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flame-shadow · 8 months ago
okay uhh i'm not sure if you still do the funny charm things but can you try H1 + D5 + G2
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can turn into a pink streak when they reach top speed
Since this ask is anonymous, it is available for public adoption for 15 USD immediately. Please DM me if you're interested.
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hollow-knight-fights · 8 months ago
Hollow Knight Fight Round 1, Wave 2
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Submit your propaganda here or in the tags/comments/reblogs!
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sparklecur · 2 years ago
daily reminder that they
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undertalenerd · 7 months ago
May I ask where you're stuck? I adore Hollow Knight, even tho I haven't been able to beat all the really frickin hard bosses (I'm looking at you, pure vessel)
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Drawing some hollow knight instead of finishing it
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andorstar · 3 months ago
Never taking off SprintMaster and DashMaster ever again on my whole life
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A charm suggestion: sharp shaddow, dashmaster, sprintmaster, soul eater and spell twister
DAY 131 - Radiant Paintmaster Sheo
Charms used: Sharp Shadow, Dashmaster, Sprintmaster, Soul Eater, Spell Twister. Suggested by anon Feel free to suggest skins, charm builds, or bosses! :)
btw guys if you sent a suggestion and i havent done it yet, dw, i received 3 suggestions at once yesterday so it will take a bit :P
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lynx-doodles-indie-games · 5 months ago
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i know i already have a bunch of series so far, but this one's a good one to quickly whip together when the ferretbrain or life kicks me in the teeth. little vessels! back in july, i sketched forty-three vessels based off almost every charm and most items in hollow knight, so here are the results of listening to a lot of long and boring lectures XD
so meet kindle and lyre! they're not proper OCs in the sense that they've got tons of enthusiasm or a role in a story behind them, but i can pencil out a history and trajectory for them.
links to everything below the cut:
wandering compass + map & quill; gathering swarm; stalwart shell; soul catcher, shaman stone, & soul eater; dashmaster + sprintmaster; grubsong + grubberfly's elegy; spell twister; steady body, heavy blow, quick slash, & longnail; mark of pride; fury of the fallen; thorns of agony + shape of unn; baldur shell; defender's crest; glowing womb; quick focus + deep focus; lifeblood heart + joni's blessing; lifeblood core + sharp shadow; hiveblood; spore shroom; nailmaster's glory; weaversong; dream wielder + dreamshield; grimmchild + carefree melody (here!); kingsoul and void heart; tram pass; lumafly lantern; hunter's mark; delicate flower
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bingle-official · 2 months ago
i'm doing a hollow knight rando, and DASHMASTER RANDOMISED AS SPRINTMASTER LMAO
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thereareeyesinsidethetrees · 9 months ago
assigning some gravity falls characters hollow knight charm builds (for this we’re assuming they have access to all charms and that they’re doing casual playthroughs)
mabel - grubsong, weaversong, glowing womb, shape of unn, unbreakable heart, grimmchild (friend build, unbreakable heart adds health, is fun wordplay, and uh. rip leg eater. she just wanted to help him find love :[ friend of grubs, friend of weaverlings, friend of giant slug deity, don’t tell her about the grimm troupe lore, she knows, shhh. friend of grimmchild)
dipper - sharp shadow, hiveblood, soul catcher, stalwart shell, steady body (charms that he thinks are cool, plus he thinks they’re good probably maybe. sharp shadow lets you damage enemies when dashing through them, and it increases the length of your dash, which is good right? that’s good? he thinks it’s good. hiveblood regenerates the most recent health you lost. takes a bit, but still. good for white palace! …ignore that he doesn’t have any white fragments. soul catcher for soul, everybody loves soul charms. stalwart shell is really good because…it just is, trust him. steady body gets rid of knockback! sometimes he accidentally walks into the enemy because he forgets he has it on, but still!)
ford - voidheart, lifeblood heart, shaman stone, dream wielder, mark of pride, spell twister (more distanced attacks, more spell-based, had to give him at least one lifeblood charm because. come on. voidheart because he seems like the type to spend a lot of time exploring, plus its required to kill the radiance. i don’t think he would like the white lady. i think he would like the resting grounds, and especially the spirit’s glade. he likes seer’s little area and her design. he likes talking to her. he likes seer in general. he relates to the vessels. vvvvoidheart)
stan - quickslash, mark of pride, fury of the fallen, unbreakable strength (FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. he’d be the type to damage tank. he sees the description for fury of the fallen and goes ‘oh fuck yeah’ and equips it half for the smidge of story and half for the actual effect. he likes the red overlay, he thinks it looks neat. quickslash means he can hit more quickly, mark of pride means he reach enemies to hit them more quickly, unbreakable strength means he can fuck them up even better. ford lets him know how to get all the pale ore so he can fully upgrade his nail. mabel makes him get the happy couple achievement afterwards. he’s certainly not complaining)
soos - carefree melody, grubberfly’s elegy, spore shroom, thorns of agony, dashmaster, sprintmaster (‘useless charms? nah, dude, they helped me beat pantheon five’. soos is a force to be reckoned with. carefree melody because melody, and sprintmaster and dashmaster reminded him of ford and stan and he thought that was neat enough to keep them on)
pacifica - weaversong, quick focus, unbreakable heart, gathering swarm, dream wielder, longnail (mabel gives her a few tips, hence unbreakable heart and longnail, but mostly her charms are based off aesthetics. she likes the way quick focus and dream wielder look, and she likes the way gathering swarm looks in use. weaversong was originally added because of mabel, but she ended up keeping it because it’s useful. yep, that’s it. definitely not because the little weaveringlings follow her around everywhere to the point of teleporting to the knight middair, and their slashes don’t do much but they’re trying their best, and they settle down to rest when the knight benches, and they were left behind by the rest of the weavers and- no, definitely not any of that)
bill cipher - wayward compass, dreamshield, balder shell, kingsoul (if you know, you know)
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hollowknighthelp · 9 months ago
Hi :]
I beat the first two pantheons, but I'm having trouble beating GNS Sly.
Do you have any suggestions for him ^^'? /genq
Hello again! Congrats on beating Pantheons 1 and 2!!
For Sly, I'd recommend trying to stay in the middle of the arena as much as possible. When he does his "Grounded slash 1, grounded slash 2, jump sawblade spin" attack, you cannot dash through that first slash. He'll just turn around for his second slash and you're guaranteed to get hit at that point. Jumping also tends to be pretty risky due to how much Range those attacks have.
So, your best bet is to run away from him as he's doing the grounded slashes, then dash under him once he jumps. But! You need the space to be able to walk that far without him cornering you! Hence why I'd suggest generally sticking to the middle.
You might also be able to land a good Abyss Shriek on him when he's Sawblading, but I haven't tested that much so I can't guarantee that it's safe. It might just cause him to fall on top of you.
For that attack where he starts by jumping, he only does that grounded overhead slash if you're close to him! Just something that might be nice to keep in mind. And usually you can land at least one nail hit on him after he does the overhead slash I believe.
When he does Cyclone Slash, I just stick to the top of the wall. Though sometimes I'll also try to pogo him or Descending Dark once the attack starts to end?
I believe Sly only does Dash Slash from the edges of the arena, so that's probably your best way of figuring out whether he's about to use that or Great Slash. I just jump over it.
I don't have much to say for Great Slash, aside from Watch Out for it because it does two masks of damage dgsgsf. One dash is enough to get you out of its range though, I believe? So as soon as you see Sly charging it up, dash away from him.
Sly takes 15 hits to stagger, and you can reliably heal two masks while he's in that state!
Finally, his second phase. I find the best way to deal with him here is to use your own Great Slash the moment he stops spinning. The range is just enough to safely hit him! Shade Soul is also a good option, if you have the SOUL for it. Also note that you cannot Shade Cloak through his attacks here unless you have Sharp Shadow equipped (from what I remember, at least). So, sticking to the middle of the arena is once again a good idea, probably! He has 250 health in this last phase, which is 5 Great Slashes.
As for Charms, my personal favourite loadout for every section of every Pantheon (with one very slight exception) is Fragile/Unbreakable Strength, Shaman Stone, Steady Body, and Soul Eater. Getting one spell after only two nail hits my beloved <3
For Sly specifically though, Nailmaster's Glory could probably be helpful on the second phase (plus it's thematically fitting!), and Mark of Pride's range buff would likely help with out-ranging Sly. You might not even need to rely on Great Slash for the second phase if you have it (though it does still do more damage than a regular nail hit, so it still has value). Sharp Shadow should allow you to dash through his sawblade attacks, if you want to do that. And Sprintmaster might help with running away, maybe? But, of course, you've got more to fight than just Sly, so you don't want your Charms to be set up exclusively for his fight.
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singularscissor · 2 years ago
i've been playing the pale court mod for hollow knight. its EXTREMELY impressive but also very hard. it feels almost exactly like a full real dlc.
so far i've defeated dryya, isma, and ze'mer. i think my favorite was dryya, probably because many of the attacks are familiar.
isma would be my favorite if it weren't for two things:
the invincible ceiling gulkas in part two of the fight. screw them. they are annoying and i think i should be able to kill them if i want
that one attack where she throws acid. she doesn't use it often enough to allow practice dodging it, and the tell looks SO MUCH like the other attack where she shoots vines at you i almost always got hit. also, it is extremely primal aspid-like behavior and nobody needs more of that in their life
with ze'mer, i don't feel like i actually got good at it. it feels more like i only got lucky :/ (skill issue, not design issue)
for all three i used something along the lines of weaversong + grubsong + sprintmaster + shaman stone
i tried hegemol and the abyss parkour but i am having a lot of trouble with them (i don't really like parkour in this game much anyway)
the creators really went above and beyond with the music! lots of appropriate thematic callbacks. each arena also has an entire separate full track that only plays during the ~10 secs it takes to walk up to the boss before you fight them.
the art also matches base game really well. i particularly appreciated ze'mer's sprites, what with all the fully animated flips and jumps she does
TLDR: go download pale court if you like hollow knight and want a challenge
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flame-shadow · 8 months ago
H1, A3 and C4 please :)
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careful trying to chase this bug - they leave thorny tendrils in their wake!
Edit: this design is available for whomever wants it.
If you, the asker, would like to adopt this design for 15 USD, please DM me. If not, this design will be available for adoption after three days for anyone else interested. :)
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hollow-knight-fights · 1 year ago
Hollow Knight Charm Fight: Round 1
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hollow-knight-stats · 1 year ago
Exploration Charms - Most Used, 3-Notch
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The top three charms for three notch charms are the same as those in the combat section. However, Mark of Pride is now in first place. All three charms also decreased somewhat in popularity, which implies that even though the popularity of these charms in exploration builds is at least partially due to people not switching their combat charms out, when exploring nail length is more prioritized than nail damage. This also helps explain why Longnail is first place in the top five of two notch charms. When outside of a combat situation, nail range is more important than raw damage, which makes sense. Often, the goal when traversing the map is not necessarily to kill enemies, but rather to push them out of the way from a safe distance. 
Joint hypotheses and conclusions:
Overall, there is a trend where low notch cost charms have more versatile applications, while high notch cost charms have more specific uses. As a result, charms with low notch costs are more common in exploration builds, since there are more environments to deal with when exploring, while charms with high notch costs are more common in combat builds, since combat is a very specific environment where charms can be highly optimized, especially to a specific boss. However, people also tend not to change their charms out for exploration, instead opting to keep their combat builds on. Dreamgating may also make this phenomenon more common. 
Sharp Shadow, while listed as an unpopular charm by many respondents, is actually quite popular, at least among casual players. It makes combat easier for people who are playing the game for fun, while more professional players like speedrunners find more optimized ways to play the game that do not utilize Sharp Shadow. However, it does have drawbacks when it comes to traversing the map, so it falls from favor a little bit.
In combat, damage output is highly prioritized, shown through the popular use of charms like Unbreakable Strength, Quick Slash, and Shaman Stone, while in exploration, navigation and meticulousness is more prioritized, shown through how Wayward Compass, Gathering Swarm, and Sprintmaster are popularly used. However, in both cases, nail range and survivability are prioritized through charms like Mark of Pride, Longnail, and Grubsong. 
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electricea · 2 years ago
Please repost do not reblog.
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FULL NAME: Ryuji Sakamoto.
NICKNAME: Blondie, Boneface, Sprintmaster Sakamoto, also has a few unfortunate derogatory nicknames such as 'vulgar ape' from Kamoshida.
ALIASES: Skull, Charge Commander of the Phantom Thieves.
PRONOUNS: Typically goes by He/Him but he doesn't mind if someone uses They/Them for him.
HEIGHT:  5'7"
ZODIAC: Cancer.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese and some very basic English.
HAIR: Naturally black, but bleached blonde, short and spiky - has a sort of tousled look to it, like he doesn't really run a brush or a comb to it, but rather just runs a towel through it and calls it a day.
FACIAL HAIR: None, potentially grows a bit of stubble when he's older.
EYES: Brown.
BODY TYPE: Naturally athletic and muscular, typically seen in his arms and abdomen.
VOICE: Boisterous and excitable - tends to get loud when he's particularly excited or angry about something. Still has a bit of a boyish high pitch to his voice which is shown usually when he's excited.
POSTURE: Typically sits with his legs folded underneath him, shoulders slouched and posture lazy, half paying attention - also likes to lean against structures or tables.
SCARS: A very small scar that resembles a thin line, just below his right eye - he got it during the cruise ship escape, courtesy of some falling debris.
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: His loud and boisterous personality which can be seen as endearing or alienating depending on the person - also his bleached blonde hair and outspoken demeanor which has earned him the reputation of a 'delinquent' amongst his teachers and classmates.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Asahikawa, Hokkaido.
HOMETOWN: Asahikawa, Hokkaido, up until his first year of high school when he moved Tokyo, Japan.
PARENTS: Just him and his mom. Doesn't know and doesn't care what happened to his dad.
OCCUPATION: High school student. (In default verse - usually his job varies in any 18+ verses).
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Currently, lives in Ichigaya with his Ma. Again, depending on the verse, he might relocate to elsewhere in Japan.
CLOSE FRIENDS: All of his Phantom Thieves teammates, Yuuki Mishima, many others.
FINANCIAL STATUS: Middle to lower income.
CRIMINAL RECORD: No official criminal record but assaulting a teacher, acting as a Phantom Thief.
VICES: Impulsive, attention seeking, quick to anger, slow to think.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Physical affection and acts of service, mainly.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES:  Someone who loves being in the presence of his partner, loves to cheer for them and support them in whatever they do. A steadfast boyfriend who likes to plan little surprises for his partner and loves to be loved by them.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: Keeper of Lust / Blooming Villain.
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Stretching, exercising, going for runs, reading manga, video games, eating ramen.
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: Right-brained because more of the traits associated with it seem to fit him - being more emotional, rather good at reading the emotions of others, and at times having a good intuition.
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: His outward demeanor would have you believe that it's sky high, from his playful cockiness and his ability to shake off most insults but in actuality, he carries a lot of guilt and self loathing over his past mistakes, a side of himself that he shows only to those who have truly earned his friendship and his trust. He tries to be an optimistic and confident guy, without straying into recklessly arrogant territory.
Tagged by: @phantomuheist & @dxfiedfxte (Thanks, friends!)
Tagging: Whoever hasn't done this yet! It's a great post to get really in depth with your character and to allow others to learn things about them too, so I recommend everyone steal this from me and give it a shot.
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hk-treacle-tactics · 1 year ago
🔮 Charm Belt 🔮
Charms are a clumsy bug’s best friend! here are my favorites, categorized by how they help, followed by tips for how to get them asap, and my favorite loadouts at the end.
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Passive damage: the less you have to hit the boss, the better.
Grimmchild: I fucking love Grimmchild!!! An invincible little buddy who does all the work of aiming and hitting the boss for you, so you can focus on surviving. I named mine Treacle.
Weaversong: More little buddies! they’re extra helpful in some situations where Treacle isn’t ideal, and vice versa. I named mine Miku, Marute, and Maybe.
Defender’s Crest: Smelly yet effective! a fart cloud that does one point of damage at a time doesn’t seem like much, but it adds up.
Spore Shroom: a bigger smelly cloud that appears when you focus and lingers for a bit! you can bait enemies into standing in the spore cloud.
Thorns of Agony: Automatically hit back! sometimes it throws off my rhythm, though.
Dreamshield: the the shield deals contact damage! swinging with your nail also does a shield bash.
Sharp Shadow: Dashing through an enemy deals damage! dual-purpose dodging and attacking. makes your dash longer, which is sometimes good and sometimes not.
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Healing upgrades: makes healing easier.
Honey Heart: The actual name of this charm is Hiveblood! For every hit you take, if you can manage to not get hit for the next 10 seconds, the damage is healed without you having to do anything. Also helps make bosses that do two masks of damage less deadly.
Shape of Unn: Wiggle time!!! when focusing, become a little slug that can scoot around on the ground and avoid attacks.
Quick Focus: Focus faster! get extra heals in where you didn’t have time to before.
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Extra soul: so you can heal when you need to!
Grubsong: holy SHIT grubsong is incredibly useful, easy to get, and cheap to wear. Gives you soul every time you get hit. also has a great synergy with weaversong.
Soul Catcher: More soul for each hit! Soul Eater is also good, but usually takes more notches than I can spare.
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Protection upgrades: take more hits without dying.
Unbreakable Heart: Two more masks! what else is there to say.
Stalwart shell: extra invulnerable time after you get hit! good for getting your bearings again or against rapid-fire attacks.
Dreamshield (again): can block a lot of projectiles! full list here.
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Extra hits: honestly this is just for my buddy quick slash.
Quick slash: get more hits in, get more soul! also, hopefully, finish the fight faster.
grubsong + weaversong: weavers can get soul from hitting enemies. i’d die without this.
grubsong + honey heart: slow but endless soul refills.
Wallet upgrades: it helps to have money.
gathering swarm
unbreakable greed
Movement upgrades: situationally useful!
shape of unn
sharp shadow
❗ Warnings/dissuasions ❗
Baldur shell: it sucks. i wish it didn’t. i have never figured out how to use it effectively. what’s the point of stopping damage if it stops your focus too?
Glowing womb: i love these little suckers, but they make soul management very difficult.
Lifeblood charms: these take up too many slots for the limited benefit they provide. can be situationally useful for the “learning the dance” portion of boss battles.
Good charms, in the order you can get them
✨ from the start of the game:
after opening Sly's shop:
Gathering swarm (sly's shop)
Stalwart shell (sly's shop)
after beating False Knight:
Soul catcher (ancestral mound)
after beating Hornet in Greenpath (getting mothwing cloak):
Thorns of agony (platforming challenge in greenpath)
Quick focus (salubra's shop)
Fragile heart, fragile greed* (leg eater's shop) *: if you’re swimming with cash, you can replace these when you inevitably die with them equipped! otherwise, just hold onto them for now, or come back later. also helpful to buy if you’re just a couple charms away from a notch at salubra’s shop.
after getting the Mantis Claw:
Grubsong (from grubfather after 10 grubs)
Spore Shroom (platforming challenge in fungal wastes)
Dashmaster (platforming challenge in fungal wastes)
✨ the path branches a little here! the next four sections can go in any order.
after getting the Dive spell:
Defender’s crest (fight dung defender in the waterways)
Quick slash (it’s in kingdom’s edge, though…)
Soul eater (resting grounds)
after getting the Lumafly lantern:
Weaversong (it’s in deepnest. requires getting past a couple stalking devouts + small platforming challenge)
Sprintmaster (crystal peak)
after getting the Dream Nail:
Dreamshield (resting grounds)
Grimmchild* (from grimm after lighting the nightmare lantern) *: need crystal heart before they can start spewing fireballs.
Unbreakable greed (costs 9000 geo from divine! whew. get this one first, though, to help you save up for the other unbreakables.)
Unbreakable heart (12000 geo from divine. yeah.)
after getting Crystal heart:
Isma’s tear -> shape of unn (lake of unn)
✨ and then, after getting crystal heart:
after getting monarch wings:
Honey heart (fight hive knight in the hive)
after getting shade cloak (requires monarch wings):
Sharp shadow (in deepnest near the hot spring)
My favorite charm loadouts
The Best of the Best: Grimmchild, Honey Heart, Weaversong, Grubsong, Shape of Unn.
i wear this charm loadout everywhere. i wear it for walking around. i wear it to trials and pantheons. i wear it in real life.
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my beloved charms!!! the collar photo is at my actual work in 2019, and the pocket is from today (Jan 2024). weaversong's lost its threads, but honestly they're all looking pretty good, considering that i've been wearing them constantly on my hollow knight hoodie pocket since Nov 2019.
little buddies. wiggling. health regeneration. what else do you need?
The Healy Panic: Grimmchild, Grubsong, Weaversong, Stalwart shell, Quick focus, Sprintmaster.
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good for when you can't seem to stop getting hit.
Platforming Fit: Honey heart, Grubsong, Soul catcher, Deep focus
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infinite healing and infinite soul! just…. a bit slowly. good for the white palace, or the garpede hole.
The Spider Spelunker: Wayward compass, Grubsong, Soul catcher, Spore shroom
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this is what you wear when you’re getting weaversong as fast as possible (guide coming soon).
One Foe, One Blow: Fragile strength, Soul catcher, Grubsong, Sprintmaster, Honey heart
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if you can land a hit or two, it’s a good idea to hit as hard as possible. nice for a steel soul run, where charm fragility doesn’t matter.
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