befuddled-calico-whump · 10 months
whumptober prompts WHERE ??
@whumptober will also reblog participating entries, so it's a good place to look for new content :)
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strangebiology · 5 months
Seraphim Angel Anatomy
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What are our thoughts on the anatomy of a seraph angel with 6 wings? How does that work? (Outside of it being magic. Let's have fun with science.)
The biblical description of the six-winged Seraphim angels is super minimal (Isa 6:2, 6, with some interpretation here.) But let's just say for reasons they look like people with 6 wings.
To start: What is a seraph related to? In both biblical and Hazbin Hotel lore, it's implied that (maybe some?) angels can breed with humans, which suggests that they're mammals, and very close to humans. But...I wonder if that has to do with shapeshifting or other magic? Bible nerds chime in. It's also just as interesting/valid to consider bug anatomy, and I encourage bug artists to draw a human-ish body with wings attached in dragonfly or spider style or something.
A number of people have explored the concept of angel anatomy by looking at humans and birds, like DCRoleplays on Deviantart. I also recall this image by Uzlo on Deviantart pointing out that you need pectoral muscles to move your arms/wings, so...if you have two arms and two wings, all of which move independently, you might need four pecs.
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Alternatively, here's an extremely cool gif by @squidlife-crisis showing a human ribcage with human arms, the keel of a bird, and what looks like layered pectoral muscles for arms and wings. So, rather than multiple visible chests, an angel with the skin on would appear to just have a bigger chest.
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But now add MORE wings. Would we have a huge chest with lots of layers of pecs attached to the keel...and would you need to change the shape of the keel to handle so many attachments?
Or, is someone gonna draw Lucifer or the other seraphim with 8 pecs? Will it be me? For science, obviously.
What are your thoughts?
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viyojo · 11 months
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Team banner commission for Squidlife Crisis!! 💥💥💥
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cambriancutie · 7 days
i was going to ask if dom was an inktoling because of the different ears (and hair) but then i thought about it more and. do headphones fit on his head. are they tilted off to the side in a way thats barely intrusive but still annoying. did he give up on wearing them and just wears earbuds because they arent at a 45 degree angle at all times. are the ears even meant to be different or am i overthinking it. well thats all the questions i have
his ears follow typical splatoon logic so they DO fit on his head. have you seen the squidlife headphones.
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actually now that i think about it, itd hurt like hell. maybe he doesnt wear earbuds. or hes one of those freaks who watch tiktoks in public on full volume
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Have you seen any of squidlifecrises's work on winged humanoids? They've also done extensive work on how wing anatomy would work on a human figure in their book on angels. Might be of interest
first I've heard of them! but their art looks fascinating, I appreciate their grasp on internal anatomy, which is not actually one of my strong suits. here's the post on their blog about the winged humanoid anatomy book
if you're sensitive to gore, maybe avoid their blog, but dang that centaur anatomy is amazing (major cw for gore here, it's a rather visceral display of internal anatomy)
always good to be introduced to more artists! @squidlife-crisis is the blog, if anyone wants to go check them out.
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askgnarlyeddy · 1 year
do you guys have any headphones that are comfortable with glasses?
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"Uh... My personal rec is the forge squidlife headphones. Good sound quality and they won't mess up your glasses..."
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kanvaskat · 11 months
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Late art fight attack post for @squidlife-crisis ' OC, Vin
As soon as I saw that they had an assigned tarot card? I had to draw them, no doubt about it!
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prettyswellaus · 1 year
(Splatoon AU) Edd's Crew's Lockers
(More to probably be added and soon)
Color: Green
Inkbrush Sticker
Inkbrush Holo Sticker
CARBV Poster
Bacon Cola Poster
SM-SM Character
SP0P-INK Graffiti
3TSCRM Character
Comedy Comic
Pop (12 Cans)
Monkey Crab in Silly Land
Octo King Country
Super Squid Collection
Purple Loose-Leaf Binder
Sea Snail Man (Ghost)
Lucky Can
Eddsworld Cereal
Color: Blue
Krak-On Splat Roller Sticker
Krak-On Splat Roller Holo Sticker
Krak-On Logo
PTYSQD-B sticker
SQDSN-B Character
SQSK Graffiti
SQSQD Poster
Susan (His bass)
Blue Candy-Drop Can
Record Player
Rockin' Music Quarterly
Contain the Kraken
Tomee Bear
Smirnoff Bottles (3 of them)
Black Dakronik (Specifically one shoe)
Small Amp
Aqua Water Bottle
Rusty Blue Harpoon
Color: Magenta
Splat Brella Sticker
Splat Brella Holo Sticker
FRGL Sticker
INKWR Poster
PRL Poster
King Matt Poster
Mirrors (2 of them. One hand mirror and one taped on the inside of the locker door)
Inkopolis Illustrated
Drip Squad
Surveyor Tripod
Pink Squid Friend
Cymbal Playing Monkey ("Little Tom")
Photos of himself (4 of them)
Micro Shelter
Japanese Umbrella
Sakura Paper Lantern
Old-School Radio
Color: Red
Splat Dualies Sticker
Splat Dualies Holo Sticker
MNA Poster
Robot Blueprints
Red Army Insignia Graffiti
Zekko D1MND logo
Zekko MLTY logo
Ink & Splatter
Commander Cephalopod
Fangirl Comic
Romance Comic
Sci-Fi Comic
Sharktooth Comix
Sharktooth Comix-Double
Sharktooth Comix-Special
Ultra Squid
Schoolyard Scrap Jack
Tordbot Action Figure
Octoleet Goggles
Pickelhaube Helmet
Color: Black
Blaster Sticker
Blaster Holo Sticker
Firefin FFN-R Logo
Firefin CH0 Logo
Squidforce Logo
SG-BNHPHN Graffiti
Cheesy Munchy Snacks
Ginger Ale (6 Cans)
Fiery Squid Friend
Chocolate Cereal
Orange Candy-Drop Can
Crunchy Snacks
Crusty Snacks
Processed Cheese
Salted Munchy Snacks
Tentacle Nights
Squidlife Headphones
Enchanted Robe A
Enchanted Hat
Enchanted Boots
Color: Pink
Aerospray MG Sticker
Aerospray MG Holo Sticker
N-Zap Sticker
Dancing Flower
Ice Cream Box
Pink Squid Friend
Fangirl Comic
Nostalgia Power
Romance Comic
Purple Squid Cushion
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squidlingcreates · 4 years
So this is my first post on Tumblr. At least, my first post as this account. I'm unsure what I want to do here except express myself for me. I am not sure how many people will see this or if it will even matter amongst all the content on all these social media platforms.
But I do know that this will at least be in some way therapeutic. I think I need this to start here. So hello! My name is Squid-Sama. I'll be posting whatever I want here that isn't relating to reposts or Fandom. I promise the more I post the more it will be worth it. I hope I can be of some form of entertainment to you. I hope you can enjoy your stay on this blog!
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starcrossedsora · 4 years
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Splatoon Faceplate I made for the 3DS. Don’t mind the hair >.> I came back after a long time of not playing and messed it up at shampoodle xD
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cyberwhumper · 5 months
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Imran had already known, going in, that the conditions of the breeding facility where he now found himself standing would be less than ideal when compared to his old employer. He knew the smaller budget would reflect on the conditions the animals were kept, how the entire process was executed, and what the odds of the transaction working out were. Yet he is still shocked when the cages are small, cramped, filthy. His heart aches for each and every single one of the biopets kept within, but he knows he realistically can't possibly save them all.
Just one. Just the one. That would be enough.
With every step further into the facility, the mental image of Horus degrades in his mind. Guilt gnaws at the forefront of his conscience, and it comes crashing down heavily once he sees with his own eyes what had become of the once powerful animal he had met all those years ago.
Tied to the center of the tiny room, the creature barely had any slack to move. Its body is covered in a litany of sores and bruises, and the emaciated skin clings to bone like a tight-fitting suit. As soon as its gaze meets the handler's, a shrill noise leaves its mouth. Terror, it seems, was all that remained. The knot in Imran's stomach feels so tight it's nauseating.
He hopes to appease the animal despite the handler's amused comments over the pointlessness of the effort. Horus doesn't look at him. Doesn't even seem to recognize him. It pulls away from Imran as best as it can, tail pinned between its exhausted legs, tears streaming down its face, body shaking so hard it makes the chains holding it in place clink. Talking to it has no effect. Even touching it, an act that would have always promptly elicited a bite response, does nothing.
Imran barely remembers the rest of the transaction.
At some point money had exchanged hands, the biopet was sedated, and he now found himself clutching the battered creature tight to his body as if it could possibly flee. The walk back to his vehicle feels shameful.
What have I done? No. I couldn't possibly have known this would happen. But it only happened because of me, didn't it?
The device on the back of its skull has been removed. Vandermeer leaves no loose ends. Imran doesn't want to think of what the withdrawals must have been like for the animal to go through. Death would have been a kinder choice than this.
The disgraced doctor swallows his guilt, and gently lays the biopet on the backseat. The drive would be long, but the worst, he hoped, was already over.
I'm so sorry, Horus. I promise I'll take care of you this time.
Tag list: @whumpsday // @demondamage // @squidlife-crisis // @whumpedydump // @cyborg0109 // @whumpfish // @astrowhump // @the-scrapegoat // @whatwhumpcomments // @dustbunnywhump // @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question // @dokidokisadness // @moss-tombstone // @lambofmine // @maracujatangerine // @pinkraindropsfell // @writereleaserepeat // @blood-and-regrets // @littlespacecastle // @snakebites-and-ink // @unforgiven235 // @lonesome--hunter // @atomicsandwichprince // @writereleaserepeat // @whatamidoingherehelpme // @skittles-the-whumpee // @the-blind-one-speaks // @i-eat-worlds // @devourerofcheesecake // @theauthorintraining // @otterfrost // @mommymarichatfurever // @whumpifi // @catnykit // @bitchaknso // @softmutt444 // @yet-another-heathen //
If you’re interested in being added to the tag list, please let me know!
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thomashutchings · 4 years
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Came across this little guy the other day! The Very rare double glove! Wow! 😯 Lost gloves remind me of baby squids. Search #squidbabiesth to see them all. If you read this far I love and appreciate you. #justgladtobehere #comeandgetyourglove 🦑 #squidlife #doubleglove #summersquidbaby #moretoglove (at West Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKbpiCgTcd/?igshid=1jur986ccn2dn
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widefiveaaron · 4 years
Wear your gear people! #atgatt #scrapingface #toughgirl #shesurvived #neogromsquad #gromgang #squidlife #notagrom #itsaz #thisiscle #clevelandbikelife #minimoto #riderdown https://www.instagram.com/p/CEQXPZOp1H2/?igshid=1bdg2np7plru1
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theory-and-chalk · 5 years
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Still working on that water color, so instead for today we have— business squid.
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jujutreats · 6 years
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#coffeezombies Juju has a new customer 🦑🐙. #coffeelife #coffeetime #coffeelove #coffeelover #coffeebreak #swipetoseemore #squid #squids #kraken #squidlife #soya #followthejuju #jujutreats
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couple of looks since your weapon photography challenge inspired me. not submitting these to that challenge since they’re not chill season guns
1st: bream-brim cap, takoroka nylon vintage, cyan dadfoot sandals(i’ve submitted this look before it’s just a better picture)
2nd: squidlife headphones, airflow & hustle jacket, slamgerine slip-ons
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