#spotted crakes
bjekkergauken · 11 months
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Some watercolour aussie birds
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birdblues · 7 months
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Spotted Crake
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southernimages · 8 months
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Spotted Crake feeding, for full story and more articles go to
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vintagrafica · 8 months
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Spotted crake or Porzana porzana
The spotted crake is a small waterbird of the family Rallidae. The scientific name is derived from Venetian terms for small rails. These birds probe with their bill in mud or shallow water, also picking up food by sight. They mainly eat insects and aquatic animals.
Available now on Society6 or Redbubble
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
Dp x DC crossover
Ok so I had an idea what if all the main bat brothers where dateing the phenton siblings and didnt know. The pairings for this idea is Damian x dani(elle) phenton, tim x danny phenton, jason x jazz phenton, and dick x Dan phenton.
the chaos if one day when the brothers where hanging out one of them mentions their partners and how their last name was phenton then one of the other boys says that's their partners last name and then the other 2 also say their partners last name is phenton.
So they come to the most logical conclusion and say their partners names, and their just like oh their siblings until tim says his boyfriend danny is trans ftm and his dead name was juzeal (ju-zel). So they all assume after that since all of them are paranoid idots is that danny, Elle, jazz, and Dan where the same person and are useing them for something. They cant agree on what damion thinks it's a trick by the league, jason thinks it's one of the pepole hes killed relatives comeing for revenge, tim thinks it's for money, and dick thinks it's to kill Bruce.
So they are all upset thinking the loves of their lives are lying to them. Then jason says "how about we all invite them to a dinner to meat the fam on the same day" so they did. And where all very confused when all of them got the reply 'sure why not'.
So the dinner was at a restaurant they completely rented out so they would be the only ones there. Damion and elle arrived first sittling down. Then jason arrived with jazz. Then dick and dan, and lastly danny and tim. So everyone is just staring at eachother when Danny craked the joke "well I guess we do have similar taste huh guys". Elle bursted out laughing, dan and jazz rolled their eyes dan saying "well we are siblings".
The brothers are suprised but happy knowing their original conclusion on then being siblings was correct, now everyone wants to know how they all met.
Ok that's the idea also I kinda wanna write this as a series I'm thinking calling my au cork board because of all the theorys the brothers come up with. Also the the last name phenton instead of Fenton or nightingale is I like to think danny came up with it on the spot without jazz's supervision and 5 nights of no sleep.
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outofangband · 7 months
Birds of Thargelion
After this I just have Maglor’s Gap and that will complete my series on birds in the Fëanorian realms pre Amon Ereb!
Flora, fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Thargelion was the realm of Caranthir, located in the north east of Beleriand just north of Ossiriand and bordered by the Ered Luin, the eastern stretch of mountains that divided Beleriand from the rest of Middle Earth
As always this is not a definitive list! Please feel free to ask more or give me a more specific category!
Around Lake Helevorn and the rivers: Red-breasted merganser, mute swan, white tailed dipper, whooper swan, smew, little grebe, red throated loon, common crane, mallard, common white eye, northern shovler, green winged teal, corn crake, spotted crake, black winged stilt
Mountains: bearded vulture, water pipit, golden eagle, kestrel, peregrine falcon, Rock ptarmigan, common siskin, alpine accentor, northern wheatear, ring ouzel, white tailed eagle, chough, spotted nutcracker, Citril finch, griffon vulture, common redstart, common raven, wallcreeper, common jay, boreal owl, white winged snowfinch, crag martin, common redstart, black redstart
Foothills and forests: black grouse, wood grouse, goshawk, grey white fronted goose, hazel grouse, little bunting, meadow pipit, tree sparrow, hedge warbler, Bohemian waxwing, common kestrel, long eared owl, little owl, marsh tit, coal tit, mourning dove, rock pigeon, woodchat strike
World building notes
-Like most of the Noldor in Eastern Beleriand, many of Caranthir’s scouts keep birds of prey. In Thargelion these are primarily peregrine falcons and kestrels. Hunting with birds was less common however.
--There are populations of Green Elves who live in Thargelion, primarily in the mountains and near the border of Ossiriand. Though they also do not use birds for hunting, certain species are kept as companions or messengers.
-Chicken breeding as an art and science developed during the Watchful Peace. Chickens in Thargelion are appraised for long plumage and colorful feathers. Their eggs are eaten but they are not often used for meat.
-Chickens, peacocks and quails were kept by the Noldor of Thargelion, techniques of raising and breeding them were learned from Sindar and Silvan cultures of Eastern Beleriand. Indeed the Noldor of Thargelion were one of the only Noldor populations to keep quails.
-Bearded vultures appear on the crests of some of Caranthir’s lords and were even kept by a few of them
-Feathers of various mountain birds especially eagles and ouzel appear in wood carvings as an architectural motif during the Watchful Peace in Thargelion
-Out of all the Fëanorian realms, water birds appear most often in art and other cultural references in Thargelion as Lake Helevorn and its wildlife are a central facet of life there especially in times of peace. Wading birds like crakes, cranes and stilts are especially Valued.
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forgetmenauts · 1 year
Howdy! Could we get a member introduction? I’d love to get to know y’all’s names and pronouns ^^
We actually did an essay and interview for the queer horror zine The Quiet Ones last year where we shared some fun intros! I've included screenshots of our intros here, but if you have a chance, you should check out the zine as well: it's run by a delightful group of queer authors and editors.
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Here's the link to the issue with the Forgetmenauts feature: our bit starts on page 47.
(Fun fact: Kit is also an author and has had a couple of their short stories published in other issues of the zine, under their full name of Katharine Gripp. They're here and here if you want to check them out!)
Image text below the cut:
Walker Staples (they/them) Instrument(s): Guitar/Banjo/Vocals
Favorite scary movie or book: Let the Right One In.
Favorite cryptid: Jackalope. Who in the band is most likely to survive a horror movie, and why?: I think it's gonna be Tyler; most resources, best equipped for building booby traps.
Tyler Gary (he/him) Instrument(s): Clarinet, Saxophone, Trombone, Keys. Favorite scary movie or book: Recently I read Mexican Gothic and while it wasn't my all time favorite, it definitely captured some good haunting creepy vibes. Would recommend for the mushroom horror.
Favorite cryptid: The chupacabra. Who in the band is most likely to survive a horror movie, and why?: I'd be the second or third to die. “Quick everybody, I have a plan! All we have to do is...“ *Dies in a horrible dramatic way*. I think Abe would be last to die. He would disappear early on and we would think he's dead but he actually just went on a hike and came back at the end.
Abe Finkelstein (he/him) Instrument(s): Cello, un-mic'd backup vocals and banter, howling. Favorite scary movie or book: Oryx and Crake. And I listened to a great podcast about Midsommar but will probably never have the guts to watch it.
Favorite cryptid: The Baba Yaga house. Who in the band is most likely to survive a horror movie, and why?: Definitely Emma. She lives on a sailboat and is a great problem solver, and good at engineering. You might think I was on a hike but I was actually dead the WHOLE time.
Danielle (she/her) Instrument(s): Drums!
Favorite scary movie or book: I am scared easily and don't really watch horror movies! You
didn't ask about this, but my favorite scary-ish video games are The Last of Us and Dead Space.
Favorite cryptid: Loveland frog. Who in the band is most likely to survive a horror movie, and why?: Walker, they would out-maneuver the attacker/swarm/ pathogen/whatever the horror of the horror movie is.
Kit Gripp (they/she) Instrument(s): Mandolin, vocals.
Favorite scary movie or book: Sunshine by Robin McKinley (ok so it’s not that scary but there’s lots of blood and vampires, so it counts).
Favorite cryptid: Nessie. Who in the band is most likely to survive a horror movie, and why?: Probably Collin. If it were something corporeal, he'd knock it out with a baseball bat. If it were an angry ghost, he'd talk to it and de-escalate the situation.
Emma Williams Instrument(s): Bass.
Favorite scary movie or book: House of Leaves.
Favorite cryptid: Selkie. Who in the band is most likely to survive a horror movie, and why?: I think Walker would be the most likely to survive because they are very nimble and quick.
Collin (he/him) Instrument(s): Drums!
Favorite scary movie or book: Hard to pick a favorite scary movie! Maybe Let the Right One In (the original one). It's rare that horror films are at once so beautiful, disturbing, and sympathetic to the villain.
Favorite cryptid: Michigan Dogman. Who in the band is most likely to survive a horror movie, and why?: Kit survives the horror movie, for sure. Zombie flick? Kit decapitates the shambling hordes with lethal pirouettes. Teen slasher film? Kit distracts the villain with some concocted-on-the- spot YA fiction just long enough that he doesn't even notice he's walking right into his own poetic and ironic death. Vampire horror show? Please. Kit was the vampire. Kit was always the vampire.
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fandomwriterlover · 2 years
One shot where redson takes care of the female or Gn readers prosthetic leg maybe possibly??????
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S/o's missing leg was not a secret for the people around her, she even proudly show off his cool articulated prosthetic leg like it's a priceless gem. Saldy, it bothers his boyfriend very much... Not that he feels ashamed of her, but that-- Well, she's showing A leg of hers! So shameless~
Lately they couldn't go out so much... There has been an incident with the leg. In a moment s/o was taking a walk to the market to visit her boyfriend's and future father's in law's food spot, and then-- BANG!-- A guy in a bicycle runs over them, breaking the prosthetic apart. While they were dizzy by the impact, s/o could feel both DBK and Red concernering asking if she was alright and threating to burn the insides of the cyclist for injuring her. Yep, like father like son.
The leg wasn't easy to get with the health insurance they have. It would take a lot of money to buy one that covers her needs and time to get designed... Her cheerfull behaviour would disappear as she could see the remains of what was a leg ages ago. A stump. A part of her body that would cover with long skirts... If she had the courage to go out with crutches and jumping with one leg. That was something that s/o would make her feel awfull to be seen.
"S/O!" The loud voice, followed by the door of her place opening jolted s/o and quickly cover her bellows with a blancket; she was on the couch watching a movie when her boyfriend surprised her. The red haired demon burted in with a large black gym bag on his arms. She greeted him with a surprised smile and-- "S/o, lift up your skirt."
... "W-What?!" She asked, and yet he just moved to them and removed the blanket. "R-RED! What are you doing?!" Her protest and hands grabbing the skirt didn't stop the hands of the fire demon. She couldn't even heard the zip of the bag opening by the outburts she was feeling, then-- CLICK--- She felt a cold and solid feeling in ther lump. Her eyes fell over her bellows... Her wided eyes stared at a mechanic leg attached; with a spheric part that would be the kneed and the silver structure was modeled as it was a real leg covered in brilliant silk. "There... Now you should be able to walk out on your own again. I would like to see any medic if they had any prosthetic that can compare with RED SON'S design. It's so far more practical, and fashionable and---" the smug smirk of the demon dropped as they looked up at his girlfriend... TEARING UP. "--WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!"Now he was panicking reaching her hands and and lifting the metallic leg, thinking that it was the problem. "What is it?! Is it to heavy? You feel any pain? Wha--"
You silent him by cupping his face and kissing on his lips. Red Son silently ket himself being lost on this warm feeling, placing one hand on one of her hands; his fire hair flickered makinga craking sound. As you parted the kiss, s/o whispered at him. "It's perfect, Red."
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new-dinosaurs · 7 months
Porzana payevskyi Zelenkov et al., 2023 (new species)
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(Type coracoid [shoulder bone] of Porzana payevskyi, from Zelenkov et al., 2023)
Meaning of name: payevskyi = for Vladimir Payevsky [Russian ornithologist]
Age: Pleistocene (Gelasian)
Where found: Malye Goly, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia
How much is known: A partial right coracoid (shoulder bone)
Notes: Porzana is a genus of small rails including the spotted crake (P. porzana) of Eurasia and Africa, the sora (P. carolina) of North America, and the Australian crake (P. fluminea). P. payevskyi was large for a member of this genus and had a slightly more elongated coracoid than its close living relatives.
Reference: Zelenkov, N., E. Palastrova, N. Martynovich, A. Klementiev, A. Sizov, and N. Volkova. 2023. A tiny duck (Sibirionetta formozovi sp. nov.), a giant grey partridge (Titanoperdix felixi gen. et sp. nov.), a new rail (Porzana payevskyi sp. nov.), and other birds from the Early Pleistocene of Baikalian Siberia. Biological Communications 68: 261–272. doi: 10.21638/spbu03.2023.406
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meili-sheep · 1 year
I can't remember if this was ever talked about or not but, does Diluc have any 'unofficially' adopted children?
What are their opinions on his harem?
So I Believe I've talked about how the haram reacts to the kids but no the kids reacting to the Harem. And I think each kid kind of has their favorite. So let's go by each kid and their favorite.
Dad protector number home. So getting close to Diluc is generally a criminal offense in here eyes. So most of the harem she loathes. Kaveh and Zhongli get bonus hate points because of their drinking habits. Itto is just too loud. Eula is probably getting judged on her reputation same with Al Haitham. But no extra hate. Albedo and Xiao she just doesn't vibe with. They are too indifferent. Ayato and Thoma get extra hate points for being dog people. The only one she really ends up liking and tolerating.... is Childe. It's partly because Childe actually put up with her and sort of knows how to deal with her. He's a family man and treats her like one of his no matter how mean she is to him. Because he knows it's not real hate. So while she still says he's gross and got cooties. She actually really likes Childe.
So unlike Diona Bennett really like most of Diluc's suitors. He's already kind of used to having a hoard of Dads so as long as they make Diluc happy. But his favorite... It's Kaveh. Partly because Bennett... Presents Kaveh's biggest challenge. No matter what Kaveh builds Bennett can break it. And to be honestly Kaveh loves it. He loves trying to make Bennett proof things. So they just bounds and attach so well. Like he gets along with everyone else but with Kaveh. They just click man.
So Fischl's favorite might through people through a loop. because this person doesn't reallly do kids but they both end up with a weird soft spot for each others. So it's Ayato. And while Ayato not a big fan of the kids in general he really does have a soft spot for Fischl because of her acting and her dramatic speech. He finds a lot in it actually quite admirable because it's her trying to be the person she wants to be. For Fischl part she like Bennett gets along with most of the Harem but few understand her. (Al Haitham does be he doesn't play along) But Ayato always plays along with her. He's not nearly as dramatic but he'll play any roll she gives him and he does it well and I think she understand him in a way only people who wear masks can understand each others.
So We all know who Klee (and by extension Alice) Is rooting for. Like clears as day it's Albedo But I think like Bennett Klee gets along with Kaveh really well so he's runner up. He also likes testing out building that can with stand Klee's bombs. And She loves hearing around all the homes he's made for people She also really like Thoma just because he's the best! To be fair most of the harem gets "Is the best!" treatment from Klee like even Al Haitham does because thought he doesn't smile he reads to her and probably even made protective head gear for her. I think Ayato and Xiao are the ones she likes the least. Because Ayato's smile always feel off and Xiao probably avoids her like the plague (for her own safety in his mind)
So this one really crakes me up because like Diona Razor doesn't trust a lot of the harem. He's a bit more protective of Diluc then the others (Save Diona of course) But funny enough that one he gets along with the most is Al Haitham. Because he's blunt he's straights forwards and despite being so smart Razor can always understand him. And honestly. Part of it is because Al Haitham doesn't really know how to interact with children so he kind of treats them like pets? And yeah that works Razor.
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assjuice4ever · 1 year
Letter to the lost
Atsumu x reader, angst, sex, hurt, sad, anger.
Part 1/ Part 2
Chap 1: Delusion
About that time when I thought everything was fake
The first time Atsumu came to sleep at your house it was scary.
Your house wasn't like his. The floor wasn't so clean you could eat on it, the knick knacks didn't have any order or logic, your bathroom was little, with bottles falling on top of you whenever you opened the wrong sash, the water of the shower needed five minutes to get hot. Everything looked like it was going on thanks to stubbornness and nothing else.
Atsumu house was totally different.
Yet, when you confessed one time to him that it felt awkward to have him in your house, to make him see how you lived made you feel like a disappointment. He told you it was stupid. That he was just coming to see you, and not the house.
It made you happy.
Your room was little. Atsumu watched everything in it as if he was in a museum but that room didn't feel like yours. On the walls there were still the posters that your sister put there when she was a teenager in love with the idols, on your nightstand there was a photo that you didn't really care about but they gifted it to you, the wardrobe was full of things that were passed down to you. Everything wasn't really yours.
Atsumu was a little sad about it. He wanted to know about your cringe thirteen when you started to paint in black your room and there was just a little spot still there from that time and who gifted to you a helmet and everything else.
In exchange he told you stories from when he was thirteen years old. When he feel in live with this girl in his class who had the longest ponytail and cute little bunny earrings and how he carved her name on his bed and Osamu wanted to choke him but instead told everything to their mom. Atsumu laughed will remembering how he ad to sit in the kitchen, telling his mom why he liked that girl.
You listened to him, head on his pecs and hand on his stomach. He was hot and his breath calm and steady while his heart was going as fast as possible under your ear.
When he stopped talking he kissed you.
He put his hand under your chin to take your lips to his. He was always eager, as if your lips were honey and he was a bee. But he wasn't a great kisser. He went at it in a random way, sucking and biting everything and moving his tongue like it was a toothbrush. But you liked it anyway because you liked him. You liked how is big strong hands went on your hip, how he moaned while kissing, how big he felt against your leg while he pulled you to him, to be as close as possible. You liked how he had to get away a little from your mouth to breath before kissing you again more eager than before and how hot he was. You liked how he flexed his belly when you touched his lower abdomen, how he looked ready to pray for you.
His hand went to your slips but before he could do anything you felt the Heavy steps of your mother, the sound of the door of her bedroom craking over and both of you stoped there. Waiting for her to go away but instead she called one of her friends from outside the bedroom.
You remember laughing against Atsumu shoulder, a bit embarrassed a bit amused by the situation.
He kissed your hair, laughing a bit too.
You two fell asleep like that that night.
Four days have passed and only yesterday I did understand what you meant. It was a "it's not you, it's me". But before that it felt a lot like an it's you.
I know it sounds a bit like a stalker behaviour but I'm checking your social, your friends too. I hope to see you sad, maybe crying a bit. I see that you have done a lot more post than before and I hope that it's a way to call for my attention, to make me see you. It's stupid and stupidly hopeful.
I feel like the reasons why you left me were stupid and petty. All of my friends thinks I should be grateful that you left me because clearly you're not an okay person, you're not a good one. Not a good one for me. Nor a mature one.
I hope you're crying as I am. That when you eat something that we ate together, that when you sit in front of the television and a certain tv program starts, or that when our song pass at the radio you think about me and you cry. And that you're waiting the right time to write to me that you want me back, that you can't live without me.
Because that's what I feel.
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silverhallow · 2 years
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I don't know which modern-day AU this fits best (feel like I automatically file every photo as either PAWS or AWOA 😂) but this photo looks very much like baby Sophie with auntie Sarah or auntie Becky, maybe whilst a summer at Aubrey Hall? Could we get a glimpse of Sophie & auntie with the other ladies at Aubrey Hall?
Okay so this is totally Baby Sophie in When We Were Young with her Aunt Becky.
The Summer when little Sophie is three years old and full of wild energy and excitement at everything in the world and she’s been tearing around after Benedict, Anthony, the Rokesby cousin’s and Kate.
Richard dressed her in a simple pair of shorts and white shirt and whilst Sophie had begged for her hair to be plaited like Kate’s her hair simply was too short so he had managed to convince her that little bunches would be better than pigtails and she’d eventually gone tearing off through the house into the gardens with her friends.
It was only after an hour of playing hide and seek that Anthony realised that they were missing a member of their group…
Sophie had disappeared and no one had been able to find her and as it was starting to get closer to lunchtime. Anthony had promised his mother that they would all be up and he and Benedict had promised to look after Sophie since she was so little.
But when Henry and Thomas had suggested they play hide and seek in the gardens they had all scattered…
And Sophie, well she was nowhere to be seen. Anthony, Benedict and Kate were frantic, the gardens at Aubrey were very extensive and whilst they usually stayed in one part of the garden it did include the flower garden and Sophie, being so small could be anywhere…
After 30 minutes of everyone looking for her, they knew they were going to have to go up to the house and tell the parents they couldn’t find Sophie, and honestly, Anthony would rather have Kate kick him in the balls again than tell Uncle Richard they had lost his daughter…
But as they were making their way up to the house looking glum, Becky was making her way out of the house and they all breathed a sigh of relief “hey kids… what… what’s wrong?” she asked when she saw the glum looks on the three kids' faces.
The Rokesby clan had done a runner back to Crake House to avoid Richard’s fury.
“We… we erm….” Anthony and Benedict stammered.
“They’ve lost Sissy” Kate said, rolling her eyes at the boy's cowardness.
“You…. you've lost her how?”
“Henry and Thomas suggested we play hide and seek and she came and hid with me… but I ended up sneezing and giving myself away but when they came to look for Fee… she… she wasn’t there?” Benedict said glumly.
“I know! We’ve checked everywhere!! But we can’t see her…” Anthony added
Becky sighed “Come on, I am sure we can find her, she won’t have gone far and she’s probably just fallen asleep somewhere, are Henry and Thomas looking for her?”
“No they ran away home frightened that Uncle Richard will shout at them” Kate said with an annoyed look on her face.
“Well they’re not wrong but Uncle Rich never needs to know as we’re going to find her.”
“But she’s soooooo little! She could be anywhere, she’s like a mouse!”
“Yes but you forget one very important thing about Sophie” Becky said putting her arm around 4 year old Benedict who looked very serious and upset at the thought he had lost Sophie.
“What?” he asked his little blue eyes hopeful
“She likes the flowers here”
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Benedict said “but we checked…”
“But did you look in the flower beds? She’ll have tucked herself in and just lay in the flowers…” Becky grinned as they walked into the flower gardens and towards the taller bunches of flowers.
“Oh of course she would! She’s so little she gets in all the tiny places!” Kate said as she took off at a run looking down into the beds of all the flowers as she tried to spot her best friend.
Anthony and Benedict did the same thing and it was Anthony who let out a jubilant “I’VE FOUND HER!” 
Sophie had crawled away from Benedict, when she heard the loud feet of Henry running towards them and she hadn’t gone much further, just two or three rows over and she settled herself in the red and orange chrysanthemums and waited to be found but after a few minutes and no one was coming to look for her, she lay down giggling to herself before she fell asleep, all the excitement of the morning wearing the little 3 year old out.
So when Anthony yelled loudly, it gave her such a fright, she awoke startled and burst into tears
“Oh no… nooo Sophie i’m sorry, don’t cry!” 5 year old Anthony said crouching down to try and comfort the crying girl.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Benedict roared as he ran over to see his crying best friend and Becky and Kate ran over.
“I… i think she got a fright” he said as Sophie bawled her eyes out.
“Ohhhh Mon Chou” Becky said as she knelt down and picked her niece up and cuddled her “it’s okay, i know you got a fright” she said wiping her nieces eyes as she cried and looked around with confused tired eyes.
“What… what happened?” she sniffled
“You fell asleep in the flowers and no one could find you Fee!! We were really worried”
“Papa?” Sophie asked 
“Doesn’t know you went missing and we won’t say anything okay” Becky said looking around the four children who all nodded
“Now come on, let's get you up to the house, you little madam need a nap and some lunch…” Becky said touching her nieces nose “as do the rest of you” 
“I don’t need a nap” Anthony said but the yawn gave him away
“Okay but you still need lunch” Becky said, leading the group of kids back to the house.
Richard had just been coming out to get all the kids for lunch and had no idea what was going on but Edmund had given him his disposable camera just in case the kids had all fallen asleep down on the grass like they had the week before and it had been so cute, Kate and Anthony had fallen asleep and ended up holding hands and Sophie had her head on Benedict’s chest and when hey had found them hey had wished they had brought the camera down.
“Oh Becky!” Richard said as he spotted them all, “is everything okay?” he asked, seeing his daughter's red tear stained face.
“All good bro, Sophie just fell asleep and got a bit of a fright when we woke her up, they’d been playing football and Sophie fell asleep watching” Becky lied easily.
All the kids nodded their head in agreement and all three kids on their feet ran into the house, knowing they weren’t very good at lying to an adult, especially Uncle Richard who had a stare that made them feel like they were being xrayed (it is a trait Sophie inherits and learns to use with even more power than her father)
“They’re all a bit hungry” Becky said “but I think we best get Sophie inside and get some lunch eh?” she turned and walked away.
And as they walked away the picture of Becky with his daughter on her hip made his heart swell of happiness and he snapped the photo. It made him wish that Esme was still alive to see this.
He had had no reason to not believe his sister’s words and assumed that Sophie’s tears were from everything and that the kids had just been hungry, until the Rokesby’s came over for dinner that night and Henry just yelled “OH YOU FOUND HER!”
And the Rokesby cousin’s who had tried to avoid Richard’s rage… got it full force…and banned Sophie from playing Hide and Seek until she was at least 10.
And Sophie burst into tears again because she didn’t want to be left out, she was always left out, and it was that day… that Sophie learned how to use the trademark Gunningworth Glare, after she finished crying that is.
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southernimages · 8 months
Mount Barker's Laratinga Wetland.........Crakes and Warblers
Dear Reader: A small bird with vivid spots and dashes paddles out from the reed bed. A Spotted Crake, the first one I have ever seen. Spotted Crake feeding   For the next ten minutes I watch several of the striking birds as they dip into the water in search of aquatic plants and animals such as worms, crustaceans, molluscs, spiders and even small fish and tadpoles. Sotted Crake habitat Leaving…
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Do you have any hcs on Kyle with the tsukino twins?
Sure thing! Let’s see what I got💖 *Picture is not mine*
Headcanons on Kyle with the Tsukino Twins
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-To be honest, the “Tsukino twins* would probably having similar sounding names. We all know Tsukino, but I feel like in this scenario, the two palicos would look pretty similar and have similar sounding names. Also, and this is just my opinion, I feel like they would be twin sisters specifically. Tsukino and whatever else sounds sort of similar. So, we’re gonna go with that.
-I feel like they would have both served Kyle’s father as his palicos, and then after the whole Razewing Ratha event, they both went to protect Kyle per their hunter’s command.
-One would look like the Tsukino we all know and love, and the other would look like the image above, which was concept art for Tsukino prior to her character finalization. One would represent light and the other would represent darkness. Tsukino with her moon and the sister with the sun. Being total opposites that complete each other.
-The palicos would’ve been in the business for a while, having perfected hunting techniques that are quick and require perfect teamwork between the two. They could probably tag team a monster on their own to be honest.
-While the original Tsukino likes to prod and tease at Kyle, I feel like this time he would have double trouble this time around. While one of the twins might be more obedient, she can’t help but be roped in whenever her sister starts to tease Kyle.
-Kyle probably feels both honored and terrified to have them as his palicos because of their skills. Like, their so trained and fast that he feels he is not ready to be their hunter. That said, they can also have that teasing side as stated earlier, so Kyle needs to stay on their good side. 
-While Tsukino was a great spy, her twin sister would be even better. She would be impossible to spot. Both would use Downy Crakes to communicate with the other too, even if spying wasn’t the reason.
-They like to gang up on Kyle for sure, but if push comes to shove, they make excellent bodyguards. If Kyle is in a dangerous pickle (looking at you deviljho), the twins will make him untouchable.
-His kinship attack/cutscene would also be incredible with the twins. Two dangerous kitties coming to assist him at lightning speed and pinpoint accuracy.
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wetlandsday · 8 months
NEW ZEALAND - Celebrate WWD 2024 at Matuku.
Celebrate World Wetland Day this year by visiting Auckland’s largest mainland wetland! Matuku Link is holding our annual open day and wetland celebration on the 3rd of February 2024. With two family activities every hour, guided tours on bugs, birds, eels, flora and fauna, and local conservation groups to chat to, you will have plenty to do all day. While you are here, look for our local pāteke (brown teal), spot a secretive spotless crake (pūweto), and keep an eye out for our cryptic namesake, the matuku-hūrepo (Australasian bittern). See how much Matuku Link has changed since its beginnings in 2016, with over fifteen thousand volunteer hours spent improving the place, two new boardwalks, and a Wetland Education Centre.
There will be an all-day market with gifts, food, art, crafts, information, and entertainment. Stallholders in 2024 include Forest & Bird Waitākere, Birds New Zealand, The Entomological Society, Whitebait Connection, Kauri Rescue, Auckland Council Biodiversity, Auckland Zoo, Pest Free Waitākere Ranges Alliance (PFWRA), Sue Beesley’s Honey, Bethells Beanz coffee… There will be home baking, a barbeque (vegan and non-vegan) and so much more.
We would love you to join us on this special day. All free and all welcome.
See you there for a fun filled family day!
Annalily & trustees John Sumich, John Staniland, Chad Wilkie, and Dale Bainbridge.
SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: Yes, we are still going ahead with the festival today! While there may be a little rain, rain makes our wetlands even more beautiful – so come out and join us celebrating our wonderful wetlands!
Matuku Link is holding our annual open day and wetland celebration on the 3rd of February 2024. With two family activities every hour, guided tours on bugs, birds, eels, flora and fauna, and local conservation groups to chat to, you will have plenty to do all day.
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Celebrate World Wetland Day 2024 with us at Matuku Link!
Saturday 3rd February 2024 10am – 3pm
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outofangband · 4 months
Birds of Doriath (non Songbirds)
I have songbirds of Doriath here and my masterlist of environmental world building here!
Doriath is a region made up of a variety of forests. There is Region, a forest of holly and other mostly deciduous trees, Neldoreth, an ancient beechwood, Nivrim, a forest of primarily oak north of the twilit meres and finally Arthórien, a forest we have almost no information on, divided from the rest of the kingdom by the river Aros which runs along the Eastern border of greater Doriath.
Greater Doriath (Region and Neldoreth): black billed cuckoo, tawny owl, barn owl and subspecies, goshawk, sparrow hawk, wood grouse, common quail, common swift, moorhen (also found in Nivrim), little curlew, red kites, black woodpecker, green woodpecker, hoopoe (in clearings, glades and outskirts),
Nivrim and the twilit Meres: Barrow’s golden eye, ural owl and ural owl subspecies, northern hawk owl, wood duck, water rail, spotted crake, black stork, common golden eye, horned grebe, marsh harrier, tree kingfishers, merlin
Arthórien (markedly different climate): hill partridge, emerald dove, great eared nightjar, kiwi species, black wood pigeon, rain quail, grey headed woodpecker, Japanese scops owl, grass owl, white backed woodpecker, green pigeon, greater painted snipe (I’ll probably make a more thorough post for this entirely)
World building notes:
I’ve talked about this before but common and rain quails are domesticated for their eggs and meat, primarily by the marchwardens! There are little enclosures built in strategic locations between the temporary huts the marchwardens use between scouting and other missions. There are elves, usually younger ones who might be training as a scout or warden, who care full time for the birds. The quails live good long lives and are often named by their keepers. While in Doriath, Túrin saved four quails from being eaten out of spite
Nightjars and owls are considered sacred to the Silvan of Doriath who reside in Arthórien and appear frequently in song and folklore.
Water birds are most commonly found in Nivrim where ponds and marshlands make up part of the ecosystem. Their images appear upon the walls of Menengroth in the passages beneath the river.
Though birds of prey are not reviled by any means, depictions of the deaths of elves in battle or through other violent means are commonly represented as birds of prey killing songbirds
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