johnny69150 · 4 months
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panda-paco · 2 years
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Palisades Tahoe
Last month I went with some friends to Palisades Tahoe (known before as Squaw Valley), California, USA.  I got to ski for first time in my life. It was difficult but my friends were very patient with me (also they were really good teachers). Definitely a very fun weekend!! While we were there, there were times I was sitting with a coffee with a great view to the mountains, and I got to do some outdoor paintings with the ipad to study the lighting and colors. The first one was during the morning (around 9am) and the second one an hour before sunset (around 4pm). Digital. Procreate.
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pascalkirchmair · 8 days
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"Native American Woman", black ink and coloured pencils on paper, 18 x 24 cm
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chanzero · 7 months
Squaw Bread: A Cheesecake Factory Replica
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blackbirdsandblossom · 8 months
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Squaw Bread: A Cheesecake Factory Replica
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flyingazrolls · 2 years
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Day 42: awesome #familyskiday in the #pow and having a great time at #squaw ! #raceready !! #always-training !! #skierswillski #skirace #skiingwithkids #skii #skiing🎿 #skiing🎿 #skiingisfun #skiingislife #tahoe #laketahoe #truckee #mountain #mountains #mountainlife #skigirl #skigirls #kidsskiing #skiing⛷ #skiingisawesome #race #racer #racerkids #racereadyobstacles (at Palisades Tahoe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhrzL6vcpF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crowwfood · 2 years
once I figure out anatomy it's over for you hoes
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valkyriesvoid · 2 years
"Squaw, fetch'em firewood."
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A jape, to be sure, but one I've heard over and over again.
I'm whiter than fresh snow on the Scandes, with heavy Swedish and Danish roots, but my man Poe who doesn't look much different than myself is in fact half native and half Irish, with his parents being half as well. He is an enrolled tribal member, though with his father's tribe and not his mother's because her father, having left his homeland and traveled west before her birth, had never enrolled her.
As such, he adamantly refers to his paternal side as "the Indian side" and his maternal side "the white side" even though their blood level quotient is the same. It's not a matter of blood, it's a matter of culture to him.
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Regardless of his appearance and some issues it's caused within his upbringing on the reservation, his tribal heritage is very important to him and by extension, me. We have a son who is also an enrolled member, and it's become part of my life to ensure he is not so far removed from his background. We live near the tribe, but on our own land some ways away. Close enough for pow wow, Thanksgiving, and to do some chores for the elders here and there but not close enough for our son to be enrolled in many programs.
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Overall, I just feel so honored to be an invited lifetime guest to a culture who on many levels suits my own personal values. Family, community, sustainability. Regardless of my own heritage, these are things I find personally important and to be with someone who not only shares those values but have deep roots to them, that's something truly beautiful to me.
Raising a child in it is even more awe inspiring - teaching the kids how to interact with nature, focusing on life's simple pleasures. Doing things the hard way just to know you can if all else fails. Helping those who ask for help.
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I like to think I bring as much to the table - for every animal track Poe knows, I know the local foliage for their useful properties. Either way, what I do know is I wouldn't change my life for the world. Being surrounded by people who understand me and give me the opportunity to understand them, that's what matters.
In the racial aspect, it's not always been a seamless merge. Lesser folk will find things to worry about, even in our own families, but those are stories for a different day.
For today, it's time for me to plan my full spread for Thanksgiving this year - because I'm hosting! And I think I will make a batch of bomb-ass fry bread, just because it's fucking delicious.
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unteriors · 1 year
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Roundtree Lane, Squaw Valley, California.
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Squaw Mountain Massacre, paperback cover by Norm Eastman, 1985
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confusedsquaw · 2 months
what’s hotter, being the first of the colonizers to claim a native whore or being the wild west tamer to tame the rest of the unruly squaws?
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eatentrout · 5 months
Girl’s day off
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Having a creative mind block or some shit like that, I have zero clue what to draw these two doing. Idk interacting with the other mercs probably.
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pascalkirchmair · 2 months
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"Native American", black and coloured inks on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm
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olowan-waphiya · 1 year
People get so mad or weird about being called words for "not part of my group," it's unreal.
right??? i think when ur privileged and have nothing else to get mad over, it makes total sense. but like wow imagine being called something you dont wanna be called? 🤔 hmmm…wonder what that feels like?
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jhsharman · 4 months
Future Shock
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"Squaw" dropped. Makes sense. I do not know what to say on Reggie's expression.
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For consistency's sake, they needed to add for Veronica a belly button. I am actually surprised the bikini for Veronica, and the red-head that Archie bumps into, wasn't resized -- probably at some other point in re-publication might have been.
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The leap to "pervert" really has horrendous implication here.
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purusadivine · 4 months
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