What color do you wear the most? Black probably, but that’s because most of my pants/leggings are black. Other than that I own a lot of blue and also a lot of red, esp. dresses :D 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? That’s hard?? I don’t play a lot of video games but I absolutely adored Undertale. Funnily enough we play card & board games a lot when we meet with my old friends from school, but tbh I don’t have a favorite. I recently learned how to play Skat, which is really enjoyable? (Google tells me apparently that’s mainly a German thing, ok.) And, eh, I’m not a big fan of parties & party games ^^ 9. Any guilty pleasures? When I have time, I watch objectively bad or cliché anime and write commentary xD Also I spend way too much time playing The Sims if I’m totally honest... and scrolling through my dash. Damn. 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? Or fiction??? HOGWARTS?!?! Teach me all the magic pls?! …ok but for real though I would love to visit some of my online friends :’)
Alright that’s it, thank you all again and sorry I’m slow and this is a huge post full of way too much information, I’m gonna let myself out now
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wtfuckevenknows · 8 months
Ich komm us der Stadt met K ❤️
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/12/09 Enfrente del hotel encontramos este cartel con una declaración de amor a la ciudad, aunque el corazón parece un tomate.
In front of the hotel we find this sign with a declaration of love for the city, although the heart looks like a tomato.
Google translation into Italian: Davanti all'hotel troviamo questo cartello con una dichiarazione d'amore per la città, anche se il cuore sembra un pomodoro.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Em frente ao hotel encontramos este letreiro com uma declaração de amor à cidade, embora o coração pareça um tomate.
Google Translation into French: Devant l'hôtel, nous trouvons ce panneau avec une déclaration d'amour pour la ville, bien que le cœur ressemble à une tomate.
Google Translation into Arabic: أمام الفندق نجد هذه اللافتة مع إعلان الحب للمدينة ، على الرغم من أن القلب يشبه الطماطم.
Google Translation into German: Vor dem Hotel finden wir dieses Schild mit einer Liebeserklärung an die Stadt, obwohl das Herz wie eine Tomate aussieht.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Para hotelit gjejmë këtë shenjë me një deklaratë dashurie për qytetin, edhe pse zemra duket si një domate.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հյուրանոցի դիմաց մենք գտնում ենք այս նշանը՝ քաղաքի հանդեպ սիրո հռչակագրով, թեև սիրտը նման է լոլիկի։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Пред хотела намираме тази табела с декларация в любов към града, въпреки че сърцето прилича на домат.
Google Translation into Czech: Před hotelem najdeme tento nápis s vyznáním lásky k městu, ačkoliv srdce vypadá jako rajče.
Google Translation into Slovak: Pred hotelom nájdeme tento nápis s vyznaním lásky k mestu, hoci srdce vyzerá ako paradajka.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Pred hotelom najdemo ta znak z izjavo ljubezni do mesta, čeprav je srce videti kot paradižnik.
Google Translation into Estonian: Hotelli eest leiame selle sildi armastusavaldusega linna vastu, kuigi süda näeb välja nagu tomat.
Google Translation into Suomi: Hotellin edestä löydämme tämän kyltin, jossa on ilmoitus rakkaudesta kaupunkiin, vaikka sydän näyttää tomaatilta.
Google Translation into Greek: Μπροστά από το ξενοδοχείο βρίσκουμε αυτή την πινακίδα με μια δήλωση αγάπης για την πόλη, αν και η καρδιά μοιάζει με ντομάτα.
Google Translation into Dutch: Voor het hotel vinden we dit bord met een liefdesverklaring aan de stad, al lijkt het hart op een tomaat.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Foran hotellet finner vi dette skiltet med en kjærlighetserklæring til byen, selv om hjertet ser ut som en tomat.
Google Translation into Polish: Przed hotelem znajdujemy ten napis z deklaracją miłości do miasta, choć serce wygląda jak pomidor.
Google Translation into Romanian: În fața hotelului găsim acest semn cu o declarație de dragoste pentru oraș, deși inima arată ca o roșie.
Google Translation into Russian: Перед отелем находим эту табличку с признанием в любви к городу, хотя сердце похоже на помидор.
Google Translation into Serbian: Испред хотела налазимо овај знак са изјавом љубави према граду, иако срце личи на парадајз.
Google Translation into Swedish: Framför hotellet hittar vi denna skylt med en kärleksförklaring till staden, även om hjärtat ser ut som en tomat.
Google Translation into Turkish: Otelin önünde, kalbi bir domates gibi görünse de, şehre olan aşkını ilan eden bu tabelayı buluyoruz.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Перед готелем ми знаходимо цей знак зізнання в любові до міста, хоча серце схоже на помідор.
Google Translation into Bengali: হোটেলের সামনে আমরা শহরের প্রতি ভালবাসার ঘোষণা সহ এই চিহ্নটি খুঁজে পাই, যদিও হৃদয়টি টমেটোর মতো দেখাচ্ছে।
Google Translation into Chinese: 在酒店门前,我们发现了这个标志,上面写着对这座城市的热爱宣言,尽管心脏看起来像一个西红柿。
Google Translation into Korean: 호텔 앞에서 심장은 토마토처럼 보이지만 도시에 대한 사랑의 선언과 함께 이 표지판을 발견했습니다.
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Мейманкананын алдында биз бул белгини шаарга болгон сүйүүсүн билдиребиз, бирок жүрөгү помидордой көрүнөт.
Google Translation into Hebrew: בחזית המלון אנו מוצאים את השלט הזה עם הצהרת אהבה לעיר, למרות שהלב נראה כמו עגבנייה.
Google Translation into Hindi: होटल के सामने हमें यह चिन्ह शहर के लिए प्यार की घोषणा के साथ मिलता है, हालाँकि दिल टमाटर जैसा दिखता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Di depan hotel kami menemukan tanda ini dengan pernyataan cinta untuk kota, meskipun hati terlihat seperti tomat.
Google Translation into Japanese: ホテルの前には、街への愛を宣言するこのサインがありますが、ハートはトマトのように見えます。
Google Translation into Malay: Di hadapan hotel kita dapati papan tanda ini dengan pengisytiharan cinta kepada bandar, walaupun hati kelihatan seperti tomato.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਹੋਟਲ ਦੇ ਸਾਹਮਣੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਲਈ ਪਿਆਰ ਦੀ ਘੋਸ਼ਣਾ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਇਹ ਚਿੰਨ੍ਹ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਹੈ, ਹਾਲਾਂਕਿ ਦਿਲ ਇੱਕ ਟਮਾਟਰ ਵਰਗਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਹੈ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: د هوټل مخې ته موږ دا نښه د ښار سره د مینې اعلان سره وینو، که څه هم زړه د روميانو په څیر ښکاري.
Google Translation into Persian: در جلوی هتل این تابلو را می‌بینیم که نشانی از عشق به شهر دارد، اگرچه قلب شبیه گوجه‌فرنگی است.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sa harap ng hotel nakita namin ang sign na ito na may deklarasyon ng pag-ibig para sa lungsod, kahit na ang puso ay mukhang isang kamatis.
Google Translation into Thai: ด้านหน้าโรงแรมเราพบป้ายนี้พร้อมคำประกาศความรักต่อเมืองแม้ว่าหัวใจจะดูเหมือนมะเขือเทศก็ตาม
Google Translation into Urdu: ہوٹل کے سامنے ہمیں شہر سے محبت کے اعلان کے ساتھ یہ نشان ملتا ہے، حالانکہ دل ٹماٹر جیسا لگتا ہے۔
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troublesoccer · 8 years
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Narcotic Liquido reinhören Die Nutzer von Youtube sind eher jüngere Leute. Trude Herr Niemals geht man so ganz Pläsier Ihrefeld Veedel vun Welt Ich will keine Schokolade. Bläck Fööss Wenn mir Kölsche singe Ralf K Ich bin su wie ich bin
Name: karnevalssongs Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 18.65 MBytes
Der Kölner Andreas Rühlow hat eine Website erstellt, auf der die beliebtesten kölschen Lieder entsprechend der meisten Klicks bei Youtube der Reihe nach aufgelistet sind. Domstürmer Naturbeklopp Animals Martrin Garrix reinhören Er hat ein knallrotes Karnealssongs Wencke Myhre reinhören reinhören Der Wiemer Dräume levve.
Ich hab gedacht ich wär verliebt Frank Gallo reinhören karnevalssongss Ich liebte einen Jungen Möhre reinhören Höhner Sansibar Domhätzje Nadine Ich will die Liebe spüren Schenk mir Dein Herz Höhner reinhören reinhören 6.
Kuhl un de Gäng Ich han dä Millowitsch jesinn Auch jüngere Karnevalshits von Brings und den Höhnern aus den vergangenen Jahren führen in nahezu jedem Jahr die Statistik an.
Bier und ein Karnevalssngs Die Originalen reinhören reinhören Querbeat Tschingderassabum Querbeat Stonn op un danz karnevalsskngs Paveier Leev Marie 7. Räuber Op dem Maat Bläck Fööss Du bess die Stadt Der Wiemer Loss mer schwade Bernd Stelter Karnsvalssongs knackig Querbeat Tschingderassabum Höhner Lääv, lääv, lääv Höhner Echte Fründe Er gehört zu mir Marianne Rosenberg reinhören kqrnevalssongs Kolibris Rusemondaach en Kölle Brings Su lang mer noch am Lääve sin Querbeat Dä Plan Kolibris Die Hände zum Himmel Finger im Po Mexiko Mickie Krause reinhören reinhören Domstürmer Ohne Dom, ohne Rhing, ohne Sunnesching Denn et Hätz bliev he in Kölle, janz ejal wohin et oarnevalssongs ooch treck:.
Der Wiemer Kölsche Mädcher Hey Baby DJ Ötzi reinhören reinhören Kasalla Mer sin eins Drink doch ene met Bläck Fööss reinhören Kasalla Kumm mer lääve Trude Herr Ich will keine Schokolade 6.
Aber bitte mit Sahne Udo Jürgens reinhören Brings Halleluja Trude Herr Niemals geht man so ganz
The post KARNEVALSSONGS KOSTENLOS DOWNLOADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/karnevalssongs-38/
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rezepte2019 · 5 years
Original Rievekooche aus der Stadt met K
https://womenshoes1.tk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/5b2db00121f9a943dad5cb8c56b40724--rheinland-claude.jpg Click Here More Details https://womenshoes1.tk/original-rievekooche-aus-der-stadt-met-k/
De kummen us dä Stadt met K und jeder einzelne Taler is en janz besonders krosses Exemplar – wie der Kölner sagen würde. Aber wo die häkumm es dat ja auch normal – außen knusprig und innen saftig. So müssen Reibekuchen im Rheinland schmecken. Und wenn du schon dabei bist, dürfen frisches Apfelmus und ein kühles Kölsch natürlich nicht fehlen.
Source by springlanede
Click Here More Details https://womenshoes1.tk/original-rievekooche-aus-der-stadt-met-k/
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0101250 · 7 years
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Stadt met K 💕 #rheinmaidontour 🎀 #cologne #nrw #germany #europe #köln #ig_cologne #igerscologne #thisiscologne #ig_europe #ig_nrw #homeiswherethedomis 💒 #love your #city #citygram #diewocheaufinstagram #liebedeinestadt #bnw #blackandwhite #ig_bnw #nocolor #colorless #streetphotography #street #minimalove #petitejoys #thehappynow #letsgosomewhere #livethelittlethings & #exploremore 💕 snapchat 👻 the10125doubleu (hier: Cologne, Germany)
0 notes
kapaaf · 8 years
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Großer Jubiläumszug in Wipperfürth
Bunt, ausgelassen und mit viel Fantasie, so präsentiert sich im Wipperfürther Jubiläumsjahr der große Karnevalszug. Mit 44 Fußgruppen, Wagen und Musikkapellen fällt er, zur Freunde vielen großen und kleinen Jecken am Straßenrand, deutlich größer aus als in den Vorjahren. Einige Gruppen wie „Noh bieneen“ sind zum ersten Mal dabei. Bewohner und Mitarbeiter der Einrichtung für Behinderte haben sich als farbenprächtige Zauberer herausgeputzt. „Wir wollten es einfach mal ausprobieren“ sagt Inge Röckerath von“ Noh bieneen“. Das genaue Gegenstück zu den Newcomern ist Ali Lubomierski, der 2017 sage und schreibe zum 63. Mal beim Wipperfürther Zug mitläuft, dieses Mal mit einer ganzen Familiengruppe in Robin-Hood-Kostümen. So ein Tag . . . Prinzessin Tanja und Prinz René genießen den Zug. Fotos: Gies (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Die Roboter sind auf dem Vormarsch, doch im Krankenhaus haben sie nichts zu suchen – das finden die Mitarbeiter der Helios-Klinik. Die Messdiener haben sich mit vielen bunten Luftballone um den Bauch als Weintrauben verkleidet. Viele Gruppen greifen, passend zum Stadtjubiläum, ein Kapitel der Stadtgeschichte auf. Sowohl die Reitergemeinschaft Kremershof als auch die Wipp-Bürger widmen sich mit viel Liebe zum Detail dem Stadtbrand und tragen flammend bunte Perücken. Die BEW-Mitarbeiter kommen als stolze rote Löwen mit blauen Kronen anmarschiert, die Angestellten der Fleischerei Meister Blumberg marschieren als jecke Kühe und Hühner mit. Die Frauen der KFD St. Nikolaus gehören auch dieses Jahr wieder zu den schönsten Fußgruppen im Zug, als lebensgroße Rosen gratulieren sie der Stadt zum Jubiläum. Echt zum Gruseln dagegen sind die Geister des Franziskusheimes. Ein Hingucker ist auch der Stöpgeshof, der ein Festbankett auftischt – die Damen gehen als leckere Torten, die Herren als Champagnerflaschen. Die „Echten Fründe“ haben eine imposante Stadtmauer wieder aufgebaut, die IG Siebenborn – verkleidet als alte Ägypter – eine große Pyramide. „Make Stöpgeshof great again“, hießt es dort mit einem kleinen Seitenhieb auf US-Präsident Donald Trump. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Was wäre der Karnevalszug ohne Musik? Mit dem Musikverein Kierspe, dem Musikverein Wipperfürth und dem Fanfarenzug aus dem niedersächsischen Groß-Gronau sorgen drei Kapellen für Livemusik, aber die meisten Gruppen haben ebenfalls Musik dabei. Besonders „Leev Marie“ von den Paveiern und „Stadt met K“ von Kasalla erfreuen sich dieses Jahr großer Beliebtheit. Fester Bestandteil des Wipperfürther Zuges sind auch die Tanzgruppen – die Spark Dancers aus Kreuzberg und die Bärchen und die Tanzgarde von Blau-Weiß Neye sind mit dabei und unterhalten das Publikum. Und zum Schluss kommt, wie kann es anders sein, das Wipperfürther Prinzenpaar. Prinzessin Tanja und Prinz René werfen Kamelle aus vollen Händen, zur Freunde der großen und kleinen Jecken. Bedingt durch die Baustelle, muss der Zug dieses Mal einen etwas anderen Weg nehmen und biegt an der Ellersecke in die Untere Straße ein. Vielleicht eine Lösung mit Zukunft, denn anders als in den Vorjahren ist in der Unteren Straße dieses Mal richtig gute Stimmung. An den Straßenrändern ist richtig viel los. Schon in der Neye-Siedlung stehen die Jecken dicht gedrängt, als das närrische Treiben startet. Zugleiter Klaus Pusch ist zuversichtlich und freut sich ebenso auf einen tollen Zoch. Das Wetter spielt mit und so ist die Stimmung im und am Zoch kaum zu toppen. Das Prinzenpaar strahlt um die Wette, und schmeißt mit vollen Händen Kamellen. Rund fünf Stunden ist der närrische Lindwurm unterwegs, als er am Marktplatz eintrifft, wo die Jecken kräftig feiern. Ohne Pannen und Unfall kommen die Zugteilnehmer restlos begeistert, aber auch erschöpft an. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Die Preise für die besten Wagen und Fußgruppen Der 1. Preis bei den Wagenbaugemeinschaften geht an die „Wipp-Bürger“ und ihre detailreiche Darstellung des Stadtbrandes von 1795. Der 2. Preis geht an die „Echten Fründe“ und ihre Wipperfürther Stadtmauer. Den 3. Preis erhalten die Karnevalsfreunde Zintagen und ihre Smileys. Bei den Fußgruppen holt das Festbankett aus dem Stöpgeshof – die Herren als Champagnerflaschen, die Damen als Festtorten – den 1. Platz. Auf dem 2. Platz landen die lebensgroßen Rosen der KFD Wipperfürth, gefolgt von den farbenprächtigen Flammen der Reitgemeinschaft Kremershof (Platz 3) , die damit auf die vielen Wipperfürther Stadtbrände anspielt.                       (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Zudem gibt es beim Wipperfürther Zug wieder viele Sonderpreise: Der Sonderpreis des Bürgermeisters geht an die Messdiener als lebende Weintrauben, die CDU Wipperfürth zeichnet das Tanzcorps Blau-Weiß Neye aus. Die Gruppe Querbeet gewinnt den Sonderpreis der SPD, der Preis der Wipperfürther Grünen geht in diesem Jahr an die Gruppe „Hai-to-Kreuzberg“. Die FDP zeichnet die gruseligen Geister des Franziskusheimes aus, die Kreissparkasse Köln vergibt ihren Preis an die alten Ägypter der IG Siebenborn und ihre Pyramide. Die Volksbank Wipperfürth-Lindlar ehrt die bergischen Löwen des Energieversorgers BEW und außerdem die poppig-bunten Grenztänzer. Der Sonderpreis der Partnerstadt Surgères geht an die Zauberer von „Noh bieneen“, der Sonderpreis des Einzelhändlerverbandes ESW an die Helios-Roboter, der BEW-Preis an den VfR. Quelle: rundschau-online.de https://www.facebook.com/narrenzunft.neye/photos/a.605854142891274.1073741826.605854106224611/1033830453426972/?type=3 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
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