#spooky bean plz learn how to hooman faster
monsterfloofs · 2 years
Eldrich Creature x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
You were getting moments of blacking out, finding yourself standing or sitting without any recollection of how you got there. Many nights you found yourself sitting underneath the stars outside of your house, hours had flown past when you finally would snap to. Cold and hungry, your mind in a muddled haze, the grass slick with dew.
Little things float past your mind's eye when your thoughts drift. Strange thoughts and images of strange beings, sketchbooks slowly filling up with the strange creatures your mind concocted. Doodling what you can recall of them in your spare time, or if you couldn’t stop thinking about the images that filtered into your mind, you would have to drop what you were doing. Pencil furiously scratching deep frantic lines onto paper.
You took the approach of facing the strangeness by drawing them, as if capturing the essence of these creatures would ease your mind.
The one night you woke up to find yourself armed with a flashlight, standing in the middle of the woods. That was the night that really scared you, and you have had nightmares ever since.
The dreams were all the same, in the dream you remember coming to the clearing in the woods, a huge canyon that overlooked the vague lights of the city in the distance. A place that you have traveled to many times, but this time, the canyon was filled with a dark sea, one that tossed and turned with strange bright winking lights. As your foot settles by the canyon's edge, leaning over to look at the vast sea, the ground beneath your foot crumbles and the sea surges forward and raises up, forming some hulking leviathan. You open your mouth to scream, and as more of the ground falls away you pitch forward, and the strange dark surface with its many lights rushes to meet you.
Most times you find yourself screaming yourself awake from the dream. Today was the same, and something warm was running down your face. You stumble into the bathroom in a haze. Gripping either side of the sink as waves of nausea roll over you.
Red drops in the sink, turning pink as you turn on the faucet and wash away the blood. A hand groping blindly to grab a tissue and stuff it into your nose as you keep your face bowed over the sink.
You hang over the bathroom sink, your forehead resting against the mirror as your vision swims in and out. Once the tissue was secure, you slowly pushed yourself up, glancing at your appearance in the mirror, your sight slowly focusing and taking in the dark rims underneath your eyes.
You sigh, twisting the knobs on the faucet. Wiping your face down with a cold washrag. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore the red flags that something wrong was going on with you. You bled through the tissue and exchanged it for a clean one.
“That’s it. . . I am going to the ER.”
You turn off the faucet and throw the washrag into the sink, turning from the bathroom, and looking from your car keys.
You feel a tickling sensation, a whisper of words right next to your ear and you jump, clapping a hand to your ear. Eyes prickling with tears as you slowly sink to your knees. More sounds, more words whisper over you as you become aware of something standing over you.
A soft utterance of a sob that has your throat tightening. Your head falls into your trembling fingers, your shoulders shaking from the breaths you heave. You can feel blood soaking through your tissue again. You don’t dare get up.
You feel a hand, slender fingers running over your scalp as you cry.
You find yourself back in bed, covers tucked up to your chin and a box of tissues lying on your bed with many crumpled balls littering the top. You blink slowly, the events from this morning a hazy blur. You groan as you press the palm of your hand into your forehead.
“A̵ ̴w̵ ̶a̸ ̸k̷ ̴e̷ ̵?̷̴̷”
Your eyes snap open, freezing in place with your eyes raised to the ceiling.
You can feel a figure coming closer, the area to your left seeming to darken and swim slightly.
“N̵e̴e̷d̸.̵ ̵.̷ ̴.̶ ̷a̵ ̷s̶p̵a̶c̵e̷.̸ ̴J̵u̴s̴t̶ ̷a̷ ̴l̴i̸t̴t̷l̵e̷ ̵o̷n̷e̴.̷ ̸.̷ ̷.̶ ̷p̴o̸o̷r̸ ̵t̸h̶i̸n̸g̵.̵ ̷.̵ ̶.̴ ̴w̷i̸l̴l̷ ̶a̵d̵j̴u̷s̴t̴ ̴i̶n̷ ̴t̶i̴m̴e̸.̴ ̵W̷i̶l̸l̵ ̸t̸r̸y̴.̸ ̶.̸ ̷.̸ ̴t̴o̸ ̸m̸a̸k̶e̶ ̵m̵y̸s̶e̷l̸f̸ ̷s̷m̴a̵l̷l̷e̷r̶.̸ ̸.̵ ̶.̴”̷
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