#sports injuries treatment Red Deer
goevent · 5 months
When it comes to Sports Injuries Treatment in Red Deer, Reactive Clinic has carved a niche for itself with its unwavering commitment to excellence and a team of highly skilled physiotherapists. Their approach combines cutting-edge techniques, personalized care, and a holistic understanding of the human body to ensure a swift and effective recovery for every patient.
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recentupdates · 1 year
Understanding and Treating Sports Injuries in Red Deer: A Comprehensive Guide
Sports injuries are common occurrences among athletes and individuals engaged in physical activities. Red Deer is home to several sports enthusiasts and athletes, making it essential to have access to reliable sports injury treatment options. This article aims to provide an overview of sports injuries treatment in Red Deer, with a particular focus on sports physiotherapy services. Additionally, we will explore the benefits of seeking the assistance of a qualified physiotherapist in nearby Blackfalds for the best possible recovery.
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Sports Injuries Treatment in Red Deer
Red Deer offers a range of sports injuries treatment options to cater to the diverse needs of athletes. Whether you're suffering from a sprained ankle, tennis elbow, or a more severe condition like an ACL tear, there are healthcare professionals in Red Deer who specialize in sports injury rehabilitation. These experts employ a multidisciplinary approach to ensure comprehensive care for athletes at all levels.
Sports Physiotherapy in Red Deer
Sports physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the treatment and rehabilitation of Sports injuries in Red Deer, you can find reputable sports physiotherapy clinics staffed by experienced professionals. Sports physiotherapists are well-versed in assessing and diagnosing sports-related injuries, developing personalized treatment plans, and guiding athletes through their recovery process.
The treatments provided by sports physiotherapists in Red Deer may include manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilizations and soft tissue massage, to promote healing and reduce pain. They also utilize therapeutic exercises and stretching programs to improve flexibility, strength, and range of motion. Additionally, modalities like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and hot/cold therapy may be incorporated into the treatment plan to aid in pain management and tissue healing.
Benefits of Sports Physiotherapy in Red Deer
Seeking sports physiotherapy in Red Deer offers several benefits to athletes. First and foremost, it helps in the effective management of sports injuries, allowing individuals to recover faster and return to their sports activities sooner. Sports physiotherapy can also help prevent the recurrence of injuries by addressing underlying imbalances, strengthening weak areas, and improving biomechanics.
Furthermore, sports physiotherapy focuses on a holistic approach to injury treatment, considering the overall well-being of the athlete. This approach includes education on injury prevention techniques, ergonomic advice, and training modifications tailored to the specific sport or activity. By addressing these factors, sports physiotherapists in Red Deer can contribute to the long-term health and performance of athletes.
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Best Physiotherapy in Blackfalds
While Red Deer provides excellent sports injury treatment options, athletes in the nearby town of Blackfalds can also benefit from the services of the best physiotherapists in the area. Blackfalds boasts reputable physiotherapy clinics that offer specialized sports injury rehabilitation programs.
By seeking Best physiotherapy Blackfalds, athletes can access personalized treatment plans designed to meet their unique needs. The experienced physiotherapists in Blackfalds utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to facilitate the recovery process effectively. Their expertise, coupled with a commitment to providing high-quality care, ensures that athletes receive optimal treatment for their sports injuries in Sylvan Lake.
In Red Deer and nearby Blackfalds, athletes have access to top-notch sports injuries treatment options in Blackfalds. Sports physiotherapy, with its comprehensive and individualized approach, plays a significant role in the recovery and prevention of sports-related injuries. Whether you're in Red Deer or Blackfalds, seeking the assistance of a qualified physiotherapist will enable you to receive the best possible care and get back to doing what you love with confidence.
Source: https://physiotherapy-and-wellness-centre.blogspot.com/2023/07/Sports-injuries-Red%20Deer.html
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reactiveclinic2 · 1 year
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Get the Best sports injuries treatment in Red Deer
Visiting the sports injuries treatment Clinic in Red Deer allows you to be seen by a medical provider sooner so you can start on a treatment plan earlier.
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albertawebseo · 10 months
Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture & Massage Red Deer, Alberta
Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture & Massage is a Full TCM, Acupuncture, & Massage Therapy Clinic in Red Deer, Alberta
BOOK TODAY 403-343-1539
Dr J Arlo Chinnery TCMD, RAc & Kanpimon (Bell) Chinnery RMT would like to invite you to enjoy a healing experience at the Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture Clinic in Red Deer, AB
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Phone For An Appointment Now 403-343-1539
Flying Turtle Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to pain management, and optimization of health by bringing the body / mind into a more balanced state.
Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy are natural drug-free ways to encourage recovery from degenerative conditions and bring the body into balance for continued maintenance of good health and over all well-being.
Acupuncture for The Treatment of Many Painful Conditions
Acupuncture is a modality of Chinese Medicine that can treat may conditions throughout the body like back pain, headaches, arthritis as well as many other types of pain and other medical conditions such as:
Back Pain
Sinus issues
Anxiety, Stress, Depression, PTSD
Sprains and strains from Sports Injuries
Frozen shoulders
Plantar fasciitis
Bell’s palsy
Sequela Stroke
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Massage Therapist Red Deer
Since this time, Bell has been working as a Massage Therapist in Red Deer AB at a local spa and as of May 01, 2018, she had the opportunity to manage and practice at the Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture & Massage Clinic in Red Deer.
Red Deer Massage Clinic
Red Deer Massage is a local massage therapy clinic located in Red Deer, Alberta. Qualified massage therapists like Bell are what make Dr Arlo and his staff the number #1 wellness clinic in Red Deer with many happy customers over the years!
It is now easier than ever in Red Deer to experience the positive effects of massage therapy. Call to learn more about the many types of massage therapy offered today by Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture and Massage in Red Deer – 403-343-1539
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dental-health · 10 months
Tips for Preventing Gum Disease
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Gum disease must be avoided if one wants to keep their teeth healthy. Periodontal disease, sometimes referred to as gum disease, can cause tooth loss and have effects on one's overall health if left untreated. The following advice will assist you in avoiding gum disease:
Regular Dental Exams: Make an appointment with your dentist near you for routine dental exams and cleanings. They can see early indications of gum disease and perform expert cleanings to get rid of tartar and plaque buildup.
Brushing teeth twice a day is recommended, ideally in the morning and right before night. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Be gentle to protect your gums from injury.
Daily Flossing: Flossing aids in removing plaque and food fragments from in between your teeth and along the gum line. Make it a habit to floss each day.
Use an Antiseptic Mouthwash: To minimize germs that can lead to gum disease, rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash containing chlorhexidine or an ADA-approved antimicrobial mouthwash.
Eat a balanced diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to maintain a healthy weight. Avoid eating or drinking too much sugar because it might cause plaque to build up.
Keeping yourself hydrated lowers your risk of developing gum disease by helping to clean away bacteria and food particles from your mouth.
Quit Smoking: Gum disease is significantly increased by smoking. If you smoke, you might want to give it up to protect your oral health.
Limit Alcohol: Gum disease can be exacerbated by excessive alcohol use. If you frequently drink alcohol, try reducing back or drinking in moderation.
Stress reduction: Being under a lot of stress can compromise your immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight infections of the gums. Use stress-reduction methods like yoga or meditation.
Wear a mouthguard: If you engage in contact sports or clench your teeth at night, a mouthguard can shield your teeth and gums from harm.
Avoid Tobacco Products: Oral cancer and gum disease are made more likely by chewing tobacco and other tobacco products. Avoid them at all costs.
Be Aware of the Warning Indications: Become familiar with the warning indications of gum disease, which include red, swollen, or bleeding gums, ongoing poor breath, and loose teeth. If you experience any of these signs, get dental care right away.
A toothbrush should be changed every three to four months or when the bristles start to show symptoms of wear. Cleaning your teeth and gums using a used toothbrush can be less effective.
Consider dental sealants: By sealing off the chewing surfaces and preventing plaque and bacteria from accumulating, dental sealants can protect molars and premolars.
Diabetes and Pregnancy: If you have diabetes or are pregnant, it's important to manage your condition and practice proper dental hygiene because these factors can raise your chance of developing gum disease.
It's important to be proactive about prevention and seek professional dental care if you see any difficulties because gum disease can sometimes advance without symptoms. To help you maintain healthy gums and teeth, our Red Deer dentist at Saby Dental can provide you with individualized advice and treatments.
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currentnewsofmarket · 10 months
Effective Solutions for Sports Injuries in Blackfalds
Discover top-notch care for sports injuries in Blackfalds at Reactive Clinic. Our experts provide personalized treatment and rehabilitation to get you back in the game.
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shy-violet-soul · 5 years
Under the Influence
Summary: When Rae gets hurt, one brother comes to the rescue. Will relocations and pharmaceuticals pry some growing feelings into the open for the other brother?  Characters: OFC Rae Himmel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel Warnings: description of injury/treatment, bad language words, pharmaceuticals, Winchester shenanigans, mutual pining, fluffity fluff fluff A/N: Oft requested, here is a continuation of Rae >>> and the Winchester brothers! Other tales about Rae & the brothers can be found on my MASTERLIST.
A huge thank you to the effervescent, enthusiastic, & estimable @pinknerdpanda​ for beta-ing this for me. So many panda-hugs to you, girl!
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gif credit: https://tenor.com by CasMcKenzie5
Now The feel of the metal stairs scraped pleasantly under his boots as he trotted down into the war room. A long overdue supply run had kept him out for a bit - the latest batch of credit cards awaited them at the post office. Both brothers needed new socks, and the sporting goods store also had the best deal on rock salt in the hunting section. Yahoo for DIY deer licks. Shifting box, bag, and bundle, he strode his way into the library.
“Anybody home?” No answer. A brief flicker of surprise shrugged his shoulders as the items plunked and rustled to the table. Apple, cinnamon, and rosemary in the air tickled his nose, stretching a smile up into crinkles by his eyes. Rae had been busy. He’d been hoping to catch some time with her today. The silence in the bunker told him he had enough time to clean up a bit before he invited her to watch that new Marvel movie with the nonchalance he’d practiced and perfected in the car. Plan in place, he hastened his steps towards the hall before the smug, teasing brother gaze found him.
And there she was. Sprawled out on the hallway floor like a cute little pile of laundry. With her left arm bent and bandaged to her torso and a magnificent blue bruise decorating her left eye.
“Hiya, there! Oh, crap, it’s him.”
45 minutes ago Bopping along to Bobby Darin, Rae gave a satisfied nod to the rosemary apple pie steaming expectantly on the counter. Hopefully, the unique recipe would dodge scorn from the brothers. A stack of Men of Letters files waiting for research were calling her name. She hip-checked an open drawer closed, scooted the towel over the oven door handle to dry, and grabbed her phone. As she turned towards the library door, the “pantry” shelves caught her attention. The jar of molasses on the top shelf had tipped over - if that sucker kamikazed and broke, that would be actual hell to clean up.
Sighing, Rae glanced over her shoulder at the folding step stool that lived behind the sink. For the boys, with their muscles for days, it was easy to extricate. For her? She’d wrenched stuck paper from copier guts more easily. Rae didn’t hesitate; she scrabbled up the shelves and reached towards the jar.
Rae would later be ready to swear on Dean’s sacred stack of vinyls that stupid jar jumped. Right off the shelf. Onto her face.
In the heartbeat it took for the pain to hit her vocal cords, Rae reared back instinctively, one foot slipping from its perch. Her feet probably could have skated for purchase and saved her if her hand hadn’t decided to kung-fu-grip the shelf on her way down. Pain ripped through her left shoulder in the same heartbeat the pain in her face caught up, mixed with the fear the brief freefall sparked. Her scream echoed through the bunker as she hit the floor. Actually, first the weird metal pole in front of the shelves, then hit the floor.
Pounding bootfalls ran in her direction.
“Rae! What the hell?!”
Now “Molasses ain’t slow, Winchester. It’s faster than two shakes of a tog’s dail. Tail’s dog. Is that right? I think that’s right.” 
Her eyes had sagged shut during her speech as he quickly crouched beside her. At his touch on her face, she dragged her eyes back open. Swollen left eyelid tried twice before the right decided to make an effort and blinked wide.
“Oh, my God, you’re so damn cute. Don’t tell Sam I said that!” 
Shock blew his own eyes saucered - right before his excited grin could appear, he cleared his throat.
“Rae, are you drunk? What happened?” he asked as he leaned to help her sit up. He hesitated, though, unsure where to grab her, so he yelled for his brother. His cute little pile of laundry sighed and smiled.
“Yep, yep, yep. Cute, cute, cute.”
43 minutes ago “Watch it, gigantor!”
“Hang on, I’ve gotta see the damage.” Rough fingers pressed carefully around her eye, nose, and cheekbone. “No fractures, just one grandaddy of a shiner.”
A pained sound growled from Rae. “That’s because all the fractures are in my arm!”
He huffed as he scooted around to her side, ignoring her grunts and whimpers as he examined what he could get to around her flinches and flails.
“OW! Watch it, that hurts!”
“Okay, okay. So, it’s fairly simple. The humeral head has been forcibly propelled out of the glenoid fossa.”
Rae glared up at him through the hot pulse of unhappy blood vessels in her face. “English, you fool! Don’t spew those big words at me!”
His lips twitched as he tried to hide a smile. She is adorable when she’s mad!
“You’ve got a dislocated shoulder there, Grace Kelly.”
Now “What’r you doin’ on the floor? I left you in your bed. Remember? You wanted my blanket?”
“What happened?”
“No blanket can hold me. I freedomed for my fought….what blanket?”
“What happened?!”
“That extra soft goldish brown one.”
Rae’s eyes were still closed as the brothers carefully hauled her to a sitting position. She sighed dreamily. “I love that blanket. It’s just like his hair. All fluffy and soft and kinda...you know, kinda….brown. I love his hair.” Her eye popped open and she stared up at blanket-owning brother. “Is that weird? That I love his blanket hair?”
The brothers stared at each other, one of them going red right up into his ears.
“What the hell happened?!?”
38 Minutes “Just amputate it and put me out of my misery!”
He rolled his eyes as he helped her move into place on the infirmary bed. “We’re not gonna amputate it. I’m telling you, I can fix this.”
The glare she shot him was all squinty suspicion. “I’m not sure I trust you, Winchester. You said that after I caught you eating my last Oaks Candy mini Melty Bars.”
“And didn’t I have Garth swing through Oshkosh after taking care of that wendigo outside Algoma? He was in cornfield heaven.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do what you’re going to do.”
Shaking his head with a grin, he coaxed her to lean forward slightly as he cupped the front of her shoulder with his left hand, his right warm between her spine and shoulder blade. “Okay. On three.” He felt her shudder as she tried to brace herself, exhaling in preparation of a deep breath. “One -”
Lungs empty, Rae couldn’t even squeal as she crumpled forward like a paper bag. Additional, abominable pain seared sweat into her armpits and tears into her eyes as she sucked in air, slamming her good fist into the mattress beneath her. Dropping to his knees, her tormenting saviour peered up at her worriedly. Oh crap - did I make it worse? What if I made it worse?
“You okay?”
“You - lying - no! What happened to ‘on three’?!”
He cringed as the words croaked from her tight throat, gingerly patting her knee and ready to duck if she swung at him. “Hey, I learned that move from the best. Look on the bright side. The worst is over. I’ll wrap it up real good for you, and I’ve got some fantastic pain killers!”
Carefully leaning on her good arm, Rae shot him the evilest glare from her one eye she could muster.
“You better wrap up both arms for your own protection, mister!”
My brother’s gonna kill me.
Now “I ought’a kill you!”
Dean rolled his eyes as he helped get Rae’s limp-noodle-legs into Sam’s arms. “She’s fine! I did a Boy Scout badge worthy job of wrapping her up and gave her some of that Demerol you think you hid. Rest, ice, compression, elevation - she’ll be good as new in a couple of days.” He glanced down to see his patient happily hanging her head upside down over Sam’s arm as she stared at the number on the door in front of her.
“Didja know that our...our numbers’s over 1,000 years olld? Sam told me that. Sweet, smart Sam. I love his sweet, smart brain.”
Fresh heat flooded more red up into Sam’s ears as he glared at Dean. “How much of that Demerol did you give her?”
Dean shrugged, hiding his smirk. “Two, same as I take it.” The older brother immediately took a step back when Sam’s eyes popped wide and the vein in his forehead throbbed visibly.
“You idiot! Those are 100 milligram tablets!”
“Yeah, so?”
“She’s almost half your size! Half of one tablet would have been more than plenty! I’m amazed she’s even breathing!”
“Oooooo…” Cringing, Dean took another step back as Sam tried to move Rae right side up. Her one good eye stared up Sam dazedly before she slapped her hand over his mouth.
“Rae! Stop talking! Stop saying words ‘bout Sam’s brain! And his hair. Oh, my lord, I love his hair. Shhh!”
Bitch-face-level 99 burned from Sam’s eyes over Rae’s hand, and Dean decided a tactical retreat was in order.
“I’m gonna go...somewhere...not here.”
Distantly, Rae gathered that Dean and Sam were having words, but she couldn’t marshal together enough thoughts to worry. All she knew was that she was warm, her shoulder and face didn’t hurt anymore, and she really, really liked Sam. Where was Sam, anyway?
A wonderful, floaty, rocking motion made her head spin, and something tickled her hand. Her eye slowly tracked up her arm to see her hand plastered across Sam’s mouth, and he was trying to say something. Seeing him so close filled her with pure happiness.
“Hi, Sam! Hiya! It’s Sam!”
Sam couldn’t help but smile at his little limp laundry girl as he carried her to her room. “Hi, Rae. Just hang on a second, and I’ll have you in bed.”
She plopped her head on his shoulder, sighing dramatically. “Oh, my God, he can have me in bed any time. Hoo, boy. I mean - arms. So much arms,” she drawled, poking his bicep.”
Sam almost choked on his own breath, heat arrowing through him. “What? No - I mean - not now, just - hang on,” he stammered out, striding into her room, eager to get her situated and flee before things got any more ridiculous. The gold-brown chenille blanket from Dean’s room lay in a wrestled pile on the floor that he stepped over before carefully depositing her on her bed. Trying to lift her to prop her on pillows was like trying to fold a sleeping bag - soft, sprawling, and sticking to him like static. When he finally situated her into place, he glanced up to find their faces so close, he could count the freckles on her nose. That little skip in his heart he felt so often when near her jumped to life, and the temptation to kiss those soft lips was almost irresistible.
Surrounded by warmth and strength, Rae felt blissfully safe. The scent of Sam’s cologne tickled her nose, causing a grin to tug briefly at her lips. Everything was dark, though. Why was everything dark? 
���Did Sam turn off the lights?”
“Then, why is it so dark?”
“Because your eyes are closed.”
Oh. That made sense. With a series of facial gymnastic maneuvers, Rae managed to stretch her eye open. Sam’s topaz gaze waited for her, shining in autumn-colored glory down on her. A swirl of giddiness heralded a bloom of warmth in her chest, and she couldn’t stop the smile that threatened to stretch right off her face.
The smile lighting up Rae’s warm pecan-pie-brown gaze sent Sam’s belly flip-flopping, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Before he could blink, her mouth suddenly dropped open as she gasped in something like horror, her hand slapping over his eyes. 
“Ohmygaw, don’t look at his eyes! They’re a trap, Rae! They’re too pretty!”
Sam couldn’t stop the grunt when one of her fingers jabbed into his left eyeball, hurrying to peel her hand away before she blinded him. Blinking the pained tears away, he still couldn’t stop his smile as he rubbed the offended orb.
“You think I have pretty eyes?”
Rae’s head swam, but whether it was his dimples or whatever had happened before - memory suddenly escaped her - she couldn’t say for sure. To protect herself, she clapped her hand over her own eyes.
“The dimples of doom!” she whispered. “I’m done for.”
Fresh surprise sent Sam’s eyebrows skyward. “Dimples of doom?”
A strangled sound croaked from Rae as she sank back into the pillows. “I want to kiss them!” Just as quickly, she snatched her hand away and sent him a puppy dog look that rivalled his own. “Can I kiss them?”
Sam reeled back when he caught himself leaning towards her, steeling himself against her pleading gaze. Everything in him practically begged him to grab her, kiss her dimples, and not let her go for the foreseeable future. Hearing her drug-induced confessions set his heart pounding - he’d had feelings for her for so long. But they were just that - ramblings fueled by inadvertent opiate overdose. He couldn’t - wouldn’t - take advantage of something Rae didn’t mean.
“I think it’s time I get out of here so you can get some sleep.”
“You mean, I can’t kiss them?” She sounded downright hurt. Sam forced himself to his feet.
“Rae, you’re high as a kite on the meds Dean gave you. You won’t remember any of this tomorrow.”
Not 100% sure what he said, Rae only knew he wasn’t beside her anymore, and he looked sad. A couple of his words untangled in her brain, and she frowned.
“You listen here, Wam Sinchester. I remember stuff just fine!”
“It’s okay, Rae, just get some rest. I’ll check on you later.”
Addled though she was, the dismissal came through loud and clear. Anger tried to shove aside the drugs as she fought to sit up, failed, and settled for giving him a serious stink eye.
Sam blinked when she fixed a weird, squinty look on him, then turned to head for the door, hoping to strengthen his resolve. He failed miserably - one glance over his shoulder saw the dim light from the desk lamp shining amber lights into her wild, messy curls, and he was snared once again.
“You - you - oh!” she groused. “You say you take one fake sugar in your coffee, but you take three reg’lar ol’ sugars when you think no one’s lookin’. When you watch a for’n movie the first time, you do it without th’ sub...the subt...the words on the bottom ‘cuz you like to listen to the language. The first time I saw you came back from joggin’, I stopped breathin’ for a second, ‘cuz - damn, boy. Ever’ time you touch my shoulder an’ give me that quick smile, I can hardly stop myself from huggin’ you. You like peanut butter an’ raspberry rhubarb jam sammiches. You don’t like trail mix with dried bananas. And you!” she swore out dramatically, pointing an accusing finger at him, “you keep stealin’ my ‘spensive shampoo!”
Suddenly exhausted, her eye starting to twinge, Rae flopped back onto the pillows and burst into tears.
Sam stood frozen - shocked like he hadn’t been in a long time. A man of keen observation, Sam knew a lot about Rae. She could eat breakfast food three meals a day. She scorned Cheetos but powerhoused through Cheese Nips. Fancy scented candles gave her headaches, but lavender essential oil went with her everywhere. The first time she smiled, his heart damn near stopped. She killed him when she wore that grey tunic-length ‘Namastay in Bed’ t-shirt; the navy lace bralette she always paired it with was just visible through the light fabric, and her boobs...whoa. She always kept a hair band around her wrist, even if she wore one in her hair. And, yes, he stole her shampoo because it kept the scent of her with him.
So, yeah - he knew a lot about Rae. All the reasons why he’d fallen for her. He’d never dared hope she knew him, too.
The fat tears dripping down her swollen, purpling cheek sent Sam’s heart straight to his belly. In one quick step, he sank to his knees at her bedside, snatching up her free hand.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, don’t cry!”
She grabbed for him; powerless to resist her, Sam tucked her face into his neck and breathed her in.
“I tol’ you I ‘membered stuff!”
“You did. You do.”
“An’ ‘s okay you steal the shampoo ‘cause...pretty hair.”
“Thank you for letting me steal it.”
“An’ it just hurts ‘cause I want to hug you all the time. You an’ your stupid pretty eyes.”
Smiling so wide his stupid, pretty eyes nearly crinkled shut, Sam softly stroked her hair. 
“You can hug me anytime you want, Rae.”
“I can?”
“As long as I can hug you.”
Snuffling pathetically, Rae nodded against his skin. “Okay.” Completely spent, she sagged against him in a boneless sprawl. “Tired, Sam. Can’t...my eyes can’t.”
Sam gently eased her back down, stroking her unblemished cheek with his thumb. “It’s okay, Rae, you rest.”
“Stay?” she mumbled out before a slight snore buzzed from her. Sam sat for a moment, just gazing at her and basking in the warmth of shared affection. Then, he pulled off her shoes along with his own, and drew Dean’s prized blanket over both of them as he cuddled her to him carefully. Tomorrow would come soon enough to talk clearly about these confessions. For now, he was staying right where he was.
A long time later, when two gentle snores back-and-forthed in the room, Dean carefully cracked the door open, grinning smugly at the two curled up together. Closing the door soundlessly behind him, he didn’t flinch when Cas appeared in the hall.
“Did it work?”
“Like a charm. Just call me Cupid. Nope - strike that. He’s a dick. Call me...Dr. Love,” the hunter drawled out proudly, flipping a pill bottle up before catching it.
“So, I adjusted the dosage correctly to not kill Rainbow?”
Rolling his eyes, Dean turned for the library. “Yes, Cas. Just needed her under the influence enough to get those two lovesick nerds talking.”
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a-gay-bloodmage · 5 years
Pairing: None
Pairing Type: N/A
Words: 1,233
Warnings: AGB's Ink 2019, Very Mild NSFW Thoughts, Lots of Blood, Obvious Blood Fetish, Decently Graphic Descriptions of Injuries, DIY Stitches, Redren Is Useful Sometimes
"I am not letting untamed magic infect my flesh."
"Sten, dear, I do hope you realize-" Wynne stopped mid-sentence at the qunari's hard stare. Despite the gash along his chest, he was still stone-faced and monotone.
"I will heal myself if you are incapable, mage." He only slightly grimaced as he started to undo his armor, of which now sported a giant fissure in the metal plate.
"I can help," Redren said, moving to help the giant.
Sten's brows furrowed as he glared. "Mage, I have said already that I refuse magical treatment."
Redren nodded, gently removing the torn metal to reveal a blood-soaked undershirt. Control yourself, Redren, he thought. The scent of blood was drawing him in and attempting to cloud over his brain. "Here," he said as he helped Sten slip off his shirt. "Hold that over the wound, I'm grabbing my needles."
Sten seemed to ponder the statement for a moment before nodding, shirt pressed to the gash.
Redren quickly ran to his satchel, which laid discarded by the half-formed firepit. They'd been the victims of another ambush. Or, at least, they would have been the victims. All their would-be assailants were undeniably dead. He fished the needles and thread from the pack and made his way back over to the giant.
His breathing was heavier than usual, and his shimmering bronze skin was slick with red blood. Redren wouldn't deny he was attractive. Just... not his type. But he wouldn't deny the metallic scent in the air was doing something for him.
"Here," he said though front teeth currently clamped down on a needle. "I'm just gonna stitch you back up, alright?" He shrugged off the top half of his robe, leaving his waxen skin in full view of the party, rising moonlight leaving his emaciated-appearing body almost spectral. He didn't like having his sleeves get in the way when he was sewing. Sten didn't protest, so he set to threading the needle. "Lie down for me?"
Sten did as Redren asked. It was strange to see him follow orders from a mage so willingly, but Redren wasn't about to complain. He removed his shirt to give Redren a clear view, and didn't protest as Wynne summoned a yellow orb of light to help Redren see his project.
Maker, he could see the layer of fat that was spread thin across the muscle, blood oozing out of the dark gash and shimmering like reddened gold in the light. He grabbed the waterskin hanging on Sten's hip, pouring its contents over his hands to rid them of some of their dirt, and then over Sten's bloody body to better see the wound. He cast a quick drying spell Sten either didn't notice or didn't acknowledge to dry his hands.
Thankfully, he kept a slightly curved needle in his pack for situations akin to this. He wouldn't disclose to the qunari that the needle was used for stitching up deer corpses when he got bored.
"This might hurt," he said, threading the needle. His thread was thankfully smooth enough to glide through skin and tough enough to keep a wound together.
"Just work," Sten huffed, eyes narrowing.
Redren just took a quick breath and did as he was asked.
A low groan, quiet enough so that Redren figured he was the only one that heard it, rumbled in the back of Sten's throat. Redren continued to focus the best he could, pinching the skin together with his left hand and sewing with the right.
But the blood kept distracting him.
Every little press on the qunari's skin made another stream start flowing, and his heartbeat was clear, ringing out along every artery. He bit down on his lip, praying that the giant would assume it to be a measure to keep him focused on not vomiting as opposed to not drooling or giving into blood magic.
Oh, he could kiss the wound better, if Sten let him. Just a little bit of blood on his tongue and the skin would pull itself back together, blood yanking flesh against nature. Every droplet would be accounted for—there wouldn't even be a bruise as the hot, dark red blood was pushed back into the capillaries it had escaped from. Good as new in a only couple heartbeats.
But he doubted the man, so against even the most basic healing, would allow such a thing. The fact that Redren, Wynne, and Morrigan weren't chained up and controlled seemed to foster distrust. Redren couldn't blame him entirely.
He swallowed back the excited drool in his mouth, blinking several times to try and stay focused on fixing the injury. His deathly pale hands were almost completely covered in blood as the needle pierced the gored flesh. The work, despite its bloody components, was almost dainty and domestic. He pulled the flesh together and knotted it before repeating it less than a pinky finger's width down the skin. The progress was lengthy, but Sten was soldiering through well despite being fully aware in both mind and body.
Stitch after stitch was placed along the gash, the blood not stopping until the very last section was sewn shut. Redren wasn't worried at all about the man bleeding too much. With a day of rest, he should be fine, especially considering how fine he seemed to be as he was being sewn shut.
"That should do it," Redren said, nodding to himself as he cut the last string with his pocketknife. He held his hand out for Sten's undershirt, washing it in both water from the waterskin and a little bit of cleansing magic once the giant handed it over. He used it to first clean the spilled blood from Sten's torso, and then to wipe away the blackening film of blood on his hands. "I take it you know how to manage with injuries like this?"
Sten huffed, appearing almost insulted. "Of course," he said. "Had the injury been anywhere else, or had I been alone, I could have done this myself."
"You're so very welcome," Redren said back, stretching his arms above his head in an attempt to straighten his spine back out. He couldn't be upset over the qunari's ungratefulness, of course, seeing as he was ever so happy to help.
He was more than well aware he was a little too happy to help.
He stood as Sten sat up slowly to lean against a tree stump. He shrugged the top half of his robe back over his shoulders. "Night," he said, tossing a quick wave to his companions—mainly Leliana.
His mabari, Dog, trotted happily up to his side, sniffing at the dark crescents wedged into his nails. He gave the hound a happy pat on the head as he set to putting up his tent and crawling inside it.
He hummed a little as he set his thumb between his lips. "You don't think I'm weird, do you, hon?" His teeth hooked behind the stained white of his thumb's nail. Thin, fragmented ribbons of dried blood landed on his tongue as he dragged the nail along a sharp canine. The unwavering affection in the mabari's big brown eyes was all the validation he needed.
He'd never say to their faces, but he wouldn't mind if other companions refused magic in their healing.
He wouldn't mind at all.
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massagereddeer-blog · 5 years
Massage Red Deer
Our goal is to provide the residents of Red Deer and Central Alberta a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere while at the same time being an effective treatment for aches, pains from sports injuries to car accidents and more. Our certified staff are very personable. We can bill directly to the insurance company or to the client whatever is most convenient to them. Our massage services include relaxation massage, sports massage, Reflexology, cupping, couples massage and more. Our professional staff include our front end staff to our cleaning crew to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Give us a try today.
Address:  4808 50 St #105, Red Deer, AB T4N 1X5
Phone Number: 587-802-3390
Website Address: https://rdmassage.com
Category: Massage Therapist, Massage
Working Hours: Monday - Saturday  9 am- 6 pm . Sunday 11 am- 5 pm
Products: Massage Therapy
Years in Business: 12 Years
Type Of Business: Stand Alone Business
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goevent · 5 months
Reactive Clinic: Your Premier Destination for Sports Injuries Treatment in Red Deer and Beyond
In the bustling city of Sylvan Lake, one name stands out when it comes to top-notch physiotherapy services – Reactive Clinic. Renowned as one of the best physio services in Sylvan Lake, Reactive Clinic specializes in the comprehensive treatment of sports injuries, offering a lifeline to athletes and active individuals seeking recovery and optimal performance.
When it comes to Sports Injuries Treatment in Red Deer, Reactive Clinic has carved a niche for itself with its unwavering commitment to excellence and a team of highly skilled physiotherapists. Their approach combines cutting-edge techniques, personalized care, and a holistic understanding of the human body to ensure a swift and effective recovery for every patient.
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At Reactive Clinic, the healing journey begins with a thorough assessment of the sports injury. Whether you're dealing with sprains, strains, or more complex issues, their experienced physiotherapists utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and techniques to pinpoint the root cause of the problem. This meticulous approach sets the stage for a customized treatment plan tailored to each individual's unique needs.
The clinic's dedication to staying at the forefront of sports injury treatment is evident in its commitment to ongoing education and training. The team at Reactive Clinic is well-versed in the latest advancements in physiotherapy, ensuring that patients receive the most effective and up-to-date care available.
One of the key strengths of Reactive Clinic is its comprehensive range of services aimed at addressing a variety of sports injuries. From acute injuries that require immediate attention to chronic conditions that necessitate long-term care, Reactive Clinic has the expertise to guide patients through every stage of their recovery journey.
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For those seeking more information on Sports Injuries Treatment in Red Deer, Reactive Clinic's website Reactive Clinic serves as a valuable resource. It not only provides an overview of its services but also offers insightful articles and resources to empower individuals in understanding and managing their sports injuries.
In conclusion, Reactive Clinic stands tall as the go-to destination for Sports Injuries Treatment in Red Deer, earning its reputation as one of the best physio services in Sylvan Lake. With a focus on personalized care, advanced techniques, and a passion for helping individuals reclaim their active lifestyles, Reactive Clinic is the partner you can trust on your journey to recovery.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reactivephysiosylvan
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/reactivesylvanlake/
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recentupdates · 1 year
Sports Injuries Red Deer: Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation
Sports injuries are an unfortunate reality for athletes of all ages and skill levels in Red Deer. Engaging in physical activities and competitive sports carries inherent risks, but by understanding how to prevent injuries and navigate the recovery process effectively, athletes can minimize their impact. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to sports injuries in Red Deer, including prevention strategies and essential steps for recovery.
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Common Sports Injuries in Red Deer:
Red Deer's active sports community experiences a variety of injuries, including but not limited to:
Sprains and strains
Fractures and dislocations
Ligament and tendon injuries
Concussions and head injuries
Overuse injuries, such as tendonitis and stress fractures
Muscle tears and contusions
Prevention Strategies:
Prevention is key to reducing the incidence of sports injuries. Red Deer athletes can adopt the following strategies:
Warm-up and cool-down: Engage in dynamic stretches and light exercises before and after physical activity to prepare the body and prevent muscle strains.
Proper technique and form: Ensure athletes receive appropriate coaching and training to learn correct techniques for their specific sport.
Conditioning and strength training: Maintain a well-rounded fitness routine that includes strength, flexibility, and endurance exercises to minimize the risk of injuries.
Rest and recovery: Allow adequate time for rest and recovery between training sessions and games to prevent overuse injuries and fatigue.
Protective gear: Wear appropriate safety equipment, such as helmets, mouthguards, and pads, to provide protection during contact sports.
Seeking Medical Attention:
In the event of a sports injury, it is crucial to seek timely medical attention from professionals in Red Deer. Key steps include:
Immediate first aid: Administer basic first aid techniques, such as RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), for initial injury management.
Consultation with healthcare professionals: Visit sports medicine physicians, orthopedic specialists, or physiotherapists who can accurately diagnose the injury and recommend appropriate treatment plans.
Diagnostic tests: Undergo imaging tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds, to assess the severity of the injury and identify any underlying damage.
Treatment options: Depending on the injury, treatment may involve rest, physical therapy, medication, bracing, or, in some cases, surgical intervention.
Recovery and Rehabilitation:
Effective rehabilitation plays a crucial role in an athlete's recovery journey. Best Physio In Red Deer, athletes have access to various resources for rehabilitation, including:
Physical therapy: Engage in targeted exercises, stretching routines, and manual therapies to regain strength, flexibility, and mobility.
Sports-specific training: Work with trainers and coaches to gradually reintroduce sports-specific activities and movements to regain skill and confidence.
Pain management: Utilize pain-relief techniques such as ice or heat therapy, electrotherapy, and medication under the guidance of healthcare professionals.
Psychological support: Seek guidance from sports psychologists or counselors to cope with the emotional and mental challenges associated with sports injuries.
Sports injuries are an unfortunate aspect of athletic pursuits, but by prioritizing prevention strategies, seeking timely medical attention, and committing to a comprehensive rehabilitation plan, Red Deer athletes can minimize the impact of injuries and optimize their recovery. Remember, the journey to full recovery may require patience and dedication, but with the right support and resources available in Red Deer's sports community, athletes can return to their favorite activities stronger, healthier, and more resilient than ever before.
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reactiveclinic2 · 1 year
Sports Injury Clinic in Sylvan Lake
The "Sports Injury Clinic in Sylvan Lake" is a specialized facility dedicated to providing comprehensive care for athletes and individuals who have sustained sports-related injuries in the Sylvan Lake area.
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albertawebseo · 2 years
Acupuncture Services for Painful Issues in Red Deer
Acupuncture services are a recommended treatment for many painful issues in Red Deer and other areas right across Canada.
If you or your family have to deal with any types of chronic pain, your quality of life is certainly limited! Dealing with pain on a daily basis is no joke!
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There are thousands of people in Red Deer Alberta living with pain on a daily basis. This is one of the main reasons why Flying Turtle Acupuncture in Red Deer is so busy!
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for back pain, headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic pain of all types. Acupuncture also addresses many anxiety, depression, as well as digestive and neurological disorders.
Red Deer Acupuncture Clinic
This Red Deer Acupuncture clinic has been seeing hundreds of patients in the past year. This means that year after year more and more people are experiencing pain, where they never did before in their lives.
Book acupuncture for chronic pain or arthritis now!  Acupuncture is now considered one of the best alternative methods of relieving pain in the body so don’t hesitate. Start living your life today. Let Flying Turtle Acupuncture Clinic in Red Deer help relieve your pain today!
Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture & Massage is a Full TCM, Acupuncture, & Massage Therapy Clinic in Red Deer, Alberta BOOK TODAY 403-343-1539
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Acupuncture is a Treatment for Pain
Acupuncture is a modality of Chinese Medicine that can treat may conditions throughout the body like back pain, headaches, arthritis as well as many other types of pain and other medical conditions such as:
Back Pain
Sinus issues
Anxiety, Stress, Depression, PTSD
Sprains and strains from Sports Injuries
Frozen shoulders
Plantar fasciitis
Bell’s palsy
Sequela Stroke
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
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bellarkevalentines · 6 years
Bellarke Secret Valentine 2018
For @whyclarke, from your valentine.
Summary: Clarke gets an infection while on patrol with Bellamy. Her recovery will depends on Abby, a Trikru healer and sheer luck.
Tags: Canon AU, Hurt/Comfort, Worried!Bellamy
Word Count: 7399
A/N: Dear @whyclarke, I hope this meets with your approval. It doesn’t have as much Bellarke hurt/comfort as I wanted as this fic grew out of control. Unfortunately I’m terrible at keeping to a word count. I have no medical training so please forgive any mistakes on that end.
“Hurry up. I wanna get home before they start serving dinner.” Bellamy looked back up the trail at her.
“You must be hungry if you’re craving that slop.” Clarke shook her head, grimacing.
“That and you know how your mom gets when we’re late,” he smirked.
She sighed and blew a strand of hair out of her face. “Well if we hadn’t started rationing radios we’d be able to check in and let them know we’re not dead or dying. So they’ll just have to suffer in suspense until we get back.”
They ambled down what had once been an old deer path but was now considerably wider since it became part of the perimeter walk around Arkadia. This of course also meant there was less vegetation and undergrowth to absorb water during the spring rains, turning the trail into sludge and in some places, small ponds.
The pair skirted several of these water hazards, unwilling to test their depths as they checked the trap lines. Thanks to the weather they didn’t have much luck. Rabbits and squirrels were starvation food and obviously would be barely enough to feed the both of them let alone the entire camp. But it was better than nothing so Clarke and Bellamy dutifully collected them, reset the traps and left with what better qualified as snacks bumping on their backs.
At the beginning of Patrol they would trade stories and laugh at what they used to find normal. But as time passed they grew quiet, scanned the woods for movement and kept their guns at the ready. Encounters were unlikely but on occasion Azgeda liked to make incursions towards the border which kept everyone on their toes.
Today was no different apart from the light drizzle that had started, pattering down below the canopy and reducing visibility. The duo exchanged a look as an oncoming storm boomed somewhere beyond them, echoing off the distant hills. As they neared the river, digging their boots into the hill for traction, a curtain of rain advanced towards them.
Their standard issue clothing was another victim that had fallen to rationing in that it wasn’t waterproof. Unwilling to endure being soaked through on the walk back to camp they ducked under a large conifer for shelter.
Bellamy leaned up against the trunk and pushed his back into the wood for a moment, tilting his neck to the side to loosen the twinge in his shoulder. A bad fall a few weeks ago had left him sore and sporting a bruise that covered half his back. Clarke stood beside him, eyes on the opposite river bank. The bridge was miles away which made this a perfect place to cross away from prying eyes.
Ten minutes later with no sign of the rain letting up they didn’t have much choice but to continue. As they pushed off from the tree, Clarke stumbled into him and mumbled an apology as she tucked wet strands of hair out of her eyes. He cocked a brow but she brushed off his concern.
“Just a little tired. Come on. The sooner we get back, the sooner you can chow down on whatever brown goop they’ve serving in the Mess.”
Thunder cracked all around them now as they traveled into the storm.  Rain poured down and soaked them to their skin, seeping past layers meant to keep them warm. Two hours later both had started to shiver.
Bellamy had taken to carrying the squirrels in one hand instead of letting their tails stream water down his back and trickle into his boots. His hair dripped in his eyes and forced him to slick it back from his face. Clarke meanwhile had fallen behind. The sucking sludge of the trail had forced her off into the bushes for ease of travel. Every so often he’d have to wait for her to catch up which only gave him time to remember how hungry he was, his stomach an empty pit carving into his gut.
As she came to stand beside him he looked over. Her cheeks were flushed bright red despite the steady walking pace he’d set and she’d fallen further behind every time he turned back to check on her.
“We should take a break.”
Her brow knit together as she frowned, breathing heavily. “What happened to ‘we’re in a hurry’?”
He shrugged. “It’s not like dinner’s going anywhere.”
“I know but I’d rather get out of the rain and not just duck under a tree for a few minutes.” She leaned over and squeezed water out of her hair, hand shaking.
“You sure?”
“Yes I’m sure Bell I-”
She started coughing; long hacks turned into wheezes as she fought to catch her breath. He put a hand to her shoulder as she doubled over panting, eyes watering.
“We’re taking a break.”
She shuffled off his hand. “I’m fine. Air just, went down the wrong pipe,” she croaked.
Instead of listening he grabbed hold of her arm and pushed her towards a fallen tree. “Sit.”
He set aside her rabbits and gun to crouch down in front of her knees. Two fingers to her wrist failed to detect a pulse. She smirked as he searched for her radial artery, frowning in frustration.
“I guess now when they ask why we’re late I can blame you?”
Again he was silent and put a hand to her forehead. But there was no way of telling whether she had a fever thanks to the chill of the rain pouring down on them. So instead he cupped her cheek. She pulled away until fingers came up to envelop her shoulder and hold her steady.
“What are you-”
“Are you feeling alright?” He used his thumb to pull down her lid to reveal a bloodshot and glassy eye.
She huffed and dug the tip of her boot into the muck. “Yeah never better. Why?”
Her fingers wrapped around his wrist to stop the impromptu examination. That’s when he noticed the large red welt on her hand.
“When did you get this?”
“Get what?”
“This.” He held her hand in front of her face. The webbing between her finger and thumb inflamed with what looked like a tiny puncture wound.
“I don’t know,” she shrugged.
Without a word he grabbed both her gun and the squirrels, throwing them over his shoulder. “We have to get back to camp. Now.”
She sighed and looked up at him, blinking through the rain. “It might be nothing.”
“Or it could be why you had trouble breathing back there. Come on.” He stomped his feet, trying to work some warmth back into them.
She was about to stand when with no warning and little fanfare, she turned to lean over the log and emptied her stomach, spewing breakfast into the bushes. As she wiped her mouth and the world tilted back into place, she felt his hand on her shoulder. His voice was distant as her ears filled with a loud buzz.
It took several minutes for her to compose herself enough to continue and even then her vision swayed for a moment. A glut of dizziness and nausea washed over her as she slowly walked towards him until they were abreast. Under his supervision they continued at a slower pace in silence. Every step jarred her gut and he would occasionally check that she was still upright and moving. Tired and feeling gross, Clarke simply huddled into her collar as rain dripped from her hair down her neck to soak her clothes.
Why hadn’t she noticed the bite? Normally she catalogued any injury or illness, large or small and started treatment as soon as she could. Experience had taught her how unforgiving Earth was and yet she wouldn’t even have known if Bellamy hadn’t pointed it out. Maybe it was the fact that her hand felt numb. But was that from the bite or the cold? Without finding shelter and warming up she had no way of knowing so instead she just wiggled her fingers to little effect.
There was no measure of time as the sky was already dark with clouds and she had no inkling of how close they were to camp. There was only the endless trail in front of them so she concentrated on walking and not falling over. Every so often she would stop mid-stride and just breathe or at least try to. The wheeze didn’t reappear but her ears started ringing. As she tried to regain her equilibrium she held out her hands for balance. Thankfully sinking a few inches into the muck anchored her pretty well but it made gaining momentum again a colossal task. Every time it happened she took that much longer to recover as she leaned forward and swung her arms around to wrench herself free.
One time in particular she found herself in a massive puddle, stuck and sinking. After observing her struggle for a minute Bellamy stepped in and offered his hand. Grateful and tired she took it and he pulled. They stirred up mud and water sloshed over the top of her boots as they made no progress.
“Those might be a lost cause.”
Panting she tried to picture walking home in her socks, her boots left behind to stand on their own in the puddle. A giggle escaped her lips as a wheeze before she looked up at him, eyes distant and shiny before all the light went out of them. Her shoulders drooped and her head fell back as gravity pulled her to the ground. If not for his quick reflexes she would have landed in the puddle.
She was cradled in his arms, hands wrapped around her back, leaving him stuck, bent over straddling her limp body. She was still breathing but when he called her name again she didn’t respond. So instead he ducked down and slowly tilted her over his shoulder. His frozen fingers reached down for the laces on her boots and hooked a finger into a loop. It was a slow process but he extracted her feet, carried her to a clear spot and gently laid her down, hands moving to cradle her head. He laid his hands on either side of her face, her skin overwarm under his palms.
“C’mon Clarke. I’m not the doctor here.”
But he was alone with his thoughts as rain dripped down her flushed face. She didn’t respond when he shook her shoulders or pinched her arm. He watched and waited, eyes flicking from her face to her chest and back. When she started to wheeze again he knew he couldn’t wait.
It was then that he threw the food onto the trail, pulled her to her feet and onto his back. Without a second thought he started running towards camp. His legs were liquid fire by the time he reached the perimeter, throat raw and heart beating like a loud drum. He stumbled to a knee as he slipped on the wet grass with Clarke’s weight pushing him into the ground.
A guard approached, gun half-raised, eyes narrowed as he left his post and approached them, rain obscuring the figures splayed before him.
“Go get Abby!”
The man looked askance at him before he recognized Blake and stiffened his posture.  
“Tell her it’s Clarke!”
Bellamy tried to pull her back into his arms but his limbs wouldn’t cooperate. So instead he gave her what shelter he could from the rain. Soon enough Abby came bursting through the gate, trailed by a handful of Med Bay staff.
“What happened?” She bent down in front of her daughter, eyes making a quick assessment as her fingers sought a pulse. When she looked up to Bellamy she noticed the dazed look in his eyes, the slight tremor in his shoulders.
“I don’t know but she’s having trouble breathing. I think she was bit by something.” He held up her hand to make sure Abby saw the welt.
A nurse knelt down next to him to lift Clarke out of his arms. The man had a determined look on his face, bushy blonde brows frowning as he curled his hands under her torso. For a moment Bellamy’s fingers tightened around her arms before Abby laid a hand on him.
“We need to get her inside to make sure she’s all right.”
He nodded silently and watched as her limp form was carried through the gates. Abby offered a hand and helped pull him to his feet. The streets of Arkadia were empty thanks to the rain which was handy for Bellamy whose gait had started to weave slightly. Fortunately for everyone things had been quiet so Med Bay was close to empty. Abby hurried to get Clarke hooked up to a variety of machines while Bellamy rested against a wall.
One nurse drew a vial of blood while another brought Clarke’s vitals up. Abby asked for something called “Dexa” and prepped a shot. They moved quickly amongst each other in quiet tones, occasionally conferring in groups. All the while Clarke lay motionless among them.
Bellamy watched it all, ignorant of their actions but unwilling to leave. At least, not until he got the all clear from Abby. Shifting his weight he tried to find a more comfortable position, having slumped against a section of wall with a generous amount of riveting. As he settled back a hand on his shoulder jolted him from his position and he practically fell over. A nervous-looking guard with a crooked collar was trying to relieve him of his gun per the rules set out when Abby had officially opened the Med Bay. Checking the safety he handed it over, grateful to be rid of the extra weight but the motion pulled at his back. He tried to ignore the ache as a nurse covered Clarke in a blanket despite the sweat on her brow.
Twenty minutes passed in relative silence during which time he slowly folded in on himself, relying on the wall to hold him up. The steady beeping of the machines flattened out into a thin hum at the back of his brain and pulled his chin down to his chest.
After making some final adjustments to the drip she put Clarke on, Abby looked up to see Bellamy, arms folded, eyes closed, practically slumped against the wall, his brow pinched. She couldn’t help the quiet smile that came to her lips. A gentle shake soon roused him and this close she could see the bloodshot eyes and feel a tremor through his wet clothes.
“You should rest.”
“Is she all right?” He wiped at his eyes, fighting the urge to yawn even as his jaw threatened to bend unnaturally.
“She’s resting.”
He frowned and stood up from the wall, one whole shoulder all pins and needles. “That’s not an answer.”
“There’s nothing more we can do for her now,” Abby sighed. “Until we know what exactly bit her we can’t start proper treatment. Ideally we’d need more symptoms to surface to narrow down the possible suspects. So why don’t you go change, get some rest and come back in the morning.”
Instead Bellamy just looked over her shoulder to Clarke, unable to discern what the machines were saying apart from that she was still alive. When he made no move to leave Abby put on her best mom face.
“Do I need to sedate you?”
Bellamy paused. “No.”
“Then leave before I decide you do. I promise you she’s not going anywhere.”
He reluctantly left after she practically had to push him out the door. Exhausted, starving and cold he dragged himself over to the Mess for something hot. What he got was a long line up and a loud group from Agriculture in front of him. By the time he got to the front he was able to finagle a cup of soup from cook despite his lack of ration card. He burnt his tongue and throat as he sipped the bland concoction, leaning against the entrance.
He dumped out the rest of the “soup” on the ground and set the cup on the nearest tray. Ducking into the rain he double-timed it back to the cupboard that served as a bedroom and quickly shucked off his clothes into a soggy pile in the corner, muffling his pained groan as he pulled off his shirt and jacket. He made a face at the heap of wet clothes before hanging them up. The value of water hadn’t changed much on the ground and he didn’t have enough rations to justify cleaning clothes that were only muddy.  
Wearing the only other clothes he owned he walked back into Med Bay.
Abby looked up from the chart she was reading. “So you do want to be sedated.”
Instead of responding he knelt down and started untying his boots.
“It’s not a busy night. You have other beds free and if you need mine I’ll use a chair.” He dumped his boots by the bed next to Clarke’s and sat down.
She crossed her arms and raised a brow. “Your bed?”
He shrugged. “I could use a night’s sleep. But I’m not leaving her.”
He sat back in the bed and wrapped himself in the same regulation blanket Clarke was currently swathed in, coarse and scratchy against his bare skin. He tucked the pillow under his head and tried to sleep. Best he could guess it was near sunset which meant Abby would be off shift in a few hours. By then he would hopefully be awake enough to keep watch. He yawned, shivering as he tried to keep his weight off the bad shoulder.
As his eyes slipped closed he found himself back in the forest. This time he was following Clarke. It was raining but he barely noticed. He held out his hand and the droplets fell right through his fingers which explained why he wasn’t cold. The sky above was pitch black without moon or cloud or stars. And yet the trees, the trail, Clarke, all were visible.
“Clarke!” He jogged towards her but wasn’t able to close the distance. She was always ahead of him, no matter if he ran or not. So he stopped and so did she. He walked a step, she walked a step. Every action was mirrored; a jump to the left, crouched, lying down on the ground. A twig chucked at her arm had no effect; neither did a pebble. For a long while he sat against a tree, trying to figure out how he could approach, her face hidden behind her hair.
After digging a rut into the trail with his boot heel he stood, faced away from her and walked. A glance over his shoulder revealed she was following, her head turned to look behind her. A side step off the trail had him keeping an eye out behind him for obstacles. And it wasn’t until he saw a large tree behind Clarke that he started backing up. Soon enough she backed into it and he bumped into her. His hand reached behind him to grab her arm and hold onto her. He whipped around only to nearly lose his grip.
Her eyes, nose and mouth dripped with blood. Her gaze was unfocused, as if she was staring past him instead of at him.
He took hold of her shoulders and tried to sit her down. She had no reaction when prompted. Blood spilled onto her shirt in dark splotches. Then her hands started to shake and her head tilted back; tremors migrated up into her body, mouth wide, eyes unseeing. Something screamed behind him, so loud he flinched and let go of her.
Her knees gave way and she fell to the ground, limbs locked, fists clenched, choking. He knelt, grabbed a handful of jacket to pull her to her side. She coughed, followed by a shuddering wheezy inhale, repeating over and over. Blood pooled on the ground, a thread of spit lead up to her lip.
She blindly reached out to grab at his shirt, nails digging into his skin as she yanked him close. He could see her lips moving but heard nothing. As he bent closer he could hear a rasping whisper. Ichor bubbled in her mouth. She gave a stuttered gasp and then was still. Eyes wide open but empty.
He grabbed hold of her shoulders. Her head lolled to the side, blonde hair spilling onto his hand. Then her body disintegrated into dust, blown about by a cold breeze that turned into him. Blinded and choking he tried to escape the cloud only to collapse on the forest floor.
His eyes snapped open and he found himself staring up at the corrugated ceiling of Med Bay. Heart pounding he wiped the drool from his mouth and turned to the bed next to him. Clarke was there, still asleep and not dust.
He pulled an arm over his eyes and huffed out a long-held breath. He let time quiet his heart, thumping in his ears, against his chest. As he sat up, the ache in his back twinged and forced him to bite back several colourful swears. Breathing through his teeth he leaned down to struggle with his boots.
Soon enough he walked over to her, uncertain of her condition. Sweat beaded her brow, her face still flushed but her breathing even. A glance at her hand revealed the bite wound had crusted over but now had several subdermal black tendrils spreading out from it up towards her wrist. His eyes widened as he pushed up her sleeve, following the veins up her arm. They disappeared past her elbow.
He approached the closest nurse who looked haggard with stray wisps of hair having escaped her tightly pinched hair. She couldn’t provide any more information than what was on the monitors. Clarke’s temperature was slightly elevated but her blood pressure was steady.
“Is Abby still on shift?”
“Should be. Maybe try the Mess?”
With a glance over his shoulder to ensure the monitors were still in the green he stumbled outside where he had to shade his eyes. Clearly he’d slept longer than expected as a cloudless sky let the sun beat down on him and his tired visage. A trip to the Mess told him he’d missed breakfast and lunch. There was no sign of Abby but he was able to snag a bun from an abandoned tray. He had to stuff it in his pocket and book it when one of the guards turned his way though. The paltry meal was stale but hunger receded as he shuffled over to Housing and found she wasn’t home. Border Security claimed she hadn’t left Arkadia and no one had seen her since yesterday. He scratched at the five o’clock shadow on his chin and did the only other thing he could and swung back to Med Bay and Clarke.
He could only hope Abby was back when he walked inside and stopped dead. Clarke’s bed had a quarantine tent set up around it. Plastic sheeting sealed from floor to ceiling with a double barrier entry and two guards set on either side. There was no sign of Abby but he could make out bright orange figures inside the barrier. It was like staring through a greasy window.
He turned to the closest guard. “What happened?”
“They put up a tent.”
Bellamy rubbed a hand over his face. “I can see that. Do you know where Dr. Griffin is?”
The man shrugged. “I just started shift and I haven’t seen her so…no.”
Bellamy grit his teeth at the indifference. One question to a short nurse with crow’s feet restocking gauze gave him his answer. He found her staring at a pile of papers in what had once been a supply closet, yawning. She looked up at the noise, saw him and held up her hands in placation at the man who was equal bits nervous and angry with a five o’clock shadow and drooping shoulders.
“I know and it’s just a precaution.”
“She developed more symptoms overnight, some of which prompted me to declare a quarantine zone for her protection and ours.”
He had a sinking feeling he knew what she meant. “What kind of symptoms?”
“Something from the bite got into her circulatory system. She started to have trouble breathing this morning and when I gave her another shot of Dexa she started coughing up blood. So far I have two nurses in isolation due to exposure and I’ve sent for a Trikru healer. The blood and tissue samples are due back from the lab in a few hours so hopefully I’ll have a better idea of what I’m dealing with but until then all we can do is wait.”
He nodded absently, his eyes on the ground, unfocused.
“Is she awake?”
Abby shook her head. “She’s been out since you brought her in and it’s probably better if she stays that way.”
Somehow he found his way back to the “tent”. Two nurses transitioned through the plastic barriers, each decontaminating the other. They brought a sour chemical odour with them as they stepped out of the tent. Both slipped out of their bright orange suits and started consulting over the monitors.
Bellamy stood next to the plastic sheeting, unable to make out her blurry form. If he stayed he wouldn’t be of any use but all the same he wanted to. Unfortunately he had training in about forty minutes so he hovered for as long as he could, eyes flicking between the tent and the screens before the guards kicked him out for loitering.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in something of a daze as he went through the motions but wasn’t exactly present. This earned him a bruised cheek when he failed to dodge a punch. It was sore enough that he had to chew on the other side of his mouth at dinner before hurrying back to Med Bay.
The entrance was blocked however, by a large Grounder contingent, mostly warriors standing outside, as if they expected Arkadia to turn on them. Many had no love for Skaikru so he was forced to push his way through. More were inside, still armed, trading glares with the guards stationed at Clarke’s bedside. Indra stood next to Abby, speaking in low tones. He was only able to catch the tail end of their conversation.
“…anything but we will try. This is Varn.”
An old woman with a giant collar of woven leather and shells appeared from between two tall men and shuffled forward. Her gait was uneven and her shoulders stooped. She stopped next to the quarantine tent.
“You can take this down?” Indra looked at Abby.
“It’s meant to protect everyone in case she’s contagious. Standard procedure has anyone going inside suited up. I don’t suppose that’s going to work here though.” She looked down at Varn who was trying to peer through the plastic.
Indra raised a brow at the Skaikru jargon. “To help Clarke she must be able to see Clarke. Remove this,” she frowned at the plastic, “so she might help you.”
“We’re trying to keep anyone else from getting sick.”
“We will be fine. Send your people out if you worry for them.”
Torn between following protocol and taking what help she could find, Abby ushered the nurses out the front door but made no move to follow. Neither did Bellamy. Worst case scenario they would get sick and have to disinfect everything. She only hoped it wouldn’t come to that. She moved to pull down the tent and found the tape stronger than she imagined.
Bellamy silently walked up and started on the opposite side. They struggled for several minutes alone while the Grounders waited silently. As he gathered the sheeting in his arms he looked down to the bed. Her cheeks were still red, her lips chapped, her clothes caked in mud. One look at her arm revealed just how far the infection had progressed. Her shirt had been cut away for easier access and all the veins in her arm were black, tendrils spreading up to her shoulder. The other arm by comparison was clear.
Varn shuffled her way up behind Abby, shells clacking as came to stand beside the bed. She softly picked up Clarke’s arm, holding the dead weight in her wrinkled hands. Her fingers follow the veins; long nails traced a path up the skin before she turned the hand over the hand and brushed her thumb on the inflamed welt. She poked her finger inside Clarke’s ear, pried open her mouth and pulled down her lids to peer at her eyes. All of this was accompanied by unintelligible muttering. The only other sounds were Clark’s vitals on-screen and the creak of leather as Grounders shifted their feet.
“Jogots-wey,” Varn croaked out and patted Clarke’s arm as she laid it back down. A smile creased her face.
“I, I don’t – what is that?” Abby turned to Indra.
“It is a fly that drinks blood. Those bitten usually fall ill, see things, lose their memory. Many die.”
“Is there a cure?”
Bellamy’s eyes flicked down to Clarke.
“No. But she may yet live. Varn has seen others through this. She and her guards will stay.”
Indra turned to leave, taking all but two Grounders and Varn was looking around at all the machines and wrinkling her face in distaste.
“Jackson? Could you take Varn and see what rooms we have available?”
Abby turned back to Clarke and pinched the blanket between her fingers to pull it up over the infection before hearing a small strong voice behind her.
“I will stay here.”
Abby turned to see Varn smile up at her, milky blue eyes and all.  Her guards stood to the side, more akin to statues although their eyes scanned the room from side to side and floor to ceiling.
“Oh. I’m sorry. We don’t have bedrooms here. Jackson can take you to Housing where you can rest and show you the Mess if you’re hungry.”
“I will stay here.” She shuffled over to the bed Bellamy had been using and clambered onto it, her short legs wiggling around as she struggled to right herself. Settled, she spread out her clothes and turned to watch Clarke.
Abby waved Jackson off. “Make sure that you note bed four is occupied.”
Bellamy dragged a chair over and sat down, one eye on Clarke, one eye on Varn. It wasn’t long before the noise of the machines and the murmurings of nurses pulling him into that half sleep before rest.  
An alarm shrieked in his ear and he bolted off the chair in surprise, hand going to where his gun usually was. Heart pounding he relaxed when he realized where he was. Next to him Clarke’s eyes were wide open as she struggled to breathe, the monitors behind her blaring an alarming red. Three nurses crowd past him to check vitals and loom over her.
Abby pushed what he presumed was another shot of Dexa and nervously stroked her daughter’s hair as the minutes passed and her vitals descended back into safe levels.  
Clarke was panting. Her chest hurt and her hand was numb. She recognized Med Bay but couldn’t remember most of the last day. There was a hazy recollection of walking but it could easily have been a dream. When she tried to sit up her arm wouldn’t cooperate, acting more as dead weight than anything. That’s when she looked down to see her arm was covered in black veins traveling up from her wrist.
Her mom put a steadying hand on her shoulder. “You’ve got an infection from an insect bite. Bellamy brought you in last night.”
She looked over to see him standing next to her bed, wearing stubble and a frown.
“You look terrible.”
He gave her a wry smile. “I’m not the only one.” He fidgeted with the cuff of his jacket while she got a proper checkup. “I’ve got Patrol soon but I’ll come back before night shift starts, see if I can sneak you a sweet roll.” He looked sidelong at Abby who shook her head at the mention of contraband.
“Well you tried.” Clarke waited until her mom turned away before she held up two fingers.
He ducked his head to keep from grinning. “I’m glad you’re awake.” He gave one last glance to Varn who hadn’t wavered in her attention on Wanheda.
Clarke watched him walk off before she looked down to her arm and tried to wiggle her fingers. Abby filled her in on the events occurring after she’d passed out but truly she was only half-listening. Her brain felt fuzzy which she assumed was a side-effect of the drug she was on but her arm also itched like a slow-boiling pot. The feeling was insistent and growing louder by the minute. At one point she sat on her hand to keep from tearing into her skin. She pressed her head back into her pillow, looking for a sensation that would overwhelm the sting. This held for several minutes until she slowly reached over and pressed her nails into her arm in search of relief. But the half-moon marks did little if anything so she slowly scratched four parallel lines up her skin and sighed.
“Don’t scratch Clarke.” Abby looked up from her screen.
“Can you give me something besides the drip then?” She croaked out, lips cracked, tongue dry.
“Normally I would but we don’t know how you’ll react with the infection. I should be getting test results back soon. Can you hold on until then?”
“Sure.” She rolled over and closed her eyes, knowing that sleep was unlikely. All the noises around her blurred into a cacophony: voices, footsteps, electronics.
“Here.” Someone poked her shoulder she and turned over to see a Grounder woman staring back at her, holding a twig in her hand. “Chew.”
“You must be Varn.”
“Yes. Chew.” She poked Clarke with the twig before trying to put it in her good hand.
Brow raised, she gently took the gift.
“For your itch.”
“Oh.” Clarke watched as the woman settled back onto her bed, placed her hands on her stomach and closed her eyes. A look down at the twig in hand wasn’t very reassuring. She took a tentative bite and fought the urge to make a face at the taste, which she imagined was something like dirt but drier. It at least gave her something to focus on and she found the more she chewed, the less she felt like her arm was going to melt off.
“Something in the bark maybe?” She murmured to herself.
Varn cleared her throat to catch Abby’s attention before nodding at Clarke. “You should bleed her.”
Clarke frowned, twig in mouth. “Whar?”
The woman pulled a long thin knife off her belt and rolled the hilt in her fingers, the blade reflecting off the overhead lights. Abby stepped between the beds, mouth a thin line.
“What exactly are you proposing?”
“Bleed her weak and the bite goes weak.”
Abby looked askance at the knife and bit her tongue. The practice of bloodletting had gone out of style hundreds of years ago and was now considered a pseudoscience.
“I thought Indra said there was no cure.”
Varn crossed her arms as shells clacked against her collar and sat up as tall as she could. “I have saved five this way.”
“And how many did you bleed?”
Abby fought to keep from making a face at the mortality rate. “We’re hoping to have better results with our tests.”
Varn shrugged. “If you are a healer you must heal.”
“Yes, well. That’s the plan. I think we’ll pass on the knife.”
“Wanheda?” Varn leaned back to look at Clarke who at least had the sense to look apologetic.
“I’m sorry but I agree with my mom.”
Varn quirked a brow. “You want to live? You must bleed.”
Clarke took the blunt assessment in stride. Soon after she fell back asleep and her dreams were plagued with shadows that crawled across her eyes and burrowed into her brain. As the hours ticked by her temperature slowly rose. When her core crested 100, Abby laid a cool compress on her forehead.
The lab results for the blood and tissue samples had been unsatisfactory. They confirmed Clarke had a viral infection introduced into her bloodstream but since the vector wasn’t in their database they had no pathology to draw upon. She could only run through their remaining store of antiviral medication and test the samples against each one. Indra’s words came back to her as she watched her daughter sleep with an elevated heartbeat.
When she woke sometime after dinner the black veins had reached her throat. She was dizzy lying down and coughed until she was hoarse, fighting for breath and then rolled over, pushed the mass of bodies away from her and vomited straight onto the floor. She used a sleeve to wipe her mouth and made a face at the sour bile on her tongue as a pair of nurses came to clean the mess up.
Another shot of Dexa left her already bruised arm sore but at least she still had feeling on that side. An uncomfortable theory had lodged itself in her brain so she marked how long it took for her blood pressure to go down. Each shot stretched out her recovery time longer and longer. This instance was nearly twenty seven minutes, an absolute eternity. Worse still her mom wouldn’t look her in the eye. But the crease in her brow grew with every test that came back. It was a look Clarke knew too well.
Abby looked up and pasted a smile on her face. “It’s okay. I’ve got half a dozen more to run. We’ll find something.”
Forty minutes later Clarke had started feeling twinges in her chest. The pain was intermittent but sharp. Abby had given her an oral anti-inflammatory but she had thrown it up less than ten minutes later. While she stared up at the hazy fluorescents the nurses had changed out sweat-soaked sheets.
Abby watched as her only child descended into the infection, her body losing the fight in her half-conscious state. And as the last of the antivirals failed to have any effect on the infected blood, she approached Varn and sighed.
“If we’re doing this we’re following standard medical procedure.” Abby held out her hand for the knife. “You can have it back after I disinfect it.”
“You wish me to bleed Wanheda?”
Abby nodded, crow’s feet at her eyes. “I have no experience with bloodletting.”
As they prepped the knife and Clarke’s arm, Varn closed her eyes and began murmuring under her breath. The IV drip was removed and Jackson and Abby exchanged an apprehensive look as the woman took back her knife and held the cold metal against Clarke’s skin. She’d just made the incision when Bellamy walked in.
His eyes widened at the sight of Varn holding a knife in one hand and Clarke’s arm in the other, blood streaming from a long cut into a bowl. He dropped the sweet rolls he was carrying.
“What the hell are you doing!”
He lunged towards the bed before Varn’s guards stepped in to block his path. Each grabbed an arm and wrestled him to the floor, face meeting cold metal. He tried to twist, kicking what he could reach as they bent his arms behind him.  
“Stop! Bellamy stop it’s all right!”
Abby knelt and laid a hand on his shoulder. With a word from Varn he was released. He stood, glaring at the women before he was roughly pulled aside.
“I let her do this because she might be able to help Clarke.”
“So you’re okay with this?” He waved a hand at the bowl of Clarke’s blood, grimacing.
“No but it’s the fastest option we have. None of the antivirals worked and because we have no background on the virus or vector we don’t have an effective treatment plan. I don’t have time for more tests and she’s getting worse. Every Dexa shot takes longer to regulate her breathing and she can’t keep anything down. If I had the right equipment I’d put her in an induced coma and lower her body temperature. But I can only work with what I have and I’m willing to try anything at this point because if the infection reaches her heart there won’t be anything we can do.”
He blinked at the information. Before he’d left for Patrol she’d seemed fine. Snarky even. He made to walk over when Abby grabbed his arm.
“Promise me you won’t attack the only healer who might be able to treat her?”
He pushed past her and over to where Clarke’s arm was being bandaged. He could see the black veins creeping up past her collarbone.
“Did it work?” He looked over at the old woman who was cleaning off her knife. The blood bowl had disappeared.
“The bite is always fast. She will not linger if she falls. We will know by morning.” She waddled out of the Med Bay, followed quickly by her guards, presumably to find the Mess.
He took the chair from this morning and sat, back to the wall next to her bandaged arm.
“Hey Clarke.”
She made no reply. Her breathing was wheezy and shallow, a rhythmic sound to accompany the low buzzing of the lights. Sweat beaded her forehead, cheeks bright red against a pale face as she shivered under the pile of blankets cocooning her in the bed.
He watched Abby watch Clarke and saw the shift change for the nurses. An hour passed and then two but she didn’t wake. Finally he took hold of her hand, his thumb rubbing circles into her skin.
“I can’t do this without you.” He held tight and simply waited.
As the night ticked by he felt his head grow heavy and nodded off sometime after midnight. When he woke it took a moment to remember where he was. His neck hurt, his mouth was dry and sleep had crusted over his eyes. When he turned to the bed it was empty. For a moment he froze. Ice shot down his back and he imagined the worst. He shot to his feet only to find her standing at the entrance, door wide open to outside.
She was still pale and covered in a sheen of sweat. Her bandaged hand laid heavy on the door. He walked up beside her and softly touched her shoulder.
She didn’t acknowledge his presence or touch. Instead he had to turn her and squeeze a shoulder. But she simply stared through him. It was only after she blinked several times before recognition flared in her eyes.
“Bellamy. What are you doing here?”
She stepped closer and swayed, nearly falling until she latched onto his jacket with her good arm. Above them the sky had started to brighten, light blue and pale orange against a smear of clouds.
He reached out to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb over her skin. “Waiting for you to come back to me.”
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