#spring 04
closetofcuriosities · 5 months
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Junya Watanabe - Barbed Wire Shirt - SS04
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floatingbook · 3 months
Sometimes it can be hard to remember that you gals have an existence outside of my phone, especially when my personal horizon has mostly shrunk to the easily walkable range around my rural village, and the rest of the world seems to fade into nothingness. Very little of the outside universe affects what happens in my day to day life. None of the turmoils trickles down. The earth might as well be flat and have a 15-kilometer circumference.
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newestcool · 4 months
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Comme des Garçons homme s/s 2004 rtw Creative Director Rei Kawakubo Newest Cool
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diabolik-art-blog · 11 months
Memories of that spring
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AO3: Chapter 04
Fanfiction.net: Chapter 04
Summary: Unlike you nobles, we villagers are not heartless and we help people.
It was past midnight. The blizzard had stopped and the stars appeared in the sky. The little boy while sleeping on the straw bed slowly rolled and fell from the bed to the floor.
The sound of his body hitting the hard, wooden floor echoed in the attic. Yuma, who was still half asleep, slowly opened his eyes feeling pain on his back and got up and sat on the floor. He noticed that he had fallen off the bed and patted his back to ease the pain.
Yuma: Ahhh... it hurts.
Yuma, who had just woken up, noticed that Yui was not on the bed. He searched around to find Yui but Yui was not in the room. Yuma sat on the straw bed and looked out the window. The blizzard had stopped, which made Yuma calm down a bit. He thought to himself that Yui might be with her father.
Yuma hurried down the stairs to the fireplace. where the old man is sleeping slowly on his armchair. Yuma carefully checked around the hut, but there was no sign of Yui.
Yui's absence made Yuma worry. He quickly left the hut and went to the old warehouse behind the hut, and seeing that horrible scene, he became more worried. Yuma immediately realized the situation and hurried into the hut to put on some warm clothes and grab a lantern and go to find her.
Yuma glanced at the old man who was still sleeping peacefully. He decided not to wake him up so that the old man would not worry more. Worrying will only make his health worse. Looking at the fire in the fireplace that was getting dimmer by the minute, Yuma hurried outside to find Yui.
The little boy is sitting on the frozen lake and does not dare to move even a bit. Because the lake may break at any moment and he may drown. The boy who found a little girl was looking at her with pleading eyes.
Shu: Please... I'm begging.... help me.
Yui, who was looking at the little boy in astonishment and asked who he was and how he got out of here, quickly ran away from the lake to find a tall stick and help the boy before the lake broke.
Yui searched around until she found a wooden branch that was long and thick enough to help the boy and save his life.
Yui quickly returned to the lake. The boy who was standing a few meters away from her looked at Yui with tear filled eyes which showed that he was very scared. Without wasting time, Yui extended the branch to him.
Yui: Don't be afraid... just hold this stick tightly and try not to shake it too much.
Shu: How can I not move?
Yui: Just raise your hand. Try not to move your body.
Shu nodded in approval and reached out to grab the stick. The distance was a little too far and it was difficult for him to reach the wood.
Shu: It's too far... I can't.
Yui: Try harder.
Shu stretched his hand towards the wood again when he suddenly realized that the lake was cracking. His eyes widened and he panicked, and every moment he thought his work was over. He started crying again.
Realizing the dangerous situation, Yui stretched out her little hand further and tried to calm the boy and give him hope to try harder.
Yui: Listen to me. You don't need to panic. Try to be calm.
Shu: ..... but... but....
Yui: Don't worry. Just do whatever I say. Be sure that nothing bad will happen.
Shu: What should I do?
Yui: Lie on your stomach and try to slowly move forward until your hand reaches the branch.
Shu was surprised by Yui's words. But he had no choice but to do it. The crack was getting bigger and bigger every moment and it was possible that the lake would break and drown at any moment. Shu did according to Yui's words and lay down on his stomach and crawled forward very slowly. After much effort, his hand finally reached the branch, and as soon as he held the branch firmly in his hand, Yui pulled him out of the lake. Just before the ice of the lake broke, Shu escaped and fell on the snow.
Shu was panting while lying on the snow and trying to keep his composure. He was very scared. And for the first time, he felt that he really needed his mother to calm him down. Until he felt a caress on his head. Shu felt that he no longer needed anyone to comfort him. This caress was enough for him. When he looked carefully, he noticed that the girl who saved him was sitting next to him and caressing him.
Yui very gently caressed the boy she saved. She didn't know if it would help the boy or not. She only knew that he was very scared and needed help.
Yui: Don't worry. You are safe now.
Shu looked at the girl's face. At that moment, when he was in the middle of the lake, he could not see the girl's face well because it was dark, but now he can easily see her. She was very beautiful. He blushed. She was just like the angels and Shu tried to wipe his tears. He didn't want to look weak in front of the girl who saved him.
Shu: Thank you... for saving me.
Yui: Please don't be afraid anymore and be calm.
Just when Shu was calm, the wolf howl was heard. Hearing the sound of wild wolves, Yui immediately realized that they were close and grabbed the boy's hand tightly and helped him up.
Yui: The wolves are close. We must hide together.
Shu: Where?
Yui: Don't panic. There is a cave near here. We go there.
Yui started running while holding the hand of the strange boy and the boy followed behind her. After a few minutes, two children reached the cave and both of them entered the cave and sat by the entrance.
Icicles were hanging from the cave and some of them were dripping. The little boy who was sitting quietly in a corner was looking at the little girl who was restless and constantly moving around the cave.
Shu: What are you doing?
Yui: I have to find firewood. Otherwise, my father and my best friend will freeze from the cold.
Shu was very impressed by the little girl. She was very brave and smart. If it wasn't for her intelligence, Shu would have sunk by now. And although she looked much smaller than Shu, she was apparently very determined and strong. With her young age and small stature, she was thinking of helping her family, which made Shu a little jealous. Shu admired the little girl with a soft smile.
After searching for a few minutes, the little girl finally managed to find a bunch of dry firewood in the cave and screamed happily.
Yui: Hooray... I finally found it. I knew Yuma always kept firewood here for emergencies.
Shu: Who is Yuma?
Yui: He is my best friend. This is our cave. In a way, this is our hiding place.
Shu: Is he your brother?
Yui: Fufu... No. He is not my brother. I have no siblings. But it doesn't matter because I have Yuma and I love him more than anyone else. He is very strong and promised to be my friend and protect me forever.
Hearing Yui's words, he couldn't help but feel jealous. He always wished to have a true friend. Although unlike the little girl, he had a big family and had five brothers, he never felt happy with them. His brothers only hurt and upset him.
While Shu was lost in his thoughts, the little girl lit some firewood to warm themselves and return home after the wolves were gone.
Yui sat next to Shu facing the fire and put her hands forward to warm herself. When she looked at him, she realized that all his clothes were torn and it was clear that he had fallen badly and was injured.
Yui took off her cloak and threw it on the boy's shoulders. The young boy, who did not expect such a move from her, blushed and looked at her with wide eyes. He was stunned. Because she was a very small girl and it was hard for her to bear the cold. But she was so kind and generous that she gave him her warm clothes.
Yui gently ran her hand over the young boy's face and caressed the wound on his cheek.
Yui: Does it hurt?
Shu: No.... not much.
Shu blushed at Yui's actions. But in his heart, he wanted Yui to love him more and more. This is the first time that someone loves him from the bottom of their heart. Even though this little girl doesn't know him yet. All the ladies and girls of the palace complimented him just to get attention, but this girl had real love and kindness and she was giving it all to the young boy. Shu wished that this moment would never end.
Yui: What is your name?
Shu: I... I'm Shu. what is your name?
Yui: Fufu... My name is Yui.
The little girl smiled sweetly at the young boy and continued to caress his cheek. She took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the blood from the young boy's wound and gave him a sweet smile again that was even brighter than the last time. Shu was stunned by the beautiful and cute face of the little girl who was like an angel.
Yui: You are not from our village. Right?
Shu: No, I'm not. But how do you know?
Yui: Well, I know all the people in the village, but I have never met you before.
The two children were engrossed in conversation and looked in each other's innocent eyes in the darkness of the cave until a voice caught their attention.
???: Yui? Yui? Do you hear my voice? You are here?
A light could be seen from outside the cave and a familiar voice could be heard. Hearing his voice, Yui got up and went to the mouth of the cave. The flicker of light was getting closer and closer until it finally reached the cave. The young and tall boy was holding a lantern in his hand and was calling his friend's name.
Yuma approached the cave and saw Yui there, quickly ran to the cave and hugged Yui tightly. So tight that Yui could barely breathe.
Yuma: Thank God you are fine. Yui, I was very worried about you.
Yui also hugged Yuma. Yui's small body was drowned in Yuma's big arms and felt safe and calm. Two children were drowning in each other's arms when the young boy watched them and felt a little jealous.
Yuma: You stupid girl. Why did you come out without telling me? What if the blizzard killed you? What if the wolves attacked you?
Yui: I'm really sorry. But I couldn't let you and papa freeze to death. I had to find firewood.
Shu felt ashamed to hear that Yui only came out for firewood in the dangerous blizzard. He thought about how prosperous his family is and how comfortable their lives are, but the people of the village have to endure such suffering just to warm themselves. Because this blizzard was very dangerous and could kill a girl as young as Yui.
Yuma: How are you? Didn't you get hurt?
Yuma was checking Yui's body to make sure she was unharmed when he noticed a young boy in the cave.
Yuma: Who is that?
Yui: Oh... his name is Shu. He was on the lake and was about to drown. I helped him.
Yuma looked at the young boy sitting by the fire, his face scarred. Yuma notices that he is wearing Yui's cloak. That's why he took off his coat and gave it to Yui to warm her up. Yuma went near the boy and sat next to him, and Yui joined them.
Yuma: Are you hurt?
Shu: Just a little. But I'm fine.
Yuma looked at the boy's torn clothes. Although they were torn, they looked very expensive.
Yuma: You came from the king's palace?
Shu felt ashamed. He didn't want the two children to find out about his true identity because they might change their behavior towards him and Shu didn't like that. He wanted Yui to be friendly with him again. Until he noticed Yui's soft smile.
Yui: Maybe he is one of the nobles who live in the palace. Only nobles wear such expensive clothes.
Shu: Yes... Yes... I am from a noble family.
Yuma: So what are you doing here?
Shu: I ran away.
Yuma and Yui stared at Shu with wide eyes. They could not believe that he had given up his life in the palace and decided to run away.
Yuma: You're so weird.
Yuma stood up and put the remaining firewood on his shoulder and took Yui's hand and lifted her up.
Yuma: Be quick, Yui. We have to go home. Otherwise, your father will worry about us.
Yui: But Yuma, we can't leave Shu-san alone here. He is lost and has no home. We have to help him.
Yuma looked at Yui who was trying to defend the strange boy. Yuma didn't trust the boy because he could never trust nobles, but when he looked at him, he realized that even though he was a noble, he needed help.
Yuma: Okay. Oi you skinny boy. Hurry up and follow us.
Shu: I can come with you?
Yuma: Of course you can. Unlike you nobles, we villagers are not heartless and we help people.
Yui was overjoyed and rushed over to Shu, holding his hand and helping him up. While holding his hand, she went towards Yuma, and Yuma was burning with jealousy when he saw this scene. He immediately grabbed Yui's hand and pulled her towards him.
Yuma: But if you want to come, there is a rule. And that is that you don't have the right to get close to her or touch her. I am the only one who is allowed to hold her hand.
Yui: Yuma? Why?
Yuma: As I said. You have to listen to me, you understand? Because I am now angry with you for coming out of the house without permission. So don't make me more angry.
Yui: Oh... ok...
Yuma: Good. So take my hand now. Oi skinny boy, follow us.
The children started to move and left the cave. Yuma and Yui were walking in front holding each other's hands and Shu was following behind them. Although Yuma was not as kind to him as Yui, Shu still felt friendly towards him. Even though the two children did not know him, they helped him and decided to take him to their home.
Shu felt good and was smiling. For the first time in his life, he found people who love him. Shu wished to never return to the palace and stay with those two kind children forever.
Shu: Hey... Yuma-kun.
Yuma: What?
Shu: Thank you very much for helping me.
Yuma looked at the young boy and realized that he truly thanked him from the bottom of his heart. Something that Yuma never expects from the nobles because he always considered them selfish and arrogant people.
Yuma: Well, you shouldn't thank me. Thank Yui.
Shu: I owe her. She saved my life.
Yui gave the boy a warm smile.
Yui: Don't worry Shu-san. You are safe with us. We will help you.
The children continued to move along the snowy path and went towards the hut.
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fashionstylwinsp · 8 months
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Revolve Festival dump
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capiolumen · 1 year
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soireeblanc · 1 year
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Verdun, 2023-04-06 hope
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closetofcuriosities · 4 months
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Jean Paul Gaultier - Edgar Degas Ballerina Tee - SS04
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x-paint-it-black-x · 5 months
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Spring is calling 🌸
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farfallasims · 3 months
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Spring Fashion in New York City 🗽
01. Sunglasses | Cardigan | Dress | Sandals*
02. Purse | Top | Skirt | Flats
03. Sunglasses | Bag | T-Shirt | Skirt | Air Forces
04. Cardigan | Top | Skirt | Loafers
Thank you to the CC Creators! @serenity-cc @pralinesims @astya96cc @miro-sims @dogsill & others!
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marilynjeansims · 5 months
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spring lookbook 🌷 by marilynjeansims
♡ 01. dress | bag | heels
♡ 02. dress | bag | heels
♡ 03. dress | flower basket | heels
♡ 04. dress | bag
Thank you as always to the incredible cc creators! @dolilac-tr @rimings @sentate @sunberry-sims4 @natalia-auditore @dallasgirl79 @charonlee
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fashionstylwinsp · 8 months
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Palm Springs
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bugmuncherr · 6 months
BotD 12 - 04/02/24 It's not tomorrow yet!!
This is the Southern African Slug moth!
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These gorgeous insects are a prime example of why you shouldn't touch strangers. Coming into contact with the larvae of these fascinating moths can leave you with sharp, brittle spikes in your skin that administer a poison that causes itchy welts all over your skin. But besides the horrors, they really are quite lovely! These moths can be found across Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, and usually show up in Spring, though they tend to flourish in mid-summer. These insects don't have much information about them, but their colors speak volumes!
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toyastales · 5 months
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A Scallop Sea Shell Headboard
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