#spy x family zutara au
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stardust948 · 4 months ago
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Zuko and Katara's fake marriage scheme is put at risk when Azula visits, but thankfully Zuko knows how to handle his sister.
Image description under cut
Panel 1 - Zuko: My sister is coming today. But d-don't worry! I have the perfect excuse to give her. Leave it to me.
Panel 2 - Azula: Why did you keep your marriage a secret for a year? How am I supposed to accept it if you don't explain?
Panel 3 - Katara, thinking: I'm counting on you Zuko...
Panel 4 - Because I completely forgot!
Panel 5 - *close up on Azula and Katara's shocked face*
Panel 6 - Azula: When I called you the other day, you said you had a partner. Why didn't you tell me then?
Panel 7 - Zuko, nervous: I forgot that I forgotten to tell you about my marriage.
Panel 8 - *Close up on Katara's super shocked face*
Panel 9 - Azula, sighing: Typical Zuzu. Very well then. *Arrow pointing at her* Actually believes him.
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forevermore05 · 8 months ago
Casting for my Zutara Spy x Family AU
*disclaimer I have only watched the show so far BUT I do want to read the manga *please tell me if the show and book went different ways. Also is the manga required reading for me to write this AU (I usually prefer to read 1st) and where can I find the manga. I love books but my piggy bank can't handle that many books*
I will figure the rest out (you can give me suggestions)
Who will cast as Anya
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firesign-18 · 1 month ago
I saw in your bookmarks that you also like Zutara so I got curious...what other stories and characters do you like? :>>>
Haha oh my god I am actually a recent Zutara enjoyer but an enthusiastic one! (I missed ATLA the first time round and just recently watched it, but that fic ‘Salt and Scale’ is already a total masterpiece.)
Anywayyy, so other ships. It’s a lot of girlkissers haha.
I *love* Aerti and Sulemio. Both really underserviced fanfic wise too (though with a couple of masterpieces in there) so I’ve got some plans to write for them eventually (much more tgck to get through in my WIPs first though).
Of course my beloved Farcille, again in dire need of more fics. F/F is a barren wasteland half the time.
And my girls CaitVi, who in a turn up have got a delightful array of riches on AO3. Some of the modern AU stuff of them is just fantastic.
Also like most of the anime loving world I am so seated for Dandadan and MomoKarun - they’re so frigging cute.
More generally / non-ships, I love a real blend - soft, gentle things like Freiren and Spy x Family (Yor my beloved), gritty shit like Blue Eyed Samurai and Arcane, action orientated stuff like Bleach, and then things that sort of fall between all that like Witch From Mercury, MHA, One Piece, Dungeon Meshi etc. Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon were my gateway to all things anime / manga when I was a kid so they’ll always have a special place in my heart. I’ve seen Akira multiple times in the cinema too and damn that shit was made for the big screen and surround sound.
And I’m a bit of a gamer when I’ve got time so ya know FF, Zelda, Witcher, Fall Out etc etc…
I’ve probably forgotten things but yeah, that would be my attempt at a summary!
What about you???
P.s. much as I hate JKR and her bullshit I am also a quiet enjoyer of Dramione - some of the fics are top fucking tier.
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badlucksav · 9 months ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @nyamadermont for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 199. I don’t know what the 200th will be yet 😅
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,836,320. That’s a whole lot of characters kissing.
3. What fandoms do you write for? My most common ones are Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: Legend of Korra, but I’ve also written fics for The 100, Six of Crows, Law & Order: SVU, Spiderman (Tom Holland), Harry Potter, MCU, The Last of Us, Soul Eater, Spy x Family, Stranger Things, and Twilight.
Honestly though I haven’t been writing much fanfic. I’ve shifted what focus I have for writing to poetry and original fiction.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. The Proposal — a Zutara AU based on the 2009 Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds movie of the same name.
2. An Unlikely Alliance — a Zutara season 2 divergence fic where they find themselves traveling together
3. Your Number 1 Fan — a NSFW Zutara AU where Katara is a cam girl and Zuko is a subscriber
4. Perks of Being Your Neighbor — a Zutara modern AU with fluffy good “neighbors” tropes as well as big brother Zuko to an orphaned Kiyi.
5. Play with Fire — yet another Zutara modern AU. This time, they’re in college. Slowburn, tons of pining.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! Comments are a writer’s lifeblood. The only time I usually don’t is if the comment is rude or demanding of an update.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would hands down be The Conduit, if only because I left it on one hell of a cliffhanger and then never wrote the sequel.
My bad yo
Second angstiest (sort of?) would be The Ghost of You (iykyk)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I like happy endings, so I feel like most of my fics have one. I’d say, for the level of pining and enemies-to-lovers aspect, The Proposal probably takes that cake.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Can’t get hate if you write rare pairs or rarely post
But yes, I used to. It actually drove me away from posting on ffn, and also drove me away from the Zutara fandom for a long time (and even still, I’ve never really come back).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yes, oh yes I have. And I write everything from soft vanilla first time sex to dirty kinky hot sex. Fully depends on my mood.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write them much, but the crackiest one was definitely the drabble I wrote throwing Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy, Joel from The Last of Us, and Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows into an elevator together.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think I’ve had a few requests for permission to translate, but I’m not sure if anything was ever actually translated.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote with @idklolwot!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oofers, what a loaded question. All time favorite? Like I have to pick one?? Impossible.
It’s a tie between Irosami and Zutara.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof, at this point like all of them 💀 at least as fanfic. I’m considering taking some and turning them into original fiction.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People seem to like the character interactions I write as well as how i describe settings and the character’s inner monologues.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I definitely find the climax/conclusion to be the hardest. Maybe that’s why I never finish fics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I spoke other languages fluently, I think I’d give it a try. But I don’t, so I won’t.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I wrote and posted for was Avatar: The Last Airbender. But I recently unlocked memories of writing super cringe Twilight fanfic in middle school that never saw the light of day.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This answer changes often. There are so many fics I love for different reasons (The Conduit is some of my most creative work, The Fire and the Flood is some of my best writing, The Proposal is actually finished…) but as of right now, it’s The Fire and the Flood. Maybe because I’m rereading it and falling in love with it again.
Tagging some of my favorite writer folks. If you’ve already been tagged, feel free to ignore 🤣
@orangepanic @neva-borne @mycomfortblanket @krastbannert @authorjoydragon
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catie-does-things · 3 years ago
zutara spy x family au. aang is their child. that’s it, that’s the post.
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ljf613 · 4 years ago
Author Self-Interview
Tagged by @krastbannert
Name: LJF
Fandoms: I've written for Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Miraculous Ladybug, Fairy Tail, Tales of Arcadia, Teen Wolf, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Space Boy, Familiar of Zero, Wolf Children, The Dragon Prince, Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman, and Yona of the Dawn. I also have fics in the works for Astra: Lost in Space, Angels of Death, One Tree Hill, Harry Potter, and Descendants. Other fandoms I'm in (but haven't yet been bitten by the plot bunny for) include Spy x Family, Fruits Basket, Rising of the Shield Hero, Black Clover, The World is Still Beautiful, Noragami, A Silent Voice, Percy Jackson, Julie and the Phantoms, and many, many others.
Where do you post: AO3. I tried using FanFiction.net a while back, but that site is just soooo bad.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: If you count the whole series, then we all want love/we all want honor by a long shot. If not, Between the Idea and the Reality. (My most popular non-ATLA fic, btw, is Times Are Changing.)
Most popular oneshot: Most popular stand-alone oneshot is The Bells of Kardia Cathedral. (Most popular oneshot in a series is you don't get what all this is about, of wawl/wawh.)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Well, I'm super-obsessed with wawl/wawh, of course. I also really love The Legends Have Been Forgotten (If They Were Ever Known), the age of wizardry is over, Something Like a Love Story, and You Can Lead An Ostrich-Horse To Water.
Fic you were nervous to post: All My Love and You Can Lead An Ostrich-Horse To Water. Those are both fics I held off writing for months because I wasn't sure how they would be received. I was also a little nervous about Something Like a Love Story, because it was my first time writing a story that was so focussed on a romance.
How do you choose your titles: They usually come from a) song lyrics, or b) a line from in the story. There are times when I do get titles from other places, though.
Do you outline: Sometimes? I have a strong outline for wawl/wawh, and I've got some semi-decent ones for a handful of other fics, but usually I don't bother.
Complete: Outside of oneshots, the only really good completed fic I have right now is The Waterfall Effect.
Do you accept prompts: Yup! I'm really slow, and super picky about ships, but if you send me a character-centric and/or non-ship specific prompt, odds are that I'll get to it eventually.
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write about: I'm hard at work writing my fic for the @secrettunnelatla Big Bang. (Thanks so much to @trekkele, who has already finished two gorgeous pieces of fanart for it that I am so excited for y'all to see!) It's a story I've been planning out, working on, and teasing you guys about for nearly a year, and I am so hyped to know that I'll finally be able share it very soon. I am also working on a story for @freedjustineappreciation's Freed Day, which will be on November 17. It's shaping up to be the longest oneshot I've ever written (I'm already over 3000 words, and I've barely scratched the surface of where I want to take it), and I cannot wait to share it with the world.
Stories you’re most excited to read: I'm really loving @somanyfamdomswhy's Redemption (Fairy Tail Avengers-esque AU), @pencilofawesomeness's How to Raise Your Dragon Slayers (Papalogia AU) is so good, @catie-does-things's Fate Deferred (Aang wakes up ten years later, Zutara AU) is really interesting, @evienyx's Fractures (Zuko was imprisoned after the Agni Kai AU) has my whole heart, @izzyaro's Strange Visitors From Another Century (Harry, Ron and Hermione travel back in time to meet the Hogwarts founders) is amazing, @pigeonchest's not supposed to come home (Toph traveling with Zuko during his banishment) is one of my biggest inspirations, @knittyninja's The Truth Comes to Light (Earthbender Lu Ten AU) is soooo cool, @lynzine's Family: Lost and Found (Grandpa Aang/Roku) is adorable, @song-of-fairies's My Brother's Not Normally a Psychopath, Promise! (Natsu remembers his past AU) is a concept I wish I'd come up with myself, @awesomeavocadolove's Another Brother (Zuko is adopted into the Water Tribe AU) is incredible (no pressure about updates, love, take all the time you need!), and @mushi9's Capturing Her Damaged Heart (Fairy Tail Zombie AU) is absolutely captivating.
Tagging: Everyone I've already tagged, along with @edendaphne, @azulasragdoll, @xfangheartx, @thethiefandtheairbender, @praetorqueenreyna, @mnemosynes-elegy, @mslead, @khrushchevs-corn-farm, and anyone else interested.
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jaxsteamblog · 4 years ago
Why did it take me this long to make the connection between Spy x Family and a potential Zutara AU.
Painted Lady as Loid
Blue Spirit as Yor
It would be lovely ❤️💙
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everythingloveandanimated · 2 years ago
Favorite color: Ocean Blues, sunset pink, sunset lavender, gradient skies (light blue to deep blue, orange to light blue to night black)
Currently reading: Spy x Family, Assassation Classroom, My Hero Academia,
Lore Olympus,
Of rocks and robots season two, (Tangled the Series/ Big Hero 6 crossover fanfic)
Operation Roundtable (Spy x Family fic)
To sleep perchance to dream (Spy x Family fic)
Under the Southern Moon (Avatar the Last Airbender Zutara fic)
Last song: Alone together (Batfamily AMV)
Last Movie: Uhhhh don’t remember
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Sweet (and creamy)
What I’m working on: Nothing ready to publish yet, but got some Spy x Family fic ideas. Also Fruits Basket fics, Tangled the Series fics, and Avatar the Last Airbender AU fic.
(I’ll tag later.)
thanks @agentpenguinmann for tagging me!
Thank you for the tag, @moonlightandstarshimmer! Your challenges and words are always so creative and kind :)
Favorite color: Royal blue or red (I also love lavender right now)
Currently reading: The Sword by Bryan Litfin and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Last song: “We Will Stand” by Tide Lines, because I have no variety in my music taste
Last series: Been watching a lot of classic “Columbo” recently
Last movie: The Ghost and the Darkness (SO GOOD)
Sweet spicy or savory: Savory any day of the week, with a tiny bit of sweet on the weekend
What I’m working on: grading my students’ essays, editing my dad’s research papers, and making more moodboards :)
I will tag @valiantarcher, @effulgentpoet, @ladyrock18​, @agreeablewitch, @thevintagetiger, @deirdredoodle, @piscesgirl2020, @x-i-l-verify, @tinkchick555, and @blackberry-fairy!
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stardust948 · 3 years ago
Zutara Kindergarten AU where during a dodge ball game, Zuko jumps in front of Katara to save her from getting hit. It's just as dramatic all The Last Agni Kai.
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stardust948 · 3 years ago
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Spy x Family AU
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stardust948 · 2 years ago
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Zutara Spy x Family AU rough sketches
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zutarawasrobbed · 3 years ago
Katara: You protected me?
Zuko: Huh?
Katara: Are you a good guy?
Zuko: N-N-No! I was just frustrated that he was talking out our team left and right so I tried to catch it…
Katara: ✨🥺✨
Zuko: Damn it all. You’re the only one left. It’s in your hands now.
Zutara Kindergarten AU where during a dodge ball game, Zuko jumps in front of Katara to save her from getting hit. It's just as dramatic all The Last Agni Kai.
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