#spring semester SUCKS
benedrylprincess · 8 months
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the most beautiful girl u know is struggling in math rn….. </3
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parksrway · 9 months
last year I told myself I was gonna get a lot of updates out and then the fall semester curb stomped me and I didn't update for seven months
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eyeballcommander · 9 months
soo...Commander Peepers. How's everything going? We haven't heard from you in a long while and I just wanted to check in to make sure you're alright
Bad. Not really feeling social.
#At least I can write and type now without excruciating pain#I'm telling ya- blasters aren't designed for handling recoil in that direction!#Especially if you- like me- hold it with two hands when you REALLY can't miss the shot! (Which put my arms in an awkward twisted position)#.....................................that stupid dollshit was worse#As in that BULLSHIT with treating me like a doll!!!!!!!!!!!#Oh I cannot WAIT to replace him!!!!!#I've already expanded my search by loosening the watchdog requirement#And since eyeclops USUALLY have at least a little magic potential#If they're not magical powerhouses (which are unfortunately almost mythical with their rarity)#I'm SURE someone who can take him down without being out of place here will contact me to arrange an interview any day now!#Ugggghhhh- the sooner the better#I'm willing to lower my standards further if I don't get any bites by the end of the year#Not only to rid this universe of HIM#But because I'm REALLY sick of this throwaway number's prank calls#normally I wouldn't mind them much#But it sucks to get your hopes up only for some stupid stock joke- y'know?#[[tbh I'm an engineering student and it's finals season so I've been online far less 😭]]#[[3 more days including this one....]]#[[btw Peepers was on bedrest during the end of my spring semester too]]#[[I'm glad me and Joey roleplayed this now because him being injured and depressed is a good way to explain his absence]]#[[he also gets reclusive and depressed when he's forced to stop working]]#[[Because Peepers is bipolar (type I) and he NEEDS that adrenaline/momentum to keep the mania part of it prominent]]#[[so that's another good reason he's not really online]]
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ambersky0319 · 4 months
My grandma keeps getting exasperated that I refuse to ask my grandpa to drive me anywhere but like...
This is the man who told an 11 year old with depression, anxiety, and abandonment issues "I don't want you" in the middle of a lobby at a therapy place and saw nothing wrong. This is the man who has told me to "go to hell" because I couldn't help with his internet issues. This is the man who point blank admitted his behavior is problematic, but used the excuse that he was too old, as a reason for why he wouldn't change his behavior.
I don't want a relationship with him anymore. I made that clear. And while I'm still in this house, I will be civil with him. I will not remark on his comments. I will give simple answers to questions asked. I will help if the situation is dire. However, that does not mean I will engage with him for longer than I have to. And it means that I refuse to be stuck in an enclosed space like a car with him.
I don't think either of my grandparents have realized that, when I said the outcome of that conversation a few weeks ago would determine if we would have a relationship going forward, I meant it.
I've ignored my grandpa while living in the same house as him for 6 months - only interacting with him if it was absolutely necessary since i relied on him. And at the time, I still felt like I would have some relationship with him. But now? Now I feel nothing for him. That relationship is dead. I have no plans on making it better. I will simply be treating him how I treat anyone else I dislike but must tolerate.
I just wonder how long it will be for them to realize this.
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sowthetide · 1 year
Update 8/20/23
Hey y'all!
I bet you're wondering where your Sunday update is at, and for that I'm sorry. I've decided to take a hiatus. The weekly update schedule was fine when chapters were shorter, simpler, and relatively in line with canon. But as they get longer, more complex, and deviate further and further from canon, still trying to update weekly has been a drag.
This isn't to say I'm losing interest in this fic, far from it, I just don't want it to become a chore (the absolute worst thing that can happen to a longfic imho). Thank you to my beta goddcoward for giving me the permission I needed to take this break <3 I was so relieved yesterday that it spurred me to write 2000 words of what will (probably) become chapter 29 in about 2 hours after days of writer's block, so I know it was the right decision.
I don't know when exactly I'll be back, but I want to have at least three chapters finished by then (so probably about a month from now). Trying to finish chapters the same week I post them has been more stressful than fun, and I want to build up a buffer of finished chapters that I've really had time to sit with and evaluate before I start posting again.
All of that said, there are so many character arcs and story twists and different POV chapters I cannot WAIT to get to. This has been such an incredibly fun project so far, and I am so grateful to all of you for reading, commenting, and sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate it all so, so much <3 <3 <3
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corpsentry · 2 years
replying to ao2 comments from 2019. hope my old readers know i am not dead i just got a gf
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thedevotionaltour · 8 months
starting to hit that i have no psych and my medication feels constantly on the edge of becoming highly precarious bc we have switched insurance and my previous doctor is like no longer my doctor to prescribe it and idk how long the therapy center i went to will continue to let the psych there prescribe me stuff and if they still can with insurance changes. guys i hate it just a little
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copperyy · 8 months
where did winter break go. where did my adequately-stocked queue go
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quicksilversquared · 8 months
We are back on our bullshit with the house thermostat again. I figured that maybe the other upstairs person had managed to steady things out while I was gone, since I came back to a room ~65 degrees (F) and some people like that temperature, I guess. They've apparently been keeping the door at the base of the stairs closed to create a micro-environment in the stairwell, which apparently worked last year.
The temperature has been dropping all evening. I've adjusted the thermostat up at least three times. This is stupid.
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emometalhead · 1 year
Why is college so expensive? 😭😭
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dreaminterlude · 2 years
lost my wallet today and felt anxious and eerie all day and got no work done in the midst of trying to find it and find another place to work 😐
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elytrafemme · 11 months
long theoretical post about my friend hugging me
like. to dissect a matter that none of you are involved in and then i'll delete in the morning: my friend in college hugged me about ten minutes ago and i don't understand why. he's a physically affectionate person so we knew it was bound to happen, it was a running joke between us that we'd like schedule our hug to happen. nothing extraordinary happened tonight. in the second half -- which is when i spent the most time with him -- i was so fucked up that i barely processed what was going on? i was listening to what he was telling me, he just rambled about stuff, and it's interesting and i could recite all of it if asked and the expression he made at each part, but there was absolutely nothing in my head. and he never asked if i was okay which i think he would have if he thought something was wrong, because he's done that before. and we were alone so he could have and there would have been zero consequences. but he didn't ask me what was wrong, so it's hard to assume that the hug was for emotional consolation reasons. he wouldn't have noticed me on the brink of tears, either, he's not that observant. i would have known if he had. and i didn't do anything truly kind to him today, i listened to him talk about his interests and we hung out for a while, but that's what we do all the time. nothing happened. there was the chair thing but i thought i played that off well, i tried to have a coherent narrative about it an hour later too so he would guess what i had hoped, and i think i was successful. he wasn't distressed, i would have known. and he was tired but he's been tired a lot before and he's never acted like this. so he had zero reason to hug me unless he maybe sensed that this entire time i just really fucking wanted him to hug me, but he wouldn't have, and i would never have voiced that, because i don't want him to see me at that level. but i needed that hug badly. and i don't understand why i received it.
#nightmare.personal#neg#he's the easiest person to be around i think. because there are a lot of conversation topics to have#and i understand the way his mind ticks pretty well at this point#that's going to change in spring semester. maybe. which is going to really suck. but it'll be okay.#nothing i offered him would differ from what anyone could give him is the issue#i'm really good at that. you don't really need to have a ton of anything to listen to people#it's just listening. and yeah i guess people are bad at that? but like.#i don't know. he could talk to literally anyone else. all of them could talk to literally anyone else and they actively do#part of my brain is trying to rationalize myself into calming down but the other half is the one i want to indulge because#fuck. fuck. i can't do this forever.#like someday i have to snap right. i can't keep doing this. it's like a time loop.#this always happens and i only vaguely remember tomorrow but it'll happen two days after and it'll be bad#and i will always want to crack under pressure but never do#and if nothing's wrong with me why the hell am i like this?#i wish he didn't hug me. i should have got my book and fucking left.#i only waited because i was getting the book back from his roommate who was off calling his girlfriend#but honestly. that guy even though he's my friend. if he saw me crying he'd do nothing#because i don't think he would care even slightly. we're good friends now i'd say. he would not care.#at least this happened in a pretty way. that's something huh.
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sevens-evan · 2 years
anyways sorry for ventposting i go back to college on sunday and i had a nightmare abt it last night and i feel very weird today <3
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pepprs · 2 years
let’s be clear there is never a good time to get your redacted but why does it always have to be the WORST possible timing for me. they are literally busting through the walls as i type this and my cr*mps are so fucking bad but i have to help pack
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sorry i’ve been so inactive and noncommunicative today friends!! i see all your tags and messages and asks and i love you for all of them i just don’t have the time to answer them right now 💔 but please keep tagging me in things and sending me stuff!! i love it!!! 🥹
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southislandwren · 1 year
Feeling ill because I just didn’t take my fucking shit class exam somehow and because of hoe exams are weighted I have a 57% in the class (failing grade). The exam was due two months ago. How do I even deal with this
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