thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
uncommon questions for ocs: 11, 28, & 39 for hes? :>
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Hes sees no shame in not knowing something—she’ll just come out and ask “the fuck you talkin’ about?” when she wants to know. To her, it’s much better to admit ignorance than lie and make a fool of yourself.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
Piggybacking off that last answer, day-to-day Hes would definitely choose to tell the truth and just get it off her chest. She will, however, lie if it means protecting others’ secrets—she tells the truth, but only when it’s her truth to tell.
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? 
If she really wanted to, Hes could easily look past someone’s flaws and just love them for them. However, she typically doesn’t want to—in fact, if you do something objectively terrible, she will call you out on your shit without hesitation. If it’s just small stuff though—say someone talks with a stutter or something, I dunno—she’ll ignore it. It’s really only huge shortcomings/hypocrisies/ill-deeds/etc. that she exposes.
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sunsetofdoom · 8 years
darth maul and darth vader? :>
Darth Maul: What do other people tend to value you for? Do you ever feel like they take you for granted, or that they sometimes see you only in terms of that thing?
You know, in the past, I would have said it’s my voice- I’ve always been a talented singer, and I was eager to show it off as a child because I felt it gave me value. (I was something of a showoff, lol) That along with my intellect- I was never a good student, but I’ve always had a good brain. ADHD! *jazz hands*.
Nowadays I work very hard to be consistent, especially at work- I show up when I get called in, I don’t skip off early, I stay late if I’m needed. If someone asks me to go somewhere for social reasons, I try to say yes. I can kind of overbook myself, but it’s compensating for my past as a hermit, lmao. I try to be there for people, but for a natural introvert it gets to be a bit much.
Darth Vader: Are you capable of unconditional, unquestioning loyalty to another person?  
Not anyone I’m not related to. I have a sort of concerning knack for just walking away from people and not feeling anything. I don’t form tight emotional bonds with new people very fast, or at all. I will present as very loyal as long as they return the favor, but tbh, if I stop feeling it or they hurt me in some way, I can turn around and forget about them almost entirely. It worries me a little.
But, on the other hand, my siblings are my best friends in the world and I would ride or die for them regardless of when they’re being assholes.
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gammatreis · 4 years
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Razor for @srahghest.
This dude is a full mood.
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gayazrael · 7 years
13, 32, 71, & 91 for vasili? :>
let me shout into the void about my dear babies
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt? 
Vasili hasn’t really had the opportunity to process guilt like a reasonable person since becoming Sith, but once he’s had a bit of breathing room, and he’s allowed to react to things like he reacts to them--and not like how his overseers want him to react--Vasili tends to respond to guilt by isolating himself for a while, usually with the thought that maybe if he just stays away from everything he can prevent any further guilt-inducing incidents from happening.He’ll stay in his quarters for a while, probably tinkering with something or reading, until it’s bothering him too much and he has to go fix it, whatever that might mean at the time. It’ll eat at him for a while afterwards, but the faster he gets closure, the faster those feelings will fade out.
32. Pet peeves? 
Nearly everything the Empire does. Imps being xenophobic douchecanoes to his non-human friends is pretty much the only thing that’ll get him pissed off enough to actually choke anyone on reflex. Past that, and on a less serious note, it drives him up the wall when Twovee rearranges his stuff, especially his rocks. :’I
71. Do they enjoy helping people? 
Yes. The boy is such a bleeding heart, I swear.
91. What is their sense of humor like?
“Dad” jokes and terrible puns are probably the best way to get Vasili rolling on the floor. He loves that kind of thing. He also thoroughly enjoys Vette’s wisecracks--the cornier, the better. :’)
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far-above-far-below · 8 years
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@srahghest oh well i didn’t think anyone would be really interested in her but bless you for asking ///i’m really not good at these describe-your-character thingies so excuse this mess/// Her name is Soraya, she doesn’t really have a last name because she grew up as an orphan, but when she really has to use one she goes by Soraya Lavanda. (Lavanda means lavender, and she uses that because she always has a strong lavender scent, so she got it as kind of a nickname at one point) She’s a really talented engineer/technician/mechanic, something along these lines, anything that moves and is made of steel excites her. She’s really open and kind towards people, and if someone is mean to her she’ll most probably just shake it off any carry on (unless she’s forced to be around that person and they keep being mean, her patience has limits too), but if someone is mean to somebody who’s important to her she’ll kick their ass - or at least yell and cry until someone picks her up and carries her away. She’s also really tiny, around 5'3 feet or 160 centimeters, and if you call her tiny you’re dead She’s a goddamn coffee addict, she usually runs on more cups of caff than hours of sleep Also, she cries a lot. I mean a l o t. So for personality, she’s kind of sweet and salty I guess?? She’s usually kind but gets angry/upset if someone does the ‘right’ things. Her backstory is that she was in an orphanage for the rest of her childhood, but her talents were recognised quickly, and she was taken to Coruscant for education, so she could be conscripted. She was the technician of a TIE Fighter pilot for a long time, and then she became Maul’s mechanic. ///i honestly don’t know how okay is everyone with oc x canon but please don’t hurt me for it i’m fragile and i love my red children okay/// (why this happened tho is basically because i freaking love The Hunting Shadow, i’ve read it like 5 times and i just love it so much, and the book starts with Maul destroying all four of his training bots in one minute, and then just enjoying the fact that it’s going to take weeks for his mechanic to put them back together. so i thought his mechanics would probably quit their jobs pretty quickly after he keeps breaking everything and they need to repair his crap again and again and again, so at one point Sora was sent to him.) and from this point her backstory is the main fanfic im working on at the moment. i already have a huge amount of it done, but since english isn’t my native language it’s all in hungarian, but if i’ll have the time and will to i’ll probably translate it also, she likes shitty puns. ///thank you so much for asking tho i really love talking about my ocs (even tho i can’t collect my thoughts and will make a mess) and im so happy that you asked and i hope this whole thing is mostly understandable ;3;///
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thehellpatrol · 8 years
what is the magnetised blob and why do you love it
It looks like a little/young Skin of Evil ... which you would know what that was had you not fallen asleep during TNG
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sunsetofdoom · 8 years
f, q + w for rikki, a + j for pash, and k for dogma? B)
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
DOGGY STYLE. for bonus points u can literally bend this girl over Just About Anything and fuck her there. she’s ready. she’s good to GO.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
she’ll take it but only if they don’t let her cum. (this girl is a denial SLUT i swear to GOD-) the sensation of being pushed into a closet or empty room and told “you have five minutes to get me off and I’m definitely not returning the favor”- Rikki will blow your goddamn mind in those five minutes.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Rikki is a GIANT EXHIBITIONIST and would go LITERALLY ANYWHERE naked. She’d attend a funeral naked. Public indecency laws are her e n e m y.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Pash is game to be taken care of. Once she’s had her orgasm(s)- which she holds off until the end because she knows this will happen- she’s curled up, under the covers, and DONE. She tends to cry a little if it got rough- not like she’s hugely upset, but just a general release of emotions- and wants to lie down and rest. Pash puts so much effort into pleasing people that when she winds down, she’s pretty wiped.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
When she’s single, Pash likes to masturbate mostly as a sleep aid- she rubs one out before bed and then it’s lights-out for the squid chick.
With a partner, unless she has restrictions on when she can touch herself, she likes to get off alone in the shower- she’s Nautolan, it’s A Thing- and she’ll do it for show, if they want her to. she’s pretty and she knows it!
DOGMA: (good lord what is with the Dogma thirst tonight)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He has a thing for power dynamics, mostly with himself on the receiving end. And heavy boots. (HE LIKES THEM BOOTS.) And kneeling- he’s a Big Tuff Soldier but he likes to feel small.
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feriowind · 8 years
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got commissioned to draw sraghest’s ghost dog OC!
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
cerate for the '10 facts' thing? :>
10 Facts About My Characters
1. I feel like it goes over a lot of people’s heads, but Cerate actually has a death-metal sounding Nightbrother name like Maul and Savage, albeit a more surreptitious one. If you put his last name before his first, you get “eviscerate”, meaning to rip, tear, and disembowel. Weird to think such a cute kid has such a violent name, amirite?
2. Like all Nightbrothers, Cerate’s irises actually glow in the dark. Funny enough, he didn’t realize this until he was 8—the bathroom light went out when he was brushing his teeth one night, and when he saw his eyes in the mirror he freaked out.
3. Cer’s lightsabers are sort of a hybird between Darth Malgus and Asajj Ventress’ saber styles: like Ventress’, their blades are equal lengths and they can combine to form a saber-staff, but they’re both straight-hilted with physical, metal blades as crossguards, like Malgus’.
4. Moreover, Cerate’s combat style is also a mixed-bag of sorts. Initially, Hes taught him the standard, one-bladed style of Form II saber combat, plus a dual-wielding version similar to Ventress’. Once he got proficient with that, however, she helped him to get even better with Form VII, a style he ended up preferring.
5. Besides saber combat, Cer’s also fairly good with a blaster. Russoc taught him to shoot for self-defense when he was 9, and ever since then he’s gotten better and better as far as marksmanship.
6. I headcanon that Cer’s voice would sound a lot like Art Parkinson’s (Kubo in “Kubo and the Two Strings”), though maybe just slightly higher-pitched.
7. As of Chapter 1 of Shadows and Stardust, Cer has never been off-world—or at least, not that he could ever remember. Based on what he’s read in books, though, if he were to ever go off-world his top-3 vacation spots would be Kashyyyk, Alderaan, and Coruscant.
8. If Cer were to grow his hair out, it would look like this and, after enough time, this. He’d probably tie it up in a bun if it ever got as long as the latter, though.
9. Cer has a 72-20 winning streak against Hes in Dejarik. Hes is the only one that keeps count.
10. Cer can play the quetarra—or at least, he’s learning how. So far all he can play is “Smoke on the Water”, or whatever the Star Wars universe equivalent would be.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
'not so nice' asks: 2, 10, 23, and 36 for cerate? :>
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
Cer never talks about it, but whenever Hes tells him about his parents, he gets this sinking feeling that the wrong people died. His mother and father, Anva Evis and Naj Kar, were both great warriors and friends to Hes, and she always seems so happy when she remembers them. Cer knows Hes likes him, too, but he can’t help but feel he’s just some kid she was forced to look after—would Hes have been happier if his parents hadn’t left him in her care? Who knows.
10. What is their greatest mental weakness?
It’d probably be that Cer’s just a kid—I mean, I know that’s a weakness he’ll grow out of and one that’s not his fault, but it’s a weakness nonetheless. While everyone else around him has lived through a full life, Cer’s still young and impressionable, and he doesn’t have the same wisdom or know-how that an adult would have. He’s still inexperienced, impressionable, and he has a long way to go before he can say he has stuff figured out.
23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped?
Absolutely not; ever since he was a toddler, Cer’s been surrounded and protected by a small army of Devaronian men and women, and just as they do for each other, they make sure he never gets hurt. This is no accident, either—when he was given to her, Hes made it known to all of the Devaron’s Angels that, if anything happened to the kid on anyone’s watch, she would personally relieve their heads from their bodies and mount their horns on her wall. Thus, for his first few years with the DAs, everyone was extremely careful and protective out of necessity, but over time everyone just grew to enjoy Cer’s company regardless of Hes’s warnings. It’s weird, in a way, that Cer feels so comfortable around a bunch of rebels and scoundrels, but really he just sees it as having a whole bunch of adoptive parents.
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?
If anyone’s seen DBZ: Abridged by TFS, I’d liken Cer to their version of Gohan for a number of reasons, namely their short outbursts of anger. While Cer is mostly quiet and reserved, introverted almost, he does have occasional bouts of anger or stress, often leading to him leaning more towards the Dark side of the Force in combat. However, these are only when he’s pushed to the brink of his patience or sanity, or when lots of stress built up over time becomes too much to bear. However, on a normal day, Cer can control himself pretty well.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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“I know the difference between a demon and a Devaronian and I’d rather trust a demon.”
SO HEY. a little bit ago I said I was gonna make some Devaronian adopts, and for once, I actually followed up on my promise to do something! I decided to split up the adopt sets by sex, since Devos vary so widely from males to females. That way, I can make two separate sets, and then get to put more ideas into each!
So in the interest of being polite, I went with the ladies first! Ladies as far as sex, that is—if you get one for yourself, feel free to have them identify however you like! In any case, I decided to base them off of various primate species, since to me Devo women (at least, the fur-covered kind) look like big monkeys! Obviously I took some enormous liberties with how this species is supposed to look, but it was really fun to adapt the look of those animals into each design, so yeah, I hope you guys like ‘em too!
Purchasing information, as well as information about each one, is below the cut. Hope to hear from you guys soon! :D
Character Info:
Silverback Gorilla: Sold to @tinybuggy
Pygmy Marmoset: Sold to @srahghest
Sumatran Orangutan: Sold to @commanderreid
Japanese Macaque: Sold to @bg-11
Emperor Tamarin: Sold to @heartofilum
Mandrill: Sold to @haltherobot
Cotton-Top Tamarin: Sold to @angryducktimemachine
Capuchin Monkey: Sold to @bg-11
Golden-Headed Lion Tamarin: Sold to @skeleton-hellflame
Purchasing Info:
The starting price for these guys is $15 USD each, though I’d be happy to negotiate a different price if need be. Moreover, I’ll only accept money through PayPal, so please only ask to buy one if that works for you.
Once you pay for your character, I’ll send you a version with no watermark, and you’ll be free to use them as you please! You can re-design them, age them up or down, come up with whatever backstory you want them to have, etc., but if it’s all the same to you, please link back to my Tumblr if you post the original image I sent you anywhere.
The adopts are first come, first serve, but do be warned that if you don’t pay within 24 hours, I will re-list the character.
If you’re interested in purchasing a character, you can send me an ask or a Tumblr message, or you can reach me at [email protected], and we’ll discuss the details.
I’m limiting sales to no more than two adopts per person, however if you end up adopting two, the second one is 25% off!
(Mutuals only) If you would prefer, you could also pay for an adopt through a commission of equal value ($15 or $26.25). Please have examples of your art and/or a commission price sheet ready if you choose to pay through this method.
Special Offer: If you get any one of these with the intent of making them a member of my Devaron’s Angels rebel cell group, it’s yours for free! You can only get one by this method, though—if you get two, you’ll have to pay the 25% off discount price for the second one.
Okay, I think that’s everything! Hope to hear from some people soon! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Rules: answer these questions, and tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by: @spaceywaceynerd​ (Thanks! :D)
Name: Wyatt
Nickname: I get called Dood on here a lot, does that count?
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Hogwarts house: Either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
Height: 6′2″
Orientation: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ethnicity: American (idk where I come from)
Favorite fruit: Strawberries
Favorite season: Fall and/or Winter
Favorite book series: I don’t really read series? I tend to just read singular books, when I actually get around to reading
Favorite fictional characters: Ahsoka Tano, Rose Quartz, Zarya from Overwatch—basically any cool, ass-kicking lady. I also love Torbjörn from Overwatch. Unabashedly so.
Favorite flower: Orchids
Favorite scents: cinnamon, old books, vanilla, campfire smoke, etc.
Favorite color: dark red or dark blue over dark brown or tan (as a favorite color combination)
Favorite animals: doggos, birbs, cattos, etc.
Favorite artists/bands: Gorillaz, Arctic Monkeys, Tally Hall, Studio Killers, Jack Johnson, David Bowie, etc.
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: Hot cocoa, definitely—I love chocolate stuff :D
Average sleep: not nearly enough
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1-2
Dream trip: Sydney, Paris, or Tokyo
Last thing you googled: how to turn off Tumblr safe mode
How many blogs do I follow: 410
Number of followers: 111
What do I usually post about: art of my OCs, ask memes about my OCs, art references, and some other fun stuff :D
What is your aesthetic: my aesthetic is having no aesthetic
Tagging: @empress-only-in-name @moonlitalien @lazyartistwastaken @peircingorangeeyes @srahghest @wingboness @miilkygay @demonicmiracles @rekkingcrew  @p6megranate @kilshade @leeoliver @kissmyashkuri @ofmistandrain @zany77 @slocotion @askdemboys @the-fantastic-fanatic @delavairesslegacy @keegsrawrats
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Star Wars OC Adopts!
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“These are them? I swear, they get younger every expedition. All have passed the Gathering?”
So, since I love making OCs despite never having coherent stories for them, I decided to try and make some into adopts! That way, I get to design characters, and other people get to do them justice with cool stories! The theme I decided to go with for the first set (hopefully the first of many) was younglings, because to me having characters designed as kiddos makes developing them as adults way easier! All are force-sensitive, and it’d be up to you whether they become Jedi, Sith, or even something more—the choice is yours!
Purchasing information, as well as information about each youngling, is below the cut. Hope to hear from you guys soon! :D
Character Info:
#1 (Sold to @srahghest)
Gender: Male
Species: Rishii
Age Range: 15-18
#2 (Sold to @wingboness)
Gender: Female
Species: Chiss
Age Range: 10-13
#3 (Sold to @kilshade)
Gender: Female
Species: Lasat
Age Range: 13-16
#4 (Sold to @askdemboys​)
Gender: Male
Species: Togruta
Age Range: 11-14
#5 (Sold to @kilshade)
Gender: Female
Species: Nautolan
Age Range: 14-17
#6 (Available)
Gender: Male
Species: Besalisk
Age Range: 8-11
Purchasing Info:
The starting price for these guys is $5 USD each, though I’d be happy to negotiate a different price if need be. Moreover, I’ll only accept money through PayPal, so please only ask to buy one if that works for you.
Once you pay for your character, I’ll send you a version with no watermark, and you’ll be free to use them as you please! You can re-design them, age them up, come up with whatever backstory you want them to have, etc., but if it’s all the same to you, please link back to my Tumblr if you post the actual image I sent you anywhere.
The adopts are first come, first serve, but do be warned that, if you don’t pay within 24 hours, I will re-list the character.
If you’re interested in purchasing a character, you can send me an ask or a Tumblr message, or you can reach me at [email protected], and we’ll discuss the details.
Okay, I think that’s everything! Hope to hear from some people soon! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged by @moonlitalien
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Any color between green and blue
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
Last song you listened to: Gorillaz - The Apprentice
Last movie you watched: Song of the Sea
Top 3 Characters: Ashoka Tano (SWTCW), Garnet (SU), Sabine Wren (SWR), in no particular order.
Top 3 Ships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Bismuth/Jasper (SU), Ezra/Sabine (SWR)
Books you are currently reading: No real “books”, just a buncha comics
Top 5 Musicals: 1) Hamilton: An American Musical 2) Any four Disney animated musicals in any order.
Tagging @demonicmiracles @miilkygay @empress-only-in-name @askdemboys @elizaisgood @pyro-draws @srahghest @ofmistandrain @wingboness
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sunsetofdoom · 7 years
AWRIGHT well i was tagged by @capiapoa and, I think, @the-last-hair-bender (idk if you tagged me or not my memory is not great when drinking) to list my favorite movies!!!!
1: Princess Mononoke 2: Mad Max Fury Road 3: Waitress 4: Strictly Ballroom 5: Song of the Sea 6: Spirited Away 7: Room 8: Pacific Rim 9: Some Like It Hot 10: Duck Soup
@stormytitan, @calamityisalve (HI KATIE), @ajax-daughter-of-telamon, @abigaillustrations, @srahghest, @ace-apparition. is that as many as I’m supposed to tag??? WHO CARES.
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