#srry for being obsessed w wizards
toestalucia · 2 years
been thinking about arthur for 2 hrs cuz i think the whole thing of "little wizard prince is abandoned in the north by his mother" would hit gran kinda. srsly hard
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puxksirius · 7 years
11 Questions Tag!
i was tagged by @regulus-blxck, thank you so much ive never been tagged in anything like this in fandom before!!!!
rules: answer 11 questions, tag 11 people, and write 11 of your own questions
1. What was your first fandom? supernatural was the first fandom i got into, before that i didnt realise there were online followings of media
2. If you had a career in politics, which issues would you be most invested in? hooo boyyyy uh i guess if it had to be a single topic i would say social inequality, especially focusing on the economic and social factors contributing to the inequality. like that’s more important to me than dismantling capitalism, altho i feel like they are at least partially dependant on one another (sjfhsd im a politics student srry for the weird answer)
3. Which language would you like to learn? i really want to learn BSL! aside from that, probably spanish or german
4. What’s your favourite thing about your favourite holidays? i love the routine of christmas and how tradition heavy it is!!! and how goddamn happy i can be abt it
5. What’s the most interesting or unique tradition you have with your family or friends? im not sure, so i’ll list a few. everytime im talking to my best friend past midnight we tell each other “happy tofuckingmorrow” like we have since we were 14. me and another friend yell super loudly this song we got taught in church as children that goes “crucify! crucify! jesus is the one to die” because it was such a weird thing to be taught by a vicar. before my aunt comes round, my family takes turns guessing what backhanded compliments she’s gonna say, and when she actually does say them we high five w/o her realising.
6. Which book do you wish everyone could read? the unwind dystology by neil shusterman is underrated and offers some rly nice views on humanity that shaped me as a young teen. same goes for the burn trilogy by juliana baggott
7. Have you got a favourite pair of socks? i love my christmas socks im wearing them rn even tho its august
8. Do you plan ahead or are you more of a spontaneous person? hgjfkfgd i wish i was more spontanious but my autistic ass would combust, but at the same time im impulsive and cant plan for shit so i do end up being impulsive when i have enough spoons or the right company
9. Describe your dream house. big. theres at least 6 bedrooms, and at least that many people living there. ideally, a bunch of adults who all love each other (some platonically, some romantically) and we can raise kids together with love and support and more than just 2 parental figures. id have lots of space to do my impulsive arty things, and lots of hiding crevices for me to cram myself into. i like the idea of a balcony that overlooks a living area. lots of light. some walls covered by art that i like or made by people i love
10. What was the best decision you’ve made in your life? leaving my secondary school to go to a separate college rather than staying on in that hellhole for sixth form
11. Are you more intrigued by the past or the future? thats such an interesting question! im not sure. i like to fantasise and im excited about the future and whatever it holds, but im hung up on the past and obsess over it. im fascinated by how the past makes people who they are now, and i hate the idea of time progressing, so i guess the past
My questions:
what’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
who did you main on mario kart/super smash bros/similar games?
whats the story that people who know you love to tell about you?
who is your favourite author and why?
do you project onto your favourite characters, or maintain that they must be Nothing like you?
do you have a song that you get intense late-night cravings to listen to?
if you could have one magical ability, what would it be?
you know how when frogs are on lilypads, and a leaf has a single corner bite into it, ur like Yeah thats Right! what’s the respectively Right situation of that for you?
what ordinary task are you surprisingly bad at?
where in the world would you like to visit?
where would you like to visit if the laws of physics and reality were irrelevant?
People I’m tagging:
(i’m pretty insecure and feel like people will get annoyed about me tagging them, but im gonna be brave and tag ppl who’s blogs i love anyway. feel free to ignore this ofc)
@of-padfoots-and-moonys @the-wizard-and-the-hoping-pot @wereflamingo @nblesbiansirius @punkaspadfoot @nachodiablo @ryanthedemiboy @wahahahano @punkrockprofessor and aaaa ok thats as many ppl as i can tag
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