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thewitchqueen281 · 2 years ago
I'm like
80% sure there is a futurama episode about this exact situation.
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nartnaillil · 2 years ago
Visualisering av opplevelser - Ted Matthews
Hvis man ikke vet hvor man skal begynne drømmereisen sin, hvorfor ikke få studenter til å gjøre det for deg !!
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Ted hadde gitt oss en oppgave om å planlegge hans drømmereise gjennom en svær visualnote-plakat. Han gav oss ulike kriterier som
Det skal være en helgereise
Ingen barn
Heller varmt enn kaldt
Lite turiser
Kona må være kjempe glad NBNBNB
Og listen fortsetter...
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Min gruppe; Vegard, Kim.T, og meg valgte Ljubljana etter litt trasking gjennom internett, men det gjorde to grupper til hhihihihi. Ikke nok med at det var romantisk, fine gåsteder, og kona til Ted hadde en krone på seg for det er slik hun skulle bli behandlet ;) Men alle hadde også tegnet paret på en restaurant der de ble servert xiao long bao, som Europa er helt klart kjent for... Det var trossalt Ted sin favoritt mat !!!
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Det var krevende å tegne større, men samtidig lett å forstå.. MEN DET ER JO HALVE MORROA MED FARGETUSJ OG A1-DORULL-PAPIR. 
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Helgeturen stoppet ikke bare rundt Europas grenser, men det er en fin tanke å tenke at Elon Musk ville sponset denne helgeturen til Matthews familien i denne oppgaven <3
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isaliciousblogg · 2 years ago
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Ad// Right now it's Black week at @idealofsweden and you can get 50% off EVERYTHING from their website🙌💕. They got the most trendy phonecases and purses.The campaign is live until 27/11!! The phonecase in my pics: PORT LAURENT MARBLE😍 #idealofsweden #idealofswedencode #blackweek #offer #campaign #phone #ad #collab #samarbeid #deksel #trender #sponset #trending #mobil #tilbud #rabatt #trendy #purses #lifestyleblogger #mote #trend #style #mode #tenue #tendances #blogger #marble #phonecases #phonecase (at Oslo, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWokC3rhtY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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madde90-blog · 6 years ago
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Hi! You can use BCGRKRJ8 to get 20% off on Beauty Charcoal on beautycharcoal.com @beautycharcoal —————————————————- #beautycharcoal #mirrormirror #selfie #beauty #smile #makeup #reklame #sponset #sponsored (ved Lillehammer, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLEBX5gomS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bs80yt15x1w1
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aesthetically-flora · 5 years ago
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🌸 F R I D A Y B O U Q U E T 🌸 #ad #reklame #sponset Isn’t this pink quartz vase just BEAUTIFUL? 🥰😍 I love it and at @landstilas you can find amazing and beautiful homedecor 🤩🙌🏻 They have lots of sales aswell, so go and check them out 🥰🙏🏻 Also, how cute are my weekend bouquet? I bought one for me and one for my mom aswell, she got really happy 😍🙏🏻 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #love #loveflowers #flower #flowers #flowerpower #weekendbouquet #flowerbouquet #pink #pinkflowers #pinkflower #roses #beautiful #pretty #myhome #myhome2inspire #interior #interiordetails #interior123 #inspo #inspire #aspiretoinspire #inspiredbypetals #inspiredbyflowers #pinkroses #decor #homedecor #mystyle (ved Bergen, Hordaland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_GzkLFNrb/?igshid=psv9ngjy783k
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oh-lordy-lord-save-me · 3 years ago
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eunseo · 3 years ago
when guys have a little mullet idk whats better than that if i were president ebery man would be required to grow out a tasteful little mullet
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wheezingghoulbois · 4 years ago
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welldresseddadblog · 8 years ago
Last month I was invited to become an ambassador for Norwegian opticians @sesoptikk. A good match for me, as they also have a firm stance against Luxottica (makers of almost all frames worldwide). Here are some photos they took of me wearing glasses from @kanekoopticaljapan and Norwegian @karmoie. It was an interesting to be photographed by an experienced photograoher. And the glasses look 👌🏼! #karmoie #kanekooptical #sesoptikk #welldresseddad #dadstyle #photoshoot #glasses #menswear #menstyle #ootd #wiwt #sponset #shortsighted
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ohboyfelix · 5 years ago
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puppyrazzi · 5 years ago
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Don't know if this is applicable to many other people but toiletries bags make excellent travel medication holders! I used to carry everything loose in my bag, then I tried to shove the majority into my aerochamber bag and finally I decided this was the way to go! Plus it's a pretty pink floral pattern!
Also if anyone is looking for a pill minder that you can do a month ahead of time rather than weekly, I can't recommend this one more highly!
For me, I know sometimes I am going away for more than a week and it's nice to have everything all proportioned out and know that you aren't going to get there and find out you are missing a medication completely. I know some pharmacies will put things in blister packs for you for free but I like the control of it and the fact that I can close and reopen the compartments in case I decide to delay a medicine. Also the fact that I can take out a single day which means less space taken up in my bag!I got mine about three years ago and have not regretted it in the slightest.
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the8ntertainer · 7 years ago
Boku no Hero Academia : Call of Duty WW2 Multiplayer Commentary : Anime Review , Fan Service , Comedy , Drama Action = One for All
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gay-eyed-athena · 4 years ago
The military as soon as anyone mentions anything negative about them: how can you bully us like this :( you are killing us... :( we have never hurt anyone :(((((
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fuzzysoxx · 6 years ago
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GM 1.st February⚘We have got little travel fever on the air, but while both kids are small we have focused more on building this house to home...🏡 With this custom made @mapiful world map we can remember all our special places been together with my hubby & plan coming familytrips🌏 (Collab./Yhteistyö) ~ Wonderful gift idea @mapiful you can choose any special place in the world and make custom map for you and your loved one now as Valentine's offer for 2 maps -20% off💕 . . . From Instagram
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ladybirdsnest · 6 years ago
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Early Christmas Gift from Lindex - Thank you 💛✨ #sponset #lindexofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/BrrpVjlgjSE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13ymk74pou1x2
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vodka-and-gummybears · 6 years ago
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//Sponset innlegg// - Sjekk ut hjemmesiden til @menskopp.no for å se de forskjellige koppene deres 💖 Hvordan bruke en mensenkopp? 1. Kok den i 3-4 min før og etter hver mensenperiode. 2. Vær ren og pen på henda 3. Brett den i 2 (vist på bilde 2) 4. Brett denne igjen i 2 (vist på bilde 1) 5. Sett deg på huk, sitt på do, stå rett opp og ned (dette er noe du selv må prøve ut og finne ut hva som er best for din del) 6. Og opp med den! • #sponsored #sponset #mensen #mensenkopp #makeperiodsgreatagain #normalizeperiods • (ved Oslo, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoW1FzTgjCV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1skviffhxs77w
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