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oneiriad · 2 years ago
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No, see - people reblogging an old original post, that's business as usual, whether people are clearing away reblogs or just stumbling across it through tags.
That's not what's happening here.
First of all - there is no original post. I deleted it years ago. What they are reblogging and liking is a multiple-reblogs text post ending in a frankly extremely unimportant reblog comment from me. I anything, if clearing away pointless comments, they should have gone a few steps up the chain.
It's not something they'll just stumple upon - it's pretty clear that they've encountered the actual still-circulating post on their own dash - the tumblrs I've glanced at seems to share fandoms, so I'm pretty sure that bit is natural organic reblogging - but then instead of the reblog then being from their own dash, they somehow go to my old post and reblog that straight from me, and like that, so I get the likes.
And if it was just one or two I'd probably barely have noticed, but it's been dripping in the last few days, and it's new and it's puzzling?
I've started getting reblogs and likes on an old post of mine - or, more precisely, an old reblog of a post, where I deleted the original in self-defence back when a post going viral would pretty much destroy your dash. And deleting the original pretty much kept it out of my activity feed.
It's just weird. I know the post has continued in circulation over the years, I'm just not sure why I'm getting likes and direct reblogs from people that I'm reasonable sure aren't following me now. Why aren't they just reblogging it from wherever they see it?
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joanthangroff · 2 months ago
fic rec - best of 2024
I haven't done one in ages so i thought [mariah carey voice] IT'S TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMEEEEEEEE. These are my fave fics from 2024 + two or three I read in 2025 already but I wanted to include them :)
Once More, Mr. Queen by mybrotherharry
Olicity but turly mostly a genfic with a character study on Oliver!! The monitor makes Oliver travel to different universes to make sure the Ollies from there also become the Green Arrow. Shows different paths Oliver's life could have gone and how much he's grown. i loved it!!
Sacrifice by MaddyBaby
Genfic with a focus on Barry's and Hartley's friendship!! Set in season two when Barry travels back to the events of Hartley's first appearance. In the new timeline created by this, they're friends only that Barry doesn't know and has some trauma from the time Hartley wanted to kill him <3
Cold Storage by @sproutwings
Iris gets locked in a freezer and hallucinations of Snart help her get out of there. But maybe it's actually been him? Set Post-Oculus.
Partial Disclosure by RetroactiveCon
Hartmon bonding!!! Over queerphobia, too lmao. They're still at each other's throats but realise they have a lot more in common than they thought. Trans!cisco my beloved.
An Honest Thief by @sophiainspace
Coldwest team-up!!!! Polyamory!!!! Aromantic!Iris!!!!!! Coldflash!!!! Iconic Mick behaviour!! What more can I say????
The Memories That Hold Us Back by Cogentranting
Set after the Arrow finale where Oliver brought Tommy back to life. He's Mia's uncle and THEY'RE FAMILY. I love them.
Other DC
Perfect Paradise, Tearing at the Seams by McKat
Payneland fic with a truth spell!! Crystal buys a hexed necklace from Tragic Mick and when Charles accidentally touched it, he has to tell the truth.
heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another by @artemisadore
Catwin with SPOT-ON characterization!!! Edwin stops Thomas when he trashes his ex's car, only to find out that they have the same ex. To make him regret fucking them over (and for other reasons) they start fake-dating :)
myself and this body that they stuck me in by @misspickman
Kon has a few realizations about his gender hehehe
straight on 'til morning by @mamawasatesttube
Big brother Kon realizes that throughout his life he has been treated uhhhhh horribly?? And learns to talk about it
Other fandoms
the fubb cinematic universe by @tkffyrpntsndjckt
The most unhinged chatfic i have ever read I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! Basically a rewrite of glee starting during ?? season 3 i think?? Blaine doesn't go to McKinley but stayed at Dalton, he and Sebastian are besties. Sebastian used to be Kurt's roommate at Dalton. so many shenanigans. someone dies. someone goes braindead. hilarity and craziness en masse. i had the time of my life reading this
white christmas by @lalalenii
you may think i'm biased but it really!!!! is that good!!!!! leni plays with formatting in the best way. like you FEEL the pauses while you read and it's so awesome. but robert please stop taking drugs
L'Chaim by sebastian2017
Erik's life and how he has been influenced by being a Jew. It's so so good and has so many gutpunches
A Book Half Unread by @jakeluppin
I still don't properly go here because i'm stuck in 911 s1 BUUUUTTTTT we love buddie in this house. and ezra put so much love into this because being a librarian is ezra's passion and you can FEEL it. it's so good. i love how dorky they are. and chris and buck's friendship is just so cute
The Line of Thought by @shotbyafool
Typical House MD episode tbh. The ducklings meddle with House's private life and he decides to play tricks on them. Unfortunately, he enlists Wilson to help him
The Live Forever Job by jessikast
Leverage/The Old Guard crossover!!!! It's so good and placed perfectly tbh.
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
@sproutwings tagged me in this, thanks Sandrine ♥ I'll give it a try!
How many works do you have on AO3? on the Zero_Ducks account, 37 (+1 unrevealed).
What’s your total A03 word count? 393,092
What fandoms do you write for? Only DCU at the moment.
What are your top five fics by kudos? (all of these are Sladick!)
You could be my luck, with 394 Kudos. REALLY? Oh well that's a discovery lol. Dick gets pollened and hides in Slade's safehouse because it's the closest he can get to, hoping Slade isn't home. Slade is in fact right there.
Darling Little Things, with 355 kudos. Also quite the surprise! Omegaverse in which Dick is pregnant with Slade's pup, but hasn't told him out of fear Slade wouldn't want them. Everything goes surprisingly well.
Served Cold, with 338 kudos. This one was expected since it's more than a single chapter and was a pretty anticipated entry of my Sladick series. Slade takes his revenge on a hit that Dick ruined.
lie in your bed the way you made it, with 327 kudos. LMAO. I love this fic. It has to be one of the filthiest I've ever written. A pwp in which Dick took a blow intended for one of Slade's marks, and not wanting him to die, Slade has to take care of his sorry ass.
Slade's lucky day, with 301 kudos. My very first Sladick fanfic! Slade is on a mission in Montenegro, and Dick is too. They end up accidentally and less accidentally helping each other, with some strings attached.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always. Fandom remains stagnant without interaction, and that's on writers too, not just on readers. Also if I post a fic (which doesn't happen often compared to how many fics I write) is because I want to talk about it with other people!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Among those I posted on AO3, probably Losing Game. It's an Eobarryiris fic, and I imagined a potential way it could go well but it ends on a very angsty note (it's a timeloop situation in which they have no idea how to break it, and one of them keeps dying in every cycle so they keep resetting it because they can't let him go).
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It has to be Darling Little Things, it ends on a very fluffy note.
Do you get hate on your fic? Not regularly but it happened. What hate gets there is promptly deleted, trolls are not to be fed.
Do you write smut? My smut has plot sometimes.
Do you write crossovers? No, the most I can do is "characters from X universe are now in Y universe", but I don't mash-up characters.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yeah. Long story. Bad ending. It was years ago though.
Have you ever had a fic translated? A couple of times, not from the Zero_Ducks account though!
Have you ever co-written a fic? I co-write pretty often.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? I am too ADHD to pick one. Speaking of the DC fandom (which I'm here for), Sladick and Eobarry which I'm sure doesn't come as a shock for anyone.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Boy I have 200+ WIPs I will never finish, and I really want to finish like 80% of them lmao. Probably Clipped. Based on the fact that I have no idea how to finish it (it's a Bad Guys Won scenario in which all them little birds are captive and in distress)
What’s your writing strengths? Smut!
What’s your writing weaknesses? Being that I'm not a native English speaker, I have a hard time writing in "styles" which penalizes the dialogues. I have no idea how to show that a character is a certain English speaking nationality, how to give them dialectic quirks, how to make them speak in an old fashioned way. I can in my native language though, and it frustrates me so much not to be able to "translate it".
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If it's just a small line it's okay, it helps the immersion. If it's entire dialogues I don't see why, people don't understand it what's the point.
First fandom you wrote for? Possibly Spyro Gateway to Glimmer when I was 6 lmao.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Again strictly speaking for the Zero_Ducks account, I think it's Elegia. It's been almost two years but it holds the test of time, the emotions still feel very raw and the smut is still good (it's that one time Dick's suicidal behavior after Jason's death went a bit overboard, and Slade decided to do something about it whether Dick liked it or not).
I got to tag people now I guess! No pressure folks, it's just the law
@deepwithintheabyss @anawrites3 @waffleinator-inator @ftl-faster-than-life @ladytauria @thesandsofelsweyr and anyone who wants to do this!
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moriavis · 1 year ago
First Lines Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Once again, I've been tagged by the lovely @incorrectcoldflashblog Thank you!
For the sake of this one, I"m going to ignore the kiss prompts I've been posting on tumblr and look at my last fics posted on AO3.
Each breath Leonard took burned in his lungs, acrid with smoke and the sharp chemical tang of plastic and electricity. the sun shines through (Coldflash)
Leonard had to admit it— he loved everything about how crazy the world had become. Adrenaline (Coldflash)
Shawna Baez didn't necessarily have a particular fondness for Central City, all things considered. Jello Shots (Iris/Shawna)
Catra was never at her best when she butted heads with Adora. Tangled (Catradora)
Barry cast another anxious look over the bed, reaching out to adjust the pillow beneath the curve of Leonard's back, and Leonard couldn't help but smirk, flexing his hands just so Barry would lose his focus and double check the long coils of red silk currently binding Leonard's wrists above his head. In Silk (Coldflash) Holy run-on sentence, Batman! JFC.
The moment Barry Allen walked into the board room, Leonard's attention was fragmented. a little give and take (Coldflash)
Barry let Leonard pull him onto the dance floor and take the lead, the familiar warm affection filling him as Leonard rested his hand against the small of Barry's back, guiding him further into the crowd. Reception (Coldflash)
Eobard couldn't say when it changed. Ouroboros (Eobarry)
Electricity crackled over Barry's skin, and Leonard sank his teeth into Barry's bottom lip, shuddering as sparks ignited everywhere they touched, stinging Leonard's fingertips and tongue before grounding in the button on his jeans. Kiss Kiss (Coldflash)
Bill tossed back his scotch and wiped his mouth against his forearm, turning his attention to the left where the TV was playing the news, the sound lost beneath the bustling of the bar. Agree to Forget (Holden/Bill)
This is actually pretty interesting! I generally start sentences with the name of my POV character at the beginning of the story, but I didn't realize I did it so consistently. Also, things that are smutty start off with longer sentences. I wonder why that is!
Tagging: @saekhwa @scheherezhad @kisahawklin @sperrywink @sproutwings @qlala and anyone else who wants to do it!
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phantomato · 2 years ago
Ten Books to Know Me
Rules: 10 books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
Tagged by @broomsticks, thank you so much! 💖 Love that you listed Battle Royale—what a good manga series!
Going a little loosey-goosey on the selections, here.
Batman Annual #2 by Tom King and Lee Weeks I’m not a well-versed capes person, but this always makes me cry.
Blankets by Craig Thompson Beautiful graphic novel about coming of age in the midwestern US.
Bravetart: Iconic American Desserts by Stella Parks It’s a damn good cookbook and a wonderful history of American desserts. Parks’ research and introductions to the foods are as worth reading as the food is worth making.
Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood Probably the reason I imprinted on narratives of middle-aged protagonists reflecting on their pasts.
The Fifth Form at St. Dominic’s by Talbot Baines Reed The platonic ideal of my interest in the public school novel.
I Love Dick by Chris Kraus Absolutely perverse recounting of a woman’s sexual obsession with an uninterested man, and I mean that as high praise. Makes the private into the public in a way that seared me.
The Little Schemer by Daniel P. Friedman A textbook written like a children’s picture book, complete with illustrations, about one of the most beautiful programming languages of all time.
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides A formative exposure to gender identity as changeable and imperfect.
Pond by Claire-Louise Bennett Quiet, mundane, wonderfully descriptive recounting of a life in rural Ireland.
The Sandman (collected series) by Neil Gaiman and various artists Nostalgia in a 10-volume series.
Tagging, if you’re interested! @yletylyf @sproutwings @mademoiselle-red @ralphlanyon @kellychambliss @liesmyth @golden-biro
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arleney · 4 months ago
in my work of fanfiction i am going to hold the villain responsible for their actions by making them have sex with the person they tried to kill, which will effectively address all the relevant moral issues by being hot.
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arleney · 2 years ago
Tagged by the wonderful @woodswit to list my top 10 comfort movies (in no particular order)
1. The Princess Bride
2. Galaxy Quest
3. Easy A
4. Mulan
5. The Fellowship of the Ring
6. Pride and Prejudice BBC (that counts as a movie, right?)
7. Sense and Sensibility BBC (this one’s two episodes, totally a movie)
8. Gladiator
9. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
10. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Tagging (no pressure!): @stpauligirl @fullyvisible @colubrina @sproutwings @soundsfaebutokay @like-a-million-suns @ealdorcottagecore @ace-and-ranty and anyone else who wants to play!
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zeroducks-2 · 2 years ago
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents (no I don't think I will). Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I got tagged by @anawrites3 and @jellyfitzjelly!
Day 1: Bio-father Slade Wilson
Day 2: Either Way I Win
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Little bird in a basement
Lotus-Eater Machine
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Omegaverse Royal AU (Rastim)
Omegaverse Royal AU (Sladickjay)
Same Flesh And Blood
Sell Me The Infection
Talon!Dick/President!Slade (Earth-3)
Unexpected Mercy (DamiDick/Sladick)
you're going to get yourself hurt
(I wrote down the docs whose titles are too long and don't fit in the screenshot. And yeah I only included DC stuff if I didn't the post would hit tumblr's images and word limit :))
No pressure tags! @everydarkcorner, @thesandsofelsweyr, @blahwesome, @thesubtextis, @sproutwings, @lemonandpie
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arleney · 2 months ago
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | 1.03 “Power Broker”
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moriavis · 9 months ago
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
I was tagged in this by @incorrectcoldflashblog on May 6th. /o\
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I'm absolutely about to age myself, but I had watched Gundam Wing and went searching for fic, only to find nothing written for the pairing I wanted. So I thought: Fine, guess I'll do it myself.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
IDK, 16? I think?
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I released my first fic in August of 2002. So 22 years now?
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I definitely read more fic than I write.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
Uhhhh. I think I've definitely improved my use of body language in stories. I've noticed a tendency to rely more on body language now than what the characters are actually thinking, and I can't decide if I like that development or not.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
What haven't I researched at this point? I've researched the grotesque things, like murder and cannibalism, and I've also researched pirates and the Golden Age of Islam, which which was happening at the same time as Europe's Dark Ages. I've also read an incredible amount about poisons and diseases.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
My favorite comments are when people pick up on foreshadowing and clues for something I have planned in a later chapter--especially if they're following along with each chapter and updating their guesses! It's for real the best thing about releasing long fic.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I genuinely have no idea. I don't think I've ever written anything particularly fringe? Correct me if I'm wrong and you know better@
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Long fic, for sure. If I start a story and I don't know how long it's going to be, I can handle it. If I start a project and know intrinsically that it's going to take a long time to finish? I get overwhelmed by how much work I have to do and start avoiding it. (Shout out to Resonance!)
10. What is the easiest type?
Prompts that involve a single scene or a single moment. That way I can create all the backstory in my head and I don't have to write it all down. LOL
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I do my fastest writing on my laptop, but the screen hurts my eyes and my cats always get curious about what I'm doing and knock things over. If I'm trying to get something down on a page, I'll grab one of my notebooks and handwrite. Doesn't give me a headache and I can at least get a basic idea down.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I don't think there's anything I've been too nervous to write. Resonance definitely intimidates me, but that's the only one.
13. What made you choose your username?
When I was a teenager, I was naming a character for a story... I think the name I chose was Autumn? And my mom was like: Why don't you name her something cooler, like Moriavis?
Which I loved. It was a long time before I realized I had basically named the character (and myself, once I got a livejournal) Dead Bird in Latin.
Tagging: @scheherezhad @saekhwa @kisahawklin @qlala @sproutwings
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elasticella · 2 years ago
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Narcissistic November a ficathon focused on the self
Come play with us! Anonymous commenting is allowed, so you don’t need a dreamwidth to participate. For full rules and to join, click here \o/
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qlala · 3 years ago
I'm SO GLAD I tagged you in the WIP thing! Those snippets are gold. I'm over here making heart eyes at the bits you posted from the two Coldflash one shots. They both sound SO GOOD and I CAN'T WAIT for them. 😍😍😍 BUT! I can't believe no one asked you about the Coldwestallen time loop fix-it yet! Pretty please?
aaahh thank you!! and for you, of course! 🥰
The first time Len explained his theory—the Vanishing point, the shared dream space, the tether of Barry’s powers—Len was certain it was working. Barry listened intently, his brow furrowed but his eyes clear and focused, nodding to himself as Len spoke. In the woods around them, the birdsong and rustle of wind had stopped—a reliable indicator that Len had his full attention.
“This is a pocket universe,” Barry said, and Len felt a fierce bloom of relief in his chest. Clever boy; he could’ve kissed him.
Then Barry blinked at him, shock crossing his features. “You’re alive.”
The bright burst of hope only lived in his eyes for a second before it was smothered by pain, and then Barry was reeling back from him. Len hadn’t even realized how close they’d gotten until Barry was stepping away, looking around the clearing with new understanding.
“This isn’t real,” Barry said, and just like that, Len had lost him.
Barry wouldn’t look at him, green eyes unfocused, mistaking the unreality of Siberia for the unreality of him.
Len watched with simmering annoyance as Barry raked his fingers through his hair, found a nearby cedar tree to lean against, and then slid down to sit at its base with his head in his hands.
“I know I shouldn’t have risked the timeline,” Barry said. “I know. Please, don’t do this. I learned my lesson. You don’t have to—”
Len didn’t know who Barry was talking to, and didn’t particularly care. He’d known the direct approach wasn’t a sure thing, but he’d expected more of a fight from Barry than this. Barry was usually quick to become defensive, and Len wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or annoyed that his death seemed to be the one thing that Barry was accepting constructive criticism on.
Rhetorically, that was. Len knew damn well which one he was feeling, and he stalked after Barry and came to a stop in front of him. When Barry didn’t look up, fingers still buried in his hair with the heels of his hands pressed to his eyes, Len delivered a sharp kick to the side of Barry’s foot with the toe of his boot.
Barry startled, finally looking up.
Len crouched in front of him, and barely resisted the urge to snap his fingers in Barry's face.
“You don’t wanna talk about getting me out, fine,” he said. “Least you can do is provide some conversation. This year’s crime stats. The Diamonds’ postseason. The weather.”
Barry only stared at him, gaze flickering quickly over his face. Len knew that look; he was caught halfway between the dream and reality, his mind teetering on the brink of pulling the cord and waking him up again. Len tightened his grip on the cold gun and held on to the last threads of his patience. It had been nearly a week since Barry’s last dream, and he wasn’t ready to let him go just yet.
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flashandtheholograms · 5 years ago
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Inspired by this post Bonus:
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nixie-deangel · 4 years ago
Happy birthday! 🎁🎉🎈I hope you're having a fantastic day. xxx
THANK YOU SPROUT!!!! 💜💙💚♥️❤️🧡💛
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asexual-fandom-queen · 5 years ago
For the 'favorite stories' thing: for me it's hands down "I Don't See an Easy Way to Get out of This". It'a one of my all time favorite Coldwestallen fics and it hits me right in the feels every time I reread it. ❤️❤️❤️
Ah this has been sitting in my askbox for a while and I meant to respond but forgot! Thank you so much! Honestly, “I Don’t See an Easy Way to Get out of This” miiiight be my favourite of my fics, too. It’s definitely up there. So it means a lot that it’s your favourite! 
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moriavis · 2 years ago
Dust Writers
It's hard to combine air and earth, and you are the proof that impossible is just a word. You mix the patience behind the creation of long stories, with the lightness of air, and its force. Your prompts are the best, interesting, funny, and creating infinite possibilities and universes in front of them. Your words carry the reader in new and unexplored worlds, you give them wings and the whole sky. You can give a just taste and it's too good to stop. Your readers become your fans, because your writing gets them addicted. Your words can have an aftertaste of sadness sometimes, but mainly you like to show the feelings, like to let them really exist, without apologies. You're the writer that's born with the ability to touch the deepest floor of an abyss and, at the same time, smile while sitting on the clouds. Dust writers are a breathing miracle that make readers reach heights that others can only dream of.
Sounds fake, but okay! �� The quiz was fun anyway!
Tagging: @sproutwings @qlala @incorrectcoldflashblog @simpledontmeanpeachy
what element writer are you?
water writer
just like water, you carry your readers in a new world, and they just can’t do anything but follow. your poetic writing allures the readers in with beautiful words, just for them to find themselves on the deepest oceans floors, where you make them taste pain in its sweetest form. water writers are the gentlest liars, they show the readers a small stream, and no one can see the waterfall at the end. if you were a tag, you would definitely be ‘Everything is Beautiful But Everything Hurts’. cliffhangers are one of your strong points that, mixed with your incredible versatility, make you a great writer. your stories have a deep meaning, and never miss to leave traces on your readers hearts. you don’t limit yourself, you like to explore the deepest parts in the human soul, and that’s why readers can sometimes find MCD in your stories. your endings tend to be sad or open, and your stories have the power to drag your readers with you, from the highest waves of a storm, and to the darkest secrets of the ocean.
this feels like the highest compliment i ever received when i honestly feel like a 4-6/10 writer :’)
tagging: @kitastowel @haikyuutothetop @amjustagirl @forgetou @luvnami @kohi-zeri @violetsoju @throughtheinterstices @moondaius @yacoka + anyone else who wants to try it !!
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