effects-bnnrrb · 2 years
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bnnrrb-collage · 2 years
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maidflowery · 22 days
𝗦𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗭𝗘! (𝟮/𝟰) 🔞NSFW🔞 𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝
Moze x Reader Limited time event: 5 September - 10 September
Decide his fate by voting in the poll below.
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Use the Weed Killer sample you got from the local farmers on the vines
That’s it!
A lightbulb suddenly turned on in your head, and you fished for something inside your trusty waist bag.
During your excursion, the local farmers showed you their latest technology in getting rid of pesky weeds—WEED KILLER X! You saw it for yourself, how the chemical instantly killed those weeds! The kind farmers even gave you a sample!
You finally found what you were looking for! The purple liquid swirled inside the small bottle. You didn’t know how well it’d work against literal living vines, though.
“Alright, let’s test this out...”
You sprinkled a few drops on a nearby vine.
You were shocked at the result. The vine started erupting in smoke as the scattered sprinkles made tiny holes on it like a corrosive poison.
“It worked!”
Especially well, too!
Even the ashen-haired guy, who refused your help, stared at the burning vine with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“Okay! I’m going to get you out soon! Take this!”
Then, you swung your hand, throwing the open bottle at the captive guy. It was safe for humans, by the way.
He was about to say something, but reflexively shut his eyes and mouth.
Cssstttt...!! Cssst...!!
You made the right choice!
Soon, the vines entangling his body slowly melted away!
“That’s the power of science for you! Those pesky vines don’t stand a chance!”
“Cough, cough!” the vine around his neck came loose, and the man gasped for breath. Then, he turned to look at you. “What have you done?!”
A pair of amethyst eyes with cyan and pink tints glowered at you.
...Not even a thanks?
“W-what? I was trying to help!” you were taken aback.
Even as you spoke, the vines were still being eaten away by the herbicide.
“Unless you strike the core, this type of monster will only keep regrowing!”
Csst...! Zzzt, zzzt, snap!
Then, you saw it for yourself.
The vine that bound his upper torso, which had almost completely melted, suddenly regrew! Another vine sprouted from its burnt tip—no, scratch that—two more vines. The same happened to the rest of corroded vines.
Soon, the vines had doubled from their original amount, meaning the man's restraints were now twice as many.
You stared at the man, unable to say a word.
He stared back at you, nursing quiet anger.
“...At least, you can now breathe easily?”
Hey, silver lining. You definitely weren’t trying to alleviate your guilt or anything.
“...Do you have more of that chemical you used earlier?”
“Uh, no.”
It was just a sample, after all.
The two of you continued staring at each other in silence, but then...
Something happened to the man.
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POV: Moze
Moze didn’t feel it at first.
However, before he knew it, some of the vines had crept inside his clothes. Since they were newly-regenerated, both the vines and their thorns were thinner. As they crawled on his skin, innumerable, brush-like thorns pricked him. Not enough to draw blood, but left prickly itchiness behind.
“Ugh... ah...”
With at least a few dozens or so of such vines writhing around his body, the tingling sensation was simply unbearable, his body started wriggling on its own. A vine trailed painfully slowly down his back. Another roamed around his chest, which he felt the most for some reason.
And when it decided to coil around his right nipple, embedding its thorns all around, it took his everything not to scream. No, especially with someone else present. Otherwise, what would remain of his pride as a Shadow Guard? Ironically, he held on to the very vines that shackled him just to suppress his voice.
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Soon, he felt the same sharp, stinging sensation on the left tip of his chest, and no amount of restraints could stop him from arching forward, standing on his tiptoe. As a result, some of the vines dug even deeper than before, ripping his clothes.
“A-are you okay?!”
That scream snapped him back to reality.
The girl stared worriedly at him. ...Even though she exacerbated everything. If not for that look on her face, he’d have suspected that she was behind this trap.
“Let me think of something! Maybe I can—”
“—No, don’t do anything!”
Moze interrupted amidst the numbness that pervaded his whole body.
Seeing that she was eager to “help” again plain terrified him. He only had ominous feelings about it, and perhaps that girl sensed it too.
That look again.
Her look of worry, mixed with guilt and helplessness, seemed to prick him way harder than all the thorny tendrils around his body.
Even though assuaging others should be on the bottom of his priority list right now, he found himself saying:
“...My satchel must’ve fallen around there. There should be a green potion inside. Can you fetch it for me?”
“Of course!”
The girl perked up instantly, no longer looking like a kicked puppy. She immediately searched her surroundings.
Still not fully understanding why he asked her that, Moze went quiet. As soon as she returned with the healing potion, he’d be able to break free. Until then, he only had to endure this tingling, prickling sensation—
As soon as he thought that, multiple vines swung toward him all at once!
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You noticed a black satchel lying on the grass nearby.
“This must be it—”
Hearing a familiar voice made you rush back. Of course, you didn’t forget the black satchel.
Upon arriving, a much more ferocious scene awaited you.
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The ashen-haired man, now restrained with more vines than ever, was being whipped by other vines left and right! His clothes were also torn, so the thorny vines hit his bare flesh, leaving red stripes.
When you were too shocked to do anything, the man spotted you and screamed.
“Quick! Hand me the green—khhk!”
The last part was inaudible because a vine slid into his mouth.
“Mmgghk! Ggghk!”
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The man attempted to spit it out. Try as he might, the vine only entwined his tongue even tightly, and strings of saliva trickled down his mouth. Amidst all that, he was still trying to signal you with his eyes.
R-right! The potion! The green one, right?!
You fumbled with the black satchel, finding three vials of potions inside.
But there was one problem.
They were all green.
To be fair, the one in the prism-shaped vial was yellowish green, the one in the round-shaped vial bluish green, and the one in the cylinder-shaped vial was orangish green.
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“Which one is it—?!”
You waved the vials in front of him. You raised the first one: the round-shaped potion.
“Is this the one?!”
The man shook his head—wait, was he nodding?
Huh? Is that a “yes” or a “no”? Wait, the vine forced his head back...
You tried the same with the second potion, and then the third one. Same result. He was cocking his head a lot. Not that you could blame him. Still...
Without stopping, the vines ruthlessly whipped him. Some of the stripes even began to bleed. You couldn’t leave him like this. You needed to make a decision.
Buy me coffee ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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averydeadshootingstar · 6 months
pffft pssst pipipipi bipbop glup glup gulp gulp boom kaboom raaah ssssst waaah womp womp whoop whoop oops guh hmmm blup blup swaaah tsk tsk shhh mmmm mhm toc toc quack quack
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Pam, I might have found someone who could help.... but they were looking for a soul in exchange for helping out, I haven't given an answer yet to them about it, according to Rook they can read people's souls, which isn't exactly that thing you said about entering Mystery's subconscious, but hopefully it'll work close enough
- 🦊
Sshhh shss ss ssssst
(Let's not trade anyone's souls...)
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jungleklas · 1 year
Ssssst studentjes hard aan het werk!🤫🤫
Go go go lieve zesdes!💖
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thallashopile · 9 months
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Kala kita nge-hastag #freepalestina #savepalestina di media sosial, siapa bilang itu tidak berpengaruh?
Kala kita post semangka dan lain_nya di media sosial, siapa bilang itu sia-sia?
Kala kita berkumpul meramaikan dan menunjukkan bahwa kita berdiri di barisan palestina, siapa bilang itu tidak berguna?
Ssssst, stop bilang "aku hanya bisa bantu dengan doa" kau sedang tidak meremehkan doa bukan?
Bukankah kekuatan kita ada di sana?
*Menolak lupa sejarah tentang semut dan burung yang ikut serta memadamkan api nabi Ibrahim*
Siapa yang memberontak itu? Yang dengan gagah berucap "kenapa harus mati-matian membela negara lain, padahal masyarakat di negara sendiri belum merdeka, padahal rakyatnya masih banyak yang terzolimi"
Coba tanyakan, bukankah dalam dua hal ini, kita harus tetap mengambil bagian?
*Siapa negara pertama yang mengakui Indonesia merdeka?*
Coba tanyakan sekali lagi barang kali dia lupa.
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squadron-goals · 1 year
Back at the front
Drove from Hanover at 7:15 in the morning. Mom brought me one last cup of coffee. I was happy that I had enjoyed my life to the full before.
I woke up near Leuven. Leuven still looked desolate and destroyed, a city in ruins. The Belgian fields, on the other hand, looked completely different to the previous year. The land was tilled and partly plowed again. We arrived in Brussels, where the German flag flew proudly from the Palais de Justice. In Cambrai we drank a few glasses of beer and arrived in St. Léger late in the evening. The continuous cracking of the heavy guns could be heard all night long.
When we woke up we learned that the French had stormed that night. As usual in the field, I washed When we woke up, we were told that the French had stormed tonight. I washed myself in a can of Bismark's herring, as was customary in the field. At 8 o'clock we set off. On the next hill we could already see the clouds of smoke rising. The air was thick. I marched in front of my platoon, suddenly ssssst-boom! a thick shell hit close in front of us, followed immediately by a second one. I immediately had them swarm and lie down, then I had the platoon take cover along a hedge while more shells flew apart in front of us. I can't say that the reunion with the grenades was all that great, I didn't quite have my nerves under control. With the old warrior's eye, I immediately spotted a shell hole where I took cover. When the shooting didn't stop, I lit a cigarette while standing in full view of everyone and ordered them to go up to a hedge and take cover there at a short distance. As I did so, a guy bolted to the left. He ran and ran without listening to my orders. I ran after him and threatened to shoot until he changed his mind and returned to the line. Then, in a roundabout way, we went towards the village of Douchy. This was the first time I commanded a platoon while under fire and I could tell that the people were impressed by my behaviour. I reported and was warmly greeted by First Lieutenant von Oppen and First Lieutenant von Brixen. I went to the company quarters and ate there. I noticed a little French boy there, aged 10-12, who had been with the kitchen for months and could already speak German well. His mother was in Cambrai. A poor little fellow who had already become completely accustomed to this desolate shellfire. After a proper dinner, I went to bed and very quickly had a good sleep of about 12 hours.
An unpleasent story happened to me today. I woke up at 8 a.m. and was supposed to leave for a company inspection at 7 a.m. I ran to Moyenville as quickly as possible. Everything was already underway with a helmet on while I was in a cap. I turned back and met Hauptmann von Ahlemann, who told me to report immediately. I didn't want to go. In the afternoon there was tremendous anger from the company commander. In the evening Lieutenant Pömmel asked me whether I had reported myself. "No". "If the Hauptmann finds out, you'll be grounded." I feel a little anxious. Hopefully there are no consequences.
Today I got mail from home, from Fritz and M. Fritz's letter made me very happy, he is smarter than he looks after all. In the evening we moved into the reserve position. I led the 5th group. We moved into a well-constructed small field fortification. I sat in the dugout with the 8 old warriors until 11, then I went to sleep.
Today, as I wake up in the trenches again for the first time, I remember that a year ago I joined the army for adventure. (Sad but true!) This morning, when I was on trench duty, it was very interesting. From an embrasure, we watched two Englishmen in the echelon in front of us, who looked very unabashedly over the trench and shot across. We got a rifle scope and shot a few times. The Englishmen took up the duel and fired at us as well. They also often showed a mirror with which they looked over. Once a cheeky guy laughed so hard we could hear it and after every shot they waved a flag. The joke lasted about two hours. Unfortunately, we couldn't get any of them.
This morning I was standing next to Wawode at the shooting range when a bullet came flying and tore his cap from front to back. Two sappers were wounded at the wire entanglement, one got a ricochet through both bones, the other was shot through the ear. When I was walking through the trench in the morning, a man had just been shot through both cheekbones. It was a disgusting sight. He was bandaged up immediately, the blood splashed like a waterfall on the ground. I found out later that he will survive after all. I amused myself by aiming at a shooting hole behind which an Englishman was swinging a sack on a pole. To my delight, cigars, cigarettes etc. arrived from Rehburg.
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The truth always comes out, chapter 3
"Papa, where were you?" Sybil said once she spotted her father.
"I....." Robert stopped his sentence. "What is it?" He said instead.
Sybil gave him a strange look. Why was her father's dress shirt missing buttons? "Dr. Clarkson is on his way, Mama is getting worse. She has trouble breathing, and I don't know what is wrong with her. You need to come, she is asking for you."
Quickly, Robert followed his daughter. The moment he stepped inside her bedroom, his heart got cold. It was a horrible sight, Cora was twisting in bed, fighting for every breath. He heard her wheezing and rasping every time she took a breath. He sat down on his side and took Cora’s hand in his. With his other hand he brushed her cheek. "What can we do?" He looked up to Sybil.
"We will have to wait for Dr. Clarkson." She answered.
O'Brien changed the cloth on Cora's forehead. "This will cool you down Milady."
Robert looked at O'Brien, he had never liked her. But Cora liked her and she always said, O'Brien was fond of her. He wasn't so sure about that. But Cora was leaning on O'Brien a lot and as long as she was happy with her, it was alright. But there was something about that woman. But now she was taking care of Cora with such dedication.
"Robert?" Cora's voice sounded very soft, her eyes searching for Robert's.
He looked back down. "ssssst, do not talk. I am here, we will take care of you. Everything will be alright."
"I am sorry." she murmured and closed her eyes again.
This confused Robert, why was she saying sorry. Did she know what he did? No of course not, that was not possible. Maybe she said sorry for her behaviour over the last months? He lifted her hand and pressed his lips against the back of her hand.
The bedroom door opened, Mary and Edith entered with Dr. Clarkson behind them. Robert stood up from the bed and also O'Brien stepped back, giving the doctor some room.
Robert was wringing his hands, while Dr. Clarkson examined Cora. Can you help me turn her ladyship on her side? He looked at Robert. Robert looked at Sybil with pleading eyes. She was better in those things. Sybil understood his question and stepped closer.
"It looks like she has pneumonia, an infection in her lungs. I will describe an antibiotic. This should help with 2 or 3 days. Do not hesitate to call when her symptoms get worse. She should improve very quickly with the medication." Dr. Clarkson said when he was done with his examination. He looked at Sybil. "You know what signs to look for, right?"
Sybil nodded. She did not want to repeat them in front of her father. He would see them directly.
"I will let you out." Edith said.
"That is not necessary, I know the way." Dr. Clarkson answered. He touched his hat, nodded at Robert, and walked out.
"We should make a schedule so somebody is with Mama the whole night." Mary said.
"Girls, I am sleeping here tonight, so I will be here."
"Papa, that is not a very wise idea." Sybil said timid. "Pneumonia can be contagious and we do not want you to get sick too."
"I can sleep on the settee." Robert said. He did not want to leave Cora alone.
"I take the first shift. "Mary said. "Papa, you need your rest, and Mama needs somebody who is awake in the room."
"Milady, is it alright when I stay here? You all can go to bed." O'Brien said.
"I will relieve you in two hours," Mary said. "Sybil, if you take the one after that, so you can check how she is doing. Edith, you will relieve Sybil and Papa can come in the morning."
Robert still protested but let Edith guide him out of the room.
"Drink this, Mama." Cora heard Mary’s voice, and she felt her upper body was lifted. This movement made that she started coughing. Her whole body jolted. And it took a while before it stopped. She grabbed the sheets, trying to lift her upper body more, in a desperate attempt to get more air in her lungs.
She was not getting enough air, she needed more air. Went through her mind. She felt Mary’s hands on her back. It helped to get the mucus out of her lungs. Finally, she felt the cough slowing down, and she sunk back into her pillow.
Mary offered her a cup. "Mama, you need to drink. You will like this."
The only thing Cora wanted was to sleep, but she let Mary help her drink from the cup. She had to admit, the warm drink was nice in her throat.
She tried to lay back down, Mary helped her, and she gave her a faint smile before her eyes fell shut.
Robert woke up with an arm on his chest. For a second, he thought it was Cora. But the same moment he realised that wasn't possible. He jurked up and saw Jane next to him.
"What are you doing here?" He uttered.
"I thought you needed some comfort tonight." Jane answered.
"Get up, please get up. This can not be happening."
"But, I thought you wanted me. It is what you said multiple times over the last weeks. And the way your hands roamed over my body last night is enough proof, you want me."
"I made a mistake." Robert said, trying to put on his clothes. "A big mistake. I thought I needed you, but I need my wife. And she needs me, especially now."
"But." Jane got up and walked towards Robert, putting her hands on his chest. "All the secret kisses we shared? The words you said to me. You made me believe you wanted more."
Robert took Jane's hands in his and kissed her fingers. "Jane, this can not be. I am married, and I love my wife. I should not have seduced you. It is not fair to you or Cora. We can not do this."
"The day I started working here, I saw you and I knew there was something. The way you looked at me." She reached her hand to his cheek.
"No." Robert stepped back out of her reach. "No, this has to stop. This will stop here. We are not meant to be. Cora is the love of my life, and I need to go to her now."
There was a knock on the door, and before he could tell the person to stay outside, the door opened, and Bates stepped inside.
His eyes grew when he saw Jane in her nightwear in the room. "Do you...... I have..... Edith is asking for you. Do you want breakfast here, Milord?" He said while turning back around.
Robert looked at Jane and back at Bates. What now, what now!
"Can you bring some toast to her Ladyship's room? I will eat there." He said, trying to ignore the whole situation. Jane slipped out of the room. Once the door was closed again. Robert said. "Please, forget what you just saw, never talk about this with anybody."
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It was a wintery night. It was cold enough for the gray rain to become ice and later snow. I couldn't even go outside. The door was blocked by 1 meter of deep white snow.
 My dad and me sat on the couch while my mom made hot chocolate. We sat silent until my bff caled and said ‘did you hear the news’ i shook my head and said ‘no not yet’ she told what ‘kids at the age 12 have to go to a camp from tomorrow. We can't choose, everyone has to go, Even you! We have to leave at 12 noon tomorrow.
I was shocked, a camp!? 
chapter 1
Hi everyone, I'm nyx and I am 11 years old. So this is a world far away from the time you are now in. I am going to tell my story so let's start.  
It was a wintery night. It was cold enough for the gray rain to become ice and later snow. I couldn't even go outside. The door was blocked by 1 meter of deep white snow.
 My dad and me sat on the couch while my mom made hot chocolate. We sat silent until my bff caled and said ‘did you hear the news’ i shook my head and said ‘no not yet’ she said that ‘kids at the age 12 have to go to a camp from tomorrow. We can't choose, everyone has to go, Even you! We have to leave at 12 noon tomorrow.
I was shocked, a camp!? I was sure this wouldn't get any worse so I ran to my parents and told them, they were in shock, we cried. The day went by and I went to bed at midnight, I was 12 the next morning. I was so scared of what was going to happen that I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in a car. I pulled
The rope from my hands, I tried to look around but it was dark. The only light I saw was where two men were driving the car. I snuck close to the men who were driving and I grabbed one of them by his neck. He choked and yelled at me but I put my nails deep into his neck and I saw blood dripping. As my nails were so sharp as a knife someone grabbed me, I poked my nails in his face, he screamed. 
I was so mad that I yelled out ‘where are we going!?’ Nobody answered, then I saw why there was a man with a gun in his hand. ‘Sit down young lady, right now!’ and with that said I sat down and stared.
 When we finally stopped I saw nothing, everything was black, probably because I had something on my eyes. I felt someone pushing me towards something and they took the towel from my eyes. I saw a big house and lots of small caravans. The men pushed me in a caravan and I saw 3 other kids who looked sad like me. The men shoved a suitcase under my bed and walked away without anything to say. The kids in the room said  “welcome number 4’, My name is’ ‘ssssst we can't say our names.”  It was late in the night I was so scared that I got cold feet. I had to go to bed but I was so scared that I was shaking but I had to go to bed.
I started to cry “I don't want to be here ! I want to go home” the others sat next to me and made me stop crying.
I heard rain tap against the window.
I fell asleep as the rain tapped and tapped. The next day I woke up on the ground feeling that my back was sore.
chapter 2
The guard stormed into the house and yelled “everyone in a line” . I was at the back .I was standing outside when suddenly a snake bit someone and everyone was screaming except me. I loved snakes. The training was canceled and the snake died. The next hour was even worse: the big kids had made a fire. The whole camp was burning and so a kid just died. 
I was standing and just waiting for someone to save us when someone yeled “ follow us ! ”
i ran to the voice and followed it 
into the fire i almost burned but the voice kept yelling follow me , i fell and i was about to die when someone saved me. I was shocked when I woke up. I was in a pastel world. I saw a lake with cookies and milk and I felt a soft ground. I was laying on a marshmallow. I knew it was in the real world, the world we were at war with. How did I get out of the camp? Why was I here? 
I closed my eyes and fell asleep…
When I woke up I was in a cotton candy pink house. And in a pink dress there were people staring at me so I opened my eyes. 
there was a mushroom next to my bed and he said” *%==| !;% `|. [`,
and I knew what it meant. It was”hello are you nyx” so i sead “`%?” which was yes.
I looked at the mushroom and I couldn't resist the smell of mushroom and I took a bite.
and woosh… I had elf ears and a rainbow dress. I loved it, I tried to stand up but I didn't stand. I flew into the sky through the roof. I was in the sky when I heard a scream and flew back through the roof. When I was back I saw black and then I fell down, down the black hole when finally I saw light. But the moment I stopped. I fell further deeper into emptiness and I was screaming when finally stopped. And I looked up but in a millisecond I was falling again. I saw light and I thought, “I can fly”. i felt my wings 
How does it feel when you fly?
what can you see?
what does the scenery look like?
chapter 3 
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jbvvgv · 10 months
escapism said get out!!!
ssssst ouh please u know i cant 🥲
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the-not-so-dark-age · 4 years
Me lo ricordavo diverso Fiorello
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slurrmp · 5 years
oh no, the need to write a clone wars medic!oc / reader fic is strong. also bc the clones need some loving, like uhm fives & rex & cody & fives ...
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shanaoh · 2 years
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*slow ass blink*
what the..vern? pam?...is everyone okay?
-recently awoken mid/@nrc-therapist
*a crocus climbs up onto the infirmary bed and over to Mid*
Ssh shhshhtssssh... ssh Shhshu sssshhtsst shsu, ssssst sshshhhht
(We're all here but... we have Vern on an IV, oxygen, and heart monitor)
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starwarsaddiction · 3 years
What Obi-Wan misses of the jedi order on Tatooine
the coffee - Dex coffee and the one from the vending machine at the third floor of the Temple, near the dojo, made the best coffee ever
the laundry service, why have clothes if you can just take the ones that the order gives free to the jedi who don’t want a wardrobe of their own?
the children laughters in the archives and the irritated “SSSSST” of Jocasta Nu. She was never really angry, but you need silence where people read. 
The dojo on the third floor, the one with that large window were they practiced moving meditation all together when he was just a kid, waiting to be chosen by a Master
the quiet spot in the Room of Thousands Fountains where the only thing you could see was the sky and the noise from the traffic was just a smooth background noise
the smell of the pond where they kept the frogs for Yoda and Yaddle, and that little one, Grogu maybe? He can’t even remember the name
The stack of books on his nightstand, and the sweet scent of his favorite incense in his room, at night. 
The sound of Anakin making tea some early mornings, when they just started their reciprocal training... 
and that’s the moment when Obi-Wan takes a deep breath, because the silly, sweet face of that child turns to the angry, red eyed face of the sith he had to kill on Mustafar, and it still hurts, so again, another deep breath. 
The temple is gone forever, the order is no more. All the people he once knew are dead, and the only important thing is the present. That little child, with the same blue innocent eyes of his father, who needs protection along with his new family, and the Rebellion, waiting for his tactics and the hopes of an old fool. 
The past is gone, the future doesn’t still exists, only the present is important, he reminds himself. Another deep breath and a quick look to the counter inside of which his lightsaber is hidden, and he’s ready for another day. 
Just small steps
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