skygodtraumabond · 1 year
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hd,hzh ssnb,,gggh+546488h7 d?!!! 😈😈
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mauvecardigans · 2 years
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ariadnewordweaver · 3 years
Bad Synopsis Tag
I was tagged by @letswritestories101​ on my old blog! thank you <3<3
Rules: make a new post and describe your WIP synopsis in the worst way possible.
Necromancy and Nightcaps:
A rich boy simps over a call-girl with magic powers.
Love Spells and Zinfandel:
 Said call-girl decides she wants to mass murder.
Sanguine Shield/Nobyl Blood:
Two athletes are really really really bad at talking about their feelings. Also one of them almost dies.
Tagging: @staff-lieutenant-alenko @thekisforkeats @ljandersen @juls-writes @theresonlyonebed @adycat2 @wildwhiskey236
no pressure!
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terryshousewife · 3 years
this you? 👁️
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henriswinkels · 6 years
De afgelopen vier jaren maakten we Brabant beter via sport. Hoe we dat deden, en wat we daarmee bereikten, kun je zien in deze video over de evaluatie van ons sportbeleid.
En daar ben ik kei-trots op!!
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cdotspicoli · 7 years
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May 27th! Come out, pick the brains of our industry certified panel, performances from from all over the #DMVHipHop scene, and a live cypher hosted by me! Spots still available btw, so hit me up if you're interested #streetsmartmag #ssnb #WastingTimeCypherSeries #WeOuchea #410 #443 #202 (at Baltimore, Maryland)
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realmommablog · 6 years
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This Sweet and Spicy Nuts and Bolts Recipe is a favorite during the holidays! Grab the printable recipe on the blog: http://rlmom.com/ssnb
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The Black and White Macro Group
This post (which serves as the group homepage) is mirrored on Blogger, more or less, with some slight variation in wording being present for reasons of context. If you want to read all of this over there for some reason, you can do so.
This should all be reasonably self-explanatory, but history has taught me that it won’t be, so now I must waste the time of maybe 90% of my visitors in order to spare them the antics of the remaining 10% or something like that.
Yes, the group already exists. You can see the latest photos to be uploaded to it in the sidebar for this blog. I’m not even its founder, much less some fellow who is trying to get it going by adding it to a few rings. I inherited it while I was offline due to a move, with my computer boxed up. I unboxed my computer, logged in, read my system messages, went to what was now my group, and found that it had been buried in spam. That brings us to the following mini-rant.
“Black and White Photography” means “black and white and gray” … strict, pure grayscale … not “black and white and gray and a splash of some color the photographer felt like throwing in just to prove that nobody is the boss of him.” Having so much as a speck of non-gray in a photo submitted to the group, even in a personal watermark, is grounds for instant banning from the group. No, I’m not going to give warnings. We’re all adults, and adults shouldn’t need to be told to follow the rules that they have agreed to abide by.
A macro photo is a photo of something very (or at least fairly) small. The image is larger than the object seen, generally speaking much larger. These images take the viewer into a semi-hidden world that has long existed right in front of him, but which he has been too large to see. Zoom in shots of insects, the stamens of flowers, the fibers in a cloth … all of these are suitable subjects. Human beings, landscapes, the moon (and other celestial objects) are not, and so again, if somebody submits a photo of any of these to the group, he’ll be banned. If somebody then whines about that person’s banning, that person will be banned as well.
My, don’t I sound awful? But the fact is that I had to stay up late and lose a beautiful (and precious) summer day in Chicago because adults felt like acting like spoiled little children, and left behind a mess for me to clean up. It is now cleaned up and it will stay cleaned up. Photos must be approved before they appear in the pool, and applications to join the group must be approved as well.
Don’t worry too much about applying. I’m not really looking for reasons to exclude people. An empty photostream (or a nearly empty one) will probably get me to reject an application, but only temporarily, because I have to wonder if the account in question belongs to somebody who has already be banned. “Is this a troll’s or a spammer’s sock puppet?”, I’ll have to ask. But let the applicant come back later with this deficiency remedied, and I’ll probably let him in. I bear no ill will against the rejected applicant, I’m just trying to keep a pre-existing problem under control, and I hope most people understand that.
Aside from that, what is there to say? Yes. as you will see when you arrive in the group, there is a clear path back to the ring there, as there is on the microblogs on Tumblr and Blogger on which one can follow the group. I had to set up a homepage for the group because Flickr doesn’t let us use javascript and SSNB is javascript. The homepage for the group is a blog and not a conventional HTML site because the free homepage providers tend to be run by people who flake out on their users and delete sites without reason, and with ring memberships I’ve found that the constant relocations made necessary by that flaking out gets to be a nuisance for both the users and the ring managers alike. Yes, Webring offers webspace in theory, but the system failed to create webspace for my account when I set it up, and the bug in question is an old one which Webring has refused to fix, so that’s life. A regular homepage wasn’t an option, because system administrators were determined to be difficult and there’s nothing I can do about that.
Not that there isn’t a positive side to all of this. Blogs are great for people who snap photos. My camera is finally out of storage, Tumblr offers unlimited space (for all practical and non-abusive purposes), and the reverse sequential ordering of a blog means that visitors won’t have to do a lot of digging in order to find my latest work. The look and feel of the template is an attractive one, and I spend a lot less time coding this way. I won’t say that I’m completely satisfied with the situation as I have lost some creative freedom, but I’m not going to spend a lot of time sulking about this, either.
What else will be on this blog, other than this little bout of venting group homepage? I should put it to some real use, shouldn’t I? I’ll upload some black and white photos of my own. At first, they won’t be macro shots, because I’m still saving up for a macro lens and will be doing so for a while (being stuck below the poverty line), much as I once had to save up for that camera, but eventually I’ll have my lens. And a new camera, as I’m shooting digital at the moment on a camera to which I can’t attach lenses - or maybe I’ll find somebody who can fix my beloved semi-manual pentax, which has a not so beloved problem with the automatic rewind.
Aside from my own personal work, what will be seen? Comments about decisions I’ve made as a moderator, I suppose might be seen on this blog(if I feel they need to be made). If I come across articles, books or websites that I think might be of interest to the membership, I might post about them here. As for what else will be seen, that can be decided later. What won’t be seen on this blog are posted from the other members (except when I’m retumbling).
As much as I’d like to be able to use Tumblr as the home of the group blog, the developers would seem to have made a decision that (as far as I’m concerned) rules this site out as the home of our group blog. Look at the foot of this post, and you’ll see the problem - the system doesn’t sign our posts. There’s no way of seeing, just by looking at a post, who its author is, so while the Tumblr company staff might insist that Tumblr is a great place for group blogs, at this time I would have to disagree. To post to a group blog on Tumblr is to be given no credit for one’s work, and that is simply unacceptable. For that reason, I’ve put the group blog on Blogger, where this problem does not exist.
Ring managers should note that the ring code for this site is present on the group blog, as well, and is also present on the update notification microblog, with clear paths back, not just to the ring but to the entry page for the ring being present in all locations. Now that we’ve addressed every boring subject I can think of, let’s go to the group, where you soon should be able to shake off the experience of having read this.
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investorshangout · 6 years
News: SSNB, Inc. (SDGB: Pink Current) | Scheduled Ex-DividendTue, Aug 14, 2018 03:06 - SSNB, Inc. (SDGB: P
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pagol1995 · 7 years
Ecco la lista di 5 Il Miglior Lavapavimenti a Vapore. 1. BLACK+DECKER FSMH1621R-QS Lavapavimenti https://ift.tt/2GZQOHb 2. Imetec Master Vapor SM01 Scopa a Vapore https://ift.tt/2E8RGpN 3. Hoover SSNB 1700 Steamjet Scopa a Vapore https://ift.tt/2GYUngK 4. Ariete 00P416200AR0 Steamforce Generatore https://ift.tt/2E8RHtR 5. Polti Turbo Mop Upright steam cleaner 0.6L https://ift.tt/2H1CNsA
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ariadnewordweaver · 3 years
guess who wants to rewrite nobyl blood for the third time 🤡🤡🤡
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ruinz91 · 7 years
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henriswinkels · 7 years
Zo veel mogelijk meisjes laten bewegen. Dat was het belangrijkste doel van Best Football Friends (#BFF). Bijna dertig Brabantse gemeenten deden mee aan het project.
De afgelopen maanden werd door meer dan duizend meisjes tussen de tien en veertien jaar gevoetbald tijdens een van de 26 BFFtoernooien in Noord-Brabant. Afgelopen zaterdag was de finale. Hier een korte impressie. 
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ariadnewordweaver · 3 years
Part 1 of converting Nobyl Blood into a trilogy, determining the overarching plot and what will go in each book: completed.
okay semi completed. I’m basically using the romance arc as the main arc. and some story beats don’t fit very nice right now. hopefully once I go and figure out the arcs of the individual books things will make more sense.
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ruinz91 · 7 years
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ariadnewordweaver · 3 years
I hate how I feel like I’m not gonna get anywhere with nobyl blood until I rework the outline. I hate how it feels like it could be three books. I hate how much of a monster it’s become. It’s like this black cloud of a story and I need to make it fit into a bottle. Or two. Or three. I don’t even know anymore.
I love the story but I’m frustrated and tired and I don’t know how to get over the wall with it.
I’m not saying I’m not making breakthroughs with it (individual scenes at least), but I just want the first draft to be done so I can finally move on with the process. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
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