#spreading the he/she steve agenda
natsaffection · 3 months
One step at a time. | N.R
Natasha x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Natasha and the team help you cope with the loss of your leg.
Warnings: Detailed description of loss/Grief and mental health issues
Word count: 3,9k
A/n: Had something in mind..✨
The Tower was already buzzing with activity. It was rare for everyone to be together, but when they were, the Tower seemed to vibrate with energy. At the center of it all was you, the bright and lively soul who illuminated even the darkest corners of the team.
You had a way about you that drew people in. Your infectious laughter could lift the heaviest spirits, and your smile seemed to spread warmth. Your optimism and unwavering positivity were like a beacon, guiding your teammates through their toughest times. Everyone admired you, but no one more so than Natasha Romanoff.
Natasha was always the stoic warrior, rarely showing her emotions. But you had effortlessly broken down those walls. With your steadfast support and genuine kindness, you became Natasha’s closest confidante and, although she would never say it out loud, the anchor of her heart.
This morning was no exception. You bounced into the common room, your eyes sparkling with excitement. "Good morning, everyone!" you called out, your voice like a melody echoing down the hall.
Tony, tinkering with a new gadget, looked up and grinned. "Well, if it isn’t our sunshine," he teased, causing the rest of the team to laugh.
You made your way to the kitchen, where Steve was pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Morning, Cap," you said cheerfully, reaching for a cup for yourself. "What’s on the agenda today?"
Steve smiled, appreciating your tireless positivity. "Just a meeting in a bit. But first, breakfast. You know the drill."
As you were about to sit down with the others at the table, Natasha came in from her morning training. The moment she saw you, her expression softened. "Hey," she greeted, kissing you on the cheek.
You beamed at her. "Nat! I was just getting some coffee. Want some?" Natasha nodded, a rare smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks, I could use it."
Days in the Tower were often filled with training sessions, meetings, and occasional sparring matches. You had a knack for brightening even the most mundane activities. You organized movie nights, cooked meals for the team, and always found time to lend an ear. Your favorite spot was the rooftop garden, where you often pulled Natasha to relax and enjoy the view.
One evening, as you lay in the garden, you asked Natasha, "Do you ever wonder if we make a difference?" Your eyes reflected the sparkling stars. Natasha was surprised by the question. "Of course we do," she replied firmly. "Every life we save, every fight we win, it all counts."
You smiled, a small, wistful smile. "I know. Sometimes it just feels like there’s so much darkness. It’s nice to have a reminder that there’s still light." In that moment, Natasha realized how much you meant to her. She placed a hand on your shoulder. "You are that light. Never forget that."
Your laughter snapped Natasha out of her thoughts. She watched as you interacted with the team, your eyes full of warmth and kindness. Moments like these filled Natasha’s heart with emotions she had long buried. She felt a protective urge towards you, a desire to shield you from the harsh realities of the world.
"Nat, you’re awfully quiet this morning," Clint, ever the observant Hawkeye, gently teased. "What’s on your mind?" Natasha offered a rare, genuine smile. "Just enjoying the moment," she replied, her gaze meeting yours again, making her heart swell with joy.
The mission seemed straightforward on paper: infiltrate an old HYDRA facility, gather intel, and get out. They had done it a hundred times. But as they moved through the dark, abandoned corridors, an eerie feeling spread.
"Stay alert," Steve's voice crackled through their earpieces. "Something doesn’t feel right." Eager to help, you moved up with Natasha. "I’ve got your back." you said, flashing a confident smile. "Just stay close to me," Natasha responded, her protective instincts kicking in.
They advanced cautiously, each step echoing through the silence. Tony’s scanners were active, searching for hidden threats. Suddenly, a blip on the radar caught his attention. "We’ve got movement," he announced. "Southwest corner, two floors down."
Steve gave the signal to move in. They split into pairs, covering each other's backs as they navigated the labyrinthine building. You and Natasha moved with practiced precision, your trust in each other evident in your fluid movements.
"How many are we dealing with?" you asked, scanning the shadows. "Looks like a small group," Tony replied. "Shouldn't be a big deal."
"Famous last words," Natasha muttered, making you laugh. As they reached the designated area, the building began to tremble. The walls shook, and the ceiling cracked. "It’s a trap!" Tony shouted, but it was too late. The structure collapsed around them.
"Y/N, Watch out!" Natasha called as debris began to fall. They dodged the larger pieces, but in the chaos, you were separated from the group. You called out, your voice filled with fear but still hopeful. "Nat! Tony! Where are you?"
A beam crashed down in front of you, blocking your path. You turned to find another exit, but it was too late. A massive steel beam, loosened by the collapsing structure, fell toward you. You tried to dodge, but it struck your left leg, pinning you to the ground.
Pain shot through your body, intense and unrelenting. You screamed, a sound that echoed through the collapsing building. The team heard your cry and fought through the rubble to reach you.
Natasha found you first. Her heart sank at the sight of you, trapped under the beam, blood pooling around you. "Hey, I’m here," she called, her voice trembling with uncharacteristic emotion.
"I-It hurts so much," you gasped, tears streaming down your face. "I can’t move.."
"It’s going to be okay. We’ll get you out of here. Just stay with me, okay, detka?" Natasha said, her voice calm despite the panic she felt inside.
The rest of the team arrived, and together they managed to lift the beam just enough to pull you free. They rushed you back to the Tower, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily on them.
In the medical wing, the doctors took over immediately, wheeling you into surgery. The team waited outside, the air thick with tension and worry. Natasha paced back and forth, unable to sit still, her mind filled with fear and guilt.
Hours seemed to stretch into eternity. Finally, the doors to the OR opened and Dr. Cho approached the worried group. Natasha stepped forward. "How is she?" she asked, her voice barely steady.
Cho sighed, pulling down her mask. "She’s stable, but the damage to her leg was severe. We did everything we could, but we couldn’t save it. We had to amputate above the knee."
The words hit Natasha like a punch to the gut. She nodded slowly, trying to process the information. "Can I see her?"
"She’s still unconscious," Cho said gently. "But you can be there when she wakes up." Natasha nodded again and followed Cho to your room. She sat by your bed, holding your hand and whispering comforting words. When you finally began to stir, Natasha’s heart pounded in her chest.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you looked around groggily. "Nat?" you murmured, your voice weak. "I’m here, Y/N," Natasha said softly, squeezing your hand. "I’m right here."
You smiled weakly, your eyes beginning to clear. But then you noticed the expression on Natasha’s face, a mix of relief and something else you couldn’t quite place. "What’s wrong? I’m okay, I’m here.." you asked, a hint of fear creeping into your voice.
Natasha struggled to find the words, her throat tight with emotion. Before she could speak, Cho stepped in, her face serious as she chose her words carefully. "Your leg was severely damaged by the beam... Y/N, we did everything we could to save it, but… it wasn’t enough."
"What do you mean?" Your eyes widened, your breath catching. "I’m so sorry. We had to amputate your leg above the knee." Your face went pale, your voice trembling. "My leg… it’s gone?"
Cho nodded, her eyes full of compassion. "Yes. I know it’s incredibly hard to hear. I’m truly sorry."
The room fell into silence. You continued to stare at her, your mind overwhelmed by the news. "W-What..?" you whispered, shaking your head. "No.. I.. I can feel it, that-" throwing off the blanket, your eyes widening in disbelief at the empty space where your leg used to be.
You tried to move it, but it wasn’t there. The realization hit you like a tidal wave. You said nothing, just stared at the empty space, your hands trembling.
Natasha leaned closer, her voice full of empathy. "I’m so sorry, Y/N. We’re here for you. I'm here for you.“
But you were in shock, unable to fully grasp the reality of your situation. Tears streamed down your face as you struggled to cope with your loss. Natasha stayed by your side, holding your hand and offering what comfort she could, knowing this was just the beginning of a long and difficult journey for both of you.
The days in the medical wing were a whirlwind of pain, medication, and the constant hum of machines. You lay in bed, your eyes often vacant as you stared at the sterile white ceiling. Your once bright smile was gone, replaced by a hollow expression that pained everyone who visited.
Natasha was a constant presence by your side. She held your hand, whispered comforting words, and even tried to coax a faint smile from you. But you were distant, your light dimmed by the weight of your loss.
One afternoon, Steve and Tony visited you, bringing a bouquet of colorful flowers. "Hey, sunshine," Tony greeted, his usual confidence tempered by concern. "We brought you something to brighten up this place."
You glanced at the flowers and managed a small nod. "Thank you," you murmured, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Steve sat on the edge of your bed, his eyes full of empathy. "How are you holding up?" You forced a smile, but it didn’t reach your eyes. "I’m okay, Steve. Just... tired."
They all knew you weren’t okay. The vibrant, happy Y/N they all loved was disappearing, and it broke their hearts to see you like this.
As the days turned into weeks, the team visited you regularly. Clint brought your favorite snacks, books to keep your mind occupied. But despite their efforts, you remained distant, a shadow of your former self.
One evening, as Natasha sat by your bed, she gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. "You know, it’s okay to not be okay," she said softly.
Your eyes filled with tears. "I don’t know how to be myself anymore," you admitted, your voice breaking. "Everything feels different. I feel different."
Natasha’s heart ached for you. She leaned in closer, resting her forehead against yours. "We’ll find a new normal, Y/N. Together. You’re still you, and you still mean the world to us."
Finally, the day came when you were discharged from the medical wing. The team gathered to bring you home, their faces a mix of relief and concern. As they helped you into the wheelchair, Natasha knelt beside you. "Ready to go home?" she asked, trying to sound hopeful.
You nodded, but the sadness in your eyes was unmistakable. "Yes. Let’s go."
Back at the Tower, the atmosphere was subdued. You moved through the halls with a quiet distance, no longer organizing movie nights or cooking meals. Most of your time was spent in your room, avoiding the rooftop garden you once loved.
The team watched helplessly as you withdrew further. Your laughter, once a joyful sound that echoed through the Tower, was now a distant memory. You no longer greeted anyone with your usual cheerfulness, and the light in your eyes had gone out.
Natasha was the most affected. She missed the Y/N who pulled her to the garden to watch the sunset, who made her laugh with silly jokes, who had become her rock. She tried to reach you, to break through the wall you had built around yourself, but it was like trying to catch smoke with her hands.
One morning, Cho informed Natasha that it was time to remove your bandages. "It’s common for patients to need emotional support when they see their stump for the first time," she explained gently. "It would be helpful if you could be there for her."
Natasha nodded, understanding the gravity of the moment. She entered your room, finding you standing by the window. "Hey," she said softly, closing the door behind her.
You turned around, surprise flickering across your face. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought I’d sit with you while Cho removes the bandages," Natasha replied, trying to sound casual.
"I don’t need you," you said, your voice rising with frustration. "I can do this on my own."
Natasha shook her head, her expression determined. "I’m staying, Y/N. No arguments."
You glared at her, but Natasha’s resolve didn’t waver. Finally, you sighed in resignation. "Fine. Do what you want."
Cho entered and began the careful process of removing the bandages. You kept your eyes fixed on the ceiling, determined not to look. Natasha held your hand, offering silent comfort.
As the last layer of bandage was removed, you caught a glimpse of your stump out of the corner of your eye. Your breath caught, and you turned your head, unable to avoid it any longer. The sight of your leg..or what was left of it, triggered a wave of nausea and despair.
You tried to hold back your tears, biting your lip until it bled. But the emotional dam broke, and you began to sob uncontrollably. "I-Ican’t do this... I can’t live like.. t-this..."
Natasha pulled you into a tight embrace, her own tears falling silently. "You can, Y/N. And you will. We’ll get through this together, I promise."
You clung to her, your sobs shaking your entire body. Cho, seeing the emotional toll, finished quickly and quietly left the room. The team, waiting just outside, could hear your cries, their own hearts breaking for their friend. They knew they couldn’t fix this for you, but they would be there every step of the way, offering support as best they could.
The days that followed were some of the hardest you had ever faced. You were engulfed by a whirlwind of emotions, grief, anger, and a deep sense of loss. The team continued to give you space, but they were never far away, always ready to offer support.
Natasha stayed close, offering a steady presence that you found both comforting and frustrating. It was a delicate balance, and Natasha navigated it with patience and love.
One morning, you woke up to find Tony standing at your door, a wide grin on his face. "Good morning, sunshine. Mind if I come in?"
You sighed and sat up in bed. "What is it, Tony? If it’s more flowers or breakfast in bed, I might scream." Tony laughed. "No flowers. But I have a surprise for you. Something I’ve been working on."
You raised an eyebrow. "I’m not really in the mood for surprises, Tony."
"Trust me, you’ll want to see this," Tony insisted, stepping aside to reveal a sleek, high-tech case. Curiosity piqued, you watched as Tony opened the case to reveal a prosthetic leg, crafted with meticulous precision and advanced technology. It was sleek and metallic, with intricate designs hinting at its capabilities.
"Is that...?" Your voice trailed off, your eyes wide with disbelief.
"Yes," Tony said, his grin widening. "I built it especially for you. It’s got the latest tech. It’s strong, lightweight, and it’s going to help you get back on your feet, well literally."
You stared at the prosthetic, emotions swirling inside you. "Tony, I don’t know what to say."
"How about we start by trying it on?" Tony suggested gently. "Natasha and I will be with you every step of the way." With a mix of apprehension and skepticism, you nodded. "Okay."
The process of fitting the prosthetic was meticulous. Tony and a team of specialists worked carefully to ensure it was comfortable and secure. Natasha stayed by your side, offering silent comfort.
As they adjusted the straps and made final tweaks, a wave of fear washed over you. What if it didn’t work? What if you could never walk properly again?
"Are you ready to try it out?" Tony asked, his tone encouraging.
You took a deep breath and nodded. With the help of Natasha and Tony, you stood up cautiously, feeling the weight of the prosthetic beneath you. It felt foreign, unfamiliar, but it also felt like a new beginning.
"Take it slow," Natasha advised, holding your hand firmly. You took your first tentative steps. It was awkward and shaky, and you nearly stumbled. Frustration and anger bubbled up inside you. "This is impossible," you muttered, your voice tinged with defeat.
"You’re doing great," Tony reassured you. "Just keep going, one step at a time."
You continued, each step harder than the last. The prosthetic felt unnatural, and your movements were jerky and uneven. After a few laps around the room, you stopped, breathless and frustrated.
"I can’t do this," you said, tears of anger and disappointment streaming down your face. "I can’t walk properly. This is useless!"
Natasha stepped in, her eyes flashing with determination and frustration. She cupped your face in her hands, forcing you to look at her. "Now listen to me, Y/N," Natasha said firmly, her voice both angry and urgent. "I know this is hard. I know it’s tougher than anything you’ve ever faced. But you have to keep going! I can’t stand to see you suffering like this!"
You stared at her, shocked by the intensity in her voice.
Natasha continued, her grip gentle but unyielding. "You keep talking down to yourself. But you need to channel that anger where it belongs. At us. At me! We couldn’t get you out of that building in time. I couldn’t get you out in time, be mad at us, but stop tearing yourself apart."
You felt a surge of emotions, anger, determination, and something else, something stronger. You nodded slowly, your tears falling faster. "Okay, Nat. Okay."
The following days were filled with intense training. Tony and the team set up a rehabilitation room, equipped with everything you needed to regain your strength and mobility. Natasha was there for every session, encouraging you and celebrating every small victory.
The training was grueling. You had to learn how to balance again, how to walk with the prosthetic, and how to cope with the physical and emotional challenges. There were moments of intense frustration and doubt when you wanted to throw the prosthetic across the room.
One afternoon, after a particularly hard session, you sat on the floor, sweat dripping from your forehead. "This is so hard," you said, your voice tinged with exhaustion and defeat.
"I know," Natasha replied, sitting next to you. "But you’re doing amazing. Look how far you’ve come." You looked at the prosthetic, your eyes filled with determination and a glimmer of hope. "I just want to feel normal again."
"You will," Natasha assured you. "Step by step."
As the weeks went by, your progress was slow but steady. You became more comfortable with the prosthetic, moving with increasing confidence and grace. The team watched with pride, their admiration for your strength and resilience growing with each passing day.
One evening, after a successful training session, Tony gathered everyone in the common room. "I think we need to celebrate," he announced, holding up a bottle of champagne.
You laughed, the sound bright and clear. "What are we celebrating?"
"Your incredible progress," Tony replied, popping the cork. "To Y/N, the strongest person I know." The team raised their glasses and toasted to you and the journey ahead. You looked around at your family, your heart filled with gratitude and hope.
But despite your progress, you often doubted your worth, especially in your relationship with Natasha.
One night, as you lay in bed together, you couldn’t shake the feelings of inadequacy that gnawed at you. Natasha lay next to you, reading a book, while you stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.
"Natasha," you began hesitantly, your voice barely more than a whisper. Natasha looked up, concern immediately etched on her face. "What’s wrong?"
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your courage. "Do you still find me... attractive?" Natasha frowned in confusion. "Of course I do. Why would you even ask that?"
You turned away, your eyes filling with tears. "I’m not the same person I was before the accident. What if you don’t want me anymore?"
Natasha set her book aside and moved closer, gently turning you to face her. "Y/N, look at me," she said softly. "You’re still the same person I fell in love with. Your strength, your kindness, your spirit..None of that has changed."
You shook your head, your voice trembling. "But my body has changed. I don’t feel like myself anymore. I’m afraid you see me differently."
Natasha cupped your face in her hands, her eyes filled with unwavering love. "Your body may be different, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. You’re beautiful, Y/N, in every way that matters. I love you for who you are, not just for your appearance."
Your tears flowed freely, and you clung to Natasha, your fears slowly dissolving in the warmth of her embrace. "I’m sorry for doubting you," you whispered. "It’s just... sometimes it’s hard."
"I understand," Natasha said gently. "But you’re not alone in this. We’ll get through it together, remember?"
Months had passed since your accident, and your hard work in physical therapy had paid off. With the unwavering support of your team, you had regained your strength and confidence. One morning, you woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. You strapped on your prosthetic and joined the team in the kitchen.
"Morning, Y/N!" Tony greeted you with a broad grin. The entire team was gathered, and Steve stepped forward with a small black box.
"We have something for you," Steve said, handing you the box. You opened it to find a sleek, high-tech communication device. "Is this...?"
"Welcome back to the team," Tony announced. "We’ve got a little mission for you, if you’re ready." You felt a surge of emotions. "I’m ready."
The team briefed you on the mission: a simple reconnaissance at an industrial complex. As they flew to the site, Natasha held your hand, offering silent comfort. Upon arrival, they split into pairs, you and Natasha working together.
As you navigated the complex, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You encountered a group of armed men, and your training kicked in. With Natasha by your side, you quickly overwhelmed the threat.
"You did it," Natasha said, pride shining in her eyes. "We did it," you replied, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment.
Back in the Quinjet, the team congratulated you. "Welcome back, Y/N," Steve said, clapping you on the shoulder.
You looked around at your teammates, feeling deep gratitude. "I missed this. Thank you all for believing in me." Tony grinned. "We never doubted you for a second."
As you flew back to the Tower, you felt at peace. You had faced your fears and overcome your challenges, stronger than ever before. With the support of your team and Natasha's love, you knew you were ready for whatever the future held.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
please please feed into my obsession with lovesick, heart eyes, deadly smitten, will trip over nothing just by looking at you, steve. he knows he’s hot. trust me he knows. but he also doesn’t even notice the girls that will come to family video and check out anything just to talk to king steve. he can’t even care because he’s so so antsy to go home and literally be YOUR housewife. he just is like a dog in human form, a golden retriever, he wants so badly to love and please!!
This is so so true, and I think we need to spread more lovesick Steve agenda. Thank you for the request ml!!<3
A girl stands in family video, nearly ready to check out a copy of A Christmas Story. It sits on the counter, waiting for her to pick it up again, for her to hand it to Robin so she can ask Would you like a bag with that?
This is normal. That is, when it’s not June.
Robin rolls her eyes. It’s pathetic, really. She has no doubt the girl hasn’t even looked at the movie in front of her, tempted to ask “Christmas in July early?” But she won’t. Instead she’ll watch. Even if that’s a little mean.
Steve bounces on his heal. He clocked out ten minutes ago, and normally that means he would’ve been gone nine minutes ago, but you were picking him up today. And oh did he miss you.
It was heavy pounding heartache in his chest. He hadn’t seen you in a week, schedules clashing meanly, and he’s just about had enough. Enough of the turmoil that resides in his belly when he thinks of missing you.
His heart nearly bursts when you walk through the door.
He maneuvers around the counter swiftly, past Robins annoyance, past the girl with the Christmas movie, who he still hasn’t noticed. Scooping you up into a hug, he sighs into the crevice of your neck. The warm air tickles you and you giggle loudly. It’s the sweetest thing he’s heard in a week.
“Stevie, baby, it’s been a week.”
“Tell me about it.” Always with the dramatics. He gripes at the way you laugh. “You’re so mean to me.”
You gasp. “Get away you jerk.”
“Please don’t push me away, I love you.” His large hands fumble for your arms.
“Get away, I’m serious, you smell like VCR tapes.” You giggle again, palm to his cheek.
He stops, gaping. “I do not.”
Your chest aches in the most pleased way, thrilled to see him. “Yes, you do.”
Feeling sticky with love, you take a moment to look at Steve, brushing hair out of his pretty eyes. His face something funny. Pleased, but funny.
“They don’t even have a smell, dweeb” He flicks your shoulder.
“Oh, yes they do.” You nod solemnly, “and it’s all over you.”
“Shut up.” He laughs, pulling you in. His smile so close your head feels a little dizzy. “Gimme a kiss.”
“Ok, VCR boy.”
He ignores the nickname, the kiss too important to lose. You feel his grin against your lips.
Robin looks to the girl still standing hopelessly at the register. “Good choice.”
The girl deflates, walking out the door, indifferent to the movie she leaves on the counter.
Steve looks up for the first time. “What’s her problem?”
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belokhvostikova · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Mentions of drugs/drug dealing, alcohol consumption, and explicit sexual content: mentions of sexual favors.
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭.
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Eddie Munson always liked talking about you.
When in situations as such—slumped into the worn couch with his legs spread wide, and an arm over the back to accommodate the red solo cup filled with the bourbon liquid in hand—pointing you out to whichever friend of his was closest, so his buddy could get a view of what he got to lavish in a couple times a week. And they didn't.
Because you'd never do that to him. No matter the lack thereof label, you'd never betray him. And Eddie Munson really liked that.
On the humid spring night, Reefer Rick had just escaped his four year conviction of Indiana's statute of limitation on drug possession. Defying the advice of his parole officer, a party had been sought out in the crowded woods of Lover's Lake to welcome his newfound freedom.
Being the tightest of buddies, you knew Eddie would be in attendance. And he knew you knew he'd be there. It was your coyness of avoiding his presence that made you that much more alluring, pissing him off in the best way possible; lip-bitingly enticing.
So when you were in the kitchen, speaking to some nobody, Eddie and his friend would watch. His buddy's eyes following the curve of your body, as Eddie detailed just how much you were willing to do for a free exchange of weed, but only for him. Eddie would pick up on how his friend's breath would hitch, as he spoke about the innocence of it starting out with a kiss to you hungrily bouncing on him until the night bled dark. "God, she's my special little customer." He'd groan in his friend ear, because nothing spurred him on more than the fact that he got to revel in what all the other guys wanted.
Because he had you, and you had him.
And what was his friend's name again? Oh, yeah... Steve Harrington. The notorious king known to have women wrapped around his finger. So maybe that's why talking to Steve turned him on a bit more than usual. Sure the man was undeniably pretty (that'd be a discussion for another day), but seeing Steve salivate for you was quite incredible when you'd want nothing to do with the ladies man, because standing in front of you was Eddie Munson, your something.
Despite the filled cup in hand, Eddie slapped Steve's chest to derail his attention away from you. "Come on, need a drink." It was very obvious that that was never the agenda, when Eddie steps had fallen straight to your path. "Havin' an awful lotta fun, aren't you?" You heard his baritone voice speak to you, as he perched himself against the kitchen counter next to you.
As if on cue, your friend knew to leave you be. And, of course, you beamed at him, nodding your head as you took a sip of your drink, letting your eyes cast upon him. "Havin' fun ignorin' me?" He smugly looked down on you.
Your head leaned seductively. "I'm not ignoring you." While taking him in, your eyes landed behind him, falling on the looming figure of Steve Harrington, where you watched his eyes rake you down before meeting you.
Eddie watched from his peripheral, grinning with a smile on his face as he restrained himself from hurting his friend. His jealously evident in his sudden bluntness. "You like Harrington?" Steve, of course, smirked.
Your attention fell back on Eddie, and it irked him just how easily you caught on to his possessiveness. "No." And there it was. The big, fat ego boost that made his cock twitch.
Men were really weird. The insult had, for whatever reason, Steve Harrington smiling down at you. "Well, that's just not fair." He ticked. "You guys can't have fun, if I can't."
"There're lots of other pretty girls around here." You offered. Eddie chuckled, slamming a rough hand to Steve's shoulder. "Lots of other pretty girls." He patronized with a shit-eating grin.
Steve scoffed, playfully flipping him the bird as an unspoken "you win" to the man who got to have you, before leaving you two to be. Eddie's arms managed to cage you against the counter, before his lips met your ear. "I really don't like you ignorin' me, sweetheart." He scolded you.
You whined with jutted lips. "I wasn't." A lie to entice him. Eddie looked you in the eye. "I don't like guys lookin' at you, either." You rolled your own, peering behind you to the crowd of people invading Reefer Rick's house.
"No one is-"
"Oh, but they are, baby." He was quick to coo at you. "See, you're just this pretty, little thing, you don't know how filthy guys think. But believe me, baby," his forehead leaned against yours, "I do."
You quieted your voice. "And... what do you think?"
"What do I think? Well, I think I got this pretty girl in front of me, who I kiss, and, y'know... touch," he huffed his breath against your lips, "and I think that I don't like the idea of some other fucking guy gettin' to do the same." He spat sternly. "So what the fuck does that make you?"
Your breath heaved. "Um, y-you're girlfriend?"
"My girlfriend, yeah, that's right." He nodded.
"Are you asking me?" You questioned him. His lips crashed down before you could think, letting his taste of the alcohol he abandoned just to speak to you, invade your mouth. A connection so deep, his work had you moaning against him, as his hand indented the back of your neck to keep you from leaving him.
Eddie Munson was eating you alive. "No. I'm telling you."
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | When has a situationship ever ended nicely? Never. So here you go, happiness.
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crappymixtape · 2 years
laugh like lovers, kiss like friends
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you're getting married – steve’s in town for the ceremony and it dredges up old memories, ones you thought you'd forgotten, but you have to decide, will you say ‘i do’ or will your heart realize what you really want has been there all along?  | (  9.1k, angst, fluff, friends to lovers, steve x you, steve x reader )
L A U G H L I K E L O V E R S, K I S S L I K E F R I E N D S 🎶 cold water swimming, quiet houses
“How about these, dear? Eucalyptus pairs lovely with peonies. Besides, wildflowers for a wedding? In all my years as a planner I’ve never seen it. No one does it. It's just tacky, hon.”
Twirling the stem of a daisy between your fingers you bit the inside of your cheek, only half hearing the woman standing next to you among all the buckets and vases of flowers in the greenhouse.
Wildflowers for a wedding? No one does it.
Pulling your eyes off the daisy you forced a smile, “Of course, I’m sorry. Peonies sound great.”
“Wonderful, I’ll add it to the day-of agenda and make sure the florist knows you’ve made up your mind. It’s an excellent choice, one your fiance will be happy with I’m sure.”
Your fiance.
Sam proposed less than a month ago in the kitchen of your little downtown Indianapolis apartment with his grandmother’s ring. A huge, gaudy diamond that made your hands look even smaller than they already were and after you’d called your mom the news had spread like wildfire.
Sam didn’t want to wait, he probably would’ve dragged you down to the courthouse if it hadn’t been for his parents and your mom, but it meant things were moving at the speed of light and you were running to catch up.
When he’d looked up at you, ring box outstretched, you knew what your first thought should’ve been. Tears and overwhelming joy and a resounding Yes! but none of it came. Instead your first thought had been long stalks of grass. The glittering turquoise water of the quarry. Skunky weed and wildflowers and hot, sticky Indiana summers.
“Babe, you gotta call the bakery back, the lady doesn’t get it. Idiot,” Sam’s voice cut through into your thoughts and you blinked them away.
“The cake? She’s not getting it. I told her we wanted vanilla, like actual vanilla not that imitation shit.”
“Julie’s not an idiot,” your tone grew clipped, short, brow furrowing as you folded your arms across your chest. Julie had lived in Hawkins since before your family moved in across the street from her. The only, and best, bakery in town with the sweetest baker known to man. Julie was a saint.
“Okay, well then you try and explain it to her. I’m done,” Sam huffed, pinching his nose between his fingers and shaking his head. “I’m gonna go get food with my mom. Can’t wait until this is all over,” he grumbled under his breath. “I’ll see you back at the house," and with that he hastily pressed a kiss to your forehead before stalking out of the greenhouse.
“Not really a man’s arena is it,” the planner said giving you an overly sweet smile, “Better to let us take care of it, hm?”
“I guess,” you couldn’t bear to force another smile, “Thanks for your help, but I need to go get ready for tonight. Call me if anything else comes up.”
“On it and don’t you worry, only a few more days. Just think! The happiest day of your life!”
The happiest day of your life.
It sure as hell didn’t didn’t it feel like it.
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The high vaulted ceilings in your parents’ living room looked the same as they had when you lived there. Same ugly, bumpy texture and yellowed color, now with a few too-high cobwebs just out of reach hanging in the corners.
The buzz of conversation filling the air around you was incessant, blending and blurring together and making you feel like you were far away. Like you were a spectator and not the bride-to-be and your chest squeezed with nerves. There were so many people packed into the house and as guests hurled their questions at you, your anxiety only grew.
“Oh, sweetie you look amazing! You’ll be a beautiful bride!” “Tell me again, where are you going for your honeymoon?” “Sam is such a catch, does he have any available friends? Just kidding! But seriously?” “Oh my god, look at that ring! He must really love you.”
One of Sam’s cousins had been hammering you with question after question, barely giving you any room to reply and you felt like you were drowning in it. The walls of the living room suddenly felt like they were closing in on you, making you feel claustrophobic and you needed air. Outside. Anything other than this. “Is-is it warm in here?” you stuttered, pulling at the collar of your dress.
“No? What d’you mean–”
“I’m sorry, excuse me,” you didn’t wait for her to finish and instead moved as quickly as you could through the crowd, trying not to project your panic with a fake smile plastered on your lips until you reached the slider door.
“Honey!” your stomach sank. Your mom. “Your aunt and uncle just got here, you need to say hello!”
Looking over your shoulder she was standing with her hands on her hips, brow furrowed in frustration, watching as your fingers gripped the handle of the patio door.
“I know,” your voice was edged with irritation and you bit your tongue. “Please? I just need some air for a minute. I’ll be right back,” and you could tell she didn’t like your answer, but she didn’t fight you on it as you slipped outside, all the noise and voices and music blunted and sliced in half as you shut the door behind you.
Leaning back against the glass, eyes closed, you pulled in a breath of air and let it out slowly. Trying, telling, yourself you had to keep it together. Just a minute out here and you’d feel right as rain. Ready to dive back in.
The happiest day of your life.
“Shouldn’t you be inside?”
Your eyes flew open, an all-too-familiar voice making your heart leap into your throat.
He was sitting on the edge of one of the pool loungers like it was nothing, a few locks of stray hair falling into his eyes, all warm honey and burnt caramel and the boyish grin he was giving you made you feel dizzy. Like it always did.
“I’ve been inside for like two hours,” you shot back, but you couldn’t ever bring yourself to really sound mad at him.
At Steve.
“Well don't sound like you’re having too much fun. Not like you’re getting married in three days or anything,” he teased, scooting over on the lounger, a silent invitation for you to sit next to him and you took it.
“Don’t remind me–” fell out, “–what I mean is–it's just–just planning everything has been...a lot.”
Steve caught your slip up, but didn’t call it out, only humming in reply as he threaded a hand through his hair, watching as you settled down next to him. “I’m about a month late, but congrats,” he offered with a small smile before taking a drink from his beer.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks,” you replied lamely, cheeks flushing when he looked over at you. You were entirely too sober for this. “Here, gimme that,” reaching over you took the beer from his hand, chugging half of it in one go and pulling a laugh out of Steve.
“Jesus,” Steve laughed, amused at you, a sound you’d missed so very much. “Take it easy,” he chided gently, but it was all warm and sticky sweet like popsicles on a hot day and when you gave it back he shook his head.
Silence lingered between you for a moment, the static sound of the pool filter trickling in the background, and your thoughts drifted back to a moment a few years ago. Up in your room while summer spun by outside. The last time he'd been over here. Steve.
Bobbing along to the music coming from your stereo, you crammed the last of your photos into one of the empty supply boxes Steve had brought over from Family Video.
“I wanted to be with you alone and talk about the weather, but traditions I can trace against the child in your face won't escape my attention,” you sang a little off key, giving your shoulders a little shimmy as you turned to grab the pile of books on your bed.
“You keep your distance via the system of touch and gentle persuasion. I'm lost in admiration, could I need you this much?” Steve sang back, browed knitted together in dedication to the bit, hips swaying as he wiped down your dresser. Turning with the roll of paper towels in his hand he held it out to you as the chorus neared, both of you singing horribly.
“Oh, you're wasting my time, you're just, just, just wasting time!”
“God, who’s gonna sing shitty with me when you’re not around?” Steve tossed the roll onto your bed, leaning back against the drawers behind him.
“Robin sucks more than I do,” you shot back, and Steve mumbled in agreement.
“Yeah, but she hates Tears for Fears,” there was a slight whine in his voice that made you look up at him over your box and grin.
“Well then save it for me when I’m back on Christmas break.”
Steve gave you a pout and folded his arms over his chest, “That’s like, a fucking eon from now.”
“It’s not that long,” you moved around the other side of your bed to sit in front of him, a small pause swallowing you both into silence.
Clearing your throat you dropped your gaze down your shoes, kicking them in time with the song still playing in the background. You glanced over at Steve’s dirty, beat up Blazers and smiled. “I guess I’ll miss you,” you teased, looking back up at him and he gave you a smile, but it softened the longer he looked at you.
“I know I’ll miss you,” he said, and you knew he meant it, and your heart fluttered in your chest like a bird caught in a cage as the air around you grew thick with words unsaid, but implied. Steve took a step away from the dresser, standing in the V of your legs, hand moving to lift your chin up with his thumb and forefinger.
You bit your bottom lip between your teeth, meeting his gaze, and everything felt hazy. “Miss you too, Stevie,” you murmured and he leaned down slowly. Tilting your chin ever so gently he hesitated for just a second before pressing his lips against yours. Your room and half-packed boxes and everything fell away in the warm, glittering feeling of Steve and summer and the last of the light falling through your window washed you both in gold like it wanted to hold you in that moment forever.
“How long are you in town for?” your voice broke the silence between you and Steve took another drink of his beer.
“Just til the day after the wedding, need to get back to things,” he said softly, stealing a look at you out of the corner of his eye, smiling at the way your nose scrunched up when you were thinking, “You look really pretty by the way.”
Your cheeks warmed and you stole a look at him too, “You have to say that.”
“No I don’t. I do on your wedding day, but this is a freebie,” he teased, trying to make it seem lighter than it was, but you both knew the weight it carried.
“Babe, c’mon. You gotta get back inside. It’s rude. People are looking for you,” the sudden sound of Sam’s voice sliced your moment in two and Steve sat up straight, leaning away from you as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Alright, I just needed some air,” your voice sounded tired and Steve caught the look in your eyes as you roughed your hands over your face, “I’m coming.”
“Harrington,” Sam sniped, and Steve gave him a big smile, knowing just how much the other man hated finding the two of you sitting together.
“Sammy,” Steve teased and you had to bite back a laugh, hiding it in a cough, but Sam knew.
“I fuckin’ hate that,” Sam gave Steve a look and he just smiled.
“I think it’s cute,” you chimed in, but knew you should’ve kept it to yourself when Sam glared daggers at you.
“Inside,” he said, patience short, and you felt your own run out as you glared right back, but moved toward the slider door anyway.
“I’ll see you,” you told Steve and just before you slipped back into the chaos, he gave you a look. The same one you remembered from that hot summer evening in your room as you packed your life into boxes. A look that put fire to the embers lying dormant in your chest and something you thought had been extinguished flickered back to life.
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“Sam, hurry up, we’re going to be late!”
“I’m trying. You know how much I hate being outside. These stupid boots are too tight and–” Sam grunted, leaning over to tug at his socks, “–these are itchy as hell.”
“You don’t have to wear them, but your legs are gonna get bit up and scratched on the trail,” you shook your head, yanking your own worn-in boots onto your feet.
“Bit? Are you kidding me?”
“What? It’s summer, there are a ton of bugs out right now.”
Sam sucked in a breath and put his face in his hands, standing on the other side of the bed from you. He’d agreed to it at first, thought maybe it might be a quaint little jaunt through a park, but when he realized it was an actual hike up the bluff just outside Hawkins – in nature – he’d thrown a fit.
It was one of your favorite places, a special piece of home, and you were going to go with or without him.
“Just stay home, Sam. It’s fine,” you huffed, kicking your suitcase shut, tugging your ponytail through the back of your baseball cap.
“You know what? Maybe I will. This whole place is too much. Jason’ll get beers with me,” he growled under his breath, yanking his boots off to get to his socks, “Enjoy your hike.”
“Great, thanks, will do,” you almost left the room without saying goodbye, but something made you hesitate and you paused for a second at the door, eyes squeezed shut. Why was everything so damn hard? This was supposed to be easy.
The happiest day of your life.
Resigned, you turned around and retraced the few steps over to Sam. “I’ll see you when we’re back,” you muttered, bending down and brushing a hasty kiss to his cheek.
“See you,” he didn’t meet your gaze, instead scowling at the ground and it was the push you needed to leave, the weight on your shoulders lifting as you hurried down the stairs and out the door.
The sun was just coming up, painting the sky cotton candy pinks and blurred warm tangerines. You could feel the heat already and as you got out of your car at the bluff the feeling of the sun on your bare legs pulled a heavy sigh from your lungs. Breathing out the stress and pressure of the last few days and you closed your eyes for a minute, leaning against the warmth of your car.
It would be okay. Today was for you. This was for you.
Opening them again you heard another car rumbling up the dirt road behind you and when you turned around you grinned so big your cheeks started to hurt.
“OH MY GOD,” Robin squealed. She practically leapt out of the backseat of Steve’s BMW and ran over to you, gathering you up in her arms and squeezing tight. “What the hell! You look amazing! Shit. Is this like, pre-wedding glow or did you stop eating meat or something? I hear it’s like, totally bad for your skin.”
“Robin,” Steve shook his head as he shut his car door before walking around to get Robin’s too.
“What? All legitimate questions! Right, Eds?” she shot back.
“I mean, not the first thing I’d ask,” Eddie replied with a grin, but you could hear the softness of him behind it.
“Alright, well I wouldn’t expect you to know anyway. Weddings are like a foreign language to you plebs,” Robin said simply, clicking her fanny pack around her waist.
“Hey, that’s not fair, I know enough,” Steve chimed in, propping a hand on his hip and giving Robin a look.
“Children, not about us today!” Eddie chided, following after Robin and gathering you up into one of his bear hugs. “Hi, sweetheart,” he held you out at arm’s length and gave you a warm Eddie smile.
“Hi,” you grinned back, the happiest you’d been in days just listening to the comforting sound of your friends bickering, “Missed you.”
“Mmm, you too,” Eddie hummed, shooting a quick glance over at Steve. “Some of us more than others,” he said a bit quieter, bringing his eyes back to you and you felt your cheeks flush.
“Okay, hike?” you deflected, then accusingly looked back at Eddie, “You’re not still smoking are you?”
“Only on Wednesdays,” he flipped back casually, but you knew he was full of shit.
“Munson, you’re a horrible liar,” Steve drawled, rolling his eyes, starting the walk to the edge of the bluff. “Nance and Jonathan are already at the top,” he said over his shoulder, “Jonathan wanted to get a time lapse of the sunrise.”
“Oh, sick,” Eddie clapped his hands, “I gotta see it. C’mon, Buckley get with it.” He waved an arm forward, pulling Robin into a jog and you shook your head with a soft laugh as you caught up with Steve. Starting up the bluff two by two.
The sounds of everything coming to life swirled around the four of you as you walked. The buzz of the insects, birds chirping their morning songs and tractors rumbling to life in the fields alongside the bluff.
“God, the last time we were up here was so Dustin could talk to Suzie,” Steve half-laughed, Eddie and Robin walking just ahead of you. You grinned at the memory.
“Oh no,” you shook your head, “They might be worse than we are at singing.”
“Didn’t think it was possible to be honest,” he teased gently, smiling over at you, looking for a long moment before dropping his gaze back down to his feet.
You could feel his eyes on you and the warmth of it filled you up and spilled over at the edges, making you happier than you’d been in a long time and a tiny pinch of guilt squeezed in your chest.
“Thanks for getting up so early,” you exhaled, breaths getting heavier as the incline of the bluff steepened, Steve pulling in a breath next to you.
“Oh, I don’t think I’ve slept in since high school,” he waved you off, “Managing a store’s got me up ass early every day. Besides, wouldn’t miss it.” Arms swinging at your sides, his fingers brushed against yours as you walked and the embers in your chest glowed bright.
“Yeah,” you sighed, wishing that for once Sam had come along. That he’d put even a little bit of effort into your interests. That he’d care even a fraction of what Steve cared and the embers flickered again with your frustration.
“You two are slow as hell!” Eddie teased and when you looked up you saw he and Robin had been moving much faster than you and Steve. “I’m smoking a victory cigarette at the top!” he yelled and Robin smacked him, both of them dissolving into laughter.
“C’mon, that asshole doesn’t need another cigarette,” Steve’s brow furrowed in frustration and he picked up the pace, pulling you along with him as he lengthened his stride.
Jonathan and Nancy were waiting for the four of you at the top and, much to Eddie’s dismay, Robin beat him by a couple of feet, stealing his cigarettes and jamming them into her fanny pack as punishment.
Jonathan had asked Nancy to marry him two years ago now, Christmas eve under the tree at the farm and they’d eloped that spring there on top of the bluff. It had been a small, but sweet ceremony, with only family and close friends. Perfectly Nance and Jonathan and as you thought back on it your stomach twisted with a longing feeling.
As you sat scattered among the long grass in pairs – Eddie and Robin, Nancy and Jonathan, you and Steve – a breeze picked up and blew through the wildflowers around you, taking then with it and you watched as the buttercups danced in the wind.
You wanted wildflowers. Not peonies and eucalyptus.
“Hey, where’d you go?” Steve’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you looked over at him, sat close enough to you in the grass that you could see all the little moles and freckles that dotted down the line of his jaw, his neck, the exposed skin along the top of his shirt.
“Flowers,” fell out and you didn’t shy away from him, meeting his gaze.
“Flowers?” he asked, brow knitting together in confusion.
“Stupid flowers. And cake. And nature and socks and–”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. What are you talking about?” Steve scooted closer to you, your legs pressing together as you sat facing each other and he put a hand on your knee.
Your throat tightened and you felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, but you willed them away. Not here. You didn’t mean it.
“Hey,” he said softer, hand lifting from your knee to press into yours and you blinked hastily, pulling in a breath to steady yourself.
“I don’t know,” you started, closing your eyes for a minute, trying to ground yourself. “I just–I thought this would be easier. We’re supposed to be in love and planning this should be fun, but it sucks and he–” catching yourself you looked back up at Steve and felt him squeeze your hand. “I’m sorry, it’s just stress. I shouldn’t–”
“You don’t have to apologize,” Steve said, thumb brushing over the bump of your knuckles, soft and warm and reassuring.
He was looking at you again like he had at the welcome party, like you were the only thing that existed in that moment and you felt yourself moving closer, your legs hovering over his with the lack of space.
“I wish Sam would look at me like that,” you whispered and Steve’s lips parted in surprise, anticipation grabbing hold of both of you as the wind picked up again.
“He’s an idiot if he doesn’t,” Steve whispered back, leaning closer still and you could feel his breath as it warmed over your cheek. The scent of his shampoo and spearmint gum and cedar and wildflowers flooding your brain and making everything feel hazy. His eyes all bright amber and flecks of gold in the sun. Closer and closer and closer and–
“Harrington! You left the food in the car!”
Leaning back from each other you felt the tension shatter with the bark of Eddie’s voice and you leapt to your feet.
“God, what a dingus,” Robin grumbled, “Now we gotta go back down.”
“Hey,” Steve scrambled to his feet ignoring them, grabbing your hand in his, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I just–I forgot I have to meet with the baker today about the cake this morning.”
“Oh,” Steve’s expression was edged with concern and he let your hand drop as the others started moving to the top of the trail.
“Rehearsal dinner is tonight right?” Robin asked offhandedly, grabbing a piece of licorice from her fanny pack.
“You have licorice in there and didn’t offer me any?” Eddie accused.
“Yeah, tonight at seven at Hop and Joyce’s farm,” you said, trying to sound casual, but the warm feeling of Steve was still holding you tightly.
“Open bar?” Eddie grinned.
“Oh my god, Munson. Shut up,” Robin chided, shoving him as they all wandered down the path in a line, you and Steve bringing up the rear.
“Course it’s open bar,” you tried to laugh, but it fell short, everything feeling like it was crumbling now.
The breeze picked up, swirling around your feet, carrying spearmint and Steve’s shampoo and boy with it and as you watched the bachelor buttons sway with the wind you felt a thought gnawing at the back of your mind.
What if.
There was still time.
Nothing’s permanent.
People change their minds all the time and…
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Come over here. All you've got is this moment, twenty-first century's yesterday. You can care all you want, everybody does, yeah, that's okay.
“Chug, chug, chug!” “Don’t be a pussy, Jason!” “No way, he’s too old!”
It felt like you were back in high school throwing a rager over at Tina Rochester’s house not having drinks after your rehearsal dinner, but after most of the ‘adults’ had all gone home things got carried away.
Hop and Joyce’s farm was far enough outside of town that the noise wouldn’t bother anyone and thank god because it was loud. Maybe open bar hadn’t been the best idea, but Sam was having a great time, smiling and laughing for once and you didn’t fight it. You were having fun too.
“Ohhh! He did it!!” “Get that man a medal!”
Jason Carver, Sam’s best man, crushed his empty beer can under his foot to whoops and hollers. You weren’t sure who started it, but someone had told someone else they could shotgun a beer faster and it spiraled from there. Sam was in his element, partying alongside the other ex-basketball players, and for a minute you felt like maybe things would be okay.
Gathering you up in his arms, Sam spun you in a circle, pressing his lips messy and drunk against your cheek. “God, babe. Should be illegal to look that good,” he slurred into your ear, arms still holding you tight as he lowered you slowly back to the ground.
A grin tugged at the corners of your lips. “Gonna write me a ticket?” you teased and he reached a hand around to grab at your ass.
“Maybe I will,” he breathed and you felt a shiver run down your spine, but then a voice pulled him away.
“Sam? Oh my god!”
Carol and Tommy. Great.
“Carol?? I didn’t think y’all were getting here til tomorrow! Tommy, you look like shit,” Sam barked a laugh and lunged at his old friend, grabbing him around the waist and pushing him across the patio.
“Fuck off, you’re one to talk,” Tommy growled back, digging his hands into Sam’s ribs and both of them fell back into their old selves. Talking about a couple of friends that had gone pro, work, what married life was like for Tommy and Carol.
“Babe, go get me another beer, huh?” Sam said over his shoulder and you rolled your eyes, but giving Carol a quick hug you made your way over to the keg.
Priming the tap you started to pour beer into a cup, but it sputtered and choked before spilling foam and you frowned. “Piece of shit,” kicking the keg you shook the garbage can it was sitting in and tried again, but this time nothing came out.
“Need a hand?”
Eyes still on the keg you sighed, a smile pulling at the corners of your lips as you dumped the foam in your cup onto the ground. “Tapped already,” you grumbled, turning around to see Steve grinning at you, hands jammed in his pockets, tie loose and hanging around his neck and you swore he was the most handsome human being you’d ever laid eyes on.
“Hmm, I don’t think so,” he took the last few steps toward you and primed the tap again, giving the keg one firm shake, and grabbed the cup from you. Foam started coming out and you jammed your tongue into your cheek.
“Ha! Told you–”
But then the foam turned into cold, amber beer, and you clamped your mouth shut.
“You were saying?” Steve teased and you shoved him, spilling some of the beer that he’d just poured into your cup on the ground. “Hey! You’re a menace,” he chided softly, shouldering you back, but grabbing the spout again he filled the cup once more and handed it back to you.
“Thanks,” you muttered, glancing over at him as you took a sip.
“Sam seems to be having a good time,” he commented, finding a cup of his own and filling it.
“Yeah, right back to high school.” You watched as your fiance, Tommy, and Jason all snickered and laughed at each other, talking about ‘the good old’ days, and your smile fell.
You couldn’t remember the last time he laughed like that with you. When he was drinking he got more handsy, liked to keep you close to his side and brag about how you were about to get married, but nothing about how hard you worked or the fact that you were saving up to buy a place.
“I dunno,” Steve sighed, taking a drink of his beer, “I don’t miss it.”
“Me either,” you agreed, glancing up at him, and your heart stopped.
God he was pretty. The string of lights that wound around the property washed him in a warm glow. Hair falling out of place as the night spun on, the line of his jaw cast in half light, dark and strong, the long sweep of his lashes as he blinked and looked down at you, the way his lips pulled up into that smile.
“What?” Steve asked, tone amused and playful and your eyes grew wide.
“What?” you echoed stupidly.
Steve laughed and gave you a lopsided smile. “You tell me, you’re the one zoning out,” he teased and your cheeks flushed.
“Oh, n-nothing,” you stumbled over your words and quickly filled the silence with another gulp of beer.
“Okay, well when it comes back to you lemme know.” His eyes lingered on yours for just a moment longer and then a look came over him. Like he remembered something. “Oh, hey. C’mere a minute,” and then he was grabbing your hand and pulling you around the side of the barn.
As he pulled you into motion you felt just how buzzed you were and a giggle pushed itself through your lips. “What the hell are we doing?” you asked, Steve loosing a laugh of his own as he yanked you both to a stop a few yards away from the party out in the long grass of Hop’s field.
“There,” he said pointing up and you followed the line of his arm into the sky until your eyes landed on it.
“Oh,” you breathed, pulling your gaze back to Steve as he looked up into the inky black expanse of the Indiana night. He was just how you remembered him. Hair messed, all boyish and eyes full of wonder and curiosity, just like he’d been those years ago that night in his backyard while you floated in his pool.
“Yeah, that one. Right there,” Steve swam closer to you, grabbing your arm, fingers folding yours in to make a point and tugging it up over your head.
Your breath hitched in your throat as his legs brushed against yours under the water and it took everything you had in you to pull your eyes from him to look up.
“See it?”
“That one?” you asked, pointing on your own, and he nodded as your eyes trailed up the line of your arm to land on an especially bright star.
“Mmhm,” Steve murmured and all you wanted was to look at him again, so you did. “While you’re gone you can just look up at that at night and think of me,” he said matter-of-fact, giving you one of his lopsided grins.
“What if we’re not looking at the same time?”
“I’ll always be looking,” Steve’s voice was barely above a whisper and the way he looked at you made you feel like you might melt. Blinking water from your lashes you lifted a hand to his cheek and at your touch his hands slipped along the bare skin of your waist, sliding down to your hips as he slowly pulled you into him.
The pool filter was humming heavy between the all crickets and frogs and lightning bugs, but you knew the thudding of your heartbeat was louder than all of it.
Wrapping your legs around Steve’s torso, you laced your fingers at the back of his neck, wanting him closer and tighter. Hair messed and flat against his forehead, his lips were parted as he breathed you in, water dripping off the end of his nose and eyes glittering in the pool lights, burnt caramel and honey and if he hadn’t been holding onto you, you would’ve floated away.
His fingers pressed into the soft skin at your hips and you sucked in a small gasp.
“Sorry,” he whispered, and you shook your head in reply. It’s okay. And then he gently pressed his thumb to the corner of your lips, swallowing against his nerves, and asked, “Can I kiss you?”
Heart racing, fingers still tangled at the back of his neck you whispered, “Yes.”
“Remember when we found it?”
Steve’s question brought you hurtling back to the present and you shook your head, heart racing in your chest like it had that night in his pool. “Of course I remember,” you murmured, and you knew you were crossing a line, knew you shouldn’t have done it, knew Sam was just around the other side of the barn, but something in you snapped. Shifted. Decided it didn’t care and you took Steve’s hand in yours.
His eyes flicked down to where they were joined and then back up to you, “But–”
“We’re friends,” you reasoned softly, “Friends hold hands.”
“Are we?” he asked and you swore you felt your heart crack as your fingers scrambled to tangle up with his.
“Yeah. Yes. We are,” your words came spilling out, the beer spidering warm and hazy through your body as you tried to justify your action and Steve’s brows furrowed as he dropped his gaze.
“I should go,” he said and regret gripped you like a vice.
“Don’t, please don’t,” your tone was almost pleading, watching as Steve’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment, working through his own decision and you thought for a minute he would cave like he always did for you, but then his hand was untangling from yours and the ache in your chest was almost enough to pull tears from your eyes.
“You’re getting married tomorrow,” he said, voice thick and low, and when he opened his eyes finally to look at you, you saw a thousand I’m sorrys, all the regret and lingering kisses on hot summer nights and promises whispered in the dark and you shook your head.
“But it’s not–we can’t–please stay,” nothing you said made sense and Steve ran a hand through his hair, pulling his lip between his teeth.
“Get some sleep. I’ll see you at the church.”
And as you watched his figure walk away, silhouetted and dark against the indigo sky, your star blinking bright above you, you felt tears finally well up and spill down your cheeks.
Sucking in a breath you turned back to the the wide open expanse of field behind you and buried your face in your hands, trying to calm down, willing the tears to stop, telling yourself that you loved Sam. You were getting married. The ring on your finger a constant reminder of what was supposed to happen tomorrow and when you finally lifted your head from your hands your eyes fell on a bright patch there in the field at your feet.
Walking back to the party felt like a blur, Steve’s words playing over and over in your mind, and when you came back into the glow of the strung up lights your eyes searched frantically for Sam. If you could just hold his hand, pull him in close you’d know you loved him. Would know you wanted to marry him, but he wasn’t there and everything felt like it was unraveling.
“Hey, are you okay?” Robin’s hand was at your elbow and when you looked up at her, her brow furrowed with worry. “Whoa, what happened?”
“I just need to find Sam, have you seen him?”
“Yeah, yeah I think he was just over here, c’mon. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I just need Sam,” you choked out, Robin’s hand grabbing yours and pulling you along.
“Okay, we’ll find him, it’ll be okay.”
And as you rounded the corner into the quiet of the barn you heard hushed voices. Robin flicked on the overhead lighting to reveal Carol and Sam talking, huddled close to one another and your heart stopped in your chest.
“Wha–Sam? Carol?”
Carol’s eyes went wide and she took a couple steps back, giving you one of her smiles, all flimsy and saccharine sweet. “Oh my god, we thought you left!” she exclaimed, trying a laugh and you heard Robin mumble something under her breath next to you.
“Well, I didn’t. It’s my rehearsal dinner.”
“Babe, we were just trying to plan a surprise for you. For tomorrow, that’s all,” Sam said, taking the few steps toward you, taking your hand in his, but you felt sick to your stomach. You knew that look in his eye, his tone of voice overcompensating for something, lying.
“Yeah! Totally,” Carol said a little too enthusiastically and Robin had had enough.
“Oh my god, totally great!” she mocked, throwing one of Carol’s empty smiles back at her before taking your hand. “It’s super late, Carol. Time to go,” this time Robin’s voice was void of all joking and the look she gave the other girl was enough to push her to leave.
“Absolutely, sure thing. See you tomorrow! Can’t wait,” she purred, but her smile faltered as she met your gaze, walking quickly back out into the night.
“Babe, we really were planning a surprise, I–I just want tomorrow to be perfect,” Sam took your hand from Robin, shouldering her out of the way and she scoffed, still lingering in case you needed her.
“In here? In the dark?” your voice wobbled a bit as you realized what you were implying and Sam squeezed your hand, but it felt suffocating not warm or safe like Steve and you pulled it away. “I’m gonna go home, get some sleep.”
“Of course, baby. Whatever you need,” Sam crowded around you, rubbing your shoulders and pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck, but you didn’t want any of it and shrugged him off.
“Can you give me a ride, Robs?” you asked, pulling away from Sam, your feet not moving you fast enough.
“Yeah, yeah I can give you a ride,” Robin took your hand again, Sam finding himself alone in the wide expanse of the barn on the eve of your wedding.
The happiest day of your life.
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“Listen, can I tell you something?” Robin said shifting into park as she turned down the radio and idled in your parents’ driveway.
“Sure,” your voice was small, timid, not you as your thoughts still lingered on what Steve had said. What Sam and Carol had looked like huddled close together in Hop’s barn. Asking yourself why. Asking yourself what you really wanted.
“I don’t think you should get married.”
Your head whipped up from your lap, brows knitted together. “What?”
“I don’t think you should get married,” Robin said again voice softer this time, knowing the weight it carried as she let it settle in the car between you.
“It’s literally happening tomorrow. What d’you mean don’t get married,” you were scrambling now, afraid of what would happen if you let her woods take root, the doubt that had been hovering deep down now pushing itself front and center.
“People do it all the time–”
“No, they don’t!” tears were welling up against your lashes, your face growing hot, willing yourself not to fall apart.
“Okay! Okay, I’m sorry. Of course I’m gonna support you no matter what you decide,” Robin quickly recovered, grabbing your hands in hers as her expression softened. “Just–” a small sigh escaped her and she squeezed your hand, “–I want you to be happy. That’s all. Are you happy?”
Are you happy?
Robin looked at you, eyes wide, hands still holding onto yours and you felt yourself wrestling with the three simple words she’d thrown at you. Swallowing thickly, you couldn’t meet her gaze and pulled your hands away, grabbing at the door handle.
“I’m happy, I am,” and even you knew how flimsy it sounded, but your friend didn’t push you on it.
“Okay, okay. See you in the morning,” Robin said softly and all you could do was nod in reply before shutting the door and hurrying up the walk and into your parents’ house.
You didn’t bother showering as you moved quickly up the stairs to your room, not wanting to face your parents, not like this. Quietly shutting your door you felt the sob in your chest clawing its way up your throat and you tried to swallow it down as you threw back your covers and hid in the deep pile of blankets. You thought for a split second to call Sam over at Jason’s, ask him if he really loved you, if he still wanted to go through with this, but you buried your face into your pillow and tried to push your thoughts away.
Doubt had started blooming in the pit of your stomach from the moment you’d said yes, but it had just felt like the next right thing. Felt like you were supposed to. Date your boyfriend for a couple of years, move in together, get married. Right? But the things you tried hard to ignore kept bubbling up.
Your hesitation when Sam first asked you out. Your trips home on breaks and seeing Steve. The feelings you wrestled with when you saw him. When he talked to you and listened, really listened and looked at you. How it felt like a giant weight being lifted from your shoulders without Sam there.
Your first fight with Sam over money. How he spent so much of it going out with his friends. How you knew they stayed out late and talked to other girls. The high he got from it too much to stop him from doing it. The smell of the other girls on his clothes.
The first time he cheated on you and begged you to take him back. How the first person you wanted to call was Steve, but you called Robin instead.
And now the planning. All the disagreements and arguing and fighting and you were exhausted and he couldn’t even keep away from other women, from Carol, still after all that time.
Are you happy?
Robin’s question looped in your head and you knew the real answer.
No. But then…
Tap. Tap, tap tap.
Peeking your head out from under your covers your ears strained, trying to decide what it was you’d heard. Then it happened again.
Tap, tap. Tap.
There was only one thing that could make that sound, an all too familiar one that pulled forth a flood of precious, happy memories.
Rocks on your window.
Crawling out of your bed you hurried to your window and yarded it open, sticking your head out and looking down like you’d done hundreds of times before. “Steve?” you hissed into the dark, and as the wind blew the clouds away from the moon, it shone down on the lawn below you washing Steve in soft light.
“Can I come up?”
You bit your bottom lip between your teeth, but knew there was no debate. “Yeah, hurry up,” and you moved out of the way as he started climbing the gutter before you’d even said yes.
Stumbling in through the open window Steve straightened up and dusted off his old, faded Hawkins High Athletics shirt, a pair of grey sweatpants hanging on his hips, the same pair of dirty, beat up Blazers on his feet.
“Hi,” he said awkwardly, tongue jammed into his cheek as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Hi?” it came out expectantly, a question, but you couldn’t hide the relief in your voice at the sight of him standing there in your room.
“Listen, I just wanted to say sorry. For earlier,” he said, walking to your bed and plopping down on the messed up covers.
“Oh, that’s okay, I shouldn’t have–”
“Just let me apologize,” he said shaking his head with a half laugh, expression mismatched as it twisted with something between regret and care.
So you listened and kept your mouth shut, instead deciding to settle down next to him on your bed, thighs pressed together on the small twin sized mattress. Silence lingered for a minute, but the air was heavy, loaded, like how it felt right before a thunderstorm. The sky holding its breath before opening up and pouring rain, cracking the sky in half with bright streaks of light.
You both stole a look at the same time and it pulled a smile from each of you, tiny breathy laughs falling from your lips, but when it quieted again the tension flooded back in.
“Do you love him?” Steve broke the quiet and you felt your chest tighten. When you hesitated he grabbed your hand in his. “Do you?”
Your pulse fluttered against your neck, your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water and stumbling and choking on your words, but you knew the answer. You both did. You’d just admitted it to yourself before Steve had fallen through your window and the familiar feeling of panic started to creep in around you, flinging you back to right before you’d left home again. Before you met Sam.
“Steve! Wait!”
You were practically running after him as he stalked back to his car, the sky on fire with the sunset and streaked in cherry reds, sunflower yellows, and bright tangerine.
He fumbled with his keys and dropped them into the grass at his feet, “Shit.”
“Please, just wait,” you were out of breath as you finally reached him and you saw his frame crumple as he loosed a sigh.
“Jesus, what?” his tone was short, clipped as he stared through his car window, your reflection playing against the glass.
“It’s only for another year, it’s not like I’m gonna be gone for–”
“Yeah! Another year!” Steve spun around to face you, cheeks red and lips pulled down into a frown, a muddied mixture of sadness and anger swimming in his eyes. “Just admit it, you don’t wanna come back here, and that’s fine! But don’t make me wait. Please don’t make me wait anymore. It–” Steve choked on his words and dropped his eyes to his feet, biting on the inside of his cheek to blunt the feelings swelling his chest. “It hurts. To sit and wait here for you. Please,” his voice edged on pleading and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“It’ll work! It’s just a little longer–”
Steve took a step into you, crowding over you, and you felt your heart stutter in your chest at the closeness of him. He lifted a hand to your cheek, his brows pulling together as he looked down at you, eyes searching yours. “Then be with me. If it’s not that long then be with me. Long distance for a little while until you’re done with school,” he said, voice barely above a whisper.
“Steve. I can’t–” your throat tightened around what you were about to say, scared of what that commitment looked like, scared to fuck it up between you, scared to lose your best friend, but your hesitation broke it anyway.
He dropped his hand away from your cheek, tongue flicking out to run along his lips as he held back his anger. His sadness. Frustration. Snatching his keys from the grass he unlocked the driver side door and flung it open rough.
“No! Wait! I just mean–”
“No!” he shouted into his car and then lowered his voice, tears streaming silently down his cheeks, “No. No more. Good luck with…everything.” And he piled into his car, slamming the door shut and ignoring your cries as you crowded against his window, asking him to stay. To talk about it. To figure things out, but he shifted it in drive and took off down your driveway and into the night.
You weren’t going to fuck it up. Not again.
“No,” and as your admission left your lips the heavy weight that had settled on your shoulders over the last two years started to melt away. “No. I don’t love him.”
Steve’s hold on you tightened, pressing your fingers into his palm and he lifted his free hand to your cheek, eyes searching yours, “Don’t marry him.”
Don’t marry him.
Your breath quickened and you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to reason out what you’d just decided and you felt anxious, but Steve was there. And your room was warm and safe. Just like it was when you were younger. When you both laughed and traded secrets and made promises to each other in the dark.
“But. The wedding. The flowers, the cake, the guests–”
“Fuck ‘em,” Steve said, still holding onto your hand, and his words swirled around in your head. “It’s only a wedding. This is your life,” brushing the rough pad of his thumb across your cheek you closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, “You’re not happy.”
And you weren’t. You’d had moments with Sam, moments in time where things felt right and like maybe it could be forever, but they were just that. Moments. It shouldn’t be this hard. You’d sacrificed, compromised, bent and twisted yourself to be what Sam wanted, what he needed, not what you wanted and when you finally looked up at Steve you felt tears welling up against your lashes.
“What will my mom say,” your voice wobbled as you tangled your fingers with Steve’s and he gave you a small, reassuring smile.
“She wants you to be happy too. She’ll be okay.”
You were dizzy, hazy with thoughts of not being engaged anymore, buzzing with the anticipation of what this decision meant. Of what it held. What the future could be and you looked back up at Steve, tears started to quietly spill down your cheeks and his hand was quick to gently wipe them away. You shook your head, holding your breath, and when you let it go everything came tumbling out.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry for making you wait. For hurting you. For everything–”
“Shh, it’s okay,” Steve softly chided, but you pressed on.
“No, no it’s my turn,” you said, voice thick through your tears, and then you turned to cup Steve’s face in your hands. A small smile pulled up at the corners of your mouth even through your crying and you pulled in a breath, “I love you, Stevie. I always have.”
The look on his face then was one of pure adoration, of relief, and he gave you a smile back, “I know. I love you too.”
I love you too.
Pulling him into you, you felt the soft warmth of his breath across your cheek, the smell of his shampoo and fresh laundry flooding your senses. Hesitating, waiting for him to tell you it was okay and he silently answered you by leaning in and closing the gap between your lips, pressing his softly into yours.
It was slow and languid, a thousand I love yous. Years of want and aching set free into the dark of your room as you breathed each other in like air. The feeling of Steve scattering you out into the stars to live with the one you’d deemed as yours, falling between all the glittering constellations and floating in each other.
I love you too.
Reluctantly Steve pulled away from you, eyes fluttering open to look into yours and he took hold of your waist. “Run away with me,” he whispered.
Your brows pulled together, “Run away?”
“Yeah. Right now. Throw your suitcase in my car and we’ll just drive. Get away from everything, just for a little while until you’re ready.”
Mind racing, working through the logistics of what he was suggesting, you almost protested, but something in you fought back. Told you to listen to your heart, not your head. What did you want? What would make you happy?
“Really?” Steve’s face lit up at your response, like he hadn’t expected it, and you felt your lips pull up into a smile, tears drying on your cheeks as you let the feeling swallow you up in its warmth. The embers in your chest crackling and flickering with life, with a fire that burned only for him.
“Yeah, yeah I don’t care. I just want to be with you,” you felt yourself grow more and more confident, more decided and Steve pulled you in again to press another kiss to your lips. This time it was hotter, bolder, a confession of passion and you grinned into him.
“C’mon, if we go now we can get coffee at that shitty diner just off the highway outside of town,” he was grinning now too.
“They make the best pancakes,” you laughed softly and Steve’s smile melted as he looked at you.
He helped you gather your things, carrying your suitcase out to his car, and you felt like you could fly. Lighter than you’d been in years and the thought of just driving down the road with him filled you with warmth. Like watching the sun set at the end of a hot summer day. Like dipping your feet in the pool after sitting in the heat. Sweet like the taste that followed after a tart drink of lemonade.
You left your engagement ring on your dresser, a small folded note under it for Sam telling him sorry. Telling him you hoped he would find what he wanted. That you knew he’d be okay. And as you closed the door to your parents’ house you felt like you were closing that chapter. Ready to start new. To free fall into this open-ended story with Steve and as you settled into his car your eyes caught a small patch of lawn on the side of your house. Bright and soft in the moonlight and full of color.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist
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kittyvolvox · 10 months
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what if this is the scene nancy realizes she had a crush on barb? like it literally perfectly lines up with her behavior imo. it's when she sees tommy h (a reminder of the night of barb went missing?) that she starts drinking (the only other time we've seen her drink before this point was again when barb went missing). we know she is explicitly thinking about barb because she tells steve that they "killed barb". she calls her relationship with steve bullshit, she calls steve himself bullshit in the same speech. what if this view of their relationship is stemming from nancy looking back at the past and being confronted by her own feelings? she's calling st*ncy bullshit bc she's been the one doing the bullshitting, lying to herself and everyone around her about her feelings and is only now realizing it. she calls steve specifically bullshit bc she means that she's understanding now that she didn't really want him, he was just the popular guy she was told to want. yes this is the moment her image of st*ncy crumbled, but what if it was the moment when nancy's image of herself crumbled? like this is the 1980s, imagine being at a party with your boyfriend and realizing you're into girls. it also lines up with her reaction the next day which is to try to downplay it as much as she can bc she's now purposely trying to squeeze herself back into her comphet box, like what else can she do - barb's already dead its too late. all nancy can do is try to cling to this socially acceptable boy except she can't even do that anymore bc (part of) the truth is out there. she's too late, in every sense.
idk it was just an interesting thought i had. and as always i will take any opportunity to spread my comphet nancy & doomed by the narrative gfs bancy agenda 😈 also controversial perhaps but i love the punch scene with my whole heart its such a tragic mess with so many IMPLICATIONS like the punch resembling (barb's) blood like okayyyy lady macbeth <3
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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
A/N: The first movie isn't real.
Summary: A platonic girls' night with Steve, Robin, and Nancy.
Girls' night. He was perfectly okay with it being called girls' night. Steve was actually excited about it. It would be the first time him and Nancy would be hanging out since they cleared the air. They sat down and actually talked about what happened between them. Nancy apologized for how she handled things between them. Steve tried to apologize for not being a better boyfriend, and Nancy had promptly hit him over the head with newspaper, telling him that he had been a damn good boyfriend. They talked about Barb, and they both decided that they had nothing to apologize for that night. It had been Dr. Brenner's for playing God. If it hadn't been for his experiment, then Barb would have lived. They were just normal teenagers that night, enjoying each other's company.
Newly single Nancy fucked him that night and it was like closing a book after it was left open to long. It was finished, and they could finally move forward to actually being friends. They had woken up the next morning, feeling better than they had in a long time. The sun had shone over both of them, and the birds sang loudly. Steve remembered looking at Nancy, and the feeling he had unknowingly held onto for so long was gone. In its place was closure. He's not sure why, but they had looked at each other and laughed. It was the last time they would sleep together, and when Steve would look back on this moment, he would look back on their relationship fondly. . .with no more regrets.
"Hello, ladies," Steve grinned when he opened the door.
"Well, this is familiar," Nancy said.
Nancy had picked up Robin on the way to Steve’s and they were now standing on his doorstep. Nancy's eyes sparkled with a little bit of sadness, something that would probably always be there, but over all, she looked pretty happy. Steve grinned.
"Ready to raise a little hell?" Steve asked, and Nancy laughed.
"Okay, the first rule of girls' night is no leaving Robin out of inside jokes," Robin said as she pushed herself inside, pulling Nancy along with her.
"Oh, is Robin speaking in the third person now?" Steve scoffed.
"Only for this moment, she is," Robin said. "Whoops, I accidentally spoke like Yoda."
"So, what's first on the agenda on our night of hell raising?" Nancy asked.
"Pizza and movie first. That's absolute. It has to be a stupid, mockable rom com. It has to be as cheesy as the pizza," Robin said.
"Then we spend some time picking it apart. We then put on a movie that we do like. You know, usual one that makes us cry," Steve said.
"Then after that, we do facials and paint each other's nails while we gossip. Don't worry, we only gossip about people we don't like," Robin said, and Nancy laughed. "We gossip about Keith a lot."
"Then the very last thing, we dance around in our socks, our sleep shirts and underwear. Tonight's song: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," Steve finished.
"How often do you guys do this?" Nancy asked.
"All of the time," Steve and Robin said together.
They all settled down to watch a movie that Robin picked out, the pizza boxes spread out on the coffee table. The movie they were watching was called Better to Have Loved, which turned out better than they had expected.
"With a title like that, I really thought that it was going to be super cheesy like the cover of the tape," Robin said. "But I really loved it. Kind of sad that Andy didn't end up with the love of his life. It was nice that he decided his friendship with Larry was more important. Although, they never explained how a jock and a metalhead became such close friends."
"Well, obviously, they got trapped in another dimension together," Steve said and they all laughed.
"You're so wrong, Robin," Nancy said. "Andy did end up with the love of his life."
"What? The movie ended like it started with Andy crawling into Larry's bed like they always do," Robin said and then paused. "Wait. . . are you implying that Andy and Larry are in love?"
"If the shoe fits," Nancy said.
"As a lesbian, I think that I would be able to sense it," Robin said.
"You didn't sense anything with me. I had to tell you that I'm bisexual," Steve said. "I don't know. I see it now. Yes, Andy is definitely in love with Eddie."
Robin and Nancy's head snapped together to look in his direction.
"The metalhead's name is Larry," Robin said slowly.
"Yeah, that's what I said," Steve said.
"No, dingus, you said Eddie," Robin said.
"Did I?" Steve asked, his voice squeaking.
"Oh my god! I knew it!" Nancy exclaimed.
"What? You knew nothing, Wheeler," Steve laughed. "You're pretty smart, but you don't know everything."
"You were definitely making eyes at Eddie in the Upside Down and every time I've come over for your little get togethers," Nancy said and then paused. "By the way, thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about yourselves."
"Oh, shit, we did just come out to her," Robin said and then giggled. "So, you're really cool with it?"
"Yeah!" Nancy said.
"Okay, let's do the facials, paint our nails, and gossip like the bitches that we are," Robin said. "Then we're going to make Margaritas and watch Pretty in Pink."
"Again, Robin? Seriously? This is because of her crush," Steve said rolling her eyes. "She looks like Molly Ringwald."
"She really does," Robin said, sighing dreamily. "Vickie Fisher."
"Oh, I talked to her a couple of times. She's cute. I can definitely see you guys together," Nancy said.
"Yeah, she broke up with her boyfriend for Robin," Steve said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"You don't know that!" Robin shrieked.
"And you'll never know unless you take the risk," Steve said.
"Yeah, I'll tell Vickie the day that you admit that you are madly in love with Eddie!" Robin yelled at him. "By the way, how did I miss that?!"
"Because your gaydar sucks!" Steve exclaimed.
"Ah ha! You admit it!"
"I admit nothing!"
After Robin and Steve argued for a bit, they finally put on their face masks before doing their nails.
"Unfortunately, Keith has been absolutely boring lately so does anyone else have any gossip?" Robin asked.
"El broke up with Mike and Mike is mad at me because he thinks it's my fault," Nancy said.
"Why would he think that?" Steve asked.
"Well, It surprised me but El came to me for advice because she felt like she didn't want to be with Mike anymore because she couldn't handle a relationship right now," Nancy said. "I wouldn't blame her after everything she's been through. I told her that was normal and that if she didn't want to be with him, then she needed to be honest with him about why. Mike wasn't too pleased with me."
"The kid's a little shit but he's also experiencing his first heartbreak," Steve said. "He'll pull his head out of his ass and realize that you guys were both right."
"I always thought it was weird that El jumped into a relationship right after escaping a lab who kept her prisoner her entire life," Robin said. "So, I think it's going to be nice that she's going to finally focus on herself for once."
"You think?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah. Isn't that what you're doing?" Robin asked. "Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic. I wish more people understood that."
"You know, I'm really glad that you guys let me be a part of this," Nancy said. "You know, for the longest time I didn't really let myself get close to people, I mean really close even when I was with Jonathan and especially when I was with Steve. I didn't even let myself get close to Fred which I deeply regret now. I don't want to do that, to shield myself away from people just because they might die because that might happen whether or not I get close to anyone. I think it's going to be nice to have friends again."
Steve and Robin shared a soft smile over Nancy's head. They pulled her into a hug and started kissing her cheeks.
"It's going to be nice to have you as a friend, too, Nance," Robin said.
"I definitely think our new relationship holds a lot more meaning for both of us," Steve said. "I think we were always supposed to be friends."
"Yeah, we just needed to fuck a few times to be sure," Nancy giggled and Steve laughed.
"OH! You had to ruin it, Nance! You just had to go there!" Robin exclaimed. "The images are burned into my retina. Okay, another rule about this platonic girl's night out: no mentioning you two fucking! It's over, it's done with! Finite."
"She's very dramatic," Nancy said. "By the way, you seem to be very comfortable about calling it girls' night."
"I am perfectly comfortable with my masculinity and my femininity," Steve said. "No shame."
"It's one of the things that I love about him," Robin said fondly. "He lets me practice my makeup skills on him all the time and vice versa. Although, he's better at putting makeup on me and doing hair. Did I tell you that he's the one who cut my hair? He would make a good beautician. I keep telling him that, but he doesn't believe me."
"I can see it," Nancy said, smirking at Robin. "He's definitely good with his hands."
"OH! You did that on purpose!" Robin exclaimed. "Bad Nancy! Do I have to get the spray bottle?"
After their nails dried, they headed into the kitchen to make the Margaritas. After another argument, they watched Pretty in Pink where Robin openly fawned over Molly Ringwald. They drank a lot, causing Steve to reveal that he does in fact like Eddie.
"He's just so. . . just so. . . preeeetttty," Steve said as he hung upside down on the couch.
"Eh," Nancy said, shrugging her shoulders.
"Eh? EH?! Oh, I'm so glad that we're just bologna," Steve said with a snort and laughed. "Bologna? I meant platonic! I'm silly."
"I double dog dare you to tell Eddie that you want to have his babies!" Robin yelled.
"Only if you tell Vickie that you want to have hers!" Steve yelled.
"I don't want to have babies. I want to give her a bunch of dogs. She loves dogs," Robin sighed.
"Aren't you allergic?" Steve asked.
"I will do anything for her," she said. "Call Edward and I shall call Victoria! Oh, you have that speaker phone thingy. Put that on so we know that it's Eddie! Make the call! No traps!"
"This is fun. You guys are fun!" Nancy giggled.
Steve rolled off the couch and they all moved closer to the phone. He struggled to remember Eddie's phone number for a moment until he did, and he dialed the number gleefully, turning on the speaker phone.
"Hello?" Eddie's voice came out of the speaker.
"Eddie! Hi!" Steve giggled.
"Hey, Stevie. You sound a little drunk. How's girls' night going?" Eddie laughed.
"Oh, you know. . .finnnne," Steve said, biting his lip. "Could be better, though. Wish you were here."
"Yeah?" Eddie asked.
"No, Steve!" Nancy whined.
"Oh, is Nancy there?" Eddie asked.
"Yes! But don't worry. I say this to anyone in the universe who happens to be interested in Steve, we fucked out all the romance. Now, we're just bolognas," Nancy giggled.
"Bolognas?" Eddie asked in amusement.
"No, Eddie! It's platonic!" Nancy giggled. "Silly."
"Yes, silly me," he laughed. "What did you guys drink?"
"Ritas!" Steve screamed and spoked softly, "Teddy. There's something I need to tell you."
"You can tell me anything," Eddie said.
"Why don't you come over, big boy?" Steve asked, giggling. "Oh, wait, that's what you call me."
"No, Steve! No, boys allowed! Only platonic girls!" Robin shrieked.
"We can have this conversation when you're sober," Eddie said.
"You want to hear what I have to say?" Steve asked.
"Oh yeah," Eddie said.
"Wait, you supposed to tell Eddie, then I tell Vickie!" Robin whispered loudly to Steve. "What do I do now?"
"Tell her when you're sober, Buckley," Eddie said.
"Eddie! You're not supposed to be here!" Robin shrieked.
"I'm on the phone, Robin," Eddie said. "I should go now. Have fun, ladies."
"Bye, Eddie," Steve said and blew kisses at the phone.
"Aw, he blew kisses at the phone," Nancy giggled.
"I blew some back, big boy," Eddie said. "You better catch them before they get away."
"Robin! Quick! Catch them! They're floating away!" Steve exclaimed.
"Gone, gone, gone," Robin said, looking up at the ceiling. "Bye, bye, Eddie's kisses!"
"You didn't even try!"
After they hung up the phone with Eddie, they started to prepare to dance to Cyndi Lauper.
"I know that your mom said no but can we please wear them?" Robin asked. "Please?"
"Ugh, fine!" Steve grinned.
"Wear what?" Nancy asked.
Robin giggled and pulled Nancy up the stairs into Steve's parents' bedroom. She opened the door to their closet to reveal several fluffy, fur trimmed robes.
"Maggie loves walking around the house in these," Robin said with a grin.
"She's so dramatic, I love her," Steve grinned.
"Ooh, I want the blue one," Nancy said.
"I'll gladly take the pink one," Steve said.
"Green for me!" Robin exclaimed.
They wondered downstairs in their robes and started blasting the song.
"I don't know about this," Nancy said. "I feel kind of stupid."
"That's the whole point, Nance," Robin said. "That's why we're drunk. Turn off our brains so we can do the stupid thing!"
Steve grabbed Nancy's arms and started to help her dance. He moved her arms back and forth before she started to move by herself. She began to jump up and down, giggling as Robin leaped around them. Sometimes, it's okay to let loose every once in a while. It's okay to be career driven or not know what you want to do with your life yet, and it was okay to not even know who you are. Sometimes you know, sometimes you don't. It was alright to take a pause for a moment, to smell the roses, and to let your hair down.
Nancy had thought about that as she danced around the room with Steve and Robin, shaking her hips as she so. She could feel the guilt and the resentment she had placed on herself start to fade away, her shoulders relaxing as she moved around, and then it was her entire body relaxing completely. Life was whatever you wanted it to be, and no one could tell you how to live your life except you. Dancing it out wasn't the answer to all of her problems, but it certainly helped. It helped to have people to lean on as well because while they can't tell you what to do, they can help you figure it out. As she danced with Steve, she felt closer to him than she ever had before, and it really was better for both of them.
The next morning. . .
Eddie strolled into the Harrington house, eager to see the aftermath of last night and to have that conversation with Steve. He laughed when he walked into the living room. The three of them was spread out all across the floor and they were all wearing giant fluffy robes. Lipstick was smeared Steve's mouth and the words 'Mrs. Munson' was written on his forehead. Steve groaned and opened his eyes, blinking rapidly.
"Hey, Eddie," he said softly.
"Hey, big boy," Eddie said, grinning from ear to ear. "You ready for that talk?"
"Get it, you big slut," Robin said and Nancy giggled.
"I feel like there's something on my face," Steve frowned.
"You look absolutely beautiful," Eddie said causing Steve to blush and giggle.
"I love you," Steve said fondly. "Robin! Your turn!"
"Gah! I haven't prepared a speech," Robin said. "Nance, we've solidified our platonic friendship pretty well last night, can you do me a solid favor and write it for me?"
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Someone commented on the HBOMax tiktok of chaos eve and steve ‘Barbecue Dad x Wine Mom’ and now I’m screaming at the idea of a modern au Rhaenys and Corlys hosting an annual Velaryon Barbecue and it’s the highlight of everyone’s social calendars because you know they would absolutely NAIL IT
YES! You just know that they’re great at throwing an event together. Also Rhaenys and Corlys as Barbecue Dad x Wine Mom is great even though I don’t really understand the connotations other than the literal ones! An annual Velaryon Barbeque would be ace, especially if it were tied up with some sort of games on the beach or a boat race of some sort! A proper summer event. And Corlys in a novelty apron, obviously.
Modern AU or no. I have it in my head that Rhaenys, especially, is the perfect hostess. I mean, just in the show, we kind of get that impression as she’s excellent at anticipating needs and figuring out agendas. She was so welcoming to Viserys when he came for a visit. There’s a pile of food and wine that I’m sure is her doing, as it’s not there later after Viserys is gone and she makes a straight bee-line for it in that scene and isn’t surprised it’s there, so I can imagine she got word the King was coming, ordered the servants to put together a spread whilst her husband got himself washed and prepped for his little power move, and she took the time to go and have a dragon ride and be back in time to greet her cousin. She’s also the one to go ahead and sort their rooms and is the one to tell Corlys what the plan is afterwards, so she totally takes charge.
And Driftmark, essentially, is their kingdom. It’s designed that way, according to the production designer, so Rhaenys is Queen. And you betcha she learnt at the feet of the master (aka Alysanne) how to charm and flatter. High Tide is her castle, it’s the only one she ever had the chance of running and ruling and she now knows it like the back of her hand. She’s run it both as second to her husband, and as some form of regent when he’s away. And it would have it’s fair share of visitors: the Velaryons are powerful, not only in Westeros, but in the Free Cities as Corlys essentially controls a lot of the Narrow Sea, certainly in terms of trade and shipping lanes, and would have made contacts throughout his voyages. No doubt they get a lot of wealthy merchants and minor lords and relatives and businessmen coming and visiting and all of that.
And they must have an AWESOME looking Great Hall. Because they don’t dance or eat in the Hall of Nine and that room is stunning. So there must be some other room that can fit loads of guests and food, for events such as feasts and festivals. I like to think Corlys threw a celebration when he came back home to Driftmark with his new bride: so separate from the actual wedding and wedding feasts that occurred in King’s Landing or Dragonstone. Something just for the island, to welcome it’s new Lady. He does the same when he announces Rhaenys is expecting. Or has given birth. Or it’s someone’s birthday. Basically, the dude is rich and a slight show-off, so any excuse.
One of my favourite things to imagine is Corlys showing some star-struck wealthy man around the Hall of Nine for the first time, explaining his voyages or telling the story of one of the artefacts, and Rhaenys is there and she KNOWS that Corlys has embellished the story, just to sound even more mighty/impressive. Corlys doesn’t need to do that (because the original story/truth is cool enough), but it’s because he CAN and it amuses Rhaenys, who knows all the stories off by heart, so they’re basically just ever so slightly mocking this guy because he hasn’t a CLUE. It’s a power play.
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sadunicorn47 · 2 years
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The Savior ~ A Loki x Reader story~
Summary: Loki's previous trip to earth as D.B Cooper was just a simple prank amongst brother; there was absolutely no hidden agenda behind it whatsoever; certainly was not a way for Loki to take a peek at his so called destined soulmate. Y/N has not had an easy life, and has been hurt by the world way too many times. Can she trust her destined soulmate, or is she too far gone to love and be loved? This story is full of love, heartbreak as well as whole lot of mischief and many talks about past abuse.
Chapter 15: Period Pains
I was in the bathroom putting on a pad , just like Nat taught me.
I cannot believe, I will literally bleed every month now.
Moreover, I am experiencing excruciating pain on my abdomen, but I can also feel the pain spreading towards the rest of my body; bit by bit.
" Nat, is the pain supposed to be throughout my entire body?" I yelled through the bathroom.
" It feels like that yes." She said with a chuckle.
I got up to put my pants back on, and that is when I heard my wrist snap.
I screamed in pain and fell to the floor, only to hear my knees shatter.
" Come on y/n don't be that dramatic." Nat yelled from the room.
" Nat, please come " I cried out.
I instantly heard her footsteps, until she reached me.
" Oh my god, what happened ."
I was hysterical at this point , the pain was too much to handle, and for some reason I was not healing.
" How did you break your freaking bones, and why aren't you already healed up?"
I didn't have the strength to answer her, nor did I have the answers either.
" Jarvis, get the team here now."
The pain was no longer just in my wrists and knees, I could feel shooting pain from my entire body, I could feel the aftermath of every painful event I have ever encountered throughout my life.
I could feel my eyes swelling up, the blood in my mouth.
I could feel cuts opening up in my body.
Obviously I was in bad shape, because not even Natasha was able to hold her composure.
I could hear more footsteps coming in, and raised voices; everyone was panicking.
I couldn't make out what they where saying, my screams drowned out their noise, the pain was too much.
And suddenly I couldn't breathe.
" So, there is no need to panic reindeer, it is the natural way of a female cycle here on earth."
" Another reason to despise Midgard."
~ Everyone please go to y/n 's room, there seems to be an emergency ~
" Jarvis, we are men.. we don't help in period related emergencies." Tony scoffed.
~ Sir, y/n appears to be in incredibly high doses of pain, her bones are breaking as we speak.~
The team and Loki all looked at each other with wide eyes, before everyone moved quickly.
Loki was the first to burst into the room and quickly went to his soulmates side.
Her screams where too much to bear
" I don't know, she was doing fine; then all of a sudden her body was breaking itself."
More wounds where appearing on her body.
" These are not knew wounds, these are all previous wounds that healed up." James said.
A series of panic chatter started echoing through the room.
" Free me of my binds, I can heal her!"
" Loki , we cannot do that." Steve said.
" Thor is the only one that can help us, and he isn't here."
Loki was straight up panicking, he was not going to lose her; not again.
Green shimmer started faintly glowing from his hands.
" Loki, your hands" James pointed out.
Loki, looked down to see that his magic was breaking out beyond the barrier.
He close his eyes and concentrated even more and channeled his entire energy to heal her.
" Hold on tight doll ,Loki is healing you."
Loki unconsciously switched to his Asgardian language, whilst praying for his magic to work.
Soon, enough the screaming died down
" He is healing her." The captain stated.
Y/N 's body started healing and she thanked Loki for taking away the pain, before passing out.
He carried her of the floor and onto her bed , before wrapping his arms around her and snuggling with her and holding on to her for dear life not caring about his vulnerability in front of the team
" what the fuck, happened" Tony said out loud, voicing the question everyone was thinking.
" I can do some tests to see, will just need to do some blood work." Bruce suggested.
" I have medical kits in each room, Jarvis where is y/n's Kit ?"
~ Under the bed , Sir ~
Tony got the Kit and handed it to Bruce.
Bruce got out the needle and sone alcohol swabs and came close to the two souk mates.
Loki wasn't paying attention to any of them or what they where saying he was just hugging and kissing y/n 's head.
So, when he saw Bruce coming close with a sharp pointy needle, he gave him a death glare that made bruce want to pee himself.
" Relax, Loki I just need some of her blood to understand the cause of what is happening."
" Don't touch her."
" Loki..."
" I swear to god, if you take one step closer I will slice your neck." The god shouted.
" we need to help y/n , and we can't help her if we don't know what's wrong." Natasha interrupted, trying to cool the tension between her mate and y/n's.
"I already know what's wrong." Loki stated
" what?" Everyone said at the same time.
" I can no longer feel her magic."
" What, how?" Bucky asked.
" I don't know how, but what I do know is that I cannot sense it anymore."
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momotonescreaming · 1 year
if you're still doing wip weekend, can I request bra? Starbie is the rarepair that has my entire soul.
absolutely you can! i'm spreading the starbara agenda, one snip at a time.
Barb doesn’t hesitate, sits up on her knees, braces herself on the bed and uses the leverage she’s given herself to undo the button of Steve’s jeans. She pulls down the fly in one swift movement, hands steady, shucking his jeans off of his hips.
He has his hand resting on her waist again, thick hands a steady and comforting presence — dropped down from its place on her neck. He squeezes her when she loosens his jeans, eases the pressure, his head thrown back as he arches into the sensation. Eyelids fluttering, pleasure and relief coursing through him. She can see it on his face, feel it in the way that he grips her, and it sets her veins alight.
Groaning, a deep, rough, sound, Steve’s cock springs free from where it was trapped by the tight denim of his jeans. His underwear is strained under the size, a faint deep spot forming where his cockhead has already started leaking.
Make me write for wip weekend!
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nityarawal · 2 years
To Mary Schmitz AKA Bush 
Niece of Mary Kay Letourneau
Daughter of Defense Team:
John Schmitz
Steve Letourneau Beat your aunt Mary Kay because she wouldn't be Poly. 
Like my x did us with 'Osho' cult.
Steve did this because he couldn't pimp her out. 
Because she was a mom & a 'Mary' of integrity. 
Mary hid your Grandpa's eunuched babies;
Your Uncles' rapes & drownings. 
She did everything perfectly as a president elect daughter to core & was blamed for eunuchs' crimes. 
Villi was only brave gang member willing to rescue her Apparently. 
Well, Steve showed us & Mary Didn't he Mary? 
He pimped her to a child to greenwash his pedophile agenda. 
Your aunt said we would all know truth.
We do. 
Are you going to raise the justice bar & whistleblow on the 600k Eunuchs in US created by your grandfather's tourquinet of the baby penis fettish? 
Or are you going to keep being a hooker for Moose's circle just like Steve's- Laughing when your friend Meghan is getting beat? 
She's been a sex slave since 14yo. 
Pimped by cop daddy.
Are you jealous of her? 
So you want to sell her to court? 
Does your boytoy Danny prefer Meghan?(:
You want Dan's house Mary?
 Are you pimping him to prison sex slavery to get it?
When will you list it with airbnb to spread more Germ Warfare?
Where Dan can enjoy being molested and raped by hooker cops? 
Gross gross gross. 
Be a better 'Mary'- not a Spirochaete Steve Letourneau parasite. 
Steve was in Moose's "Osho" sex sting. 
One of biggest parasites in history- like your grandpa. 
Why would you copulate with their amoebaes?
Why the fuck is John Schmitz Bolstrum being tortured in false arrests after his dick had to be surgically re-attached after your grandad tried to Eunuch him? 
It's all in papers. 
Nothing new.
But why were their crimes forgiven all these years while 'Mary's' pay?
Why did Mary K have to pay for all those disgusting boys sins? 
Do you want to carry on that disgusting sick legacy? 
Or be better with your sisters? 
Use your lawyers for good before table's turn. 
Karma is fast. 
Blink of an eye. 
Mother Nature's forces....
My daughter really needs you to find your sober "voice" Mamma & backbone of integrity. 
It's crispy with parasites.
Settle with X- sting.
BTW- that mole on your face isn't really a sunspot- it's a train of parasites and that's just an infection. 
It's like an advertisement for millions of gross Beatles & cockroaches you have a few cm under that pretty exterior. 
A fog light for a train of bugs…
Justin- what did you catch from Mary's night of horrors in her teepee? 
Did she wash your sheets or did a gecko slime under your stomach too?
And what happened to your other Gutter Gals you said you watched worms crawl out of? 
Were They yours???
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Happy holidays! What do you think each of the fruity four’s favorite Christmas songs are?
Okay I really had to think about this one because I am SO PICKY
Robin, I think, would enjoy Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee. I think for one, she’s a lesbian that can appreciate this woman’s beautiful raspy voice. I think she’d like the saxophone, and I can just picture her singing it into a pen like a microphone to annoy Steve during a shift at Family Video in early December.
I’m spreading my Steve Harrington Wham! stan agenda. This man would CRY to Last Christmas. First of all, it could be him lamenting his failed relationship with Nancy (RIP), but also I can picture him singing into his hairbrush between doing his hair in the morning. He gets back at Robin by putting this song on repeat for a week straight.
Nancy I think would enjoy the classics. She’s difficult for me. Maybe I’m biased because of my fic, but I think she’d be a fan of Baby, It’s Cold Outside by Dean Martin. I know there’s arguments over the context and how it sounds like he’s coercing her into staying, but I think Nancy would be ALL OVER the conflicting analysis of that vs the “well she has to keep up appearances because she doesn’t want to be called a whore but she wants to stay” point of view. And she’s a secret hopeless romantic in my mind idc.
Eddie Munson my metal head beloved. This man would ROCK to Christmas Eve / Sarajevo by the Trans Siberian Orchestra. He performs it for the whole crew on Christmas and calls it the most metal Christmas carol ever. Steve and Dustin make fun of him for it. He does blow them all away though. Is there really any other correct answer?
I didn’t do my research on release dates, so definitely take these with a grain of salt lol.
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ceidblogkw · 4 months
CEID 100 Blog Week 5
Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation
Misinformation is the presentation of false information as true information without the intent of causing harm. This means that someone can unknowingly send out false information as if it were true because they personally believe it to be. An example of this is this tweet from a Danish politician claiming that vaccines cause autism, despite the numerous medical journals disproving this outdated theory. The tweet includes a video of men in a conference room discussing the “link” between childhood vaccines and autism. This misinformation can be identified by looking for more information about the video shared. The tweet frames this video as being in a government setting, falsey leading viewers to believe that the men in the video are government employees and trustworthy sources, although upon looking into speaker Steve Kirsch, you will find that he is no more than a businessman with radical opinions.
Link to tweet: https://x.com/Palsvig/status/1794785325765796165 
Link to article disproving it: https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccines-and-other-conditions/vaccines-autism 
Disinformation is when someone presents false information as true information with the express purpose of causing harm. An example of this is this tweet by user @ProudMa36394621. In this  tweet from 2019, this user spreads false information about a mass shooter’s political affiliation, falsely claiming that he had a sticker on his truck linking him to a democratic presidential candidate for the 2020 election. This was done to create a false perception of the presidential candidate as a domestic terrorist and unfit leader in order to push the poster’s political agenda and prevent the politician’s successful candidacy. In the retweet of the original tweet, a user exposes this disinformation and points out that the account may be a Russian bot created with the purpose of causing civil unrest in the United States before the 2020 election.
Link to retweet of original tweet: https://x.com/Look2BetoDays/status/1168592927687434240 
Link to article disproving it: https://apnews.com/article/social-media-election-2020-tx-state-wire-anthony-shaffer-odessa-bd653f4eb5ed4f34b6c936221c35a3e5  
Malinformation is when information is spread with malicious intent. An example of this is the photo Amber Heard shared as evidence in her trial with ex-husband Johnny Depp in 2022 that appears to feature her with a bruise on her cheek, of which she claimed Johnny Depp caused. It was discovered to have been falsified with photoshop by Norbert (Bryan) Neumeister, USAForensic CEO. This information was shared with the express purpose of harming Johnny Depp’s public image and benefit Amber Heard in court. This type of malinformation is much harder to identify by the average person, and may require (as seen in this case) an expert to perform analysis on it.
Link to photo: https://petapixel.com/assets/uploads/2022/05/amber-heard-images-allegedly-edited.webp
Link to article disproving it: https://www.avemarialaw.edu/amber-heard/ 
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kiirotoao · 1 year
S2 rewatch highlights pt 4
Episode 7
OHHHH the TV showing “Action News 8” OKMGJGKF
Oh wow the yellow lights everywhere - she’s on a soul search
“Mouth breather” made me laugh out loud - I love how the word is just like a gentle “f— u” for El, or like a “you’re not worth my time”
“Outside the Realm” played between Byler and Jancy and also between Kali and El! I didn’t know the song was played this many times.
Awwh El did hear Hopper’s message!
“I’m a fighter. I’ve killed.” Okay I really like how the show emphasizes here that you can kill and still not be “fighter” - it’s clear that the gang’s intentions vs El’s are much different
“Festered” = “spread” Kali equates. Until she confronted it and it eased the pain. Oh my gosh if this ends up being true to Will, too. My heart
Alright as a former Winx Club girlie I am a sucker for transformations so I love the outfit change sequence
Okay side note “Shirley Temple” is so endearing to me as that’s also one of my nicknames haha
AWGFGF Funshine’s care bear mask
Oh El’s compassion when she sees the family photo :(((((((( <3
I love how you can hear Kali’s style of voice in Brenner!
And when she sees Brenner it seems that the light is more yellow and less red/purple once again I stand by my yellow = heart agenda
El clings to the first time Mike gave her the nickname, Dustin and Mike at the cliff, Hopper taking her in, and Hopper and the “compromise”
I LOVE WHEN THEY ALL FREEZE AND KALI MAKES THEM INVISIBLE AHHHHHHH Oh the camera panning around to them being gone is so cool. Every single time man
Oof wow the crescendo when El parts with the gang and runs as they drive off was really powerful wait what song is that???
Oh and the window transition!!! I love
Poor Kali! Please I hope we see her again
Episode 8
POOR MIKE no one's listening to him because everything moving so fast and the panic but omg he's right on the money
OH HAHA I forgot that electricity went out in the lab at the start! I didn't really pay attention to when it happened lol
OUGH. The stagnation and fear in Billy's eyes from his dad. Yikes.
Wow the way I held my breath for Bob AHHHh
BOB NOOOO ohhhh Joyce's trauma here OH YMHERATT I know that it's addressed next season as Joyce has flashbacks but like... does she do anything about it??? NOO and my heart I am shaking omg
“I should have been there” Jonathan self parallels from s1 HHHFJJGGJG 😭
AWW WAIT OMG Steve getting emotional when he looks at Nancy and Jonathan and Will omg????? Babygirl???
Wow Mike comes up with a lot of the plan!!! AWW poor baby damn literally he wants to lead but he can't!!
If we get a "proud [of you]" moment from Joyce to Will when he comes out to her I will be SICKKK
"It was the best thing I've ever done" SEDATE MEEEEE
Joyce and Jonathan holding each other in fear I AM ILL PLEASE just let this family have peace please I am on my knees
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
It had felt like this was a long time coming, but also like it was happening all too fast. He had been wanting to marry Nancy Wheeler since the moment he had laid eyes on her, and that wasn’t even an exaggeration. She had always stood out from the other girls to Steve Harrington on so many levels, and despite the rumors that he was dating her in an attempt to change her, he loved her for exactly who she was. Every single blood cell in her damn body.
Getting back together after everything that had happened, he had known that marrying her was the first thing on his agenda. Pregnancy had come first, which had definitely been unexpected, but he would hope that Nancy knew this wasn’t just some ’i’m proposing because i knocked you up’ scheme. Steve had always, always, since the age of sixteen, wanted Nancy Wheeler to become Nancy Harrington.
He just really hoped he didn’t fuck this up. He knew that no matter how he proposed, Nancy would say yes - or so he hoped - but he wanted this to be special. After everything they had gone through, she deserved at least that much.
He had thought of so many different ways to do it. Bringing her to a gun range and having her teach him how to shoot. Reenacting their first date. Bringing her to the school and having the dance they never got at Senior Prom. He had to admit, he was stressing himself out about all of it, when he knew that Nancy wouldn’t want that. Nancy wouldn’t want anything extreme. She’d want something simple, and something intimate, and most importantly, something that didn’t remind either of them of everything they’d been through.
But still, he was a romantic. Always had been, and always would be. He had pretended to go to work at his shift, promising Nancy he would be back quickly to take care of her and their soon to be kids. Instead he had been setting everything up, quickly knocking on their front door before heading into the back yard. As soon as Nancy opened the door, she would see a trail of rose petals, leading to where Steve was.
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It wasn’t all that fancy. He was in a nice button up and tie that he had had in the BMW, changing like an idiot down the road in the back of his car. Hair slicked back, hands clasped behind his back. He’d set up a ring of fake candles because fire hazard, big enough for both of them, standing in the middle of it nervously, biting into his lower lip. A nice little picnic blanket spread out under one of the big trees outside their shared space, non-alcoholic wine and strawberries and a small jukebox and a basket full of food Steve had prepared himself.
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ryrolover · 2 years
HELP i made a stranger things headcanon video on tik tok right
and i put gay for both mike and will and wrote in the comments that will is canon and mike is heavily implied
and this bitch has the audacity to say will isn’t confirmed gay and mike has a girlfriend so he can’t be gay😐
they also said (and i quote) : “you literally put labels on people based on their appearance. u said argyle was any (pronouns btw) because of his long hair then you say any gender can have long hai”
“Eleven has a shaved head and that’s masculine so she must be they them! it doesn’t work like that”
and i literally never said it did🧍‍♀️
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steddiesrobin · 2 years
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