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rabbitcruiser · 7 months ago
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National Aviation Day
National Aviation Day on August 19 should make us stop and think about the power of flight. Yet, some scientific and technological marvels become so commonplace that we seldom take the time to re-examine their revolutionary impact with an open and inquisitive mind.  In just a handful of generations, aviation went from pure, pie-in-the-sky speculation to a mundane reality that inspires about as much wonder as a trip aboard a Greyhound bus.
It’s that ho-hum attitude to the miracle of flight that makes National Aviation Day such an excellent national observation.  Plus, it takes place on  Orville Wright’s birthday!
Let’s take a closer look.
National Aviation Day timeline
1st Century ADChinese emperor
Legend has it that Chinese Emperor Wang Mang ordered a soldier to strap two wings to his back, who then flew 100 meters.
9th Century ADAn Andalusian takes flight
Abbas ibn Firnas is said to have covered himself with feathers, attached wings to his body and (according to Algerian historian Ahmed Mohammed al-Maqqari) "flew a considerable distance."
1799Cayley is the "father of aviation"
Sir George Cayley, an English engineer, described the model for a modern airplane — a fixed-wing machine with lift, propulsion and control mechanisms.
August 19, 1871Brother Orville is born
Orville Wright was born in Dayton, Ohio. His older brother, Wilbur, had been born in Millville, Indiana, on April 16, 1867.
December 17, 1903Orville pilots a plane
The Wright Brothers — with Orville at the helm and Wilbur making a final wing adjustment — completed the first sustained flight of a heavier-than-air aircraft on a spit of land four miles south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
National Aviation Day Activities
Take a trip to North Carolina
Build your own airplane
Go "planespotting"!
What better way to commemorate the achievements of the Wright brothers than by flying to North Carolina and visiting the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills? Think of it as a pilgrimage to the spot where American flight first took off.
It doesn't have to be a real one, of course. You can build an airplane using Legos. Or, you can go for that old school-days standby — the paper plane.
Gather with a group of friends where you can watch airplanes taking off and landing. Bring food if the spirit moves you — a "planespotting" picnic!
5 High-flying Facts About Aviation
There aren't that many aviophobes
Maybe that's because so few have flown
A president flies
It started with bicycles
Who needs an engine?
Although it may seem like a lot of people are afraid to fly, aviophobia afflicts only about 6.5 percent of the population.
Worldwide, only about 5 percent of the population has been on an airplane.
The first U.S. president to fly in an airplane was the adventurous Theodore Roosevelt, who flew in a Wright Flyer on October 11, 1910.
The Wright Brothers got their mechanical training as owners of a bicycle shop.
A Boeing 747 without engine power can glide about two miles for every 1,000 feet or so that the plane is above the ground.
Why We Love National Aviation Day
We always choose the window seat
Space is the final frontier
The proclamation is simple and beautiful
Yes, some of us still stare in wonder out the plane's window as we ponder something that seems delightfully impossible. We are, after all, sitting inside a giant flying machine traveling many hundreds of miles per hour, thousands of feet above the landscape below. How can this be?
Many of the mechanical, technological and scientific breakthroughs in space travel would be unthinkable without the advancements inspired by the Wright Brothers' original experiments on a sandy strip of North Carolina coastline.
The National Aviation Day proclamation invites "the people of the United States to observe National Aviation Day with appropriate exercises to further stimulate interest in aviation in the United States." In short, it's a day to keep planes on the membrane!
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koganemabeznjegasemoze · 1 month ago
Butterflies - part 1
I used to call him the butterfly because he was always something intangible, always out of reach. He comes only when he pleases. And when he puts his wings around me, that's when I feel most alive. It's like climbing to the top of a mountain and finally breathing the purest air there is. Taking as deep a breath as I can because I know it could all disappear in a split second. So, he opens his wings and flies away, and there's nothing I can do. Grasping for air, grasping for a miracle. He's not gone, he's just around the corner. He's not lost, he'll come back to where he belongs. But he belonged only to himself, always ready to go and discover other horizons. He was never mine to hold. And I accept him, as wild as he is, and I don't expect him to change and stay - because I'm well aware it's out of his nature. He was meant to fly away.
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mistressemmedi · 4 days ago
i thought recovery vehicles weren't allowed on track whilst the cars are still driving round, ever since jules bianchi?? like jfc that's two or three times this race now...
I've seen flatbeds with winches briefly go on track when they're by the exit and out of the racing line but never like this... Usually it would be a tractor with a crane extension if they have one available
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may-stuff · 4 months ago
I'll try, I promise 🥺😭
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argentinagp · 2 months ago
Can I please request option 1 with Franco! Also congrats on 2k 💕
thank you! Here you go!
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usertifosi · 6 months ago
hey can you tell me if the tickets you have for sale are like allocated seating, or do you just show up on the day to the section you're in and find a seat? never been to a gp before so idk how it works
Hi, I believe the Monza grandstands are mostly bleacher style seating, and you would just go to the allocated grandstand and find a seat. This is different to other grands prix which have normal seats and are numbered
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purinfelix · 4 months ago
── .❤︎
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itty bitty franco blurb to feed y'all while i combat writers block ,,,
new-ish boyfriend Franco who would rather die than admit to how much he likes the pet names you use for him. instead he just playfully rolls his eyes or shakes his head whenever you call him "baby" or "francito" to show that he's only tolerating it for your sake. until one day you finally decide to give him what he wants and just call him by his name and almost instantly he notices, coming to you with his tail between his legs to ask in his tiniest voice "are you mad at me, amor?" - because why else would you call him Franco? sure, that is his name, but to you it isn't, it never has been. even though you have to assure him that he hasn't actually done anything wrong, he'll only believe you once you go back to using them. because above all else they're little reminders of your affection, sprinkled into the very way you address him - because he isn't just 'francito', he's your francito.
taglist: @spreadyourwings-my-smiling-angel @alelo23 @scill-a @multifan-idk @presleycaudle
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fcaruana · 5 months ago
"Do you miss Twitter?"
rip my favorite chronically online driver 🕊
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destieltaggedfic · 10 months ago
Hi! Do You Know Any Fics Where Dean And Cas Are Already Dating And Sam Finds Out? Bonus Points If Sam Doesn’t Know Who Cas Is And Meets Him As Dean’s Boyfriend
ok, so obviously if Sam has never met Cas before that kind of leaves AUs or at least Alternate Canonverse, so I'll do a mix of the two.
To The Famous Final Scene - sandean_cas   Ao3
Set S15x20 didn’t happen.  After everything Dean moves away from Sam so they can live their own lives.  But today is the day Sam is coming to see Dean’s house for the first time.  Unfortunately for Sam he decides to sneak in to snoop instead of knocking on the door and learns more than he wanted to about what (and who) Dean is doing now.  (Cas is spelled Cass)
Word Count: 1k                                 Non-Graphic Sex
The Secret Boyfriend - fangirlingtodeath513   Ao3
AU.  It was confusing when Dean and Cas were sent separate invitations to Sam’s wedding, but they don’t realise just how out of the loop their families are when they question the engagement rings.
Word Count: 3k                                 No Sex
you don't know what you're missing, now - Steerpike13713   Ao3
Set S1 AU.  When Sam’s apartment is broken into he wasn’t expecting his brother and his brother’s… hunting partner?
Word Count:4k                                 No Sex
Family Matters – Aeronwy   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  After Sam’s wife got turned into a vampire he’s been on the hunt to put her down.  It leads him to reconnecting with Dean whose life is much different than he would have expected with his angel husband and kids.  But vengeance comes first for Sam and he’s having trouble adapting to Dean’s new mindset about hunting and supernatural creatures.
Word Count:  17k                             Non-Graphic Sex
Hive – SpreadYourWings   Ao3
AU.  When Sam’s car breaks down in a strange town, he isn’t expecting the local B&B owner to be the brother who went missing years earlier, presumed dead.
Word Count: 5k                                 No Sex
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oscahpitlane · 3 months ago
No pressure tags (esp bc it's been a hot sec since I've chatted w some of yall) to:
@papaya-smoothie @jyjkj @oscarrrpiastri @twinkodium @f1-chaos @synaptrix @strwbrryfire @spreadyourwings-my-smiling-angel @piastrination @wanderingblindly @landoscarfaith @femboycharles @eightyonefour @oscarcito @leafitoutmate @piastrination @fewtrell
// anyone who wants to :)
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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National Aviation Day
National Aviation Day on August 19 should make us stop and think about the power of flight. Yet, some scientific and technological marvels become so commonplace that we seldom take the time to re-examine their revolutionary impact with an open and inquisitive mind.  In just a handful of generations, aviation went from pure, pie-in-the-sky speculation to a mundane reality that inspires about as much wonder as a trip aboard a Greyhound bus.
It’s that ho-hum attitude to the miracle of flight that makes National Aviation Day such an excellent national observation.  Plus, it takes place on  Orville Wright’s birthday!
Let’s take a closer look.
National Aviation Day timeline
1st Century ADChinese emperor
Legend has it that Chinese Emperor Wang Mang ordered a soldier to strap two wings to his back, who then flew 100 meters.
9th Century ADAn Andalusian takes flight
Abbas ibn Firnas is said to have covered himself with feathers, attached wings to his body and (according to Algerian historian Ahmed Mohammed al-Maqqari) "flew a considerable distance."
1799Cayley is the "father of aviation"
Sir George Cayley, an English engineer, described the model for a modern airplane — a fixed-wing machine with lift, propulsion and control mechanisms.
August 19, 1871Brother Orville is born
Orville Wright was born in Dayton, Ohio. His older brother, Wilbur, had been born in Millville, Indiana, on April 16, 1867.
December 17, 1903Orville pilots a plane
The Wright Brothers — with Orville at the helm and Wilbur making a final wing adjustment — completed the first sustained flight of a heavier-than-air aircraft on a spit of land four miles south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
National Aviation Day Activities
Take a trip to North Carolina
Build your own airplane
Go "planespotting"!
What better way to commemorate the achievements of the Wright brothers than by flying to North Carolina and visiting the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills? Think of it as a pilgrimage to the spot where American flight first took off.
It doesn't have to be a real one, of course. You can build an airplane using Legos. Or, you can go for that old school-days standby — the paper plane.
Gather with a group of friends where you can watch airplanes taking off and landing. Bring food if the spirit moves you — a "planespotting" picnic!
5 High-flying Facts About Aviation
There aren't that many aviophobes
Maybe that's because so few have flown
A president flies
It started with bicycles
Who needs an engine?
Although it may seem like a lot of people are afraid to fly, aviophobia afflicts only about 6.5 percent of the population.
Worldwide, only about 5 percent of the population has been on an airplane.
The first U.S. president to fly in an airplane was the adventurous Theodore Roosevelt, who flew in a Wright Flyer on October 11, 1910.
The Wright Brothers got their mechanical training as owners of a bicycle shop.
A Boeing 747 without engine power can glide about two miles for every 1,000 feet or so that the plane is above the ground.
Why We Love National Aviation Day
We always choose the window seat
Space is the final frontier
The proclamation is simple and beautiful
Yes, some of us still stare in wonder out the plane's window as we ponder something that seems delightfully impossible. We are, after all, sitting inside a giant flying machine traveling many hundreds of miles per hour, thousands of feet above the landscape below. How can this be?
Many of the mechanical, technological and scientific breakthroughs in space travel would be unthinkable without the advancements inspired by the Wright Brothers' original experiments on a sandy strip of North Carolina coastline.
The National Aviation Day proclamation invites "the people of the United States to observe National Aviation Day with appropriate exercises to further stimulate interest in aviation in the United States." In short, it's a day to keep planes on the membrane!
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labelleizzy · 4 months ago
when they want to
control you
they do not come
with shackles
made of iron
they come instead
with cages made
of shame and story
like the one
about the woman
who earned crisis
for her curiosity
so tempted by a life
of wisdom and independence
she caused the downfall
of all civilization
women are dangerous
says the shame story of Eve
they cannot
be trusted and
should not
trust themselves
give a woman
free choice and
she’ll eat the fruit
tempt the man
enrage the god
she’ll destroy us all
with her mad desire
to know
to discover
to understand
her self
her world
her maker
give a woman any freedom
and she’ll follow
her curiosity
shape her
own story
seek truth beyond
the dictates
of order and obedience
she will wreck
your carefully controlled mandates
your reign of tightness
she will unmake
your holy wars
of right and wrong
and infuse the realm with
choice and instinct
empathy outranking rules
creativity eclipsing war
sovereignty subsuming
blind servitude
when you want to know
like Eve
when you have a taste
for truth
and a hunger for wisdom
you have to question
the stories
test the facts
rattle the cage
who profits from you
believing a lie?
who benefits because you
believe you are both
cause and curse?
they have tried
to burn you
with their shame
strip you
violate you
shrink you
silence you
but they could not break
your phoenix spirit
its fierce heat
will melt old regimes
and enflame a generation
who will not settle
for smallness
for submission
for shame
sink your self into
the feathered
red sleeve
of your ancestors
and rise, woman
rise again
for you are
Persephone’s Daughter
Lilith’s lover
Eve’s heir
find the truth
eat the fruit
unmask the myth
let it burn
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BUY THE POSTER & ORACLE DECK Link in bio. www.witchoracle.com poem by @angisullins
Art #YuriKlapough
#poetry #poetryisnotdead #writingcommunity #eve #noshame #youarepowerful #womenrule #womanpower #spreadyourwings #riseup #goddess #youreagoddess #myths #feels #metoo #witchesofinstagram
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heavypedia · 5 months ago
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Lançado em 28 de outubro de 1977, News of the World é o 6° álbum de estúdio do Queen. Com faixas que se tornaram clássicos da banda, como "We Will Rock You", "We Are The Champions" e "Sheer Heart Attack" no tracklist, alcançou a 3ª posição na parada de sucessos Billboard 200 e foi certificado 4x Platina pela RIAA.
Qual sua favorita desse disco?
Tags: #Queen #QueenBand #NewsOfTheWorld #FreddieMercury #BrianMay #RogerTaylor #JohnDeacon #MikeStone #WeAreTheChampions #WeWillRockYou #SpreadYourWings #ItsLate #UKAlbumsChart #Billboard200 #Rock #ClassicRock #1970s #70s #1970sMusic #1970sRock #70sMusic #70sRock #Heavypédia #Heavypedia #Heavycast #WilliamWayne #GaleriaDoRock #NaçãoRoqueira.
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may-stuff · 4 months ago
MAY have you seen the ice hockey video with franco and alex?? FRANCO IS SO CUTE
Noo I haven't yet
He's always cute tho ☺️
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destielomegaversebigbang · 1 year ago
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2023 DOBB Masterpost
The 2023 round of the DOBB is complete! Check out all the wonderful fics and art below.
Big Bangs
Heaven's Beans by mydestielbabies_67 | Art by squirrelofcelestialintent
To Russia, With Love by PetraAmia | Art by Nienor
Ligaments by tea_or_die | Art by sidewinder
When the Bough Breaks by NiksFics | Art by Demonicsoulmates
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by swlove16 (doid) | Art by Slurpy
Rockabye by From_My_Dark_And_Twisted_Mind | Art by LadyRandomBox
All Cats Are Gray After Dark by squirrelofcelestialintent | Art by PetraAmia
Astra Inclinant, Sed Non Obligant by SpreadYourWings | Art by adromelke
Love Potion No. 17 by MalicMalic | Art by hexentaenzerin
The Initial Spark by Tossukka | Art by Nickelkeep
Mini Bangs
To Have and To Hold by ElsaSigyn | Art by Callion
Take Two by Stu | Art by LadyRandomBox
Cinnamon Moonshine by butterflyslinky | Art by PetraAmia
Inevitably Yours by hollyblue2 | Art by Nienor
Alpha For Auction by TwinOne | Art by SoloArcana
An Intervention of Silver by Hannah_CTWK | Art by golby-moon
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argentinagp · 2 months ago
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Lourdes' 2k celebration: option 1 + franco colapinto -> for @spreadyourwings-my-smiling-angel
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