#sprout sprite
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hsrchat · 8 months ago
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Hi, do you have time to chat about Harold, our homeschool Discord server's mascot? He's a "Sprout Sprite" and we love him. You can learn about him here: https://hsrchat.com/mascot/ There's a weirdly massive amount of info about him sooo if you love deep diving into fictional content, you'll love Harold. That's pretty much it okay see you next time byeee!!
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sister-lucifer · 4 months ago
hi!! Could you make some dividers based off of sweetheart/sprout moles from omori?
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🩷Sweetheart + Sprout Mole Dividers🌱
please like, reblog, & credit if you use!
DNI: TERFS, endo, proship, pro ana, nazi, MAPs, zoophiles
tag list: @ghostboneswrites2 @savanaclaw1996 @bloodythornsandskulls @humancorps3
@und3ad-mutt @ribbed-scythe @idkwhatto-namethis @nothers @yourlocaltrasheater
@ang3l-d1nn3r @puppy-monst3r @orisaspirin @bunnyb0yy @blindweb
@worstwolverinesbf @wardenofbanland @weirdest-worlds
[if you’d like to be on the tag list for dividers, please leave a message in my inbox]
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withmytailtotheworld · 10 days ago
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patchy-patchy · 1 month ago
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ryhmus · 4 days ago
Official designs for REZZYL THE RADIANT and his EMERALD LEGION, the newest antagonists from MEMENTO MEI SICUT
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REZZYL and his warhound Jeb (riding sprite included)
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From left to right
-ERIC the footsoldier
-NOAH the sacrifice sage
-TERRENCE the paladin
-RYOMA the samurai
-BRENDA the archer
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jolikmc-thoughts · 11 months ago
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You encounter Ranboob and its cohorts.
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drfirefly08 · 3 months ago
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oomf (hi @dangantism) and i cooked up this theory where damon dies at around chapter 4/5 and kai takes up his role of protag..
spoilers for chapter 1 and yapfest below the cut about this theory/au if it doesnt become true
i also happen to really like the idea that kai wears damon's jacket for safekeeping/memory to keep damon close to him.. and the small sprout things on his head.. one of them is gonna be the ahoge.. it also kinda parallels diana and wolfgang with how diana decided to take up wg's mantle..
my personal (albeit insane) prediction is that eloise would kill damon for being the reason desmond got executed the previous chapter.. desmond killed someone to protect eloise and eloise helped cover it up.. but since damon found out, plus being an absolute asshole to eloise sometimes (her ftes for example), eloise hit her breaking point and killed damon. it also would be very interesting to see a partially hidden sequence of events of how damon dies.. like the viewer watches as damon slowly dies from an unknown culprit, as in the cg shows the grey man, theres no voicelines from the culprit, no sprite, nothing to indicate whodunnit until damon decides to bolt it out of the room and goes to kai, where we could have a cg of damon slowly dying and kai unable to help, with damon unable to give out clues since he's delirious from like blood loss or smth, then it would be a bda and then a smooth transition to kai's perspective and new role as the protag..
and my personal hc is that kai, before the trial, would wear one of damon's blazer as a memory so he could still keep damon close.. its also really interesting since kai doesnt seem to have many friends outside of his online persona, and the one from highschool he spoke about seems to be no longer in his life (either dead or cut him off we arent sure) since he acted melancholic about her, so i think this would give kai the determination to avenge damon since he was kai's closest friend ever since he became an influencer (if thing keep going positive between the two, which i think so since i believe kai's gonna be the next support after the red herring that is eva)
sure kai is gonna be absolutely heart-broken and distraught over damon's death but i believe that kai would recognise the gravity of the situation and focus on investigating for damon's sake even when he doesnt want to (as shown in ch0+1 he doesnt like investigating) because he understands the dangers of the killing game (as shown in his cautious nature, like for ex: the drugs in the pharmacy) so he would stomach it and do his best to find damon's killer
ok ok i realise how much of a yapfest this is.. yikes im obsessed LOLL.. THATS ALL
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guizhongles · 1 month ago
I finished my Sprout and Cosmo designs!
I think they turned out pretty cute… Sprout is a saloon owner and Cosmo works for him !! They’re still friends in this AU too. My silly cats.
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I adore snout Sprout but I’m still getting used to drawing him front facing lol 😭 so sorry if he looks a little weird .
I also have a sprite edit of Cosmo’s offical PNG ! No Sprout edit though since I’m having trouble snout-ifying him..
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xshimaeraxx · 3 months ago
okay but what if jack was originally a spring spirit. what if he was a spring spirit but got turned into a winter one by manny, or mother nature, or fuck, even pitch - but for this one let's go with mother nature.
no one'd believe him. he'd've been around for, what, 50 years before she changed him, at most, bc i imagine that's how long it takes for immortal spirits to catch notice of any newbies, esp given how jack seems to be the only (major/[ ] who stays there] spirit in burgess. so. 51 or 53 years in, MN comes in, goes, "hey yeah you're a winter sprite now" and jack just goes "what the fu-??"
he assumes, for the next decade or so, that it's a joke. (whenever faced with evidence it's true, he stays in denial for another six.)
it can't be true, ignoring how his mud-brown hair has turned white (there's only one stripe of brown left, by the time the movie comes about. he dyes it the same shade of ice-white the rest of his hair has turned into over the last 300 years; the reminder is more painful then anything, at that point, and so it's better left forgotten, in his book) and his well-tanned skin into the pale complexion of the likes of which he's only ever seen on winter seasonals. ignoring how one of his eyes is now bright lakewater-blue instead of both of them being sun-shone gold-brown, how his freckles are white like little snowdrops embedded into his skin instead of like miniature sunflowers sprouting themselves again and again with every new spring.
and now imagine how hard it'd be for jack, to transition from Type A to Type fuckin' Z, even if slowly - but isn't that even more painful, in the end? he loses the ability to make his flowers, his vines, his grasses, his trees - he gets sluggish in early spring and is conked out every time by the 30th of the first month of the too-warm (much, much too warm, and when has anything ever been too warm for him?) season, no matter how much he tries to stay awake, to see just someone's flowers even if not his own. he fails. he always, always fails.
then '68 comes around. things go wrong, jack gets upset, he can't remember why, and he makes a storm - even after all this time he's still shite at controlling his winter magic: he gets a scar from bunny aswell as a flower - a snowdrop, ironically enough; his old namesake, 'fore he became jack frost instead of jack snowdrop - and bunny a scar and a few snowflakes from him when winter finally comes 'round again.
then 2012 comes around, and, well. there's no point TELLING the guardians that he used to be a spring sprite, not when they'd never believe him, bunny especially. he'd take it as an insult, probably. some kind of mockery, some slight against him and all his fellow spring seasonals (once jack's fellow spring seasonals, but not anymore, NEVER anymore) - after all, if no one else ever believed him when he tried to explain what'd happened, what MN had done to him, had changed him, they'd all just laughed.
(well, laughed and then hurt him, but that's besides the point).
but THEN bunny catches him trying - and failing - to make animated flowers using his frost; they melt as soon as their shape solidifies. mother nature'd changed him so much, jack thinks, a tad bitterly, that he can't even make anything vaguely spring-y with his own (new, strange, wrong) element.
"why can't'cha make those? ya made that frost-bunny for jamie jus' fine," asks bunny.
"yeah, well, why don't'cha ask miss mother nature that question and then get back to me in three-to-give business days," jack grumbles, not even making a paltry attempt to hide the bitterness, the borderline resentment in his voice for mother nature, for the one who changed him, the one who ruined him. resentment's a dangerous thing, jack knows, but he thinks he's allowed it, in this one case.
(he'd never resented the moon as much as he'd resented mother nature.)
bunnymund blinks, taken aback, ears flipping back to press against his furred neck. taps his foot against the ground, gently. he's still looking at jack, looking at his failing, melting, broken frostflowers, his one visible blue eye - jack'd always kept his other one hidden, 'least round him and all the other guardians. the one time bunny'd tried to ask, the frostbite'd gotten all defensive, and so bunnymund'd let it drop - dead and tired.
(jack didn't look back, even as he felt eyes on him, heard the sound of bunny's signature tunnel opening and then close, once again.)
and then bunny does just that.
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rawrmoona · 4 months ago
Working on a silly little side project...
That once again, I dunno when I'll be able to finish, but expect maybe updates if there's enough interest.
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Can yall guess what it is? (rpgmaker project thingy lol)
Also will be mainly focused on Vee and Sprout, probably will be in VN format because it's easier for me
Idk if I'll finish it either :'] but I'm having fun with the sprites so far.
Here's a few more:
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spaghoffee · 7 months ago
Finally, meet my Stardew OC, Kyle!
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I've also made some more portraits and a wholeass sprite sheet with seasonal outfits and costumes for him, but I'll post those separately! ^^ I've been going insane over him for the past week lol, I wish I could actually mod him into the game ugh
vV Tons More Info About Him Below!!! Vv
-Born and raised in Pelican Town, his café used to be his parents' bed and breakfast. At age 6, his family moved to Zuzu City for several years to give him a proper education, but they kept ownership of the building. After graduating college where he majored in Business Management to follow in his parents' footsteps, Kyle had the old and unused bed and breakfast renovated into his very own Kreamy Kafé, with the help of his parents' good friend Robin, of course! She already started working on the building while he was on his last year of college, so when he moved back in on that winter day it was mostly just to unpack his personal belongings, and he quickly got to work in less than a week!
-The reason why he started a café business instead of just reviving the bed and breakfast is because he's actually autistic and coffee is his special interest! He loves everything about it, from the sprouting seeds to an intricately decorated cup full of the delectable liquid. His café has a mini greenhouse attached to it on the side, where he grows his own coffee beans!
-Despite being transmasc, he doesn't want to have to present as hyper masculine for his identity to be respected. He's quite comfortable with his femininity and his body, and he quite frankly just wishes the world around him would change instead to just accept that yeah this feminine short dude is just another guy .👍👍👍 Which is why he feels closer to the rest of Pelican Town (who welcomed him with open arms) than his own parents, which he never actually came out to because of the mildly transphobic remarks they've made about other trans people when he was growing up, and he decided to not trust them with that information about himself. He'd rather be misgendered by them than disowned, as he is still reliant on them at times.
-Bisexual, falls for people easily but just as quickly makes negative hypothetical situations in his head with that person to kill off those feelings asap 😁👍 that did not work completely when it came to Victor lmao! Loser!!!
-He has a custom latté called Kyle's Special (because he isn't very creative lol) and it gives you +3 speed instead of the +1 regular coffee and triple shot espressos give! The downside (to balance it out) is that it does -30 health and the speed buff only lasts for a mere 30 seconds before your player experiences a sugar crash XP He likes his coffee sweet unfortunately!
-Harvey hates that coffee because it is literally a health hazard, thus they have awkward tension lol
-He's coded as half Filipino, half Italian! Honestly I just got his surname from the dude who invented espressos, Luigi Bezzera, and I took a z out cause that made it look more like a Filo surname LMAO, but after some thinking I gave up and made him half Italian anyway. My poor son is wasian now by an impulsive decision SDKJKSDD
I could add soooo much more info but I'll leave it at that for now ^^ You'll get to know him more in sooner posts!
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eulaliasims · 5 months ago
Round 1, Arturo 1/4
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Once upon a time, there was a young man who fell asleep within a grove of trees, or an ancient circle of stones, or a ring of mushrooms. Or perhaps he offended a wood-sprite, or ate a fairy cake unknowingly. It's hard to remember.
Once upon a time, there was a young man who slept for many moons, and when he woke the forest had begun to claim him. When he ripped the creeping vines from his limbs, they left their imprint behind in his flesh.
Once upon a time, there was a young man who slept for many moons, and when he stumbled home he found the world had continued on without him. What had been homes and hearths were only abandoned and overgrown tumble-down stone, and the fields had been given over to meadows of flowers and grass. The young man had a family once, parents and brothers and too many cousins, but he can't remember their faces anymore.
Once upon a time, there was a young man who decided to walk far and wide in search of answers. He is a very studious sort, you see, and if he covered himself with sleeves and gloves and carefully trimmed the antlers that had begun to sprout from his head, he could pass for ordinary. He met many kinds of people and learned many wonderful things, but none of them could explain what had happened to him.
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Once upon a time, there was a young man who wearied of wandering and watching the new friends he made age and pass while the forest's magic kept his face unlined. He decided to return to where he began. There, he found that the overgrown fields and fallen stones had been removed, and in their place was a small but thriving village.
The forest, however, remained the same. It was happy to welcome the young man home.
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whysoblue2 · 2 days ago
Aaaah, I asked a little while ago, but my app got all weird and I don't know if my ask made it thru, but I asked if you didn't mind telling us the 16 question for the version of your bishops? I wanna know if they're inspired by a specific species or they're just game-designs but stylized 🥺
OH! I can confirm this is the first time I've received this ask, Anon! And yeah, the Tumblr app isn't very reliable, but no worries, happy to reply 😁 16. Do you base your lamb bishops on any specific species of sheep? If so, which? Let's see, the first step for their design was the in-game sprite. I knew I wanted them followers from the start so I looked that up and it was plain as hell. But I did pick the colours straight from it, so the colouring is accurate to the sprite. My design changed soooooo much in a matter of months, it's not even accurate to their first design anymore... as it often happens. Let's start with the first: Leshy—I wanted him to be a mix of animal and plant. I didn't look up an animal for him but put together elements. For example, his head has antlers, which are deer-inspired and, despite being made of wood, are not branch-shaped. I tried to keep him a bit caterpillary with the tail and those wooden vertebrae sticking out of his back. Like this little super poisonous guy here:
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Heket - She is a frog. She was the most straightforward of the designs. I spiced her up with the looooooon eyelashes that remind a little of the Egyptian design (since she is Egyptian in origin as the goddess Heket), and gave her freckles. I had tried different poisonous frog markings but they did not convince me. Also she is poisonous! Yay 🤩 You could say she is like this little one:
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Narinder - He was meant to be a long cat at the beginning but I wanted his snout more like a big cat. So I kept his long boi sort of body, but went for a jaguar nose. Animals aside, I did my best to give him the heaviest eyeliner I could on the lower eyelid, inspired by indian aesthetics.
Kallamar -Oh my best design... When I got the follower sprite for Kall I was like "ok what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?". There was so much trial and error. I wanted him to have tentacles but not 100% tentacle legs and not on his head because I needed him to use them actively and control them. So I came up with this monstrosity of having 4 sprouting out his lower backbone like tails. Then ofc they had to be 8 so why simplify my life with 2 arms when he can definitely fit 4? He doesn't have 4 pectorals tho. The lower set of arms are tinier. I never had a character with 4 arms and it has been the best choice ever. So in the end I tried to keep the squid design accurate with 8 appendages (minus the legs, they can't be used as other than) and 2 long tendrils that pop out from the back of his head along with the fin! The ears were supposed to be fin-like as well, so the stubs are droopy and shredded. Ah yes, of course you want to know about the lips. They are fish lips. yeah I gave him fish lips 🤣 Sorry not sorry. Little fact: he doesn't have long sharp fangs, but little pointy teeth that are hardly seen!
Shamura - Pain in the ass spooder 💙 their design drives me mad because I loved having them with half sppider body but drawing it every time is hell. So yeah... but on the better note. I love their face and the braids so much. They started bald, then I regretted it and did a 180° and gave them the best set of braids this side of the cult. I didn't pick a spider in particular for their design but a bit of a patchwork. They are the biggest of the siblings and the most graceful. The face shape, the eye shape and all are meant (in my mind) to be elegant. Little Fact: I still have to draw it, but their mandible splits and reveals the venomous fangs. It's nasty 😏
I hope I satisfied your curiosity!
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regal-bones · 8 months ago
Hello, if you like my stuff please consider funding me on Patreon :} I rely on the kindness of my followers to make artwork, and there’s a lot of exclusive stuff over there you’ll get in return!
If you really really like my artwork, please consider claiming a Crown Piece slot. These slots are limited with 20 left - if all 50 are claimed I am quite comfortably employed by my patrons as that amount will completely cover my monthly expenses like rent, food, and bills!
I’ve lost about £150 in pledges over the last six months - a lot of this I am assuming are people who followed me when my Twitter blew up, and eventually dropped off, as well as people who can’t afford it as the cost of living increases. I’m trying really really hard to get back to where I was in January so I can stay focused on my work! Thank you, and I’m sorry I’m always posting about this but it’s my job! If you wanna give me a raise, it would mean the world :}
You can check out my patreon at this link here !! Thank you so much for reading, and I really hope you consider helping me out ❤️
(also here’s a little sprout to tempt you! There’s a lot more sprites over there of our protagonist, as well as some environment stuff I’ve been working on this past week!)
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ryhmus · 8 months ago
Dream Friends; a documentary
The Dream Friends of HEADSPACE arrived in Faraway shortly after Sunny was kidnapped by D.R.E.A.M., Pulled from HEADSPACE with little to no memory of what happened beforehand, they would wander around the world with little to no knowledge of how they got there or why. The six would eventually reunite with one another with the help of their real world counterparts or other circumstances and live in (relative) harmony with the people of Faraway.
The Dream Friends have shown that they are not normal children.
Capable of incredible feats through their SKILLS and other traits not naturally endowed.
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.Superhuman strength (AUBREY can lift over two tons of weight heavier than her and smash through solid concrete with her HEADBUTT SKILL, all of the friends have this trait, though only AUBREY seems to show this trait most often)
.Extreme durability (KEL has crashed into the top of cars at 7 feet in the air, jumped through windows, and other dangerous stunts that would severely injury or kill a person. Though the dream Friend is still vulnerable to becoming TOAST with enough damage)
.Rapid healing (Situational, done by consuming food or healing items created by HERO'S COOK SKILL or BASIL'S HERBAL REMEDY, in general, the Dream friends are immune to the downsides of over-consumption like weight gain or health issues)
.EMOTIONS (EMOTIONS are states of being for the friends that provide bonus effects but change the friend's demeanor to match can come naturally or are inflicted via. ITEMS, enemy attacks or SKILLS. Normal human beings can be inflicted with EMOTIONS and can benefit from their status effects only if they are in a BATTLE or if said person shares a bond with that friend, EMOTIONS can come in three phases of each though research shows the existence of a fourth state for each, {side note; EMOTIONS may cause intense mental stress and instability if overused)
Like normal people, Dream Friends can get hurt, they do bleed and they feel pain is the when they take a fatal amount of damage they turn into a piece of TOAST and remain in that state until LIFE JAM is applied.
Meet the crew!
KEL is the younger version of Kel, he ended up in the secret hideout of Faraway Park, his last memory of HEADSPACE was watching his brother fall into an abyss...KEL would wander around town with the confidence that he would find them in his typical KEL fashion from harassing vending machines to destroying melons in Othermart hoping to find items in them. His shenanigans would get him into trouble and indirectly help him find HERO and shortly after, their own counterparts.
Happy-go-lucky and always competitive, KEL can come off as rude and bratty, often coming to odds with AUBREY, but inside he has a good heart and a strong sense of justice. (Even if he's not the brightest) His impulsive nature leads him to acting without thinking and getting in trouble or causing it.
KEL'S abilities revolve around his high SPEED
MASTER SKILL; SLAM DUNK!; Leap high into the air and dunk for a high score! KEL throws his ball downwards where it smashes into an enemy and has an escalating chance to ricochet to another enemy depending on KEL'S HIT RATE. All friends gain a SPEED boost after the attack ends.
The girl of the group, AUBREY is the pastel likeness of Aubrey in her younger years, her last memory was watching the world around her crumble apart...The young girl was placed in an unpleasant spot inside of an old house where she was promptly chased out and left on the streets. Alone and hurting from a foot injury, AUBREY would be scooped up by Polly and delivered to Basil's house where a green haired boy would await her.
With a cheerful demeanor, strong will and caring personality to boot, AUBREY cares deeply about her friends and acts as the morale of the team. often reminding them of what the right thing to do would be. However, AUBREY is prone to a short temper and often forgets her own immense strength in this world, especially when KEL gets on her nerves, she can be somewhat clumsy.
AUBREY'S power shines in her ability to be the groups' tank, she has the highest ATTACK.
MASTER SKILL; SUPER SMASH; A running start that follows up into a flying HEADBUTT that hits all foes in front of her in a spectacular fashion. AUBREY gains higher DEFENSE after the attack ends.
BASIL had the misfortune of being stuck in BLACK SPACE when reality came apart...Next he woke up inside of a strange house and was encountered by a very confused and frightened Polly. After explaining where he came from and realizing his home was gone, the kind caretaker offered him a home here with her as family. This family would soon be extended by one with AUBREY'S arrival.
A cheerful young boy with a a hear of gold BASIL always puts his friend's needs before himself and has an avid green thumb, (having made his own special homemade fertilizer for his plants) His shy nature makes him reluctant to engage in intense situations and leans towards peaceful resolutions.
BASIL initially lacks combat SKILLS but develops them over time as a sort of hybrid support for the team, he synergies with OMORI
HERO is the mirror counterpart to Hero, his last memory of HEADPSACE was that of a long fall into an endless abyss, a fate he was certain was sealed until he landed in the middle of a active grocery store and causing a commotion. HERO was brought to the store manager who made him work until he could pay off what he had broken. His work ethic raising workplace morale and improving business immensely. The work life seemed like it would be his place in this new world...until his brother KEL came looking for him.
HERO remains as the peacemaker and eldest of the group besides MARI, diffusing arguments between KEL and AUBREY and acting as the voice of reason-a task much more difficult it is now that there are two KELS to manage- HERO often has a hard time putting himself before others and is vulnerable to his good-hearted nature being taken advantage of. His crippling arachnophobia seems to have gotten worse upon discovering how many species of arachnids exist in the real world.
HERO is the support of the team, His main SKILLS focus around healing and possesses the most DEFENSE.
MASTER SKILL; DEALBREAKER; HERO dons a business tie and channels his inner capitalist to turn into BOSSMAN HERO, BOSSMAN HERO offers three briefcases to choose from which contain random effects, from debuffing the enemies to offering a powerful buff to teammates. Due to BOSSMAN HERO'S unstable nature and delusional Pursuits, this SKILL can only be used once per BATTLE
The gentle and kind MARI spent her last moments on her picnic huddling her friends from the end of the world. Upon reawakening, she discovered that she one; she was now free to leave the picnic blanket as she pleased and two; she was also dead in this world, a fact that disturbed her deeply. Mari would encounter a pink haired girl praying alone in the church.
MARI acts as the kind gentle and fun loving sister to all her friend's. She takes advantage of her newfound freedom to try many new things all over town and likes to goof around at any opportunity, MARI, was made to be the perfect sister in every way in HEADSPACE, but in the real world she is more or less normal and prone to mistakes and easily wanders off to do her own thing.
MARI discovered that she gained a slew of brand new SKILLS, each being named after keys on a piano like G-SHARP or D-FLAT. Her She is however uncomfortable with these combat abilities.
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dragonrider9905 · 11 months ago
Midnight Dances
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Summery: You and Wrecker have a dance at midnight; accidental spilling of feelings. Warnings: None that I can think of; pure fluff.
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Celebrating You Prompt List
Celebrating You Masterlist
@rinksu-no-joo here you go!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking a chance on my writing!!!! I really hope you enjoy this little drabble :) I never wrote Wrecker before this so I hope I did him justice. I really enjoyed doing it. He's such a sweetheart! Without further ado, I present....
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It was nearly twelve. 
You looked at the chrono on the wall of the Marauder and sighed, sinking further into your seat and settling your head in your rest-folded arms, being careful of the long tails that fell from your head. The ship was quiet. The air was still and warm. The summer waves just outside your walls softly rolled onto the beaches of Pabu and you could hear from the open door the soft whooshing of water and swaying of trees. A soft breeze whispered through the night inviting you out.
If montrals could twitch with delight, yours would be. You didn't know where the Batchers were, but you knew they were safe and happy like they ought to be. They’d gone to dinner at Shep’s again so you figured they were still there. You stayed behind to enjoy the time alone while you still could. You loved the boys but sometimes being around them ALL the time could be a bit much…especially if you wanted to spend time with just one of them…Sometimes being alone helped you forget the loneliness you felt.
Smiling to yourself, you straightened. Time be darned, you’d go for a walk! Pabu was always gently lit with warm light and on a night like tonight, so perfect and still, why not?
You pushed yourself up in a heartbeat and skipped down the stairs of the Marauder, an alluring adventure awaited!  
You always enjoyed being out at night on the island. The cold light of the moon and the warm lights of the fire danced on your orange skin in such a way you'd always felt beautiful. The odd mixtures of light illuminated and highlighted the markings on your face. The teal and ocean blue almost looked green and purple in the deceiving truth of certain angles. Lines of two strips that ended in swirls landed where most human eyebrows were. Three diamonds centered on your forehead while thin lines swirled in and around them, retreating to your hairline, crowning you like a princess. On your cheeks, two distinctive but simple swivels that matched your head tails made their way from your temple across your cheeks, stopping right before the chin. You'd like to think the moonlight made you look like a sprite while the fire made you a fierce warrior. 
At least, that's how you hoped a particular someone viewed you.
The Veranda was beautiful at this time of night. It was empty but not devoid. Instead, life sprouted from everywhere! Flowers and trees and music! Music? Where was that coming from?
 “Shep thought some strings would be a good way to celebrate the beginning of swordfish season. Whatdaya think?” 
Nearly jumping out of your skin, you yelped.
“Haha I knew where to find you. Miss me yet?”
Yes, actually.
You smiled bashfully. 
Wrecker cut you off before you had a chance to finish. 
“Well I missed YOU. Dinner was great, as always, but the company wasn't the same without ya. So I thought I'd find ya. Having fun all by yourself?”
You hummed. “Yes, but, I'd have more fun if you joined me.”
“Great! What are we doing?”
You paused for a moment. When by yourself, you usually liked to think and look at the stars or the nature around you. You rarely got to spend time alone with Wrecker to know what to do with only him. Omega or one of his brothers always trailed along. You’d often dreamed of the chance but never got it. You came up with so many scenarios and now you couldn’t recall one. 
You doubted you'd get any thinking in, that weren't thoughts of Wrecker. Plus, if you were going to be alone —together—, you should do more than just think! You should do something! Something that could involve talking! You loved talking to Wrecker. He was always cheerful, finding any way he could light those around him in a glow of happiness. Making you laugh when you were down and giggle in delight when you were happy. 
What would be a good idea….? 
Think think think. Come on! Think of something fast.
Wrecker waited expectedly and patiently, like he always did with you when he asked you a question that made you pause and consider. His head was cocked to the side and a crooked smile graced his face. He looked like he was enjoying something immensely but you had no idea what. He started rocking back and forth from his heel to his toe in a very impish manner. You had to say, you loved that about him. 
Wait…something about the movement…
Then a lightbulb went on.
“Say big guy, wanna dance?”
You held out your hand, cheeks pulled upward in the tightest grin you could make. 
“It'll be fun! Trust me!”
Wrecker hesitated
“I, uh,” Wrecker rubbed the back of his head uncertainly, “I don’t know how to dance.” His face turned red and he looked away, embarrassed. 
“Oh come on, I’ll teach you!”
“I don’t want to hurt you. Stepping on your feet…I’m too big and clumsy and…” he trailed off. “I’d do some damage.”
By the look of complete and utter disappointment on his face, you could tell he wanted to. Wrecker was an open book and you could read him like a page lit by the Tatooine suns…for almost everything. The only thing you couldn’t tell was how he felt about you. 
That was irrelevant though. Right now, what mattered was he wanted to dance.
But he didn’t want to hurt you. 
Sweet, considerate Wrecker. Always thinking of others. 
You hummed thoughtfully, cocking your head to the side in thought, your head tails swaying with the motion. An idea struck and a smile spread across your face into your eyes. 
“I got an idea.”
Lifting to your tiptoes, you delicately stepped onto the tops of his steel toed shoes. Your feet, the fraction of a size of his, fit perfectly on top. 
You were close to him. Closer than you'd ever been before. You were practically in a permanent hug and you were grateful for the armor he was wearing so he couldn't feel how hard your heart was beating. It wouldn't take Hunter's enhanced senses for anyone to notice at that range without the chesptlate’s obstruction. 
Taking a deep breath, you gently guided one of Wrecker's hands to your waist and the other, you weaved your fingers through his, squeezing softly in assurance. 
“Ok, now just let the music guide you. Lift your left foot and step forward. Lift and step to the side. Lift and step back. Good! See!…there! We're dancing!”
Wrecker swayed slowly to the music, fully concentrating on the steps he took lest he'd knock you over and you both would lose your balance. But he held on firmly, like a rock in the sea. Never once did you doubt. Never once did you feel you'd sink. Never once did you think you'd crash and burn because you were on a cloud of heaven being carried away by its angel. 
It was slow. Not even good, clumsy almost. But it was perfect. 
After a few moments of silence, you decided to say something. 
“So, Wrecker, do you believe in love?”
Well that was stupid. Cringing inwardly and repressing an eyeroll to yourself, you felt your face flood with heat. Looking down to let the moment pass, you nearly missed his response. 
A quiet “yes.” Almost a whisper. A very uncharacteristical tone in his voice that made you look up. 
“Good.” You smiled at him. “It’s a beautiful thing. Ever think you’ll fall in love?”
Well that was stupid. 
“But I have to say,” you continued to cover your blunder, “love at first sight doesn’t exist.” You rolled your eyes and continued. “That’s just some silly notion a card and gift store made up so they could sell holofilms.”
Wrecker did a full stop. He lifted his head as if surprised, leaning back so as to look you in the face, searching your eyes and questioning your soul. 
“Then how else do I describe the feeling I got when I first saw you?”
It was your turn to stare agape. 
“Wait…You…love me?”
“Apparently not, according to you.”
Time froze around you. The birds stopped chirping their early morning calls, the ocean silenced it’s waves for you, and the wind stopped its whispers. 
“You love me.” The words came out confident but only in a hushed voice. The realization settling into your bones. You nodded, tears coming to your eyes, then you laughed. 
“You love me?” You nearly shouted this time, throwing your arms up and around Wrecker’s neck. 
Your laughs wrapped you both in a blanket and broke the spell around you. Wrecker wrapped his arms tighter around you and spun with a laugh of his own. 
Setting you down, he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“I do. I love you.”
You could shout for joy, but that wouldn’t be a good idea considering the lateness of the hour. Instead, you cuddled closer to him, tightening your embrace.
“I love you too, Wreck. So, so much. You made me so happy.”
Wrecker rested his head on yours, careful of the tips that rose gracefully from your head, and started the steps you taught him again. After a moment of silence, he spoke: 
“Say, I like dancing lessons. Maybe we can learn more tomorrow night?”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
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Dividers by @djarrex and @ve-ti-ver
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