#sporting antiques
pwlanier · 1 year
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Vintage Multiple Club Tennis Racket Press.
A very good adjustable multiple lawn tennis racket press made to hold up to twelve rackets. The press is made of oak, in great condition, and with a good patina. The tennis rackets fit in-between the wooden dividers and are tightened with the cast iron fly wheel handle which holds the rackets in place to stop them from warping. The wooden block that houses the wheel mechanism has two holes in the ends that correspond with the drilled holes on the metal bar. This allows you to slide it up and down depending on how many rackets you are storing in the press. This racket press was probably made for a Tennis Club, Country House or school. The press is unbranded but believed to be of Alfred Adrien Tunmer design.
A.A. Tunmer & Co. was founded by the Englishman Alfred Adrian Tunmer, born on January 4, 1876 in Southampton, he owned a sporting goods store on rue du 4 Septembre in Paris which opened in 1898.
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herigo · 11 months
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formulanni · 3 months
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Joshua Pearce ‼️‼️ the man that you are!!
I don’t even know if I should tag list this…. I’m so sorry guys : @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time
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cherocarofficial · 9 months
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1981 Delorean DMC-12
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ayatxt · 8 months
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౿ 🪻 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ੭𖣠 @j02parkk
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౿ 🐚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ੭𖣠
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wetsteve3 · 2 years
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 2 months
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Liselotte Grschebina, discus thrower, 1937, Israel, born in Germany.
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kafkasapartment · 1 year
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Group Of Seven Jade Imperial Archer's Rings With Its Imperial Inscribed Cinnabar Lacquer Box And Cover, Marks And Period Of Qianlong; The Box And Cover Recorded To Have Been Made In Or Before 1752. (In ancient times rings of this type were called she. They were worn on the right thumb to protect it from the bow string when the archer discharged the arrow.)
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thoughtartistry · 19 days
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walzerjahrhundert · 1 year
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Suit (sports suit, riding or hunting)
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mare-bare · 1 year
a real truth that supernatural was missing was dean being stopped every few minutes by an old guy coming up to him to say how much they liked his car
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Oak Triangular Snooker Ball Case.
A portable, triangular, oak snooker ball box with brass fittings. The top bearing a circular brass plaque within a triangular fielded panel. The baize-lined interior complete with a compartment for coloured balls and a removable triangle for placing the red balls on a snooker table. The balls are included.
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herigo · 11 months
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widowshill · 3 months
VAMP ROGER AU QUESTION! how would he and barnabas interact together (if they ever interact)? :3 💜
tagging @tortoisesshells because she's my co-conspirator <3
excellent question! this family and their sharp-toothed men will be the death of ... well, several community members of Collinsport, i suppose.
to start — Barnabas gets out of the box slightly differently than in canon, which colors his relationship to Roger and the rest of the household. Roger kills Willie after his attempted assault on Carolyn and Vicki (who is, by that point, his wife); Willie's mysterious disappearance and Roger's suspected involvement makes Jason that much more panicked, desperate, and correspondingly aggressive. Liz goes searching for the lost family jewels in a last-ditch attempt to buy Jason off, and, inadvertently, lets their ancient family sin out of the tomb.
ergo she's made Barnabas' thrall instead of Willie, but this goes unnoticed for a while — even though her brother would, in theory, recognize the signs, and his suspicions are raised, but she's already acting so much unlike herself with Jason around that he doesn't suspect anyone else of doing her harm. yet.
at the start, he and Barnabas get along very well, even before they discover their shared affliction: they're both relatively sophisticated, well-traveled, intelligent people, and for all that Roger decries Liz's emphasis on the Collins name, he leans towards familial connections instinctively (Roger hasn't got much in the way of friends outside of the house even in canon, and he's even more isolated as a vampire).
after he finds out Barnabas is also a vampire, things get a little more complicated, but overall, they're still friendly. Roger doesn't have much sympathy for Barnabas' relentless self-pity and decrying his doomed fate to live as a monster, because Roger on the whole enjoys his vampirism and has made a decent un-life for himself out of it (thanks in no small part to Vicki). but having someone like him around is a comfort in ways he wouldn't have expected, he's no longer solitary or uniquely monstrous out of the Collins family, he has someone else around through the night, and someone who understands the sufferings of bloodthirst and being shut out of the sun.
furthermore, Roger's very much interested in his family history and stories of the past, the building of Collinwood, Jeremiah's ships – and Barnabas was there. there's potential for some very interesting conversations about the past, and the arc of the Collins family history to the present, not to mention literature, travel, fashion, politics and the rest. Roger's his cousin's mirror in modernity in many ways, and that's something potentially interesting to explore: the world changes around them, but Collinses do not.
as an aside, they both have a funny sort of relationship to Burke. Barnabas hates him for his resemblance to Jeremiah and envies his friendship with Vicki and thinks he's crude, and Roger ... well. it's complicated. it's closer to antagonism than not, and Burke has tried to kill him once in this au, and Roger resents his flirting with Vicki, but then there's everything else with their past. so I don't think Barnabas' treatment of him would sit particularly well with Roger, he'd take the attitude of hey, only I can be a dick to Burke >:(
the definite fracture point is Barnabas imprinting on Vicki. Roger's already jealous and possessive by nature, and it's amplified by the supernatural nature of his relationship to Vicki (being closer, bodily and mentally; being necessary to each other; being, quite literally, sustenance) so he's already a little on edge when Barnabas starts paying attention to her, giving her presents, and appreciating the scenery — Barnabas doesn't, exactly, tend to have much in the way of moral inclination to leaving women alone when they have prior engagements, but it's fair to point out the irony of everything Roger was doing with his bloodbag governess when he was still very much a married man.
anyway: Roger finds foreign bite marks on his wife's neck, and he's understandably immensely upset by this. partially out of territorial sentiment, but he also knows Vicki, and he knows that she wouldn't have invited another vampire willingly — which means that she was forced, or hypnotized, or attacked in secret, and there's only the one potential suspect. this is already enough to lose his good will, but he might have been willing to let Barnabas go with a "hands off," had this discovery not lead to finding out what he'd also been doing to Liz. the combination of the two is unforgivable, and it's Barnabas' error to have made an enemy who is very personally aware of all his vampiric weaknesses, and Burke's already carved a stake.
#THANK YOUUUU for the question :D i love talking about this au kskfgd#devilagent#vamp roger au tbt#➤ answered. ┊ Collinsport 4099.#i do think the barnabas and roger relationship is an interesting one even though there's not much going on there in canon.#(canonically speaking roger is just sort of... there? even during cassandra he doesn't ever pity him for being a victim in the scheme;#it's grrr angelique is here messing with *Me* again. who cares about my oblivious dumb blonde cousin)#but there's a lot of parallels going on there which I never shut up about: the way that roger will drain life from a man#to preserve his own; or manipulate and throw others (vicki) under the bus;#or makes david (not biologically in human reproduction) into a monster just like him — forming him and burke in his image.#roger is Modern in ways that barnabas is not — the sports cars; the en vogue suits and turtlenecks; his flippant relationship with his vows#and his (relatively speaking) more-or-less open queerness.#but he's also a creature out of the past; an antiquated speaking pattern; an embrace of old family stories (particularly tragedies);#not to mention he plays the role of a byronic hero practically straight out of the novel just without any sideburns.#roger simultaneously wishes to be free of that family root system; but falls back on it in desperation because it's only because his#ancestry and family wealth and power exists that *he* exists at all.#and in the same way that joshua cannot shoot barnabas for becoming a monster; neither can liz condemn her brother for his manslaughter#(or david for patricide)#but even though they don't die; they are exiled — to the tomb; to augusta — and return as mere shadowed and monstrous versions#of their former selves.#many of the differences between vamp roger and barnabas I think can be partially explained by: roger did not have the 150 year gap between#being turned and coming back; he returns to essentially the same world he knew just ten years ago#and; two; that roger has his great yearning love *after* he's turned; and not before.#there's nothing about his life with laura and david that he particularly mourns or wishes to recreate.#and; as already noted; roger has vicki — who serves as necromancer;#which... I suppose parallels julia; in an odd way.
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philoursmars · 1 month
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Marseille, une des deux expos permanentes du MuCEM : "Méditerranées".
"Neptune créant le Cheval" - France, fin XIXe s.
fac-simile du "Laocoon" de Rome
apoxyomène (athlète se nettoyant après l'effort avec son strigile) d'après Lysippe, fin IVe s. av. J-C.; Discophore d'après Naucydès, début IVe s. av. J-C. ; culuristes en postures antiques, France, 1905
Fac-simile, "Les porteurs d'hydries", frise des Panathénées - Athènes, 440 av.J-C.
Georges Delpérier - "Buste d'Arlésienne"
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sakhiyabm · 21 days
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We seriously love running. It’s just that we don’t take ourselves that seriously as runners.We're just, Chasing Good Times...
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