#spotify loves to recommend this exact song to me
katadastical · 1 month
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he can’t love me more he’s not real AND he’s extremely emotionally unavailable don’t rub it in
Song: Doctor Who by nerf herder
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rainbluealoekitten · 1 year
having a crush is so hard. last year i was listening to rap for some boy and now country. my god
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luvjunie · 1 year
— roller skating
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pairing: e-42!miles x fem!reader
contains: romance, slightlyyy (barely) suggestive fluff, miles and reader are in their late teens for realistic purposes
summary: you and miles go on a date to the roller rink and you have a hard time picking up the skill. you ask him to demonstrate for you and he obliges, but you’re so caught up in him that you’re not sure you learned anything at all. wc: 1,254
a/n: if you want to listen to the song mentioned while reading, i suggest you start it when you come across the spotify link i added during the exact scene it’s playing in the story. i highly recommend waiting until prompted so you can experience exactly what reader did cause chileeee. it hits differenttt like i fr made myself fall in love with this one 😭 also if you didn’t know, this is the exact vibe of a black roller rink lol. example 2
🎧: Close To You - Dreezy, T-Pain
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“miles, i’m going to fall.” you whined nervously, your body basically glued to the length of your boyfriend’s right arm.
“you won’t ma, i got you.”
he laughed gently at your uneasy stance, and secretly at how terrified you were of participating in what’s been one of his favorite activities since he was a child.
his skates rolled smoothly against the floor as he guided the both of you to the rink; but yours, however, awkwardly clunked around as you settled for taking wary steps, instead of actually gliding like you were supposed to.
how you ended up agreeing to a date at the roller rink with miles was beyond you. you were someone who tripped over your own two feet at least twice a day from simply trying to walk. but with his promise of teaching you and his guarantee of going slow, your nerves had dissipated some— until you’d actually slipped the skates on and got out onto the rink.
“don’t pick your feet up mama. just push them out to the side, one after the other and lean your body forward. you got it.”
you heard his instructions loud and clear, but your brain still struggled to send the correct signals to your unsophisticated body.
you wobbled against the browned, laminated wood, not really a fan of your newfound lack of control when it came to your own legs. right hand hovered out beside you in preparation for a tumble, the fingers of your left were tightly clamped around miles’ bicep as an effort to keep your balance. you had a death grip on him, too focused on not eating shit to wonder if you were hurting him or not. you weren’t, but even if you were, he wouldn’t tell you.
“you’re overthinkin’ it.” he smiled down at you, finding your instinctive need to hold onto him adorable.
“how the hell do you do this without falling flat on your ass?” you asked, already exasperated from your short trek from the bench.
“i’m just like that.” he shrugged suavely, chuckling discreetly when your head turned towards him with a pointed glare. “practice. my moms taught me when i was eight,” he rephrased, and you stumbled suddenly, but he quickly caught you by your arm, two strong hands steadying you before your feet could sweep out from under you.
“okay, no, this isn’t gonna work,” a shaky breath pushed passed your lips and somehow you managed to bring the both of you to a stop over by the wall of the rink, hand instantly finding purchase on the railing. “can you just, i don’t know… demonstrate, first?” you waved your hand around, motioning towards the other people out on the floor to get your point across. “maybe if i watch you do it, it’ll come to me easier.”
he nodded, retreating from you slowly, backwards. he gestured back and forth between the both of you with his finger, your eyes unintentionally falling to it. “eyes on me, aight?” he instructed with a subtle smirk, a sultry trace lingering in his tone.
you couldn’t take them off him even if you tried, so that wouldn’t be a problem.
you were convinced your attraction towards this man couldn’t become any stronger than it already was, until “Close To You” by Dreezy started playing through the speakers and the spot lights on the ceiling dimmed dreamily to a mellowed pink, blue, and orange— blending into a seductive mix of captivating hues that illuminated the rink. you felt yourself swoon, and had half a mind to curse out whoever was on music and lighting for aiding in the palpitations of your heart as your eyes followed your boyfriend closely.
you watched his feet first, as one fanned out in a small half-circle after the other, the movement allowing him to skillfully glide out onto the bustling rink.
how he was able to skate backwards when you had such a hard time grasping the concept of even doing it the normal way, you didn’t know. not to mention sifting through people without bumping into a single one of them. and while the technique of it all seemed simple on paper, what really impressed you was how effortless he made it look.
facing the opposite way of everybody else as he cruised, his hips languidly swayed to the beat of the music, upper body leaning just the slightest with them and you had no choice but to gawk at him— at how handsome he looked, at how good he was at this. at how his lips were absentmindedly tucked into themselves due to his focus, then unfurled to faintly mouth the lyrics.
lord have mercy.
you were mesmerized to say the least, lips parted somewhat and mouth dry. it was like everyone else had disappeared, like the two of you were the only ones in the room; time moving slower than it usually did.
once he started enjoying himself and got into a groove, he’d forgotten you were even watching him, until he caught your marveling eyes transfixed on him from across the rink, chin dropping to his chest for a beat as he simpered to himself. tongue wetting his lips, he shook his head in amusement. he already knew why you were looking at him like that.
with one foot expertly crossing in front of the other periodically, he maneuvered himself through a few stragglers with a brief look over his shoulder, swiftly spinning around a couple that happened to be in his way.
yeah, now he was just showing off.
you had no idea what your face looked like, but as he rounded back over to where you were, he laughed at your awestruck expression and called out to you.
“you droolin’, mami!”
if your jaw wasn’t already dropped from watching him nonchalantly coast around, it definitely was now.
your fingers mindlessly rushed to check, because honestly you wouldn’t be surprised if you were, only for a playful glower to settle onto your face when you realized he was messing with you.
having forgotten you were supposed to try for yourself, your eyes widened in slight panic when he suddenly skated over to you and gently took your hand, pulling you out onto the floor against your will.
“no no no no-!”
“cálmate, mama.” he drawled, his words dragging on as he shot you that same charming smile that’d made you fall in love with him in the first place. “i’ll hold you, no te preocupes (don’t worry). just c’mere,”
you gave him a look of uncertainty, but reluctantly moved your feet just enough to get closer to him anyway. he met you halfway, and snaked his right arm around your waist, expertly turning you so your backside was facing him before he pulled you flush against his body, and your teeth found your bottom lip before you could stop them.
his left arm then came around to your front to meet the other and your lungs drew in a wavered breath at the feeling of his hands resting on the soft of your inner thighs, dangerously close to having your knees buckling. your face bloomed with a sweltering heat, mind entirely corrupted by him and him only. how the intoxicating aroma of his dior sauvage cologne invaded your nostrils; how it felt being against him like this. lashes fluttering and mind turning to putty at the way he was holding you, your warning to him was merely a whispered reminder.
“shhh, i know what i’m doin’.” his response had a double meaning to it as he kept you tightly pressed to him, figure hunched over yours a bit. his breath warmed your skin and his lips brushed the shell of your ear when he spoke, his hands tapping rhythmically against your thighs to keep up with the beat of the song while he helped guide you into the same fluid movement he’d demonstrated prior.
your hands came down to rest overtop his, and you were shocked at the way your body naturally began to sway in sync along with his once you let yourself relax into him; the both of you settling into a comfortable stroll.
“see, ¿que te dije? (see, what’d i tell you?)” he teased, his voice a deep hum against your cheek. “you got it.”
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- please don’t plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to any other platforms!
likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated 💗
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syoish-aot · 3 months
reverse isekai, time travel, memory loss
post canon
word count: 3912
<- PART 7
*note: This part includes the song "Until I Found You" by Stephen Sanchez (spotify / youtube) and I very strongly recommend listening to it once that scene starts. You'll be able to tell when to play it.
And now, for the end:
You thought that with Mikasa here, Eren would finally start to act more normal.
You thought wrong.
In fact, it almost feels like he’s avoiding you more now. 
You can barely catch sight of him in the crowded restaurant, as the hours pass and everyone gets a little more drunk. On the occasions that you do see him, he’s always tucked away in a corner talking to Armin. Or Mikasa. Or Jean or Sasha or Connie.
The fact that it’s them isn’t weird, they’re his best friends, but what is weird is that you’re not included. What is weird is the way the conversation comes to a sudden stop when you approach. What is weird is the sudden tension that washes over Eren as his back straightens, he takes in a breath, and his eyes immediately go to anywhere but you. 
It’s. Weird.
And it hurts so much that you constantly have to remind yourself not to cry.
You’re trying to piece together what happened. What you did wrong. But you genuinely have no idea! Last night had been date night. You’d gone out to see a movie that Eren had been dying to see and then you came home. You and Eren made dinner together before you fell into bed and passed out next to each other, feeling like your life was perfect.
But then you’d woken up this morning and things had been far from perfect. 
Things had been the exact opposite of perfe-
“You look like shit,” Hitch says as she leans against the bar next to you.
“Lovely to see you too, Hitch.”
Hitch is more of a friend-in-law than anything. A member of Eren’s social circle that you were sucked into when the two of you started dating. The only times you've really been “close” to her have been during drunken meet-ups in bar bathrooms when you've both sobbed about how pretty the other is while vowing to be best friends for life.
Normal girl stuff.
“Trouble in paradise~?” She teases as you roll your eyes and take another sip of your drink.
“No.” You immediately answer (despite the obvious lie).
Hitch laughs. “Alright, so the way you keep glaring at your boyfriend is some new form of foreplay then?”
Your cheeks burn. “Hitch that’s- you’re so gross!”
Hitch shrugs. “I’m just calling it like it is.” 
Her eyes follow yours and she looks over at Eren. He’s on the other side of the restaurant with Armin, speaking in hushed tones with a serious expression on his face. 
“I’m worried he’s about to break up with me.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them.
In a shocking turn of events, Hitch doesn’t tease you about it. “Really?” She asks seriously.
“What makes you say that?”
“He’s just-” you sigh, “he was so weird this morning and he’s been avoiding me all day. When he looks at me it’s completely different from the way he normally looks at me. It’s like he’s- like he’s mad or something. I don’t get it.”
Hitch shrugs. “Did you guys get into a fight?”
“Then he’s probably just being a weird guy about something. I bet you said something stupid and now he’s all in his head. Men are like that, you know. Stupidly emotional over the tiniest things.”
The world really must be fucked, because what Hitch is saying almost… makes sense.
“At the risk of regretting this,” you start before you tear your eyes away from Eren and look over at her, “what should I do?”
Hitch snickers and smiles that stupid Cheshire cat smile that you hate. “If it were me,” which you’re glad it’s not, given Hitch’s awful track record, “I’d give him a nice little reminder of what he’d be missing if he left.”
“Like what?”
“Quickie in the bathroom. I dunno.”
Your cheeks burn for the second time. “Hitch it’s the opening night of Niccolo’s restaurant!!”
She laughs loudly. “And what a perfect way to christen the handicap stall!”
“I can’t believe you…” You mumble as you stare back at your glass.
Then again… maybe she’s not completely wrong. 
Not about screwing your boyfriend in the bathroom of your friend’s newly opened restaurant, of course! But about giving Eren a reminder. It didn’t seem like an awful idea, anyway.
You stare down at your drink.
And then you chug the rest of it.
“So we’re just born again or something and it’s- it’s like no one even cares about before?” Eren asked, scowling at the table he and Armin were sitting at. Mikasa had filled him in about how everyone’s memories get triggered at some point, but she’d left it at that after they’d gotten distracted talking about-...
His eyes naturally trail across the restaurant until they fall to you.
His cheeks flush.
He looks away.
Armin laughs softly. “I know it’s confusing right now, but you’ll get used to it.”
“Doubt that,” Eren mumbled as he returned to the subject at hand. He takes a nervous breath. “I-... I killed too many people to get off that easy.”
Armin was silent for a moment. “Yes we-... we did.”
Eren slowly looks over at Armin. Armin, who was staring into his glass as he ran his thumb up and down the condensation, seemingly lost in thought.
“The thing about this life though,” Armin starts, “is that everyone has an understanding that it’s… it’s different. None of the stuff that happened before happened here. Yes, you still need to make amends but- but everyone gets it. Everyone understands that our last lives were complicated and instead of focusing on that we just try to enjoy the chance we’ve been given to live again.” 
Eren looks around the restaurant at the people he knew hundreds of years ago who are alive again under completely different circumstances. 
Marco is playing darts with Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt. He hits a bullseye and all four of them cheer. 
Sasha is sneaking a french fry off of Gabi’s plate. Gabi smacks her and with a scowl but Sasha flashes her a peace sign and sticks the french fry into her mouth. 
Samuel wraps an arm around Connie’s shoulder and ruffles his short hair as Daz laughs next to them. 
And then his eyes fall to you.
You, chatting with Hitch, of all people, at the bar.
You’re blushing about something, and he can’t help but admit to himself that you look cute when you do it. His heart does what it’s done all day when he looks at you and it starts pounding in his chest. He doesn’t get it. He really doesn’t get it. Who are you and how do you fit in with everyone here? You’re the only person in the entire restaurant that he doesn’t know, and yet the way you talk to everyone makes it seem like you’ve known them all just as long as he has.
Maybe even longer.
“You’re probably wondering who she is.” Armin smiles.
Eren’s cheeks turn slightly pink (again) and he quickly looks away from you as if he’s ashamed that he’d been caught.
And he is, sort of.
He is ashamed that he doesn’t remember someone who seems to matter so much.
“I wasn’t wondering…” Eren lies.
Instead of prodding, Armin just laughs and takes a sip of his beer. “Not everyone is like us,” Armin tells him, as he places his glass back on the table. 
“You mean reincarnated or- or whatever this is?”
“Yeah,” Armin replies, “exactly.”
“Why’s that?”
“No one knows.” Armin answers. “We all have our guesses, obviously, but it’ll be impossible to ever prove any of them right.”
“What do you think?” If anyone had it figured out (or at least mostly figured out) it would have been Armin.
Armin pauses for a moment. “I think… I think that this life gets given to people who deserve a second chance. People who didn’t get to live happily the first time around, so now they can try again.”
“What’s your proof of that?”
“No proof,” Armin laughs, “just a feeling.”
“Nothing.” Eren mumbles. “You’re just… different now.”
Armin throws his head back and laughs. “Hopefully not too different.”
“Nah. It’s a good thing. You were too much of a know-it-all before.” The corners of Eren’s lips tug into a small smile as he says it and it feels- it feels good to smile. He didn’t get to do much of that in his last few years alive. 
Armin scoffs before he laughs. “Rude Eren, rude.”
Eren’s smile grows wider as their eyes meet and he feels… alive.
For the first time since he woke up, he feels alive.
“Hey, Eren.”
The smile immediately wipes off his face as you appear next to him.
Coffee. Marker. Spaghetti and wine.
Eren rapidly blinks as he reaches up to rub his temples. “The fuck is-”
Your hands are in his. You pull them away from his head and Eren’s eyes flutter open to see you right in front of him. Just like how he’d woken up that morning.
He quickly looks over at Armin, wordlessly asking for his best friend to save him.
Instead, Armin smiles and says: “I’ll give you guys some alone time.”
“But Armin I-”
“What?” He asks with a short laugh. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to spend time with your girlfriend?”
Eren’s mouth slams shut. He feels like it’d be weird if he denied it because obviously the version of him that knew her would have been jumping at the opportunity. 
“Don’t stress about it, Eren,” Armin tells him as he places a hand on Eren’s shoulder. He suddenly gets a suspicion that his friend knows about the random thoughts that keep coming to mind. “Just take it slow and you’ll figure it out.” Armin pats his shoulder before walking away.
“R-Right…” Eren mumbles.
Ever so slowly, he looks back to you.
Your hands are still holding his as you stare up at him. Eyes wide, lips slightly parted and taking in shallow breaths. It looks like you’re studying him. Watching. Waiting for some sort of clue that’ll give you a big grand “ah-hah!” moment. 
And it makes his heart race. 
His fingers twitch with the desire to reach up and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear as if- as if he knows what it would feel like to do that.
As if he’d done it before.
“Follow your instincts,” Mikasa had told him, “no matter which lifetime, you’ve always been pretty good at doing that.”
Eren swallows a lump in his throat and, for the first time all day, he lets the part of him that has been begging him to talk to you, to be next to you, to touch you-
He lets it take over.
He lets his instincts take over.
His fingers delicately ghost across your cheek, which starts to warm under his touch. He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear but his fingers linger there for a moment longer, admiring your soft skin and the way it sends a rush from his fingers right through to his heart.
Laughing as you walk through the park on campus. Taking pictures at your university graduation. Drunkenly stumbling down the street after a night out.
This time it’s not single sensations with no context of where they’re from. This time the thoughts- the memories, Eren realizes, are more vivid. More real. And it’s you, clearly you, front and center in all of them.
It’s you.
“I’m-” he speaks without even knowing he’s doing it. It’s his instincts again. The part of him that knows you. “I’ve been- um… distant.”
“Yeah..” you answer softly.
“I just- My head’s all- I-”
“Eren.” You cut him off and he immediately looks back at you.
The night sky. The stars. A swirl of green and blue.
You smile as you reach up to cup his hand, the hand that’s still against your cheek, in yours. “I love you.” You tell him.
The words tumble from Eren’s mouth before he even has a second to catch them: “I love you too.”
“Let's clear up some space, guys!” Niccolo calls as everyone begins to push the tables aside to make room for a dance floor.
You and Eren, snapped out of whatever moment you’d been having, jump apart.
Before the music even starts Sasha excitedly dances around as she pulls Niccolo along with her in anticipation. 
Yesterday, you would have done the same thing as Sasha and tugged your boyfriend to the dance floor without the option of saying ‘no’. But today- today things are different and you still don’t know why.
You’re worried that if you asked him to dance he’d…
The music starts and you can’t help glancing over at Eren only to realize he’s already looking at you.
Your cheeks flush a light pink in response and, for some reason, his do the same. There’s a moment of hesitation, a moment where you think he’s going to turn away and avoid you like he’d been doing all day.
And then…
Eren holds a hand out to you.
Wrap me up in all your- I want you…
You slowly take it.
In my arms- Oh, let me…
He pulls you closer.
…hold you
His other hand presses to your lower back.
I’ll never let you go again, like I did
Oh, I used to say~
And then you’re slowly moving, just the two of you, sucked into your own little world as you become completely oblivious to everyone around you.
He avoids your eyes but still finds a way to steal little glances here and there. He seems-
Just like he did the day you accidentally ran a black marker over his new shirt.
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her- I found you
“Welcome back, stranger.” You smiled at Eren as he entered the coffee shop for the second time.
Georgia, pulled me in I asked to- love her
“Are you asking me on a date?” “Don’t laugh, you’ll hurt my ego.”
Once again You fell, I- caught you
You both jump as you walk side-by-side and your hands accidentally brush against each other. You look over at him at the same time he tries to steal a glance at you. And then you both burst out laughing.
“I would never fall in love again until I found her”
You kiss for the first time on a park bench.
I said, “I would never fall unless it’s you I fall into”
“I love you.”  “That’s… so cringe.”
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
You excitedly threw yourself into his arms as he placed his last moving box in your apartment.
I found you
The memories come back to Eren in vivid flashes as you move around the dance floor. It should be overwhelming- having two lives suddenly meshing together in his head but it’s- it’s not. It’s-
“Eren?” You ask, just like you’d been doing all day and never receiving an answer. “Are you okay?”
He slides a red velvet box into his bedside table before you burst into the room and ruin the surprise.
“Yeah,” Eren answers softly, “I’m-...” 
I would never fall in love again until I found her
“I’m great.” He smiles.
I said, “I would never fall unless it’s you I fall into”
His hand comes up to cup your cheek, gently stroking his thumb across your skin.
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
Your lips meet.
I found you…
You come to a slow stop on the dance floor as you kiss, the memories of his lives- both of them, settling in their entirety in Eren’s mind.
He might not have known you in his last lifetime, but he found you in this one.
And in that moment, to Eren, that was all that mattered.
Eren pulls away, smiling down at you as his thumb brushes across your cheek. He wonders what would happen if he did try to explain it to you. Sure, he might sound crazy, but he has a feeling that you’d believe him. That you’d understand. That you’d hear him out and be just as equally amazed as he is when you realize what an amazing opportunity he’s been given, they've all been given, to live for the second time.
So maybe he’ll tell you one day.
Maybe they all will.
Eren settles on the promise to himself. The promise that one day he’d be honest. For now though, he just wanted to enjoy the life he’d been given. 
And the fact that because of it, he found you.
“It looks great, Niccolo,” Eren tells his friend with a wide grin as he firmly shakes his hand. “Bet you’ll have the most popular restaurant on the whole block.”
“My only competition is a bakery that’s closed every day but Sundays,” Niccolo replies.
“See? You’re already killing it!”
Niccolo laughs and shakes his head. “Glad you could make it, Eren.” He says, patting Eren’s shoulder as he passes him a knowing glance. “And… we’re glad to have you back.”
You aren’t entirely sure what Niccolo means by it, but you figured that today was weird enough that you aren’t going to question it.
“Nicoooooooooo…” Sasha drunkenly drawls as she leans against the door of the restaurant. “There’s no more wineeeee…”
“Oh god.” Niccolo sighs.
You snicker as he turns around and catches his shit-faced fiancé before she ends up face-first against the pavement.
“Ready to go?” Eren asks, wrapping his arm around your shoulders before he presses his lips to the top of your head.
You and Eren were one of the last few to leave. Everyone else had gotten way too drunk to stay any longer, but Eren hadn’t wanted to go home. He was having too much fun dancing, laughing, and bouncing around the room like a complete social butterfly.
“You had a lot of energy tonight.” You joke as the two of you walk down the street. 
Eren laughs. “I was excited.”
“Yeah, I could tell. I think you talked to everyone there, even Annie.”
He scoffs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You normally try to avoid her after that time she threw you over her shoulder and kicked your ass.”
“No, no, no you’re remembering that wrong.”
“I am not!”
“Totally are. I kicked her ass, remember?”
“Okay,” you snicker, “just keep telling yourself that.” 
It doesn’t take you long to reach the train station. Eren’s arm is still around your shoulder as you take a seat on one of the benches. The sign above the station indicates that your train should be there in five minutes, but you don’t really care how long it takes.
With a sigh, you lean against Eren’s chest and he secures his arm around you, rubbing your shoulder as he does it.
“Cold?” He asks.
“Nah.” You reply. 
He pulls off his jacket and places it around you anyway.
“Now you’re gonna be cold, dumbass.” You mumble, tightening his jacket around you nonetheless.
Eren scoffs. “I’m too sexy to get cold.”
“So you’re saying I’m not sexy?”
“Eh.” He shrugs. “You’re alright.”
You playfully slap his chest but he grabs your hand before you can pull it away. “Hey.” He says seriously as he curls his fingers around yours.
“I’m sorry.” He kisses the tips of your fingers. “For… For being weird earlier.” He kisses you again.
“...It’s okay.” You mumble.
“No, it’s not. I was being distant for no reason and it was probably really shitty for you.”
You curl your fingers around his and squeeze his hand as you look down into your lap. “It-… yeah it kinda sucked.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Eren reassures you.
“Then… what happened?”
He opens his mouth to say something, but just as quickly closes it again. “It’s-... It’s not something that's easy to talk about.”
He thinks about the promise he made to himself earlier. The promise to tell you one day. To tell you the entire story, not leaving out a single detail, starting the moment he woke up from a weird dream in Shiganshina and ending when Mikasa’s blade met his neck.
He needs time though.
Time to think about how to say it. To tell it. To put it in a way that he can convey how wrong he was in his last life and how much better he wants to be in this one.
One of the two major things he was missing in his first life.
Time and…
“It’s okay, Eren.” Your words cut through his thoughts. “Just tell me when you’re ready.”
The way you look at him, with so much trust in your eyes, makes Eren smile.
So he promises it to himself again. He promises that he’ll tell you, one day, after a little bit of time.
Eren reaches over to cup your cheek in his hands and pull you in for a kiss.
You sigh against his lips as your eyes slide closed and the comforting familiarity of his kiss makes everything in the world seem right.
It makes everything seem perfect, once again.
And you don’t want to change a single thing-
Crisp hospital sheets. The afternoon light against his bandaged face. Brightly coloured pills in a paper cup.
You freeze as Eren pulls away from the kiss.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“I snuck you an extra apple, don’t tell anyone or they’ll accuse me of picking favourites.”
“Hey,” he brushes his fingers across your forehead.
“Why would I skip out on the festival, it sounds like fun!”
“What’s going on?”
Fire. Rubble. Screaming.
He calls your name.
A grip. A squeeze. A pop.
“Can you hear me?”
The deafening sound of complete silence. Followed by the terrifying sight of pitch black.
Your eyes flutter open. 
You don’t recognize where you are. You don’t recognize the sounds, or the smells, or the loud voice that comes from nowhere saying: “next train arriving, please stand behind the yellow line”.
But you do recognize something.
And the sight of him, freshly shaved, hair cut and styled, free of bandages with no crutches to make up for a missing leg- it makes your heart flutter, just like it always did in that hospital room.
You smile, because what other reaction could you possibly have when you’re looking at the man you were forbidden to love, but loved so deeply despite it. 
You say the only thing that makes sense, given the miracle before you:
“Are we in heaven, Mr. Kruger?”
Suddenly Eren knows exactly who you are.
Suddenly, he remembers why he’d tried so hard to forget.
“She’s distracting you, Eren,” Zeke said, his baseball on the bench between them. “She’s not,” was Eren’s only reply.
But now Eren knew he could never forget again. Not the longing. Not the guilt. Not the feeling of bones breaking, the smell of fresh blood, or the bursting of flesh between his fingers.
“Then kill her,” Zeke said casually like the words didn’t mean a single thing.
No. Eren would never forget again.
He’d never forget how it felt when he, the attack titan, crushed you in his hands and discarded your lifeless body against the battered streets of Liberio...
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yepthatsacowalright · 2 months
"Like everyone else in the modern world, large parts of my life have become increasingly digital, sometimes against my will. The result is a very mixed bag. Some things have improved, and others have definitely degraded. I constantly wrestle with the balance of these changes, and I try to be mindful about them. But this is the hardest to do where it intersects with my work.
I’ll start with streaming. I did not come up on streaming. I’m in my 40s, so by the time I was buying music of my own it was the early 90s and I had cassette tapes. Then came the CD, then mp3 players, then streaming and cell phones. The last change has affected how I interact with music the most. Since streaming became the norm, I listen to music a lot less. I know my age is a factor here, but streaming has killed a lot of my desire to explore. I still love to hear new music, but I’m basically 100% recommendation based at this point. I never browse platforms like Spotify. In theory, having all of recorded music available at once, for a monthly fee that’s less than what a single album cost 30 years ago, would be a feeling of abundance, of infinite possibilities. But the actual result is just being overwhelmed. Sifting through hundreds of thousands of tracks that aren’t quite doing it for me just sounds exhausting. So I don’t use it very much. I can’t remember the last time I actively searched for new music on it. And passive things like algorithmic suggestions and playlists have not filled the gap.
I also work in music, so I’m always suspicious of how much that colors my opinion. But I feel the same way about film these days. I used to really stay on top of movies and shows. Since the streaming model has taken over, I have that same overwhelmed, agitated feeling I get from the music platforms. Scrolling through all those films and shows, with their auto-playing trailers and automated recommendations, just makes me turn the tv off. So I rely entirely on recommendations here, too, and I have no desire to explore.
It’s been strange watching former hobbies and sources of joy turn into chores, or even things I actively avoid. I realize that a lot of people will feel the exact opposite here, though. I don’t think this is unanimous by any means. But this is how it has turned out for me, and it has made what I do for a living feel really strange. Because I no longer enjoy these platforms very much as a user, releasing work has become increasingly dissonant. How do you make things for platforms you don’t personally enjoy? I’ve never had this issue before now. I liked buying albums. I liked going to record stores, where they had curated selections, and hunting for something that I wanted to take home with my very limited funds. So the idea of creating something that would be packaged as an album, that someone else might discover in a shop and decide to take home, was really motivating. It served as a mental model. And while I liked going to shows sometimes, they weren’t what made me want to write songs. I was all about records and the process of finding them. I cherished my tiny little collection, and the idea of being a part of someone else’s was really cool to me.
Watching a number occasionally go up on an app I personally try to avoid isn’t quite the same." - Ben Cooper/Radical Face's blog entry Investment Strategies [x]
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taekooktimeline · 1 year
September 8, 2023 (released) -
Tae’s Spotipoly interview is released! It’s so cute (I caught myself smiling a lot). I’ve left the raw link at the bottom to watch if you haven’t seen it already. In one task, Tae has to fish for his song “Love Me Again” by moving to designated spots and fishing for the letters. He has to answer fan questions as he does so. The first question asked is, “Which member would you take to a deserted island?”
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Right away, Tae answers he’d take Jungkook, since he’s good at various things + when Tae asks him to do something he does (flashbacks to Tae cutely asking Jk to make him food during ITS 2):
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Timestamp 8:53 or
Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought of that ITS 2 moment, complete with pout! 😂🥰
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Another question asked (when he has to start his task over) was, “While preparing your solo album, when we’re you thankful to the members?”
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Tae answers by sharing that he recorded the guide song at “Jungkookie’s” house. Just like in You Quiz, Tae reiterates that Jk helped with the directing, providing suggestions by way of advising certain ways of singing that may work better for the song. It’s absolutely the sweetest to continuously see that, not only do they share their work with each other first, they’re so supportive of one another.
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For his final mission, Tae is tasked with marking each spot of a BINGO card with song recommendations. The exact Spotify question is, “What songs on the Kpop ON! playlist has V’s heart?”
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Tae adds Jungkook’s “Seven” to his Spotify BINGO card, and he adds it first, before any other song, including his own. When he reveals the song, he says it’s by “our” (BTS) youngest.
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Of course, this reminds all of us of Festa 2020, when Tae wrote the members’ names in rainbow color and put Jk’s name first. Priorities! ☺️
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Recap - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2020/640123353662898176/taekooktimeline-also-on-april-9th-2020-filmed
Tae’s BINGO card in its entirety (note that Jk’s was the only one of the BTS members to be added) -
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19:01 or
Raw - https://youtu.be/31PcO3jISY4?si=mnmwB50Qu02xLcHX
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ragnar0c · 8 months
I don't usually share music, but this is one of my fav Yoeko songs, Tokyo I kept mentioning! The one feat. Charlie Kosei! (One of the only ones on spotify orz)
I know it's one of my favorites bc I remember the exact place it crept into my youtube playlist so i could hear it the first time.
I was walking home from a lecture, down the halls of building. Opened the doors and the saxophone started. Outside there ice and snow piled everywhere. And ofc that lovely bit at 1:30-1:53 played and I instantly fell in love. Not yet knowing the true reason why. (the instrumental!! Charlie's voice!! These were the initial reason why... but this song deeply resonates with me in its lyrics and the time it came to me too.
A song about feeling out of water and wanting to continue but... you just want to go home.
Especially at bit at 1:30 in sync with me out in the snow. Whenever I see snow I just think of my school and how I feel kinda empty not there... there was some beauty to it. I recommend listening to yoeko's solo version (comes with a translation too)
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min-kit · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
okay okay well. i don't really listen to playlists, i mostly just listen to my liked songs on spotify on shuffle so let me just do that
I am a huge OT7 ARMY. And as thus *waves hand*.
This is such a good song tho!! and the music video is full of queer couples and is so beautiful. Actually. Thinking about it, even tho I don't really ship buddie anymore this would be a GREAT song for a buddie edit and if someone hasn't done it already they should.
L'Arc-en-Ciel is a Japanese rock band that has been around since the early 90s. I believe they are on indefinite hiatus for quite awhile while they work on other projects. the lead singer Hyde has another band called VAMPS as well as does his own solo stuff. I love his voice and I love this band in particular. Definitely my favorite Japanese rock band. And Blurry Eyes may be one of my favorites if not my absolute favorite Laruku song. It's a very old one. But look how pretty Hyde is!
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Permission to Dance by BTS is just a good time meant to bring positive, happy, fun vibes to the world during the time of covid, and it really did exactly that. They even incorporate sign language into the choreography which is just plain COOL! I love BTS so much they are my babies.
Kylie Minogue is a queen. She's an Australian icon with so many amazing songs. Her songs are perfect for dance clubs, especially gay clubs lbr here. If you have not listened to her songs, I highly recommend her. She's also been around since the 90s I believe, so there's plenty of songs to listen to! Chocolate is an incredibly addictive song, just like chocolate ;)
Julian by Lou Lou. I actually found this song by accident while browsing spotify looking for songs for a playlist for an original novel I'm writing! I don't usually do that because tbh I prefer quiet when i'm writing, but I wanted to try something new and omg it's PERFECT! I mean, the name Julian is literally the name of the love interest in the novel! And the lyrics to the song are absolutely on point for exactly what happens in it too??? It's actually kinda insane how perfectly this song works for the book I'm writing. It gives you the exact right vibe. Love it so much.
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Hello! I'd love to get into Milgram but I'm not sure how to go about it. I understand that it's over now, but could you suggest a good way to experience the story?
Hello!! Sorry that this took a sec for me to get back to, I wanted to make sure that I was thorough!
For starters, it's very important that I emphasize that Milgram is not over!! The voting is still taking place and we are only about halfway through the interactive thing, so don't worry, you haven't missed it!
Getting into Milgram can be a bit daunting if you're still figuring it out, so I'm happy to help! I'll be explaining roughly how I went about it, because I think it went pretty well.
I also made this playlist:
If you want, instead of using this guide, you can just go through the playlist instead of reading it, but I'd recommend following along! If you want to have the playlist open though, it'll probably help the guide make more sense as I go through it.
I'll break this guide up into parts because it's gonna be pretty long.
Milgram is an interactive video project in which 10 prisoners, who are all connected to a murder, produce music videos through a machine that give details about themselves, their lives and their crimes.
At the end of each round (which is called a trial), we as a fanbase vote whether we think they're guilty/unforgivable or innocent/forgivable (exact translations vary). There are 3 rounds, so each prisoner gets a total of 3 verdicts. The last one is the only one that sticks, but earlier verdicts influence the prisoners and what songs and information we get along the way.
That's the basic gist. Jackalope (the host of Milgram) explains it in his "This is the MILGRAM" video, which I highly recommend watching to get a better sense. You should also watch the character trailer, which gives you some quick insight into who each of the prisoners are before you watch their videos.
Es's one and only MV, UNDERCOVER, also goes here. Es is the warden, not a prisoner (unless you're theorizing), but they still get an MV (and a cover and audio drama -- more on that shortly) before the first trial. Watch it; it's a great song, gives you some quick insight into each of the prisoners, and has plenty of fuel to theorize about! Though, if you're going to get theorizing, I recommend coming back to tackle UNDERCOVER after you finish your first watch through of Trial 1. It's hard to follow when you don't know the other characters very well yet.
If you want a glimpse of each of the Trial 1 songs, you can look at the Song of the Prisoners - First Trial Trailer video. Then, you'll proceed to the first song of Trial One: Weakness by Haruka.
The MV is the main part of any trial. You watch the MV, you listen to the song, you read the lyrics. I strongly recommend watching it a few times to gather your thoughts. Then, you can either work on developing your own theory, or you can get straight to reading others'. Obviously I'm biased, but I like to think my theories are pretty good, so if you want to check them out, they're all on our page's Master List, linked here.
Each prisoner's CD comes with two other things as well: a cover and an audio drama. You can find both of them on music streaming services under the character's name (I just use spotify).
The cover is just their VA doing a cover of one of DECO*27's many other songs (DECO*27 is a very popular vocaloid producer). These covers have been called "just for fun," but you can definitely speculate as to why specific ones were chosen, and even some of the VAs have speculated that they aren't as detached from the actual content as DECO claims.
The audio dramas are interrogations between Es and the prisoner, set right before Es extracts the MV from their mind. They give great insight, and especially in the second trial, they can contain critical information. I usually use @onigiriico's translations because they're extremely fast and accurate, but @milgrammer also has great and detailed records, and I used theirs for the early first trial ones. I typically read these after I watch the MV, but you could also definitely listen to them first to better place yourself in Es's shoes.
You can vote every day when a character is up for trial. I already did a pretty extensive guide on voting, so I'll just link that here for you to read if you're interested.
But yeah, basically just go through that same process for all of those, then watch Jackalope's report on the end of the first trial! Then, go to trial 2.
This one's ongoing, so this is the current one!
At the beginning of the second trial, I'd really REALLY recommend watching Jackalope's second trial commencement notice video. It's super important moving forward.
We did get some info before that video came out, though. Here's my theory/thought post going over it if you want more details.
But yeah, just go through the MVs/theories/audio dramas/covers as you did in trial one! Currently we just did Shidou and Mahiru, so their voting periods are currently available.
Hope this helped! If anything is still unclear, please DM/comment/send another ask so I can clarify!
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ratcatcher0325 · 2 years
Alexander I have a dare. While Natalie is busy cleaning in the kitchen. Walk over to a device. Go to youtube or spotify and play the the song 'Never gonna give you up' by Rick Astley on FULL BLAST.
Wait and see her reaction
My, my, Anon. I LOVE the way your brain works. Now I have absolutely no idea why you recommended that seemingly very specific song... Is it particularly annoying? In any case, this sounds delightfully mischievous and I would love nothing more than to participate in these devilish schemes. I've happened to land on this ask in the perfect window of opportunity.
You see, as I write this, Natalie is prepping dinner and she's left me on the counter huddled up in one of her hoodies, with the phone propped up for my use, directly beside her (But at a far enough distance from the stove and its potentially dangerous overspill of hot oil and the like). Now. She just so happens to have a Bluetooth speaker which sits on the other side of the stove, to her right. All I have to do is connect to the speaker and follow your detailed instructions. Join me on this journey of wreaking havoc won’t you?
I shall have to go about this carefully. You see, Natalie has a propensity to drone on and on about banal things like what temperature to heat a pan at to brown butter and how a chef’s best tool is her sense of smell. I’m doing my level best to nod and murmur something often enough that she thinks I’m listening. As I’m sure you already know, she’s a very nosy creature and if I seem too preoccupied, she’ll just pluck up the phone from my grasp to see what’s holding my attention. I’m between snippets of feigned conversation, I’m searching for your suggested song…
… and I have it. This guy seems fond of unflattering beige trench coats , hm?
Alright now, final step, I must connect this device to the speaker across the counter. When it syncs with a new device, I’ve noticed it makes a short ping. Well, I don’t want to give myself away now do I? Ah, I see she’s bringing everything to a higher heat, the confection is boiling, now if I just time it with when she next tosses the contents of the pan, I think that’ll create enough sizzle to distract her…. Here we go…
And….It worked!! She just asked me what was making me smirk like that, “it can’t be anything good… you actually look happy!” Were her exact words. I dismissed her with a roll of my eyes. Alright now all I have to do is press play, yes? The volume is maximized. This has better be worth it Anon…. Three, two, one….
Ha ha ha ha!!!! Oh my god! Oh my god, Anon, I wish I could show you the pure bewilderment, the entire five stages of grief this woman experienced within seconds of each other!!! She keeps yelling “Who told you to do that??? Who taught you Rick rolling?!” She’s all flushed and utterly disgruntled! Oh, this made my day! This was priceless. She jumped when it came on! Nearly dropped the pan with all its contents and everything!! I’m actually tearing up, I’m laughing so hard. My ribs hurt! She keeps digging a finger into my chest and mussing my hair but it doesn’t even bother me! Oh, the pure delights of pranking a human!
She went so far as to pluck me up under my arms and pull me right before her eyes, staring me down, she warned me, “You watch yourself little man…. When you least expect it… expect it! I’m getting you back for this!” She’s since put me back down which gave me the chance to finish writing this to you.
Thank you for teaching me the wonders of “Rick rolling” as I believe you call it? That was a true delight. I’m off to have dinner now, while Nat mumbles to herself about her own disbelief in being had. I, myself, feel ten feet tall, at the moment!
Yours in Crime,
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June and July? :>
favourite book
Dang I have gotten a lot of asks for this question :0 Good news is that I love books/stories so yippee!!!
The Road by Cormac McCarthy (!!! Dude. This is a hard book to read, but it’s so so good; the format, the lack of “chapters”, the way the character’s names are never revealed, the pain so real it seeps through the pages right into your soul… dang. Highly recommend)
And two fanfics :)
Apartment 238 by Snekkyfics (okayokay I’ve already talked about this one but akdgsksgkwg it is ONE OF MY VERY FAVORITES SO I WILL TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN AAAAAAAAH it’s just. Ough. Ough. Best fic best fic. BEST FICCCC!!! Literally everything about it I just love on an unbelievable level. It’s like, perfect. BEST FIC!!!)
Bummerland by Snekkyfics (IT IS SET IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS APARTMENT 238 AAAAAAAAH HAPPINESS!!! SO MUCH HAPPINESS!!! It brought me so much joy to beta-read this and so much joy to read it on A03 and it made me smile and laugh—I actually laughed out loud that doesn’t usually happen when I read aksvaksgaj—and it made me do this face 🥺 and AAAAAAAAAH!!! Literally just- oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I love)
favourite song/band
Alrighty, so I have three favorite bands—I like a lot of other bands/artists but these are the Core Three—and they are, in order of when I discovered them…
1. AJR
2. Emma Hamel
3. Lovejoy
I found AJR right around the time OK Orchestra came out!! They’re just YES!!! I love their style and the things they write about and how unique they are and here are some of my favorite songs of theirs :D
Christmas in June
Wow, I’m Not Crazy
Turning Out
IN ADDITION, last year I was in the top 1% of their listeners on Spotify heck yesssssss
I discovered Emma Hamel in August-ish of 2021, and I am SO happy I did!! She’s a very small artist, but her songs are beautiful and nearly every one of them is relatable to me 😭
I’m Not Here For You was the first song I’d ever listened to that like… described anxiety in a way that felt real. I felt like this song was talking about the exact kind of anxiety I experienced (still experience at times) and it was INSANE!!! I left a long ramble-y comment and EMMA REPLIED!!! YOOOOOOO!!!
Actually, she replies to most of the comments :D She’s liked a bunch of mine!! So neat :D :D
I remember trying to listen to them last year, and just… not having it lol. I didn’t like the style or the way it sounded and it was very meh in my eyes.
BUT THEN!!! I listened to The Fall!!! And oh boy!!!
I very slowly started listening to more of their music, one song at a time, and well… they started to grow on me. I’m not the kind of person who enjoys/listens to rock shsgsjsgja so the fact that I like them at all is surprising XD
And now I literally like every single one of their songs 😭 Like… just all of them. What the heck.
Portrait of a Blank Slate is leaps and bounds their best song, in my humble opinion! My mouth dropped when I first heard it lol
I also really like Warsaw, Concrete, Perfume, You’ll Understand When You’re Older, Oh Yeah You Gonna Cry, and of course, The Fall :)
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its-the-ratdawg · 1 year
do you listen to Nick Drake and if you do not.... i URGE YOU TO. "Place To Be" is literally the greatest song EVER. and even as someone who does not care for lyrics At All. the lyrics were like a wrench in the gut. It's from his last album Pink Moon in 1970. he died in '74 :( but also no pressure to listen to it. or like it. ACTUALLY my main objective i have decided is if you are comfortable sharing, what is your music taste? which solo/band musicians do you enjoy? what genres do you like most? what is your favourite song and/or album? and do you even perhaps have a favourite album COVER that has nothing to do with whether or not you like the album? and the list can be endless you don't have to choose only 1 or 3 favs. I am all ears. CURIOSITY. and you could always share ur spotify profile to me 😏😏😏(assuming you use spotify. + as always no pressure to answer + sorry for going anon i got scared)
i listened to Place To Be and it is so beautiful omg, definitely one of my new faves!!!!!! that's going on so many of my playlists and also i'll be listening to SO MUCH of his other stuff now!!!!!! tysm for the recommendation, i love it!!!!!!!!! the lyrics really are beautiful, i feel the exact same way about them and i also am usually not too specific about lyrics ♥️
my music taste is really odd because i don't think there's a single album in the world i could listen to without finding at least one song i like!! i really like old metal and rock, I LOVE Ozzy Osbourne and AC/DC. i also love Mitski, Nirvana, $uicideboys, Fleetwood Mac, Kate Bush, Taylor Swift, Madonna, Melanie Martinez, Ashnikko, LANA DEL REY, and there's some country/folk artists i like too. my family was weird but they have good taste in music lol, lately i've been listening to a lot of James Taylor and Neil Young.
right now my favorite SONG is definitely Place To Be (when i find a new song i like to listen to it nonstop for the next week so tysm again for the recommendation!!!) favorite album is complicated, because there are some albums that in CERTAIN moods i can listen to without skipping a single song, but it really always depends on my mood lol.
i don't usually use spotify, unless it's to listen to this playlist i made with my mutuals a while back♥️ but all my friends use it, so it would probably be convenient for me to finally make the switch and if i do i'll drop the link!!!
(being shy and going anon is totally valid btw♥️♥️♥️♥️ thank you so much for the ask and the good music!!!!)
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Premium Spotify Snafu
If you were like me and planning on making several premium Spotify accounts today but you have ever had a free trial before, you cannot get any more free trials on Spotify with the same email, address, OR credit card.
You can try to start from scratch with a new credit card, email address, and billing address, as if you were a new human being, over and over... or you can bite the bullet and choose this great a work-around, but it involves a discounted payment plan:
So for me, I signed up for a free trial for VIBE when it dropped. Which means my address and my credit card are blocked from any more free trials. I went to login under my different fandom emails, but Spotify understood they were linked to the same info and would not let me get premium no matter what. I'm at work today and I do not have time to go out and fiddle with gift cards or use friends' and family members' addresses to create a bunch of identities.
So what to do?
I signed up for a Premium Family Plan.
This allows me to pay $16 total each month with my main credit card to own 6 individual, independent Spotify premium accounts--and all 6 of these profiles individually count separately for Billboard streaming, provided I stream properly.
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That's less than $3 for premium accounts with streams that count three times as high as free streams. Worth it, for me, because I know I can cancel this plan in any given month. Since I am not locked in for a year, I likely will cancel after Suga's tour unless another member needs me to be at peak.
I genuinely like this family plan option, because it means I can quickly and easily shuffle through my premium accounts so I can hit those 20 streams and then move on to the next account, for maximum charting.
The only thing is that if you upgrade your free trial today to a Family Plan, Spotify will give you a link to invite other members of your "household." You then need to email yourself that link to 5 other fandom emails.
You gotta log into each email, follow the link you just emailed yourself, and sign in to your different corresponding Spotify accounts, save your password, and set yourself up. As you accept your emailed invitation, it will ask you for the EXACT ADDRESS from your main owner account, so write that down before you dig into your various inboxes.
As you log in to all 6 of your Family Plan accounts and start setting things up, be sure to follow BTS, each of the members (especially Jimin today), and I highly recommend you also follow JRJ-OT7 for the best chartable playlists for BTS that I've ever seen.
Let her do the hard work for you, making playlists using exact calculations for filler songs, timing, and charting impact. Go ahead and like some of her playlists so you have something in your library before FACE drops and be on the lookout for her FACE-specific stuff when it drops.
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If you have questions feel free to ask in the comments--I'm working today and may not be able to get to you as quickly as another fan can.
If you have a better alternative or more info for folks who cannot afford a subscription, please PLEASE share your knowledge and thank you!
Love, Roo
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When did you start playing?
I finally opened my TWST game for the first time March 5, 2022.
I had it downloaded onto my phone, but it took me a while to actually touch it. But here, the date I got my first card!
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And my first screenshot's date (man I took a lot of screenshots of the hand selection part).
And for extra credit, I actually know the exact moment I fell into the TWST rabbit hole.
February 3, 2022. I'm eating lunch at my kitchen table, probably soup. I have a thing to do so I need to leave at 5PM and it's about 3:50PM (I actually do know exactly what the thing was)
Now, I will listen to music at pretty much every part of the day (if I was at school only if the teacher let us). So I'm eating and listening to my playlist on YouTube (because I'm a freak that doesn’t have Spotify). So while I'm picking a song I get an ad. This ad:
So at this point, I'm aware of TWST. But only because it trended in Tumblr one time and I saw it on the trending tab. And I learned A. This is a Disney Game, B. The characters are based on Disney Characters, and C. There are two people based on Maleficent and Scar (didn't see any pictures of them though). Oh and I saw a joke about TWST basing characters off of stuff like Jafar's staff.
And based on the maybe 4 posts I saw, I thought it was an otome game. So I didn't touch it. Otome games aren't really my scene. I don't want to romance characters and I don't like certain fan service. This is in no way to offend otome players, I'm just not the target audience.
But when I saw the ad I thought it looked really cool! But I thought it was an otome game so I went "darn, the story seems so cool." It's animated really good and I'm a Disney nerd, so I was really intrigued. Though I didn't want to be a harem protagonist, so no game download for me. However, Piece of My World IS A BOP! Oh my gosh, I love this song! I looked it up right after and replayed it for like an hour before I had to leave. I even checked a while back and boom:
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Song took over my life.
So because I'm listening to this song on repeat, the YouTube Algorithm decides to work it's magic and recommends a vignette to me. Leona's Labwear. A couple of times because I didn't click on it. Curiosity gets the better of me, so I finally push it. And check the comments. And the first thing I see is someone sad that TWST isn't an otome game. And upon reading that... let's just say there are two types of people (I got overly excited over NOT being able to date the characters). And a month later I opened the game and the rest is history. I do have more stories about that month in between (like misconceptions I had and my experience reading parts of the game), but I'll save those for other questions.
And if you actually read this far, cool! I didn't think anyone would get this far. I think I ramble too much on this blog.
OG Post
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riconas · 1 year
rotten work
11. what do you like best about this fic?
13. what music did you listen to, if any, to get you in the mood for this story? or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
15. what did you learn from writing this fic?
-feralghxuls :3c
11. what do you like best about this fic?
I actually really like the dynamic between Rain and Dew. It was nice to write it from an outsider's (Aeon's) perspective, because all the little nuances come across differently. Aeon isn't quite third-wheeling; he's more intrigued about what Dew and Rain have going on beyond the physical stuff. And they're just so cute!
Also the fact that I got to use the hurt/comfort tag hoorayyyyy
13. what music did you listen to, if any, to get you in the mood for this story? or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I don't think I listened to anything other than the metal mix spotify made for me, which was more so I could concentrate and less to get me in the zone. >:)
I'd recommend listening to Work Song by Hozier (classic, haha) partly because it's Hozier and partly because the love Hozier sings about is the exact kind of love Dew and Rain have for each other.
15. what did you learn from writing this fic?
The proportion of blood components when it is centrifuged. Why? Blood bags.
link to the fic <3
link to the questions
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
Just a little curious, what genre/type of songs do you listen to, s?
I've been drooling at the songs you've posted this week
D. All of the above
You've just activated my trap card! I fucking love music. I am about to RAMBLE--
Seriously, though, my taste in music is pure chaos; I listen to a bunch of different genres. Although heavier, more aggressive sounds will always have a special place in my heart--heavy metal/rap metal/death metal, rock, punk, hardcore, screamo, etc. There's just something about it that means I'm always returning to those sounds. (And by sounds I mean straight fucking screaming, haha). But I do enjoy rap/hip-hop, pop, alternative, indie, electronic, etc., etc. (Also, I am ashamed to admit there is a certain 10-15 year period of country music that I know so well that I could sing the exact words to the top 100-ish charted songs for each year. My mother is a big country music fan, so I heard it constantly growing up. My father likes classic rock, so I've got that covered too, lol.) I could go on for hours about music, lmao.
I am always listening to music.
I currently have 65 custom playlists on Spotify, and I follow way more than what I've made myself. I collect vinyls (and I have a bunch of CDs, I don't go out of my way to find them but, hey, if I see one at a thrift shop or something... I'll probably get it. I'm weak for music, lol). I am always in the top 1% of listeners in Spotify (as in, my wrapped always says, "you listen to more music than 99% of other listeners in the U.S.!") Last year, I actually listened to more music than 99.5% of people in the U.S., lmao.
Clearly, I have a problem 💀💀
In payment for listening to me rant--have a few of my favorite drool-worthy songs:
(Hopefully, ones that aren't super out there so you can have more discoveries 👀 And fair warning that there is no genre organization to these, lots of them are rock or metal, but not all of them)
Hot Gum - Sofia Istella
EAT SPIT! - Slush Puppy ft. Royal & the Serpent
Jaws - Sleep Token
Dirt - Dream Drop
Make Me King - The Haunt
Let's Get Animal - Divide The Day
Like That - Sleep Token
Beg - Emphatic
The Only Time - Nine Inch Nails
Pray - Xana
Fire Up The Night - New Medicine
DICTATOR - REI AMI (the first part)
Go Fuck Yourself - Two Feet
The Summoning - Sleep Token (listen to the end. The end fucks)
Physical (You're So) - Nine Inch Nails (also Closer and Reptile by NIN, but I feel like everyone knows about those songs, so I didnt directly list them even though they FUCK)
IN MY MOUTH - Black Dresses
Secret Scream - The Black Queen
BONES - Demi Lovato
Fuck Away The Pain - Divide The Day
I Miss The Misery - Halestorm
HATEFUCK - Pussy Riot ft. Slayyyter
Whore - In This Moment
Alkaline - Sleep Token (okay, basically anything by Sleep Token, I HIGHLY recommend them, and if you're interested in musician thirst traps... go find all the content of them on TikTok. They literally grind on stage 🥴) ((they also JUST released a new album, so it's the perfect time to pile on))
Don't You Know - Jaymes Young
she calls me daddy - KiNG MALA
Pure Mode - Model/Actriz
BABY SAID - Måneskin
Train Wreck - Divide The Day
Oxytocin - Billie Eilish
Muse - OCAD
Turns Me On - Cilver
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