#spot samurai rabbit
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v-albion · 4 months ago
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@hitokshellart BIRTH 🫵 + dtiys
(Hope you have a wonderful day and have your boys being cuddly in soft sunset)
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hitokshellart · 3 months ago
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Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Commissions Open!
Hey guys it's been a while do you remember that Big Mama has Krang stuff as her doors for the battle nexus
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pinkybakery · 3 months ago
𓏲ֹ . ★ ᱸ Chizu ᎐﹙🎋﹚ֺ 𓂃 .
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She's so pretty, i think i made her eyes weird but i will do better next time
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rabbit-parasite · 6 months ago
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MAGMA DOODLES!! AGAIN!! Featuring Ranboo because I had the sudden urge to draw them
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thisrabbitiskindofdumb · 2 years ago
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you cannot tell me yuichi didn't name his dog after his grandpa's.
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djpachipikachu · 5 months ago
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studious lad look at him go (hes going insane trying to do chinese buddhist poem analysis assigned by karasu tengu and his vision is blurring)
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hana sleeps in his room sometimes she took his bed
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domestic-fluff · 5 months ago
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Meeting 🤝
Just a random drawing of this gentlemen.
I tried to make the drawing as clean as I could since I'm not using my usual pencil, so it's a little messy.
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artsybun · 10 months ago
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Decided to clean up these doodles bc I thought they were cute <3
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ranarenee · 1 year ago
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I'm allergic to colors and I have bunny disease.
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chocolatepyrusart · 1 year ago
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kaviis-stuff · 10 months ago
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I’m very sad after finishing Vol.4 of Usagi Yojimbo!! (But I won’t spoil)
Zato-Ino with Spot is so underrated. I appreciate the rough and tough guy that has a soft spot for their pet. They’re just looking for a nice home and they can’t even have that!! 😞
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hitokshellart · 5 months ago
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Because the end of the au, the final chapter, is close, I decided to make a dtiys here on Tumblr and Twitter! With prizes included!!
Details and clean version below!
☀️ The theme of them sleeping stays as well as the foreshadowing theme, the way you do this foreshadowing, change the poses or colors can be the way you like!
☀️ Make sure to use #bmcDTIYS and tag me so I can see it!
☀️ Deadline is November 4, my birthday! But, if when the date is close you need more time, you can tell me :]
☀️ Have fun!
☀️ First place gets a fully rendered half body piece, background included!
☀️ Second and third place will get a fully rendered bust, no background
Clean version!
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Again, have fun! You can even write if drawing is not your thing! Thank you so much again for loving the story as much as I do, this one has a very special place in my heart.
This was originally going to be a twitter only thing, but I thought it would be fun to post it here :D
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pinkybakery · 3 months ago
𓏲ֹ . ★ ᱸ Spot ᎐﹙🦎﹚ֺ 𓂃 .
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This is the second character, our little baby spot. I think i will write my AU in a page like ao3 or wattpad, but i have to practice and free myself from the exams first, while i do that, i will draw doodles like this
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agethepumpking · 2 years ago
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I did it! I did more!
Part 1
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thisrabbitiskindofdumb · 1 year ago
Samurai Rabbit - Chronicles of Usagi
A03 link here
Chapter 1 / ?
Words: 3349
Farm life
“The samurai faced off the terrifying monster, O-Dokuro! A legendary yokai, one of many fearsome yokai who stalked this earth long ago. He swung his sword, Willow Branch,  hitting the beasts’ arm, nearly breaking it! He dodged the swing O-Dokuro gave him, only to throw a nearby rock at the yokai and hit him right in the head! Knocking him out!” he kicked his legs as he laid on the ground, narrating the book he had made long ago.
“He fought his way to the leader of the yokai, whose name has been long forgotten, and he engaged in an epic duel, a fight that would last for ages. Neither one would let up their onslaught until the other did. 
But finally, after 18 treacherous, exhausting hours, Usagi Miyamoto stood proudly above his foe. but before he could even catch his breath, he used his strength to trap the Yokai into the ki-stone. sealing the leader and his army away. Forever.”
“Eep eep!”
“That’s right Spot, it is awesome!” He pushed himself up into a squat with a small bounce, “But some say that a small group of yokai still roam these lands.. hiding. Waiting for the right time to make their return,” he wiggles his fingers and says his last statement in a hushed voice, all for that dramatic flair.
Spot looked around nervously and went to hide in the broccoli stalks, he may be cute but he was never the bravest tokage. “Oh Spot, come here. Don't worry buddy, you remember that noble samurai I told you about? That great and fearless warrior? He’s my ancestor! Usagi Miyamoto! One day, I'm going to be just like him!” He runs to a nearby tree, kicking off of it, hitting it, making a show of how cool he is to his little dinosaur, “and once I get a sensei, I'll be strong enough to fight any Yokai! No matter how big or how small! I am, after all, already so brave and so strong.”
Watching him, Spot gets excited as well, he makes a little eep as he runs into a nearby farmbotto and starts to mimic his friend. Headbutting it, biting it and even managing to jump off of it.
But in doing this, Spot had accidentally hit the on switch, and the farmbotto springs to life to start a rampage around the farm. Trying to cut anything in its path; It cuts through most of the broccoli and some of the lettuce before the “brave and strong descendant of Usagi Miyamoto” even notices the robot destroying the crops.
“oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Not the farm!” He runs around, trying to stop it before they get to the carrots and brussel sprouts. He jumps over the fence, rolling to the tool shed to pick up two sickles and runs back over to it.
“Okay it's fine, everything is fine. Just have to grab it and turn it - WOAH.” he dodges the farmbotto’s arms, nearly getting one of his ears cut off by the blades at the end of it. 
“Alright, new plan. Grab it, turn it off, and don't get my ear cut off by a deadly machine.. simple enough.” he runs to the face of it, being careful not to get caught on the various blades.
He mumbles a short “here goes nothing,” to himself as he jumps and latches onto the front of it, turning the machine before it gets any more of the crops. He hits the thing a few times, pounding on the wood to try to get it to stop cutting everything in its path, all the while trying to use his foot to hit the power button on the bottom side.
Oh, but now is the perfect time to notice that he’s headed straight for the house.
“Crap! no no! Come on..! turn!” he leans all his bodyweight to the side as he gets the farmbotto to turn once more.
But it wont shut off. It's not shutting off at all. So in a last ditch effort he throws in one of the sickles he was using into the top blades and jumps off using the arm of the machine (totally not breaking it off or anything, no. It's been like that all day.) to land safely on the ground.
He picked up Spot and watches the farmbotto slowly come to a stop and stand right next to the watermelon patch he was growing next to the house. It stood only for a moment longer before it fell right into the fruits.
he stared for a second, trying to catch his breath, holding Spot close to his chest, taking in the fact that he stopped the thing. He stopped it from destroying the whole farm. And he did it all on his own! 
“heh..heh heh heh..aaahahha! woooohahahaaa!” he started jumping and cheering, tossing Spot into the air and catching him again “I did it! Spot! Did you see? Did you see? I stopped it all on my own that was so-!”
The door of the farmhouse slammed open, showing a very angry old rabbit “YUICHI!” 
“What on earth happened here? What did you do? The farm is a mess!”
Yuichi backs up a little bit and sets spot down as his aunt starts stomping towards him.“Auntie! well, you see it's a funny story actually-”
“No! I do not want to hear your excuses! A good fourth of the crops are destroyed!”
“at least-”
“And what happened to the  farmbotto! It's on its side! Is that its arm on the ground?”
“But it was-”
“NO. Usagi Yuichi, how many times do I have to tell you to be responsible? To act your age, you are not a child anymore, you are almost an adult. What if you get hurt? What if you get yourself killed?”
“I’m sorry Auntie.”
Haruka sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose,“Good. Now help me clean this up, then just go to your room. I don’t want to see you for the rest of the day.”
“Yes Auntie.”
He stalks over to the farmbotto and picks up the arm, starting the motions to clean up.
It's late when Auntie knocks on his door; He’s been sitting at his desk for a couple hours now, redrawing an old story of one of Miyamoto's adventures. He finds it relaxing, letting himself get lost in the pages and words. He doesn't have to pay attention to anything or anyone, just.. draw the stories he grew up with.
“Yuichi? May I come in?” Auntie asks, opening the door a crack.
“Sure Auntie,” he turns in his seat, making sure not to disturb the sleeping tokage in his lap, “what's up?”
She comes in two cups of tea in her hands and places one next to him, holding the other in her own hands.“I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier.” 
Yuichi cringes at this, he doesn’t want to talk about it when he knows he messed up. Again. Not to mention that when auntie says ‘i want to talk about what happened’ it usually means ‘i am going to lecture you on being responsible again.’ and he reeeally didn’t need that.
“Do we have to? I know I messed up, and it was stupid and I'm sorry! What is there to talk about?”
“Of course we need to talk about this, this isn't some isolated event that you can just apologize your way out of. What you did was incredibly dangerous, you could have gotten hurt. What if it had sliced one of your limbs off, or if it had gotten you in the head? What if the machine couldn’t have been stopped?
I'm glad you are okay - so very grateful that the most that happened was a bruise or two - but, there are many crops that are ruined because of this. Not to mention the farmbotto itself, it's going to take days to fix. Maybe even weeks if I can't find a way to call somebody out here.” 
“I wasn't trying to Auntie, I just wanted to-”
“I know Yuichi, you were just training to become a great samurai. But, sweetheart, you aren’t a samurai, you've lived on this farm your whole life. I can train you all you want, and I can show you all I know with a sword but.. times have changed, we don’t need a samurai out here.”
“But isn't there a way? I could travel, find a sensei…”
“But where would you go? It’s such a dangerous world and we are safe on the farm, there isn't anything in this fence that can harm us.”
Auntie sighed, shaking her head and looking into her tea, “Yuichi you are 16, you've had this fantasy that you would become a samurai for so long  and.. and I've encouraged it. That is my mistake. I'm sorry.” she pauses for a moment, a mistake? How could being a samurai be a mistake?
“But becoming a samurai.. It's too dangerous. You can't even turn a machine off without letting it cut through a good portion of our crops or breaking it for heaven's sake.”
Yuichi felt his eyes burn, how could Auntie say something like that? She knows that this has been his dream since he learned about his ancestor. He wants to be strong and go on awesome adventures, he wants to meet amazing fighters, he wants to be a samurai. And Auntie wants him to throw all of that away? For what? For a farm?
He wants to say that he can become a samurai, he can live this life he wants so desperately. He wants to shout, he wants to cry and kick until he can get his point across. He wants to scream to the world “I can become a samurai.”
but he doesn't, he just keeps his head down, trying to blink away the stinging feeling in his  eyes and the betrayal in his chest.
Auntie comes to sit next to him, putting a hand on his back, “I'm sorry Yuichi, I know it's hard for you to hear, but you can’t keep doing this. You need to grow up, accept that the life you are dreaming of is just that, a dream..”
Yuichi just turns his head, he doesn't want to look at his Auntie right now, he doesn't want to see the look of pity on her face that he just knows that she’s wearing.
He feels like he's about to throw up.
Auntie sighs again and moves her hand from his back, “I'm going to bed, try not to stay up too late, alright?” and pats spots head, “goodnight Spot, and goodnight honey, I love you.”
She walks out of the room, sliding the door closed behind her, and as Yuichi listens to her walk down the hall he sniffles and wipes at his eyes. How could Auntie say things like that?
He moves Spot out of his lap and starts pacing around his room. The small dinosaur gives a tired and confused eep as Yuichi rings his hands through his hair and pulls on his ears. He looks around, he sees the drawings he made of his ancestors and Miyamoto's team. He idolized this man, he was everything that Yuichi wants to be. He was strong and brave and smart, he had allies, and traveled to new places all of the time. There were even rumors that he could summon help and friends from other worlds!
He wants to be like that, somebody that people could rely on, someone that people could look up to, he wants to be that somebody.
But he can’t do that on this farm, why can't Aunt Haruka understand that?
He sat down in front of his bookshelf and looked through his books, some books on yokai, some farming books, some martial arts books, and a small collection of stories about Miyamoto he and his Auntie wrote, transcribing the stories that she and her siblings were told as kids. 
Those books took weeks to complete, writing everything down, drawing the pictures, and then binding the books together; They were something he was proud of, it took time and effort and practice to get all of the pages lined up correctly, sewing them together with a big needle that was so difficult to get through leather. But in the end, he did it. Sure there weren't many, but the few he did have he treasured more than anything else in the world.
He moved his gaze to look at the photos he had hanging on his wall and sitting on shelves. There are some of him and Auntie, photos of his extended family and..
And the only photo he had of him and his parents, sitting neatly at the center of it all. 
He wasn't old enough to remember the photo, he was only a baby at the time. but he loves hearing the story from Auntie all the same.
They had tried using the camera they had at home, just like they had many times before, but on that day, for some reason, it wasn't working. Auntie tried taking a look at it but she couldn’t find out just what was wrong with it. The old thing just would not take the photo. So his mother, never one to give up on something she had set her mind to, packed up Yuichi and his father, aunt haruka and some of their nicest clothes and took a surprise vacation to Neo Edo. he wishes he could remember the look on-
Neo Edo.
“That’s it!” he shot up, spinning to look at the tokage “Spot, how do you feel about an adventure?”
Spot back at Yuichi, tilting his head. He watched as the boy ran around the room again, collecting clothes, a small notebook, the pocket money he had earned from doing extra chores, and a few other essentials and put them all in a small pile on his bed.
“I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it sooner, we’ll go to Neo Edo, I'll find a sensei, and then! I'll be the best samurai ever! Maybe I'll be even better than Miyamoto!”
He put his belongings into two bags, a small blanket, some clothes, and some other essentials, in the bigger bag, and his more important and sentimental items in the other; but he hesitated when getting to his photos, looking between the picture of his parents and his favorite picture of Auntie. He almost took both, but as he reached for Haruka's photo, he paused. Even looking at a picture of her right now made him cringe. He can see that she is smiling in the photo, sure, but all he can think of is her hash words and the nausea from a few minutes ago.
He picked up the picture of his parents and put them in his bag, turning away from Auntie’s photo “Well spot, let's go put these on the bike, yeah?’
He picks up the bigger bag first and slowly tiptoes out of the house, making sure to slide his door open as quietly as possible and avoid the creaky planks. And sure, as he's walking he nearly knocks over Auntie's favorite vase and scrambles to catch it before the priceless piece of pottery falls onto the floor and shatters. But it's fine! He catches it! He very gently sets it back on the table it was sitting on. Mission success!
He picks his bag back up, thanking whatever was out there it wasn’t too loud when he dropped it, and makes his way  to the door again, slowly sliding the front door open, keeping it that way for when he goes back for the smaller bag and Spot. He sets the bag in his arms into the compartment on his bike, squishing it down to make sure he has room for everything.
When he walks back in, Spot has dragged the small bag to the door already, he lightly pets the tokage, but looks inside to make sure nothing had broken. Thankfully, nothing did, everything’s fine. He turns around and almost makes it out the door again before he’s stopped.
“Yuichi? where are you going?” Crap. Auntie had caught him. what does he say, what does he say? he can’t just tell her the truth. ‘oh i'm just leaving to go to Neo Edo to become a true samurai right after you told me not to!’ doesn’t exactly have a nice right to it.
“uuh.. I’m. just taking Spot out for a ride. We can’t really sleep..”
his Auntie stared at him, a skeptical look spreading crossing her face, “and the bag-”
“is full of some snacks! We’re probably going to be out for a while. I…I need to think.” it wasn't a complete lie. He was going to think while driving.
Spot comes and rubs against her leg and Auntie leans down to pick him up, her metal leg slightly squeaking as she does, “Well if  you two are going to be out for a while, you might want to take your sword, just in case you run into some trouble.”
“Alright, sounds good, will do, thank you Auntie. Sleep well.” he rushes over to the central room that holds his old sword. It's one that he got when he was small, after he first told Auntie that he wanted to become a samurai warrior like Usagi Miyamoto. When he picked it up it definitely looked like it had seen better days; The sword had slightly dulled over the years he used it, small chips forming on the edge of the blade.
He looked up again, Edgewing catching his eye. He put down his training sword and stared up at his aunt’s, she was a beautiful piece of work, the guard a dark and metallic blue, almost like a midnight ocean holding the silver sits atop it, a red cloth wrapping around an orange one, making what looks like orange diamonds around the hilt; the fabric was a bit worn after years of use, but still holds as if it had just been tied yesterday.
But what really caught Yuichi's eyes was the Omorosaki that rested at the bottom of the hilt. It was an old Usagi artifact that had been passed down for generations, Miyamoto himself being the one to have found it in the first place. A small purple gem, which, if you looked closely enough in the right light, held the shadow of a butterfly wing in the center.
“It's been my good luck charm since I put it there. Gotten me out of some serious situations,” she would always chuckle a little and tap her prosthetic leg with her cane as she said “well, gotten most of me, at least.” a morbid joke she loved to repeat.
Yuichi stared at the sword, he needed a real sword if he was going to make it as a samurai. He looked between his old and beaten sword and Edgewing, a dull one he’s used for ages or the beautiful piece of art in front of him..
He grabbed Edgewing from where it was hanging before he could really second guess himself anymore. He picked up his bag once more and made his way out of the door again. He was less concerned about being quiet this time, and Auntie already knew he was leaving. she just didnt know for how long, or where exactly he was going.
And as he loaded up the bike, secured his bags and put his helmet on, he told himself that he isn't lying to Auntie, he just isn't telling her everything..
And as he rides away he tells himself and Spot that it’s fine, he’ll be fine and everything will be fine.  They have nothing to worry about. He's going on his first adventure now.
And if he doesn’t see Haruka watching him leave, a sad expression on her face, that would be okay too. 
Everything will be fine.
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djpachipikachu · 2 months ago
I was always curious to see Yuichi as a child
ive got a couple of drawings of him :] the most fuckass troublesome kid auntie had to look after , he kept cutting his own hair with garden shears which is why its so choppy and uneven
this is him with the old family pet, spot senior (before she passed away) and yuichi is holding the egg that would be spot jr (HIS spot)
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and a Small comic ,,, ingydar by adrianne lenker
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i realised i havent rly shown him as a kid despite how important that era of his life is so thank u for the ask yahoo!!!
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