#st. angelo
mr-foods · 1 year
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generation x
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yonemurishiroku · 5 days
Thinking about how Nico loves Percy and Percy loves Nico too, just not in the way that Nico loves him, like that.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 23 hours
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Angelo Rizzuto took this photo from a bus as it passed along 42nd Street in September 1953.
Photo: Angelo Rizzuto via LoC
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2nd2ndalto · 6 months
here is a smol ides of march au
Leo taps Nico’s leg with the flat of his gladius. “Look sharp, di Angelo, the big boss is coming through,” he mutters. 
Nico shifts from where he’d been slumped against the wall of the Forum, pulling himself to his full (yes, really) height and tipping up his chin. It’s his least favorite time of day to be on guard; the midday sun is beating down on the stone walls and the gravel at his feet, and the damn helmet isn’t helping matters. He couldn’t find his own this morning, so he’s wearing Reyna’s, and it keeps sliding down his sweaty forehead.
Nico half-listens to the conversation as Caesar and his companions draw nearer.
“Forget not, in your speed, Antonius, to touch Calpurnia; for our elders say the barren, touched in this holy chase, shake off this sterile curse,” Caesar says, characteristically self-important. 
Leo quirks an eyebrow at Nico, and Nico tries not to laugh. 
Then, “Caesar!” someone calls. The voice is creaky, ethereal. Nico shivers. 
The general stops short, his entire entourage grinding to a halt around him. One of them knocks into Leo, then grabs Nico’s shoulder to steady himself. Nico grits his teeth. 
“Who is it in the press that calls on me?” Caesar asks, imperious. “I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music cry, ‘Caesar!’ Speak; Caesar is turned to hear.”
Nico lets out a long breath. Why use two words when two dozen will suffice? The longer this exchange takes, the longer he has to stand here, pin-straight in this stupid fucking sweaty tunic. 
“Beware the Ides of March,” croons that same spooky-sounding voice, and a tall figure draws forward. It must be a man, Nico supposes, if only from the height. The figure is robed in sky blue, head covered, his back to Leo and Nico. 
Nico’s mind wanders to the gnawing hunger in his stomach, the blisters on his sandaled feet. The heat on his armor is starting to make him feel as if he’s being slowly baked. A Nico panini, perhaps. 
“He is a dreamer!” Caesar announces suddenly, jolting Nico from his discomfort. “Let us leave him.”
Nico lets out a breath as the group in front of him begins to move once more. 
The man in blue - the soothsayer, Nico supposes, lingers. Once Caesar and the others are out of sight, he turns with a shrug. 
“They never listen.”
And his voice isn’t spooky, or ethereal. It’s light, easy. Nico blinks, surprised, taking in sparkling blue eyes, crinkled at the corners, a rueful half-smile. A spill of freckles, several blond curls peeking out around the edges of his hood. The young man appears to be right around Nico’s age. 
And he’s hot.   
Next to Nico, Leo seems to be undergoing a similar journey of revelation. He steps forward, holding out a hand and offering a toothy grin. 
“Leo Valdez. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Soothsayer, sir.” 
Nico rolls his eyes. 
The man in blue quirks a smile and takes the proffered hand. “Will Solace.” He steps back. 
“Fucking hot out here, isn’t it?” Will Solace says. He shoves down his hood, revealing a head of tousled blond curls, shining like gold in the sunlight, the blue in his robes reflected in his eyes. Nico feels a bit like he’s been punched in the face. In a really good way. 
“Sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Will says, fixing his grin on Nico. 
“Nico. di Angelo,” Nico manages, extending a sweaty hand. Blue eyes catch on his and linger, curious.
“You sounded… different. Before,” Nico says.
Will’s grin goes wider, a bit sly. “I’ve been trying something new.”
“So it’s all an act, then?” Nico asks, curious, because… 
“Oh no,” Will shrugs. “He really does need to beware the Ides of March. I just find folks are more receptive to prophecy if I get a bit spooky with it. You know. Really lean into the drama of it all.” Will wiggles his fingers. 
Nico nods. “Caesar does have an… aura of death. A thick possibility of it.”
“Nico,” Leo complains. But Will quirks an eyebrow, regarding Nico with more interest, a quick once-over and a half-step closer. 
“You know, I might have a prophecy for you,” he tells Nico. 
Will touches two fingers to his temple, closes his eyes, a flutter of dark blond eyelashes against freckled cheeks. “Yes. I see you, having dinner with me. Tonight.” Will’s voice has gone spooky again, but it’s edged with something warmer now.  
“Good grief,” Leo mutters. 
Nico nods. “Interesting. Do you see yourself picking me up at eight, maybe?”
“You know, I do,” Will grins “You’re good at this.”
“Maybe after dinner I can show you what else I’m good at,” Nico counters. 
Will waggles his eyebrows. “I foresee that I would enjoy that.”
They exchange details, and Will replaces his hood as he leaves, winking at Nico before turning to stroll away. 
“That was disgusting,” Leo says flatly.  
“Hey,” Nico shrugs, grinning, wondering if he can convince Jason to take his shift tomorrow morning. “There's no use fighting the power of prophecy.”
Many thanks to @anything-thats-rock-and-roll for the quick beta & for enabling this ridiculousness
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dragonlands · 9 months
the amount of ships i have with a will is getting out of hand. will and hannibal. will and lyra. will and nico. will and james. can the gays come up with new names please?
(willyra is gay no i will not elaborate on that)
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error-elf-206 · 15 days
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just sort o some, parrallels i kept noticing for a while ig,
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heckcareoxytwit · 11 months
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Jubilee’s Halloween Nightmare
Jubilee wakes up from her nap on the sofa only to find that her friends had left her after watching a horror movie marathon. Jubilee (Jubilation Lee) searches for her friends in the mansion when she sees the X-Villains dressed as slasher villains. They have come to kill not only Jubilee, but also her friends as well. Husk (Paige Guthrie) is killed by Bastion dressed as Norman Bates of Psycho, who used a bomb since his knife could not stab her. Next, Jubilee and Skin (Angelo Espinosa) are terrorized by Sabretooth dressed as Freddy Krueger of Nightmare on Elm Street. Both Skin and Monet St Croix get mauled to death by Krueger-Sabretooth while Jubilee runs for her life. Penance manages to take down Krueger-Sabretooth but she gets axed by Omega Red dressed as Michael Myers of Halloween. Jubilee runs again only to bump into Chamber (Jonothon Starsmore) who blasts at Myers-Omega Red but the latter (Myers-Omega Red) doesn't die easily so he takes the axe. Then, Jubilee tries to hide into the kitchen where Synch (Everett Thomas) is preparing his midnight snack. Moments later, both Jubilee and Synch are terrorized by Myers-Omega Red and Emplate dressed as Leatherface of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. With her friends dead, Jubilee is left alone and surrounded by the X-Villains who are ready to kill her.
However, it turned out to be a nightmare as Jubilee fell asleep from watching the movies and her friends were playing their practical joke on her. Needless to say, Jubilee is not amused from seeing the masks behind her friends' backs.
Generation X v1 #41, 1998
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crush-like-that · 5 months
Wait wait wait wait wait
Mmmmm wait I can’t make up my mind.
Will being born and raised in a lab w/ powers? (Living in camp almost his whole life, being desensitized to the will of the gods) Nico being practically haunted by the mindflayer/upside down? (constantly being thrown around by the gods)
NICO being born and raised in a lab with others? (Outcasted, never taught how to be a part of society, forced to be an outsider) WILL being haunted by the mindflayer/upside down? (He tries his hardest to appear normal for those around him despite all the mental struggle he deals with)
I think I like the second one more tbh. Ohhhhhh I have to draw this now
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starrrsmore · 14 days
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lesbianmarrow · 1 month
We need to figure out which xmen would start the worlds most middling teenage garage band. Unless I’m missing something I find it incredible that this hasn’t happened in canon
this screams generation x to me. canonically jono was in a band before his mutation manifested, i think he played guitar? maybe one day he’s telling jubilee about it and she notices how he seems to miss it and decides they should start a band. jono plays guitar. everett plays bass. jubes plays the drums and she doesn’t know how to play the drums but she’s having a blast. angelo also plays guitar. paige is too shy to be onstage but she writes their songs. they have to beg monet to be their lead vocalist and at first she scorns the idea bc she finds it childish but eventually relents. of course she has a perfect singing voice. emma and sean think the band is a wonderful idea that is sure to promote teamwork and coordination and they’re very supportive although they don’t really get the music that teens today are into. the only people who really know what they’re doing are jono and monet, though everett picks up bass pretty quickly. angelo and jubilee have no idea how to pay their respective instruments but they’re just having fun with it. paige’s lyrics are exactly what you’d expect from an awkward 16 year old girl with a big crush on a guy in the band. she’s the main songwriter but angelo and jubilee and everett all pitch in with ideas now and then. jono and paige occasionally have one on one songwriting sessions filled with teenage heterosexual sexual tension. at one point he tries to teach her guitar and he’s like moving her hands on the guitar and it’s just unbearable. the band starts off just performing for emma and sean and penance and artie and leech, but eventually they start doing local community performances partly so people stop thinking they’re in a weird cult. of course things go wrong during their performances and they get ambushed by supervillains but theyre able to get one last song in that brings the house down. the band eventually breaks up bc monet refuses to sing a song paige wrote bc she’s like this is stupid nonsense and i’m not singing stupid nonsense and paige runs away crying and angelo comforts her and is like monet apologize! and she’s like if paige doesn’t want me to tell her her lyrics are stupid nonsense she should just try writing lyrics that are good? but the real thing that cements the breakup is everett’s death. nobody wants to play together again after that.
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froggie-at-home · 9 months
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he definitely likes to brag about his boyfriends
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predatoryseasnail · 1 year
Where's the daughter of Neptune, Rick?
Like, seriously, where is she?
All the Big Three have at least two kids, one Greek and one Roman, one male and one female.
Zeus has Thalia, his Greek kid who emulates his lightning, and Jupiter has Jason, his Roman son who channels the winds.
Hades has Nico, who is the stereotypical Greek son of the lord of the dead, and Pluto has Hazel, his Roman kid who reminds demigods that he is the god of riches too.
Poseidon has Percy, his great demigod son who is just like the sea.
Where is Neptune's daughter, the child of the Earthshaker, who makes the ground quake when she's mad? Where is the girl who has a greater affinity with horses than even Percy or Hazel, who wins any horse race she participates in? Where is the demigoddess who is so much more comfortable in a lake than in the sea, because Romans associated Neptune with freshwater more than the sea? The girl that the legionnaires always blame when a fresh drought comes in, who's shunned because Neptune's kids are considered dangerous to have around, who understands Nico di Angelo on a level that the Greeks don't get, because she's considered bad luck too? The girl that immediately volunteered to go with Jason Grace when he quested to kill the Trojan Sea Monster, because he didn't know the ocean like she did?
Where is she, Rick?
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Isn't it exhilarating? That Percy and Nico both care for each other but neither can realize that, the same way neither can deliver said care transparently.
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autistic-katara · 1 year
the Cupid Scene from House of Hades but its Mike getting Vecna’d
(Vecna would be Cupid // Mike would be Nico // whoever u like would be Jason)
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severalmoremutants · 2 months
I’ve sort of been on a comic binge as of late, just reading lots of different runs from various eras, and I just got done reading Generation X (1994-99). Honestly? It was a delight, I really didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. I mean, it had a few somewhat incoherent plot lines (this is x-men tho so it’s par for the course) and it’s definitely very 90s, but overall it was really fun to read, with some really interesting characters and dynamics. Might make a longer post about it at some point but for now that’s all I got
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mikejbecker · 2 years
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