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elithemiar-blog · 2 years ago
Phoenix Rising Chap 1 Rewrite
Chapter 1: Rebellion
The bright blue screens of the monitors in front of Agent N had seared into his bright green eyes, swiping away the brown strands allowed him a moment of reprieve from the minor headache forming from the glare. The screens themselves shifted on an automatic path, swiveling as the motion of others caught its attention as per the code. His hazy eyes tracked the three figures on a march down the hall, passing some doors to the investigative power labs on the far side before coming across another hallway at the very end of the corridor.
He notes down the times to review the image, and immediately turning to a separate program to rewind the feed and stall the image. The kid, no more than 16 with nearly storm grey hair and tattered suit, barely conscious as he is dragged between two other agents. He hopes they are done with him for the night, his eyes squeeze shut as his fist tightened on the outer shell of the mouse, only releasing his strength when he heard the creaking of the cheap plastic.
Eyes, now open, travel up to the bland ceiling above him, even with the lights off he could still see the white walls in this madhouse of a facility. He's sure the boy will no longer even trust the color, a shade that many others would see as innocence now shows how easily that can change. Even now, he can't even stand his own suit, a requirement even if he's not in the field.
A knock at the door, startled him to hide the program running on the opposite screen, the saved image and video being hidden behind the card access spreadsheet. The door opens and in comes his co-worker who had reported him from months previously, the corner of his lips dropped as he sneered back. His shoulders tensed, rising higher to his ear as his legs shifted to be able to move just in case. "What do you want?" the attitude he tries so hard to keep contained around his Superior, slipped out at the end of his question. Revealing exactly what he felt with this visit.
The visitor shut the door quietly behind him. "Just checking on you, as per my orders." He leaned back against the door, arms crossed and a heal up on the steel enterance. "Something of which you couldn't even bother to do."
Agent N's brows furrowed, "You don't come here unless you actually want something beyond gloating."
"I do like the reminder that this organization does favor honesty." he leaned over to peak around to the monitors, "Anything interesting?"
"Nothing more than usual." he glanced back, double checking that there is no damning evidence against him again.
"Monitors are top of the line, they can search even beyond where this building rests."
"Is there something you want or not, Agent Fucker?"
Anger seared through, the superior taking a sudden step forward that had Agent N removing himself from the chair and stepping away until his lower back touched the edge of the desk.
"It's Agent Delta, show some respect!" taking more steps until he towered over the hunched form of his ex-superior, then grinned at the show of submission. "Wouldn't want anything to happen to young Bethany, would you?"
Agent N's eyes blasted wide open, "What?"
"Heard she has a dance recital next week. Or maybe your six-month old son?" he leaned back onto his heals, turning around to glance back over his shoulder, waiting for a reaction as he could see the muscles under the suit flexing. "Your wife still working those long night shifts? Isn't that the reason why you asked for more day shifts?"
Body straightening, and a fire in his eyes, darkening the bright grass green to that of a hunter's, Agent N took a solid two steps forward. "Leave them alone." he hissed, throat physically rumbling on the last word. "Your issue is with me, not them."
Agent Delta opened the steel door, the heavy material squeaking out the hinges, "Then, remember, we are always watching."
After the door shut, all the fight that he had for against his superior dropped him back in the chair. His elbows resting on his knees as he held his head in his hands, remembering everything that had happened. Months ago that lead him to his newest position with even longer hours, taking the vital time to be with his family away onto this terrifying project of theirs.
Leaning back on his chair, he sought out one of the very last image of the boy they now had in their grasps. This image, a stark difference to the current one, snow white hair and bright toxic green eyes that glowed. It had been a while since he last saw the boy, but even longer since he had seen his eyes glowing full of life. His skin tanner than what it currently is, and the fresh, clean suit that held the symbol that is now ripped away from him.
It's currently framed in the scientific research lab, hung on the wall like some trophy.
Phantom. His brain supplied the name, the hope that Amity had right before his disappearance, only breaking upon the significant lack of the boy, the kid, during the last ghost fight. As if the other residents of the realms knew that something wasn't right, but despite their own characteristics of property damage, they still just scared people, then left not even a window broken.
Something he learned when he'd been trying to build a case against his own bosses.
His stomach rumbled, but he ignored it, trying to wait for a time until the majority of other agents weren't in the lounge.
He wishes to be in his own lounge, reading a book to his daughter as his wife attempts to feed their stubborn infant through a bottle. Bethany, talented in dance, and too observant for her own good, changed her parent's view of the ghost boy, when she noticed the changes of the eye color. Something so obvious that screamed wrong that he and his wife wanted to smack each other's past self.
They had at one point supported the hunters, but after some very sweet convincing from Bethany, they absolutely wanted to rebel against that. It's what lead to his current position of employment. He still wishes there was something he could do.
Checking back down at his watch, he realized that he'd been in his head for an hour. Meaning he now had an extra hour of paperwork that had to be done. Grabbing his own key card, he left the security room and down the hallway, keeping his gaze lowered or blatantly ignoring other people. They all knew what he tried to do.
Sitting at a corner table in the employee lounge, back against the wall and coffee in hand he tears through the ham and cheese sandwich. Some sustenance is better than nothing.
"A little later than what your usually eating at?" a lithe woman sat down opposite of him, yet she'd been ignored. "What, is five AM too early for you now?"
Agent N continued to ignore her, eyes instead straying to the ruby inlaid ring on her right ring finger.
"Oh, this?" she asked, posing with the ring once she noticed where his gaze traveled to. "Just something I managed to put together. Did you know the kid doesn't like the color red for some reason? Well you know, just the gem."
"Agent E, isn't there somewhere else you are wanted?" he finally asked, the bags under his eyes he could feel dropping more.
"Nah! I've be relieved of my duties for a week." the small smile didn't even reach her eyes. "Whatever that means."
He swallowed his last bite on a thought, "What did you do?"
"What makes you think I did anything?" she tapped twice on the table, nails no longer than her fingertips allowed.
"If you made a discovery, they'll be investigating it themselves."
"There's no report of a discovery, same old thing with testing bloody samples and seeing how they react with common chemicals."
"The boy's blood turns red when in a oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide chamber for twenty-four hours." her hand carded through her hair from the middle of her scalp to the side of her hair, the near black strands parting over to the side. "It was an observation so I assumed there was no reason to record it."
For the second time that day in less than twelve hours, he swears his heart freezes for a full three seconds, "What?"
"I know, right? The ones that run this place have nearly no common chemistry knowledge, it's what we're here for."
"We shouldn't be talking about this here." he stood, quickly walking away to put his cup on the conveyer belt.
Agent E followed closely behind, some eyes following as they paced through the hallway and back to Agent N's assigned security station. "You know, I could just give you the report for it."
"Get in the room." he strained, only relaxing more once the door was closed and locked. "Human blood from Phantom?"
Agent E took his chair as she watched the man pace some more, mumbling out expletives, yet she rolled her eyes. "I can see why your plans months ago failed. You easily anger and you are far too obvious."
"What did you do with the sample?" he asked, nearly too quick.
"Destroyed it, by the time I even thought of testing the sample for a possible identity, it'd been about an hour later."
"Good," he nodded once, seeing her confused frown, "Good." moving towards the monitors, he double clicked on another program, "Every test you did gets automatically recorded." he moved aside to let her see.
Every test that she had done for the past three years could be seen by date and time. In live view, she could see the updates, even by room and who was doing what. "Wait, you shouldn't even have this. You should only have the card access."
Agent N cringed down.
"That's how you managed to get a clear through."
"I do have the ability to manually schedule tests, a fail-safe if the power ever gets cut."
Agent E stared, "Could you do it again?"
He raised a brow in response, "Do you want me to get into trouble again?"
"It'd be worth it." she mumbled, "But we do it better."
He snapped his head to her, "We?"
"I--There's--" she moved to the laptop on the side, pulling up the emails.
"What are you doing?"
"You haven't noticed the changes in ranks and positions?" she sent a coded message to the IT guys down a floor. "There's been four changes in the security team. Last month."
"That doesn't mean anything."
She huffed a short chuckle, "Your attempt came with a price, everyone who wants to cut the project started to make subtle changes. Two of our IT guys have been dropping the security hoping someone would get through."
He blinked back, "You're saying that in a way that someone has."
She nodded once, "There's a reason you've been sentenced to watch the internal security feeds. The guy on the external feeds is running at super speed to make sure nothing gets out that we don't want noticed yet."
"All feeds get sent to the master receiver that checks for abnormalities, Agent S is interfering."
"All but the Master Security Station are interfering. When we get Phantom out, it has to start through security." Agent E stated, "Ever since you had been demoted, we've been making round-a-bout plans."
"Manually entering access codes and tests isn't gonna be enough, I learned that the hard way."
"You're right, it isn't enough, but it'll have to be." she turned back around to the laptop screen, she moved away to show the grainy image. "Agent S had gotten an approved security camera that he has full responsibility for."
"How'd he pull that?"
"Higher-ups didn't want to spend the money."
"Of course." he leaned back, the grainy image clearing until he could see the beret and PDA. "That's…"
"Rumors speculate that Phantom had some human helpers." she pointed, "That is Tucker Foley."
"Who are the others?"
"We don't know. The IT guys are working on a way to connect to them, we have some researchers who are also going through--manually--to figure out who the others are. They did find something." Agent E pulled up some information. "IT created this false messenger. It hides any messages sent by a code through the network and is then revealed by those who have the application to decipher it."
"Does Mister Foley have this?"
"No, but they've been trying to send it to him every time he connects."
"Playing a dangerous game getting so close to the facility."
"Which is why we have luck on our side."
Agent N moved closer to the files upon files of information that this team had been working on. "Daniel Fenton?" he muttered, eyes widening as he read. "Did his parents know?"
"Don't know. Doesn't matter. What can you do with the manual access?"
He thought about it, "I can manually access the emergency tunnel, make it seem like the monthly test, which also puts my station in direct line. Beyond that? Are you sure you want to include the kids?"
"No." she sighed, "I'd rather they stay out of this, but they may be the only ones who can get through. A drugged teenager and a ghost at the same time, we remove the suppressors and they'll be a fight. His team, his friends, should snap him out of it."
"Problem," he raised his finger into the air, "Those suppressors aren't controlled by IT, that's the Master Control Room."
Agent E, paused at that, "How do we even…"
"Ask IT if we can do a power overload."
"Power overload will shut down the entire building."
"We do that when the kids are in the emergency tunnels, by doing the overload slowly it will give the Master Control Room something to focus on, which can get one of the IT guys to slip in and accidentally shut off the suppressors."
She messaged the group that exact idea.
Closer to that end of the week, where they prayed that the kids haven't been scared away from the direct contact that Agent S had been able to pull, thanks to Agent N's very brief manual over-ride of the internal cameras and glitching that IT had to handle, Tucker Foley finally accepted the fake messenger.
Now they had very annoyed IT guys glaring at both Security Station officers as they dispersed themselves in the employee lounge. They all chose to get some lunch as Agent E, dropped down next to the investigative agents that had ransacked her office.
They could see her stilled shoulders, as she falsified a chuckle, but it abruptly stopped as a file slid over to her. Her face paled, freshly tanned skinned lightening as her hand raised to cover her mouth.
Agent N, after getting to know her, knew that she was trying to remind herself to hold back cursing. Worries consumed him as the agents got up and left the room, yet she didn't move. Pulling out his phone, he sees that he's not the only one to take notice as there were several questions. Her reply made his blood freeze.
Her mother, they threatened her only other living relative on this side of the world.
He had to make a call, standing abruptly, he forced himself to slow back to his station. He breathed, anger searing into his veins that threatened to stop his heart. Opening a drawer he retrieves his personal phone and without even checking the time he calls his wife.
"Honey, now isn't the time." she breathed deep, a breaking of a fragile object in the distance can be heard.
"Phantom is in the clutches of the Ghost Investigation Ward, practically torturing him, some of us are planning to get him out, but they keep threatening our families." he hurriedly explained, choking near the end as his throat tightened up at him.
"I have to take this." she had to have left the crowded area and turned to somewhere quiet, it wasn't as noisy. "Okay, deep breath. What about Phantom?"
"The Guys in White. I work for them and eight months ago they captured Phantom at some point. I only found out four months ago." he slowed down, each word being harder and harder to admit.
"Nicholas." she gasped. "You said some of you are trying to get him out?"
"Yeah. We each found out something, and they are threatening our families, they're threatening you to keep us silent. I can be terminated for mentioning anything."
"Than why are you telling me?"
"So you don't believe any of the bullshit they spew." he knew his wife doesn't like swearing. "I'm going through with it, I just need your support, please."
"If you ever think I wouldn't support you on something you believe in, I haven't married the same man." she sniffled.
"I just--just had to check." he whispered. "I love you."
Agent S came rushing in the moment that he ended the call, "Agent N?"
"It's Nicholas, or Nick if you like."
"I had Agent E, or Emily that is, to call her mother and explain."
"We going through?"
"They're here early, we just need another four hours to set everything up. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, yeah. Let's get Phantom free."
"The smoothest we do this the more likely we'll all survive."
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silenceofthewave · 3 months ago
( hrgggggg this blog needs an overhaul but that is so difficult to do on mobile....... )
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thebrisingamen · 6 months ago
"I want this house to anger people for content farming" Well I just want to modernize it so I can have electricity run through it so I can play my video games in comfort. We are not the same.
“I want the inside of this house to feel modern, bright and new!” then why the fuck did you buy a vintage, dark and old house in pristine condition?????
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kobebibebi · 7 months ago
@thegiftedau toolshed sketch(-ish)
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this tfbw au has been stuck in my brain since last year, genuinely i have been thinking about it almost everyday,i cannot stress how much i think about this specific au,,, i check their profile so frequently just to see updates 😔
the designs, the backstories, the concepts, the characters, the writing AAA EVERYTHING about this au is perfect, well-executed and amazing omfg i love the gifted au so much you do not understand 💔💔
there hasn't been much out from this au but it's already so great im so excited to see more fr
i drew this in class so yea i call it a sketch lmao
but yeah i have like so many wips, due gifts, and things to prioritize but my brain said gifted au fanart NOW,, so i did
also i really need to draw more of my own au :')),
ik i have to do paladin butters next (yes i can see ur asks) but school is taking all of my time it's insane how i even drew this, but ngl it's a really great au 😭
but srsly school is taking such a toll on my mental health,, it's only the second week and im already drowning in schoolwork,,,,,,,,, so i might draw more fanart of south park aus that i really really love 👀
these south park aus are honestly whats keeping me together rn
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year ago
What if....
Blunt reader became a harbinger
I have NO idea how that would go but im here for the crack lol
(and to use this gif more importantly they're all so hot here lol)
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them), Blunt Language AU :D
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, crack treated srsly (yes im using ao3 tags atp)
Stars: Harbingers!
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
SO thought I’d update anyone missing out bc of the new year but-
I made this silly thing called Blunt Language AU, that was my 1st post for this blog/fandom actually! :D
I’ll link it here, but TLDR: it’s just our modern speech sounding “ancient” to the Teyvatians, who speak really flowery/fluffy/lots of context in comparison!
That’s all you rlly need to know to read this I think, so enjoy! :)
u fall into Genshin Impact, and Snezhnaya is where you land first type of energy lol
weird golden star falling from the sky? that sounds like a prophecy the Tsaritsa knows abt alright
so they sent Childe, one of the friendliest (if not The Friendliest) Harbinger, to see if it was a valid claim you’d finally descended,
and ofc as soon as the redhead heard you try and talk to him, he knew the claims by the small village nearby (who had taken u in from the cold weather/taken care of you) were legit
pantalone did manage to squeeze some examples of what you’d possibly sound like into his head before he left so while Childe personally has a tough time talking to you, it doesn't mean he’s not willing to try!! >:)
he mostly just kept asking questions forever until he understood what you meant, and as soon he got u were asking abt the Tsaritsa, the other Harbingers, himself, even how to get Sneznayan-made clothes lol
he was like: 👀👀👀???!!!!
it wasn't so much recruitment at first as it was “omg the exalted one wishes to learn abt us, the Tsaritsa and her Harbingers? abt me?? well would your highness like to come to our palace perchance???!!!!”
= have u ever been seduced and worshipped by a god and her country?? would you like to- ??? ← Childe actually
and with that convinces you to come straight to the Harbingers/Tsaritsa’s very home
No, you’re not just spoiled.
No, you’re not just pampered.
You are cosseted and coveted.
The Tsaritsa makes her first in person appearance to the people in decades to personally announce your return, and to get a festival going to literally parade you into the capital lol
And tbh it was kind of shocking how quickly the people of Snezhnaya are able to whip out the party supplies, within days of traveling via horses/sleds/carriage/trains all kinds of transportation, u arrived at the capital in full swing of a parade for you
The Tsaritsa herself in what looks like a genshin-ified kokoshnik, the elaborate headress draped with a veil so thin it looks like frost covering her face,
flocked on either side by her harbingers in full (kinda goth) ceremonial outfits waiting on your arrival too
needless to say you are properly smitten intimidated
and you stay nervous around them for the first few days or so,
that is before you run into the weekly, what you would call “family dinner nights”, but they call “dinner reports”…
in which Childe, the only one you’d been comfortable enough around to be a bit more genuine to, and surprisingly the only one to quickly adapt to your speech after traveling with you for days, would translate for you what tf you were saying to them vs. what everyone at the table was saying to you/around you
you would also like to propose other titles for these weekly dinner meetings you’re invited to, aka “family feud dinner night/family fight night/harbinger on harbinger hate night/fruit on fruit crimes, if you will” 💀
the Tsaritsa is just peacefully talking to you abt any and everything, bc ofc Pierro’s on her right, and ur on her left
(she and Pierro are surprisingly soft spoken, very polite, and able to say something interesting/take an interest in whatever subject you all end up on)
u don't think you've ever been more comfortable and on such equal footing around ppl sm older than you (what are older ppl to you, but to them ur literally fucking eldritch with how ancient u are, and u can tell with how they treat u like it lmao)
hard cut back to the rest of the table:
an argument that just gets louder and louder has broken out between Childe, Dottore, La Signora, and Pantalone abt who should get free time with you first/get to do smth with you first as you get over ur adjustment period here, Childe has taken his butter knife to throw and just barely missed Dottore’s eye, and it is now embedded in the back of his fancy chair (the servants placing down dinner courses just move abt w/the most bored expressions on their faces)
(u send half the table if this group gets out of hand and u just: “Please shut the fuck up, each of ur comebacks take 30 minutes and it’s killing me” 💀 bc they're the most likely to understand u too, even Pierro/Capitano/Pulcinella chuckle a little, and u think the Tsaritsa smirked under her veil)
ur honestly too scared to see what Scarmouche, Sandrone, and Arlecchino are arguing about, because they're arguing so silently further down the table. They have murder in their eyes.
Columbina and Capitano are having a peaceful collab over weapons, armor, and clothing to offer you, Pulcinella is close enough to both participate in that convo and in you, Pierro, and the Tsaritsa’s convos too
by the 2nd week you've decided to choose chaos, and get them to play board games together sometimes (they cant all make it all the time, tbh u don't know if u can handle that either) but groups of them will play at a time
u remembered early on what a dick Dottore was, and sentenced asked if he’d like to play this new board game called “Monopoly” from ur world with Childe, Pantalone, Pierro, Arlecchino, La Signora, and Scaramouche all together :)
(so what ur trying to bring khaenri’ah part 2 down on his head as punishment?? u owe scara and collei that at least)
Columbina is more than happy to help get you Harbinger-like clothes to wear since ur so interested in the style!! (yes yesss get converted, she already has a title picked out for you)
she also giggles anytime u talk abt whether u like an outfit or not, bc u just “no thank you I’d rather wear a trash bag than that shirt, but lets try another?”
meanwhile the tailors in the background u could literally edit them to one of those videos where it just zooms in on their faces with a vine boom of shock
like Pierro, ur unranked, just above the other Harbingers really, as it wouldn't do to make you the 12th Harbinger or smth
the names they gave you being, “The Playwright” or “The Renaissance” or even “Drammaturgo”
(pls anyone who speaks Italian correct if I'm wrong ToT )
ok but the first time, unsurprisingly, one of them got snappy with you, likely Scara I would think,
Scaramouche, pissy: “And what shall we do if it appears our almighty god is perhaps a descender who is entirely human? Why I dare say you’d be transgressing on privileges that were never yours to begin with!”
Every other Harbinger, the Tsaritsa herself, the servants, the frost on the walls: 😶😦😨😶‍🌫️
You, unbothered, still eating and fully expecting this moment: “I don't want to hear it from someone who has god-mommy issues. You shouldn’t have an opinion about me, ur biased.”
yeah, so obviously, they’re emotionally all attached now whether they know it or not, and this was of course the moment they realized they're god would fit in so perfectly here
(the other nations are going to have to pry you from Snezhnaya from their cold dead hands, esp since u now have legal deniability to visit bc ur technically a Harbinger, only commanded by her majesty lol)
(Scaramouche, Arlecchino, and Sandrone were fighting about who gets the room nearest to your quarters lol)
(Capitano won, somehow??)
sorry ive been slow lately guys, been just trying to work on alllll the fics these past weeks/days/however long its been??
anyway had the shift from hell last week so wish me luck with work this week if u see this 😭
hope u enjoyed this old ask/crack treated srsly post orah!! :D
Safe Travels,
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♡the beloveds♡
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folkling · 2 years ago
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Welcome to Windbrook! I'm finally ready to release the first version of my Windbrook save file. Thank you everyone for all the love, you kept me going when I felt like throwing in the towel.
I'm going to sleep now. Hugs and Kisses, enjoy!
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What's included: Gym Convenience Store Laundromat Diner Library Recreation Center Bank (FUNCTIONAL WITH SIMREALIST MODS 1 2) Vet Clinic Public Pool Small Neighborhood Playground Apartment/Townhomes Multi family lots Single family homes Family descriptions and back stories (As far as the convenience store goes, all credit goes to fernandasimoes on the gallery for the store display assets, a creator on the gallery also created the soda display assets, I can't find their name though. If someone knows who they are, PLEASE message me so I can credit them appropriately.)
Download and info below the cut
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________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Info: This is the first version of the Windbrook save file, a test run so to speak. I've meticulously combed over everything to make sure everything was functional. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BANK WILL NOT BE FUNCTIONAL UNLESS YOU HAVE SIMREALIST FINACIAL CENTER AND SNBANK MOD, FIND THEM HERE AND HERE.
Moving on, as of right now Willow Creek is the only world made over. Please note that this save file was built using Srsly's Blank Save. What this means is EVERY WORLD besides Willow Creek (the world I built in) and San Sequoia (Growing Together expansion pack) is empty. Please feel free to use your own lots and sims to fill the other worlds. Ultimately, I plan on building every world with a realistic mid west aesthetic; but that's months in the making. All that being said, this is not a finished save file! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please watch this YouTube video by the wonderful EvvieSimmer on how to install save files.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If the are any problems, please message me so I can fix them and update the save file. Like I said, I play tested all the lots, but if you find your sim getting caught up side down in a window, shoot me a message.
If you use this save file, please don't claim any of the lots or townies as your own, I'd appreciate it. Please tag me in screenshots, I'd love to see how your sims are living in Windbrook!
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sort of required CC: amoebae OMSP Shelf HIGHLY RECCOMENDED CC: Default Skin Tone Optional CC: This save file is 99% custom content free. However, in order for the townies to look like how I intended, you will need to download these presets: Hi-Land Luumia Northern Siberia Winds 1 2 Obscurus SammiXOX 1 2 3 VibrantPixels MagicBot Sliders: MagicBot Default Mouth Slider Default Nose Slider Default Chin Slider Default Eyebrow Slider
There's one piece of CC in the laundromat and convenience store lot, the arcade machines. They are not required, but you can find them here: Simadream
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT! Packs And Kits: All packs and most kits except My First Pet was used to create the Windbrook save file. I heavily used Everyday Clutter kit, Bathroom Clutter Kit, and Basement Treasures kit. Owning all packs and kits simply isn't a reality for everyone, and I apologize that for those who don't own all the packs and kits, you might not get the full experience of the save. That being said, all packs and kits are not required. The game will notify you that you are missing content, and will will replace them with another item - after that, everything is functional.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If the are any problems, please message me so I can fix them and update the save file. Like I said, I play tested all the lots, but if you find your sim getting caught up side down in a window, shoot me a message.
If you use this save file, please don't claim any of the lots or townies as your own, I'd appreciate it. Please tag me in screenshots, I'd love to see how your sims are living in Windbrook! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Download (Dropbox)
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kyri45 · 7 months ago
Ahhh your lmk comic is amazing!!! Pls let me ramble a little, sorry advanced for a lot of reading-
Everything in the comic is so wonderfully written and clever, details like Macaque still afraid that MK hadn’t forgiven him even when Wukong said the opposite, I love that it wasn’t just a quick conversation solved everything. Ofc nothing short of a kaiju transformation was going to change Macaque’s mind. And after all that I just know this conversation won’t be over, this was only the start XD
Another detail I really liked was Wukong trying to stop MK from following Macaque thinking it’s too dangerous, Wukong himself still too afraid to push Macaque too far since they’re not there yet in their relationship, afraid of getting rejected again even when they’re talking again and on good terms/ this has happened before and hadn’t ended well for either of them- while MK trusted with his whole heart and went after Macaque.
It even tied in with Macaque’s lesson that he didn’t have to summon the Kaiju form when angry! This is the second time MK has used this form and instead of using to attack it’s used for comfort. And the trust too of Macaque letting MK in when before it might’ve not been that way. Ofc he wouldn’t ever hurt the kid but there’s communication now!
Especially the drawn details!!!
Like when Macaque flinches when MK transforms we’re on the side with his scar(I see you-) and a hug is so unexpected for everyone!! There needs to be more hugs!! The use of physical touch for comfort in this comic is immaculate, MK returning it the hug when his dad’s have hugged him, leaned against him, and held his hands when he’s needed the comfort!! Heartbreaking too Macaque would just brace for a hit, expecting nothing but pain, he didn’t move to defend- he even put his arms down!!
And I adore that MK is still a baby in his kaiju form!! Still smaller than dad. Or he looks smaller to me, I might be wrong! But it’s still a detail I noticed of MK shifting to match Macaque’s level. I love too the shadow bandages wrap around MK, similar to his tails wrapping around Macaque to complete the hug.
(And the live Wukong reaction??? Omg)
It’s also a nice detail as well that Wukong hadn’t felt the need to step in, letting the both of them talk first.
Just everything about the comic is handled with such care, this long ramble might’ve been silly or some of the things I pointed out are obvious but it’s still things I noticed and really liked!!
I honestly come in to check if there’s a new update everyday now, thank you so much for drawing out such a wonderful idea!! :D
AWWWW ok srsly Imma about to cry ;_;
tysm for this whole message, it was super heartwarming and I appreciated it smm that someone read in all the small details I out into the comic, makes me wanna keep doing them with the same care everytime.
I don't know how long this AU will last so I hope the gay monkies will lend me their power of inspirations to keep drawing / writing.
Thank you again!!
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weird-bookworm · 11 months ago
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
oh god this is gonna be one hell of an answer
@fairyhaos because shes the sweetest comfiest most adorably chaotic lil ball of energy + she gives the best advice like hello??? what are you??? oh god my heart goes a little off track everytime we talk i just love you so much
@wheeboo okay shes part 2 of the they-make-me-feel-the-safest trio along w yena and axe like please i stumbled across the sweetest sassiest boo stan ever ALSO UR GORGEOUS???
@blue-jisungs axeaxeaxeaxeaxe so chaotically lovely and so boomer and so fun and yoid think shes savage but no shes just soft and as harmful as a pinecone (why do u remind me of tht one joon meme of him just. sitting there. peeling potatoes. in tiny.)
@slytherinshua we kinda talked less for a while bc life happened and then caught up (kinda lol) and im so glad to see shes still as crazy and lovable as ever (im waiting for tht ppt) like talk abt impressive. impressive is her whole personality. sometimes in, uh, less than conventional ways...hehe
@eternalgyu HANNIE WHERE TF R U I MISS UUUUUUUU 😭😭😭😭🫶🏻 like yk what i imagine when i think of hannie? causing mischief. LIKE IDEK WHY OKAY i just feel like we'd be running around giggling like idiots js pulling random pranks on people and js the thought makes me smile
@yllouhannie ylli is like love. ylli is gentle and kind and sweet. shes understanding and passionate and really quite cute. oh my love you make me wanna jump off a cliff because how can someone like you exist 😭 (no srsly what is this witchcraft ilysm mwah)
@woozvc nora is like home. which is saying a lot lmao i sound dramatic but like yk when u just talk to someone and it feels just right even tho ur not rly doing much? shes older but she lets go and i can just feel how absolutely beautiful this person is *melts off a cliff*
@welcometomyoasis shu oh shu i have no words so pardon if this is a little small but. ik i say this a lot but i rly do mean it. i love you. so much. yr msgs and reblogs and asks always make a smile and they make me giddy and suddenly nothing is wrong with the world 🥺
@haecien bro is my ultimate gay bestie like what else do you need in life other than cien. what. nothing is the answer. life is complete when u hv cien and his shenanigans lolol like i dare you try to Not like him. i m p o s s i b l e.
@glosskirt AYYYYY MY ARMY SOULMATE we connected over min yoongi. we still rant over min yoongi. we shall die talking about min yoongi. like there is nothing better than having someone to fangirl with over my favs gloss you filled a hole in my life <3
@mesanthropi weiwei!!!! my little bundle of sugar spice and everything nice!! (+ chaos and a passion about the randomest shit ever how do u live why am i not this exciting) how is it always fun to talk to you and why do ur msgs excite me so much
@aaniag chaos. thats it. chaos. this woman brought with her about half a dozen more desi moots for me like how do i hug you how do i appreciate you enough i ugghhhh 😩
@thepoopdokyeomtouched im still waiting for my flirting yk? lol on a serious note, u and ur crazy streak r probably the most entertaining thing on here, and i fucking love it. i love ur chaos and the fact tht u choose to share it w me, thank you 🫶🏻
@arafilez bro rly dropped outta thin air like a fucking ghost and made my life abt a 100x more exciting where were you my entire life ara. where. why didnt the atz rants and the writing and the random asks show up sooner. why.
@nonononranghaee HAFS MY LIL CUTIE PATOOTIE WHY DO I ALWAYS WANNA SQUISH U NOMNOM U CRUSH U KSKSJEHEH u give me so much cuteness aggression oh my god...
@kkooongie sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah i live for ur writing and im always looking forward to our little chats abt books and random stuff (...when r u updating btw 😅)
@maeleelee @mxnsxngie @imagine-a-life-like-this i don't tell you guys enough how much i love and appreciate each one of you. i dont tell u enough how grateful i am whenever i think abt u bc god ik how hard it is to take in a random person in ur circle, to adjust w a kid, to make said kid feel safe and included and loved. so thank you. for all that you do for me and for loving lil ol' me <3
@cadenonlinelive where u at damn i hvnt seen u in ages
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bones4thecats · 2 years ago
Okay so I just found out that Me and Ace shared the same birthday 23rd Sept.
So can I make a request where the reader somehow forgets or just doesn't tell anyone and like on their birthday they get a cake and everything to celebrate with grim, our residential ginger pulls up and is like bro for me :') ? Tryna be all dramatic and cause birthday but then the reader is nah bro and idk how to proceed after this I just thought it'd be funny.
Platonic or romantic it's on you. Gender Neutral reader.
A/N: This isn't my normal Ace emoji, but I will use it for this request as it seems cute! Happy early birthday 🌚-Anon!! I hope it's as fun as it was to write this request for you!!
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(I made this so you could either be friends of partners!! Srsly tho, writing this XD)
P.S: I made the reader MC, though they're different from my AU's Yuu
🎂 Crowley wouldn't stop laying a bunch of issue on your shoulders. He has been 'busy' with filing off grades for the students' final tests of the semester, so he went to you and dropped a fairly large stack of papers into your hands
🎂 You nearly had forgotten what the whole day was about, you. It was all about you, it was your birthday after all!
🎂 It was hard being away from your family, since they would come around and sing you the classic 'Happy Birthday' song while bringing out your cake, candles lit and cheerful smiles plastered on their faces
🎂 You had bought your cake from the nearest bakery that Trey had mentioned, since he was going to be busy with an unbirthday party at the time. Though thankfully, the dorm leaders, their camera-mage, and ex-delinquent had sent you cards with small gifts
🎂 It was all going according to plan that night, Malleus had stopped by to offer you his gift for your birthday, and the other dorms' members had also sent you gifts of their own
🎂 Vil sent you face-masks, Rook sent you a 'lucky rabbits foot', Epel did a basket of fresh apples, Ortho and Idia did a newer gadget, the trio of Savanaclaw gave you some training materials, Octavinelle's three leaders gifted you with some ocean-special items like shells from the dept, and Diasomnia blessed you with some of your special needs; like a more updated home, with the usage of magic ofc
🎂 You just hadn't expected what you had seen nor read
🎂 Grabbing the birthday card that Deuce had sent you, it read that 'today was special for two of his close friends', which concerned you
🎂 Someone shared the same birthday as you when you were here at Night Raven College, but who could've been the one soul who did?
🎂 When the ginger-haired Heartslabyul student had come trudging into Ramshackle with a proud look on his face, you immediately knew who it was, and because of this student's stubbornness, you had to grab grim and start running away with the cake in your's and his' hands/paws
🎂 Of course, luck wasn't on your side, yet again, when you came to the very ending of Ramshackle's courtyard and you could hear Ace yelling behind you on why you were running away
🎂 So turning around, you began sprinting past him and back into the dorms' rundown kitchen. And when Ace came into the same room just a few seconds later, you began explaining why you weren't giving it to him
🎂 It was your birthday as well! Well, what a shocker! This was going to go down in history as one of his most surprising moments at NRC
🎂 After a while of debating who got the cake, you two sat down on the living room's couch and watched a comedy film on his phone, and funnily enough the cake was gone fast, but that didn't stop him from attempting to eat your pieces
🎂 He may be a little prideful at times, but he can be a sweetheart, whether your lovers or friends
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kodaiki · 1 year ago
HAII!! I JUST WANT TO SAY THT I ADORE YOUR SCRIPTED HEART SMAU SMMM!! But genuinely I think that y/n's and gojos's fandom would reunite together to make edits of them together, get paparazzi's photos of them and probably '10 minutes of gojo and y/n being a chaos couple' from that one live. (I think mostly from Gojo fandom since he have bigger fame) And when there's a y/n hater or gojo hater expect the fandom TO BASH ON THE HATER LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW LMAO they're just supportive of their favourite actor being together 🤭🤭 [happy]
Anyways!! Sorry if you're having a hard time understanding what I'm trying to say, I just randomly thought of it at 3AM (I need to sleep brah)
OH AND ONE MORE!! If gojo and y/n ever break up expect your TikTok fyp TO BE FILLED WITH THEM! Edits of them together with sad taylor swift songs, a video about a girl ranting how she won't believe in love anymore, comments crying abt them, a video on how they can shoot their shot on gojo now 😭 + MAYBE PERHAPS A YOUTUBE VIDEO ANALYSIS ABOUT HOW/WHY THEY BREAK UP?? 🤨🤨🤨 Oh, I forgot to mention those Twitter accounts that update everything 😔 I bet people would find out from them first and would be like 😯😯 (Goodbye)
Oh my goodness I srsly need to sleep.
OKAY BUT I LOVE YOUR SMAU SM THOUGH #LIVELAUGHLOVE GIRLLLL!! CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERR! Also I'm putting this on anonymous because I'm shy when you see this
omgg yesssss you're so so right, i can say proudly those videos already exist (from their first interview, the live, and any paparazzi footage of them seen together) fun fact/sad fact: y/n doesn't really look at her mentions on soial media because although she has awesome supporters that are og fans of gojo, she inevitably has delulu haters too :((( so she stays away from that aspect of sm to not let it get to her head, even tho its fake! your brain at 3am is amazing i love it. LMFAO TIKOK would be mourning for their breakup 😭😭
thank you so much bby! smoochies for you!! <333
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coconox · 1 year ago
late night ramble but ig heres my 2 cents of this poll (not directly attaching this to the poll cause im a coward LOL)
ofc, i won't put my thoughts on luci/belphe/asmo. ik we get tidbits of them through their nobles or pb's prev games but i wanna judge them based on how they actually show up in-game. i also know there's prob gonna be some luci lore later when gamigin update is out (atm its like abt 4 or so days till that update's release) but i'll just omit my thoughts on luci for now
ok now for the rest of the kings:
i should also put a disclaimer that i don't read any of the unholy board stories unless if it's mammon's, so for the other kings that aren't mammon my opinions are purely based off of main story or event appearances or how they act in comics
satan - honestly pretty ok w him. i'm kinda biased when it comes to mc being recoginized as their own person rather than purely just the descendant of solomon so i like him based on that. idk i don't have any strong opinions abt him i just see him as a very fluffy cat :3
mammon - absolutely love him. 0 flaws. wins the idgaf war. my absolute fav squeak toy. lol ok but fr tho i don't really have any complaints abt him. will spoil tf out of mc and wants to ensure their safety. also sees mc as mc and was even kinda disgusted(? idk a better word for this💀💀) by the fact that a part of solomons soul can be sensed in them, almost as if he doesnt want it to be in the way of mc. also wasnt afraid to call out the fact that sitri kept calling mc solomon. and ofc the love at first sight thing is great too but also the bodyworship (or ig faceworship bc he only just kissed mc's entire face??) before the confession like UGH... absolutely weak for that man (devil?). idk i dont rlly see that many mammon fans rlly anywhere and it saddens me hes such a good char outside of just having huge tibbies. srsly tho pb pls we get it he has huge tits you dont need to constantly bring it up the char sprite is literally right in front of us-
cant wait for the next chapter w the big lore dump abt mammon and hope we finally get a pt 2 of his h scene (hopium)
no srsly he's the only king w 1 h scene, satan and levi got 2,, WHERE IS MAMMON'S PT 2
as a side comment also i love the silly banter btwn mammon and satan like they are truly besties from the cross on their foreheads to matching skill names to the amnt of times they throw hands and still hang out and care for each other
beel - hes ok ig? i think lore-wise hes gonna be one of the more interesting ones considering how "mysterious" he is i.e. constantly wandering, almost being an absent king. like what led to the constant wandering? what did andrealphus mean when he said beel is the key to ending the war? how does his cloning work? i kinda feel bad for bael and the other nobels needing to manage everything while beels away but i don't rlly hate him for it? at least not now considering we don't rlly know the definite reason and i want to assume the best and say he has a valid reason for being absent so he could protect his region. hate is a strong word ig its more of a slight dislike towards beel, but its like this 🤏 small of a dislike im still overall neutral abt him
levi - falling into the majority from the poll i have to agree that levi is my least fav king also lol. i get where he's coming from and why he acts the way he does, i just dont like how he's written? or ig moreso how he's written in the perspective of mc. tho tbh that's more of an mc issue than a levi issue, but i got pretty tired of the story constantly reminding us how pretty levi is (similar to how we always get reminded of how big mammon is/how huge mammons tits are). idk its like a gut feeling to not like/trust him. i also just don't really vibe w him in general even before we were actually introduced to him in main story. hes a good attacker gameplay-wise tho lol
so yeah, those are my thoughts for now. ofc they could change in the future when we get more info abt all of them but we'll see
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coco6420 · 1 year ago
not too sure what the plot is about so far but its enjoyable i think jakub is like plotting and gaslighting everyone or smth lmao
its a very self aware show lmao the jokes isometimes istg in the best way possible
not sure what zofia is doing havent formed an opinion or her yet but i love aniela and jan theyre so funny lmao
poor peasants :')
there are soooo many polish culture and history jokes i dont get so after watching each episode i looked up some meanings of stuff snd even the names and tone are joke sometimes apparently lol
unfortunately ofc i cant fully understand alot of jokes bcuz i dont speak polish :(
captions help a little but still some things must be lost in translation which is really sad
i feel like im really not the target audience for this show as someone who doesnt speak the langauge or know anything about the culture which i ssad cuz it seems like alot of people seem to like it.
although sooommee things can be translated and i really wanna see jakub do his thing lol
i dont thik i can comment too much about the show being good or bad itself tho cuz i wouldnt understand alot. sorry
its like joining a fandom w out watching the show - it can be good but you dont understand alot of it.
i got enough motivation to finish it tho so yay!
its very enjoyable to watch although i know i'll never get everything there is.
it seems alot of the themes are very dark and historicals not my thing but the delivery of the jokes are very good.
i like the scenery.
no srsly im intrigued by whatever tf jakub is doing.
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lanaactuallyabanana · 8 months ago
Okayyy, so I decided since the last matchup I asked for ended up being *cough* The name we do not speak *cough*, I decided Imma ask for a redo on this cause... Yeah, I think you can tell why lol. I've changed since last year and that's gonna be noticeable in the updated matchup!
5'6 with semi-long, wavy, brunette hair and amber eyes. I have lots of freckles and glasses that have a black, square frame. In Summer, I usually wear pants and a tshirt, or shorts and a sweater. If I'm not wearing that, I'm probably wearing a dress. (Outfit reference is at the bottom). I have received a lot of support when it comes to my anxiety and while I have my moments, I am more comfortable being loud and energetic out in public. I'm a cat person and my love language is physical touch/affection, that hasn't changed in the slightest. I'm super big of PDA, I love hand holding, kissing, etc. Obviously nothing too much. No making out in public, just like pecks on the cheek.
To narrow down some other stuff, I'm straight, but no hate goes to the LGBTQ+ community, they super chill. I love nicknames, love stuffed animals, and love love love band. I'm a flute, as you know, and while I do suck at practicing, I'm not bad at it. I've met all my super duper close friends through band (including Jackie, she's a retired Saxophonist). I have a music stand in my room.
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Just for reference, I do like brighter colors like blues and oranges and reds and purples or violets.
Also, just to give a vibe check for the matchup:
Spotify ✅
YouTube ✅
Books ✅
Pinterest ✅✅✅✅✅
Take your time getting to this, I know I'm kinda flooding your inbox!
Eat, drink lots of water, take time to rest, take your time getting to this!!!!
-Kenzzzz :))))
i literally love hearing about you guys and your personalities, matchups are so funsies for me teehee (some of yall might think im a lil crazy for this matchup but trust the process)
, streamer matchups !
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
you have been matched with ... dream!
okay the first thing i thought about was height, i know some ppl dont rly care about it BUT
if you're 5'6...
and he's 6'2...
do we see the vision????
okay but srsly the height difference would actually drive people insane (including me.)
also yalls eyes would be so contrasting yet so complimenting towards each other (your hazel eyes + his green eyes)
y'all doing sorta matching outfits
like not completely the same print/pattern or that kinda thing
but like similar colors or formal/casual wear if that makes sense
just outfits that compliment each other cause its cutesy
hes the type of person to also comfort you in times when ur anxious or nervous in any situation
he could literally be on a meeting call but if he sees you needing him for something, he'll hang up instantly
you're the most important thing in the world to him out of everything
he loves holding your hands like holy shit
you have to pull this mans fingers off you so you can grab something or go somewhere else
the hand size difference omg im screaming
hugs omg
either hug you from behind from your waist or normal hugs but he'll lean down and place his head on your head
he loves to help you practice (former band kid writing this 🙋‍♀️)
page flipping on your stand
if you ever need a tuning he'll have it tuned asap for you
he has a metronome and tuner app on his phone for you
you helping him with music stuff
he loves getting your opinion on everything he does cause he trusts u sm
hes also constantly giving you stuffed animals
he prob built something like that for you cause he kept giving you so many
no complaints here tho 🤷‍♀️
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
i loved writing this tehehehehehehehehhehehe !!! i hoped u guys enjoyed!
thank you to @catswithroses for the lovely ask <3
please support me and my writing by liking, replying, commenting, reblogging and following me! it means the world
love u guys xoxoxo
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wrongcaitlyn · 8 months ago
hiiiii tawny I had free time for the first time in like WEEKS and so I caught up on your solangelo au week posts and now for my thoughts:
so american: YES. I LOVE. SO WORTH THE WAIT. NO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY THE VIBES WERE VIBING. I read this as soon as it came out so the thoughts have left my head but trust I loved it.
renegades au: omg I love it. v v excited to see where it goes. also may have convinced me that I need to read renegades?? but I love the dynamic that the anarchists have. also I love scientist percy for some reason like it’s def not the easiest power you could’ve went with but I like the idea of him being a more behind-the-scenes guy bc I think that’s what he’d choose for himself if given the chance. also your percabeth dynamics are on point in literally every fic from this week (even tho they’re just in the background lmao).
new rome au: I think this route for nico is like. actually way more plausible than what happened canonically. like he DOES have way more friends in new rome than in chb. dont get me wrong im glad he stayed in canon but this was SO INTERESTING. I love the idea of nico healing on his own and separate from will. I feel like it takes away some of the… unhealthy codependency of their relationship LOL. once again the percabeth dynamics🫶🏻 also I feel like some space from percy and then seeing him while he and annabeth are in college more often would be good for their friendship??? like idk I am a big fan of taking ur space when needed. also risk is SUCH a will song. boy was in love with a dude before they even had a conversation.
nerds au: as a nerd a nerds au is something that can be so special LMAO I love this dynamic perhaps bc it is also my life (esp in hs). all of the character dynamics in this fic were just. chef’s kiss. I loved. I think you translated nico’s unhealthy habits from canon into a hs au in a really interesting, believable way bc nico WOULD stay up late to do hw out of spite. maybe not canon nico but a nico who grew up in the (possible public) school system. also I love the quiz bowl addition (at my hs it was called scholar bowl so sorry if I type that instead LOL) bc I had so much fun in quiz bowl. I made some of my best friends thru it :) are u in quiz bowl?!? the rules were way too accurate to be written by someone unfamiliar with it lol.
long story short I love all ur fics and will forever be excited to see an update to any one of them <3
oh my GOD. you have literally made me die dead. kicking my feet and giggling at this AHHGSDF
i'm SO glad that you liked so american!!!! was highly anticipating ur response bc u convinced me to actually write it so!!!! i'm so happy <33
ABSOLUTELY READ RENEGADES. srsly it's such a good series like i will recommend it to EVERYONE. the anarchists dynamic is so😭😭 keep in mind that this is a heavy au of renegades, so the dynamic is slightly different (+ a very different ending in the series, i took a lot of creative liberties) but i'm so glad that you liked it!! and YESLKSDJF i just realized that i had background percabeth in all of my solangelo week fics. which like. THEYRE SO ICONIC THEY HAVE TO BE EVERYWHERE i think there are some couples that i absolutely LOVE but i prefer to actually write them as background couples?? like i obsess over their dynamics, but i like it from an outsider's perspective and not as the main plotline (at least when writing fics) so i very much enjoyed including them in all of these
honestly SAME with the new rome au. like. absolutely love that nico managed to make a home in chb, but like?? reyna jason AND hazel were all in new rome... i honestly wouldn't have blamed him if he took that opportunity instead!!! i think this would be a really cool au to expand on and like actually make a full multichap but i am trying desperately to not turn everything into 100k monstrosities. i tried limiting myself to 5k words and didn't even manage that so. but i definitely think he would've grown a lot + gotten some healthier coping mechanisms when living with all of his friends, then meeting percy a year later, and THEN going into a relationship with will - and ofc, will is happy with whatever ends with a solangelo endgame. he's their own number one shipper!!
I'M SO GLAD U LIKED THE NERDS AU nico's characterization was definitely something that i considered (and, tbh, that i consider in all au's, because trauma and coping mechanisms do not often translate the exact same over universes - characters are always going to behave slightly different in other situations, so it's always exciting to see how that works!!). one thing that DOES translate throughout every universe is that he has no semblance of a sleep schedule; this time it's just due to hw instead of tartarus nightmares! SAME WITH THE QUIZ BOWL and yes i am part of the club!!! genuinely made my friend group through that, and we actually did what was in the fic irl - as in, we made a discord server and like quizzed each other over that. my team lost be an insane amount. i am nowhere near as skilled as nico and will. i maybe have gotten, like, 4 questions right in my two years of being part of the club (though i will use the excuse that my anxiety makes it VERY hard to hit the buzzer. i hate being wrong more than not answeringslkdf) but!!!! i do think nico and will would SLAY at quiz bowl, they both definitely feel like people who have random encyclopedic knowledge on the most niche topics
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onlyjaeyun · 11 months ago
Zaidieee loveee!! How are you??? How’s your day been?? No how has your week been? I’ve never felt so attached to an author before but I’ve missed you so much is an understatement. When will you be active again?? And by active no I don’t mean your works, I mean replying to asks regularly???? I miss youuu, I need updates daily or I’ll DIE. Is there any drama? Family drama? Campus drama? Work drama? ANYTHING?? Also I have some basic questions for you
1. What’s your favorite season?
2. What’s your favorite food and drink
3. What’s your avorite place
4. What’s your favorite work of yours?
5. What’s your favorite work of someone else?
6. When’s your birthday?
7. Can we PLEASE be moots?? 😭😭
Love you Zaidie, don’t skip meals and remember to update me or I’ll srsly throw a fit 😭😭🩷
hi baby!!!!
thank you so much for the love, I deffo miss you all a lot too and am patiently waiting for the times where life's a little less hectic so I can actually find the energy to properly interact with you guys again!!!</3
atm life's been a little uninteresting, its just hectic because I feel like I keep having to do things and am mentally preparing myself for the semester which starts next week :// but besides that everything's been okay, im just very exhausted from constant social interaction and am genuinely craving a day where im just by myself doing nothinggg </3
to answer your questions!
im an autumn girly all the way!!! I love spring too but autumn is usually the perfect temperature and I love the whole transition to winter!!!!
I love lasagna and sushi!! my fave drinks are anything bitter lemon related lmao
favorite place is deffo my bed im not even trying to be corny or whatever I just love spending time in my bed lol
that question is always so difficult but ive recently resisted my old blogs and one big fave is a fanfic called "what you deserve" which I wrote for an anime character (tooth oikawa from haikyuu!!) which isn't up anymore but it's a 10k worded old friends to lovers fix and kinda means a lot to me idk might reupload it for one of the boys !!!
I've read so much ff in the past few years ive literally forgotten about most or they're just fuzed in my head lmao but I lit love everything my moots write
September 18th!
and yes ofc!!
thank you so much for this baby, I hope youre taking care of yourself too!!!<333
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b1mbodoll · 1 year ago
So a little back story - I worked with this guy this past summer and like the first time we met I alr liked him. Like he was exactly my type. Like 100%. But I'm super shy (never dated anyone, never kissed anyone, never held hands with anyone) so I never really did anything obvious that I liked him bc I was nervous. We kind of flirted (maybe) a lot near the end of the summer. We texted a lot a lot but he ended up moving up to college for his apartment earlier than expected so we never got to see eachother after our last days of work. There was lots of drama on my end surrounding that trust. Like mental anguish bc I fumbled the bag hard.
Anyways. We start school respectively (I go to school in NY and him in TX) and we don't talk that often, just snap like everyday. But as the semester goes on we reply to each other's stories and have short, friendly convos more frequently. Flashforward to like, a week ago or something. I reply to his insta story and we start talking. He finds out that I'm going home for Thanksgiving and he is to so he asks me to hang out. This is odd bc we weren't close enough as friends for me to think that he would ask to see me.
Anyways again, I'm skipping details bc otherwise I'll never finish this lmao - the date/not date was like everything else we do. Vaguely romantic but could also be friendly. He picked me, we ate dinner and then went ice skating together. He walked up to my door to get me, held open doors for me, and opened the car door to walk me back to my house after we got back. But like - no moves were made. No attempts to hold my hand or kiss me. AT ALL. But like he also complimented my butterfly hair lips like sir 😭😭 idk what you want from me.
But now I'm feeling kind of tired of 6-7 months of not knowing where we stand with eachother. So I texted him afterwards saying "Thank you so much for tonight, I loved seeing you again! Although, I did want to know if it was a date or if it really was intended as just a hangout, bc it did seem like it sometimes? Either way, I'd love to meet up with you again if we're both in town!" He then liked bith of the thank you messages and replied, we definitely should. But then he replied to the daye/not date ask with - I don't know. I'll have to think about it. He then said something about it being more than he anticipated but still good, so idk if that means that it wasn't intended as a date but became one and he enjoyed it or if he meant it as a date but I fumbled the bag (I give just as many mixed signals bc I'm an anxious coward lmao) but it still ended up okay.
HOWEVER, I AM A GENIUS, LIKE RIZZ MASTER 1000. I accidentally left something in his car so tmmr morning he's gonna drive back to drop it off (It's like an hour round trip for him). And tomorrow is the day I will stop being a bitch. I'm gonna tell him that I'm interested but that I also do genuinely enjoy him as a person so like, however he intends to meet up with ne in the future I'll be okay with that.
So yeah. Story time over 🫶🫶🫶🫶 Sorry that it's actually so long but I remember how excited you were so I wanted to let you know how it went 💗💗💗💗
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IM ON MY KNEES RN STOP u r so cute and agh!!!!!! i will be needing an update with whatever happens pretty please, honey 🤲
im so ☹️☹️☹️ u guys went ice skating ☹️ that’s so so so so fucking cute!!!!!! that actually is so cute my heart cant take it ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ but no moves being mad.. 🤬 yeah i need to have a stern talking to with this man!!! what r ur intentions with my little angel, you HEATHEN!!! hehe no but srsly dont be anxious sweetheart! i know its hard n way easier said than done, but you seem so wonderful and im sure he thinks that as well! im so glad you had a good time <3
rizz master 1000 has me crying omg ur too silly 😭 but him driving AN HOUR TO GIVE U UR THINGS STOP IT my little heart is so warm :( im proud of u for messaging him and asking for clarification about what the lil hangout was! n pls u r anything BUT a bitch!!!!! ur perfect and i hope things work out well with him!
dont apologize for he length! i love anything romance so inwas looking forward to this update!!!! wishing u the best of luck with him <3 mwah
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