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Clothes swap with the drug dealer fox guy and the empress of the Boiling Isles
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It’ll soon be tapping season! Do you tap trees? Did you know that you can tap more than just maple trees? Here in the Appalachians we tap Birch, beech, walnut, and sycamore 🤌🏻 and a few others but these are the most common. For this cake, you can replace the syrup with your tree sap syrup of choice 🥰 . . . . . . . #sugaring #sugarseason #treetapping #tapping #maplesyrup #birchsyrup #tappingtrees #mapleseason #springtonic #treesap #sapseason #bakersofinstagram #bakersgonnabake #recipes #recipe #f52grams #f52community #easyrecipes #quickrecipes #recipeshare #recipeideas #dessert #foodie #comfortfood #comfortfoods #foodiesofinstagram #southernfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNqWY-OBHv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asnowfern · 5 months
Love Me Before The Bubble Bursts
Summary: It is the last night of her work conference in Adriata and Elain decided that she needed to have a little bit of fun. Who else better to show her than her smooth talking redheaded counterpart from Springton? Rating: T WC: 3.2k Read on AO3 Listen to odoriko by Vaundy for vibes✨✨✨
A/N: Written for Day 1 of @sjmromanceweek : First Date! Don't mind me, just continuing to defy time zones during fandom events as I always do!
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A warm orange hue lights up the modern furnishing of the sleek hotel room. Not that Elain is looking at any of that. With a slight smile to herself, she stares at the bold headline on her phone that she has read for the umpteenth time today. 
Giving it one last fond stare, she locks the phone with a click and collapses back into the plush bed. The device slides out of her hand and bounces lightly. She covers her eyes with the back of her forearm as an exhaustion washes over her. 
It’s done. It’s finally done.
After months of slaving over stacks and stacks of documentation and late nights of calls stretching different time zones that stretched into early morning meetings with key political players driving the project, the agreement has finally been signed at the major international energy conference in Adriata. She is elated, relieved, exhausted. 
She is exhausted and empty.
Elain reaches her hand out, feeling blindly for the familiar slim rectangular device. The large numbers of her Lock Screen jump out at her behind the beautiful backdrop of the Illyrian Mountains - a constant reminder of what she is trying to save. 
08:54 PM
Not an entirely unreasonable time to head to bed, she reckons. Afterall, she does have a long flight ahead of her tomorrow. Her eyes glaze over at the tall white ceiling, her brain drifting off with it. 
“It’s all work to you, Lainey. You have made your priorities very clear. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t make this, make me, a priority.” 
Rich brown eyes sharpen and Elain sucks in a breath. She promptly sits up, glancing around the expensive room she would likely never be able to afford by herself. She floats herself to the glassed wall, taking in the panoramic view of how the river sparkles even in the dark night, the city skyscrapers glittering in the distance. 
Making the snap decision, she flips around and stalks to her packed luggage. With one thrust elbow deep into the bag, she pulls out the elegant yet fun jumpsuit Vassa had insisted she brought. 
It doesn’t have to always be all work. She reminds herself firmly. She can have fun and let loose too. 
Or maybe not. 
She thinks sulkily as she idly stirs her cylindrical bottomed drink, topped off with a silly umbrella. An Adriata Afternoon, they had called it. A sweet slushy cocktail that is reminiscent of a margarita but more refined. Stronger too, judging by how light her head is getting. 
Her brow creases slightly at the flashing lights lighting up the dance floor, momentarily illuminating the moving bodies smushed together, drawing attention to body parts that would probably be better off in the shadows. Heaving one heavy sigh, she empties her drink in one go, and is about to rise to her feet when a flash of auburn slides into the seat next to her. 
“Leaving so soon?” The velvet baritone voice asks with the same authority that, more often than not, vexes her over the line. 
The edges of her mouth quirks. She should leave, she thinks, still possessing enough awareness to know that. But still, she tilts her head towards him in casual observation and lets her gaze linger and wash over her gilded counterpart from Springton. 
He has shed his stuffy tie and jacket from the conference, choosing to roll his sleeves to his elbows instead and reveal more of the golden brown skin and toned forearms. The sensual curve of his lips flick upwards lazily, intoxicating russet eyes she had never quite seen this up close rakes over her, branding every inch of exposed skin. 
Suddenly, the room is all too hot. 
Elain closes her fingers over the still cool surface of her glass and clears her throat, “Mr Vanserra.” 
He raises a perfectly arched eyebrow, “It’s after five. Call me Lucien.” 
She can’t help but huff lightly at the absurdity of the statement, can’t help the sassiness that creeps into her voice as she retorts, “I recall having many, many conversations long past five pm with you,” and it may be the Adriata Afternoon wrecking its own brand of havoc on her but the next words escape her breathily, dragging out each syllable, “Mister Vanserra.”
“Touché,” he chuckles and offers her a glass identical to the one in his other hand, “but today is pretty momentous and we deserve it, don’t you think, Miss Archeron?” 
She takes the glass, their fingers touching for a brief moment. She tries with little success to ignore how they seem to tingle pleasantly.
“Well then,” she raises her glass, declaring, “To us.” 
The glasses clink harmoniously. 
“To us.” 
Elain giggles, her fingers idly swirling the empty glass. “The look on his face though!”
“On his face?!” Lucien sputters in mock outrage, flinging his hands in the air, “do you have any idea how many management meetings I had to sit through afterwards to convince Tamlin of the trade benefits of the project?”
She dissolves into giggles and uses one delicate finger to wipe off a tear from the edge of her eye. At some point over the course of the last two drinks, they had moved to the cozy booth at the corner of the bar, far away enough from the blaring noise of the crowd. The length of her outer thigh is resting against his while his shoulders are close enough to occasionally rub against hers. 
She tries futilely to stifle the laughter still bubbling in her chest to commiserate in a barely straight face, nodding sagely, “Must have been trying.” 
Russet eyes narrow and the beautiful face leans in, full of mischievous intent. “It was,” the low husky bedroom voice leaves a trail of goosebumps down the back of her neck. Elain’s breath hitches, her head instinctively angles to the side, exposing the delicate fair skin of her neck. Thick lips hover a mere centimetre away, puffing hot breath with every tantalising word, “and how does the Velarian Authority intend to compensate for the wasted time?”
She hums. “Messy to bring in legal,” her eyes flutter close in relish of the phantom touch of lips on skin, “what if we settle this privately?” 
Chocolate orbs open to smouldering russet. It burns hot and bright. She twists her body towards him, apprehension and desire warring within her. She asks, spurred by the liquid courage coursing through her veins, “Shall we get out of here?”
Surprise overtakes him for a moment. A moment is all that’s needed for her to pull back and begin backpedalling furiously. She adds hastily, “Out of this building I mean. This is my first time in Adriata and I have barely taken one step out of the building and-“
“Elain,” he cuts off her rambling with surprising warmth, wrapping her hand in his. He pauses, flicking his gaze towards her strapping heels, a bright spark in his eyes, “I have just the idea but you might need to change to a more sensible pair of shoes though.”
Elain raises one piqued brow in response. 
Lucien ignores the skepticism in her voice as he continues to tap into his phone, registering and renting the bicycles before them. Elain bounces from one ball of her foot to another. After a quick thought, she takes out a plain hair tie from her small bag and pulls her luscious golden brown hair back into a high ponytail. 
She glances around. Shutters have been pulled and locked down at the surrounding stores, a little presence of a nightlife beyond the bustle of the rooftop bar they were just at. But even at this late hour, the promenade by the river that snakes through the central district of Adriata is still sparsely populated, mostly by couples strolling with their fingers interlaced, the air filled with soft whispers and shoulder bumps.
A click of his phone later, her unlikely companion for the evening slides the slim device into his pocket. 
“Done!” He announces with a flourish, a welcoming smile graces handsome features and sends the butterflies in her stomach into a fluttering flurry. “Well, my lady? Your personal bicycle tour awaits.” 
She takes the bicycle being rolled towards her, swinging a graceful leg over it, sending him a bright smile. “Lead on, good sir.”
Lucien sets them off at an easy pace. Elain follows easily, sending much needed blood circulation through her alcohol plied body, which has also seen little but short walks from her hotel room and the conference halls for the past week. The cool breeze of the city whips about her face playfully. 
They take a sharp take away from the glittering river and begin meandering about the quiet roads slicing through tall office buildings. Elain is about to open her mouth to send a teasing remark to her tour guide about the tour lacking in scenery when said guide turns back to her with a wink, as if he knew exactly what she was about to say. 
She pumps more energy into her legs so that they’re cycling side by side instead. “So do you often give flirtatious bike tours to women you’ve just met?”
Hopelessly fishing, maybe, but here she is.
“But we are not strangers, are we?” He returns evenly, “we have been conversing for months. What makes you think I haven’t been thinking about this for ages?”
Elain isn’t able to stop the flush rising up her chest. She had found the man insanely attractive from the moment he turned on his video setting on the project kickoff call, of course. A silent admiration that made the long hours a tad easier to bear. But to think that he might have thought the same of her? Something within her preens like a well-groomed cat.
“My, my,” she tuts, “and to think I’ve thought you so professional the past few months.” Her lips curve in a good-natured tease at the slight crease in his brows, the indignation forming, and continues quickly in a quiet confession, “me too.” 
She snaps her head abruptly back to the front of the road, not wanting to catch his reaction. Not yet. 
There is a huff of laughter next to her before he pulls up in front of her once more, leading the way. It isn’t long before a long length of dense trees come into sight. Crossing the dense layer of greenery opens up to a huge open space roaring with life - a night market, of sorts.
They return the urban sharing bikes, turning them back into the designated lots. There are a series of clicks as the bicycles engage its locking mechanism. Elain takes the elbow offered chivalrously to her, looping her arm with the redhead. 
The market is filled with Adriata locals, full of chatter in its native language. There are a variety of stalls that formed two layers of the circular space - the inner row that comprises mostly of stalls selling food and beverages and the outer rows that comprises a mix of fun carnival games and small rides, even a petite ferris wheel that has somehow remain hidden behind its forested guards, invisible to the outside eye.
Their first stop is a fried street snack - a well-spiced battered collection of mushrooms and seafood. The perfect oily balance to the alcoholic drinks they had. Lucien smiles, too entirely pleased with himself, as Elain gushes at the perfect crispy texture of the exterior and soft insides, wonderfully complemented by the tangy dipping sauce. They pair it with a sweet spiced honey drink that washes it down perfectly.
They walk along the chain of typical carnival games. She stops them in their tracks by grabbing tightly on to Lucien’s elbow, gasping at a familiar fox plushie with synthetic bright orange fur.
“Is that a limited edition plushie of the fox character from the Suriel show?” She asks, more to herself than her companion. 
“Indeed, it is,” answers the jovial game master in a thick accent, pleased at the recognition, “all yours if you can hit all the targets.”
Elain turns to Lucien, her eyes bright and sparkling. “It will double our chances if we both try, yeah?”
An embarrassingly long time later, they continued strolling along with the fox toy tucked snugly between the crooks of her elbow and an all too pleased look on her face. Next to her, her companion sneaks fond affectionate looks at her. 
They have almost completed their round of the market, pausing at what is likely their last stop of the evening - the Ferris wheel. It is clunky and almost pathetically small, utterly inadequate in showcasing any views the proud city boasts. Yet, there was something about its old school charm that draws you in. 
Another exchange of coins later and the pair are stepping into the small booth. They seat themselves opposite one another, their knees touching in its limited space. 
“If you’ve enjoyed yourself on the Vanserra Tours today. It will really help us if you could leave us a 5-star review on Yelp.” Lucien quips, breaking the silence. 
Elain giggles, relishing in the lightness in her chest, a feeling she hasn’t felt in the longest time. She grabs his hands and slips both hands into large palms, callous blisters on the flipped side of his knuckles a contrast against her soft skin. 
“Thank you,” she says softly into the small enclosure, “I’ve had a great time today.” 
Her gaze crawls up the length of his graceful body, the subtle signs of well-defined muscles underneath the formal shirt to the breathtaking sharp contours of his face and striking russet eyes, looking back at her as if she is something so unbearably precious. Letting go of the last semblance of nerves, she surges forward to slot her lips against his. 
A low groan fills the small booth and the noise of the machinery and outside world disappears. 
Strong arms circle around her and pull her onto his lap. She loops her own arms around his neck as they deepen the kiss, her lips parting at the first swipe of tongue. 
He tastes of a cool autumn night, warm spices mixed with a heady dose of sweet cinnamon. Sucking, nipping and the press of tongue on tongue. Sharp tugs on silky tresses and wandering hands trailing a blaze up and down her all too warm body. It is all consuming and all Elain wants is more. More more more. She presses into the delicious warmth of his body, moulding soft curves into hard planes.
A loud throat clearing pulls them apart. They turn to look at the unimpressed lady minding the ride. 
“This is a family ride.” She says flatly, dark eyes are thick with judgement. 
They leave with sheepish apologies but completely unapologetic grins, their fingers interlaced tightly, bodies flushed into each other, the fox still tucked tightly in her other arm. All through the journey in the back of the car hire and the elevator ride up to her hotel room. Until the room door snips shut and they fall gracelessly into the large bed.
Elain is having a good dream. 
She can’t remember what it was about but there is a thrum of content that has her heart humming and whistling. She lets out a happy sigh and buries her face deeper into her pillow. 
A sudden rude blare of an alarm tears her out of her reverie. 
Chocolate brown eyes open to a hazy vision. She blinks blearily, her brain needing a few more moments to register the foreign environment. The bed beneath her moves and groans, and the memories of the night before flood her sleep addled brain.
With her head still resting on the soft pillow, she turns to look at Lucien. His eyes are still closed as his hand grasps wildly to search for his phone, which from the ringtone, is somewhere within the pile of clothes strewn across the floor. Elain feels her lips curving upwards in its own accord at the futility of the man’s action. 
She chimes lyrically, “It’s not there.”
Russet eyes snap open, its gaze focusing sharply on her before the next buzz of his alarm pulls him aware. Lucien rolls out of bed, giving Elain another glimpse of firm butt cheeks as he sleepily saunters his way over to fish his phone out of the long pants and turns off the alarm. He sighs deeply, pushing long legs into the apparel. 
“I have a morning flight out,” he informs, his voice coated with regret. 
Her heart stutters, a weight dropping heavily in her stomach. “Already?” 
She sits up, unabashedly letting the covers slip off and bare her chest to him. Lucien heads over, his hands rest on hers, pinning her to the soft mattress. He drops a kiss on her forehead, whispering, “Don’t move. I want to commit this sight to my memory.” 
He steps back, and even though her hands are now free, Elain doesn’t move. 
“You have my number.” She reminds him with a sad smile. 
He agrees, “I do.”
It’s an unspoken promise that lifts her heart just slightly. With a final wink from the male, Elain watches silently as Lucien turns around and exits the room. 
Six Months Later
“Let’s go, already,” Vassa complains, the Scythian native is sprawled on the small guest couch in Elain’s office, “I’m hungry.” 
“In a minute.” Elain’s fingers fly across the keyboard, “Just need to send out one last email.”  
Elain’s colleague and close friend groans, her head falling back on the uncomfortable synthetic leather surface. Mere seconds later, a rectangular light shines on her face as she begins typing on her phone. 
Elain turns back to her screen, humming, “Almost done.”
A couple minutes of furious clicks later, she slams her index finger down on the “Enter” button. “Sent! Let’s go.” 
“Finally!” The redhead cries out exasperatedly, “Let’s go.” 
Elain raises her brows but says nothing as she lets her friend loop their elbows together and practically pull her to the elevator. 
All thoughts eddy from her mind when the lift doors slide open, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of another redhead waiting on the other side. 
Lucien slips his hands out of his pocket, his eyes bright and warm, “I’m on a three year attachment as a Springton representative for the regional grid project.”
Elain spins to round on Vassa. Her close friend and director of the Human Resource division, “You knew!” 
“Of course I did.” She answers smoothly, giving Elain a slight push out of the doors. “Now, if you don’t mind. I have lunch plans.” She gives the both of them a cheeky wink, “Enjoy your reunion!”
Elain turns back to Lucien, taking a small step forward. Her head angles slightly when she notices the slight glimmer of nerves in those breathtaking eyes. She inhales deeply before asking lightly, “Is this why you haven’t replied my text from this morning?”
A tension visibly loosens from his shoulders as his face crinkles in amusement. He steps forward to close the gap between them, raising his hands to gently cup her cheeks. He whispers, “Surprise.” 
There is nothing else left for Elain to do but to rise to the ball of her feet and lightly brush her lips against his. 
“Welcome to Velaris.” 
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neonponders · 1 year
Part 24 for @wrecked-fuse ‘s pocketverse 🍜
Part 23
( pt. 7′s art 🎩 ) ( pt. 9′s art 👀 ) ( pt. 14′s art 💨 ) ( pt. 19′s art 🦇 ) ( pt. 20′s art 🍳)
~ on ao3 ~
• • •
“Steve. Explain why you have Christmas lights on bicycles.”
“Because safety,” he answered while putting the tire pump away.
“Uh huh,” Billy hummed skeptically. “Are you sure you didn’t have this prepped up for a date?”
Steve laughed as they waddled out of his garage on the bikes. “Ambiance is everything, isn’t it? You guys tucked in and ready?”
From his pocket came the rallying cry, “Weady!”
“Nighttime smewlls good.”
“Look at our wights on the woad! It’s wike we’re in a movie.”
“You weady, Biwwy?”
Big Billy looked at the littles and smiled at the fluffy collar of small Billy’s aviator jacket and little Steve’s 1920s cocoon coat. “Don’t worry about me. You just stay in there and stay warm.”
It was not a particularly cold night, but the breeze combed their hair with brisk fingers and fluttered through their jackets. After the initial thrill of movement and wind wore off, the littles started scatting Cyndi Lauper since they didn’t really know the lyrics.
“Bwah. Bwah bwah. Duh duh. Duhn.”
“Nah nah nah! Skee dah!”
“Forw me it’s - ”
“Good ‘nough!”
Steve huffed a laugh and announced, “This way,” for Billy to follow. The melody from Steve’s pocket turned into vocal rumblings as Steve took them off asphalt and onto a dirt road. Soon they steered over as much grass as soil and gravel, finally coming to a tired stop on the hill of the car junkyard. Most of the vehicles were on lower terrain, since tow trucks couldn’t be bothered coming up here, plus it was a safety hazard to pile up cars on a hill without functioning brakes.
“Too many movies,” Billy teased as they stepped on the kick stands.
“Yeah, sure, dumbbells,” Steve countered. “All that muscle isn’t doing much without cardio.”
Billy stuck a sweaty hand into Steve’s hair to shove his head to the side as he walked by, leaving the illuminated bikes behind. “Hey, hey! Precious cargo, here.”
Billy ignored him and commented, “Are we party crashing the homeless’s neighborhood?”
“No, Hawkins only has a couple, and Hopper lets them stay on their streets: Lafayette and Springton.”
Billy leaned against an old pickup as he gazed out over their view of Hawkins, downtown and rural hills alike. His head turned when he heard little Steve coo beside him, “Pwetty.”
He lifted his gaze to the larger Steve. “You move quiet.”
“Gotta be light footed in my house. Just in case.”
Billy huffed, “Sure,” and peeked down at the littles again. Small Steve yawned while little Billy blinked slowly. “Give me those wrappers. You walk around.”
Billy set to wrapping a pair of joints while Steve wandered through the junkyard, catching the occasional lightning bug. Billy heard the littles scream and coo over the insects from afar, terrified and amazed.
“I don’wanna light buwb on my butt.”
“Does it hurt?”
Big Steve answered, “I don’t think so. It’s how they find each other.”
“They don’t sing?”
“Those are crickets and birds,” Steve said, plenty crickets and evening birds around them attesting to this.
“I wike birwds,” little Steve said through another yawn. “D’you think we could wide birwds?”
“I don’t wanna be high up,” small Billy whined quietly, audibly sinking into slumber.
Large Steve murmured, “I sure do,” as he rejoined Billy and accepted his share of green feathers. Before he lit up, though, he hoisted his shirt up so he could kiss down into the pocket.
Small Billy grumbled, “ ‘M not sweepy.”
“It’s for later,” Steve disregarded.
“Mm...good. Cuz I’m not sweepy...”
“Warm enough?”
Steve lifted a triumphant smile to Billy, who loaned his lighter. “How much will you bargain that he dreams of bugs?”
“Nothing, he’s got a shield,” Steve declared before puffing his joint to life.
Billy’s eyelashes were already heavy over his blue irises - looking like clear glass in the darkness. “You’re real confident about a kiss.”
“I’m the dream kisser,” Steve snorted.
Billy laughed at the sky. “The hell does that mean?”
“I’m the stuff of your dreams.”
“You’re a lightweight to this stuff, Harrington.”
“Let me fly a little bit,” Steve scolded. “It’s a fifty-fifty chance weed sends me into an existential spiral instead of a haze.”
Billy hummed a gruff sound of understanding. A lightning bug drifted in front of them. Billy reached a hand out, easily intercepting the lazy line of flight with his fingers. The long black and yellow body recalibrated on his hand before taking off again, glowing in the distance.
Steve crossed his ankles and leaned back against the rusty pickup. For a while, Billy watched the lightning bugs drift around their bicycles, almost matching the warm Christmas lights illuminating their acropolis of the junk heap.
Billy had thought Steve relaxed with his eyes closed, but now he looked at him and found those dark eyes on himself. “What are you talking about?”
“Try not to take this as an insult, but. I didn’t expect you to be so good with them.”
Billy wisely chose to diffuse that with an inhalation of sour smoke and leaned back against the truck. “It’s not some talent like you seem to have. I teach kids at the pool. Lifeguards have to be trained.”
“I am lifeguard trained, remember? And I’m an only child.”
“Max and I didn’t know each other until - ”
“I expected you to be better at taking compliments.”
Billy pursed his lips together in deadpan annoyance. Instead of speaking, he taunted Steve but pushing his leg against the back of Steve’s knee that held most of his weight. Steve saw it coming and easily shifted his weight onto his other leg, only briefly uncrossing his legs and rocking back into Billy’s space.
Billy watched him peek down into his pocket to see that the little ones were not disturbed and reiterated, “Still. There’s a reason Hopper brought them to you instead of me.”
Steve scoffed, “Well talent runs out. That’s when skill hopefully takes over.”
Billy chuckled. “Which coach told you that?”
“Swim. He’s right. Talent is beginner’s luck. All I ever did was coast on beginner’s luck. Sometimes it ran out, or I was skilled in things that weren’t actually useful to me.”
“How much do you charge for this therapy?”
It was Steve’s turn to nudge him back. “I’m saying thank you, asshole. For being around when my luck ran out. Somebody with skill needed to be here for them.”
Billy rotated and gripped the lapel of Steve’s jacket, bodily moving him so they faced each other. Steve let him.
“Don’t call me an asshole.”
Steve, the brat, lifted his joint between them and took his time inhaling. “Then it’s butthead.” But then he exhaled upward, making the curl hanging over Billy’s forehead wiggle. Billy watched, dumbstruck, as Steve wagged his own head in Billy’s face, making his voluminous arching hair swish around Billy’s curl.
“We could joust. Or. What’s jousting?”
“You mean sword fighting,” Billy supplied, his voice barely over a whisper.
A dopey smile lifted Steve’s features. “Yeah.”
“Yeah,” Billy exhaled.
Billy couldn’t really say who closed the distance. He lifted his face and Steve’s mouth was already there. Billy’s heart crushed under the softness of Steve’s lips. By the time cold panic tickled Billy’s mind like raindrops from the sky, Steve was already kissing him more, making Billy feel hot all over.
Steve inhaled Billy’s smell: all clean clothes, smoke and sour, and something darkly sweet. Fresh, even. Multifaceted, like the man he let his eagerness kiss and kiss and kiss again; a long burning curiosity finally being quenched...
Satisfaction turned the page into new demands. Billy felt the wet, hot tickle of Steve’s tongue against the seam of their lips. Steve’s brows floated up as Billy’s tongue pushed between his lips. In all the ways Billy smelled good, he tasted better, and the vocalized sigh that came out of him made Steve’s face go slack, free for Billy’s mouth to plunder.
Steve felt himself stir in his jeans, even more so as Billy got a grip on his belt loops and pulled their pelvises flush together. He had no idea when his hands lifted to rest on Billy’s shoulders, but they were there now and one was creeping up to hold the side of Billy’s neck, the basin of his thumb fitting underneath the curve of Billy’s ear.
For how hot and heavy they got, the weed made them groggy and worse -
Steve’s stomach growled as loudly as if a ghost engine had awoken in one of the cars. Billy retreated enough to make eye contact with him. Steve both defended and dodged his accusatory gaze with, “We left the food at home, didn’t we?”
“That was a terrible idea.”
“Will you make out with me after second dinner?”
Billy grimaced slightly. “When we reek of garlic and soy sauce?”
“We already reek of garlic and soy sauce.”
“Oh. Well, that’s fine, maybe.”
“Maybe!” Steve huffed, but it got swallowed up by Billy kissing him loudly and tugging him toward the bikes.
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fereality-indy · 2 years
Wendip Week 2022 - You Belong With Me
Set in 2022, Wendy, Pacifica, & the twins are all at Willington U. Pacifica is going for her bachelor's degree in business. Mabel is attempting to dual degree in teaching and child development. Wendy is going for her bachelor's degree in forestry after working two years with her dad to save up for college. And Dipper is juggling a bachelor's degree in archeology, being a division 1 track star, and a girlfriend.
Everything is going great, except Wendy has a problem.
Wendy's problem is that she is not the girlfriend...
Prompt - On 4 Wheels
April 16th, 2022 45 minutes outside of Spington, NV
‘Ugh, not again.’ Wendy groaned internally as she tried to not listen to Dipper’s side of the phone conversation he was having with his girlfriend. But it was hard. Here he was having yet another disagreement with miss priss about why they hadn’t made it to the Springton U’s track field yet, never mind the fact that they were in the convoy with the rest of the track team. And also never mind the fact they still have a hour and a half before they were supposed to be there. Just because the cheer coach wanted her squad there early to get some practice in before the match, Kayla expected him to be there with her. It doesn’t matter to her that the track coach wanted Dipper and the team to arrive together. If Wendy wasn’t driving right now she would have rolled her eyes at that one. But she was and so she instead decided that while he was looking out the passenger window, she would “accidentally” turn the radio up.
She heard Mabel and Paz snicker in the back as Occam’s Raybands’ “3ating Pi” started blaring throughout the microbus. She nearly regretted it as she saw Dip jerk away from his phone for a moment before he started trying to placate “Her Raven Priss-ness”. This really shouldn’t be bothering her, but since the beginning of last year (ok, longer than that even, if she was being truthful with herself) she’s realized that things have changed for her. She had been ok with just being friends (especially since she was the one that had told him she was too old for him that first summer), but that summer before they all back went to college she finally decided to tell him how she felt. Unfortunately the twins arrived to town after visiting their parents, he hit her with the news he had a new girlfriend who would also be heading to Willington U in the fall. She told him she was happy for him and they continued to hang out the rest of that summer but inside she was torn up.
“Sorry man, I thought you were done with her.” Wendy said as he got off the phone, “I mean I know this is one of your favorites, so I thought we could rock out to it to hype you up for the race.”
“That’s okay, Kayla was just wondering how long it was going to be until we got there.” Dipper said as he slid his phone into the pocket of his vest.
“Broseph,” said from the back seat, “you know we can hear your side of the call and as loud Kayla was we heard most of her side too.”
“Well…” Dipper started as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Dipper, I really can’t see what you’re doing with her.” Pacifica cut him off, “Yeah, she’s cute but she’s also a self serving, stuck up lil b…”
Mabel had quickly gotten her hand over her girlfriend’s mouth before she finished her thought. “Paz, Com’on you know how I feel about cursing, no matter how much I agree with what you’re saying.”
“Alright,” Pacifica said as Mabel removed her hand, “Just think about it, Dipper. And remember that’s coming from me.”
“She’s not all that bad,” Dipper responded causing Wendy to roll her despite the fact she was driving.
“Look Dip Dop,” Mabel said in a placating tone, “we know you want to believe that, but you’re talking to the three people who probably know you better than you know yourself. You’ve been mopping around for really most of the semester and don’t try to deny it. You didn’t even want to checkout the rumor of the sasquatch that’s been seen near campus recently.”
“And you blew off last week’s DDMoreD session cause you didn’t feel like it.” Paz added whilst twirling a lock of her hair “Poor Dylan had worked so hard on the adventure too. He was crushed that we had to cancel cause our tank wasn’t going to be there. I was gonna to get give you a piece of my mind, then Mabel told me you had gotten into another fight with the dye job diva.”
By this time Dipper had shifted in his eat so he was mostly facing the rear passengers. Shaking his head he said, “Man, I’ll have to apologize to Dyl. I didn’t mean to upset him like that, I was just having a bad day.”
“You’ve been having a lot of those recently. And most of them are due to her prissy-ness.” Wendy said before she even realized it.
“Et tu, Wendy?” Dipper half joked/half asked.
“Dude, you blew off our last movie night because Kayla needed you to proof a paper for a class you don’t even take. I mean I could see Mabs taking a couture design class but fashion is not your thing.”
“Well she needed me to catch any errors it her writing,” Dipper explained even though he had hated missing the cheesy movie and hanging with Wendy.
“That’s a load of bull hockey bro!” Mabel said before she blew a raspberry to emphasize her point. “There’s this great function on every computer called spellcheck, I know you’ve heard of it.”
“According to Grace, Kayla just didn’t want you spending time with anyone else. Especially Wendy.” Paz added.
“Who’s Grace?” Wendy asked as her grip tightened on the steering wheel.
“Kayla’s roommate.” Dipper responded without thinking. Wendy made a mental note to have Paz introduce her to her. Dipper continued, “Guys thanks for looking out for me, but it’s ok. We’ve just hit a rough patch. Every couple does.”
“Dipperdoo,” Mabel said solemnly while pyramiding her hands, “you guys have been together for two years and she still has to come to me for any ideas on what to get you for any gift related occasion. How else do you think she knew to get you that new DD&MoreD expansion for Christmas and the hot sauce set for Valentine’s.”
“And let’s face it Dip, you’ve never been the best at figuring out the opposite sex.” Pacifica added, “ I had to kiss this beauty beside me before you realized that yes, I was interested in a Pines twin just not you.”
“Hey that was not my fault,” Dipper said defensively, “there was a lot of weird signals going around that summer. Heck, I was surprised that Lovegod wasn’t visiting the Falls at the time; I mean Candy started dating Kevin, Thompson started dating the girl from Bebblybop’s, Tambry caught Robbie cheating on her, etc.”
“Like you said, we’re just looking out for you, dork.” Wendy said while doing her best to keep her eyes on the road, she wasn’t sure her expression would betray her feelings here. She already hadn’t liked Kayla, now she was beginning to despise her.
“Well for now let’s change the subject, I’m feeling a lil uncomfortable here.” Dipper said as he turned back towards the front of the microbus.
“Just one more thing and I’ll drop it,” Mabel said. “Think about what we’ve said and ask yourself, do you want someone doesn’t know you well enough to figure a simple gift or maybe someone who not only knows your favorite song, but also your favorite food and even your favorite movie.”
Mabel noticed Wendy stiffened a lil at the remark, but as usual it went over Dipper’s head. She may not be as observant as her brother when it comes to mysteries, but she’s a professional matchmaker and when it comes to romantic feelings it’s hard to hide them from her. She had thought for awhile that maybe Wendy was finally gonna give into her feelings for Dipper, but then Kayla popped into the picture. And while she was happy for him at first, she noticed that it was bugging her ginger friend. So she has made it her goal to see the two of them realize they were perfect for each other. Or to be more precise, to help them realize that the other already does feel that way.
True to their word they changed the subject and spent the rest of the road trip talking about nonsensical stuff and singing along to the song list Wendy had arranged for the trip.
After a half hour or so the convoy turned into the parking lot of the college sports center. Wendy quickly found a spot to park and Dipper hopped out to get together with the rest of his Division 1 track team.
As soon as he was outta sight, Wendy turned towards Mabel, “What the heck was that Mabs?”
Mabel seemingly pulled a pair of heart shaped sunglasses out of thin air and slid them on. Then she pulled them down so that she was looking over the top of them and said, “Just doing what comes naturally Wen-Wen. You need to snatch him up soon before that harpy gets her claws too firmly into him.”
And with that Mabel turned and headed on towards the line at the entrance to the stands. Paz quickly joined her girl, leaving Wendy standing there realizing she hadn’t been as good as hiding her feelings as she thought.
Dipper was still going over the conversation from the microbus when he caught up to the rest of the team.
“Hey Dipster man, thought you wouldn’t make it,” his teammate Toby said as he slapped him on the back.
Snapping back to the present, Dipper replied “I was just over there, it’s not like I wasn’t in the vehicle behind you.”
“Oh I know, but your entire walk over here you were a thousand miles away.” Toby said as he led Dipper towards the athletes entrance, “You worried about racing your old training partner?”
Perplexed, Dipper asked “Huh?”
“Don’t you remember, Malcolm transferred here when his mom got sick to be closer to her.” Toby chided, “You two are in the 100 meters and the relay!”
Dipper stopped where he was. He had actually forgotten about that, mostly since he hadn’t thought about it since Malcolm had left. Training buddy, mote like sparring partner if anything. They were always competing for spots at track meets and standings in the teams pecking order. Or more like Malcolm was. He could never stand to be second best.
“Uhm, Dip.” He heard Toby say, snapping him out of the tangent of thoughts running through his head. He turned to look towards where Toby had stopped at the exit of the tunnel they were in. Toby waved Dipper back as he continued, “You may not want to come out here.”
Dipper’s natural curiosity urged him forward. He couldn’t think of any reason to not go out to the track field. They did have a competition to win. As he got to the door way Coach Auburn stepped in front of him.
“You know what son, why don’t you take this meet off. Maybe go get your sister and her cute friends and you all can take in the local sights.” The Coach said as he did his best the block the exit.
Wondering what in the world was going out there that would cause the Coach to suggest that he gave up the spot he had earned, Dipper ducked down between the two blocking the way and slipped outside. He took a look around and at first he couldn’t see any problem. The other visiting teams were getting to their benches, the Springton team was at theirs, the various cheer squads were over in the area, Kayla was kissing Malcolm, Mabel and the girls were just getting to there seats…
He jerked his head back towards where he saw his girlfriend kissing his old rival. He broke into a sprint towards them. Toby tried to catch him, but Dipper ran the 100 meter for a reason. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement in the bleachers but was focused on the couple. They had just broke apart when he reached them.
“Kayla, what in the seven layers of hell is going on here?” he asked as she realized he was there.
“Dipper…” Kayla started but was quickly cut off by Malcolm saying, “What does it look like Pines. You’ve come in second again.”
“Why you…” Dipper started towards Malcolm ready to thrash him before a firm hand landed on his shoulder.
“Don’t let him get to you Dip.” Wendy said from behind him, it was her hand “He’s not worth it.”
“You’re right. I’ve known he was a jerk for as long as I’ve known him.” Dipper said as he attempted to pull free from Wendy’s grip, Turning his gaze towards Kayla, “You though, I would have never guessed this from you. We’ve been through so much together.”
“I’m so sorry Mas…,” Kayla started before she just stopped and shook her head. Slipping an arm “ You know what, no I’m not sorry. It was fun while it lasted, having you follow me around like a well trained puppy.”
Dipper started at her like she was growing a second head. He jerked out of it as he felt Wendy’s hand tighten on his shoulder. By now Mabel and Pacifica had made it to the crowd that was gathering.
It didn’t seem to matter to Kayla that they were there as she continues, “But after awhile I just needed a man. I was gonna break up with you last year but my Mal here had to go take care of his mom, after all he needed to protect his inheritance.”
Kayla continued on, but Dipper stood there getting madder as Kayla spoke. He couldn’t believe all the time they were together meant nothing to her. If it wasn’t for Wendy’s hand holding his shoulder he might have done something stupid. “And to top it off, you were always going on about or spending time with that red headed tramp behind you!”
It was Dipper’s turn to hold back Wendy, but they both got some satisfaction because Paz wasn’t as successful at holding back Mabel.
“You jezebel!” Mabel called out as she delivered a right cross that would’ve made Grunkle Stan proud. Kayla went down like a sack of rice.
The rest of the event ended up being fairly uneventful after that. The coach again offered to let Dipper skip the race if he wanted too, but Dip said he need to blow off the steam. The organizers did have the good decency to put Malcolm and Dipper in lanes on the opposite end of the track. At the shot Dipper tripped coming of the starting line but quickly righted himself. It didn’t take him long to catch up to and take the lead. He got bit of satisfaction in beating Malcolm. If looks could kill, neither of them would have survived to make it to the relay at the end of the meet. And while Dip’s team didn’t take first place they still beat Springton.
Dipper begged off going with the team to eat after the meet and so the four of them piled into the Dipper’s microbus. Though neither Dipper or Wendy felt like driving so he tossed the keys to Pacifica and they took the back seat. It was decided that they would grab their stuff from the hotel the team had and head on back home.
Dipper really didn’t say much on the way home and when they finally got there he went on up to his room.
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almalcheski · 8 days
no encore
ah well, good show anyway. Crackin good show. It made us laugh, it made us cry, it made us wonder why... Yeah, no I don't know.
goodnight Springton
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reggae-vibes-com · 1 year
The Springtones' cover of "High On Your Love"
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The Springtones' cover of "High On Your Love", a 2009 cult hit from ten-piece funk and soul band Kings Go Forth. #Springtones #HighOnYourLove #KingsGoForth #Cover Read the full article
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ourlastbastion · 2 years
So out of all the (non fanfic) stories I’m working on, my Gay Twilight is my favorite. Classic vampire romance where they’re both guys. We got;
Protag A; 22 y/o art student from Colorado, currently living in fictional California beach town Springton for college, sharing a house with three friends. Nervous mess, but loves men almost as much as he loves painting. Falls hard and fast for Protag B
Protag B; suave, charming bartender who is a vampire. Got the badboy aesthetic with piercings and tattoos, but has the heart of a puppy. Cares a lot for A, but also respects boundaries and is not a creeper who sneaks into peoples bedrooms to watch them sleep. Best buddies with the local werewolf pack. 
Roommate A; Super Smart and knows it. Physics major. Mom friend. Super caring and protective over A, is in love with him and hates it bc she knows he’s gay, but she refuses to let those feelings stop her from being the best friend she can to him. Does not trust B at all. Paranoid and a perfectionist to the point she will have a meltdown if she no longer has control over a situation, or if she gets something less than an A on an assignment. Probably secretly a monster hunter or something.
Roommate B; Party loving frat boi. He’s the jock. He is rambunctious, loud, chaotic, and loves partying and drinking. What the fuck is a hangover? He doesn’t know them. He may be overwhelming 90% of the time but he has your back 100% of the time. Is surprisingly very emotionally intelligent and the type of person people just naturally confide in. He goes to college but no one has any idea what he’s studying. 
Roommate C; The only functional adult. Is actually not a college student anymore, she graduated last year and works for a construction company. Coolest bitch in the state. Knows exactly what you need before you know what you need. Always seems to have the answers to life. No one has ever seen her be anything but tranquil or stoic. 
The Werewolves; a local pack of wolves. Not at war with the vampires, most of the time. Pretty chill. Werewolves in this town have to either join the pack or leave town to avoid rival packs from forming. Alpha is actually pretty protective, and takes being ‘alpha’ seriously, in the sense that he has a bag on him at all times with snacks, water, and medical supplies to take care of his pack with.
The Werewolf Love Interest; because of course there needs to be a love triangle. Is a golden retriever type guy. Very nice, very loyal, very sweet. Hates B because love rival, but also can get along with him just fine when love is not in the equation. Would absolutely play fetch if asked.
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urbanminerals · 4 years
#vibinviolet got me feeling like a piece of yummy fruit up in here 😂🍈🍇 . Had to switch it up this week and try something I’ve never done before - a bright minty green on the lids 🍈 paired with the deep luscious berry tones of Vibin’ Violet 🍇. It certainly makes for its own vibe ✨🔥 . If you’re wearing this look when lockdown ends, where are you going? 🤔 // 🎧: Yummy - Justin Bieber . . . #yummy #juicyfruitlooksforthewin #vibingviolet #springtones #pastels #berrytones #mineralmagic #urbanminerals (at Urban Minerals) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQF-6ihlQV/?igshid=qi419bzdf1oy
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toropiski · 4 years
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So far it is, spring, cold and windy and barren but the birds... Pussy willows are changing to flowers but no bumblebees yet to enjoy them. I have new high top boots in cool blue and at home I have mead...💛 ... #photos #nature #maythefirst #springtones #coldandwindy #nusku💚 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_phW3vFqTg/?igshid=lsi9o9trkggj
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tipppytoegirl · 5 years
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a little bit of self-care via non-toxic manis with @leilirackow at my new fave spot @thenailhall 💅🏻✨ - #thenailhall #nontoxicmanicures #selfcare #springtones #tippytoegirl (at The Nail Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvkk9Vcg755/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13kfk3owshlxf
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Kas and Belia with the "Malfina The Demon Witch and Connecticut Clark" vibes
Thank you @galaxyinfinitum for providing such a woman
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sadndirty · 2 years
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*pink panther theme song plays* ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️ #blackwomendesigners #blackownedboutique #blackownedclothing #springtones #greydenim #mensdenim #silverdenim #greyspring #cutandsew #originaldesigns #nudetones #springfashion #streetstyle #smallbusiness #capsulewardrobe #highqualityfabrics #highqualityfashion #ethicalfashion #pockets #madeinnyc #madeinusa #colorful #coordinate (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca7gRsRuZXa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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byannalam · 3 years
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Upside to the lockdown: I have an opportunity to do more #knitting projects. . #knittersofinstagram #pretty #springtones https://www.instagram.com/p/CRK-AZ4peQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hello Spring !!! Aren't the colors of this ice dyed beauty just divine !!!! Ladies XL ~ Ice dyed Crew neck tee~ $40 shipping included #ladiesxl #ladiescasual #casualstyle #crewneck #tshirt #piecefulworldsclothing #jeweltones #springtones #springfashion #spring2021 #tiedye #tyedye #icedye (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK7bfJUhenO/?igshid=16z77mr8fvmdt
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nobleglass · 4 years
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🦖🦕 24 HOUR IG AUCTION 🦖🦕🦖🦕 WHITE WITH YELLOW/GREEN/ AQUA SWIRL and DICHRO WRAP in LARGE SIZE ( 17” TALL) 🦖🦕🦖🦕🦖🦕 Bidding starts now and ends Wednesday, September 2nd at 4:20 PST / 7:20 PM EST. 🦖🦕🦖🦕This piece Includes a 14mm Leaf handle bowl and diffused downstem with glass fittings (rubber grommet). =====> 🦖🦕🦖🦕 Be sure to add the countdown alert that I post in the stories so you can get a reminder when the auction is closing). <===== 🦖🦕🦖🦕 Please read all of the rules before placing a bid: THE RULES -⁣ ▪️Starting bid: $125 ▪️Minimum bid increment: $5⁣ ▪️Buy it now: $300 ▪️Bid under “bid here” comment⁣ ▪️Tag the person you outbid⁣ ▪️Snipes: new bids within the last 5 minutes before the end time, and each bid after, will extend the auction time by 5 minutes. ⁣ ▪️Think before you bid! If we catch you deleting bids you will be banned from our auctions. DO NOT BID IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO PAY. Please be PayPal or credit/debit card ready within 24 hours of winning and make sure that your address is updated! Winner pays $15 to ship it within the continental US, (or pay exact shipping if you are located outside of the continental US). Must be 21+ to bid, and have a shipping address in a legal state / country. 🦖🦕Good Luck! 🦖🦕 🦖🦕 🦖🦕 🦖🦕 🦖🦕 🦖🦕 ⁣Happy bidding! 🦖🦕🦖🦕#NobleGlass #NobleGlassGallery #Noblebong #glassheart #glassauction #glassforsale #handmade #eugeneglass #glassofig #springgreen #aqua #headyglass #softglass #bong #glassauction #yellowglass #dichro #bigbong #blueandgreen #springtones #dichroicglass (at Noble Glass) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEnE0d3HbQp/?igshid=v57tqtjetl2x
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