#spritual ego
ayahuasca-retreat · 10 months
What is a spiritual ego?
A spiritual ego is a phenomenon where an individual, particularly on a journey of self-discovery or spiritual exploration, develops a sense of superiority or self-importance based on their perceived spiritual achievements or insights. This egoic state can arise when someone begins to identify themselves with their spiritual practices, experiences, or knowledge, leading to a belief that they are more enlightened or advanced than others.
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In simpler terms, it's when someone lets their spiritual pursuits go to their head, adopting an attitude of being spiritually 'better' than those around them. This can manifest in various ways, such as boasting about the number of meditation sessions or Ayahuasca ceremonies they've undergone, considering it a badge of honor. It's essentially an inflated sense of self tied to one's spiritual accomplishments, which can hinder genuine growth and lead to a divisive mindset.
In essence, while spiritual growth is about humility, interconnectedness, and understanding, a spiritual ego turns these principles on their head by fostering a mindset of separation, arrogance, and a need for external validation based on perceived spiritual achievements. Recognizing and addressing the spiritual ego is crucial for maintaining authenticity on the path of spiritual development.
Must Read Blog: Spiritual Ego After Ayahuasca – Avoid These Traps
How can we tell if we have one?
Recognizing if you have a spiritual ego requires introspection and an honest evaluation of your thoughts and behaviors. Here are some indicators that may suggest the presence of a spiritual ego:
Excessive Need for Validation: If you find yourself constantly seeking validation for your spiritual practices, experiences, or knowledge, it might be a sign of a spiritual ego. True spiritual growth doesn't require external validation; it comes from within.
Comparisons and Judgments: Do you often compare your spiritual journey to others, feeling superior or inferior based on your practices? Judging others for not following a similar path indicates a potential spiritual ego. True spirituality embraces diversity and respects individual paths.
Overemphasis on Labels: If you strongly identify with specific spiritual labels or titles, such as being an "enlightened being" or a "spiritual guru," it could be a manifestation of the spiritual ego. True spiritual growth transcends labels and embraces humility.
Interrupting Others' Journeys: A spiritual ego might lead you to believe that your path is the only valid one. If you find yourself imposing your beliefs on others or dismissing their experiences, it may indicate a lack of humility and an inflated sense of spiritual superiority.
Attachment to Spiritual Symbols: Attachments to external symbols, like the number of Ayahuasca ceremonies attended, the duration of meditation, or the level of environmental consciousness, may suggest a spiritual ego. Genuine spiritual growth focuses on inner transformation rather than outward symbols.
Defensive Behavior: If you become defensive when others challenge your spiritual beliefs or practices, it might be a sign of a fragile spiritual ego. True spiritual maturity allows for open-minded discussions and welcomes different perspectives.
Using Spirituality for Self-Aggrandizement: If you find yourself using spiritual practices or knowledge to boost your self-image or gain admiration from others, it's worth examining your motivations. True spirituality is about inner growth, not external acclaim.
Rigidity in Beliefs: A spiritual ego often resists questioning or evolving beliefs. If you feel resistant to exploring new perspectives or adapting your spiritual understanding, it could indicate a rigid egoic attachment to your current worldview.
To address a potential spiritual ego, practice self-awareness and mindfulness. Regularly question your motivations, remain open to different perspectives, and focus on the inner transformation rather than external validation. Humility, openness, and a genuine desire for growth are key elements in navigating a healthy and authentic spiritual journey.
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bia-badoobadee · 8 months
Ego work? I'll love to know more about that, thank you.
To be honest I’m not sure myself.
A diagram of Jung’s Map of The Psyche popped up on my Pinterest and after very little analysis I realised I hear a lot about using shadow work to confront yourself, shadow work to better your relationship with yourself, shadow work to heal… you get the idea
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But the self in the diagram is where the shadow and ego meet. So why do we have shadow work but not ego work? Wouldn’t we need a balance of both to truly be ourselves? If shadow work is confronting your less desired traits and trauma does that mean ego work is appreciating your good qualities, good memories and achievements? Or is it too heavily influenced by outside forces for us to identify with? Then should we be trying to dismantle it? Would you still be yourself without it? We hear about inflated egos a lot but if you’re finding the balance between shadow and ego you’d be alright wouldn’t you?
I honestly don’t know enough about Jung’s Theory to answer these questions. I’m just inquisitive.
I’m gonna keep adding questions to this the more I think and learn about it so eventually I can come back to it and hopefully answer them.
UPDATE 1: I found these videos by wested_arin that kinda fit the vibes I want in life and worked through her PDFs and I gotta say I’m more in touch with who I am right now, who I was, and who I want to become.
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psychedelicverse · 1 year
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All I want is ego death
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dadabhagwan · 2 years
Ego will always conduct itself to make sure that it does not appear bad.
To know more visit :  https://www.dadabhagwan.org/path-to-happiness/spiritual-science/what-is-ego-egoism/go-to-gnani-to-remove-egoism/
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beesfairlyland · 8 months
You are not what you appear to be!
The great paradox, what we call maya...the grand Illusion is what's holding you back from realising your true SELF.
Right now you believe that you are a body. You are soo certain of this *myth*, soo attached to this Illusion that you are afraid of letting go of it.
But uk who's afraid? Yeah you got it right... it's the Ego (ugh you better be fed up of it now!) Ego is soo afraid of losing it's identity, it tries it's best to stop you from stripping all the labels away.
But i can tell you truly you're not this body/mind. You never were and you will never be.
Yet you identify with what you call a body, you go through experiences in life, you're happy, you're sad, you laugh, you cry, you get sick. And you go through all the vicissitudes of life, going all through the things that do not exist.
You do not exist. Yet you appear to exist. You do things, you feel things and you go through things. But do you? NOPE.
When you realise this about yourSELF, you stop being hurtable, you cannot get hurt again. You don't have any feelings. You take them to be yours but they ain't yours!!
You just exist as Pure Awareness. This is our True Nature.
There never was a body that you had to deal with. Yet the impression is soo strong, that not for a moment does the thought of you not being the body Crosses you.
You are the experiencer. All spritual teachings end with this understanding. Nothing's more to know. It's all the same thing said over and over again in different wordings. It's all here right now...in front of you. Don't let the ego resist you, from keeping you back from the truth.
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miscling · 6 months
🗣️ (if you have them/you'd be comfy sharing) thoughts about philosophy/spirituality/religion!
this is a doozy of a question, right, and i don't have a lot of time, but i'm gonna try and hit it outta the park
(i have too many thoughts on this subject, it's kinda a fascination for me, if i'm being honest)
philosophically, the biggest thing in my brain at the moment is that everything is a Trolley Problem (google 'trolley problem' if you don't know, though i think you will), and really, it's a bit reductive, but not inaccurate. life is really a series of choices that boil down to 'how do i hurt the least number of people with my presence?' it's impossible to stop the trolley, and the consequences of everyday choices are rarely fatal as in the problem. philosophically, i land on the side of wanting to be nice and avoid suffering where possible.
i dislike thinking of myself as 'good' for that, though. i still hold that if i had a dnd alignment it'd be true neutral. i primarily avoid my own suffering, and others come second, but i will let myself suffer a little for the good of others, which means i'm not selfish, but i'm not exactly selfless either. we kinda have to be willing to make some sacrifices to make society work, if we're all selfish it falls to bits and people get hurt (see: billionaires and the state of capitalism). on the other hand, if all a person does is sacrifice, they become a shell of themselves, which is not healthy and harmful in the long run.
spritually, i kinda have an 'anything goes' kinda mentality. perception is fake, and the reality i live in isn't the same as the reality someone else lives in. we can prove things through science, for sure, but sometimes science is used prove things that aren't true. even logic is flawed by perception, and while we can agree on some things, people by and large can disagree about anything. all we can really do is acknowledge and accept people where they're at.
religiously, i've gone from raised protestant to vague paganism to eclectic eccentricity. i have had the big-G, a chosen pantheon of goddesses from all over, and even made a goddess of myself at one point. i do believe that religion as a whole kinda sucks, though. religion as it is, passed socially from one person to another, comes tied up with ego and control that really colours what religion is used for. once you start dictating actions based on belief you get into some murky justifications, especially as some beliefs come parcelled with prejudice. believe what you will, do what you will, but don't expect anyone else to believe or do the same.
for the most part though, that's just a lot of words and noise. all that's really important is being free, letting other people be free, and being responsible with each other.
if i were to leave you with some words of wisdom, i'll go with...
be excellent to one another, do no harm but take no shit, and don't let chickens wash your feet.
Thank you for the ask task! (3) [No touch thursday edition]
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ramengir · 1 year
Biasanya kalau lagi ke trigger sesuatu milih scrolling tumblr dan baca cerita orang lain sambil membandingkan. "Ada yang lebih sedih dari kamu loh, udah jangan baper." lalu berusaha legowo tapi siklus ini terus berulang.
Hingga merasa kosong, ga tau lagi mesti gimana cuman bisa menghela nafas panjang.
Dan cuman gara-gara ini berdebat ama suami.
Kalo shalat ngerasa kosong tuh kan ga enak malah jadinya ngerasa munafik jadi ntar kalo dah tenang baru shalat kataku
Tapi bener shalat? Atau mepet mepet waktu shalat?
Apa shalat itu cuma ritual?
Paksain diri buat shalat dan banyak banyak dzikir buat melapangkan hati dan melatih kesabaran.
Jangan dulu umbar apa2 di sosmed
Spritual journey orang tentu beda-beda. Aku dan suami juga beda ibarat kata kisah suami mirip abu bakar aku mirip umar.
Benarkah memaksakan itu baik atau pakai kaidah daripada aja?
Daripada ga shalat
Lalu mikir lagi kalau nunggu tenang memang sampe kapan? Ngikutin hawa nafsu itu ga ada ujungnya
Berusaha Memaksakan diri untuk kebaikan biar jadi ketaatan
Aku aja yang ego ga mau denger nasihat suami sendiri.
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anti-judy · 9 months
I'm doing that Nikolai chart reading finally, IDK these are fun lol
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His looks kinda cray cray btw but it's kinda similar to mine in someway so maybe it's why I relate to his literature lol
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So to start off with - he has a LOT of aspects towards his sun, and his chiron squaring his ascendant. Im just mentioning this first cuz it relates to both the author and the character since they both had identity issues in life, and with your sun heavily aspected it does lead to a feeling of "otherness" in someone. This was a pretty big part of his life and work, so it's worth mentioning.
He has a scorpio ascendant, which could lead to a sort of strange impression people get when first meeting him - he also has a stellium with Uranus, Saturn and Neptune, which all add completely different energies to this. 2 are in Saggitarius, so he might come off as less 'welcoming' and with a leo in the 10th house it does add to the entertaining persona he had in real life and in the show (he was called a funny midget by his school friends when he was younger).
His second house is in Saggitarius, and with the ruler jupiter lying in the 5th house (which he did his work in) he did end up travelling a lot for his job. This isn't always an indicator of travel tbh, but he did gain value from this in his life.
The ruler of his 3rd house is also in the 1st, which means that his sense of identity as a writer is tied to himself. It's also in saggittarius, which probably adds that energy to how he communicated in life (he's a silly guy what can I say)
His 4th house has pluto which tbh is rather ominious (i have this it's a give or take) - he was bullied as a child, but made only a couple of long lasting friendships (something very scorpio like)
Nikolai also has mercury here and he a novice writer back when he was young. He wrote a lot for his fathers theatre and tried to write his own poems book and get it published but it failed, miserably - this was probably a pluto lesson but it was also a mercury one as well.
His 5th house has both his sun and his jupiter - his father owned a theatre and it's where Nikolai started, so he was born pretty lucky there. He also has a large sense of identity in literature and writing, since his sun in this house centers his life here - the arts kind of was meant for him.
His 6th house house is an aries house, the ruler of which is in the 12th - unfortunately that means a lot of the work and routines he has can be rather chaotic, and maybe even secretive. It's also the house of odd jobs, which he did do - both in the show and irl.
Fun fact about IRL Nikolai, but he got a position as a history professor for a year and sucked balls at it. IDK if it's related to the 12th house entirely but it's kind of funny, since BSD Nikolai would do that too.
7th house venus might be an indication of how he thought about his relationships - might also be an indication of him being gay but idk thats jumping. We just know that he was, so that could be a sign. He never married or had children btw, so take all of those "oh your 5th house and 7th house mean you'll have kids" things with a grain of salt fr. I honestly think this just means he was rather zesty guy in his friendships - he had strong ones throughout his life, and also ended up killing himself because of some spiritual guy saying he was sinful (this is the house of open enemies afterall).
Also back to BSD, look at how he treats Fyodor bro.
His 10th house is in leo, which means that his career of an entainer was pretty fitting here. IDK not much to say, it fits him honestly.
11th house is in virgo with a libra moon - which is kind of sad, since despite being rejected so much by Russian society, he was someone who took a lot of emotional energy to actually communicate with others, especially friends (moon opposite sun might have this affect tbh, since his ego and self opposes his emotional well being)
12th house house seems to be a part of his downfall - he clearly is spritual, both in the show and IRL. Mars is weakened here, meaning that the drive someone would usually get from this planet is rather struggling because it's filled with that wishy washy pisces energy - which is why despite the planet being in libra, the 12 house energy might make any mars emotions seem more watery.
BSD Nikolai really got it spot on cuz wtf this dude needs to chill tf out sometimes.
Also, the north node is here, meaning his purpose lies here - which is great for him being a writer. Also not great when you take into account other factors, like his death and life having such oddities, honestly a lot of them outside of his control.
BSD Nikolai kind of shows this, he doesn't have a backstory besides being obsessed with Fyodor and a more empty purpose tbh.
IDK. Shit's wack. His is all over the place tbh.
He clearly is a guy who has a strong identity with what he's doing - entertainment, writing. But when it comes to the smaller details, like love and the self, there seems to be a big gap - he's drawn sort of all over the place. He also suffers from a chronic case of 'being unlikable' since no matter what happens, some government official has it out for him. Even stalin didn't like him and he was dead for like decades at that point.
BSD Nikolai reflects him pretty well tbh.
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dyandyan0 · 19 days
trying to be philosophical... and #mindful 09.02.2024
currently packing for the big move tomorrow. i procrastinated all day because i didn't want to start until all the laundry was done, and i got way too into sims again so i've been playing that whenever i have the free time and ended up wasting like half the day. anyways, i had this podcast on in the background while packing and it touched on a lot of things that i had been contemplating lately. i initially clicked on it cos i was like wow serj and dwight from the office. it was just very random and unexpected to see this duo on the front page of my youtube. i didn't even know rainn wilson had a philosophy/interview podcast!! besides the point, i was inspired by both of the ways serj and rainn saw creativity, art, and how they connected that to their views on sprituality and prayer. i don't want to butcher what they said and meant by trying to explain it myself, but they lay it out beautifully in the first 20 minutes of the video.
this topic made me think about how i have been able to take care of myself on a deeper, more spiritual level. i have never been religious. i think i believe in god, but i don't know if it's just because i fear what's to come after death, and the thought of a heaven and god is comforting to me. despite that, i often times have a deep resent towards many organized religions and teachings. it's hard for me to meditate and pray in a way that is meaningful to my soul and healing to my mind when i feel so conflicted about the topic. in the podcast, serj talks about his creative outlets and how they serve as a kind of prayer and meditation for him, and it really made me think.
i think about a more peaceful time in my life, when i was in middle school to early high school. i used to draw every single day. i used to draw on any piece of paper i could find. i was constantly sharing art, looking at art online, making connections through a small artist community, and finding new ways to advance my skills. i would start a project, and wouldn't stop until it was finished. by then the entire day would have gone by. i rarely get these bursts of creativity nowadays, with my last piece being made back earlier this year... and before that i don't even know when. it pains me all the time how abruptly i stopped drawing and painting once i hit high school. i feel all the time as though my ego got the best of me, i wanted to give into things that didn't serve me, petty high school drama, toxic relationships, a feeling that i needed to prove myself to people who didn't care about me at all. of course, i don't blame myself for giving into these things. i was a teenager, and most teenagers do. but i'm sad that i feel like i sacrificed my creative drive, my purpose for a very long time, to this lifestyle that i fell into, and i feel like i never got it back. i try so hard to find passion in art again. i look back at the stacks of filled sketchbooks in my closet that i completed from my early teen years often. i get inspired by them, open a new sketchbook, and struggle to make anything that i am proud of or feel like i'm having fun making.
i'm not completely hopeless though. i started scrapbooking earlier this year. it feels like a form of free therapy when i collect a bunch of new photos, receipts, former letters, tickets, etc. and sit down for hours to display them in the book. i felt serj on a deep level when he talked about painting and how he would start, then finish, and notice that hours had gone by. that's how i felt when i used to draw all the time, and how i feel now when i get the chance to scrapbook new things. i just want to have another outlet for me to express myself that's fun again, that makes me feel happy and good about things.
i don't know if i'm being a bit vague or if what i'm saying resonates with anybody. i just feel like i have felt lost for a very long time because i lost my sense of purpose. i lost my drive, a way for me to meditate and feel like i'm contributing to the universe, even in a small way. i'm trying to be more hopeful that i can go back to a point where i'm proud of myself in this way.
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mahashivrati · 7 months
MahaShivratri: Discover the 5 Sacred Symbols of Shiva
Within the vast tapestry of Hindu mythology, Shiva emerges as a figure of profound paradoxes, complexities, and ultimate transcendence. He embodies both destruction and benevolence, asceticism and domesticity, fierceness and compassion. As the third deity of the Hindu Trinity alongside Brahma and Vishnu, Shiva occupies a unique place in the pantheon of Hindu gods. His multifaceted persona offers enlightenment and guidance to spiritual seekers on their profound journey. Let's explore MahaShivratri and delve into the aspects of Shiva that illuminate our path and inspire deep introspection. In this blog we'll find out what does five sacred elements of shiva depict and how a wearer feel connected with them. Also find out the spritual adornments associated with shiva.
Understanding the Significance of Shiva's 5 Symbols on Mahashivratri
Crescent Moon on the Head
The crescent moon adorning Shiva's head symbolizes his conquest over desires and ego. It represents the fluctuation of human emotions and desires, which Shiva transcends. The moon serves as a reminder of our transient existence and the mastery achievable over fleeting aspects of life.
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Kundalini Serpent
Wrapped around Shiva's neck is Kundalini, the serpent representing spiritual energy and awakening. It symbolizes the dormant divine power within each individual, awaiting awakening through yogic practices and spiritual discipline. Shiva's embodiment of Kundalini urges us to embark on the journey of self-discovery and inner transformation.
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Trident of Balance
Shiva's trident, the trishula, signifies his dominion over creation, preservation, and destruction. It also represents the balance of opposing forces in the universe, emphasizing the importance of harmonizing dualities in life. By finding equilibrium within, we cultivate inner peace and spiritual resilience.
Rudraksha holds significant symbolism for Mahashivratri, a sacred Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Shiva. The term "Rudraksha" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Rudra" (a name for Lord Shiva) and "aksha" (meaning eye), indicating Shiva's watchful and compassionate gaze over the universe.
Third Eye
Shiva's third eye symbolizes inner wisdom and spiritual vision. It sees beyond illusions, penetrating the veils of ignorance to perceive truth. While associated with destruction, the third eye also signifies enlightenment and the realization of divine consciousness within. Through meditation, we cultivate clarity and insight, navigating life with wisdom.
The Last Say
The symbols associated with Shiva hold profound meaning and guidance for spiritual seekers. From the crescent moon on head to the awakening of inner wisdom and the ascent of Kundalini energy, Shiva embodies timeless truths and profound insights. On this Mahashivratri, by contemplating Shiva's teachings, we find enlightenment and illumination on our journey towards self-discovery and transcendence. May the essence of Shiva's presence guide and awaken us to our boundless potential as we navigate the maze of existence.
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gokuldhammahatirth · 7 months
Mauni Amavasya symbolizes the journey inward, where silence becomes a pathway to self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual awakening. The practice of charity on Mauni Amavasya is not only a gesture of kindness towards others but also a means of personal transformation and spiritual growth. Through selfless giving, individuals transcend their ego-driven desires and cultivate a sense of interconnectedness with the world around them. Charity becomes a pathway to deeper self-awareness and alignment with spiritual values. As devotees observe silence and reflect on their inner journey on Mauni Amavasya, the practice of charity becomes an integral part of their spiritual practice, enriching their lives with the blessings of compassion, spiritual growth, and positive karma.
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funnysideolife · 1 year
The Himalayas is abode of saints ,who r still there ,but now in small number,interested first, in their own salvation , once they achieved it ,they will wish goodness for all sentient beings. That is real Sanatan Dharma.
Not this that bunch of mother fuckers get around to create god .Can u,what happened today and how my mind was hacked was planned,has it worked in the past that it will work today or tomorrow.Dont do it I am repeating and warning you.
Why nature is punishing this region ,the climate change is because of people who r busy making only money and pelf, first for their own comfort of the flesh ,and then of the comfort of their near dear ones ,and associates. They r least bothered about society and it's dynamics .
I am not not saying all Capitalist r responsible for it ,some of them must be genuinely working for good cause,I am also not saying all Socialist r good.
But yes Capitalism is bad ,it has so many contradictions,that today all religions r just symbolic with very less sprituality, mainly because of dynamics of money and it is the main fuel of capitalism mostly in the wrong hands and for wrong use.
Leaders of society should ponder r they feeding their souls with goodness ,with compassion ,with gratitude towards the universe ,that it gave them that opportunity,that determination ,that luck which enabled them to cull the best talent from society and reach where they r today, or they should feed their ego oh i am the smartest,I am the biggest,I am the strongest like Ravana did.
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himhks91 · 1 year
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What a great truth is hidden in them in 6th century BC.It clearly speaks out loudly how rational were indians then and how materialistic and irrational we have become today.
Why spritual message cannot be understood by higher minds alike why they foolishly do evil for their ego and not good for their sprit and truth,just for materialism.
No body will record people well if at all in history ,who manipulated the truth,who cheated on their duties just. for ephemeral power and pelf.
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healingwithsree · 2 years
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Healingwithsree Spiritual awakening is a term given to describe a subjective experience in which an individual's ego transcends their ordinary, finite sense of self to encompass a wider, infinite sense of truth or reality. I am glad that I witnessed this with my client. It was not only a divine experience for her but for me too. Her detailed encounter as written by her is in my story. For the first time the entire story is written by my client. I merely experienced it first hand with her and I'm grateful for this. www.healingwithsree.com #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapyworks #hypnosisworks #brainfog #brainfogremedies #brainfogisreal #sprituality #spiritualawakening #spritual https://www.instagram.com/p/CppTKmgNimA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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truepath · 2 years
Day 414. Bhaswat Chakraborty
Examining Ego (7). Training Ego to Accept Wisdom and Humility.
An ego can rarely go beyond perception and false knowledge. To begin with (in order to train the ego to go beyond perception) the mind has to be trained to some extent for knowledge and understanding. On the other hand, ego has a habit of rejecting good advice and knowledge. It thinks that knowledge and good teachings are a liability rather than something to cherish. Thus, the ego remains in darkness despite having some worldly wealth and power.
The first level of transformation for the ego is probably the hardest one. This transformation involves patient listening and opening the heart to good teachings and wisdom. The more an ordinary ego listens to spritual wisdom, the more it has a chance to get some idea about concentration and insight. At the same time it learns also about self-control and its benefits. Following the first level comes an understanding that the beings and all phenomena are conditioned and and most of this conditioning can be undone. Therefore, all the sufferings that an individual ego experienced so far does not have to continue. That is the second level of transformation by working on selflessness and inviting into an open heart the, light, God's peace and happiness. This is what is bringing true humble self- acceptance into one’s life.🙏
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oshoquotes · 4 years
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