#spooky month uncle
prof-ramses · 1 year
Me after the Tender Treats premiere: Man, Carmen and Richard really suck, Roy deserves better.
Me now: I love Carmen and Richard, they're strict but they really love their son and try their best to be there for him and would definitely hear him out if he needed to talk about something. They're just misguided and didn't knowingly let his uncle (do that to) him. THEY'RE ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD PARENTS, I SWEAR, CANON DOESN'T MATTER, CANON DOESN'T MAT-
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latteandjacks · 3 months
He’ll be fine
TWs: Sexual abuse, nothing too explicit, mostly just mentioned. Defending the abuser, I do not defend him, but it tends to be common for a victim to excuse and defend their abuser, specially if the sexual abuse it’s much more casual than what is presented in the media
This is just a small fanfic, and it will most likely not be canon, I’m going to be completely honest and that is that this headcanon is mostly just me projecting in both Richard and Roy
For any other victim of sexual abuse that may be reading this, you are not alone and I hope things will get better with time, read with caution
–Richard, darling, are you okay? –Of course, why are you asking? –Okay, for starters, we haven’t move in 4 minutes –I need to let the car on for a bit before starting driving –And I think 4 minutes is long enough, honey, second, you are bouncing your leg again
As soon as it was mentioned, he sat straight without moving
–A coin for your thoughts?
Carmen stared at her husband with concern, it wasn’t normal for him to be this nervous, not anymore at least
–It’s just… –Richard grabbed his face– Reynold, I’m kind of worried about him –Why? Your brother is a rather decent man, he will keep him out of trouble, won’t he? –I suppose... –... Are you worried they won’t get along, sweetheart? –Carmen gently grabbed his hand –… Yes –Richard hesitated before answering– My brother isn’t an easy person to get along with, you know it, what if we didn’t leave him in good hands? –His wife sighed –You’re worrying too much –She gave him a reassuring smile– It’s true that sometimes he’s… Not the best company, but I’m sure he will take of our Reynold just fine –…
His brother… He was more than just a “difficult person to get along with”, to be quite honest, even now he still has some difficulty hearing his name
It was weird to spend time with him when they were young, he never liked the idea of staying at home alone with him, it’s not like he ever ACTUALLY did something to him, nothing that matters at least
They’re family, and it’s not like his parents ever tried to do anything to stop it or noticed something strange, so it sure wasn’t that bad? It’s normal to feel uncomfortable by normal things anyway Family is touchy, especially siblings, you’re supposedly the closest ones there, so what if sometimes his hands goes lower than it normally should?
–What is it Dicky? Can’t I hug my cute, little brother? –Do not call me that! Of course you can…
He wrapped him in a tight hug
–Okay that’s enough, you’re suffocating me [    ] –Don’t be like that, I just like showing you how much I love you
It wasn’t unbearable
And he stopped the older he got, he grew out of it, it’s not like he knew any better, as said, his parents never corrected him so how could he had known it was wron   made him uncomfortable? He could never do the same things to Roy
–... I guess I am worrying too much, he’ll be fine –He’ll be –She leaned to give him a little kiss that, for a second, made him flinch– Now, shall we go? The party starts in 20 minutes and we can’t be late, just imagine how damaged our reputation could be if we don’t arrive on time –Richard smiled as he began to drive, he loves his wife dramatic antics
And she’s right, they can’t be late even if it’s for a minute
Why is he worrying so much anyway? Surely his brother is not that bad of a person Besides, if there was something wrong, Reynold would’ve called him already
Everything will be fine
He just needs to stop thinking about him this so hard
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spooky-month-archive · 4 months
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Sneak peeks of several different cards for the Spooky Month tabletop game that Pelo showed on Discord
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
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Looking at each other with their autistic eldritch horrors eyes
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thesquishyrogue · 6 months
Father Gregor did my boy Frank so dirty in this episode 😭
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He actually looks so insulted, smh
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ratzhatz14 · 2 days
Guys help my favorite characters have been reduced to sketch form because of Dr.Evildemotivation
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jacenotjason · 7 months
my theories for the Lilas-Halloween photo
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tontalunar · 2 years
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Very self indulging Frank doodle dump because he’s been stuck in my brain like a damn parasite 😭
I love him so much ♥️ he’s so hot
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confessions-sm · 3 months
Roy’s uncle should have a target painted on the back of his head so we can hit him with stuff easier 
We don't need one it's okay just aim on his shiny bald ass head
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carmen-vanido · 3 months
“ Choices ”
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Taglist: @clownazon @merwynsartblog
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erotophs · 4 months
Hiiiii we spent ALL DAY writing this!!! Go read it gogogogogogo
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prof-ramses · 1 year
Volume 6 of Spooky Month headcanons
I'm back, bitches! I've got some more specific hcs for you fine folks this time.
Boys n' Grills was something of a hangout for the cultists before Bob got arrested in the first episode, some of them were personally pissed at him for getting caught and getting it closed down.
While we're at it, the person who was going to run the diner when it reopened is also a cultist, but Bob breaking in during Tender Treats got the reopening canceled too.
The Hauntiest House isn't actually local to Frighden, they travel from town to town renting recently vacated houses, Streber often tries to use the house layout to add to the experience their preparing that given year.
I mentioned this in an earlier volume but have expanded it a bit, thin thief's name is Burton and fat thief's name is Keith.
Mayor Evermore often doesn't notice when he's hungry, when he does it's usually after his secretary mentions that he hasn't eaten in a while. This isn't a cult thing either, he's just a freak (that I may be projecting onto).
Ross was an unplanned baby, but because of their easy going nature his parents weren't nervous. On the other hand Lila freaked out when Jaune told her.
When Rick coughs he sounds like a bulldozer exploding and it tends to scare the shit out of people if he coughs in public.
When Pump is a little older him and Susie start doing ProZD style skits for her socials in addition to her art.
Richard was really close with his brother and has become a good bit colder and more closed off after his death, this is one of the reasons Roy hasn't told his parents about what his uncle did, at least not yet.
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crossover-enthusiast · 4 months
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I've had multiple conversations with @prof-ramses about this but I'm actually quite surprised I haven't seen anyone else bring up the idea so-
Yeah I think Garcia's their dad
(if text is too small I put a transcript in the alt text)
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spooky-month-archive · 4 months
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Cards for the Spooky Month tabletop game (in English) that Pelo revealed on a stream
(Image credit: @michax-forever)
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grimgummies · 1 year
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Look LOOK I know Moloch HATES Skid and Pump but he looks like he's about to say 'Don't talk to me or my sons ever again'
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askmafiabobvelseb · 2 months
his mom
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a small little view on Beka's life before ben died. :)
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