#stabile law firm
swiss-army-fangirl · 1 year
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hopeastrz · 16 days
STELLIUMS IN SOLAR RETURN CHART tips and tricks on what to avoid and how to benefit from them!˙✧˖°🥮 ༘ ⋆。˚‧.
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CHECK OUT SEPTEMBER SALE: fixed price on any and all of my readings even solar return chart, INSTEAD OF 44, IT'S 17 DOLLARS ONLY.
If you don’t have a 3 planet stellium, see where you have 2 planets, so for example if you have sun and mercury on the 3rd house and mars and saturn on the 7th read about both houses!.
NOTE: enjoy this post and don’t forget to reblog, thank you for your support, lots of love xoxo!! ₊˚⊹౨ৎ🍊.
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TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, get a nice haircut, get to know your approach to life more, get to know your direction in life and what may be the next step for you, it’ll be a year of self discovery journey, and it’s the best year to work on your approach of life, you should focus more on your style, see what suits you and what doesn’t, work on your self concept and build your confidence and also it’s the greatest time to find your passion!.
Becoming aggressive, moody or be hard on yourself, becoming critical/judgmental of others and yourself!, not taking care of yourself, shy away from spotlight don’t hesitate to!, becoming way too self centered and thinking that people reactions are because something you’ve done!.
Buy new makeup, perfumes, work on your self worth, start investing money I don’t care even if you have saturn on the 2nd house start a business and earn from it!, since it’s a saving year indicator, one where you look for more stability and comfort, take care of your finances and learn more about how money works!, learn to manage your money right and spend it wisely, become strict!, it’s really good time to start giving old things in order to welcome new ones, like old clothes or possessions, since you may have this urge to keep buying new things, and in order to keep balance learn to donate your stuff, good karma and do that especially if you have saturn!, start singing loudly too it’ll be healing!.
Spend wisely so that you don’t cry at the end of the year, don’t waste the opportunity and reconsider you values, set firm boundaries and goals, also don’t waste time and truly buy stuff you only need!, never put your emotional health and security second place, care more about your feelings!.
Whenever you feel anxious journal, or go on a car ride even if you don’t have a car, call a cab or go on a bus and put your headphones on, but it’s an amazing time to work on how you introduce yourself, or in other words practice how to talk your mind, communicate with people, and how to share your opinions properly!. it’s a great year to learn about the law of assumption, get closer to your siblings or your neighbors, you can buy a new cell phone, get lots of phone calls and even do lots of social activity or finish high school!, if you suck at maths that year is pretty good to learn the basics again and educate yourself on it, also go on short trips find new interests and start a social media account.
DO. NOT. OVERSHARE. learn how to shut up when needed and i know you’ll have an urge to talk to no end but please shut up!, also don’t indulge yourself into gossip it’ll end up being so messy, try to stop overthinking and don’t believe any rumor you hear!, also take care of your siblings!.
great time to go back to your roots, aka work on your family trauma or stuck issues with your family and heal from them!, you may start a new family, become a parent, settle down, buy a new apartment or move from your home, so to have a fresh it’s okay to forgive them!, heal your inner child and read more about such topics, focus on your emotional needs and understand yourself more, if you’re a fem then lean into it more, get closer to your mother, decorate your room, also it’s a great time to buy properties and invest or learn cooking and baking yummy yummy!.
getting into fights with your parents because they’ll get on your nerves alot!, so for your mental health pay them no mind!, don’t keep your place messy.
EVERYTHING, i love love loveee this placement and not just for the romance nuh uh, as a woman who doesn’t even date I’ve had the most fun on year i had 5th house placements, go to concerts, festivals and arcades, party and enjoy your life really, you won’t feel like you wasted your money on these things trust me, go to an art course, go to movie theater!, just go out and don’t stay at home!, also enjoy your talents and get ready for the spotlight!.
hookups, unprotected sex since it might lead to sudden pregnancies, getting lost at new places, getting a bit over the head, be careful of becoming narcissistic or kinda full of yourself!, also choose your romance partner carefully don’t rush into love, because you’ll see the world in heart tainted sunglasses this year!.
Think about getting a glow up, it’s the best time for self improvement, plan a routine and follow it, even if you found it hard to build one before it’ll feel easier this year to stick to it!, greatest time to start a series of new habits, work on your body and focus on your health, try building muscles, bulking, going to the gym or walking more, try to journal, read frequently and heal your skin, do some skin care, also get your body checked, get along with your coworkers and focus more on how to make the best out of your job!, routine will never fail you oh and maybe get a pet too!.
Avoid over stressing/overtiring yourself, ignore your health or hygiene, avoid going into fights with your coworkers, beware of becoming a people pleaser or give more than you take to others, beware of stray animals, don’t go on a very strict diet especially if you have pluto on the 6th house!.
start a business with others, or start your own business, go for that lawsuit, look for that long term partner or take the step for up leveling your current relationship. Incase of getting married enjoy the process of this new era!, it’s the best time to test your partner and see if they’re worthy enough of you!, also enjoy the feeling of becoming extra attractive!.
Beware of getting into useless conflicts, don’t be over concerned of others, beware of love affairs especially if you’re already dating someone, beware of getting scammed i’d say don’t take the step of business partnership if you have uranus or neptune influence on the 7th house.
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Embrace new major transformations, get ready for change and allow it!, explore your sexuality more, invest, join the stock market (don’t if you have neptune or uranus), learn spiritual practices because you’ll get more spiritual, best times to learn astrology and tarot, keep secrets, learn more about psychology, do that plastic surgery you’ve had in mind if needed only, also heal your trauma.
Go against the flow and get scared of the rebirth you need to go through, hate the constant change and how intense your emotions could be.
Choose a different college major, adopt new beliefs and focus on your higher education, travel more, good time to visit your grandparents, try to stay with them more, learn a new language, learn about you religion and just literally learn anything!.
Going to a country without any background of their culture is!, see what’s appropriate to do and what’s not, ignore your university studies or just basically getting distracted!.
Time to build your legacy, go all out!, also work on your reputation, time to build the public persona you dreamt of, set long term goals and know what you want to be in the next 5 years, fulfill your responsibilities and get ready for recognition!, also fix your problems with your father, get closer to your bosses, network!, build a professional name and really get serious about building your career!.
Doing things that’s harmful or shady for your reputation, avoid suspicious things this year because everyone will have you on the tip of their tongue. Not taking your responsibilities and your work seriously, disrespecting your bosses, procrastinating, not being professional or efficient.
Networking for your career, become more social, meet new people, change your toxic friends circle, cut who you don’t feel comfortable with!, go out more, learn about the law of assumption, manifest your desires, GET THAT BAG, start a new social media account or an online business and earn from it!, very high potential for success, watch new films, save to buy a new phone or laptop, know what you hope and wish for in the future to aim for it, make your debut in society and share your work and talents, go to parties, donate to some organizations and also join a club!.
Letting toxic people stay in your life this is the best time to cut them, don’t know anything about politics or have any sense of social awareness, be shy and miss lots of opportunities, not knowing you boundaries when it comes to friends and relationships!.
Heal, this is a rest era for you, take some time for yourself and heal, repay your karmic debts, focus more on your dreams and try interpreting them, see the messages they have for you, tame your subconscious mind for your own benefit, become more spiritual and seriously, take this time to explore your emotions more and your inner self, find your peace and find solitude in yourself!, best time to end toxic habits and relationships, basically anything you want to stop, listen to subliminals, affirmation tapes, cherish your privacy and stay private, reflect on the past and break free from what’s holding you back, also sleep more and attempt a healthy sleeping schedule, oh and eat fish lmao.
Repeating old cycle, this is really an opportunity to change!, ignore your dreams, become isolated, become depressed because you’ll trauma will surface so HEAL, ignore your subconscious mind needs and thought patterns, drink or consume alcohol, beware of addictions.
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blood-smiles · 5 days
You organized various assortments of products on shelves, placing each product perfectly, the name of the item fully on display,
While stepping back to admire your work you heard the squeaky shoes of a little kid, suddenly a small body crashed into your side and landed on the floor with a sickening crack,
“Jimmy! Jimmy! Oh my god! JIMMY!” The frantic voice of a woman called out, you instantly turned around, seeing the little boy wailing on the ground, his arm twisted in an uncomfortable direction,
You crouched down next to the child, trying to get him to calm down as you inspected his arm,
The same woman ran in your direction and pushed you off her child with a rough shove, tears welling up in her eyes,
“YOU! YOU DID THIS TO MY CHILD!” She shrieked, holding the kid in her arms,
“I-I ma’am! I swear it’s not that, your child was running and crashed into—“ 
“I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT! I AM GOING TO SUE YOU FOR THIS!” She screamed at you, her spit landing on your face as you stepped back,
A burning pain splattered all over your face, the woman’s purse making a harsh contact with your nose bridge, 
Small red droplets dirtied your white uniform polo shirt, 
She scooped up the injured boy in her arms and ran outside the store, yelling profanities and curses at you,
Suddenly a loud crash was heard as the woman kicked the large shelves, causing the tall shelves to come down on you, one by one alike to dominos,
You can’t remember what happened next, as you woke up in a hospital.
So. You have a huge law suit over your head now, a metaphorical guillotine over your neck, just waiting to be brought down on you, decapitating you and your clean record,
You stood in the waiting room, the fresh smell of floor cleaner wafting into your nostrils, helping you distract yourself momentarily,
“Mx (Y/N)?” A deep voice rings out, pulling you back into reality,
You glance up at the source of the voice, your (e/c) meeting with scarlet red hues, sharp eyes encased behind glasses,
You slowly got up, using your crutches to stabilize your footing, the man waited for you, his eyes inspecting your form as if calculating your every move, he stared at you for longer than needed but you ignored his eyes and kept acting as if nothing was happening,
He politely opened the door for you, giving you enough room to limp inside the office, after you successfully sat down, the man stood in front of his desk,
His ruby eyes were drilling into your own, as if memorizing every single detail of your iris, you looked into his eyes too, trying to seem confident,
If you looked close enough you could see the slight color difference under his eyes, you recognized that gaze— of exhaustion and pulling all nighters, but he did do a good job minimizing the eye bags!
You didn’t get to look at him properly but he was very well dressed.. the classic black vest along with black dress pants and a white dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his forearms,
Pretty purple hair gathered at the back of his head in a ponytail, two tresses framed the sides of his face, bringing more attention to his sharp features, he was attractive.. Very attractive.
After another round of continuous staring the male finally cleared his throat, breaking the suffocating tension in the room,
“I am Alejandro Ortega, your defense in the court.” He stated clearly, sticking his hand out, asking for a hand shake,
“Oh. I’m (Y/N), thank you for your time sir.” You politely stretched out your arm and gently shook his hand,
His larger one enveloped your own hand, giving you a steady and firm handshake, slightly squeezing your hand in his,
His touch lingered, hand still tightly held around yours, he stared into your eyes, unwilling to let go,
You half smiled, trying to pull your hand away from his, slightly becoming unsettled when he didn’t let go,
He coughed, letting go of your hand and sitting down on his own chair,
He crossed his legs under the desk, taking out a paper and a pen, tapping the opposite side of the tip on the paper sheet, he discussed with you the phases of how he was planning to defend you in this case, giving you a bit of a background check on him,
“Well then, please tell me how everything happened, miss (Y/N).” 
You started retelling the events of the store, your hands coming in play and moving around to emphasize your actions and feelings,
A soft smile bloomed on the man’s face, sometimes even chuckling quietly at your exaggerated gestures,
Alejandro liked—No, adored your company, you were so charismatic and lively, your energy was so contagious that even his hard exterior had began to show cracks,
The buzzing in his chest wouldn’t stop, his hands were sweaty and his face felt warm, just what was this feeling? He is supposed to maintain a poker face and not show any favoritism with his clients.. Oh but you.. he couldn’t help but show contentment around you,
Unfortunately you soon had to go home and rest, he felt truly pity for you, being all bruised up and injured— on top of that you were in the process of being sued, 
Such a sweet soul you have, he would make sure that you would be well protected under him, he would hate to see you in harms way,
Alejandro finished helping the janitors cleaning up, he waved everyone off as they left, with suitcase in hand he leaned against the wall,
Ever since your appointment with him he couldn’t stop thinking of your face and voice, perhaps he could use your files for some.. private research.
He opened the doors of his home, his wife, Ume, peeked into the hallway as if already knowing it was him who entered the manor,
Her long white hair flowed behind her as she sped walked towards him, she brushed her bangs out of her beautiful face as she approached him,
“Honey! Did you get off work early?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a loving peck on his lips,
Alejandro grunted in response, peeling her arms off his shoulders and neck, he despised physical contact from Ume, he hated her voice, to him it sounded like nails scratching against a chalkboard, it irritated him, greatly so.
Ume was not at fault, for she had done no wrong to him, she was what any man would wish for, she was obedient, beautiful, loving and skilled in every aspect,
He just hated the intent behind his marriage with her, ever since he had slipped out of his mothers womb and brought into this world he had no control over his life, for it had been decided for him,
What he was going to be, who he was going to marry, where he was going to study, who his relationships were and even how he should feel,
He had no control over his life, he had never had any control over his own livelihood, his parents had controlled him even beyond the grave,
He hated his life. He hated Ume. He hated his parents. He cherishes you. He hated everything but you.
You had brought excitement to his life somehow, you came into his office and sparked something in him with your attitude and personality,
Maybe his life wasn’t so bad.
He stared at the knives in his kitchen, his hand itching to find something— someone to slice into ribbons with the sheening blade of the knife,
When did he become so violent? Was he this savage all along?
He shook his head lightly, taking off his glasses momentarily as he cooked dinner for his self and Ume,
He flipped the chicken and rice in two plates, as he brought the food and placed it down on the long hall table,
Ume awed at the perfectly cooked food, she dug in immediately, complimenting him and his cooking skills every time she spooned food into her mouth,
Alejandro subconsciously clutched a napkin in his hand, his knuckles turning a ghost white from sheer force,
“..Thank you” he muttered, his hand shakily cutting off some chicken and inserting it into his mouth,
His mind wandered off to your beautiful eyes, those beautiful (e/c) gems twinkling under light enamored him so much..
Alejandro noticed how your eyes would wander off sometimes, looking at him intently, as if you were listening to the most interesting thing in the world, it just made him feel so bashful..
How long had it been since he had seen you? 5 hours? 5 days? 5 years? God, he can’t remember anymore, just being away from you felt like an eternity, it was driving him insane..
Maybe next time the both of you meet you can go out for a drink together.. he smiled a little at that, perhaps he could invite you to a garden and talk to each other and learn more about you..
“Dear? What are you smiling at?” The gratingly annoying voice of his wife chimed in, anger rose inside him, taking most of his willpower to keep a calm mind and most importantly of all not to lash out at her,
“It’s none of your concern, Ume.” He answered coldly, glaring at her, a small vein sprawling across his temple in irritation,
She looked taken aback by her husband snapping at her, her smooth caramel tinted skin draining of color, her wonder turning into a fear in a flash,
Just as she was going to open her mouth to apologize Alejandro cut her off, 
“—I’m going to go take a shower, I’m finished with my diner, wash the dishes please.” He instructed as he left but not before giving her a pointed look,
Alejandro shut the bedroom door behind him, huffing as he sat on his and Ume’s shared bed
Ume wouldn’t understand, she would break down if she ever found out he had developed romantic feelings for someone else,
As soon as he makes developments in yours and his relationship he will make sure to get divorce papers signed immediately,
He wouldn’t want you to think he was unfaithful, because he isn’t.
His marriage never worked out anyway, he can only imagine the beautiful domestic life you would have with him,
He wouldn’t have to come into office, he could be your stay at home husband! He knows how to cook, clean and overall good spouse.. He spent most of his childhood honing these skills by taking care of his little sister,
He simply goes into work to avoid having to see his insufferable wife, even a minute away from her made his life expectancy slightly increase,
He opened the water, staring at his reflection before stepping into the shower,
Cold water ran from the shower head, landing refreshingly on the tall males’ back and body,
He sighed, relaxation seeping into his body slowly and steadily, he leaned his body weight onto his forearms,
His forehead rested on the cool shower walls, cleansing his thoughts for just a moment, his long hair stuck to his forehead and shoulders as water slipped off in small droplets,
 as hard as he tried he couldn’t fend away certain thoughts, all of them being of You. You. You. Ý̵̯͙̰̾Ô̸̱͉̖̣̾͝Ú̷͎͍.
Look at what you have reduced him to.. A lovesick fool.. craving nothing more than you— It has only been five days, yet you live in his brain and heart like maggots, digging deeper and deeper into him..
Yet he didn’t care, he would allow you to do so because he knew that he secretly liked it, he liked having someone to obsess over and follow like a lovesick puppy,
he had been saving his love for too long, and now it seems that you pulled the trigger on his heart, for this dangerous love ridden russian roulette has just started.
He now understands why he suffered for so many years, he sees now that it was all for you, it seems that god has gotten tired of torturing him and sent you, as his savior— his light.
If he knew things would come to this he would have chosen to suffer again and again, continuing what appeared to be an endless cycle just to be able to meet you and reach zenith.
He is holding his heart in his hands for you, it was you awakened feelings he never thought were real, now assume the consequences of your actions, won’t you, love?
Ume stalked the halls of the huge mansion, her heart feeling heavy after she upset her beloved husband,
She smoothened down her dress as she shakily opened the bedroom door, seeing that the room was empty she sat down on the bed,
Staring at the bedroom door longingly she decided to slightly peek through a crack in the doorway,
The water landed against the shower floor, helping muffle out the small whimpers and moans that were heard from Alejandro,
His hand fisted his cock rapidly, his hips bucking into his soft hand to feel some kind of friction, the sound of his hand clapping against his skin being audible even with the drizzling water ambients,
Ume’s eyes widened, never had she though her husband could ever make such.. Sinful sounds, it seemed he was saying something between the strangled sounds of pleasure..
“—N).. (Y/N).. Mmph! (Y/N), please..” 
(Y/N)? Who was this (Y/N)? Why was her husband saying that name? Was he cheating on her?
Her green eyes zeroed in on his body, watching as his back would arch and tremble whenever he would get close to climax,
Ume had tried a handful of times to get some kind of intimacy going on with Alejandro, going as far as getting some.. Aphrodisiac products, however it seemed that even under the influence of such hard core drugs he would rather deal with it himself than come close to her,
His free hand roamed his body, soon reaching up against his chest and starting to play with the soft muscle, 
Delivering soft and hard squeezes, soft groans muddled with mutters of “I love you”s slipped out of his lips,
Dampened hair fell over his eyes as he pressed his cheek against his shoulder, gentle sobs mixed with the sound of water running,
His thrusts slowed down as his thighs pressed together, with a final cry of your name the knot in his stomach came undone,
Loads and loads of white semen painted a section of the tiled shower walls, he kept thrusting into the air, riding out his high.
Ume closed the door quietly, sitting on the bed she placed her hands over her face, her well manicured nails digging into the sides of her soft face,
Whoever this.. (Y/N) was she was going to speak to, and it’s not going to be pretty.
Alejandro was her husband, hers only, and she was willing to fight tooth and nail for him,
The bathroom door opened, showing the ruby eyed man walking out with a towel wrapped around his waist, delicate beads of water dripping off his hair and rolling down his skin abdomen,
“Is there something wrong?” He asked with a raise of his eyebrow, eyeing her down menacingly,
The pretty woman but her lips while smiling, kicking off her shoes and spreading her legs open, an idea popping into her head
“Well.. perhaps, I’m feeling awfully.. Hot down there, help me will you?”
It had been 3 months precisely, it was your court date, you dressed up as best as you could afford, brushing your hair neatly and ironing your clothes to perfection,
You arrived early, looking at the huge court with furrowed brows and crudely covered dark circles, you weren’t able to get a wink of sleep last night,
Your mind couldn’t stop thinking of all the worst possible scenarios— What If you lost and went to jail? What if you were forced to sleep with a crazy cell mate? Sentenced to death? Having to use forks as hair brushes for the end of your days?!
A hand gently fell on your head, softly caressing your hair, you met scarlet eyes, beautiful eyes, the same shade as blood,
“Everything is going to be alright, I can assure you that, so please don’t worry your pretty little head over whatever you are thinking, will you promise me that?” You knew that voice, that was your lawyers voice, it was always so soothing to you, never was his voice rough or hoarse, it was always so warm and gentle..
You nodded, your worries calming down slightly, you weren’t expecting it but it sure was meaningful to you, you knew he was very.. Stoic most of the time, you liked to think he might have a soft spot for you, although the probability of that is probably non existent, oh how you were so so wrong.
The both of you entered the court, you were sweating buckets of sweat, pulling at your collar once in a while to try and freshen yourself up,
“Defendants please rise.” The judge called out, her voice strong and authoritative,
The both of you stood up, you were so nervous in the moment that you totally ignored Alejandro’s hand clasped around yours, his fingers intertwined tightly in between yours,
Alejandro was right, he was good, good was a massive understatement, he got evidence from places you didn’t even recognize, you had no idea if some of the documents had been falsified or not due to how legit they looked,
By the end of court you weren’t the one in cuffs, but the mother of the little boy, who had been taken into custody,
She yelled profanities at you, kicking and screaming at the police men to let her go,
Alejandro stood in front of you protectively, eyes narrowed into a glare, gaze as sharp as knives and glass shards,
You were so happy and relieved, weight had been lifted off your shoulders, you felt as if you were going to cry or happiness,
Your chest felt light as you hugged Alejandro, thanking him a million times over and over,
Had you overstepped boundaries? Maybe, Would Alejandro normally flip out and do something unseemly? If you were someone else, yes.
But it’s you, how could he deny you of something he had been wanting to do for a long time? How? So he wasn’t.
He deserved this too, he had gone through so much trouble to fake so much evidence to get that dirty bitch in jail, and you were willingly giving him his reward,
He basically threw himself on you, his arms over your head, he adjusted your arms on his waist, letting you hug him as close as you desired,
His face was close to your hair— so so close to you, he just had to smell you, just one second, please please please please please please.
He breathed in your scent, his eyes threatening to roll back into his head, you smelled so good, he knew his wife was in the audience but he couldn’t give less of a fuck,
Let her watch, let her see how he loved you so much more, he didn’t care anymore, he wasn’t going to hide it anymore, because it was true he had become so intimately infatuated with you he couldn’t even stand being a moment without you,
He had all he ever wanted right in his arms, and he didn’t care what he had to do to make you his, 
He didn’t care if he had to frame innocent people over and over again, he didn’t care if he had to make shady deals with hackers or mafia men, he will do crazy shit and get away with it!
If he had to let the world burn for you he would turn the world ablaze until only ash and cinder was left, only to light it on fire again over and over just to prove how much he loved you.
His eyes met his “wife”’s emerald like gaze, her eyes shining under light with jealousy, he knew she wanted to tear the both of you apart,
But he wouldn’t let her, as he would be the one ripping her to shreds this time around,
He will do anything and he means everything for you. 
He would do it all in your name. ♡
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bitchimasnake-sss · 25 days
Okay so.. what if the monster trios partner just randomly swapped from bottom to top in the middle of freaky time (pretend the word freaky has that funny ass font)
oh,,, you mean 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 freaky. i hear you, i see the vision, and i must torment these men. ps: gonna add ace n law just for funsies <3
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🌙thinkin' about: the monster trio, ace 'n law! vs switchin' things up!
VERY SHORT DRABBLES, OKAY? OKAY. NOT PROOFREAD, OKAY? OKAY. cw: pussydrunk men. dom-ish reader. nsfw thoughts include: handjob, teasing, cocky and pathetic men, creampie, doin' it raw. oh, and pussydrunk men. okay, thats it. MDNI OR ILL HUNT YOUR PETTY ASSES. m.list
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🍒monkey d. luffy: tonight, let me be your little plaything.
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❤️he just laughs when you thread your fingers through his hair and pull it backwards so meanly, "hah, what's wrong?" "w-wanna be on top," you pull him downwards, trying to turn him around and your captain complies happily. too happily, perhaps. grinning, he turns around to be on his back and uses his firms hands to stabilize you on his aching dick. "are you sure? i can—" luffy tries to ask, tries to really show you what a thoughtful and careful captain he is. but you just tilt your face downwards, and you drink in any enquiries he has like it is water. his mouth parts, lewd strings of saliva glistening between you as you slowly sink down on his length, and promptly moan into him as he finally bottoms out. as he looks up at you, he cannot help but fuck upwards into you harder. your hair sticks to your forehead and chest, the strands plastered against your soft skin like modern art, your lips parted and lust-driven, haze eyes trained on him as if he was your prey for tonight. his voice stutters slightly, body tensing in anticipation as you gently run a finger across his taut chest, "w-what?" "shh, let me take care of you tonight." you swipe your thumb across his bottom lips as his eyes roll back as your neat, manicured fingers dig into his chest. as you bounce on his lap, he lets out such pretty, vulgar noises, "mhph baby, l- harder." "harder?" you circle your hips, the motion almost enough to send you both into a orgasmic bliss. luffy digs his fingers into the fat of your hips, bruising and breaking the skin. eyes barely open, his lips slack open as his pace falters, "s-shit, so good. keep going, fuck—" "as you wish, cap'n."
🍀roronoa zoro: don't try something you cannot keep up with.
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💚"hm?" the swordsman quirks an eyebrow, his flushed face looking down at you with tepid anticipation, "what now, woman?" you had been pawing at his bicep, weak fingers curling against the taut muscle as if to sway him physically. you pout, the expression enough to disbalance even the greatest, "i wanna be on top, today." "huh?" the swordsman grins in return, gliding his flushed tip against your clit easily, familiarly. as if it was a routine he was well-versed in. well, technically, one could say that. when he speaks, his tone is that of mockery, "think ya can handle that? your thighs start burning after two pumps, 'm not kidding—" "—shut up, why don't y-you, zoro!" your breath hitches at the sudden sensation of zoro abandoning your aching cunt. scoffing, he pulls you up, "alright then," the swordman lays down, pulling you on top of him firmly. gazing up at you with a challenge drawn into his features, he husks, "c'mon, show me what you're made of." "don't get co-cocky. i'm gonna ruin you tonight." you hiss as his length toys against your inviting opening. you throw your head back at the feeling the intimate veins and ridges against your gummy walls as he sinks in deeper and deeper and depper. zoro hisses, "shi- hah. easy now." rocking your hips, you both moan as he finally bottoms out. looking down at the (once) cocky swordsman, you're delighted to find a man entranced by you. his half-lidded gaze falls on you, lips parting as he raises his hips to slam into you, "go on, s-show me what you can do." you laugh, something sort of airy, as you thrust back into him with just as much vigor. your pace fastens and you swear you see his eyes roll back as he gasps, "ngh shit. w-wait a min—" resting your palms flat against his chest, you rasp, "don't order me around tonight, roronoa."
🫐vinsmoke sanji: whatever my girl says, i do.
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💙you could ask vinsmoke sanji to give his life up for you and he would in a second. so, don't expect him to question you as you close the door behind and push him onto your shared bed, unbutton his blue shirt and tell him you want him right now, right here. of course, he doesn't question, but that doesn't mean he doesn't quirk an eyebrow and address you breathily as you straddle his clothed hips, "what's with the haste, love?" "need you." you admit so quickly that you're surprised your words sound coherent at all, "need y'so bad." "hm?" the cook hums in delight as you rub against him even with all your clothes on. his strong arm wrapped around your torso, bringing you down to face him. his breath is hot against your lips, "that bad, darling?" before the cook can attempt to turn you around and pin your to the mattress, your hand tug his wrists to pin them up instead. he doesn't even struggle under you, accepting his fate all-too-happily as you rasp from above, "no. you're bottom tonight, vinsmoke." and you're crazy if you think sanji does anything but grin in delight, fighting an erection and the insane urge to submit to you fully within a second, "as you say, ma'am." the cook of your ship moans under you as rut against him. your lewd fluids seeping into the fabric of his dress slack and drenching his weeping cock in such an unholy manner. his breath stutters as your pace fastens, as you throw your head backwards and push yourself harder against him. "g-gonna tease me all night long, gorgeous?" the cook smiles deliriously and you tug his tie to pull him up and kiss him senseless. admitting through hot pants and restrained breaths, "if that's what you want, then sure." "i'm all yours." the cook admits dopily, his lips still entangled against you as your aching cunt rubs against his straining erection, "whatever you say, goes." "in that case," you pulled your top off easily, looking down at him unhurriedly, "strip."
🦋portgas d. ace: oh really? think you can do this? yes, yes you can.
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🧡"oh, baby." ace throws his head back, his pretty locks falling backwards to show his pretty face, "don't tease me like that." "like what?" you echo back, looking down at your boyfriend so innocently as his arms tighten around you, "i was s'posed to be finishing paperwork, angel." "do that, then." you softly take off his hat, putting it on yourself against the backdrop of his moans, "i'm not saying anything." "y-your hands are saying more than enough." and at his words, you tilt your head downwards to see the sight of your hands fisted around his pretty cock. your thumb swipes over his wet slit and ace moans, his arm going slack against you, "sh-shit, okay. i get it, you wanna fuck. i won't make you wait." his arm tightens around your waist once over as he picks himself up from the chair he was sitting on. dragging himself to the bed, he throws you just to cage you under him. "no." you say loud enough for him to stop, "what is it?" you entangle your index against his red-beaded necklace and pull him downwards just to ghost at his lips, "i'm going on top tonight." the section-commander just quirks up his eyebrows in delight, "really?" and in a minute you're on top of him, looking down at such a flush-faced, shirt-less man. ace hums, "okay, then. have your fun. i've missed seeing you like this." you adjust his hat, the beaded string dangling as you rid him of his pants, "and i've missed making you cry out my name." "hm?" ace hums hotly into the air, balancing himself on his elbows to peer up at you, "guess we have a lot of catching up to do." his voice waivers pathetically as you run your soft hand up and down his shaft, looking at him with your predator-like gaze, "seems so." you lick the tip languidly, tasting the salty pre on your tongue. moving your hand up and down, never once breaking eye-contact, you command, "now shut up, and let me do the talking." "as you wish, angel."
🪻trafalgar d. water law: don't give the man new kinks, please.
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💜"captain," you say the word so softly that law finds himself keening at just the sound of your voice. his voice is breathless, raspy, undone from the way he was thrusting within your gummy walls, "y-yeah, what?" you look into his eyes, words falling into an easy smile, "change positions, please?" and soon enough he realizes that that's not a question, rather a command, "i wanna be on top." and so, law complies. mostly, to flatter his own ego when you'd get tired and complain about your thighs burning like you always do when you're on top, but a little bit to make your bratty ass happy. with his tattooed chest on display and his arms tucked behind his tousled head, law looks up at your leisurely, "go on." you grin, hips moving down so suddenly to take all of him in, "wasn't waiting for your permission, captain." shit. and now, law might be the one going into a neuro-psychotic breakdown from the way you move your hips. up and down, sideways, sometimes circling him as your greedy, snug cunt swallows him whole. your gummy walls gnaw at him, pulling at him so greedily that he has no choice but to buck up fiercely, white-knuckle the linen sheets and purse his lips lest he utter something so embarrassing. "what's wrong?" you ask in that same airy tone, as if oblivious to the way your snug cunt was sucking him in and milking him dry, "having fun?" "ohmygod," the captain brings up a tattooed hand to his face, covering his eyes as his hips buck up into you wildly, "don't stop, don't fucking stop." his voice falters. it quietens pathetically, in a manner that is so unlike him, "p-please." "that good?" you ask softly, tracing your index finger up till it lands against the column of his throat. as you close your hands around his throat, you can feel the stuttering breaths under his skin, "law?" "wh-what?" his eyes widen as he takes his hand off, and you squeeze his throat in response, "ya like it?" the fact that you feel his hips stutter under you, his breath fasten and the familiar, warm fluid splatter against your walls should be enough of an answer. "seems like you do."
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a/n: how much do i love pathetic men? yes. AND OKAY YEAH THIS ONE'S FOR THE HOT GIRLS WHO GET TIRED AS SOON AS THEY GO ON TOP (like me 😞). anyways, my writer's block goes wild. either i don't write for two weeks or i write like five things in one day. anyways, this is a scheduled post, hope you hotties enjoy mwuah <3 m.list
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eelnoise · 3 months
a little rhythm and a wicked feeling (nsfw!)
trafalgar law x fem!reader cw: fingering, slight overstimulation, pussy touching in general, piv sex an: just like w/ the usopp one this is the law one btw. hes a freak i need him wc: 1.1k tagging: @bby-deerling @kaizokuniichan @nina-ya @themushroomofdeath @risenwrites @missmugiwara masterlist | kofi
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"Sit still," Law mutters into your shoulder, one hand knuckle-deep in your pussy while the other rustles around on his desk, flipping pages or filing through papers. 
Snug in his lap and locked between his sturdy arms, you try your hardest to keep from wriggling around too much – but with the orgasms he's pulled out of you already, you're almost too sensitive to the touch to avoid twitching with even the slightest of touches.
Law knows your limits, and his fingers slide out of you to touch gently at your pussy for a reprieve. His motions are slow, methodically rubbing and spreading you into a calm push and pull of pleasure and relaxation – he can’t have you totally limp in his arms just yet.
"Hmph," Law grunts, his voice growing a bit hoarse as he rubs at your slit, "Not sure if we have what we need on board," He sighs and reaches over to the multi-page inventory accounts. "Nothing else that's useful for hives, anyway."
"But there are things we can get to help, right?" You quip, forcing stability to your words with varying degrees of success. "Shachi isn't doomed to his fate, surely."
"Not quite, but it's going to take a bit," Law murmurs, his finger slipping back into you with the intention to work you up again, "We'll have to make a stop at a proper apothecary, but I don't think we can get to one for at least few days." Another finger joins the first, stretching you open for his slow, practiced thrusts, "For now, we'll have to manage with what we can get our hands on."
You almost sink your teeth into your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and roll your head backward into the crook of his neck. The muffled cry of delirium makes Law smirk to himself, the man fully aware of the affect his work is having on you.
He doesn't need you to talk, of course, but despite everything he's doing, despite everything you're feeling -- Law finds your attempts to chat accordingly with him both humorous and arousing.
"I can count on your perception to assist me next landfall, yes?" Law asks, eager to hear your voice again.
You whimper, nodding with soft grunts and straining breaths; your voice is lost in the symphony of your pleasure. The way his fingers pump in and out of you, spreading you wide, has your hips starting to raise to meet him, riding the lithe digits as they scissor in and out of you.
"Good, good," He approves, pinning your hips down to his lap as his own rise to meet yours, "I'm glad we're on the same page."
Law pulls his fingers from you again, just at the very peak of your impending high. Both of his hand come to your waist as he effortlessly twists you around to face him.
You straddle his thighs, watching as he pulls his cock free from his already loosened pants. He aligns himself with you, the tip of his length teasing up and down your folds before stopping to just barely press himself into you. Unable to resist, you lower yourself onto his him, impaling yourself on him inch by blessed inch. Your body shudders as he fills you up, the tightness of your pussy making Law to groan with satisfaction.
Law leaves you to do the rest as he resumes his work. His arms lock you in at either side, one hand firm on your lower back as you guide yourself down. Your arms snake around his neck and you cradle your head on his shoulder to muffle the sound of your cry when your hips meet fully.
You begin to bounce on his lap, the head of his cock hitting that one spot inside you and making you sob with delight. Law's hand on your lower back slowly drifts up to grip one of your breasts, teasing your nipple between his fingers. The combination of pleasure is enough to send you spiraling into another orgasm, your back arching as you cry out his name, the sensation overwhelming.
Law watches you as you ride him, his eyes hooded with pleasure. He leans forward, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue thrusting into your mouth as he hungrily devours yours.
He grabs at your hips, holding you steady as his thrusts become more insistent, pumping his cock deeper into you. You're a tight, wet heat that envelopes him, burning any sense he has left away and leaving him unable to preoccupy himself any longer with the endless theories of Shachi's disposition.
As you reach the peak of another orgasm, Law can't help but feel the swell within him, the slick heat of your pussy pulsing around his cock. He bites your lower lip, muffling a groan as he thrusts deep, burying himself as far as he can.
"Shit!" He curses, his hips bucking as he fills you with his seed, the warmth spilling within you. His fingers grip your hips, bruisingly tight, as his orgasm rips through him, causing his cock to pulse and twitch inside you, painting the insides of your pussy with his essence.
He continues to pump into you, his breath hot and ragged against your lips. As the last of his release spills into you, he pulls you onto his lap, cradling you against his chest as he lowers his head to bury his face in your hair.
With a soft chuckle, Law twists his chair around to set you down gently, one hand still tangled in your hair, the other at your waist. "You should clean up get some rest," He says, his thumb rubbing apologetic circles into your flesh. "I need you wide alert to keep Shachi from dying, after all." 
"You know, I might just let you die if you don't take a break from your research," You jest, nudging him with a smile that's not without genuine affection. He grins, his hand still rubbing at your hip, "But I suppose I'll settle for sleep and a proper bath."
You lean in to give him a quick but tender kiss before standing up and making your way off his lap. "Get some rest; I'll be in my cabin if you need me."
Law watches you leave, his smile softening as he turns his attention back to his books, his own exhaustion creeping up on him. He'll need to rest as well, but he can't help but feel some relief at the small bit of progress he's made. Your help, your distraction, has done wonders for his spirits, and the lingering scent of you on his fingers only adds to his satisfaction.
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bokutosbiceps · 9 months
jell-o shots
eustass kid/monkey d luffy/roronoa zoro/trafalgar law/vinsmoke sanji x afab!reader | slight smut/fluff | ~900 words 
warnings: suggestive/18+ themes, mild cursing ?
a/n: i was listening to one of my fav podcasts (the basement yard) n they were talking about how some girls use the way that guys do jell-o shots to gauge if they're good @ eating pussy. so i ran w it 😁 also def a modern au ,, thinkin bout doin more of these 🤭
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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you can't tear your eyes away from the man across the granite kitchen island. the way his tongue shoves into the sticky jell-o, laps at the sides of the cup, and swirls around the bottom to clean up any leftover sugary alcohol has you feeling dizzy and squeezing your thighs together. as if he couldn't get any more irresistible.
maybe it was the fact that you'd already thrown back a couple of drinks. or maybe it was the fact that you'd just imagined your boyfriend’s tongue doing that to you instead. but you were feeling particularly brave, particularly needy. 
he sees you watching, and you can tell that he's wondering why you're staring at him so intently. his eyes call you over, and you take a few shaky steps around the island to sidle up next to your man.
you smooth your hands over his shoulders, your nails digging into his deltoids for stability as you lean in and whisper “can you eat pussy like that?”
eustass kid bursts out laughing. it's a hearty, wry laugh that has you pushing out your bottom lip and furrowing your brow at him.
“why the hell are you laughing?” you whine, pouting at him.
kid glances at you out of the corner of his eye, picking up another jell-o shot and repeating his ritual. he enjoys the feeling of your hold on his bicep tightening, and how you subconsciously press yourself further into him. 
he lets his eyes travel further down to where he can see you rubbing your thighs together, and he feels a familiar hunger starting to burn in the pit of his abdomen.
once the cup is left pristinely crystal clean, he snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you flush against his chest. you can feel his lips brush against the shell of your ear and he huffs out another laugh.
“i wanna see you get on your knees and beg, doll.”
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monkey d luffy blinks at you, a small smile stretching across his lips as he realizes what you had whispered to him.
“you mean can i eat you out? yeah! you wanna?” luffy chirps, picking up another jell-o shot and practically vacuuming out the sugary alcohol in one go. you watch, feeling like your legs are going to give out.
luffy grabs your waist with his arm to help prop you up against him. he's still grinning at you, eyes searching yours for any affirmation of what he had asked.
he pinches your side playfully and presses a kiss to your clavicle, then rests his head on top of yours, happy to be enjoying the party with you. but now there's something else he'd rather be enjoying, and he's still waiting for your answer.
so you nod, a movement so slight you’re worried that luffy wouldn't notice. but then luffy’s scooping you into his arms and running upstairs with you cradled to his chest, searching for any open bedroom or bathroom he can use to indulge in his favorite meal.
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roronoa zoro straightens up slightly, pushing his nose into the air and looking at you out of the corner of his eye. his lips are set in a firm frown as he studies you for a bit, and then they’re stretching into a sly smirk. 
he doesn't say anything, just backs you into the counter behind you and grips your waist with both of his hands. he leans in closer to you, pressing his cheek against yours. you can feel his thigh pressing against the seam of where your own thighs are clenched together, prying them apart.
you shudder at the way zoro’s hot breath is wafting across your neck, and you about explode when he presses a warm, wet kiss to the nape of your neck. he rests his face in the crook of your neck and you can feel his lips smile against your skin.
“you wanna find out?”
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trafalgar d water law scoffs at you, wrinkling his nose and setting the empty cup down on the island. 
“are you drunk?” he asks lowly, noticing how you're gripping so tightly onto his arm. you squeeze your thighs together once again when you feel his warm breath fan across your face and his hazy, grey eyes bore into yours.
“no.” you purse your lips, pressing yourself further into him. “i just…need you right now.” you give him a pointed look, feeling your cheeks heat up as you glance back down at the cup. he follows your gaze and snorts a chuckle out through his nose.
how could he resist you when you were so cute, being so desperate for him?
“come with me.” law rubs the small of your back and allows you to lean on him as he guides you through the party and upstairs. “let me take care of you.”
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vinsmoke sanji is flabbergasted. the empty cup falls from his fingers and onto the counter. he's staring at you, wide eyed and blushing. 
you shift uncomfortably under his stare, wondering if maybe you'd made a mistake, come on too strong perhaps. but your train of thought is quickly derailed when sanji grabs your hands and presses them to his chest.
“you mean it, princess?” sanji asks you, his eyes shining. his pupils are practically heart shaped as he beams at you, hands trembling as they held yours against his palpitating heart.
“mhm. right now.” you say softly, giving him a coy smile. you blink, and suddenly you're in sanji’s arms and he’s making a beeline for the nearest bedroom. sanji’s on a mission to serve you like the princess you are, party be damned.
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taglist: @usoppsstar | @luffysprincess | @pileofmush | @anemptypuddingcup | @kingofthe-egirls
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sfaamq10 · 2 months
Please stop and read😭😭💔🇵🇸
An urgent and urgent appeal. Please do not stop reading💔😥. I am Safaa Asaad, a university student. I am 26 years old and married. I gave birth to my first child during the war. My life was full of love and optimism. I was distinguished in the field of law. I was diligent and had dreams and ambition. I intended to open my own law firm and defend the rights of others, diligently and diligently. In restoring the rights to their owners, I got married while I was a student. I married the right man whom I had always been waiting for. We loved to always be together. He suffered before he married me. He worked hard to build the house and collect money to propose to me. His source of income was very good, and we got married and lived a good life. As time passed, the war came, and I had not completed the year. My marriage and our home were destroyed. My husband lost his job. My father, after seeing the devastation that befell our area, became unable to speak and became paralyzed from the outside. My husband, two months after entering the war, gave birth to my first child under difficult circumstances in a small tent full of insects and mosquitoes. I and my son could not live in a tent because of the insects, so we fled to escape. The border is under the shadow of the wall. We are suffering greatly, and now, after exhaustion and exhaustion, I decided to create a donation link to go out and save my family from Gaza. We were insulted and humiliated by the occupation army. The relative died and the relatives were killed. We were displaced. I cannot describe what happened to us. I ask you to save my family and get us out of Gaza with a donation. To us via the link so that we can secure our lives and let my son live the life I dreamed of, open a law firm, and open a project for my beloved husband. Please donate and support the campaign. Thank you for reading.
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I'm a mother of a child. He born in the war his name ameer... I see my son growing up in front of me and I do not know how or when. This is not what I wished for him. I was dreaming of a wonderful life to spend with him...a life not full of death, fear, destruction and deprivation...I wanted to fill his room with toys and his closet with clothes, and I wanted to buy children's books for him, but I couldn't...the war came and the wishes were gone...my goal became to provide him with milk and food. I can barely afford anything. Everything is expensive and we no longer have income to enable us to buy his needs. Kram eggs have been deprived of many of his basic needs. He has been deprived of safety and stability.
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My only son fell today from his bicycle due to the large amount of rubble in the streets due to the destruction of homes. I am very sad that this happened, but I have great hope that I will leave Gaza and fulfill my dreams and the dreams of my son outside Gaza. I hope you will donate to me to protect my son and my family from death and epidemics. We have reached extreme poverty and high prices. We cannot buy anything now. All we have is the distribution of canapés from shelter centers. This is our only reliance. Please donate to me, even if it is 10 dollars.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Warnings: Read chapter 1 for warnings.
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock
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Chapter 14
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You were visibly shaking in the passenger seat of Law’s car, his hand on your bare thigh as he drove in his attempt to stabilize you without taking his eyes off the road in front of him.  The windows were cracked open to prevent you from overheating in your anxious state, your heart hammering in excess as your palms perspired so rapidly you could feel the skin of your thighs grow damp under your hands.  The higher-than-average heat of the early summer season, however, did little to cool down your nerves.  Not even your shorts and tank top could help.
“Baby, breathe,” Law cooed, keeping his golden eyes trained on the road as he slowed to a stop at a red light.  The car traveling next to him sped through the traffic signal, making him utter a low tsk.
“I know… I know…” you heaved, taking conscious efforts to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.  “I’m just nervous,” you justified.
Law tossed you an understanding smile before placing his eyes back on the traffic light ahead of his car.  “I know you are, and that’s okay.  I’m nervous, too.  But I don’t want to have to carry you into the clinic because you passed out on the way.”  He punctuated his sentence with a mischievous, yet still light-hearted, pat on your thigh.  The sensation made you tense up, sputtering out a laugh.  You gripped his hand in your own, intertwining his fingers through your own and giving his calloused hand a firm squeeze that he reciprocated in kind.  The two of you resumed your drive in silence, listening to nothing but the sounds of the road around you.
You refocused your breathing techniques as the sight of your gynecologist’s clinic came into view, tucked away in the back of a sprawling medical plaza comprising many different buildings and specialties.  Law expertly backed his car into a parking spot (that show-off…) and turned off the ignition, pulling his keys out and stuffing them into the pocket of his baggy cargo shorts.  You shouldered your bag and pushed open the door, meeting your husband around the car and once again grabbing his hand.  Your eyes stayed glued to the door approaching you as if you were no longer in charge of your own muscles.  Law might as well have been walking for you.
“Hey,” a delicate whisper met your eardrums.  “I’m right here, baby.  Look at me.”
Your steps stopped short as you tossed a worried look at his face.  You were nervously biting the inside of your lower lip.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he affirmed.  “I’m right here.  You don’t have to do this alone anymore.”
“Alright…” you choked out, sucking in another breath and pulling him closer by his hand.  “Thank you.”
“Of course.”  If you weren’t mere feet away from the entrance to a public doctor’s office on a busy weekday afternoon, he would’ve pulled you into his chest to envelop you in one of his earth-shattering hugs, the embraces that made you feel so small and yet so secure, washing away all of your worries and troubles with one intimate movement.  But alas, he was never a huge fan of public affection.  Especially not when there was a potential for colleagues to see him.
Checking in for your appointment went by in a blur.  Your insurance card and identification card were handed over, your information taken, and you were instructed to have a seat in the waiting area and wait for your name to be called.  The second you took your seat on the cold, faux leather chair, your foot started bouncing uneasily.  Law couldn’t even blame you anymore.  At your last seven week ultrasound, you found out the embryo was nonviable, and now you had to do it again.
Off to your side in the corner of the room sat a young mother visibly pregnant, scrolling idly through her phone with her bag on her lap.  A toddler sat playing with a quiet toy at her feet, keeping himself company while he patiently waited for his mom.  Law was on your opposite side, so you couldn’t see the way he was also eyeing her in the same way you were.
The woman tossed a glance at you two, making you quickly avert your gazes.
Now it was Law’s turn to anxiously rub his hands against the fabric of his pants, drying off the nervous sweat that started appearing.  The sight gave you a sarcastic chuckle.
“Now you’re nervous?” you asked, leaning over the short armrest to bump his shoulder with your own.  You teasingly copied his words from earlier in the car.  “Breathe, baby.”
He stifled a quiet laugh, throwing a smirk your way.  “Guilty.”
You had lost track of time.  The young mother was called many minutes before you, bringing her son along with her, leaving you and Law alone in the waiting room to continue anticipating your name to be called.  The quiet radio playing over the loudspeakers was broadcasting generic, braindead pop music, but it was enough to fill your mind with something other than sheer anxiety.  You watched out of the corner of your eye as Law’s heel involuntarily started tapping to the beat of the music, making you smile to yourself.
“Mrs. Trafalgar?” a nurse called from an open door leading to the rest of the clinic area.  You and Law both jumped, startled out of your fleeting moment of miniscule peace, quickly standing to follow her into the long hallway that led you to the all-too-familiar ultrasound room.
The process repeated again.  Blood pressure, oxygen, heart rate, typical wellness checks, until the nurse silently jotted a few notes on her clipboard and left you to, once again, wait impatiently on the table, swinging your legs back and forth while Law sat across from you in a chair.  The ultrasound machine, sleeping and idle, was looming ominously next to your bed, igniting your nerves once more and causing your hands to tremble.
“Want me to sit next to you?” Law asked, casting you an apologetic smile.
You shook your head, giggling anxiously.  “No, that’d be too awkward.”
Law crossed one leg over the other in his chair.  “Even though I’m your darling husband?”
“That only gives you a few extra bonus points,” you uttered, a grin crawling to your lips.
Your banter was cut short with the sharp knock on the examination room’s door, the familiar face of Robin welcoming herself in with a warm smile.  She was trailed by an ultrasound technician, thankfully different than the one who performed your first exam, and a medical student, who kept her eyes lowered to the floor nervously.
“I hope you don’t mind that we have a student joining us today, she’s on her radiology rotation and we thought it would be nice for her to experience some live practice,” Robin explained as she stepped to the side to allow the technician to prepare the machine.
You tossed Law a nervous glance across the room.  He offered you a kind smile, leaving the decision entirely up to you and your own comfort.  Memories of his own medical school rotations while you were still dating flooded your mind, Law welcoming himself into your tiny single apartment after a stressful day to complain about the repulsive things he was forced to witness, all while you laughed at him and rubbed his back with a light-hearted sympathy.  This med student was in her own era of that same exact experience.
“Of course, that’s perfectly fine with me,” you agreed, nodding your head politely.  Your response made both Robin and the technician smile as they helped you to lay down on the cold exam table, following the protocol of lifting your shirt to expose your bare abdomen.
The cold, sticky feeling of the gel was a sensation you didn’t think you’d ever get used to.  It felt so foreign on your skin, like an icy zing that finally warmed with your body heat.  You were staring at the small brown speckles on the tiled ceiling, your hands over your chest holding up your shirt below your breasts as the technician worked, quietly instructing the medical student on how to operate the machine and the best etiquette to use.  Law was curiously leaning forward in his chair with his elbows on his knees, cupping his face in his hands as he watched the doctors work around you.  
He wouldn’t let anyone but you see that he was beyond excited to finally experience an ultrasound with you, regardless of the outcome.  He wanted to try his damn hardest to never miss these appointments ever again.
The whirring of the machine filled your ears and you closed your eyes as the wand was placed on your skin, gentle pressure against the soft flesh of your abdomen making you inhale a deep, nervous gulp of air.  The technician continued explaining the details that appeared on the screen to the student, but her words were nothing but monotonous nothings to your anxiety-ridden brain.  Your heartbeat was erratic with fear at what they would see, your attempts to steady your breathing feeling futile.
“This open space here is the inside of the uterus,” the technician explained, carefully moving the wand around your body.  The image was constantly warping with each small motion of the wand, mapping the insides of your being in a barely comprehensible image.  “This small blotch here is the implanted embryo, it's only about the size of a single coffee bean, but the ultrasound makes it appear much larger.  That’s how we’re able to make out small details.”
Robin kept her eyes trained on the screen.  “Do you see that?”
Your eyes remained glued shut.
The shy voice of the student piped up.  “That flickering?”
“Yes.  That’s the baby’s heartbeat.”
Law stood from his chair so abruptly that the piece of furniture squeaked across the tiled floor and startled the technician, the wand darting across your body and making you jump yourself, your eyes flying open and your head darting to the side in the direction of the screen.  The medical student backed away to make room for Law who frantically approached your side to get a look at the ultrasound, your own eyes squinting at the screen as the technician focused the wand back onto your uterus.  She carefully held the instrument in place so Robin could get a formative glimpse at the screen, moving just enough so that Law could stand directly at your side.
“There,” your doctor stated, placing her index finger over the small blotch against the wall of your uterus.  “If you look very closely, there’s a flickering motion inside the embryo.”
You and Law both peered intensely at the screen.  Your breath hitched when your eyes finally picked up on the movement Robin was mentioning.  A very faint, barely noticeable yet rapidly moving flicker of light was present, making your fingers clench around the fabric of your shirt.  Law’s tattooed hand darted downward to grasp your bicep on the table.  He was also sweating profusely.
“Is that really…?” you couldn’t even finish your sentence, your voice flooded with disbelief as you gazed at the screen, absorbing the flickering image of the fetus in your body teeming with early life.
Law remained speechless.  He couldn’t tear his golden eyes away from the monitor, hyper fixated on the movement inside your uterus.  All medical aspects of childrearing and reproduction were beyond his realm of expertise, all the information he knew coming from his mind-numbing undergraduate classes and his personal hell of a gynecology rotation during his time in medical school.  But now, having been able to share not only this experience with you, but having seen first-hand just how strong you were to have wanted to try this again after the first failure, he felt his heart swelling with pride and adoration for you, his wife.
“Law?” you called, finally tearing your husband’s eyes away from the monitor screen.  Small, sympathetic giggles from the technician and student followed your soothing voice as you brought your husband back to reality.
“Sorry, sorry,” he meekly backed away from the monitor, releasing his death grip on your bicep and leaving red marks behind where his fingers were held against your skin.  You smiled as you watched him, his tan cheeks dusted with an embarrassed crimson blush as he eyed your face, your hands, your abdomen where the wand was pressed against your belly.
You allowed the medical student to clean you, feeling happy that you were able to share your positive experience with her and giving her a good story to tell to her friends or family (in sharp contrast to the stories you heard from your beloved then-boyfriend), and as soon as they were finished and you were sat upright, you and your husband were left in the room alone with Robin.  The black-haired woman was scribbling some notes onto a clipboard before closing her laptop and placing her board on top of the device.
“I scheduled you for another ultrasound in about 5 weeks just to make sure everything continues to develop smoothly.  Typically we wouldn’t do another ultrasound until around 18 weeks, but considering your history I want to be thorough,” she explained, holding patient eye contact with you as you nervously clutched your hands in your lap.  “If anything changes, or you start to experience worrying symptoms, call us immediately.  I’m sure you already know that, though.”  She flashed an understanding smile at you, making your own lips turn upward.
“Thank you so much, Dr. Robin,” you breathed, not even registering how long you had been holding your breath.  
Your goodbyes were exchanged, your next appointment confirmed at the front desk, and you and Law were back in the parking lot walking back to his car, and in hand.  When he approached the front of his vehicle, however, he tugged you closer to him to lead you around the back of the car and to the curb of the parking lot, seating you on the concrete concealed behind his trunk.
“Law, what are you–”  Your words were cut off as Law sat on the grassy curb beside you, pulling your face against his for a kiss that took your breath away.  This was very much not like him, maybe in his more rebellious and daring undergraduate days, but certainly not during his prolific professional life.  Not that you could complain as your arms instinctively draped across his shoulders, pulling your husband closer to you as his lips molded against yours.  The ground below your bodies was warm from the sunshine, a very small coverage of shade from nearby trees doing little to keep your skin cool amongst the sultry exchange of lips.  Law’s arms gripped your waist, almost pulling you fully into his lap as your fingers teased the thin baby hairs against the nape of his neck, making him smile into your mouth as you kissed.
You finally pulled away from him, laughing as you did so, flashing him a bright, toothy smile that reached your eyes.  “Not that I’m complaining, but what was that about?”
Law uttered an embarrassed chuckle, but his hold on your body didn’t relent.  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself… I’m just…”
Your eyes analyzed every small movement of your husband’s face, the way his eyebrows were turned upwards in an apologetic display, the way his irises darted from side to side, too embarrassed to meet your own, the way his lips were parted and glistening from your heartstopping kiss.  You dipped your head into his neck, ignoring the way the summer heat caused sweat to stick to his skin, giving him all the time in the world to say what he wished without the pressure of your loving gaze.
His voice was a fleeting whisper.  “I’m just really, really proud of you.”
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literary-motif · 16 days
Two Weeks
Alex x Reader
You continue sharing an apartment with Alex after he breaks up with you. The past weighs heavily.
“So is this going to be us intensely avoiding each other for as long as I stay here or—?” Alex let his sentence trail off. You did not turn around to face him, silently continuing to make yourself a cup of tea.
It was only for two weeks, after all. Two weeks, and you would be rid of him forever. 
Kicking him out of the apartment had felt like a cruelty you could not bring yourself to do to him. Two weeks had felt like nothing at all, considering the two years you had been together with him. You could continue living with him until his flight went to the US — at least you told yourself you could. 
“What do you want me to say?” you replied dismissively, picking up the cup and turning to face him. “Did you expect everything to stay the same?”
“No!” he said exasperatedly. 
His hair was disheveled. You knew he ran his hands through it repeatedly when he was frustrated. The thought that the situation weighed as heavily on him as it did on you offered you at least a little comfort.
You took a sip of your tea. 
“But I thought we could at least be civil — be friends, even!”
You could not help the incredulous laugh from slipping past your lips. “Friends?” you said, with a humorless chuckle. “Honestly Alex, you’re delusional. What did you think would happen? You broke up with me, telling me you were leaving the country in less than a month! What—? Do you think my life is a joke? Where do you think I— How am I supposed to afford this place alone? Did you think of that, huh? When you told the whole world that you got a prestigious job offer on the other end of the world, did you maybe consider that you were throwing me off the deep end with literally no warning?”
Alex blinked, opening his mouth to reply. He frowned. “You’re well off,” he said, sounding confused. “I never thought that this might be a problem for you. I— I can help you out with rent, I think.”
You shook your head, the fight leaving you with a deep sigh. “Don’t kid yourself,” you said, cradling the warm cup in your hands, “you might make enough to support yourself, but apartments in the States aren’t any cheaper than they are here.”
He sighed as well, leaning against the doorframe and biting his lip. “I’m sorry,” he said, suddenly sounding small. “I— I swear I didn’t mean to. There was just so much going on that I didn’t consider something so fundamental. I mean, I was uprooting my whole life, losing the person I loved” — the past tense stung — “I didn’t consider how leaving would be a financial problem for you.”
You waved a hand in dismissal. “I’ll figure it out,” you mumbled. 
Despite things seeming bleak — finding an affordable apartment in London in two weeks was next to impossible — you were confident that everything would click into place eventually. You could support yourself independently. Working at the law firm gave you enough stability to be alright without him. 
“What you did hurt me more than anything,” you said quietly, staring into your tea. “Part of me understands your reasoning, but being the last to know about the job offer you planned to accept from the beginning when your decision affected my life so much, felt like a betrayal.”
“I know,” he said, rummaging through a cupboard and pulling out a packet of his favorite biscuits. “After you accused me of cheating, I couldn’t— I couldn’t see you the same way.”
“You know I said that on a whim, right?” you said, looking at him. “It was a stupid accusation, and I didn’t believe it when I said it. You were gone so often that I didn’t know how to express my frustration. I thought you would deny it and move on, seeing it as the overreaction that it was. Instead—” you trailed off. “I didn’t know it would hurt you so much.”
He scoffed, taking a bite of his biscuit. “I can’t imagine anyone would brush off such an accusation. How would you have felt?”
“I see that now. Still, just because you were hurt and angry at me, it did not give you the right to shut me out completely like you did. I get that you thought our relationship had changed, but you did not even talk to me about it.”
“I couldn’t, you were too fixed on Natalie!” he said, raising his voice in frustration. “Every time I tried to talk to you, you made some snide comment about how ‘I was always with Natalie’ or how I was ‘going to go see Natalie,’ when I was working on my career! Do you remember what we said when we first met? Our career always comes first. Always!”
“Yes, but I didn’t love you back then!” you screamed. “How— what are we even comparing? I want to further my career. I would seize every opportunity, but never at the expense of our relationship! I— I always thought we would make it work. I imagined you flying from Paris to New York to take snapshots for magazines that would pay a fortune to have your amazing pictures, but you would be a phone call away when I lost a case. You would be here to give me a victory kiss when I won a tough one.”
“Yeah,” he said, holding out the packet of biscuits. You shook your head, and he gave you a sad smile. “I guess life doesn’t work out how we want it sometimes.”
You looked at him for a long moment, trying to find the person you so loved under the cloud of animosity that had hidden him away lately. 
“You know,” you began, taking a sip of your tea to gather the strength for the words you were about to say, “we could still try to work it out if you would be open to giving us another chance.”
Alex bit his lip, searching your gaze. He opened his mouth to reply. 
His phone rang, the caller flashing brightly where it lay on the kitchen table. Natalie. “Sorry, let me just—” he said, picking up the call. “We’ll talk later. I need to take this. Hello?” 
Your face fell. “Don’t bother,” you mumbled, watching him leave the kitchen.
Two weeks. You could do two weeks.
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sbdskate · 1 year
Laws Of Attraction (Part 5) - DR x lawyer!fem!reader
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Summary: McLaren is in breach of contract, dr3 hires a lawyer to deal with the aftermath. Tropes ensue. Slow burn. Enemies(kind of) -> Friends/colleagues -> Lovers
Pairing: lawyer!fem!reader x Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings: language, angst, mature themes
Word Count: 4,371
A/N: In a shocking turn of events, this is in fact not the last part. I really wanted to put something out there this week but I’m still not quite finished with the last bit of the story. That being said, I think I found a good break point. I’m not even going to jinx myself by saying the next part is going to be the last, so TBD. Thank you again for your support. Please don’t be a ghost reader, and please feel free to comment or DM with any positive or constructive feedback. Enjoy!  
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue 1
You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. Perhaps that was your fatal flaw all along. The entire time you spent trying and failing to suppress and divert your feelings for the driver, you would have been better served leaning into them and letting them go in a controlled space.  
In clearing the air with Daniel, you felt a weight lifted. You were still shocked by the revelation that the feelings were mutual at least in part, but there was comfort and stability in the understanding that had been reached. The lightness allowed you to finally stand in your confidence and share in the excitement of the next phase of negotiations. The season would be over in less than a month, with only two races left including Brazil. You were grateful for the light at the end of the tunnel.
You discreetly made your way to Red Bull hospitality on Thursday morning, bright and early in Sao Paolo before the chaos of media day began. There was only an admin there who greeted you showed you around. You made yourself comfortable in the empty kitchen area, where it was immediately obvious the difference in resources. It felt opulent yet comforting, especially compared to the aggressive orange and sparse theme of McLaren. Then again, spending any excessive time around McLaren hospitality or their garage nowadays just made you depressed and resentful.
It was early, even for you, and you desperately needed to caffeinate before the meeting. You saw the coffee machine, but no mugs in sight. You began opening drawers and cupboards in search of a vessel, cursing Christian Horner in your head. You finally found them, but of course they were on one of the upper shelves. You strained your body to extend as far as it would go, everything you needed just out of reach. While adjusting your balance on your tiptoes, you felt a warm body press against you and a shadow of an arm reaching over you. You closed your eyes and sharply inhaled, relishing the pressure on your back and the smell of familiar cologne. You opened your eyes again when he peeled away from you.
“I think you were looking for this?” Daniel handed you a mug. You took it, feeling your fingers brush again. The epiphany you had earlier was dispelled in an instant. Engaging in self pleasure may have acted as a momentary release, but it did not subdue the feelings that had taken firm root over the last few months. Masturbation was simply a light pruning for the sturdy tree that now grew in your garden that refused to be moved by earthquakes or hurricanes.   
“I could’ve gotten it,” you grumbled avoiding eye contact. You had told yourself you had no reason to feel awkward about the other night, but you felt yourself shrinking in his presence nonetheless. His voice went up several decibels and he batted his eyes to mock you.
“Good morning, Daniel! Thanks so much for helping me! Good morning to you too, no problem, so happy I could help.” You rolled your eyes.  
“Good morning. I promise I’ll be nicer in ten minutes once I’ve had my coffee.” You haphazardly raised your empty mug. He raised his hands and backed away, a small smirk on his face, but did not leave. He found a seat elsewhere in the kitchen, and you felt his eyes on your back as you went about your business.
You locked eyes when you turned around with a full cup. He innocently smiled and waved, while you forced an aggressive smile back. Leaning against the counter, you took a few sips of coffee without breaking eye contact. After a few minutes you joined him.
“Hi,” he said.
“Are you done being a cunt?”
“Are you done being a douche canoe?” He snorted.
“I guess not.”
“Likewise.” You paused. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to be here so early before the meeting.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. Me neither. I’m excited, I think. And a little nervous.” He looked like a child on his first day of school, fidgety and unable to contain the energy requiring release. He couldn’t help the growing smile on his face. It was contagious, and you quickly found yourself smiling too.
“You should be – excited! Not nervous,” you quickly clarified. He looked down while he continued to bounce his knee.
“What if I make the wrong choice again?” he timidly whispered, though it could have been a question directed at you or the universe. It was no secret that many thought him leaving Red Bull in 2018 was the worst professional decision Daniel Ricciardo ever made, his short stint with Renault followed by his experience with McLaren as evidence. However, hindsight is 20/20. Perhaps he had too much hubris at the time, but he very validly thought he was being forced into a second driver position. How could he have known the series of unfortunate events that would follow? You did not fight the urge to hold his hand this time, gently placing yours on top of his in the middle of the table as you leaned in.
“There is no wrong choice this time,” you whispered back.
You truly believed that Daniel was in a win-win situation. Mercedes was a well-oiled, professional machine. The relationship there would be a symbiotic one. You thought they could help ground and focus Daniel, while Daniel could improve their public image and perhaps allow them to shed their somewhat stuffy, mechanical persona. Moreover, it would represent a clean slate with a new team. Conversely, you couldn’t deny how poetic a return to Red Bull would be. The place where Daniel spent so many years at the beginning of his career, it would be a momentous homecoming.
The Red Bull kitchen was quiet and empty. He looked at your hand. You were about to pull away but he lightly took hold of it before you could.
“Thanks,” he said in a soft voice to match the soft smile that graced his features.
“Of course. You know I’m always here for you.”
“I know.” He lazily rubbed your fingers with his thumb.
“Do you want to go over anything before the meeting?” You feebly attempted to redirect the conversation to be more professional, but you both knew there was no real effort as neither of you moved.
“Not really. I feel good this time.”
You remained in comfortable silence for a beat, lost in the exchange of energy that passed through one another. Your phone buzzed, pulling you away from the moment temporarily. Your face fell slightly. He looked at you expectantly.
“Well, you’re stuck with me today. The partner’s tied up with something.” You raised your gaze to meet his, searching for some kind of approval. He feigned distress.
“Oh no, what will I do? You’ve only handled 70% of this whole process on your own.” You squinted, skeptical of his confirmation.
“You trust a meager, low level associate to handle the entire trajectory of your future?”
“At this point, I trust you with my life.”
It was hard to tell whether he was being overdramatic for comedic effect or genuine. Foot steps in the distance pulled you from your trance, your hands quickly recoiling. With his back to the entry, he didn’t miss the chance to give you a wink and a smile that made you want to melt into the floor. Instead, you rolled your eyes in response but your bashful smile gave you away. You stood up when you saw your expected hosts enter.
“My two favorite people!”
“Good morning, Christian. I appreciate it, but you know flattery doesn’t work with me,” you quipped as you shook hands. When he wasn’t pissing off the rest of the grid, Christian really was quite the charmer when he wanted to be.
“On the contrary, it will get you everywhere.” The smile didn’t leave his face when he turned to Daniel, arms wide open. Their energy was well matched as they embraced in a warm hug. As happy as the driver was last week with his points finish, he seemed immensely more comfortable now.
When they separated, Christian looked at you again.
“What is this? Coffee and no Red Bull?” he teased.
“Sorry, had a bad experience in law school with energy drinks I’m afraid. Nothing personal. Though I was beginning to wonder whether the coffee machine was for decoration only.”
“They hide the mugs on purpose,” Daniel chimed in. Given the dimply smile and his tone, you would think he was joking but knew he was absolutely telling the truth.   
“He leaves for four years, comes back, and thinks he owns the place and can share company secrets.”
You had seen it several times now, but it amazed you how easy their relationship seemed. Although technically Mercedes was not out of the question, you already knew where Daniel’s heart was. It was now just a matter of ironing out the details.
Christian and the Red Bull lawyer joined you at the table in the kitchen. It was a nice change of setting, the informality of it made the weight of the discussion feel a bit lighter. The process with them was easy, especially compared to McLaren and even Mercedes. While it was slightly less formal, at all times you felt respected. Not once did anyone assume you were an admin or paralegal, which admittedly is a low bar. But even beyond that, especially with the partner’s absence, you were never treated as a subordinate and your professional capabilities were never called into question. Of course this process was not about you, but in your opinion you believed choice of outside counsel was an extension of the type of work environment your client could expect. Red Bull had been a pleasant surprise in this respect.
It was all smiles when you exchanged handshakes as you parted ways. You and Daniel were shown out the back door to avoid a few media that had just started to arrive at the paddock. You walked behind the teams’ hospitality stations so that you could join the main entry of the paddock without raising suspicion.
“So. How do you think it went?” you casually asked. You didn’t want your own opinion to taint whatever his genuine response may be.
“Honestly… I think it went really well.” The dimply smile you had become so fond of returned to his face.
“Honestly… me too.” You allowed yourself to show your enthusiasm, feeling yourself break into a wide grin. Away and hidden from the main walk of the paddock, he grabbed your hands and you both quietly squealed and jumped up and down. After a few seconds when you stopped and regained composure, he asked:
“So, what’s next?”
“Well, that depends on you. If you think you’re ready to pull the trigger with Red Bull, you let me know ASAP and assuming we’ve already nixed any dealbreakers that would’ve been in their offer, we go through everything again with a fine-tooth comb, see if they’re able to come up on anything and sign.”
“And Mercedes?”
“We keep them in play until everything is in writing and executed. No need to have a PR disaster like Alpine.” You were, of course, referring to the unfortunate circumstances of Alpine prematurely announcing Oscar Piastri as their second driver for 2023. He chuckled as you continued walking towards McLaren. You could hear the hustle and bustle from the press getting louder as more people began to arrive. He paused just before you were about to turn the corner and enter the circus.
“I want to be at Red Bull,” he said definitively. You smiled.
“Ok then. I’ll get to work.” He gave you an encouraging fist bump before taking a deep breath, knowing this would be the last bit of downtime you both had for the rest of the weekend, reluctant to leave the nest of the quiet sanctuary you shared just behind the organized chaos.
“Shall we?”
You sighed. “No time better than the present.”
Brazil was an eventful whirlwind. It was no surprise to you that Daniel continued to skillfully navigate an onslaught of questions about his future in the sport on press day and the rest of the weekend. On Saturday, the two of you gossiped excitedly when Kevin Magnussen got pole in qualifying despite Daniel’s own mediocre performance. Obviously the sport was cut throat, but everyone couldn’t help but root for the Haas underdog. There was a buzz during the sprint, Daniel just out of reach of the points in p11. Unfortunately, the race itself ended up resulting in a DNF for both McLaren boys. With each day of events, Daniel’s mood seemed to sour despite the positive steps being taken behind the scenes. Of course DNF-ing on what could be his second to last race ever is not what anyone wanted. However, while you sympathized for Daniel, that’s not what you were focused on. There was the celebration of George’s first win with Lewis also on the podium, but then there was the internal team drama you watched unfold at Red Bull.  
You anxiously waited out the post-race interview process so that you could update your client. If there was any question on what the path forward was before, it became crystal clear today.
As he walked through the paddock eager to get to his drivers room for some solitude, he saw you practically bouncing on your toes. He was a little annoyed to see you in such high spirits after an abysmal race, but it also made him relax a bit.
“I should DNF more often if it makes you this happy,” he dryly joked as he approached you. You should have been used to this song and dance by now. He makes a questionably flirtatious comment, you blush and get flustered, and after a bit of fumbling you redirect course and get back to business. You knew he wouldn’t change his behavior, no matter how many times you halfheartedly scolded or ignored him. It shouldn’t make you flustered any more, but there was excitement in not knowing whether there was any truth behind it. And as much as you hated to admit it, you liked it. But that was before your conversation in Mexico, where you divulged so much about your own inner turmoil. You had made yourself vulnerable. After that, you had assumed he would stop out of respect. What was a thrill before now felt like a cruel joke at your expense.
“Very funny,” you deadpanned. “I have some important news to share with you, can we go somewhere private to discuss?”
“You’re not going to buy me dinner first?” He had said this before, but it wasn’t landing like it used to.
“You’re going to have to buy yourself a new lawyer if you keep this act up.” For someone who didn’t finish the race, he was being awfully cocky today. And by goodness, did it make you feel things.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re the one who said you wanted to be alone with me -”
“Daniel.” He usually stopped after the first rebuttal.
“Not that I’m mad at it-“
Your previous excitement began to sour in your mouth as your heartbeat quickened. You grabbed his wrist and dragged him through McLaren hospitality to his drivers room. You didn’t care who saw or what it looked like. You practically pushed him in and shut the door behind you. His eyes widened as you got in his face.
“Oh shit, is this actually happening?” he began to pull at his shirt.
“What?! No. Shut up. What is wrong with you today?”
“Oh come on, I was just joking! You know I always do this.”
“No.” You pushed your pointer finger into his chest. “Today, you’re being an ass. I don’t know if this is you acting out after a shitty race or what, but pull it together. You are not a 21 year old frat boy, you’re a 33 year old world class athlete with a fully developed frontal lobe - who is now wasting my time, and rest assured, I am billing you for it. And if you stopped your inappropriate jokes for two fucking seconds and let me do my job, I would have told you that there’s a solid chance you can be on the grid in 2024 in a fucking Red Bull. Thought you might want to know.”
You had backed him into a wall and were inches away from his face, huffing and puffing. You were so mad, that one man could make you so infuriated and horny at the same time. His eyes were still the size of dinner plates, but his expression had fallen slightly. It was his turn to blush. He had been surrounded by yes-men for so long, he couldn’t remember the last time he had been chastised like this.
“I’m sorry-” You continued, your tone somewhat more even.
“Max wouldn’t let Checo through today despite what it would mean for the driver’s and constructor’s championships because he thinks Checo purposefully sabotaged him during qualifying in Monaco. The girls are fighting which is more bad PR for Red Bull, Checo’s contract is up next year, and if this dynamic continues between the two drivers then there’s a good chance they won’t renew it.”
“That’s great news-” You cut him off again.  
“Am I a joke to you? Because I know you wouldn’t be making these comments if I was a man. I know you thought I was some secretary when we first met, but I really thought I had earned your respect throughout this process.” He looked at you now wearing the pink pantsuit you’d worn on that fateful first day.
“Can I just-”
“I’ve had to deal with so many mediocre men with undeserved self-inflated egos my entire life. I’ve dated them, I’ve been in class with them, I’ve worked with them, I’ve worked for them – especially the last five years at this godforsaken law firm. Lord knows I don’t need another one. I’ve had to work twice as hard and be better than them to prove myself as an equal. And even with all that, no matter what, as soon as I leave the room I’m the punchline of some joke I never asked or wanted to be a part of because I have boobs. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot initially but I really thought you were different. But no-”
One second you were ranting, the next you were cut off by lips crashing into yours. In your fury you missed his warm brown eyes darting between your eyes and your lips. In a flash he had grabbed the lapel of your suit jacket to bring you towards him, your hands landing firmly on his chest. Fireworks flashed behind your eyelids and for a moment you forgot what day it was, where you were, and who you were. You don’t know how long it lasted. You should have pulled away. You definitely shouldn’t have kissed back. But the taste of saline on him from the demands of the day and the scruff of his beard on your chin and cheeks made you want to stay. You smelled his cologne mixed with musk and, what was that, aftershave? Instead, he pulled away first.
You blinked a few times, jaw slack. You brought a hand to your lips, half to make sure they were still there but also for confirmation that you didn’t just hallucinate.
“Sorry, it was the only way I could think to get you to shut up so I could get a word in edgewise. If you’d let me talk, I would say I think you’re the most brilliant person I’ve ever met. You’re smart, witty, funny, and no, it doesn’t hurt that you’re as good looking as I am. You think I give a fuck about billing? I would spend my entire fortune down to nothing if it meant I got to spend more time with you. I’ve known for weeks I wanted to go to Red Bull and I didn’t tell you until three days ago because as excited as I am about figuring out what I’m doing next year, I’m equally dreading it because as soon as I sign that means you leave. When you’re not in the room I only sing your highest praises. So yes, of course I respect you. And I realize, kissing you just now may have proved your point, and I’m sorry about that. And you’re right that I’ve been a cunt today and a lot of this weekend, and I’m sorry about that too.”
There had been very few times in your life where you were left speechless, and this was one of them. It was literally your job to be good with words, and right now they failed you.  
“And I know you’re going to say ‘let’s forget that this ever happened’ and I’ll move on and get back to business, but I can promise you I won’t. I’ll never tell another soul for your sake, because I don’t want you to lose your job, but I refuse to forget this, our conversation in Mexico, or that Sunday in Austin. You’re unforgettable f/n l/n.”
You stood there in silence for a few moments. Your adrenaline was through the roof and your mind was blank. He was clearly looking for a response, yet you had none. You did your best to break the tension.
“Well if your goal was to get me to shut up, you succeeded.”
“Honestly, I’m as shocked as you are,” he said with a small laugh. There was another long pause. “I shouldn’t have said all of that, I’m sorry.” You gave him a knowing smile.
“No you’re not.” He smirked.
“Yeah, not really.” You had become particularly focused on a speck of dirt on the floor, but finally returned his gaze.
“You know nothing can happen,” you whispered. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement of fact that was directed at yourself as much as him. You unsuccessfully tried to hide the disappointment in your voice. He refused to look away from you even when you continued to avoid eye contact.
“Yeah, I know.”
Silence descended again. There was nothing else to say. You realized through your tirade and this whole exchange you had been standing dangerously close to one another, and you hadn’t backed away after the kiss. You could feel his heartbeat on your chest, and you were pretty sure he could hear yours. You separated yourself and tried to pick up whatever pieces of dignity you had left. You straightened out your suit jacket and cleared your throat.
“I’m going to try to add some clauses in the contract for 2024 primary driver placement. They’ll almost certainly come back with red lines to make them conditional, perhaps based on Checo’s performance and/or your own performance in the sim, but Horner loves you so much that I think they’ll be receptive to the idea overall.” Your heart hurt at how crestfallen he looked.
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“I’ll send you a draft before it goes to Red Bull. You can expect deliverables by tomorrow.”
“Assuming everything goes smoothly, I anticipate the agreement to be fully executed by Abu Dhabi. Does that sound like a reasonable timeline?”
He was incredulous at how quickly you could shut everything off. He had spilled his heart to you and in return he received merely an acknowledgement before you put an abrupt end to the conversation. You had done it so many times before to a lesser extent that he shouldn’t have been surprised by how quickly your walls went back up, but he somehow thought this time would be different.
“Yeah,” he finally answered. “But… I want to wait until after the race. I don’t want to have to worry about sneaking away in the middle of practice or qualifying.” It was his way of saying he wanted you there for the duration of the race weekend, he had gotten used to your presence over the last three months. Despite whatever this altercation did to your relationship, professional or otherwise, he couldn’t imagine finishing the tumultuous season without you by his side. He hoped you would pick up the subtlety, but it went over your head.
“I don’t know Daniel, Red Bull probably has a million celebratory events immediately afterwards seeing as their driver won the championship and they won the constructor’s. I imagine McLaren also has a bunch of end of season events planned as well that you’ll have to attend.”
“Can we ask if they can spend an extra day in the country?”
“If you want to wait until after the season is over I totally get it, it might just be easier if we try to schedule something at Milton Keynes the following week.” For someone so smart you were also awfully dense. He tried to come up with a logical explanation that you would be willing to go along with.
“I just thought it would be smart to be able to announce this within a few days after the end of the season, where there’s still buzz and interest and before we get too far into winter break. Plus then it would give the team a few days to come up with a press release still within that timeframe.”
You couldn’t argue that such timing would be better publicity for both him and Red Bull.
“Hmm, I suppose you’re right. No promises, but I’ll reach out to Red Bull to see what their schedule is like.”  
He was satisfied with the victory, no matter how small.
“Is there anything else?” The words felt hollow as they left your mouth. He looked away, shaking his head in disbelief.
“No, I guess not,” he said in defeat. You felt terrible. There were so many things you wanted to tell him, but saying them out loud would only serve to stoke the wildfire you so desperately wanted to put out.
“I’ll see you next week in Abu Dhabi,” you said meekly. You left the room, ending the exchange in a stalemate with neither party satisfied.
Taglist: @ravenqueen27 @leslizzle @zendayabelova @eitak-t @chiliwhore @wewoo1233
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thegoatsongs · 2 years
Those "Sherlock Holmes is public domain and can freely be in any crossover now" memes made me think of how he'd be involved in Dracula because the characters, Jonathan and Mina especially, are incredibly suspicious
-On the 17th of August Mina says that Hawkins took Jonathan and Mina to his own house and wants them both to live there with him, informing them that it's theirs in his will. He said, "I have left to me neither chick nor child; all are gone". So all blood relatives are gone... how did they all disappear? And so, the law firm will belong to Jonathan once he's also gone, too.
-The very next day he's dead. Mina and Jonathan are homeowners now, and Jonathan owns the business. She says Hawkins "left him a fortune which to people of our modest bringing up is wealth beyond the dream of avarice". There seems to have been a longing for financial stability they never had, now resolved.
-A few weeks later, Jonathan is seen around the city and at the docks with a weapon asking for the whereabouts of an aristocrat, bribing sailors, and lurking around houses with a bunch of men. He disappears with his wife for over a month.
And when he returns it must have been a sight
Law firm employee 1: I'm telling you these two orphans murdered the boss and maybe his entire family! And where have they been for this long?
Law firm employee 2: Come on, Harker has always been such a meek, peaceful kid and-
Jonathan, shellshocked, knife at the hip, gaze that says "Just killed a man and looked at him in the eye as he turned to ash": Sorry I kept you waiting I'm back now :)
Law firm employees: Welcome back Sir we are loyal to you till death and will never ever question your actions or motives!
So someone especially brave goes and lets Sherlock Holmes know about this solicitor and his highly intelligent wife who is probably behind everything.
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Coming soon on A Song of Golden Fire and Black Blood
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Half a year after the coronation of Westeros' first Ruling-Queen...
Court has been called back to session in King's Landing to celebrate the wedding of Crown Prince Jacaerys and his future Queen, Princess Baela. To celebrate the occasion Queen Rhaenyra and Princess Baela have put enormous efforts over the past six moons to revive Good Queen Alysanne's "Women's Court" proceedings, and host the first of a new era where they are as frequent as they are highly regarded, lending the Crown's often overwhelmed ear to women of every strata and station so the voices of those that ground and uphold their kingdom may be given their proper due. Meanwhile, Lords from across Westeros and all the Seven Kingdoms, have found the revival to be their greatest evidence yet that Rhaenyra has far overstepped the position she ultimately holds by their good grace: To favor a sister over a brother because the King's word is law, and Lords must remain firm in their right to name their own heirs, is one thing, for that woman to ascend without seeming to spare any mind towards the precedent they have overlooked and privileges they have granted her is another entirely. Whispered judgements and quiet dissatisfaction are growing into the rumblings of a war headed by Lords who were once Kings in their own right and backed by the Faith many have begun to believe their Dragon Kings, and Queen, have forgotten holds this Realm together in ways even the beasts they're bonded to who bring them close and closer to divinity never will. As the days dwindle to her first child's marriage, and the final assertion of the last two decades she's spent continuously cementing Jacaerys oft-speculated, but never outright contestable, claim Rhaenyra is eight moons pregnant with twins, faced with her first true challenge as a ruler, and to maintain the hard-earned peace of two acclaimed Kings, will have to put not only the future of her reign but her faith in those she once considered her greatest threat and rely on the council and support of her Prince Half-Brothers and The Dowager Queen to ensure The Realm does not spiral into a civil war fueled by grudges and led by forces much greater and more powerful than any conflict that may once have been capable of dividing The Realm into Black and Green. House Targaryen must reforge old ties and relearn what it means to be not just one House but one family, it is no longer a matter of success, or stability, but of their very survival.
Arc II of A Song of GF & BB begins on September 14th.
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miss-madness67 · 11 months
The Law Firm (Sam one-shot)
Prompt: You start a new internship and your boss is kinda hot.
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If I were to be even more nervous than I am right now, I would probably be shaking like a leaf. My hands are sweaty as I approach clumsily the entrance of the building. The first time I came here, was two weeks ago, when I had the interview for the internship position. If it wasn't for my nearly neat résumé, I might have not gotten the job. I tend to ramble a lot when I'm nervous, and it clearly was showing on the day of the interview. 
This is the moment I've been waiting for throughout my whole career; when I get to put into practice my knowledge about the law. Even if it means starting as an intern pouring coffee for my boss. Whom I have yet to meet. In the interview, they told me that I’d be working under one of the senior lawyers to learn and observe. Then, if I do a good job, they might consider promoting me to a junior lawyer. I am really excited about the things to come. Perhaps too much because as I climb up the steps of the building in a hurry, I almost fall over. A steady hand in my arm stabilizes me enough to gather my bearings.
“Oh, thank you, I'm sorry.” I don't know what I'm apologizing for.
“No problem,” I finish dusting off my pants and look up to the voice’s owner that saved me from embarrassment.
My face lights up a deep shade of pink at the gorgeous man who stares at me. He's quite tall, possibly the tallest of the people around us. His hair is long, shaggy, and brown. His eyes are warm and inviting. This man is possibly the most handsome one I've encountered in my whole life. When I come to the realization of this fact, I notice that he is still holding my arm and, as well as me, he’s scrutinizing my appearance.
With a light chuckle, he lets go of me. “We wouldn't want you falling to the ground, would we?” He points at the coffee I hold in my hand. Luckily, it didn’t spill.
“No, of course not.”
For a sweet moment, none of us say anything. Normally, I would thank him again and leave, but there’s something pulling me to make this interaction last longer. So I introduce myself with the most confidence I can muster. He seems to like my approach because he smiles brightly at me.
“I'm Sam Winchester.” The name tries to wake something deep in my brain, but my overly restless self cannot comprehend what it is.
“Nice to meet you! Are you new here?” I don't know what prompts me to ask such a question, maybe it's a desire not to be the only one starting today in a new environment.
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, but he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to go inside.
“Well, you could say that.”
“Great!” I beam at him. “That way I won't be the only one.”
He can hear the relief in my voice. “Come on, I'm sure it won't be that bad.”
I nod enthusiastically, “I know, but I always get super nervous on my first day.”
Sam smiles sympathetically. There’s something akin to hesitancy when he says: “I’m sure your boss won’t be so hard on you.”
I shrug, “I haven’t met them, but I heard they’re fairly young. Well, at least my supervisor is, I had a meeting with the big boss the other day, Bobby. He seems like a good man.”
He chuckles. “Oh, yeah, Bobby’s great… as for your supervisor, don’t worry, I’m sure he won’t be too hard on you.”
“Well, I certainly hope so. If you haven't noticed, I tend to make a fool of myself easily.” I want to add something else, there's this little voice in the back of my head that is pressuring me to ask Sam Winchester out, even though I just met him. Maybe because he's handsome, or because he seems to be kind-hearted, but I cannot shut up my thoughts. Normally, I wouldn't flirt with him after just one meeting. This isn’t a normal day, and nerves affect me almost the same way alcohol does; they give me a false sense of security and make me say things that I probably shouldn't. “So, since we’re both new, why don't we meet up for lunch?”
His eyes widen comically, but before he can answer, a voice coming from afar calls his name: “Ah, Sam!” It’s a young man wearing a pristine black suit, and he’s walking toward us. I've seen him before, I think his name is Brady. He was the one who led me into Bobby's office for the interview. “Oh, I see you met the new intern. Hi there, how are you liking it so far?”
“Hello,” I greet, “I haven't gone inside yet.” I discreetly check my watch to see that it's still early. “Sam was kind enough to help me when I almost tripped.”
“I see,” Brady nods, “Sam, huh?” The question isn’t directed towards me because he's looking at the tall man. Sam gives him a warning glance. I cannot comprehend what is happening until Brady speaks again. “Well, it's good you’ve already met your supervisor. He was promoted just yesterday. Honestly, it saves me the trouble of making introductions.”
His words render me speechless. What the fuck did he just say? Did I just flirt with my supervisor? Which is basically having the hots for my boss. Sam looks at me with an apologetic glance. I cannot meet his eyes. Brady mustn’t notice the silence his comment created because he continues: “I'm gonna head inside, see you later!”
His happy pace doesn’t falter one bit. I'm considering that maybe he was aware of what his statement would do.
“I apologize for my previous behavior… I didn't mean-”
Sam doesn't let me continue, “you didn't?” He ponders for a moment. “That's a shame, we would've had a nice time.” I can tell by the way his eyes shine and his mouth forms a gentle smile that he is not teasing me, but actually means what he's saying. “Why don’t you come by my office at 2 p.m. and then we can go grab some lunch?”
He doesn't leave room for opinions because he turns around and walks inside the building without another word. What just happened? Do I have a date with my boss? I guess this first day isn't as crappy as I thought it would be.
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imposterogers · 2 years
foggy nelson really quit his job at a prestigious law firm, dropped out out of the race for DA, say fuck it to financial stability, and started a law firm out his brother’s butcher shop all bc matt came back into his life
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Crime and Punishment (5)
[ modern! lawyer • Aemond x female ]
[ warnings: oral sex, age gap, smut, angst, domination kink, sexual tension ]
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[ description: Aemond becomes a co-owner of one of the largest law firms in the area. He is invited to cooperate by one of the best lawyers he knows. While working in the evenings on further matters at his house, he meets his daughter, much younger than him, whose behavior gives him sleepless nights. Anon Request: Age gap, domination, lots of sexual tension and guilt. ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
After what happened between them in the office, she decided that she had completely figured him out. He needed his dominance and her submission to regain his apparent sense of stability and control of the situation. He wanted to feel like he was in control, even though they both knew he wasn't. Still, she wasn't going to correct him.
From that moment she did not stay with him for long without witnesses. She wanted to make him mad with despair. She saw how he hungered for her touch, how he stared at her greedily. They had exchanged numbers after that evening but she hadn't texted him, and his pride wouldn't let him do it first.
She was nice and sweet to him. Whenever she showed up at the office she happily did whatever he asked of her. She wanted to be his good girl, she craved his approval, and his lustful glances at her body tickled her ego pleasantly. The thought that they had their secret and pretended so well in front of everyone made it all even more exciting.
She had a plan in mind and was patiently waiting for the right opportunity to put it into action. It happened one day, when her father asked her to write back some irrelevant e-mails on his behalf while he had to go to a client. She knew Aemond was sitting in the office next door, and there were a few other employees hanging around their company premises.
She got up abruptly from her desk and headed for his door. She didn't knock, just went inside, closing the door behind her. She looked at him with a warm smile.
He shot her a puzzled look from his laptop, obviously working on something. She saw his gaze travel to her chest - she was wearing a sweater, but without bra underneath - and back to her face.
"Something happened?" He asked, surprised by this unexpected visit.
She approached him slowly with her arms folded behind her. She skirted his desk and stood in front of him. He turned in his chair, leaning back comfortably, raising an eyebrow. She could see from his expression that her proximity turned him on.
She knelt in front of him and began undoing the belt of his pants. He grabbed her wrists quickly, terrified.
"What are you doing?" He hissed through clenched teeth. She looked at him innocently and smiled.
"I want to relieve you with my mouth, sir." She whispered sweetly and softly. She saw his pupil constrict suddenly as he swallowed loudly, his body shivering. She glanced down at his pants and saw that he was completely hard. She looked at his face, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"Later." He said softly. She blinked and pursed her lips.
"In an hour I'll finish my work and go home. I have an exam tomorrow that I have to study for. You want me to fail, sir? Is that what you want?" She asked quietly, raising an eyebrow.
She saw him squeeze his eye shut and shake his head, disbelieving what was happening. He looked at her as if she was hurting him. She knew he was fighting with himself.
She felt his grip on her wrists loosen and her fingers went back to undoing his belt. A few quick moves and she got to his boxers. She touched his manhood throbbing under the fabric with her fingers, squeezing it lightly. She heard him inhale sharply.
"So hard because of me. It must hurt." She purred with tenderness and genuine concern. She heard his head tilt back as she lowered his boxers.
His cock was throbbing all over, hard and swollen, and she could see the veins all along it. She stared for a moment with satisfaction at the sight, knowing it was her fault that he was in such a state, helpless and at her mercy.
"I'll make you feel so good, sir." She hummed, her hand gripping him gently at the base of his cock, her pink tongue licking the tip of it innocently.
Automatically, he slid his hand into her hair and muffled the sound that tried to escape his throat by swallowing hard. He watched helplessly and trembled as her tongue ran up and down over him, caressing and teasing him at the same time. She heard him breathe faster.
"Open your mouth." He whispered softly. She looked at him from below, drooling her lips, and obediently did as he asked.
He tilted her head down slightly so that his tip was between her lips. She licked him with her tongue, pressing her lips around him, teasing him. He tilted his head back at the sensation.
"Fuck." He gasped in disbelief and delight as he looked at her again, unable to take his eye off this view.
She slid his cock deep into her mouth so that his tip touched her throat. She started sucking on him, pressing her lips tightly around him, her hand massaging the part she couldn't fit. She heard his breathing quicken, his hips responding to her movements, his hand gripping her hair tighter.
"Does your father know how good you are at sucking cock?" He asked in disbelief, her mouth moving over him and massaging him with the soft, perverted, wet click of her saliva and his fluids. She purred sweetly like a kitten, and he exhaled softly, surrendering completely, letting her do what she wanted with him.
They both flinched when they heard a knock at his office. She immediately slid him out of her mouth with a loud plop and hid under his desk. He, pale, turned in his chair so that the desk hid his manhood throbbing with delight. They heard a woman come in.
"Mr. Targaryen, papers for you to sign." She said calmly, placing the papers on his desk.
He just nodded, unable to utter a word and flinched as he felt her tongue lick him again. He glanced down and gave her a warning look, but she ignored it and slided his cock back into her mouth. She was delighted to feel him throbbing hard in her mouth again, apparently turned on to the limit despite his rage.
"Mr. Harwin called today and asked if you would have time for him tomorrow. There is a gap between 10:00 and 11:00 am in your schedule, can I put him there?" The woman continued. Aemond pursed his lips, trying not to think about what was going on between his thighs. He wanted her to leave before he came.
"Yes, sorry, but I have to finish something important." He said, his hands on the keyboard of his laptop as if he was just typing an email to someone. The woman only said a short "Of course" and after a while they heard the sound of the door opening and closing.
Aemond looked down again. He wanted to beat her to a pulp, but watching her suck him faster and faster, running her tongue over his swollen cock, all he could think was that he was about to cum in her sweet, pink mouth.
"For what you just did you are to swallow it all. Do you understand?" He hissed softly through clenched teeth. She nodded and moaned softly as he gripped her hair tighter, his hips pressing harder against her, his cock hitting her throat again and again, causing tears of effort to spill from her eyes.
"You look gorgeous with my cock in your mouth. You know that?" He purred, feeling that a few more thrusts and it would be over. He closed his eye as he felt his orgasm approaching.
"Swallow." He hissed and came hard inside her, leaning forward, panting heavily as his cum squirted into her mouth. He could hear her swallowing loudly what was coming out of him, gasping for breath. He moved in her mouth for a few more moments, wanting to prolong his pleasure.
"That's right. Good girl." He purred in delight as the last drops of his semen trickled down her throat. She swallowed one last time and let his cock out of her mouth with a wet slap.
She licked her lips, looking at him proudly. She got up and sat down on the desk in front of him. He looked at her with hazy eye, eyebrows raised.
"Did I deserve a reward, sir?" She asked quietly, sliding her panties from under her skirt with a light movement. "Will you take care of me?"
She saw his lips part in disbelief. She was sure he had never done anything like it before, more borderline than what he was doing with her now. They could be caught at any moment, but she didn't care.
She was no ordinary secretary or assistant. She wasn't doing it for money or his position - all of that could give her her father if she only wanted to. She wanted something else. And he knew it.
She could feel her wetness trickling down her thighs onto his desk. Seeing this, he looked at her with black eye. She knew that they both had just crossed another line.
"Spread your thighs wide." He spoke low and menacing. She pursed her lips at his words in delight and meekly did as he commanded.
His gaze fell to what was between her thighs. His lips parted, his fingers involuntarily running over her wet entrance, causing her to moan softly.
"So fucking wet from sucking my cock? Do you have no shame?" He asked low, his hand rubbing her clit casually. She felt her nipples harden, her whole body tense, demanding more intense caresses.
"It's your fault, sir. You haven't fucked me for so long." She mumbled regretfully, her thighs moving involuntarily towards his hand. He smiled involuntarily at her words.
"Daemon didn't fuck you in the meantime?" He asked, feigning gentleness and lightness. She looked down at him from under her long lashes, her mouth slightly parted.
"Is that what you want, sir? Would you like to watch him fuck me?" She asked sweetly, breathing faster and faster. She saw him press his lips into a thin line, furious.
"I'll tell you what I want. Every time you come here I'll fuck you as I please. No touching in between by you or anyone else." He hissed, his hand accelerating, making her moan softly, her juices dripping from her, making a wet, sticky click to accompany his movements. "Do we understand each other?"
She swallowed hard, his words making her feel close to orgasm, her body shaking all over.
"Y-yes, I understand, sir." She sputtered sweetly and meekly, making him grunt in contentment.
"Good girl." He purred and leaned over her, spreading her thighs in front of him as if opening a book. His tongue brushed over her hot, throbbing womahood and she leaned back, her mouth parting in pleasure.
"Oh God" She whispered, panting heavily, feeling his tongue teasing her clit and her entrance, licking it with the tip of his tongue like a cat drinking milk.
"So close already?" He asked, amused, his tongue barely slipping inside her, squeezing the place of her greatest pleasure. She moaned softly, moving faster and faster, her hand in his hair pressing him against her, wanting to feel him deeper.
"I beg you, deeper, sir, please, please, please" She moaned pleadingly and pursed her lips, stifling a loud moan as she felt his tongue deep inside her, caressing her intensely, teasing her wonderful spot that made her cum after a few strokes of her hips. She arched back, panting softly, her nipples hard with desire.
Her glorious orgasm flowed through her in waves, her face full of fulfillment. His tongue patiently licked everything that spilled out of her. He finally leaned back from her, wiping his mouth with satisfaction, licking her juices from his fingers.
"What should you say now?" He purred, looking at her with a mischievous smile. She looked at him, swallowing silently, her mouth slightly parted.
"Thank you, sir."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @avgdusterfan @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @random-ocity @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @snh96 @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes
Others: @fan-goddess @itsabby15 @fangirlninja67 @the-common-cowgirl @glame @xcinnamonmalfoyx @toodlesxcuddles @virtualsweetsqueen @nina2697
If you want to be tagged, leave a comment below. ♥
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I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.
I arise today
Through the strength of Christ's birth with His baptism,
Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.
I arise today
Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In the prayers of patriarchs,
In the predictions of prophets,
In the preaching of apostles,
In the faith of confessors,
In the innocence of holy virgins,
In the deeds of righteous men.
I arise today, through
The strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
The splendor of fire,
The speed of lightning,
The swiftness of wind,
The depth of the sea,
The stability of the earth,
The firmness of rock.
I arise today, through
God's strength to pilot me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and near.
I summon today
All these powers between me and those evils,
Against every cruel and merciless power
that may oppose my body and soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of pagandom,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul;
Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.
Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.
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