#spoilers you disgusting freak
bitebitbonebare · 13 days
God fucking dammit I'm genuinely losing my fucking shit.
I wonder if he'd put up a fight. I wonder if I would have to hold him down myself, knee against his neck, to tie his hands behind his back. I wonder what curses I'd wring from him through this, if he'd gnash his teeth and threaten me with his face pressed into the concrete floor. Would I need to get his feet too? Kicking and swinging, trying to get away-- oh and what if he screams? Yelling for help, would I need to silence him? Keep him from biting? Do you muzzle someone like this? Do you keep them from saying anything-- what happens when I kick the breath out of him?
I's stand above him, my boot pressed against his cheek-- I hated the concrete floors until now and I think I how they shine with his spit as he bared his teeth.
How careful would I need to be to make sure he was the only one to know he was bested? How badly does he want to feel this days from this moment-- how badly do I want him to feel it? Better yet, I know that he would rather there not be a later to feel, I think he's imagined death like this in great detail when he found himself at my mercy.
What tools would I have at my disposal? I wonder how much a tazer costs. I wonder if I could figure out a way to hit him in such a way he briefly loses consciousness. I wonder if I could choke him until he sees those black stars.
Could I press my knee into his throat while I tried something new-- could I put out a little match on his ribs? He complained of the pain on of a rib tattoo but what if I could methodically burn a scar on the other side, or as a lovely accent? He wanted to be an unflinching and incredibly willing victim to someone's cigarette shoved into him. This should be nothing then, right? Right?
What could I use to leave creative bruises on him-- I often weild a cane, don't I? What would shards of a broken mirror look like dug into his legs? I wonder how carefully I could etch something into his skin. He's let me tattoo him before anyway, what's different about a knife then?
I wouldnt want to keep him on the floor I don't think. Would I be able to hurt him while his sits on his knees-- his bones digging into concrete, he's so proud of how small he is, nearly just bones anyway, sharp and sharp feeling in his own skin.
Oh! What if, in kicking him, it's hard enough to make him vomit? Do you think he'd do that just for me? Well I think he'd do it for anyone who hit him in that specific way, but in that moment I think I'd revel in knowing that I was the cause.
Do you think he'd need to be told that maybe it's a little pathetic to want to be hurt this way? Granted, I think it was a bit absurd for me to tell him that I wanted to beat him this way, but for him to respond in this way? I think I might have known the answer when he resisted the urge to flee. I'd have plenty of words for him if he would like them.
Oh! He also proudly announced how fast he was! Oh I'm quite happy for him. So proud. Makes me wish I could set him loose in a forest with traps-- oh a daydream for another post, maybe not for him.
He is acutely aware of how inpatient I can be. I wonder if he'd taunt me to give up how much I'd want to relish this. That I want this just as much as he does, but I want it to last. I want to take my time, I want to commit every moment to memory, I want to write something about this that he might stumble upon-- or I offer up enthusiastically and just for "critique" not as if I wanted him to remember the ache of it all, this would live on in his mind too, after all.
Oh, hah. Even better. If I'm careful, I could keep him exactly where I want him and get a recording of the entire thing. I don't care to know what he would do with footage like that.
I'm tempted by the idea to bite. I think biting would be my preferred means to draw blood. I could consider something else though. Either way I think I'd like to stain something or his as a souvenir. Wouldn't that be just so thoughtful of me?
Good fucking god the whole idea makes me dizzy. Does he know how excited I am? How caring I would be about it all-- not too caring that I'd be scared to hurt him, no-- but caring in the way that I want nothing more than to make him feel it, just how he wants. It's not just for him.
It's not just for him.
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soap-ify · 7 months
AIM AT MY HEART | eros!john 'soap' mactavish x f!reader.
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synopsis — while everyone celebrated love, you met a god. [3.5k words]
tw / cw — mdni 18+, lonely!reader, reader is bit of a loser actually, typical misogyny and objectification of women during that time (just briefly mentioned), spoiler alert soap is eros and is bit of a freak, little breast play, reader is said to be a virgin, cunnilingus, p in v. — please let me know if i missed any tags!
notes — after some research and finding like few different names for love festivals in ancient greece, i decided to stick with calling it the festival of love. this isn't going to be historically accurate or anything, just a silly idea i came up with for valentines. unedited.
It looked like the rain was your date for this festival, the cold droplets gently kissing your skin just the way a lover would.
Every street was simply bustling with people today, all trapped in their own little bubbles forged by them. Married couples and young people in love alike. Now was the perfect time to say that love was in the air. It didn’t disgust you by any means, no. You love love — you wonder if it’s just as dreamy as it sounds. To have someone to call yours, to be touched and to be heard. A feeling that your heart pleaded for, ready to pathetically beg for it even. You don’t see much of it on the streets though, so you wonder if it’s naught but a myth.
Loneliness can mess up with anyone. You were still unwed, always met with the disappointed stares of your mother and the unnerving promises of your father stating that he’d find a groom for you. Probably some old man.
So no, you weren’t disgusted by all the couples roaming around in this festival of love. Just envious, sad — even if some of the love they displayed might just be for the show. On top of that, no one was aware of the incoming rain. Though most were now sheltered somewhere or protected by clothed umbrellas, though meant for the rich. So here you were, strolling in these soaked streets uncovered. Hey, at least the rain was willing to give you some company.
Some people looked at you with a pitiful gaze through the distance. Most men walking in groups whistled at you, staring at you with the most vile eyes. Carnivores. All you could do was just sheepishly stare ahead, doing your best to not look down at the ground while walking and looking like some kicked-out puppy. Even though you definitely did feel like one right now. Fresh food for the predators in the open.
Love. Such a familiarly foreign request. What must you do to get it, pray to the gods? Would Aphrodite listen, or Eros? Why hadn’t they blessed you yet? Taking a turn into the alley, you made the mistake of getting distracted by some plants nearby, instantly bumping into someone. “Oh, sorry, I-” Warm hands steadied your almost falling body, interrupting your apologies. You looked up to see blue eyes staring at you, the scrutiny of the stare making you feel as if he was opening you up like a book and reading everything within.
“Dinnae apologise, hen.” He let you go with a soft chuckle, an understanding smile lacing his lips. The slight amusement in his rough voice was enough to make your heart squeeze unintentionally, your throat going dry as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“Okay.” You dumbly replied and walked past him, not giving any of you a chance to make the conversation progress. How impolite. After all, what were you supposed to say to him? That you’re lonely as fuck and that his voice made you feel all funny inside? You mustn’t lust over a stranger. Probably married.
But oh, those blue eyes were now ingrained in your brain. He had looked at you as if he knew you, as if he knew of each of your flaws.
You missed the way he kept looking at your back while you walked away.
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Sleep came to you a bit too easily. It was quite the odd occurrence, considering that you’d always be tossing and turning while staring at the ceiling creepily for a good half hour until you’d fall asleep.
A warm hug to your pillow and you were knocked out within seconds, drowning into slumber.
Darkness. That’s all you could see, that’s all what was within reach. You didn’t know if you were dreaming or not. What you did know was that you felt as if you were floating, higher and higher. Wait, were you dead?
You were just about to reach out to the blankness surrounding you when you felt strong arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you in. When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself in your… bedroom? Bedroom for sure, just more dreamy. As if it wasn’t you who lived here. As if it were the room of the gods. The air seemed lighter, the colours more bright.
You tried to struggle against the strong grip on your waist, your back pressed against something strong. “Quit struggling, hen.” The growl behind you caught you off guard, causing you to go still. That voice. That voice. You remember it all too well, the guy you bumped into in the street earlier.
Once his grip on you loosened, you quickly turned around and faced him, finding him looking at you triumphantly, his body adorned in nothing but a white shawl that covered only one shoulder and his waist. His body was sculpted beautifully, muscles made to be caressed delicately. Perfection, that’s what he was. You caught a small glimpse of the wings on his back — mighty and fluffy. You nervously cowered, mind too overwhelmed to comprehend what was going on here. You were being touched by a stranger. Only tales by some women had warned you about the perverse nature of most men. It terrified you.
Your eyes darted over to the loose blindfold lowered down to his neck, and the set of bow and arrows laid down on your nightstand.
You didn’t know why you were so afraid to look into his eyes. It was as if looking into the eyes of god and being forced to acknowledge all your sins. Was he a god? Or an angel? He reeked of purity, of utter diviness that you couldn’t even dream to look at. Though here you were, being looked at by someone that just seemed so seraphic. It almost made you feel guilty.
“Who are you?” You blurted out, unable to hide the way your hands were trembling. You were forced to look up when you felt something cold gliding against your jaw, soon realising that it was one of his arrows, mapping out your face. Just the way an artist would with his muse.
He was silent for a while, simply observing you. Or maybe just thinking of what to answer you with. What should he tell you? “Ye can call me Johnny.” He finally settled on a name after some contemplation that thankfully went unnoticed by you.
“Johnny…” You tested his name carefully, your hands carefully reaching out to grasp onto his arms, not even realising that you were somehow sitting on your bed now. ”What are you, Johnny?”
“A god.”
And there it was again, that victorious grin. He was proud of the reaction he was getting out of you, the utter confusion and bewilderment etched on your face was nothing short of adorable to him. Poor, poor human.
“Ye looked lonely tonight.” He continued, leaning in closer, his presence seeming even bigger and more imposing than before. “Ye seemed sad. Like a wee lost chick. Made me feel somethin’, ye ken. Sadness f’ye, maybe?” He chuckled and shook his head, gently undoing the blindfold on him. His hands were soft yet rugged, holding yours with great care, gently tying the white silk around your wrists. Not too tightly, just firmly enough.
“Oh…” You weren’t sure why you weren’t struggling against the bindings. Maybe it was due to the fact that your brain had slowly comprehended who he really was. Arrows, playful, love. Eros. You didn’t know what to do, and you definitely didn’t know why you liked it. Gods above, you must be going insane. Wait, he’s a god too. Can he hear your thoughts?
“Yes I can.” He interrupted the raging storm of thoughts in your head with amused nonchalance. You could feel embarrassed heat creeping up on your cheeks, daring you to humiliate yourself further.
“Why is a bonnie lass like ye unwed?” The god cooed, his free hand still holding the arrow and gently tracing your jaw, moving down to the front of your neck, and downward to the neckline of your dress. He didn’t dare to stop there, moving the sharp point of the arrow towards your left breast, grazing against the soft fabric of your clothes. Shove it in, make me find love.
“U-Um…” Your words were caught in your throat, fingernails unknowingly digging hardly into his muscular arms. “I don’t know.” Despite how doltish that answer may have made you look, it was the truth. You didn’t know why you were some lonely maiden staring at the night sky every night, dreaming about the undying devotion you couldn’t reach for.
Johnny didn’t respond to that, satisfied enough to just stare at you. You soon realised that you didn’t feel creeped out by his gaze, you yearned for it. Attention for a god. Even if he viewed you as a lamb of some sorts, temporary affection was making you feel alive.
“I’m not gonna sacrifice ye or anythin’, hen.” He read your mind again, and he was enjoying it way too much. It made you feel a bit frustrated, a bit too desperate.
“Why am I unwed?” You shooted his question back at him, daring to meet his eyes. “My mother hates me and my father, he… Just why can’t I be one of the blessed?” You unintentionally hissed, met with nothing but a mirthful grin plastered on his lips. Would it be a sin to think of a god as some bastard?
“Ain’tcha clever for shootin’ my question right back at me?” He sounded almost proud at you, slowly putting the arrow down and easing you down to lay on your bed properly, putting your tied wrists above your head. You were being so easy for him too, despite the irritation adorning your face. Your body had been starved for this, for some touch.
You didn’t make any effort to stop him as his fingers skillfully undid your garments and teasingly began sliding them off, revealing more and more of you until you were all naked in front of him. A meal for the god. You weren’t worried about being touched like this, especially when you were still not taken. The cool air hitting your skin made your shiver, your legs rubbing against one another.
“I have never been… used before.” You didn’t know how to word it. Well, he probably knew anyway. That’s what was expected from a modest woman. Being innocent and a virgin until she was on her marital bed with her groom.
“Stop thinkin’ so much, hen.” He silenced you by pressing a chaste kiss on your neck, your lips letting out an involuntary whine. Heaven touched you from his lips, and you felt love for the first time.
“Poor ye, so desperate for affection.” You felt his stubble tickle your cheek as he whispered into your ear, the sensation making your body jerk slightly, your wrists lightly tugging against the silk binding. You felt so sensitive, being aware of everything going on while simultaneously being confused by this foreign feeling building up inside you.
“Don’t tease me…” You whimpered almost pathetically, wishing that your hands were free so you could run your fingers through his untamed patch of hair, or just caressed the slightly shaved sides of his head. “It’s not funny.”
“If ye say so.” He snickered, pressing kisses on your cheeks and the side of your neck, making you whine a bit at the ticklish feeling, blood rushing to your face as you squirmed under him. His large hands slowly begin to caress your torso up and down, fingers rubbing against the softness of your softness before sliding up to cup and size your breasts up, thumbs carefully touching your hardened up nipples.
Despite the way he clearly enjoyed teasing you, he handled you with an equal amount of gentleness. It was so considerate, something you hadn’t heard from the tales some of the women would tell you about men.
“How does it feel?” He asked you, his gaze almost warm.
“Good…” You replied weakly, unable to find your voice amidst all the emotions you were feeling. You leaned into his touch, eyes lazily half open, trying to admire his face properly. It felt like a crime to look at such beauty.
He leaned down and started pressing soft kisses along the valley of your breasts, feeling the rise and fall of your chest with every breath you took. Why must he kiss your body as if he was worshiping you? As if you were the god, not him.
His lips traveled down to your naval before finally reaching to between your thighs, his hands moving down to gently part your legs open, feeling them tremble slightly once his eyes settled upon your sweet cunt, already glistening with arousal. "Can I?" He asked, earning a shy nod from you.
“M’happy my arrows never hit ye before.” He mumbled before pressing a soft kiss against your puffy folds, hearing the way your breath hitched. “Happy that nae one got to touch a bonnie thing like ye yet. All saved for a god, eh?” He sneered, his fingers gently parting your folds so he could properly look at your clit, pressing a kiss right on it.
The sudden sensation made you let out a soft moan, fingers trying to reach for the silk binding on your wrists. Sensitive. Sensitive yet so good. “Johnny…”
His breath alone continued to fan your cunt for a few seconds, his blue eyes looked up at you from in between your thighs before he dived in, his tongue licking a fat stripe. Your hips bucked at that, seeking more of this friction as he hummed at your taste, his tongue making contact with your clit and pressing against it, feeling the soft pulse underneath.
He had to stop himself from biting you, that’d scare you away. Maybe some other day. For now, his hands gripped your plush thighs firmly and kept them apart, feasting onto your cunt hungrily, drool sliding down his chin as he sucked and licked on your twitching clit, feeling it get swollen and all achy with need. You just tasted so good, better than all the things many worshippers would leave at the temple. He wondered if you’d be willing to be his forever, to let him taste you everyday.
It all felt so good and overwhelming, you could feel your eyes tearing up. He went on and on until you felt your orgasm crashing into you suddenly, a bit prolonged as he kept his mouth latched onto your cunt, feeling your hips buck needily, shaky mewls leaving your lips while he eagerly lapped up your release.
You collapsed back breathless, almost in daze, every inch of your skin tingling with the pleasure coursing within you. Your glossy eyes looked over at Johnny who had just finished lapping your cunt up, now proceeding to nip and suckle onto the plush of your thighs, making you writhe. “Next time, m’gonna make ye squirt all over my fingers.”
Next time? Fingers?
Hope bloomed in your otherwise desperate heart as you nodded hazily, soft pants leaving your lips after your orgasm subsided. You felt him climbing on top of you, the soft rustling of clothes making your fingers twitch, your eyes looking over at him through the semi blurry vision. The white piece of cloth he had been wearing slipped off him, falling down to reveal the entirety of him. Big, powerful. He was indeed a god, sculpted better than the statues. You didn’t want to imagine what he could do with all his strength.
Your eyes fell onto his left pec, and you couldn’t help but feel your heart twinge oddly. If you were to stab him with his own arrow, would he love you?
You did your best to not look in between his legs, somehow clinging to the thinning string of modesty.
“Ye’re makin’ me feel unattractive.” That cheeky pout on his lips made you huff softly, your face feeling too warm. Just when you were about to protest, he leaned down to press his lips against yours, silencing you with a kiss.
You felt as if you had sinned, while stepping close to Heaven at the same time.
You let him guide you, his lips parting against yours while you obediently followed him, finding yourself drowning into this kiss. He might as well swallow you whole now, you’d be happy.
One hand reached up to swiftly undo the silk cloth around your wrists, freeing you. You were quick to wrap your arms around his neck, clinging onto him for your dear life, feeling him trying not to chuckle against your lips.
“Look at ye, being so eager. S’cute.” He whispered once he broke the kiss, pressing down into you, making you feel his cock rubbing against your thighs. It felt big, ridiculously enough. You trembled anxiously, finally daring to look down, letting out a soft whimper when your eyes settled onto his cock. You both tried to grind against it and squirm away, your brain melted into nothing but a puddle.
Love — it was threatening to flow out of your chest. Pure, blissful. Your legs lazily hooked themselves around his moving hips, trying to pull him down for another kiss. He was quick to comply, feeling you moan needily into his mouth while he grabbed the base of his girthy cock, lining it perfectly in between your legs. “Fuck… Lemme just-” He knew he had to be extra gentle, he was huge. He carefully eased the the tip of his cock into your cunt, watching you pull away from the kisd and whimper, your warm walls greeding clenching around him, trying to suck him in.
“S’too much!” You whined and bit down onto his shoulder, not caring how hard you might be biting. Your fingernails dug into the firm muscle of his back.
“Ssh, ye can take it.” He hissed under his breath, pulling his face back so he could look down at you properly, one hand gripping the side of your hip while his other reached down to gently fondle your clit in between his fingers. The sudden jolt of pain and pleasure merging together made your eyes roll back, feeling him settle deep within your cunt, some of his cock still not fully in. He wouldn’t dare to anyways, he would never wish to hurt his precious human.
“Such a bonnie lass… Look at how I fit inside ye.” You just looked so perfect underneath him, as if you were made for him, to be filled by him and kissed by him. “Squeezin’ me so tightly, s’too big f’ye, eh?” You shook your head at that, as if you weren’t the one who was moaning about him being too big earlier.
He slowly begin thrusting into you, his heavy cock dragging against the sweet spongy spot inside you, stimulating it. You bit onto your bottom lip, muffled mewls leaving you while his fingers continued to steadily rub your swollen clit, not losing their rhythm. Not even a single halt — the continuous motions caused pressure to build up within you, your legs tightening around his hips.
He eyes moved down to where your body connected with his, aweing at the way his cock was stretching you nice and wide, making him twitch inside you. Fuck. He couldn’t have a mortal holding such an effect over him, but he was far too gone to even think about that anymore.
“Johnny-! Joh-” Your words drowned into your moans once you felt your orgasm hit you even harder than before, your body convulsing underneath him as you clenched hard around him, causing him to grunt. A pretty white ring formed on his base as he continued to thrust into you, The squelching sounds filling the room were obscene, and served nothing but to arouse him more. His grip on your hips tightened just slightly as he felt his own impending orgasm.
“Gonna fill ye up.” He gritted his teeth.
With one final thrust, he released his hot cum inside you, his thrusts not stopping, fully intending to make his cum stay inside you and not drip out. Your fingernails accidentally scratched onto his back at the sensation of being filled up, feeling all warm.
Your legs and arms loosened around him, feeling yourself slump into the soft mattress, all pliable and fuzzy. You panted softly, feeling all sweaty as you stared at him. His hands were quick to craddle your face, pressing a kiss on your temple.
“I might as well just keep ye now for myself, hen.”
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You woke up with a jolt, sitting upright on your bed, your breathing laboured. Your inner thighs felt sticky, and your eyes drifted over to your nightstand, catching an arrow alongside a rose laying there.
Would it be possible to be impregnated by a god?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months
Stardew valley bachelors (and krobus and the wizard) witnessing the farmer chug multiple jars of mayonnaise. Just really slinging it back.
Okay ngl I never did this till right now and I got everybody's reactions so this is based on the responses my farmer got after doing this
Spoilers: they've all known my farmer for about 7 years so it's nothing too shocking to them,,,but it's still highly questionable lmao
For years, him and Pam were beer addicts...and now comes along you, the new farmer who's a very...different kind of addict.
An addict to mayonnaise, that is.
For years, people have been judging him for his habit, so it seems fair that he should be allowed to judge you 100% for having the weirdest fucking habit in the valley.
He started opening up to you (in his 2 heart event) and you're just sitting next to him, drinking mayonnaise to wash out the beer he offered you.
Only after you two get closer does he decide "well shit, they're weird..but they're also one of the few who care about me,,,"
And he eventually lets go of it altogether.
But he'll still tease you about your mayo addiction from time to time.
"What're you gonna put in the potluck this year? Gold star mayo? Or did you already eat it on the way here?"
"Oh shut up."
"Heh heh."
Considering it's one of his hated gifts, this shouldn't come as a surprise to you.
But the way you've absolutely freaked him out by drinking it in front of him (and subsequently making him miss his kickflip) was hilarious.
"That's what you get for skating on other people's property." You shook your head, smirking as you bring out another jar. "You think Jodi needs some for later? Or should I just drink it in front of her, too?"
"NO! Stop. Please don't do that." Sam hisses. "One, she might uninvite you from future family dinners. And two, she'll think it's one of those weird trends and blame me for it!"
"A trend..hm? Doesn't sound like a bad idea. This town could use one more tradition." You laugh, consuming the jar and not missing the look of horror on his face.
"A-And I thought Abigail eating rocks was nuts...you two would be great friends.."
While he's well aware of the many health benefits to mayonnaise, he wonders if you know that they're best as a condiment....not a beverage you can just sling back.
"But you told me to lay off the Joja Colas, doctor," you pointed out to him. "You're telling me those are a healthier alternative to this?"
"No, that's not what I'm saying at all." He huffs. "It's just..erm..I've never met someone who enjoyed mayonnaise by itself..it sounds-"
"N-No! I didn't mean it like-"
"I'm kidding, Harvey." You laugh a little, amused by his nervousness. "You know any side effects to drinking large quantities of mayo?"
"..none in particular, but that doesn't mean you should-"
"Then if I start feeling anything different, I'll let you know. Thank you." With a wink, you pull out some dinosaur mayo and drink it on your way out of the clinic...with poor Harvey wondering wtf that was.
Regular mayo was fine, but that green icky-looking mayo...had him gravely concerned over what you were doing to your body.
You thought you were being subtle, drinking a little bit of mayo while hanging out at his beachside cabin.
But nope.
You've absolutely horrified this man. Traumatized, even.
It's almost as bad as the time you left a super cucumber on his doorstep, and the next day he sent you a letter demanding to know who made you play this "cruel prank" on him.
In reality, you thought it'd be a nice gift and he'd make something poetic out of a rare sea creature you fished up.
Apparently not and that's when you quickly learned it's a hated one.
"Oh don't be so dramatic," you shake your head. "It's easier to carry than some full course meal."
"But you could have any other food....why that?" Elliot asks, now genuinely curious about what goes on in your mind to think mayo is a suitable choice in food.
You have no explanation though other than "it's most convenient for me and I like the taste".
So he leaves it alone but....maybe it's better not to drink it around him without warning (or drink it when he's buzzed and he may not remember you doing that).
And here he was, on Ginger Island, hoping to get a brief vacation away from the valley and all its weirdness.
Yet you came along to visit and check on your beach farmhouse--bringing tons of mayo jars with you.
You got thirsty while talking to Seb in the hot sun, and instinctively began chugging the first thing you opened out of your bag.
You don't even realize what you've done until he gives you the strangest look ever.
"Have you always liked drinking mayo...like that?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Um..not since moving into the valley and learning how to make it." You shrugged, smiling sheepishly as you brought out another jar. This time a green color.
"What's that one?"
"Oh! Dinosaur mayo. It's a lot thicker and kinda tastes like a kale drink-"
"I'm sorry, there's dinosaurs in the mines?"
"What?" You shoot him a defensive look, cradling the half-empty jar like it's your baby. "You've eaten every raw egg I give you, and I never judge."
"But..that's a little different, isn't it?" He chuckles nervously. "Eggs are great for protein! Drinking straight mayo is...erm....are there any benefits..?"
"It's easy to make with all the eggs in my coop, and um..it keeps my energy up so I don't pass out."
It's an awkward explanation, considering you simply drink mayonnaise for the hell of it and didn't think too much about the "health benefits".
But Alex completely agrees with you, not making any further comments on it in the future.
Although how he's eaten dozen of raw eggs without getting some kind of salmonella poisoning is beyond both him and you.
Perhaps you're both a little bit strange, but he eventually came to accept that about himself.
From the moment you met him and obtained forest magic, Rasmodius knew there was something peculiar about you.
From gleefully retrieving ectoplasm and prismatic jelly for his studies to assisting him in getting the dark talisman back from his ex-wife's home, he's come to trust you as a potential apprentice.
So to drink mayonnaise while looking through his catalogue of expensive magical architecture had him....a bit confused.
"What?" You look at the man standing by the bubbling green pot, his eyebrow raised in question. "C'mon, surely this can't be the strangest thing you've seen."
"No, whatever keeps your spirit and energy nourished is fine and all. But..mayonnaise seems most unconventional. That's all I'm saying. Now I must focus.."
And that's all he says about the matter, not really caring too much.
You're grateful he didn't overreact.
"You're not gonna say anything?"
"About what?"
"About..y'know..me drinking mayonnaise?"
"Why would I? You gift me void mayonnaise. I eat it and use it as a moisturizer all the time!"
Finally, somebody who finds your habit relatively normal---but the only downside is that somebody isn't human.
Makes you often question if you're really human yourself.
It never bothers Krobus whenever you need to sling back a jar of mayonnaise and pull out another one when you return from the mutant bug lair or hike through Cindersap Forest to reach the sewers.
He thinks it's just a normal thing humans do, but when you mention how it's very much not normal in your "culture"..he thinks THEY are weird for not accepting your tastes.
Welp, at least he supports your weird yet harmless habit.
You did try void mayo once and nearly keeled over, so you stick to regular/duck/dino mayo from thereon.
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miachangedblogs · 8 months
TWST Become Human
Warning!!! This contains: Spoilers for Detroit Become Human + twisted wonderland. Later on would have NSFW, fem reader, noncon/dubcon etc!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Status: Human
As the only child of the two most astound doctors of Twisted Wonderland, it’s no wonder his parents are so protective over him. Raised to know more than five languages, always the top of his class and even managing to remember all 810 of the Queen of Hearts rule by the age of 10, he’s sure to to become something great. Imagine the surprise and horror of everyone when he got in an freak accident and was almost pronounced dead on the spot?? It’s a miracle he survived such a horrible fate. Ever since the incident, the Rosehearts family became very private, even more than before. They invested in multiple androids to guard Riddle as they made sure not even a scratch were to adorn his features. But.. it’s so strange…
But why can’t he remember what happened before the accident?
Trey Clover
Status: Human
One of Riddle’s only friends in this world and the only friend his parents allow Riddle to have; The Clover family is known worldwide for their delectable pastries and equally sweet hospitality to anyone and anything, even androids. Everyone is welcome in the Clover bakery! Trey’s big brother like personality makes him so hard to hate! And so hard to notice his weirdly observant and weirdly… obsessive nature? There’s no way someone as humble and kind as him could be someone so malicious. But as the taste of poison is hidden by the sugary batter, his ‘flaws’ are quickly overlooked. If not, his unique magic can always help him out.
Cater Diamond
Status: Android
Bought as a playmate for Riddle, Cater immediately Fails as he’s deemed “obnoxious” and “rude” by Riddle. Trey seems to hold sympathy for him though, the two becoming quite close as a human and an android without emotions could get. Though, even as an android, Cater’s programming makes him seem so real. Perhaps the expressive and seemingly real emotions creeped Riddle off.
Some speculate he’s a deviant, but no need to worry! Cay-Kun is soooo harmless! Just ask his siste- wait what? Sisters? Since when did he have those?? You must be hearing things. Come on, hold still and give a big smile to the camera, yeah?
Ace Trappola
Status: Human
No one knows how or why Ace managed to snag a job at the Rosehearts estate. His rebellious nature and constant rule breaking always ends up with him collared by the Riddle, and yet he’s never fired. His favorite pastime by far would have to be screwing up Deuce’s work, sabotaging his coworkers hard work to put himself above him. Deuce is just too gullible, there’s no way people would actually choose him over the clear winner of the Ace Trappola! His eyes filled with clear distain and disgust whenever Cater calls the two “besties”, even making a nickname for the two, “adeuce”. Gross. Don’t fucking group him with that idiot. He’s clearly way better. Don’t you think?
Deuce Spade
Status: Human
Wanting to be a police officer when he grows up, Deuce eagerly jumped at the opportunity to work within the walls of the Rosehearts Manor. After all, it would look great on his resume. He always seemed to have a clear distain for androids. Perhaps it’s his mind already conditioning him to be prepared to fight against deviants when he ultimately joins the forces. Even with this clear bias, he remains respectful towards any androids that reside amongst the manor. Although not the sharpest tool in the shed, he tries his very best!
Leona Kingscholar
Status: Beastmen
Being the second born prince of the Afterglow Savannah, Leona was constantly watched by eyes from all around the world, yet never truly basking in the spotlight. Even within the shadows his every move was constantly criticized. He would be forgotten if not for the constant ‘tantrums’ he used to throw. Refusing to go to his lessons, family dinners, important meetings and so on. One day, it all stopped. No one knows how or why until Leona emerged after months with a scar adorning his left eye. Rather than sympathy, his people cheered at the seemingly calm Prince. How cruel. He should be feeling enraged, betrayed at his own people’s lack of empathy, but right now he’s just so tired. He doesn’t know why but he just doesn’t have the energy to feel anymore.
Ruggie Bucchi
Status: Android
A lowly hyena android who’s desperation led to him snatching the scorned Prince’s wallet. Of course he was caught immediately, his fate to be destroyed publicly for his audacious actions. Leona however, had different plans for him. To put it simply, he was amused. Perhaps it was his audacity that let the Prince show mercy, or maybe it was the droplets of blue smudged all over Ruggie hands. Either way, Ruggie managed to secure the role as Leona’s informant amongst the villagers of the Afterglow Savannah as well as his personal servant. At least it pays well I suppose.
Jack howl
Status: Beastmen
He cannot stand injustice towards anything, especially the ones androids face in the hands of humans. The deviants at first creeped him out but he learned to respect them to a degree. He wouldn’t necessarily go out of his way to help them escape to Canada, nor would he befriend them, after all they were deviants. Who knows if they’re the violent type? He will however protect them if he saw some kids throwing rocks at it or adults being unreasonably physical with them.
Azul Ashengrotto
Status: Human
The heir of his mother’s multi million restaurant business housing many android servers, Azul Ashengrotto isn’t a stranger nor is opposed to androids. His two “bodyguards” (and regrettably best friends) are androids after all. Besides, androids are very profitable! He also runs a benevolent business where he can grant any of your wildest dreams and wishes. Want to be thinner? Or perhaps after the heart of a young woman? Indeed he’ll be able to help! Just sign your name riighhhht here. Oh, and make sure you do abide by the contract. People who don’t have a tendency to… disappear. We certainly wouldn’t want that, would we?
The leech twins
Status: Android
After the grief of none of their eggs surviving, Mr. And Mrs. Leech desperately contacted every android company for a custom Androids that would resemble what would be their children. After years of prototypes and programming, one unnamed company managed to come up with two twins for the new parents.
Unfortunately, the robotic nature of their ‘children’ were not enough for the two, leading to some tweaking in their code.
The Leech family announced their twins as mermen to the public, hiding the true nature of their children. The only ones who know are the Ashengrotto family who swore to secrecy to keep their mouth shut about the whole situation. It is common knowledge in the sea that those who oppose the Leech family meet a gruesome fate. It’s not like they have a choice really.
Kalim Al-Asim
Status: Human
As the eldest son of the Asim family, the heir of all the wealth, Kalim has been spoiled rotten since birth. It’s no wonder his perception of money and people are distorted. The public views him as spoiled, entitled, overly bubbly and dumb. He may be naive, yes, but he’s not dumb.
Jamil Viper
Status: Human
A servant of Kalim Al-Asim from birth to his destined death. Kalim’s “best friend”, “playmate”, “right hand man”, “advisor”. He’s heard it all. He could only grit his teeth and smile politely. As always, Jamil was tasked to taste test Kalim’s food, only to find himself at death door. He watched in anguish and rage at the amount of people swarming the young heir instead of him. The one about to die.
After the hospitalization, Jamil has become more quiet. More alert. At first his parents grew concerned, though Kalim’s father kept trying to reassure that nothings wrong. Overtime Jamil learned to put on a mask for his parents to ease their concern. It’s nothing new to him anyways.
Sometimes he wishes it was Kalim instead…
Rook Hunt
Status: Human
Rook Hunt is most popular for being Vil’s unofficial manager and best friend. One of the most loyal people in Vil’s life allowed Rook to be able to house every single secret of Vil. Paparazzi have tried numerous times to get him to fess up, even offering him millions. Rook would always just smile with his fox-like grin and brushed them off with a swift change of topic. It is also to be known that Rook is known to have a “morbid” curiosity regarding anything that isn’t human. His curiosity doesn’t have any bad intentions, no underlining malice whatsoever. He just sees beauty in everything. It’s more fascination than anything. This does cause him to come off as creepy and overly eccentric, his mere presence causing unease to those around him.
Epel felmier
Status: Human
A country boy who came to the big city for education but more so excitement. His small town, Harveston was known to be one of the only places that didn’t house androids. It wasn’t a matter of the people despising androids, Harveston was just a traditional town. A small town that barely even used modern day farming equipment. They simply just wanted to keep tradition. You could imagine his surprise when he saw just how realistic and smart androids were. He doesn’t have an opinion on them, not yet. All he cares about is working hard for the blast-cycle he’s so desperate to buy.
Idia shroud
Status: half human, half android: Cyborg
An unnamed incident had caused the death of Ortho Shroud and severe injuries to Idia Shroud. Idia’s parents could only save the eldest via trading off his damaged human parts with android scraps, successfully producing the first recorded cyborg Twisted Wonderland has ever known. He’s still human, just some of his limbs and bone structure being held up by metal. As soon as he recovered he began working day and night to make a replica of his deceased brother. His grief made him spiral into a deep denial as even though he was the one to build Ortho, he fully believed he was the same old Ortho from back then. He began insisting that everyone treat Ortho as human, snapping at anyone who dares to call his little brother an “android Assistant”. Can’t you all see he’s alive?? How audacious.
Ortho Shroud
Status: Android
A bright young boy who cares deeply for his brother. Much is unknown.
Lilia Vanrouge
Status: Fae
An Ex general and now the right hand man to the prince of Briar Valley, Malleus Draconia. Not much is known about this Fae, not much is known about anyone from Briar Valley in general. People do say he’s incredibly friendly, much more approachable than the Prince. Even with his bubbly exterior, people tend to be on edge in his presence. Perhaps it’s the sharp fangs, the hint of mischief in his eye, or maybe it’s the knowledge of his past as the most feared general. Nowadays multiple rumours circulate him such as him being a rockstar, a vampire, even an android. How amusing. Perhaps all are true, perhaps none. Who knows, really?
Sebek Zigvolt
Status: Android
Loud and boisterous, an overly protective and aggressive android brought in by Lilia to be Malleus’s body guard. He has a clear disdain towards deviants and humans, constantly belittling both. I’m his mind, the hierarchy seems to be Fae first, then android, then everyone else. You can be sure that he will never become a deviant with his strict nature. Although Sebek does seem to be alarmed at the threat of becoming a deviant. He can’t help but feel scared… Scared? No, that’s not right. Androids can’t feel... Can they?
*. ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warning!!! This contains: perv Idia, noncon thoughts, masturbation, gross Idia, fem reader.
You just can’t believe your luck.
You’ve rubbed your eyes again to make sure it was functioning correctly, re reading the huge words “accepted” printed dark blue on the letter.
“Welcome to STYX mechanic number 0962! How’s your day been?” An android radiating with enthusiasm greeted you immediately, hovering towards you. A little peeved at your label you couldn’t help but frown just a bit. Behind him stood a tall, pale man; you could only assume it was Idia Shroud, the heir of STYX. You tried to push down your panic and unease, every ounce of confidence immediately evaporating. Ortho ushered you inside the huge building, talking endlessly about his brother, STYX, your role in STYX and just how happy he is to meet you.
Ortho is a clear deviant. That much is very clear when you first met him. Though nice and friendly, you ought to keep your guard up. You make a mental note; be cautious around Ortho.
“-re you listing Ms. 0962?” Ortho stops in his tracks as he tilts your head towards you.
“Hm? Oh yeah, sorry Ortho.” He giggled as he continued to hover around.
“You’re so silly Ms. 0962. I can see you and my brother becoming great friends!” You could only awkwardly smile and nod as you continued your walk with him, not noticing the constant glances from Idia directed right at you.
It’s been a month since your employment in STYX. You’ve tried making attempts to socialise with coworkers but they always give you such short answers, talking to you only when it’s absolutely necessary. It didn’t help that your boss was such a pain. Always giving you short responses, constantly glaring at you as if your very existence threatened him in some way. At least the pays good and your boss’s android assistant keeps you good company? You don’t even know anymore.
You were working on some papers when the door to your office opened.
It was your boss.
Mentally groaning, you got up to bow and gave him a nervous smile.
“Hello Mr. Shroud. What can I do for you?” Idia only glared at you as he swiftly turned around, beckoning you to follow him. Hastily you put down your belongings to catch up, jogging towards him.
“You’ll work on an “important client”. Try not to mess up.” Your boss went on about what it is and what is expected but all you could focus on was the speck of blue staining his jaw. You reached into your pocket and pulled out your handkerchief with a smile.
“You got some thirium on you Mr. Shroud. Here, lemme wipe it o-” just as you were about to wipe it off with your handkerchief, Idia snatched the cloth out of your hand.
“I’ll do it myself later.” Sneering, he puts it in his back pocket and continues to walk you to your office. You shrink at the cold attitude, awkwardly playing with the hem of your shirt.
Idia suddenly stopped in his tracks as he got his key card out to open a room filled with thirium bags and thousands of tools you never even knew nor heard of before. Walking inside you notice a huge box of what you assume to be the container of the android. Your boss rudely shoves a crumpled paper in your hands.
“The code to the box.” He explains as he swiftly heads out of the room, not even sparing you a second glance.
“G-goodbye Mr. Shroud!” You bow one last time as the door closes in front of you without a response. Sighing at the lack of response, you stare at the crumpled up paper and back at the box containing your new project.
Idia panted heavily as his hands pumped his dick desperately, chasing after his release. The other hand pressed the handkerchief into his nose.
God you were cute.
To be completely honest, hiring you was an honest mistake, a product of his carelessness and lack of sleep finally catching up to him. Your resume wasn’t anything noteworthy, if anything, you were severely under qualified for this job. Alas idia was too tired to notice his mistake when he accidentally pressed hire on his computer. He wanted nothing more than to smash his keyboard just thinking about the scolding he’d get from his parents.
Truly a blessing in disguise.
With a shaky moan Idia came all over his desk, gasping for air as he stayed slumped on his seat. After a few minutes Idia sat upright, groaning as he shoved the handkerchief into his pocket for future use. Grabbing handfuls of tissue he lazily cleaned himself up, mind hazy still thinking of you.
He wonders if you’d like pomegranates.
*. ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
I love the idea of android twst and wanted to put my two cents on it! Shout out to the lovely @cvlutos for the amazing concept and fleshing out go check them out lovelies! Currently unfinished so sorry! To be honest I probably won’t make new parts for this but we’ll see. If you have any thoughts, requests or questions please send them my way!!
That’s all for today!! Tune in for more sweethearts!
Bitter dreams<33
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 1 month
Good Enough - Edward Nashton (The Riddler) x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Edward has never felt good enough for anyone or anything. When the self-help resources fail to work and the feelings of inadequacy grow stronger by the day, he begins to doubt that he's even worthy of being loved, but you're there to comfort him and remind him of just how much he matters.
Contents/Possible Warnings: Minor spoilers for Riddler: Year One, a lot of angst, hurt with comfort, fluff, mentions of smut (but no actual smut)
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Repulsive. Broken. Unwanted. Not good enough. The words he told himself had buried their way into his thoughts, repeating themselves like a twisted mantra that never ended, even with the constant use of every self-help tip and coping skill he had learned. That same mantra had been there so long that he couldn't remember when it had first started.
Maybe it was never something new at any point; maybe it was just the truth that he kept trying to deny with ledgers filled line to line with positive affirmations that he could never convince himself of. 'You are good enough.' No, he wasn't. He never would be. He was fighting a losing battle against himself.
At least at the end of the day, he had someone to come back home to, someone who told him every day how much she loved him. Before he had met you his only form of salvation was his puzzles, like it had always been since he was a young child. With you here, though, he had more than just riddles and crosswords online and in the local paper to look forward to after a long workday. You were the only good thing that Gotham City had to offer. You were an angel, his angel.
He unlocked the door to his apartment and closed it behind him, a smile making its way onto his face at the sound of your shoes against the wooden floor as you made your way from the bedroom and toward him. You grinned widely as you saw him, your arms outstretched and wide open before you wrapped him in a tight hug.
"Hi," He murmured in greeting, hugging you back as he nuzzled his face into your soft, beautiful hair. You smiled even wider, looking up at him with eyes that always made him melt with just a single look into his own. "How was work, Eddie?" You questioned, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"It was—" He paused, trying to find the right words. Shit. It was shit. His boss was a condescending, passive-aggressive, arrogant prick who slacked off more than he worked and still managed to be more successful in his career than Edward had ever been. As much as he wanted to vent, he didn't want to burden you with more than he already was by being with you.
"Fine." He finally decided, putting on a fake smile. "Same old calculations and whatnot. Nothing interesting." He lied. It was another day of statements from Zach that were insulting enough to strike a nerve, but not obvious enough to report to HR. Not like it'd matter, it would probably get swept under the rug and forgotten about. Some days Edward wondered if his superior was actually the pompous dick he thought him to be or just an idiot with confidence.
"Oh." You could see right that smile on his face. Something was bothering him like it had been for days now and you could tell. It broke your heart knowing he was struggling and that same struggle left him unable to feel okay confiding in anyone. "Are you sure...?" You questioned, a hand moving upwards to cup his cheek gently, the man leaning into your comforting touch.
He had lied to you. How could you lie to her? You manipulative, disgusting freak. As the thoughts filled his head, guilt washed over him. God, he didn't deserve you. He didn't deserve your affection, and most certainly not your love. Did he deserve any love at all? Was there anything to love about—
"Eddie?" Came your soft voice, the sound like that of an angel. He broke himself out of his thoughts, smiling at you again. "I think I'm gonna go pick us up some takeout for dinner. What do you want?" He changed the subject, moving away from you and back towards the door.
"No." You said a bit sternly, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the nearby couch, sitting down with him. "You're not getting out of this that easily. Tell me what's wrong, Eddie."
"It's not you, I promise that it's not." He insisted quickly, afraid he had upset you with his earlier lie. She's going to leave you. She never should've been yours to begin with. You ruin every good thing you get. He grew tense as the fears filled him and threatened to consume him whole. You were so perfect, so deserving of every amazing thing the world had to offer and more, and he was just... Edward Nashton.
"Woahwoahwoah!" Your hands shot forward at the sight of tears beginning to well up in his eyes, your thumbs wiping them away as they fell. "I'm not mad, honey. I just—" You stopped, unsure how to phrase things. "I'm worried about you. You can tell me anything, as cliche as that sounds. You're not a burden to me; you never have been, and you never will be."
He buried his head into your shoulder, sobbing into it as your arms came to hold him close to you. "Why? Why do you love me? I–I don't understand..." He cried softly against you. "All of these years you've spent with me and I can't comprehend why. Is it out of pity?" He asked. While to anyone else it would've sounded like a bold accusatory remark, you knew that the question was genuine. He needed to know.
"Look at me, Edward." You commanded gently, him moving so he could face you and meet your eyes with his own. The sight of tears running down his face and wettening his glasses broke your heart. "Three years we've been together. In those three years, I've fallen more in love with you than I have anyone else. We've made love more times than I can count. I even wait for the day you'll put a ring on my finger, no matter which one it is. It could be made out of scrap metal for all I care, as long as it's from you.
You're smart, Eddie. Tell me, does everything I just listed sound like I only pity you? Or does it sound like I'm head-over-heels in love with the man in front of me? You are good enough. I love you, Edward Nashton."
That made him cry even harder, but you were there to hold him, just as you had been since you stumbled into his life. If he wasn't good enough for himself, then at least he was good enough for his angel. You wanted a ring on your finger? He'd get you one in due time. Anything for the one who showed him that he could be loved, that he wasn't some type of vermin in the cesspool that was Gotham City. You are good enough. For once, he believed it.
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afewproblems · 1 year
Season Two Halloween AU Part Eight
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six Part Seven
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
As always, thank you thank you to the lovely Jess @strangersteddierthings for letting me brainstorm and send spoilers!
Eddie pulls gently on the strap of Dustin's safety goggles, trying as much as he can not to snag his curls in the process.
Almost everyone is decked out in their make-shift protective gear, with bandanas over their mouths, swim goggles --hell, even an old diving mask that Lucas found in the Byers basement. Mike won the painters mask, even though it's slightly too big on his little face.
When Eddie asks if all of this is really necessary, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike all glare ferociously at him before shouting over top of one another about how the Upside Down is toxic and that Will had been lucky last year, and to stop being an idiot. 
Eddie looks to Max who shrugs and pulls down her own swimming goggles over her eyes.
"Don't look at me, I'm new here remember?" She mutters, walking towards the pile of various items the kids brought with them. She grabs a pair of rubber gloves and tosses them at Eddie who manages to catch one while the other falls limply into the dirt.
"They went in full body suits last year, on oxygen, to save Will," Dustin adds, his voice slightly muffled by the floral scarf wrapped around his face, "as little exposed skin as you can, it isn't safe".
Eddie can't help but picture the last Sci-Fi pulp story he read in a zine with government conspiracies and men in yellow suits investigating supposed 'crash sites' in the desert. 
He shivers and pulls his own black bandana from his back pocket to put on.
Steve hasn't moved since they parked and hauled everything out of the van for their descent.
He sits in the sliding side door of the van with his head between his knees and the bat between his hands. Steve had insisted on coming with them, despite the fact that he'd only just managed to stop vomiting about five minutes ago and the nausea is still kicking his ass.
Stubborn idiot.
Eddie shakes his head as he turns back to Dustin to find the kid has wandered closer, standing right beside him now.
"He's dating Nancy," Dustin says quietly, tipping his head towards Steve as surreptitiously as he can.
Eddie freezes at the words and tries to keep his face blank in the way he's seen Steve do, he's not sure he's managed it but the way Dustin rolls his eyes. 
Eddie opens his mouth to respond, with what he isn't sure of given the chorus of shitshitshitshitshit playing on a loop in his head. 
Dustin beats him to it.
"But Mike told me they've been fighting lately, if it helps?" 
Eddie just stares, his mind running a mile a minute, his eyes search Dustin's face for any hint of malice or disgust. But there's nothing.
"You don't…care?" Eddie says slowly, softly, he looks around to the other kids to see if anyone else is listening.
They all continue to argue and bicker over the equipment  except for Max who has walked over to Steve to hand him a pair of rubber gloves. She leans down and tilts her head to look at Steve who still hasn't moved from his position in the van door. 
Dustin shrugs, "why should I? I know what people say about it, but you protected us, you stayed," he looks at Eddie with fierce blue eyes, "bullies talk a lot of shit about other people for what they like".
"And you're not bad Eddie, you're good, just like everyone here". 
Eddie blinks trying to ignore the tightness in his chest at the words and the sting behind his eyes. 
'You're a good kid Ed, that's all that matters,' Wayne had told him the day he came out. 'And I'll love you no matter what'.
So that was at least two people who didn't think he was the town 'freak' -- but a stubborn image of Steve's expression that night by the pool comes to mind as he vehemently argued against being scared of Eddie during the now infamous Halloween party.
Three people then.
"If it helps, he wouldn't shut up about Dallas after he and Nance watched the Outsiders last year so," Dustin shrugs again, this time with the slightest teasing grin. 
Eddie is overcome with such a strong feeling of fondness for the kid that he reaches out and pulls Dustin into a one armed hug that's really more of a headlock than anything else. Eddie takes off Dustin's hat to ruffle his hair before putting it back on and tugging it down over the kids eyes, he snorts at the squawk that Dustin makes in response.
"Dallas huh?" he says with a grin before clearing his throat, "I've always been more partial to a pretty boy myself". 
He laughs as Dustin pushes him off muttering under his breath, "everyone's obsessed with relationships," which only makes Eddie laugh harder. 
Maybe it's the hysteria of the situation, maybe it's the exhaustion loosely wrapping itself around his hands, but in this moment Eddie lets himself push away why they are standing in the middle of this field in the pitch dark, and lets himself reach out for what was previously impossible.
He claps Dustin on the back and tips his head towards the rest of the party getting ready. 
"How distracting can you be?" Eddie asks in a low conspiratorial voice.
Dustin frowns, his eyes dart from where Max is struggling to pull on a second blue rubber glove after getting the first one on to where Steve is finally managing to sit up in the van, pulling on the gloves Max left him with, and rolls his eyes again.
"Yeah, yeah, you get five minutes," Dustin drops his voice slightly, and if it's an imitation of Eddie barking orders at the kids earlier, it's pretty good actually. 
Eddie huffs and sends Dustin a wink before turning on his heel and making his way to the van.
Steve has managed to finally sit up properly and in the moonlight it appears that the green caste to his face is also gone. He looks up as Eddie approaches, and sends him a wane smile. 
"How you feeling?" Eddie says softly. He crouches down on the balls of his feet so he and Steve are at eye level and reaches out for his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. It's as though a dam has burst ever since he was able to gather Steve in his arms in the van, he can't stop reaching out for him. 
"Like my head has a pulse," Steve answers after a moment, "kinda how it felt after Jon cleaned my clock last year, but worse". 
He shrugs and gives Eddie a small smile that stretches his split lip until a small bead of red appears, Steve winces and swipes his hand over the cut, "I'm kinda hoping it doesn't become a yearly thing, you only get so many concussions ya know?" 
No Eddie doesn’t know, but he was also never a jock, dodging elbows, or balls, or apparently monsters in the woods on the regular.
He looks back at the kids, only to see Dustin pointing at the watch on his wrist; even in the dark Eddie can read Dustin's expression.
Hurry up.
Eddie swallows roughly and turns back to Steve, who doesn't move his gaze quickly enough to hide his own stare.
The wistful pinch of Steve's brow is still there, plain as day, and it cements Eddie's decision.
He leans closer, close enough that his nose is nearly touching Steve's own.
"I need to tell you something, and I need you to let me get through it because we don't have a lot of time, okay?" 
Steve blinks once, his wide hazel eyes search Eddie's face as he slowly nods, his mouth opens but Eddie reaches up and presses his palm to gently cover it.
"You caught me off guard before," he whispers quickly, before Steve can move the hand on his mouth, "when you told me about your Nonna". 
He sees Steve's eyes go even wider and feels him freeze under his hand, but he has to keep going. 
"And I thought, you couldn't possibly be saying what I thought you'd were saying, I couldn't--"
Eddie forces himself to meet Steve's gaze this time, as though he could simply transfer his thoughts directly, save himself the embarrassment of trying to make the words come.
He takes a deep breath in, releasing it slowly through his nose.
"I couldn't let myself hope, not then".
"But when I thought you were dead on the floor, that Billy had broken you into a million pieces and we would never be able to put you back together again and I realized," Eddie moves his hand now, letting it travel along Steve's jaw, to the back of his head. He swipes his thumb along the crest of Steve's cheekbone and tries not to let the way the other man holds his breath deter him.
"That I might not get another chance to be that person your Nonna told you about, if I didn't tell you how I felt". 
Steve blinks again and Eddie halts, letting go of Steve completely as he watches the wide hazel eyes grow shiny in the moonlight. 
Oh fuck.
Steve's nose flares slightly with how rapidly he's breathing and his mouth opens and closes in quick succession as he seems to struggle to find the words to respond.
"Steve! Eddie!" Mike calls out from behind them, "we are running out of time! Let's go!" 
Eddie curses under his breath and whirls around; Mike stands at the edge of the cavern, his hands on his hips in a similar position to one Steve held earlier, the painter's mask pulled up to reveal the irritated frown on his face.
Dustin has his own face in his hand but looks up soon enough to offer Eddie a resigned shrug.
He catches Max watching the exchange with curious eyes, her face tilting between Eddie, Dustin, Mike, and Steve, but he can't think about that now. 
Not with Steve pushing himself up from the van on unsteady legs, he brushes past Eddie, reaching up with a shaking hand to pinch his nose. 
Eddie darts a hand out to catch Steve's elbow, halting his path.
Steve lets him.
Eddie takes a step closer, wracking his brain, trying to figure out what he could have said to make Steve so upset, had he read him wrong after all, had he overstepped somehow?
"Steve," he says softly, his grip on Steve's elbow is loose but steady as he pulls him closer.
Steve doesn't turn to look at Eddie but he doesn't move away either.
"What the hell is the hold up assholes!" Mike barks out again and Eddie lets himself throw a dirty glare at the kid, which Mike merely rolls his eyes at. 
The attitude on these kids.
Mike does eventually turn, pulled by Dustin, back to the rope that Lucas is securing to the nearby fencepost, hopefully distracted for long enough to let Eddie figure this out. 
But before he can say anything, Steve is pulling himself away from the grip on his elbow, “Eddie--”
"Please,” the word falls out of his mouth, desperate, louder than he wants, “please Steve, just, promise me we'll talk”.
Steve turns his face slightly, just enough that Eddie knows he sees him. 
His eyes are no longer wet, but still red rimmed, his nose slightly pink, the same way he looked that night at the halloween party sitting on that rock in the dark. 
“Okay,” Steve whispers into the night air, quickly and quietly before he presses forward. 
Eddie lets him go, his empty hand drops limply at his side as he watches Steve make his way back to the kids. He snatches an unused pair of goggles from the nearly empty pile on the ground and checks the post where Lucas had secured the rope. 
Eddie watches from the sidelines as Steve seamlessly moves back into Babysitter mode, and while some part of Eddie is relieved at this, he can’t help but miss the way it felt to hold Steve, to put him back together again. 
Even if it was just for a moment.
Part Nine Now Up!
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And a few people I think may be intersted!
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Any Weight - Idia
Author Notes: So I really didn't know what I was going to post today in terms of oneshots, so this happened. This fic has been sitting my google docs for quite while and honestly started out life as practice for writing Idia. I wrote this and edite it while listening to the song "Heavy in Your Arms" by Florence in the Machine. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ sfw/ fluff with angst/ comfort/ romance highly implied/ Spoilers for Ignihyde Chapter
Word Count: 1539
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Idia shifted slightly as you leaned against his back, reading some book as he farmed one of his games. And in easy, quiet moments like this, with the weight of your body resting gently against his, feeling like a silent but ever-present promise, it was easy to forget the truth of his situation. Of his life.
But Idia was cursed. It was a weighty, but simple truth that had hung over his head for his entire life. Because he’d never known a life where he wasn’t cursed.
Idia was cursed to remain chained to the Island of Woe, to S.T.Y.X., and to guard the remains of those who’d fallen prey to their own magic and dark thoughts, just like he almost had back when you’d come all the way to S.T.Y.X.’s headquarters after Grim and your friends.
Idia was also cursed to never be able to feel darkness’s embrace, which could hide even the greatest of shames, until the light inevitably came. Because his hair always shone that cold blue light on him. Never letting him hide away from the gaze of all those who looked upon him in horror or disgust and saw all of his many flaws.
Idia was even cursed by his own personality. Unable to tolerate being around others without shutting down and drowning in their silent gazes. Judgmental, fearful, and sometimes pitying, no matter how he felt about it.
It was disgusting, infuriating, and so many other things that left him filled with ire towards anyone and everyone who didn’t understand him or his life. If they were going to gawk at him, then he would mock them for their naive, stupid views, and avoid them. There was no use in bothering with people who would never care.
After all, his life had been decided for him from the very moment he’d been born.
And all of those reasons, as well as so many others, were why he’d pushed you away initially. A laughable thought now, considering you were sitting on his bed, with your back pressed to his in a gentle reminder of your presence that, rather than causing him to tense like so many did, made him relax into the silence that rested easily between the two of you.
But when he’d first met you, he never would have imagined this. Not with how you’d seemed so strange. 
A weirdo, to be sure, with the way your gaze had never held that crushing weight that threatened to smother him that so many others had.
Some person from another world who apparently had far greater concerns than a flame-haired freak that lived in some other dorm. And, to an extent, Idia had been able to respect that.
It had quickly become obvious that you were more than just a weirdo, though. If nothing else, you were capable of handling and surviving numerous overblots. And even as he was getting to know you, it had already been clear to Idia that you were capable of so much more than him.
And that was still clear to him even today. Because if he was a curse, then you were more akin to a blessing.
A blessing who stepped in and stopped overblots from destroying their victims rather than studying the remains of those who were already done for.
A blessing who could see people at their very worst, and still accept them.
And finally, you were a blessing in that you had a personality that was like a balm to introverts. A person he could just be himself around without having to be surrounded by the multitude of people who’d already noticed your calming demeanor.
In reality, Idia knew you weren’t a blessing. Something so good could never survive in a school like this one. And he’d experienced firsthand exactly how much of a pest you could be.
But even with that knowledge, there were still moments when you were like a protagonist with the way you stood out so glaringly from the crowd.
Of course, Idia stood out from the crowd as well, but never in a remotely good way. 
At odds with this, your only supposedly negative quality was that you lacked magic. And while it did make your life a pain sometimes, you never let it bother you. Not like how Idia let his negative qualities and anything he lacked burden him.
And it was a heavy burden. A heavy burden that Idia knew made him equally heavy and unpleasant to be around. Because Idia was no fool. He knew his presence, his friendship, and even his very existence was a weighty one. He could easily drag a person down to their doom with the curses that trailed after him, like an entourage that couldn’t and wouldn’t go unnoticed.
And all of those reasons, plus a myriad of others, were why your presence here, with him, right now ought to be strange. But it wasn’t. In fact, it was perfectly normal for you to hang out with him in the solace of his room. Sometimes gaming with him, and sometimes just doing your own thing in silent companionship.
The selfish part of him clung to both you and your presence even as he continued to face his game in silence. 
Were he just a bit bolder, it would be easy to imagine himself turning to face you and wrapping his arms around your neck, with his fingers curling around your temple as if they could crown you as he cradled you to him.
But what could he ever crown you with other than the knowledge that you deserved far better?
It was his way of betraying you, and he knew that. His betrayal was one of the reasons he never tried to cross the dotted line that strained to keep you and him from growing any closer. Similarly, it was the reason the silence remained between the two of you as Idia pondered all of the oddities that were your relationship with him.
Because you supported him. Embracing him in your arms like he was weightless, rather than the way he knew he had to be a chain tangling itself around your ankles, threatening to trip you up and drag you down.
But you didn’t let him sink, and you didn't get pulled down by him. 
It was like you were a hero in some tropey anime. Willing to plunge into the very deepest of sorrows and pull him out. Never fearing the chances of drowning in the deep darkness of his curses, but also not shunning the light that revealed all. Good and bad.
Or if you did fear it, you didn’t let that fear hold you back. And perhaps that thought was even more alarming. Because that meant you cared about him enough to not let fear hold you back.
Either way, you seemed to just accept both his good and bad traits. Taking it all on with a smile not unlike the one you’d worn when you’d first forced your way into his life.
You’d shrugged off his moody words and met his gaze with your smiling one, “Nobody’s perfect, and it’s not like you’re the only guy at NRC who has overblotted or has caused me problems.”
You were definitely still a strange one, but Idia could no longer view that strangeness as bad. How could he when you could somehow look at the chains that surrounded him, binding him to his curses and doing their best to condemn him and those he chose to tie himself to, and smile in the face of it all? 
But as frustrating as your strange but oddly charming weirdness was, it made him want to do better.
To support you just like how you supported him. To let you know that even in this world that was not your own, you weren’t alone.
If you could willingly walk into that never-ending light that constantly showed his every weakness to the entire, unforgiving, and uncaring world, then he would hide you in the darkness and carry you when it hurt too much.
Because he knew it hurt, even if you hid it well with that smile that only seemed to truly fail you when you were facing an overblot or when the mention of your home came up.
Even if you were strong enough to carry him and all his curses, Idia knew it hurt and that the nights were long for you. 
In fact, it was obvious to him.
Because that weight you carried was why, even after having made friends and forged yourself a family, you still sought your own world. And he recognized that weight’s presence. How could he not when he was all too familiar with carrying a burden all his own?
But you would never be too heavy for him. Not when he was used to carrying the weight of his own curses.
He could carry you, and you would never drag him down. In fact, he doubted your feet would ever even touch the ground. Because, just like how the weight of you leaning against him was more of a comfort than a burden, he knew that, if it was you, he could carry any weight.
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five-hxrgreeves · 1 year
im dYIIIINGGGG with the adam warlock x quill sister! when he calls her 'little quill'??? with that accent of his??? so soft and husky??? im screaming at my phone dude aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i need part iii right freaking now!!!
PAIRING: adam warlock & fem! quill’s sister!reader
POWERS: adapted from D.C.'s Stargirl, although in this instance, the powers are a part of you and the staff just helps you use them.
WC: 1.9k (woo a shorter one this time!) 
SUMMARY: your first meeting with Adam wasn't one that indicated that you'd become friends anytime soon. Your second meeting. . . wasn't great either. But, somewhere along the line, you would develop a soft spot for the curious man-child.
WARNINGS: slight gotg three spoilers, badly written original fight scene, possibly ooc canon!guardians.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: OMG!!! This is my first-ever inbox message- thank you, anon! You made my day with this <3 I love Adam's/Will's accent; I definitely hope that we get to see (and hear) more of him in other Marvel movies. As requested, here's part three (even if it's technically part zero, lol.) I do take requests if anyone wants to send me stuff! (I just won't write smut, sorry!)
I hope you guys enjoy this part, although I'm not very confident about it since I'm terrible at writing fight scenes. It's hard enough for me to imagine original content (like the other two parts) but scenes where people move around a lot without the movie itself to rely on are very difficult for me because my mind doesn't think in pictures, but in words and I don't know how to describe fighting. I'm sorry if this isn't as good as the other parts. 😭
And on a side note, the 'no shit, Captain Sherlock' is another reference to space people messing up Terran lingo :)
Part 1 , Part 2
You were admittedly not in the best mood when you first (officially) met Adam. Peter and Mantis had left only days ago, leaving you to sort out your feelings alone. You were currently in the training room, fueling your sadness into anger at their abandonment. You often used your powers to aid you while you were fighting, but they weren’t much use during everyday life— unless you wanted to fly. Now, however, they were very useful.
Brilliant blasts of golden light shot out from the staff that your hands gripped tightly. While your powers could be used without aid, the staff helped you control them; Ego had made it for you when you’d become old enough to serve as his protector. Although you were disgusted with the weapon’s origins, you couldn’t help but agree that it made your fighting much more effective.
Each of your blasts hit the targets squarely in the middle as you turned deftly to conquer the row. A scowl was prominent on your face as you pictured each of your targets as Peter’s or Mantis’ face. (While you would never really want to hurt them, of course, the sting of their desertion fueled your thoughts.) You were listening to a playlist by the Rage Against the Machine— which you had chosen solely because of the band’s name as it mirrored your feelings. The music that was blasting in your ears was so loud that, if someone had been standing next to you, they could have heard the lyrics as if they were wearing your headphones themselves.
As you moved up and down the line of targets, you were unaware of the audience of three that had entered the room. Groot, Rocket and Adam stopped by the entrance to watch you unleash your fury against whatever enemy you were envisioning. The new leader of the Guardians gestured to you. “There. See? I told you she’s nice.”
Adam hesitated, clearly uncertain. “She looks mad.”
“I am Groot,” Groot agreed.
“Shut up,” Rocket retorted, glaring slightly at the tree who was supposed to be helping his case. “She won’t hurt goldie. You’ve already seen her bad side, haven’t you? This is nuthin’.”
The golden boy had to admit that Rocket was right; he remembered only too well his first encounter with you as you’d jumped in to help your friends fight off his unexpected attack.
He’d just defeated the stupid tree-like thing and as it scuttled away like a demented spider, the faint sound of a whistle pierced through the air. An arrow shot out of nowhere, harmlessly bouncing off his skin and only annoying him more than anything else. He looked around sharply, but there didn’t seem to be anyone brave enough to fight him in the vicinity. “Hey! Who threw that?”
He scoffed when there was no answer, stalking towards where he’d last seen his target. But before he could get very far, a force came out of nowhere— this time much stronger than an errant arrow. It knocked him off his feet like a bullet and together they were sent flying through the town, which elicited more cries of fear from the citizens.
He landed harshly against a building that got in the way and debris fell on top of him from the force of the collision. Adam grunted irritably; this was the second time during this fight that his enemy thought that throwing him into a building would be enough to deter his attack— didn’t they ever learn? He stood and shook the dust off his clothes before he strode back out to the street to face this new opponent. Except— it wasn’t the same blue person from before.
The golden boy stared at the other person with disbelief, the only thing that he could come up with was: “you’re a girl!”
She scoffed. “Yeah, no shit, Captain Sherlock.” She twirled the staff in her hands expertly between her fingers before she set the butt down on the ground. It glowed softly as it lit up with her power, her face set. “Let’s do this thing.”
Adam had no qualms about fighting a girl, so they charged at each other without hesitation. He thought she’d be as easy to take down as her teammates but when they collided, she merely used her staff as a shield against his attack. They paced across the open space as they exchanged blows, the girl using her staff offensively and defensively interchangeably. As she flipped neatly out of the way of one of his advances, he began to see how evenly matched they were.
“You are stalling,” he realized. “If you just hand over your friend, we would not have to fight.”
The girl paused, flicking some of her hair out of her eyes. “Oh. Well, in that case—”
She charged at him again, her staff catching on his uniform. She followed him into the air and her swift kick to his stomach sent him tumbling away from her. It was then that he realized that she could fly— just like him— and that was what had powered her initial attack. In the time it took for him to recover from the spin, a blast of golden light was sent his way. Because of his more durable skin, though, the light only felt like volts of electricity rather than something that could do actual damage. The most effective part of her power was the blast itself, which he had to fight through to get closer to her.
Now that he knew where her power came from, he made to attack her staff in order to knock it out of her hands. She seemed to sense his plan— Adam figured most people she fought went this route— and she countered this by trying to fly above him to push him towards the ground. He responded by grabbing the staff in her hands directly while she was mid-swing. The girl was tiring slightly, her breath becoming shorter as the fight went on and she was now on the defensive.
She tried to yank her staff loose from his hold but as evenly matched as they were, he was still stronger. The girl then attempted to shake him off by lighting the staff up with her power. If he hadn’t been such a strong opponent, the golden light would have burned through his hands. As it was, the little volts were barely something that he registered. While he could have easily swung the staff to send her flying off the end and into the ground, he held back the true show of his strength as she didn’t seem to be as resilient as the two blue people or the tree.
Instead, he tried once more for the diplomatic route: “you have fought valiantly for your little friend. If you surrender him to me now I will leave your village in peace.”
The girl’s eyes narrowed with fury as she continued to fight to free her weapon. “Go to hell!”
Adam sighed, having partially expected that response. “Very well. Have it your way, then.”
He smoothly jerked the staff from her grasp and carelessly tossed it to send the weapon spiraling towards the ground. He turned back towards the girl to finish her off as he had her teammates, but he paused. She seemed to hang, suspended, in the air as time appeared to freeze around her. Her eyes widened and, for the first time since he’d encountered her, a look of fear appeared on her face.
Then, she dropped like a stone.
They were very high off the ground by this point and the fall would likely kill a normal being. He wasn’t sure if she would survive, so his reflexes kicked in before he could really think about what he was doing.
By now, the shock had worn off and she fell through the air, she reached up to him as he was the only person who could help her. Adam put on a spurt of speed to try and catch her but she was falling faster than he had anticipated. The girl slammed into the ground and lay still just as he landed next to her. He told himself that saving her wasn’t his mission, and her incapacitation only made obtaining his goal easier. His mother’s orders echoed in his mind, so against his instinct he turned away from her in pursuit of the squirrel.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, startling you. You whirled around with your staff in a defensive position only to be met with the sight of your teammates. With a sigh, you pulled out one earbud but didn’t pause your music.
“What?” you asked shortly.
“Don’t you take that tone with me, Little Quill. I’m ya superior now,” Rocket replied, unaffected by your attitude. “I wanted you to meet golden boy here.”
You gave Adam a once-over, ignoring how the sight of his. . . attractive features made your stomach curl pleasantly. “Yeah. We’ve met.”
The boy in question shifted uncomfortably, feeling once again ashamed of his previous actions. Before he could say anything, Rocket spoke again, adjusting the straps of his jumpsuit as he did so: “well, I ain’t great with humie ages, but I figured ya’d be about the same. I thought it might boost team morale to see ya two hangin’ out together or whatever humies your age do.”
While your first response was to dismiss the whole endeavor— you didn’t want to get close to someone else just to have them leave you, too— but a small, traitorous part of your mind whispered: he saved your brother. Another part chimed in: he’s not bad to look at.
“Fine,” you grumbled. “He can stay, but he better not get in my way. I’m not stopping my training because of him.”
“That’s the spirit, Little Quill,” your captain said, choosing to not acknowledge your reluctance. “I’ll leave ‘im in your hands. Let’s go, Groot.”
As you shoved the earbud back in your ear, you could faintly hear Adam’s protest: “wait! You’re not leaving me here, are you?”
While Rocket’s reply was drowned out by your music, the boy’s words hit you unexpectedly; it sounded just like your response to Peter’s and Mantis’ disinclination to stay with the Guardians. Some of your anger faded as you glanced at the boy who stood awkwardly in your periphery. Despite all of his strength and power, Adam looked a bit like a lost puppy and his expression made your features soften against your will. Fine. Whatever. It wouldn’t kill you to be nice.
You took out an earbud again. “Well, don’t just stand there. I know you can fight, so let’s see you use those skills.”
At the reminder of your first encounter, he sent you a guilty look. As he stepped up next to you, he said quietly, “I’m sorry about that, by the way. For almost killing you.”
You patted him on the arm companionably. “Hey, no hard feelings. You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last, so just add your name to the list.”
All of the Guardians had forgiven him with surprising readiness and it seemed like you were no different— only, you were. His gaze stayed on the spot where your hand had touched him. There was a lingering warmth as if your hand was still there, the sensation sending tingles (not unlike the ones that he felt during your blasts of power) through him.
@repostingmyfavs , @trashpenguin
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txtmetonight · 3 months
Trapped Hearts ✆
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call summary ⋆ ★ Seungmin is the best distractor in the whole world! (Real)
pairing *. * Kim Seungmin x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Fluff, A tinge of angst, Enemies to Lovers
warnings *. Claustrophobia (not really but it's the closest thing to it), language
call duration⋆ ★ 2k
a/n*. * In honor of the new skz comeback! And as I finish my hyunjin fic bc that's taking it out of me. Also, every time I go on a bike in India I have to pray that the fanfic writer curse doesn't get to me oml. On another side note, standing in a KFC in pure darkness as Chainsmokers Closer plays is an astronomical experience what the freak
taglist ⋆ ★ @kflixnet
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You hate Kim Seungmin. Your friends hate Kim Seungmin. Your small kitten back that you smuggled into your dorm, hates Kim Seungmin. Everyone hates Kim Seungmin. 
Or you wish so.
Because truly, you don’t. Nor do your friends because they think he’s nice or your little kitten because she always purrs when you ‘accidently’ scroll up to his insta profile. And everyone in existence always praises him for every little thing he does.  
That’s probably what irks you the most–the amount of attention that he receives that inflates his stupid ego which makes him act like a little shit towards you.
But as you stare at the ceiling of your room while Chaewon’s soft snores rumble in the background–you can’t help but wonder about thoughts that you would categorize as the most disgusting and vile thoughts that you can ever think about.  
Thoughts about how much you actually like Kim Seungmin and his bratty attitude. And how you hold a certain fondness for the banter you both share.
And how he was so astronomically handsome that you almost swear that you saw a glowing light when you first met him, something that you would never confess.
At first, it was weird to accept your emotions for him, and the rapid flush you felt drowned your ears.  
Yet it didn’t take long for you to recognize the beating in your throat and how you just couldn’t take your eyes off of him. You threw up after that, though (but it was probably from the number of shots you took that night, just to get over your feelings).
Spoiler alert, it didn’t work and the next day you sported a major ache in your head and in your heart.  
Along with all of the traits that you secretly admire about Seungmin, he is also very dumb. You realize it now as you stand in the elevator and just from the corner, Seungmin walks out and sees you.
He even watches you rapidly click the “close door” button so he can’t get on, yet he still has the idiotic impudence to rush by and in the nick of time, stick out his hand to open the closing doors.  
You glare as he gets in. And he sticks out his tongue, successfully locking you two in. Together. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” Seungmin cheekily chuckles. He presses for the fifth floor, brushing your arm on purpose when he moves back. Your heart stops and you have to make sure that your hair isn’t tucked so he doesn’t see the red.  
“Whatever.” You mutter grumpily, stepping a bit to the left to get as far as possible away from him. With an annoying grin, he follows you too.
You usually don’t use the elevators. They’re usually enclosing and suffocating and you have that terrible fear of it falling down, leading to your presumable death.
But after a long day of walking around in black heels for a presentation for your Psychology 101 class, you opt out of using the stairs this time. 
You gained that fear of elevators after watching a bright side video on ‘survival instincts that everyone should know about'. It was safe to say, that even though you now know what to do if a moose charges toward you, you don’t have the guts to lie down in the elevator in case of a problem.  
“You look uglier than usual today.” He points at the extra makeup that you wear and you slap away his hand.  
“Shut up. You look ugly every day. Like a fucking gremlin.” You pause for a second when the lights suddenly flicker, but when you look at the screen you see that it’s still steadily going up–the elevator is a bit old so it’s slow. “Like a gremlin that doesn’t know how to shut up.”  
“I do know how to shut up. You’re just annoying.” 
“Blah blah blah. I’m Kim Seungmin and I’m such an idiot and I think that everyone is annoying because I feel like I’m above them blah, blah, blah.” You mock, laughing when he scoffs and shoots daggers into your skull.
He then opens his mouth to say something but the elevator’s lights seem to be extremely dysfunctional, turning on and off for a few continuous seconds, while the both of your just stare at the light bulbs.  
“They’re flickering because of you.” He stupidly says. And then the elevator stops. Completely, shunning you two in a void of darkness and silence–the rumbling behind the gears of the machine has stopped.
And now you’re going to pass out because whatever you envisioned to be the worst, was now coming true and to make matters worse, you’re stuck with someone that you like.  
Maybe the last part about Seungmin was actually the real worst. The true nightmare fuel.  
“What the fuck,” He strains when the emergency light suddenly turns on, shuddering a few times before you have to pray that it doesn’t go out either. 
Seungmin steals a (worried) glance towards you, who already has backed into the corner as he reaches for the blood-red phone. You both hear it ring, shrill as it echoes into the air but nothing else comes out into the receiver. 
“No one’s picking up.” You whimper, practically panicking. “Why is no one picking up?!” 
“Thank you for stating the obvious. You’re being very helpful.” He ignores your question and starts to bang on the elevator doors. It scares the shit out of you and before you know it, you’re tugging him away from the metal, clasping his hands as you tremble. 
“Stop that! You’re gonna make the situation–” 
This time the elevator drops. Just a little. But it’s enough to shaken Seungmin and you to grip onto him tight. When you both realize this, you move away from him and apologize. He just holds your gaze for a few moments before he nods and you look away at your feet. A silence follows.  
“You should yell for help.” You suggest quietly.  
“No, you do it.” 
“No, I said it first so you do it.” 
He shakes his head, “I didn’t want to be here with you in the first place, so you say it.” 
“You’re the one that came into this fuckass elevator, after!” You point at yourself, “After you saw me!” 
“Nuh-uh!” You sigh and lean back onto the balls of your feet. He looks slightly annoyed that you basically caught his intention but he compiles to your request anyway. 
“Help!” He screams. “I’m stuck on this elevator with the most annoying person ever! Ahhh help me!”  
You pinch his shoulder, which he laughs to, scrunching his nose at you. It’s kind of cute and it releases the tension in your stomach, loosening the knot.
You grin a little and join him in yelling. And all goes well as you two try to compete on who screams louder until...the elevator falls significantly, plopping down in great big chunks.  
“Holy shit!” Seungmin curses, almost knocked to his feet. 
And you’re suddenly on the floor, crouching down, with your hands covering your ears. There’s something wet on your cheeks, yet you’ve allowed yourself a world of darkness as you squeeze your eyes closed.
Seungmin seems to notice because a soft hand brushes by your hair while a gasp of deep breaths gets closer to you. You cower within yourself even more and let out a sob–you’re so embarrassed.  
“A-are you okay?” His fingers gently tread on your arm, shaking it. 
“Does it look like I’m okay?!” You refuse to look at him. 
“Yes.” He then shakes his head. “No. Sorry.” 
The elevator shakes again and you’re quivering harder, trying to draw warmth from his touch, nose sniffling.
But ultimately a thought pops out into your head and you’re forced to look at him with puffy eyes before you roll out onto the floor. That stupid bright side video was finally being some help. He looks at you surprised.  
“Kim Seungmin lay on the floor!” You cry.  
“But the floor is dirt–” 
“Just listen to me! Or you’re gonna die!” He immediately rests on the floor in a starfish position without any complaints.  The floor of the elevator is extremely small, so he’s practically lying on top of you–fully, but as you both adjust, half of your upper body is on his and his legs are spread on you.
It’s fully awkward and your heart feels like it’s about to burst from the close proximity but if it saves the both of you in the end, then you would put up with it.  
“Why are we on the floor?” He asks. He looks up for a second before he carefully turns around and wipes away your tears. You just choke even harder and he panics–starting to slowly shush you. You end up not answering his query so he continues on.
“I heard that if you’re scared, talking helps by distracting us. Let’s talk.” He waits for you to nod your head and he wipes away another tear, dragging his finger away before he points at himself.
“I'll go first. In your new story, where you’re at Jackson’s party, your lips don’t look like a prolapsed anus. They never do but just before that I saw Changbin pouting and his did so–.” 
“What the fuck, Seungmin. That’s disgusting!” 
He shrugs and tilts his head. “It was just a thought. And I said that yours don’t–it was a compliment.” 
“You suck at this.” You softly hiccup. He smiles brightly and you find that his grin is absolutely gorgeous.  
“It’s your turn now.” He reminds you. 
You think for a second on what to say. “Well–er, why do you hate me?” 
He twists his mouth “I don’t.”  
“Yeah, you do. You always make my life harder and–” 
“Well of course I do. How else do I always keep your eyes on me?” 
“What?!” You yelp. Seungmin grumbles a little but he doesn’t lose that mischievous look in his eyes. He tucks in a strand of your hair. 
“I thought that I made it obvious that I liked you–I have for ages. Maybe you are actually just dumb.”  
You’re silent–utterly speechless and you can’t stop that flurry of butterflies rippling down your stomach, the wings flapping against your throat. You don’t even think that you’re breathing. 
“You’re not joking, are you?” You lean in a little closer, a little more vulnerable than you were before as unsaid words swirl on the tip of your tongue. He seems to notice, because his warm hands cup your cheek, his thumb pawing at the skin as you nuzzle into them.  
“Why? Do you want to find out?” 
“Yeah.” You breathe. “Yeah, I do.”  
Seungmin lips taste of strawberry and it’s sweet as he kisses you. Your fingers tread over to his hair, smiling into the kiss when you lightly tug on them.
When you both pull back, he rubs his forehead against you–and you notice that you aren’t in the safety position now, so you clutch his clothes even tighter, pulling him closer to you, so he can wrap his arms around you. But now you figure that if you actually die–then you would die happy.  
“What the fuck.” You mumble, feeling all cheesy inside.  
“Yeah. What the fuck–you’re so pretty.” You lean in to kiss him once more, craving that feeling of euphoria that he gives to you. Your brain leaks out of your ears.  
You both don’t even know how much time has passed, but when you try to snuggle against his chest, the intercom of the elevator comes to life, assuring you both safety which you roll your eyes at. And finally, when the firefighters come to help you guys out and get your guys settled–you wonder ‘What now?’ 
But your lover Kim Seungmin seems to have the answers to everything. 
“You’re such a pain in the ass,” He says to you, before he steals your phone, leaving you to chase him back to his dorm. And then he turns around and hugs you tight, leaving you breathless all over again.  
Unfortunately for you two, Jeongin decides that it is the best time to come out with a bucket of fried chicken and ends up with a heart attack–purely wondering if he was wound up in a dream.  
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savanaclaw1996 · 10 months
My Beautiful Octopus Boy-Azul Ashengrotto x Fem! Reader
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Since World Octopus Day happened on Oct. 8, here's a little late fic featuring our favorite octopus merman boy, Azul Ashengrotto himself! Enjoy!
Warnings: Chapter 3 spoilers!
Word Count: 1, 699 words.
Azul couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that he was so careless. One minute he was standing at the bookshelf in his office trying to reach for a book, and the next, he felt himself starting to transform back into his octopus merman form.
Azul cringed as he felt his tentacles start to stretch against the fabric of his pants. Not wanting to ruin the fabric, he quickly took off his shoes, socks, pants and underwear.
He winced as his pale, thin legs unraveled into black soft tentacles. Azul grimaced as he looked at his original merman form. "Disgusting..." he thought with a shudder as bad memories surfaced in his mind. Tears brimmed in his eyes and threatened to fall.
Choking back a sob, he furiously wiped the tears from his eyes. He needed to make a transformation potion, and fast. Thank goodness he was alone, and no one was there to witness his transformation. Who knows what would happen if anyone suddenly saw him like this?
A sudden knock on the office door jolted him out from his thoughts. "Excuse me, Azul-senpai! I'm coming in!" a familiar voice rang out. Azul froze, his three hearts skipping a beat. "Oh, no...!" his mind screamed. What should he do?!
At that moment, (Y/n) opened the door and entered the VIP room. "Azul-senpai, could you please look over the...." Your voice suddenly trailed off and your (E/C) eyes widened when you saw Azul's octopus merman form in all its glory. "Whoa!" you exclaimed.
For a moment, you said nothing else as you stared at Azul's tentacles. Azul felt very uncomfortable at the way you stared at him with such a shocked expression on your face.
Thousands of panicked thoughts ran through Azul's mind. "Does she think I'm ugly? Does she think I look horrendous? Obviously, she does! That's why she's staring at me! She thinks I look hideous! Please stop staring at me...!" his mind screamed as tears threatened to roll down his cheeks.
After a while, (Y/n) found your voice. "A-Az-Azul-senpai..." (Y/n) said as you reached a hand towards Azul, "...yo-you're..."
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Azul wailed as he immediately turned away from you. "I'M UGLY, OK?! I'M HORRENDOUS!!! I ADMIT IT!!! LEAVE ME!!!" He buried his face into his hands and sobbed. "Just go away...!"
He then quickly shuffled towards the corner of the office and curled up into a fetal position, wrapping his tentacles around his torso, trying to make himself look smaller. He pulled his gray overcoat over his head to hide his face from you. "Just go..." Azul whimpered before he sobbed loudly.
Watching him freak out like that and hearing his broken sobs really broke (Y/n)'s heart. You knew how much he detested his octopus form due to the bullying he had suffered because of it.
And now that you've laid eyes on it, he was convinced that you would be disgusted and leave him for good. But, of course, being the sweet, sensitive, kind and caring person that you are, (Y/n) wouldn't even dream of leaving your beloved boyfriend because of his true form.
Quiet sobs shook Azul's body as he trembled in the corner, tears streaming down his face. "Azul-senpai..." he heard your voice softly speak behind him.
Usually, hearing you speak his name in such a sweet, loving tone made him swoon, but right now, he was terrified by how you reacted to seeing his merman form. He didn't turn around to face you. He just couldn't. How could he after what had happened?
You slowly and gingerly knelt down beside Azul's trembling form. You stayed quiet, waiting for him to compose himself before you said anything. After Azul's sobs subsided, (Y/n) raised your hand and gently placed it on Azul's back, making him flinch.
"Azul-senpai, I don't want you to be afraid anymore." you said softly. "I understand that you've been through a lot, all because of that form. However, there's something you need to know."
Azul wanted to turn around and face you, but he was just too scared to do it. Judging by that look on (Y/n)'s face when you saw his true form, you surely must be repulsed by it. However, he didn't hear you say anything after that. He didn't even hear you leave.
He felt your gentle touch when you placed your hand on his back. "Azul-senpai, could you please turn around and look at me?" he heard you say. Azul pulled his gray jacket closer to him, not daring to turn around and face you.
"Please, Azul?" (Y/n) begged softly. Azul let out a quiet sigh before he turned around and faced you. Your heart sank when you saw his expression.
His pale gray face was stained with tear streaks and his bottom lip still trembled. "Oh, Azul-senpai..." you whispered sadly. (Y/n) reached your hands towards him and gently cupped his cheeks. Azul flinched at your touch. What were you planning to do to him?
You then looked down and gazed at Azul's tentacles. They writhed and curled against Azul's torso. "Please...don't look at me..." Azul pleaded anxiously. (Y/n) looked back at Azul's face. A choked sob escaped from Azul's throat as his lower lip trembled.
"Oh, Azul-senpai, please don't cry. It breaks my heart to see you cry." (Y/n) said gently as you cupped Azul's cheeks. "It's okay. There's nothing here to harm you." Azul said nothing as he stared at you. His shoulders were still trembling with uncertainty.
"You're beautiful, Azul. You truly are." you said. Azul sniffed. "You're just saying that to flatter me." he said in a bitter tone. (Y/n) shook your head. "No, I'd never falsely say anything to flatter anyone." you said.
"Azul, you need to remember that what's past is past. I'm not like those bullies who think you're ugly. I truly believe you're absolutely beautiful. To me, you're my beautiful octopus boy, Azul." A gasp escaped from Azul's throat when he heard that from you.
"R-Really?" he asked. "This isn't some sick joke, is it?" (Y/n) again shook your head. "No, it's not. I love you, Azul, all of you, no matter what form you are." you replied earnestly. "Whether you're a human boy or an octopus merman, it doesn't change who you truly are."
(Y/n) then leaned towards Azul's face and tenderly kissed him on the lips. Azul's eyes widened and he felt his heart skip a beat before he melted into your kiss. You then pressed your forehead against Azul's.
"You're beautiful, Azul-senpai. You're the greatest treasure I could ever ask for." A lump formed itself in Azul's throat as more tears rolled down his cheeks. To hear such genuine, beautiful words of love from you... "(Y/n)..." he whimpered.
Azul then let out a sob as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and his tentacles around your waist. He hugged you tightly as he wept and wailed. (Y/n) just smiled as you patted his shoulder.
"It's okay, Azul-senpai. It's okay. I'm here. I'll never leave your side." you gently promised. You clung onto him, hugging him tightly until his tears and sobs subsided. Since he's now in his merman form, you started to worry about him drying out.
"Come on, senpai. Let's get you to the bathtub before you dry out." you said as you quickly moved to lift him. Of course, with you being so petite, it was difficult to lift his body with your arms.
After a few tries, (Y/n) chuckled with embarrassment. "Ha, ha, ha. Sorry about that, Azul-senpai." you apologized. At that moment, the door opened. You and Azul gasped, fearing that a client of his might stumble upon the sight of his octopus form.
However, you both saw that there was nothing to fear, for it was the Leech twins, Jade and Floyd who had entered the room. Azul and (Y/n) both breathed out a sigh of relief. "Man, that was a close call!" you sighed.
"We heard that Azul was in some trouble, so we came over to help. But it looks like Miss (L/n) was there with him." Jade said. "Hearing Shrimpy-chan saying all those lovey-dovey things to you, you're making me jealous, Azul." Floyd added with his usual creepy smile.
"Boys, could you please help me get Azul-senpai to the bathtub. I don't want him to dry out." (Y/n) said. "Of course." Jade said. And so, the Leech twins helped carry Azul to the bathtub.
You filled the bathtub with water and the Leech twins gently set Azul into the tub. Azul let out a satisfied sigh as he sank into the water, feeling rehydrated. "That feels so much better. Thank you, everyone." Azul sighed.
"You're welcome, Azul-senpai. Anything for you." (Y/n) said before turning to face the Leech twins. "Can the two of you go make a transformation potion for Azul-senpai? I'll watch over him."
"Of course." Jade replied. "We were just about to do that, Miss (L/n)." That said, the twins disappeared, leaving you alone with Azul in the bathtub. (Y/n) turned towards Azul. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? Do you feel okay?" you asked with concern.
Azul nodded. "I'm fine, my dear." he replied. (Y/n) sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." you said. Azul then reached out and gently took your hand in his, stopping you. "(Y/n)..." he said softly.
"Yes?" you asked. Azul clasped his hands around yours as he gazed up at you, his eyes shining. "Please stay with me....for a while...." he said. (Y/n) nodded. "Sure..." you said as you knelt beside the tub. Azul let out a sigh before he spoke.
"(Y/n)...I normally don't like people doing things like this for me, but I can't help but thank you from the bottom of my heart." he said before he pulled your hand close to his chest and placed it over his sternum.
(Y/n) blushed. Azul smiled as tears streamed down his cheeks and fell into the water, tears of love. "Thank you, (Y/n)...for loving me." he whispered, his voice cracking a bit. (Y/n) smiled before you compassionately kissed his lips.
"You're welcome, my beautiful octopus boy." (Y/n) replied as you broke away from the kiss, making Azul blush.
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mercy-misrule · 4 months
911 ABC spoilers
There is a comedy amount of people who are pearl clutching about a g rated daddy kink joke between two queer men in a relationship
I need you to understand that the hunter green hanky, the daddy/boy flag is the one sold out on so many fetish sites
And maybe if a g rated sex joke causes you to freak out in 'disgust', maybe examine your homophobia, internalized or otherwise because holy shit, get a grip on reality and the way actual queer men talk to each other, rather then the weird cookie cutter, sanitised, hetero stand in shit that can infest fandom.
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delicatenerdbluebird · 8 months
My Random Takes on The Secret History (contains spoilers)
The biggest tragedy that comes with being Richard Papen coded is you need a group like Julian's Greek class to feel normal about yourself because the rest of the world makes you feel like a misfit.
That Richard and Camilla scene where she reveals being physically abused by Charles... I feel that scene is a strong criticism of abusive households. Like Richard was used to seeing his mother getting beaten by his father and sometimes he was also a victim of his violence. And in 'that' scene, he fantasizes about doing the same to Camilla and worse. This shows it's a never-ending cycle no matter how you see it. The kids are gonna end up developing fucked up fantasies if their exposure to fucked up things is constant.
I strongly believe Henry was gonna make Richard the scapegoat had something gone sideways. And honestly, it makes perfect sense. Richard insisted on joining their class. He was an outsider. Henry could have easily made up something like Richard was envious of their group, he was jealous of his and Bunny's closeness and so he ended up killing him, something along those lines that Richard wanted to be accepted and we would not accept him instantly, naturally because of our prior history. Knowing how Henry was good with words, he could have made Richard an obsessive, disturbed freak to the FBI for all we know. Remember how Henry saved him from getting frozen to death? This incident can be perfectly used to portray him as a mentally disturbed person who would rather freeze to death than go back to his home to a normal eye.
Now Julian. Oh, Julian I knew was the red flag the moment it was mentioned he does not accept students who have different ideas than his. But to think that fucker would turn out to be the biggest crankiest bitch?!! I mean I am soo mad he was the one who fed those Dionysiac ideas to them and in the end, he just ran away?! I was baffled by how he treated Henry during that confession scene he did not even listen to him completely... Henry does not stutter HE WAS STUTTERING and Julian shoved the letter back to him... I mean the disrespect! This scene (for me at least) was a reality check that no matter how loving, cool, caring, and impactful you might think your teacher is, at the end of the day, they are gonna be a teacher and you are gonna be just a student. It destroyed my heart when Henry said he loved Julian more than his own father 😭 The worst thing you can do is take advantage of the vulnerabilities of someone who not only respects you but also loves you dearly. This mf can move mountains and I would still hate his old rat ass!
Charles and Camilla Idek what to make of them. Charles turned from a pitiable character to an entirely disgusting one for me. I accept Francis' theory that he wouldn't have made that much fuss about his interrogating situation if Camilla and Henry weren't a thing. Remember when Camilla and Henry had some secret code and he got mad why he didn't know about it? I do think camilla and henry were always a thing before it became apparent to everyone. Besides the book is from Richard's perspective, and he does seem oblivious at times.
I am not aware of the popular takes in the fandom so I don't know if this is gonna be a hot take or not but Camilla gave pick-me-girl vibes. She did not have any girl friends and looked down upon Judy (I am not asking them to be besties exactly but a little respect won't have killed) Judy only developed a weird impression about them during that party scene when Camilla dropped her drink onto her and did not apologize (or was it the opposite? i dont remember exactly but the point is Judy is not the type to judge others for no reason...she judged them after that party) Camilla's attitude could be attributed to the fact that Charles was controlling but idk
The Secret History reminded me of The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot (some of the verses below):
We are the hollow men
    We are the stuffed men
    Leaning together
    Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
    Our dried voices, when
    We whisper together
    Are quiet and meaningless
    As wind in dry grass
    Or rats' feet over broken glass
    In our dry cellar
    Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
So basically I am yapping here because my friend hasn't finished tsh yet and I just needed to let it all out 😩
Not to mention I absolutely love my expensive gossip boy Francis 🥺 ☕
(Thank u for reading it this far!!)
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cocogum · 7 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 2)
Okay I just HAD to devote the full Alibert inn scene from episode 5 here CUZ WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YUGO GOING BACK TO EMELKA!! I know I already mentioned Chibi and Grougal (as well as the tree Tofu tower) in part 1 but part 2 will basically be about all the rest of the inn scene cuz tumblr couldn’t let me have more than ten images per post (I know the site apparently lets u have more but I always use the phone for it so shush.)
But first, we finally get to see Alibert again after all those years 💕
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Alibert. Sweetie. Baby. You can take care of two (technically four) kids with the addition of a freaking INN, you COOK for the customers, AND, ON TOP OF ALL THAT, you’re the MAYOR of EMELKA, that same place where you run the inn and take care of your adopted sons.
You do much more than just “taking care of an inn”, you got three jobs AND you’re still sane. You’re three in one, a whole package, props to you king. He’s such a boss ass man I love him 💕💕
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Not these ppl trying to avoid the inflation 😭😭 I don’t blame them tho. I would’ve said the same thing lol.
(Also is the wine a call back to Gustavio? Plz it would be so funny if the reason why Alibert is angry is cuz these ppl are saying how “bad” it is just so the prices can stay the same but also because he’s mad that they’re calling Gustavio’s wine “disgusting” even if they were all just trying to make him not raise the prices!)
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Love how Yugo doesn’t say that same shit to Ruel after all those years of cooking for his ass and never getting anything from him.
Like even the whole Brotherhood calls Ruel a “cheapskate” but the only time where we see Yugo say that same shit is when he says that to his own CUSTOMERS?!?
Gurl bye Yugo’s such a silly little hypocrite!! 😭😭
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Adamaï get your stupid lizard ass over here.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen these two just laughing and hugging like this 💕💕💕
Also, Ankama tried being very slick with Az and his wife.
Nah cuz how can you not see these two and not think about Yugo and Amalia?? Does the thought never come to mind or what??
They literally give off the same energy, how did no one say anything before???!!?
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Okay now the next part of the Alibert inn scene is very important to me so listen.
Recently, I came scrolling on @moths-are-better’s recent posts about Yugo and I came up on the one where he drinks the “milk” that was in the cup in the scene below.
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But like-
Look at all the other people drinking in the inn before they left: they all had that same kind of cup, insinuating that they were drinking wine (and also cuz they confirmed it was wine while trying to avoid any possible future inflations with Alibert).
I just love how Ankama deliberately shows us small scenes like this to remind us that Yugo can do adult things even though he looks like a kid. Because THIS is one of those scenes! Just look at how Alibert quietly pulls the cup of wine away from Yugo as soon as the guy starts ranting about his problems.
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That’s clearly not milk lol I just love your delusions @moths-are-better 💕💕
But not only did this scene made me realize that nothing can stop Yugo from doing adult things despite how he looks, it also helped me realize that Yugo is the type to only drink when he’s having problems. We clearly see him about to drink more while ranting to Alibert before he carefully pulls the wine away from Yugo cuz he KNOWS Yugo would drink more just for that.
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That level of attention to detail is amazing and I’m so glad I managed to catch up to the hints early on.
Alibert be looking like Yugo’s bartender AND therapist in just that moment alone lol
Ngl I would’ve loved to see a drunk Yugo if he had been able to drink more before Alibert intervened.
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👏 BE👏 LIKE 👏 ALIBERT 👏 ❤️❤️
This is making me wanna have kids too man….
His caring and calming attitude towards Yugo and the way he just treats him, cares for him, and acts like a responsible parent during all these years really makes me wanna do the same thing someday. Alibert is so good at his job(s) that he’s even beating a freaking goddess. Let that sink in. (actually any good parent like Alibert would beat the Eliatrope goddess’ parenting easily lol)
Alibert is genuinely so sweet, patient, thoughtful, and understanding of Yugo. Like even though he just heard Yugo say he finally found his true family, Alibert doesn’t take his words as insults and would rather just let him spill out all of his words to him.
When I said I missed these two like this, I really meant it. This inn is not only where Yugo was raised in but it’s also Yugo’s comfort place.
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My ass knows this is foreshadowing.
It just knows.
Older Yugo where u at? We need to talk.
Ankama’s gonna ruin this family and laugh about it while eating some croissants.
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nestaismommy · 7 months
CRESCENT 3 BONUS CHAPTER SPOILERS (Ember and Randall’s I think)
Since some people are freaking out about Cassian’s behavior in the bonus chapter of HOFAS (I did not read it but my friends told me about it) and are now saying “what if the cauldron was wrong” (yall are too late, Cassian was a walking red flag since the novella. You didn’t see that when he crossed her boundaries constantly, agreed to lock her up, told her he doesn’t know how she could be loved, made her climb mountains for his master’s mistake and had a temper tantrum because she couldn’t accept the fact that they are mates- but you JUST saw how disgusting he is because of a scene in a bonus chapter of a crescent city book?? Please)
But back to what I wanted to say:
Mates ≠ healthy relationship. The proof is that most mated couples in ACOTAR are toxic as hell. Tamlin’s parents, Rhysand’s parents, feysand, Nessian etc. the cauldron is wrong each time??? Or do we just not understand what the word “mates” mean?? Clearly the cauldron doesn’t choose based on which two would have a healthy relationship. Maybe it’s not wrong, maybe we just don’t get that mating literally just means breeding which explains why the dude goes crazy and wants to screw her after she accepts the mating bond.
Nesta and Azriel would make a good couple and they aren’t mates.
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bloopitynoot · 10 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 7
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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A new day a new chapter! Today we get into the Water Prison. The real question: will Shen Qingqiu actually make it out?
No Charlie pics today, I have been abandoned at my reading/writing station, but I do have tea! Tea today is a blueberry jasmine.
Let's get into it!!!!
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What the fuck?! Is this an acid lake? p89
Dang it really is crazy how after two accusations with zero evidence or proof that Shen Qingqiu actually did anything, he get's locked up in maximum security prison. p89
Right now I'm having war flashbacks from MDZS -> another protagonist out here doing their best with the rest of the world just making shit up about them for fun. RE: Little Palace mistress and her delusions of what SQQ did. She literally even says- he didnt say you did anything but I have a vibe. Like what? p91
We are gathered here today to all witness how Shen Qingqiu is once again refusing to acknowledge that he is indeed the Love Interest. Honestly, does anyone ever tell him? I live for the day the system changes his classification from villain to Love interest and actually tells him this. Idk if it happens, but now I need it to happen. Re: "what fit even less was the fact, in the original work, the Little Palace Mistress's refined iron whip had only been used for attacking love rivals" p93
Luo Binghe to the rescue!! p94 just catching that whip
Okay but when SQQ states that something is wrong with the script- is he actually on the path to understanding? or still clueless? I hope he sort of realizes what's happening, because dang this guy has 0 idea Luo Binghe would kill for him p95
OOP. "There is no need for Shizun to be so wary. If I wished to do something to you, I wouldn't need to touch you at all" p96
Re: point above about "is he understanding?" *deep sigh * SQQ has not learned at all and refuses to actively listen. He is still trying to follow the old script p.97. Okay but I do love how this guy is accidentally getting himself (in a weird way) romanced.
I honestly am pretty sure this is a dating sim XD "*to the system* Do you think we're playing a dating sim?!" p99
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omg torture via demon blood is horrible. Like this is a worst nightmare, having little bugs in your organs NO THANKS. p101
I'm crying LOOOOOL two options; 1. the fake jade guanyin. 2. [Activate Small Scene Pusher] and gets his CLOTHES ripped off. Bro is now the lead in a period bodice ripper XD p102
*face palm* "Does it just take advantage of Luo Binghe's physiological disgust upon seeing a man's half-naked body?" p104. no my man, it is not disgust
oh no, giving him his outer robe made it more scandalous p104
RIP confirmed that that is the previous canon's sex robe p106
literally everyone has a feeling about what's up. Gongyi Xiao is eyeing SQQ, see's the robe and does indeed assume things about SQQ and Luo Binghe. How stupid is SQQ??? p107
Re: the note from Shang Qinghua to SQQ. Shang Qinghua is also an idiot, this guy had 1 job and that was to not fuck up the mushrooms. he goofed this exponentially. RIP those mushrooms. p109
Welp. Gongyi Xiao is realizing that Luo BInghe may not be as pure of heart as he thought p112
it's so much worse though- he really thinks that Luo Binghe assaulted SQQ and is now helping SQQ escape. p113
meanwhile SQQ is living in his own universe LOL no idea these are the assumptions. Also, IDK what's going to happen when Luo Binghe inevitably see's SQQ in Gongyi Xiao's robe. RIP GYX p115
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Okay but SQQ I too would freak the fuck out if I had a walking/wake dream. Meng Mo's realm is no joke. p120-121
Dang Luo Binghe has become so strong. This dreamscape is insane. pp 124-126
again with the clothes ripping. I hope one day they enjoy this consensually. p127 (blessed be this canon for the fanfics)
in which SQQ does not realize that the fight in the dreamscape is indeed not a fight- it is most definitely foreplay. p128
I fucking KNEW IT Luo Binghe was NOT pleased with SQQ wearing Gongyi Xiao's robe. LOOOL. p130
but also I don't know what became of GYX but let's take a moment to remember him, I am sure he did not make it.
oh gosh more tragic SQQ backstory :( p132
I am glad I clocked it in the last chapter. Something was so fishy about the family that took him in and his "betrothal" my heart for SQQ :( :( :( p134
Okay get it Ning YinYing!!!! Re: her talking shit to and about Little Palace Mistress to her face! p138
yes she got slapped but still she did a pretty good job! and her sect siblings have her back.
That is it for today!!
Oh god. ofc we leave on a cliffhanger with a shady guy ready to super saiyan AND the next chapter is ominously titled "Death". I am not prepared for this!
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atom-writings · 1 year
Can i req mafia dazai (that edgy one-eye dazai) with s/o that have ability to read mind? Dazai always want to touch s/o (to stop their ability ofc) but s/o always refuse as well. Maybe a little angst since dazai always ramble in his head about end his self and s/o is know it
(Port Mafia! Dazai x Reader) Telepathic S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Scenarios ~ A/N first bsd request i think? anyway yeahhhghgghgh men
Trigger Warning: Fem nicknames (Princess, pretty) other than that, none!
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At first, he thinks your ability could be quite entertaining. Whenever he's around you, he tries to think of the most, abhorrent, disgusting things just to get a reaction. But once he's no longer amused, he becomes very uncomfortable.
He snickers as you stare at him, horrified, ”I know. Quite disgusting, isn't it? That was last week's body. Do you want to get out of my head or see the one before that? Because, spoilers, it was a kid. Real young, too.“
But if you're his work partner, he's good at coming up with situations that only your ability can solve. Soon enough, you'll be Dazai's little deadly rat weapon.
But other than that, it freaks him out. Being able to read his mind is just so... violating. His mind is a prison, a cell that he keeps tightly locked. He abhors revealing his true intentions and thoughts to anyone, and there you are! Being able to tell all of that, regardless of whether he wants you to or not. Ugh, he really, really doesn't like it.
Frankly, I have no idea how you two would start dating. Because well, one, Dazai's love language is majorly physical affection, and two, his mind is a nightmare hellscape. Good luck in there!
Outwardly, he'll act as if he doesn't care that you won't let him near. Of course, you know the truth though. He's incredibly bothered by it.
He'll often tease you about your aversion to his touch. He's very grabby when it comes to those he works with (and those he hates too, to be fair,) so he doesn't really know how to deal with you recoiling from him.
“I didn't think you were so sensitive, princess. But, tell me, don't you ever want your world to be truly quiet? I can give that to you, but only if you let me touch that pretty skin of yours…”
But really, he is desperate to hold you and hug you and kiss you- and well, a lot more than that. Which you know. Which he hates.
The more he starts actually falling in love with you, the less you'll see him. Knowing you know the truth scares him deeply. Sure, flirting is fine, but actual feelings? Which would make him vulnerable to you? He hates it. He doesn't mean to, but that often results in him lashing out.
“You know, you're really arrogant.  Sure, you can tell what I'm thinking in the moment, but you can't tell everything about a person from just that. You're no more powerful than anyone else here. Maybe you should take yourself down a peg before I do it for you.”
But once he gets used to it, he starts to favour it. He's not always great at communicating how he actually feels, and it's sometimes nice to skip the middle part.  He stops seeing it as a thing you can use against him, and more of a thing that keeps you two together. He's connected with you more than anyone else, and at the end of the day, that's all he wants.
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