still-ssstar · 14 days
Can any other person sit more dramatically than him?
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ssstar · 6 days
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I'm on the verge of getting heatstroke
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underlash-owl · 4 days
Lovely costume, sweetie. I'm dying😂
So intimidating. so cute
You been practicing that menacing look in front of the mirror for a long time, huh? barely suppressing laughter
stop laughing dammit.
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(drew with mouse)
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norel-ravenclaw · 24 days
Hazbin Hotel Scenarios
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Featured characters: Alastor, Sir Pentious, Charlie, Angel, Husker, Lucifer, Niffty, Vox, Vaggie, Rosie, Zestial
Rating: sfw; occasional scenarios that hint at reader x character, minor angst and drinking
Description: Random scenarios with Hazbins!
PLEASE ask me to write stuff for Hazbin or Helluva!
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- Meeting Rosie and having lunch with her and Alastor, he’s so pleased that you two get along so well. Gossiping after shop hours at Mimzy’s club.
- You find a plushie that reminds you of your fave. (A deer, a spider, a chibi tv character, a snake! So cute!) You’re careful to hide it, but one day they catch you and tease you about it.
- You’re sitting in the hotel lobby at the end of the day, listening to music, and Angel gets home. He leans over the back of the sofa and asks what you’re listening to. You offer him one of your ear buds and laugh at his reaction.
“What is this?”
“Electro swing. You could say I was inspired~” You jump up and grab his hand, urging him to dance with you.
Husker raises a brow at you both from behind the bar, dancing like idiots without music, but you both look so happy, he can’t help but smile.
Alastor walks into the room and sees you attempting swing dancing. Curious, he uses his magic to have the radio pick up the music from your phone.
You notice him and let him join in, trying to teach you the right way to swing. (You’ve never seen him look genuinely happier.)
Angel grabs Husk and makes him dance too.
Hearing the music downstairs, Sir Pentious and Charlie peek down to see what’s happening. Charlie gasps in delight and races to find Vaggie so they can dance.
You end up dancing between everyone there. Even Nifty joins in (making her cockroach puppets dance).
Lucifer gets back in the middle of things, and Charlie gleefully spins over to him, pulling him into the fray and pushing him to you. He tries to apologise for bumping into you, but you’re whisking him into the dance before he can finish.
- Being in hell, being dead, that’s kinda a lot sometimes. Angel’s days are always a lot. So the two of you cuddle basically every time you’re in the same room.
- Charlie, in her bid to find ways for her guests to connect, searches the human realm internet for pictures of everyone. Despite the odds, she somehow manages it.
You’re coming downstairs while she and Nifty are setting up the projector, a very familiar picture of you larger than life on the wall.
Angel awws from the sofa and Husker smacks him.
Then his own picture comes up, a handsome gangster looking man from the twenties.
Now it’s full blown wolf whistles.
“Alastor?? Damn…”
Angel hears you and grins. “Right?”
“I’d let him kill me~”
The man in question steps in with a complicated smile. “Oh my. I’ll not even ask how you managed to get ahold of such a thing.”
Charlie squeals in excitement. “It took me three weeks! Ooh, Angel is next!”
A… skilfully cropped picture is next of him.
Sir Pentious comes down the stairs behind you (you’re still impressed that the snake can navigate stairs) and gasps when his own portrait comes up in the slideshow. “Oh my ssstars!”
“Woah, check out those luscious locks Pen,” Angel says.
Everyone gets a drink after that.
- Alastor smiling so softly at you when he takes you to Cannibal Town and you think the old architecture is pretty. A band is playing in a nearby gazebo… more impromptu dancing. A chance to fix your embarrassing lack of skill, he insists.
- You’re going to bed one night and happen to see Sir Pentious coming out of his room without his top hat, and you’re frozen for a second.
“Oh, hello. Er, isss something wrong?”
“N-no! Sorry, it’s just… your uh… It looks like you have the most amazing hair, the way the black comes around your face… It’s pretty… Sorry, sorry this is so weird, I’m sorry goodnight!”
You slam your bedroom door, leaving him a blushing mess.
- Angel is teasing you about something (or someone) and says something about calling them Daddy.
“Ugh, I’m not calling anyone that!”
“No? Husky, whaddya think about him?”
He glares at us while wiping down a glass and you shrug. “I mean he’s definitely daddy material, but I’m still not calling him that.”
Angel bursts out laughing before Husker throws a glass at you both.
- Imagine being brilliant with social media, blowing up your tiny one person business overnight in helping people promote their stuff, and catching the attention of the Vees. Telling them casually the solutions to problems they’ve been trying to solve for months. Their looks of impressed and interested awe.
- You were out for the day with Lucifer and Alastor, knowing they had a meeting with the overlords later. You wait outside, and Zestial, uncharacteristically running almost late, passes you by on the way in. You are a bit old fashioned, and the way you politely incline your head to him makes him stop in his tracks and ask your name. Perhaps it is worth noting a soul such as yourself…
- Every time you appreciate something from the 20’s/30’s, Alastor gets so happy and clingy with you. Everyone comments how touchy is is with you and just to spite them he starts doing it more.
- Bumping into your fave in the small but densely packed library, with collections from both Charlie and Lucifer. Reading together in comfortable silence. (Or scrolling on their phone as they’re escaping someone/something.)
- Helping Charlie pirate human realm leadership podcasts as she’s stepping into her role more.
- Making a (non magical) deal with Alastor after Lucifer screams at him one too many times for not listening to his voicemails. For every technological or modern world bit of information you share, he’ll teach you something from his own era.
- Finding Alastor tinkering on old radios he collects, sleeves rolled, jacket off. Losing your mind over his deer tail and scrambling - failing - to hide your sheer delight. Finally breaking down and confessing that it’s absolutely darling~ He threatens to kill you and you agree it would be justified. He huffs and nods you over to his desk. He could use a second pair of hands. Or maybe he just wants to electrocute you so you can never tell a soul what you just saw, he says with a smile.
- Vox was there from the beginning days of television, and as much as he knows how brutal the entertainment business is, he still secretly likes a bunch of old fashioned shows and movies that no one ever talks about. He’d be so happy if you threw a vintage movie night for him and let him ramble about the good old days~ Dust off his warehouse collection of old memorabilia and string up lights and he’ll ask you to marry him.
- Going shopping with Angel! Snack and lunch stops are a must.
- Husker is dead on his ass drunk, having a breakdown on the stairs one night. Bottle in one hand, head resting on the bannister posts. You come downstairs for a midnight snack, and seeing him sitting there, you decide to sit on the other end of the step. You don’t say a word, just letting your tail wrap around his and mirroring his own position with your head on the railing post too. You just sit there together for fifteen minutes before he mutters a thanks you can barely hear and heads upstairs.
- Discovering you have Sinner Powers and having eager Morningstars and Alastor help you practice.
- If you hate bugs, helping Nifty make traps for the roaches. She’s your best friend after that. Like it or not.
- Vaggie drunkenly tells you that she secretly wants to see Charlie all princessed up one day. So you and Angel find a dress and fix up her hair (Nifty wants to help! The end result is amazing, but she might have to cut off her hair to get out all the tiny braids, whooops.) Vaggie has a conniption when she sees her and starts stumbling over her words and everything. Alastor puts on a record for them to waltz to. Lucifer is there. He definitely cries. 5000%.
- Going to visit Rosie on your own and getting allll the tea on Alastor~
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ineffableteeth · 10 months
[In the Bookshop]
Crowley (Drunk): Hey Angel?
Aziraphale (Also drunk): Mm? Yes Crowley?
Crowley: I’d trade all the ssstars in the universe for n’ eternity with you
Aziraphale: [Annihilates Crowley with the most Love ethereal beings are capable of]
(R.I.P Crowley)
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song-star-rini · 3 days
@reapkusho @kuro-min @wabatle @rinitoshiplzdateme @rinitoshisgirl ☆
@tigreblvnc @starfire7 @ssstar @soleilonthesun @galaxynajma ☆
@someprettyname @bachi-the-bee ☆
i wanna try and do something and include you all but likeeeeeeee idk if youre all comfrotable so uh
its a bllk fic...
but its the rin idol agenda (and six others...)
so uh, idk if you wanna be taken out lmk, i kinda need a picrew so i can at least get ur hair color right :cri:
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tigreblvnc · 1 month
Your match is...
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— Itoshi Rin
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✦ Forgive me, my lord.
✦ I'm about to embark on another endless psychoanalysis…
✦ But I always want to do this when I receive such detailed and complex bios!!!
✦ Listen, I've never read about anyone on Tumblr who made me think of Rin as much as you…
✦ Who are you? Where are you? What do you do? How do you like your eggs in the morning???
✦ … You know what?
✦ Even before reaching the last paragraph of your last message, the one indicating your MBTI… I already knew I was dealing with an INxJ, hehe.
✦ The longest and most detailed descriptions I receive usually come from INFJs or INTJs, and it makes a lot of sense with the way your messages are structured and your complex, rich, and introspective way of thinking. It’s clear that your words are well-thought-out and have been maturing for a long time. I love these MBTI profiles and could talk about them for hours. So, thank you for stopping by for a matchup! I always enjoy receiving such material and discovering different temperaments and stories.
✦ "I wouldn't be able to get along well with someone hyperactive and noisy. I quickly get tired of communicating with very expressive people." Just this sentence alone allowed me to rule out a large part of the cast when I was making my selection hahaha
✦ "I notice that sometimes I find it difficult to get in touch with my negative emotions, but in recent years I have been learning to be more open with sadness and trust my loved ones more when I feel bad." This is a challenge many INTJs experience because in their stack of cognitive functions (in order for INTJ: Ni-Te-Fi-Se), their Introverted Feeling (Fi) is in the Tertiary position. This means it’s one of the functions that INTJs struggle the most with and have the hardest time mastering (the worst being the Inferior: Se). Introverted Feeling (Fi) is the function that focuses on being in harmony with one’s own feelings and values. In the third position for INTJs, it’s hidden under what others might perceive as coldness. This explains why people might sometimes say you seem intimidating.
✦ This is a very common characteristic of MBTI profiles where Extraverted Thinking (Te) is in the top two functions. Unlike INFPs and ENFPs, whose Introverted Feeling (Fi) is at the top of their cognitive stack (making them very in touch with their own emotions), ENTJs and INTJs often struggle with their own inner feelings because they’re so focused on achieving their goals (manifesting their Te) that they have little contact with their inner emotional world. This is why they sometimes struggle to understand themselves on this point.
✦ (That was a little MBTI note)
✦ (Back to the matchup now)
✦ I thought of two other characters for you because I think they resemble you a lot. I’ll tell you more about them at the bottom of the post.
✦ "So, because of this, from time to time I fall into melancholy and thoughtfulness" The INTJ temperament is often melancholic-choleric. I understand this as someone who, deep down, feels a kind of poignant, inexplicable blues, sometimes motivated by the past, sometimes because they feel a strong disconnect from the world and others. This melancholy occasionally turns into anger when this gap becomes too great and unbearable. Typically, it reminds me of this phrase you wrote: "I've had enough of human idiocy for today. And I deeply regret that I share the same species with these people."
✦ In fact, I think you and Rin share a lot, but really A LOT of characteristics. Logical sense, your individualism, the tendency to analyze everything, your occasional caustic response when disturbed. Your inclination for solitude, the fact that there are only certain very specific things for which you open up… Which makes me think that you probably see a lot of yourself in him through his motivations, his way of being with others, and who he is at his core. And since you share the same MBTI, the fact that you and him are so similar don't surprise me.
✦ I have a philosophy that we often resonate with characters who resemble us. We recognize ourselves in them.
✦ "I approach everything I do responsibly if I'm interested in it and tend to immerse myself in what I like, sometimes forgetting that my body needs to replenish its water and food reserves. (Neglecting my own condition is something I've been struggling with for a couple of years now)" There's a moment in the manga (Chapter 110) (Yes, I looked it up) where Rin is training, and Isagi joins him. Rin says to him: "If I break down from this, that just means that's all I was ever gonna amount to." And I think that resonates with your tendency to overwork yourself without paying attention to your physiological needs. There's a drive to achieve your goals that’s so strong that your body becomes a tool for your ambitions, nothing more.
✦ Ultimately, it’s Isagi who ends up reminding Rin to drink.
✦ Indirectly, seeing someone work as hard as he does to achieve their ambitions resonates deeply with Rin, and he respects that ability. It’s the cowards, the weak, the incapable who give up.
✦ In fact, as the manga progresses (well, a little less during the BM x PXG match, let's be honest *cough*), Rin opens up a bit to Isagi. It’s not direct; it’s very subtle, but we see them talking together! Whereas before, if Rin didn’t outright ignore him, he would clearly tell Isagi to get lost.
✦ And as their relationship evolves, as they face their opponents together (specifically during the Japan U20 match), Rin shows gestures of almost solidarity towards Isagi. He ruffles his hair to bring him back to earth, tells him not to get "swallowed." He even promises Isagi, when they’re in a tough spot: "In 90 minutes, I'll turn those cheers into screams of anguish." This is how he ensures their own victory to Isagi.
✦ Like you, he shows more human, less harsh, less ruthless aspects of himself.
✦ Honestly, I’m convinced that there’s still a bit of the child Rin within the current Rin, but it’s completely buried under layers of poison and vengeance because of Sae.
✦ "I am more open with my family and friend" Yes, Rin used to do that too...
✦ (please help him)
✦ "I'm still learning to accept help normally and admit that I need it at all" Do I even need to say anything… Reminding Rin to drink!!
✦ "But I am tough on betrayal and would never forgive a person who would cheat or betray me." Well, you see, I think it’s the same for Rin, and that’s why he changed so much when his brother abandoned him -- betrayed him.
✦ "I also love ambitious and purposeful people who are burning with their goal and know what they want. If they can also make a joke, whether it's sarcasm or a pun - great." Yes, I think you’ll be well off with Rin!
✦ I’ve always thought that humor says a lot about a person’s creative intelligence, and it’s a quality Rin recognizes. Someone who has wit and knows how to banter with their opponent at the right moment. I even think that if he heard you, it would make him give a slight amused snort, you know? And maybe, if we look closely, under a microscope… We can see the hint of a smile forming at the corner of his lips.
✦ "This is a bit special, but I get along well with traumatized people prone to reflection. Most likely because I can understand them well and it is easier for them to understand me and my traumas." Well, you’ll have plenty to do with him. I also think he’s the type you’d desperately want to save because his deepest wound (aka his brother’s betrayal) can be healed.
✦ … And at the same time, I see Rin as someone too proud to admit that he needs help. He even reacts violently when someone tries to approach him, like with Isagi. I think he can’t stand the idea of being pitied, and at the same time, there’s something very sad about him, you know. His inner child is calling for help. The fact that you can pinpoint this inner wound makes your relationship incredibly powerful.
✦ Rin is not, but I mean NOT AT ALL expressive about his feelings (except for his rage to win, I mean), but he knows very well how to make someone feel special to him. In my opinion, his love language is totally quality time and words of affirmation. It’s when he starts paying attention to what the other person is saying that you can tell something has unlocked.
✦ "I'm not particularly compatible with very active people" Rin is very active, but in his own way. Especially when it comes to his career and football. But outside of that… I see him as someone completely disinterested in living adventures or things like that, you know? I even think he spends most of his time at home taking care of his own business rather than being at shopping centers.
✦ "I can't stand liars and manipulators, as well as people who don't keep their word. For me, honesty is more important and I would prefer a serious, albeit painful conversation, rather than a 'pleasant lie.'" I don’t see Rin as a manipulator or a liar; quite the opposite. His honesty is so abrasive that I can’t imagine him trying to lie. In a relationship, even if he’s not very demonstrative, he’ll immediately express when something isn’t right. He actually expects the same in return and cannot tolerate those who act behind others' backs. I really think it’s a strong principle he stands by.
✦ "I would also not tolerate someone who does not respect me, considers me 'inferior' to themself and does not consider my opinion." Well, I think Rin tends to underestimate just about anyone who hasn’t proven themselves on the field or directly in front of him. This rule applies to any individual in the sport.
✦ Because outside of the field… Well, I think everything leaves him a bit indifferent. He neither esteems nor despises. If it doesn’t help him achieve his goals, then it’s useless.
✦ He’s still a perfectionist, and that makes him demanding and ruthless. But finding someone he respects makes him less harsh.
✦ "My little weakness is horror games, I love them, but I rarely play them myself, preferring to watch others play them." It’s crazy how so many little details about you resonate with Rin, even though we don’t know much about him! Were you destined for him from birth or something? In the Egoist Bible, here’s what we learn about him: "He spends his holiday either playing horror video games or immersing himself in horror movies."
✦ ...Yes, hello?
✦ It seems that words speak for themselves, but I’ll elaborate by saying: YES, of course, you both spend your days off in the room, you watching Rin try-hard the latest horror video games.
✦ In fact, he wouldn’t pay much attention to your presence, so absorbed would he be in his game, but hearing you occasionally gasp or comment on certain aspects of the game would remind him that you’re there.
✦ One evening, while he’s been playing for thirty minutes facing the screen, you’re there, sitting on the bed, flipping through books and glancing at the TV from time to time to see Rin making progress.
✦ At one point, a horrible jumpscare appears on the screen, and you let out a sharp squeak that makes Rin’s neck snap towards you.
✦ "Did that scare you?"
✦ He asks, even though technically, it shouldn’t be you getting the question.
✦ But as I said: words speak for themselves.
✦ "There’s nothing scary about it."
✦ (Deep down, he’s scared too)
✦ (Too proud to admit it, obviously)
✦ "You should try this level."
✦ Because he knows there’s a horrible boss in it that you really don’t like, and it makes him laugh softly to see you struggle in front of it.
✦ Laugh, I said laugh!
✦ Because these are the rare moments when you see him without his usual furrowed brow. Just relaxed, doing something he enjoys, with someone who doesn’t stress him out.
✦ And while you’re playing, struggling with hordes of terrifying zombies…
✦ … The "You died" screen flashes up, and a compassionate hand rests on your shoulder.
✦ You jump. It’s Rin coming to sit back down, with a tray full of snacks and drinks.
✦ "Don’t forget to eat. It’s late."
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A word about your match: I also considered Ego and Sae, as you share many traits with them. I ruled out Ego because I think that in terms of compatibility and depth of relationship, it would have been complicated over time, especially between two intellectuals too focused on their own goals. I mostly see a professional relationship for you two. And regarding Sae: he’s the kind of person who can betray without a second thought or any remorse, and I think you, like Rin, would find that hard to swallow. So for me, the most relevant match is with Rin! Good luck managing someone as stubborn as he is fascinating.
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magnetiix · 2 years
Ssstar man maybe if you're still doing these? he is the blorbo ever to me sdkfjgt
Send in an ask with the name of a Mega Man character that I don’t have as a muse, and I’ll try to talk about how I’d characterize them! Classic and MMX only! (Still accepting!)
((Oh boy, Star! My second favorite of the Fifths!
Star is a LOT to unpack in the Arigaverse, if I'm going to be entirely honest, in a way that I find incredibly fun. He's so fun! He's such a fun character. But a lot of what he's capable of is... well. It's hidden. Ariga hides a lot of Star's potential under his comedic narcissism and flamboyance.
Am I gonna break that all down now? I'm sure as hell gonna try.
To get the most obvious points out of the way, Star's a narcissist with his head in the clouds. Where as Gemini's a narcissist in a more, like, casual sense I guess would be the best way to put it, Star is very much
✨✨ Look At Me! I'm Beautiful!! ✨✨
Kinda like Mettaton, ya know? Lol
And this is, like, an overwhelming aspect of his personality. He's always like this, even when he's alone. He's someone who not only believes everyone should love him because he's beautiful, but he loves everyone because he's so beautiful. Isn't that wonderful? You're being graced with the attention and adoration of the most gorgeous Robot Master in existence, ahuhuhu~
He flirts, he flounces, he flusters. He is a walking canister of glitter and he will shower that shit on everyone.
Beyond that, and even beyond his ditziness and cluelessness on the rare moment where he's not being flamboyant, is an aspect that I think is very overlooked by just. Fans in general, I guess.
The Star Crash is indestructible.
Like. I don't know how I can emphasize this enough.
The Star Crash is indestructible.
It only breaks if Star himself falters or loses concentration. It shielded not one, not two, but four robots from burning to an absolute crisp in the atmosphere. COMPLETELY.
That is fffffffffffffffffffffffucking insane.
And this is another point that I'd like to talk about, actually, because?? To point to the X era real quick: there are no Reploids built for space. None. Whatsoever. No, I don't count Lumine and the Jacob Elevator, Lumine was not built for space. There is not a SINGLE Reploid built with the intention of not just surviving, but functioning and thriving in space. Somehow, all of that was?? lost in the time period between the Classic and X eras. There are just three space-ready Robot Masters as well not counting my OCs asdfglkjh, those being Star Man, Astro Man, and Galaxy Man. I don't remember enough about Galaxy Man's stage to really say, but I know Astro isn't in space. He's in a planetarium. Star Man is the only one stated to actually fully be in space. The first AND most famous of the space Masters is Star Man, and I think that is for very, very good reason. That shit is SO hard to do. Dr. Light himself didn't make a Robot Master designed for space until four generations later, with Galaxy.
Do you know how much can go WRONG when making a craft intended for space? How much everything has to go EXACTLY RIGHT at the SAME TIME? HOW SMALL the probability of a purely perfect operation is? For a robot that can think and move independently on its own, that becomes ten times smaller, and ten times more important.
With that in mind, I don't blame Wily for being so exasperated with Star all the time ajfjskgkskfk. Star's one of his greatest creations, in my honest opinion. And he's just so -clenches fist- ditzy..!
...I. Kinda digressed hardcore. Whoops.
To me, Star Man reads as a well of untapped potential. But it's the kind of potential that, much like Star himself, needs witnesses to truly flourish and shine. If you look at the updated tierlist I made with Lin, you'll notice we clocked Star in as "the best support." That still rings true to me. He performs best in a group, where the Star Crash can maximize its use and he has others to focus on, like his brothers. His potential is so great and so overshadowed by his personality that even Wily forgot about it.
I think that's how I'd write Star. Someone who isn't really actively seeking appreciation, but who other people find a new respect for when they realize he is genuinely capable and powerful. Maybe not so much in terms of raw strength, but the ability to protect? That is something that a lot of the Wilybots are severely lacking, and it makes Star all the more invaluable to them.))
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hissing-head-honcho · 2 years
🔭 (Cherri with Pentious-hellionsanddieties)
This was nice...a reprieve from the usual chaos in his life. He used his coils to hold the cyclops close, his hand busy holding her's.
"Beautiful, isssn't it? Even down here, the ssstars are nice."
He knew her well enough that she'd likely prefer something more...explosion-like or wild...but he hoped she can still appreciate this peace.
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wabatle · 1 month
𓆩⚝𓆪 — Matchups masterlist and queue!
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This is just so it's easier for the people who've requested matchups to find them again. If you want me to take yours down, just let me know!
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — @stellas-starry-stories13's Blue Lock matchup!
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @luminarysol's Blue Lock matchup!
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @tigreblvnc's Blue Lock matchup!
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @sillynene-13's Oshi no Ko and Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @ravenmoon903's Blue Lock matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — 🦈 Anon ( @8-xnny )'s Obey Me! and Blue Lock matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — Anon's Demon Slayer matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @ay-na's Blue Lock matchup
Working on:
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @/ssstar's Blue Lock and Jujutsu Kaisen matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @/plsmarrymehioriyo's Blue Lock matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @/kagaminesforlife's Blue Lock and Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @/stellas-starry-stories13's Oshi no Ko matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @/miya-akane's Blue Lock matchup
𓆩⚝𓆪 — Anon's Obey Me! oc matchup
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still-ssstar · 19 days
A selection of some of my favorite Rin's facial expressions part two
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Well, it seems our emo is not as good at hiding his emotions as he would like.
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ssstar · 4 days
Thanks for the company, honey @starfire7
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(the photo shows an exhibition of paintings by Rene Magritte, the photo don't belong to me)
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underlash-owl · 6 days
I learned from a classified source that you don't know how to accept compliments. And, of course, I will be happy to help you develop this important skill. So.
You're a precious boy and you're doing great. mwah mwah
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rin only looks away from you as you press two tender kisses onto his cheek and jaw. his eyebrows furrowed as he covered the lower half of his now embarrassed face.
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sirserpentine · 3 months
TRUTH. How badly do you want to impregnate Angel with your Pengels? 😂😂😂
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. (2/10)
// about @poisonedspider's Angel, OBVS.
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You haven't a single idea how much I do. Somedays it's ALL I THINK ABOUT.
I've thought about NAMES.
Like Dolce. And Cannoli. And Prudence. And Francine. And Coco. And Tootsie Roll. I've read eighty-seven books on child-raising. I've read 10 about ssspiders. I've designed this self-rocking crib, too. Do you want to see it?! See, it has a mobile that plays Brahm and Beethoven. I'd do anything to make it happen.
Even if the prospect of it is around 99.6 percent impossible. I want it. So much. It seems written in the ssstars, dear followers. Angel's jacket is even already perfectly tailored for- Can someone please tranquilisssse me before I say more?!
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cookiecrumblescrew · 8 months
"Ok ssso it should be around here ssomewh-"
"... What jussst touched my tail...?"
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"Oh, it'ss jusst a sea ssstar... Huh? What'ss that?"
"please move little one... Ok there..."
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"thiss thing is very sssandy..."
"what even is thiss...? Why iss it blinking...?"
Tumblr media
"oh! It's a camera, and recording I think... Odd... Maybe the sssea sstar accidentally set it off?"
"Hello camera, I guesssss."
"...maybe I can convince the captain to let me keep it."
"It isss technically treasssure after all..."
Ask blog is opened!
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ssstars-in-blue · 1 year
Hello. It's me, identity crisis. How ya doin? Lol.
But fr, I'm just posting this to say that I decided to change my blog name. I'm not vibing with the old one anymore so yeah. I need to change a whole lot of things, so we're under construction for now!!
I'm now ssstars-in-blue! And thanks for being here!
-star ⭐🩵
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