#sry for word vomit at 1am
barryallenis · 2 years
Candice did a rare podcast interview today and she did not hold back. SOMETHING happened on set in S1 that 1) turned her off from actually watching the show and 2) made her seriously consider quit. Basically without Jesse on set she would’ve quit a lot sooner
Hi there. I have not listened to it, outside of the short clip Candice posted on her insta story, no.
If that is the case that something happened on set in season 1 (which I believe she has hinted at before in past interviews as well if my memory is not playing tricks on me), that really fucking sucks. And I feel for her because I can barely imagine what it could have been like. Both for my lack of knowledge of what I view as the hellscape that is being in the public eye and working in that industry, but also specifically as a black women, which I cannot relate to. We already know how absolutely vile the public was to her from the very start, and it absolutely infuriates me that a large part of why she stayed (per the clip from instagram and several other interviews) was because of her fans. Because that tells me that, yet again, a black women feels the pressure to withstand so much bullshit because of what it means for ‘black representation’. A weight she should not have to bare nor feel she needs to. She wants to be an inspiration and barrier breaker so that those that come behind her have an easier time at … literally just playing a character on a television show. That’s what this women had to endure racism, hate and toxicity for. A fucking TV show. I respect her for doing it but it’s fucking bullshit that she had to.
ALLLL that being said. I will say, if she didn’t explicitly say WHAT happened (I’m assuming here she didn’t, based off what you said) I don’t think speculation is a great thing to add to the situation. Support definitely is. Sharing that you’re angry anyone or anything would make her feel this way, is. But diving deep into her personal life and timelines, creating narratives, and attacking people based on these theories is just a recipe for disaster. And clearly not what she want’s if she herself wasn’t specific.
We’ll never get all the pieces right. We can’t. We literally weren’t there. So speculation just muddles down the point it seems she’s trying to get across. She was treated poorly for no goddamn reason, and her fans should kick up a storm and be angry, but not to the point where it get’s so personal and assertively and specially speculative it blows back on her. Because it will. It’s her LIFE you’d be speculating about. A women who has said on several occasions she takes her privacy very seriously.
Not trying to say you are doing any of this, anon, sorry to be using your post to word vomit. I’ve gotten several messages regarding this podcast that I don’t plan on answer for many of the reasons listed above. I mean, me asserting any opinion about a piece of content I haven’t listened to is the definition of speculative imo (also just ignorant). So I was kind of using this to speak my peace. Most of this is based off previous knowledge, as well as just my general viewpoints around people and celebs and privacy, so if anything I’ve said was contradicted in her podcast, I own that.
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