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kishillaa · 4 years ago
SSM21 Day 26: A Nice Laugh
Sakura had known to have many types of laugh. A maniacally threatening one she usually burst out for Naruto after doing something rather stupid. There is a normal polite one she used for her patient while joking around and a loud one you will often hear when she's with her close friends. When she did something that makes her feel guilty, she'll let out this awkward embarrassed shy laugh usually accompanied by the pink of her cheeks. Another one is an evil laugh often heard when she spoke with Ino. Next is this rare one where there will be a short snort at the end, it is usually use when she teased someone. And then there's this one; a soft gigglish and a little bit seductive, reserved only for the love of her life, the one and only Sasuke Uchiha.
Sakura was aware of that. She knew she laughs a little too much, and she hated it. She hated her laugh, however that lovely husband of hers once said,
"I love your laugh."
And so, she started to like it too.
Sasuke, Sakura couldn't really remember hearing him let out that expression of mirth you called laughing. She of course would love to forget that scary lunatic half crazed laugh she had heard many years ago came out from him. Apparently, his laughter is too luxurious that he so adamant to be kept hidden.
It happened once though,
They were at home, in the comfort of their room the three of them shared, because Sakura wanted Sarada to sleep with them. Sarada just turned 10 months a few days prior. She's a very fast learner; at that age she has started to gurgle when her mother playing peekaboo with her, she throws the toy Sasuke thought she liked away so hard it went right into the a dustbin–which instead of feeling hurt by the rejection, Sasuke was so mesmerised he said "She's going to throw kunai like a pro by the age three."
But that small Uchiha while always seek her father comfort, was also like to tease with him–that's what Sakura thought anyway.
"Sarada." He calls out her name, almost tensely. Sakura knew he felt resigned, and was about to give in as he stares, cold sweat dripping on his temple, watching in defeat at the crying child on his lap.
Sarada, for once doesn't like to be carried. She likes cuddling with her one arm father way better than walking around aimlessly before bedtime.
"You know the girl is faking it, right?" Sakura said, as she too lays her head on a small part of her husband lap, which mostly occupied by the little Sarada.
"I know. Why does she do this everytime?"
Sakura chuckles, "It's her trying to get your attention."
A confused frown hover over his handsome face, "Why crying though? There are many ways to attract your father's attention."
She respond to her husband by shrugging her shoulders as she looks up at him, "Crying is the only thing a baby can do. And that's what they're going to do, that's what our baby girl Sarada is currently doing."
"I don't mind her crying. Her loud cry indicates how strong her lung is to blow a fireball out." Sakura rolls her eyes at that, of course that's what her dear husband would thought of, "But she doesn't need to do this every night. She'll tired after and fell asleep."
"Isn't that what you aiming to do?"
"Well, yes. But not like this." And Sakura understands, what he was trying to say is, he pities their little girl to cry her lung out before went tired and felt right asleep.
Sakura taps her chin as she thinks while Sasuke try, and unsuccessfully, calm Sarada down, "I'm sure there's something you can do to entertain her."
"Like what?"
"Uhm, I remember one time you were activating your Mangekyo Sharingan while bickering with Naruto. She was staring at you with that eyes of hers, I was holding her up right, and I saw that twinkling in her eyes. And she laughs."
"She did?"
"I'm sure of it."
"Well, it wouldn't hurt to try." He mutters and close his eyes and open it to reveal the unique eyes of his.
"Sara-chan." Sakura calls out, "Look at Papa." The crying child continue on her cries before Sasuke positioned her so she could see him better.
When she looks up at her father, her cries slowly turn to hiccups, while staring at Sasuke's shining crimson red eye. And then almost suddenly, she went silent, stopping her cry for once, as she keeps gazing deep into Sasuke's eyes.
And then so soon, she was gurgling, hands reaching up to Sasuke's face resulting in Sasuke to lower down his face instinctively for her fingers to lightly touch him.
Sarada gasped when the pointing star of Sasuke's eyes swirling, her laughter intensify. Sakura, who's watching the whole thing let out her own laugh too. She pinched her daughter's cheek fondly, "How adorable. You like Papa's eyes don't you?"
And then, something almost magical–that had never happen before–happened, her tiny very silent voice mumble a very very quiet incoherent, "P-Pa. Pa."
Sakura's breath stuck in her throat as her finger freeze on Sarada's chubby cheek. Slowly, she turns her head to look at Sasuke. He was stunt, freeze in place, his posture rigid, the Mangekyo Sharingan swirling lazily in his eyes.
They were brought out of their frozen state by their daughter's cackle, "Pa!" the one syllabus ran smoothly our of her tongue, "PA! PA!" She almost shouted and Sakura's eyes were brimming with unshed tears.
"Sasuke-kun." She calls out softly, joyfully.
That was when an oddly beautiful sounds appear from within Sasuke. He was laughing. It wasn't a snort, or a short chortle, and she's sure she's not imagining it. It sounded throaty, breathy but absolutely good. His head was thrown backward as he cradles Sarada. It was a full laugh, a laugh that has never been heard by anyone before, and he was laughing because he is happy, his daughter–their daughter–had just speak the syllabus to calls out for him, her first word, and it's of him, it's her acknowledging him. Sasuke was laughing so hard like he couldn't stop himself, and he was hugging Sarada too, squishing her into his torso. The little one, even though squirming under Sasuke's embrace, still tittering her cute little laugh that come out short but replace by another one, and another one and she was screeching, like she was laughing so hard it almost pain her.
Sakura was laughing too, at the dorky daughter of hers and of her beautiful sounded husband, tears rolling down her cheeks, feeling Sasuke's lips on her forehead, as if try to silence himself by doing that, his chest however still shook with laughter.
After some time, the Uchiha's household were full of breathy sounding of panting before it went completely silent. The Uchiha patriarch and matriarch watch their daughter doze off with huge smile on her face, as if reminiscing her laughing moment with her parents. When she's soundly asleep, Sakura help Sasuke place her on their futon, between her and Sasuke. Both kissing their goodnight on her cute puffed out cheeks.
"Anata." Sakura calls out, laying on her side to gaze at both her daughter and husband at the same time.
"Hmm?" Sasuke responded, returns his gaze from Sarada to Sakura.
"You have such a nice laugh." She commented.
Sakura giggles when Sasuke's face went red in embarrassment.
"You should laugh often." She continues, "Sarada seems to like it too."
"Tch. Go to sleep, Sakura."
With another playful laugh, Sakura closes her eyes murmuring quiet good night to her husband and went into slumber right before she feels a peck on her forehead.
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xlalalandx · 4 years ago
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Day 27: Aging - ssskmonth
Source: Boruto: Naruto the Movie
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kishillaa · 4 years ago
SSM21 Day 27: Aging
Her parents are aging. That she realised quite earlier during her youth. Being separated from her father for such long time makes her value every moment she has with both of her parents.
Now, even at the age 56, her mother is still looking as fine as she was around her 30s–her Strength of 100 Seal jutsu played huge role in her youthfulness of course–and still actively managing and leading the hospital, still the best at her job in medical field. Her father, of course as handsome as he always will, is still the shinobi in action, carrying shinobi role as much as he did while he's younger, still considered one of the strongest Konoha shinobi despite his age. She couldn't be more proud of them.
She was very happy to see that despite the work load at both parts, they still able to spend more time together now that they're growing older.
Just like right now, Sarada watch as her father leads his wife to the lake of the new Uchiha district where they would always sit on a bench, a bench similar to those at Konoha entrance many many years before, where he left her to seek Orochimaru for power. The bench signify a lot of things between them, that's what she was told anyway.
The Uchiha district is of quite large land where Sasuke has bought, using most of the Uchiha fortune he inherited from his successor, and build the compound. It was done in a slow pace, not really in a rush and made sure that the Uchiha manor is stable, strong enough, entrusted Yamato to build for when his wife's temper went the best out of her. It was very thoughtful, Sarada thought fondly.
Now, at the age 37, Sarada has a daughter and 2 sons. The little Sakumi ran towards her grandparents, showing them flowers in her hands. She somehow inherited her grandmother's pink hair that her grandfather has been so in love with.
Sarada let out soft chuckles when Sakura beams at her youngest grandchild as Sasuke pats her head, a tiny smile adorned his face. The girl ran away again, at the sight of her older siblings making their way towards her.
Sarada smiles at her kids, and return her gaze to her parents. They were talking in hushed tone, as they always did, holding each others hand. She couldn't help the wide grin stretched across her face when her mother land her head on her father's shoulder. It was like an instinct, when Sasuke lower his head, kiss her hair and move his face to place his cheek on top of the pink locks.
Sarada sighs inwardly, her parents has always been like this, extremely private. They would only exchange secret glances, less touching, when they're in public, but will be immensely intimate when they thought no one is looking.
Sarada adores their relationship. You would think after so many years of separation, the love would lessen towards each other, there would be awkwardness in the way they interact. But that's not the case with her parents. In fact, their relationship, their bond grew stronger. Her mother is still like a little girl in love, and her father is still very so willingly accept and reciprocate her feelings.
Her parents are aging, and they will always be, and so does she. But there will be the legacy that remain, her children will be the proud Uchihas that would surrounded the Uchiha compound, black haired–and pink–will running around the district. The strongest clan they said. Now, with her mother's trait, it could be even stronger than before. And she couldn't be more proud.
Sarada sighs again, she hopes her parents will be there seeing all that.
She was pulling out of her thought when she heard her mother's familiar laughter. She returns her gaze towards them watching her father throw her mother on top of his shoulder, walking in the direction of the dock of their lake–you would teach your kids and their kids, and every Uchihas the fireball technique here, her father had said while gesturing to the dock.
Sarada snort as she sweat dropped, but kept on watching her lovey dover parents, fooling around each other like a teenager they are, forgetting momentarily the world around them. And once again, Sarada prays that they were given the longest life, both of them, because she couldn't live without them both. They are after all, Uchiha Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, her parents, who might not be the best at parenting role–she really wish her father was there during her younger years–but are still a really really good parents, and she wouldn't do anything to trade them with someone else. She loves them both to no end.
And for that, she walked in their direction for her teasing moment. Oh how she loves to tease her parents!
On her way towards them, she heard them spoke. Her mother has half her body leaning agains her father while her father's arm wrapping her mother's waist securely.
"Anata, you have wrinkles." Sakura said, as she trace the said wrinkle softly, just below his eyes.
"I am aware, Sakura."
"You're aging." His wife voice out, smiles at him teasingly.
"And you're not?" He asked pointedly, flicking her finger on her forehead.
Sakura chuckles, "Of course I am. We age together."
Sasuke nodded, "Together."
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