#spoilers i'm gonna propose to her pretty soon
tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Donbrothers, Episode 35!
Ohhhhh boy! Just got off the train from Oishi-Na Town! Time to visit my friend Tsubasa in Donbura County Jail. And uh... well, my good buddy Jirou is in immense pain so, I wanna check on him too. Going all over the place today, huh? Please stand behind the white line! We're departing on a train ride towards pain!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Well, at least you're not having a massive rampage, right Tsuyoshi?
-It's OUR power, boys!
-"Kijino, you're really making an annoying racket stirring your coffee like that."
-"Hey man, chill, you don't gotta yell at him like that-"
-"Jesus Christ, what's gotten into you"
Lies high as the palms
Bananas within reach
Monkey gets free lunch!"
-How many takes do you think it took to get that rant right?
-Ohhhhhh, Shinichi jbk;hjg
-Hello Auntie Yuriko.
-"He's hot" OH MY GOD how does Haruka rein you in?
-Ohhhhh, there's something with Auntie Yuriko isn't there
-"Ah fuck, he has a girlfriend already"
-...I get really bad vibes off of auntie Yuriko.
-Miho Spotted.
-Oh no
-Aaaand, we're in jail!
-Jail time with the homie.
-"So like... do you want 500000 yen?"
-"Nah, you... you can keep it, I don't really need that kinda money."
-Free doggy!
-Kito, please stop that, I'm pretty sure fraternizing with suspects under interrogation is a violation of the law.
-Ah, who am I kidding, that's not gonna stop her.
-Ohhhhhhhhh, she hit you with the whammy.
-"Go investigate your girlfriend! If you get us results, we'll let you go free!"
-Murasame's just sitting there, huh?
-Yeah just seal him up a little, he'll be fine
-Oh hey, Rumi-chan, right? You're Jirou's ladyfriend.
-Alright, my boy's getting focus!
-Natsumi rehearsal!
-Very solid delivery
-Oh... hello Sononi! There's a really funny case of some poor kid unable to confess his love happening in Oishi-Na Town if you wanna come with me next time!
-"Oh, that boy's gonna die. Old Yeller's got nothing on this dog tragedy. I'll be sure to hand his friends a posthumous Newberry medal."
-Having a midlife crisis so soon?
-Hmm... what is that thing... he seems to be a physics major, so... perhaps he's one of the more science-y sentai. That's a red bird of prey for his face. Yellow beast with tusks... or fangs? And those blue... rubbery shoulders he's got... Ohhhhh, I get it now! This guy must be our Liveman rep.
-A toast~! For the most~!
-Hello Jin!
-Just send him away like that, huh?
-"Ahhhhh, so you're the guy who made him a psycho. Good job, dingus."
-Hmm... found a new form of dimensional travel, huh? Do you think perhaps they cut through the CooKingdom?
-"Menkai wa wata."
-Natsumi? Ohhhhhhh, a crane.
-Y'know Momoi, I think whenever somebody acts even slightly weird around you, you should assume
-"Are you okay, Pheasant Guy?"
-Sloooooow motion!
-Party Time!
-Too fast, too strong!
-Ohhhh, Avatar Change!
-Now transforming! Get your ass on the dance floor behind the white line!
-Aaaaaaaaalll aboard!
-Hyper ToQ Momo-gou! Hyper ToQ Momo-gou!
-Gotta admit, I'm actually kind of a fan of this idea that Momoi's so up in his own hype that he just... slaps his own super form onto another Sentai's Red.
-Alright, Jirou!
-Stop sniffing your girlfriend and lie down!
-...yeah, like that, thank you for listening.
-Got a ToQ Blaster and the Rail Slasher, badass.
-Awww, I wanted to see more.
-Darkness of youth!
-Ore koso only one da.
-Youth stuff!
-Let's fly!
-Take that power!
-Matsuri da matsuri da!
-Donbros Utopia!
-Yeah, good luck with that, Mister! Have fun!
-Juto Suck
-"Nooooo :("
-And he just got eaten!
-Oh God, where is this
-That poor Anoni lady :(
-Ohhhhhh this is the lion's den.
-Jesus fucking Christ, what on earth is happening
-Why is this so horrifying
-Inoue? Tasaki? Shirakura-P? Anybody?
-What the fuck guys, what is happening?
-Ohhhhhhhh that's not good.
-That's not good at all.
-Ramen! Deliciousmile~!
-Oh, that poor chef, he's going through this again.
-That's not our dog, that's a really fucked up cat!
-Uh... hang tight, Tsubasa! We'll save you!
-Next episode that is, Happy Halloween buddy!
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cate-eblanchett · 1 year
( t e x t ) excuse me, a double win. i'll be embarrassing myself in front your almost wife about this new season btw. I intense to be a few wine glasses deep before i do so. well duh, as if i'd be within low stock 😉 i'll even set up the cocktail station if things get really juicy. you're gonna make me emotional when i'm trying be unserious, dammit cate. i'm just happy you two eventually found your way back.....with the help of pretty fucking GREAT friend cough cough. I'll call it the "bachelorette survival kit' it'll be pretty big, pun so intended. rehearsals start soon! as of now it's all jess helping me with lines. we both know you wouldn't write shit on a notepad, we'd both we trying to not pee our pants anytime you looked my way. I'm easy, i'll take any part if it means i'm giving the world what they want and need. cate motherfucking blanchett. I say we just completely improv a film, like bridesmaids.
(text) she is used to it, don't feel bad about it, she has trained to deal with intense fans of the show for all these months. she has to deal with me and my obsession with her show and her character. maybe you can help me to make her spill some spoilers! uuh lady, you know how to throw a party!! that's why you are one of my bridemaids, ooh! that was not subtle but i will make a proper proposal, i'll get on my knee and everything because i want you to be there as one of my main ladies. the lady who brought me back to the right arms needs to be there with a pretty pink, fluffy dress and giving the bachelorette survival quit but also make one for the hangover after the wedding party. are you going to mention the drag queens show and the famous call during your speech, won't you? i want to help you with lines too! jess is better actress than me but i can give you good feedback and play your mother or sister or whoever you need while i walk around in my crocs and my best beanie. i have a question, why the fuck jessica and you are not in the same play? @srahpaulsons
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skatetome · 2 years
Destined and Dreamed Of
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Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1462 words
Warnings: None
Author's Note: no season 4 spoilers, in fact, i would say robin's personality in this was more how she was in s3. reader is referred to as a woman obv
Blue lights flicker as bodies dance on each other. Music, that's pretty much entirely consumed by the booms of the bass, blares in everyone's ears. The room reeks of vodka and perfume. What most would consider a sensory overload was an absolute luxury for Hawkins kids. If Karen and Ted hadn't been out of town, Nancy, and her self-proclaimed co-host, Mike, would've never hosted this party. Robin Buckley seemed to be the only one who wanted the couple back in town.
The girl's bitter glare directed itself towards you talking with Steve Harrington. The boy pulls the cup up to his lips, the same ones Robin hoped had never touched yours, and took a sip. She watched as Steve used his words to try to serenade you.
When she thought things couldn't get any worse, you smile at Steve and place a hand on his elbow for a moment. Robin couldn't take it anymore; the sight of her best friend and the girl she was in love with flirting with each other made her nauseous. She ran up to the top floor of the house, shoving bodies out of her way in the process. She walked into an empty bedroom without locking the door behind her. It just didn't come to mind.
Robin slid under the bed, struggling in the process. She silently begged for no bugs or rats to accompany her. She focused on the vibration of the bass from downstairs to try to calm herself down. She stared up at the wooden planks holding up the bed as she thought about every possible reason why you touched Steve's elbow. Her mind raced through scenario after scenario, none of them being the reality.
"So, Y/N, when are you gonna talk to Robin?" Steve asks, a curious smirk forming on his face.
"Tonight," You smiled, humoring Steve's temporary excitement. "If I can get the courage, that is."
Steve's face dropped the moment you finished that statement. He was, rightfully, tired of you making excuses to not keep your word about confessing. This was probably the fifth time you've told the boy your plans to pursue your dream (and hopefully destined) lesbian romance with Robin Buckley. It was tiring for him to hear both you and Robin gush about each other when you've never even talked. And, quite frankly, he almost felt guilty for being the one thing stopping you two lovebirds from getting together.
Who wouldn't? Hearing the words 'she definitely doesn't like me back though' over and over again from two oblivious requited lovers, who happened to be his best friends, was heartbreaking. It was like Steve knew you both needed a boost of non-liquid courage, which is what drove him to give you that boost verbally.
"I have a proposal, you gotta hear me out, though." Steve convinced.
"Go ahead?"
"How about you confess to Robin tonight?" The wingman watched as your mouth opened, but quickly finished his statement before you could speak. "Now, I know exactly what you're going to say. 'Steve, I can't, I'm too scared!'. My suggestion is that you go up to that bedroom up there, away from everyone else, and practice what you'll say to her."
Rehearsing how you'd confess to a girl was something you never thought you'd be doing. But, you appreciated the fact that Steve wasn't requiring you to confess to Robin, but he rather gave you a choice. It wasn't something he'd ever done before, so you told yourself you'd give it a try. Hell, all you had to do was practice. And the idea of getting out of such an overwhelming setting like the room you were in didn't sound too bad.
"Great idea, Harrington." You smiled, giving the boy a pat on his free elbow, the one that wasn't being used to slip from a plastic cup. "I'll see you back here soon."
With that, you ascended up the stairs of the Wheeler house. The amount of 'excuse me's you gave out on the way was probably the most you spoke that entire night. Once you reached the top of the stairs, you approached the first door you saw. You assumed that was the one Steve was referring to, but either way, it was a party — meaning the house was pretty much destined to be explored.
You pulled the door of the room towards out and locked it right after you entered. You walked right to the bed, where you sat down and stared at the wall in front of you while your mind generated some ideas of how you'll confess to Robin. An amount that seemed like thousands of words were placed into possible combinations for you to confess to your crush with.
Meanwhile, Robin was panicking under the mattress, where she laid half-awake. It's not like she could look to see who it was, since that'd be horribly creepy on her behalf. She tried listening to the unknown person's breathing pattern or any other sounds their body made, but she just couldn't tell. Not even the back of the glossy white flats she could see from her spot brought anyone to her mind. Suddenly, she was awaken by the sound of an inhale that wasn't her own.
"Okay. Hey, um, can I talk to you for a sec?" You asked, imagining that the wall in front of you was your beloved, Robin Buckley.
"Fuck, she doesn't know I'm under here, right?" Robin thought to herself, her heart racing out of her chest.
"Yeah, um, okay. I brought you up here to tell you something, um..."
"She can't be talking about me, then. Thank God."
"Robin, I, um, have a crush on you, and I have for months..."
"No way. Okay, I have to get out from under here."
Robin quietly wiggled herself from under your opposite side of the bed. She slowly moved herself into a squat to see who it was on the side across from her.
Her eyes widened as she started taking in the woman's features. Then, it quickly registered inside her mind who she was seeing. It was Y/N, the girl she considered the love of her life — even though they hadn't ever talked.
Without thinking, she ran to sit next to you on the bed. Shocked, you look over at her and have a similar recognition process to hers. The girl you were imagining the wall as was right next to you. You looked her up and down to make sure she wasn't a hallucination, or, somehow, Steve.
"Um, how did you get here?" You ask, a nervous laugh coming out with your statement.
"As creepy as it sounds — or, is, I guess — I was under the bed. I wanted an escape from the party, and I thought this bedroom was the easiest place to go." The wide-eyed girl stuttered, matching your post-statement nervous laughter.
"You heard what I said, right? Because I don't think I can get the courage to repeat myself."
"Yeah, um, I did." Robin pauses and looks at the ground. "Y/N, I... like you too."
"You do?"
"Yeah, I just couldn't figure out how, when, and where to tell you."
Robin was adorable when she was nervous. The ever so slight rasp in her voice combined with the shakiness made you want to just kiss her right then and there. But, it's way too early for that.
"Funny that you say that, actually, since Steve was actually the person who answered all of those for me. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be up here practicing — or actually — confessing to you."
"Can I be fully honest with you?" Robin asks, continuing after your immediate 'mhm'. "Watching you talk to Steve made me so... jealous. I wanted you to talk to me like that. I wanted you to smile at me like that. I wanted you to see me how you see Steve."
Wow. Knowing that Robin was so in love with you that she got jealous of you talking to Steve made you feel powerful. That said, it also made you feel sad for putting Robin through that jealously without intending to do so. An idea to make her feel somewhat better popped into your newly-confident mind.
"As cheesy as it sounds, I can kiss you in a way I'd never kiss Steve, if you'd like that?" You smile.
"I'd love that."
You grab her chin and push your lips onto hers. The kiss you two shared was everything you'd ever dreamed of. The way your lips molded together perfectly, and the way your passion intertwined through this kiss made you confident of the fact that this romance was, in fact, one you dreamed of and what was destined for the two of you.
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with Johnny ‘Coco’ Cruz.
Request: Can I request a fluffy Coco imagine?? From his POV about their 1st date and his thoughts abt her and stuff? I really want some coco fluff lol. ❤❤🔥
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Word count: about 1.7k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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“Brother, just be yourself”.
Angel thinks that Coco is giving it more importance than it really has, after trying different outfits, without finding the perfect one. He doesn't have many clothes, because he doesn't really need it. But now, he's really pissed off.
“If I act like usually, she'll kick ma' ass in fucking seconds”. He grumbles sitting over his bed, rubbing his face with both hands.
You two met at the hospital some week ago, when he suffered some kind of accident that left him blind in one eye, for some time. He felt his heart pumping because of love for the first time, when he saw you after cleaning his healthy eye. And before that, he was already truly fascinated by the way you had to calm him down using your voice. A sweet and honeyed tone that he could be listening to his whole life. He couldn't help but think how good falling asleep every night hearing you talking would be. It took him almost two weeks to ask you out, but he couldn't feel more happy when you said yes without letting him finish the question. Coco felt strange when he left the hospital after it, experimenting a bunch of sensations stuck in his chest that made him feel better than ever.
Now, his insecurities are coming into the light. Everything he touches ends up destroyed, broken. You are too pure for his shit. You don't deserve to take that risk. Taking off his phone from his pocket, he searches for your number. Gilly and Angel are looking at him intrigued, until they find out what he's going to do. The big one takes the phone off from his hands, while the oldest Reyes holds him to guide him towards the door.
“You're not gonna flake on her, pendejo”. He grunts, pushing him outside his house.
His brothers follow him to the meeting place, watching you sit on a bench waiting for him, after twenty minutes standing up and walking around the big fountain. You look beautiful, dressed with a pair of shorts, a baggy white shirt with the sleeves rolled up on your shoulders and black sneakers. He turns around, trying to run away from your life again, facing his friends.
“I can't”. He just says, with his hands almost sweating. “She's too much for me”.
“She's perfect for you, man!” Gilly rolls his eyes.
“C'mon, Coco, don' be a chicken and get the girl”.
Licking his bottom lip, he just nods in silence, trying to find the perfect words to encourage himself. Turning over his Vans, he starts his way towards you, doubting for some seconds. And he's about to leave when you raise your eyes from your phone. The smile you draw with the corner of your lips gives him a heart attack, knowing that he could die full of happiness right now.
“Hey, I thought you weren't coming”.
Maybe it wasn't the greeting he was expecting and he feels so sorry for having made you wait. Stroking the back of his head, he forces a grin.
“Yeah… I was… 'bout to not comen'”.
Your gesture turning from enthusiasm to disheartening, causes him some bitter shivers inside his chest. He has already fuck up the good vibes between you two, that borned in the hospital. Seeing you nod in silence, shrugging your shoulders, makes him feel out of air; trying to think something to fix it up.
“I really… appreciate that, at least, you came to tell me that this isn't going to happen… It would be… humiliating”. You whisper putting your gaze away from him.
Coco can see the way your lips are trembling, as if you were about to cry, and it's painful. For him, it's painful.
“No, mami, lis—”.
“It's okay, Johnny, you don't have to excuse yourself”. Waving a hand on air, you try to make it easy for him. “I get it”.
He's missing the boat, watching you turning around and focusing your attention on the screen of your phone again. Maybe typing to some friend to pick you up, maybe about to call anyone else. But finally, the orders from his brain move his body to stop you.
“No, wait!” He says somewhat loud, grabbing your left wrist. “I wanna date you. I wanna have a lot of dates with you. This ain't you, mami, but me”.
Looking at his hand confused, you travel his arm until finding his dark and desperate eyes, talking to you in silence. Begging you to listen.
“My life is a shit. A mess... A chaos. I… had this accident with my eye because… of a dogfight with another gang. I didn' wanna lie to you, you know? I think you're smart, and pretty and… you don' deserve a guy like me who is… always in fuckin' trouble and that… used to ride a bike that probably would never ride again, just… with a shitty work on a scrapyard”. Coco is getting more and more nervous because you're not saying a single word back. He gulps with some difficulty, taking a step closer to you. “I ain't a good man, I don' do good things, but… I really wanna date you, mami. I've never been so true in ma' life”.
And he's about to give up with a crappy sensation running his body, when you tangle your finger with the ones that were gripping your arm.
“Maybe you can teach me to drive a bike, so I can ride for you”. You just say, hoping that it's enough for him.
“That sounds good, ma'”. He replies with no hesitation, feeling like for the first time he's having a good opportunity in his life.
Watching you smile again it's like seeing a rainbow after a destructive storm, putting his arm over your shoulders to start a low walk.
“Do you like pizza?” You ask then, raising your head toward his.
“Yeah, 'course”. He answers with an incredulous gesture on his face.
“Okay, do you know a food truck close to the hospital, with red and blues stripes?”
“Seriously?” You almost scream, breaking into laughs. “You like pizza and you have never tried it before?”
Coco shakes his head, falling in love a little more after hearing your laughter. That simple gesture has made him feel more happy than ever before.
“You're gonna really, really love it”. You say with emotion, moving a hand on air to highlight your words.
“I'm sure”. He chuckles nodding. “You look pretty convinced”.
And you weren't wrong. Maybe not everybody would think that sitting on an edge of a sidewalk, eating pizza, it's the perfect date. But for him, it's the perfect one. He can ask for anything else that hearing you talk for hours about your hobbies, about what you would like to be in five years, about the things the two of you have in common. And he has never talked this much, either. But it's too easy for him to follow the conversation and flow it into another one, until the night falls over the town.
Coco insists on walking with you back to your home, just to be sure that you come safe. And even if he has had so much fun, he's doubting if you would like to repeat it. Maybe at the end you were just trying to be kind with him, because he seemed so desperate for being with you for a couple hours, to not make him feel bad. And maybe that was the reason why you didn't want him to take you home. But the real reason is that your housemates are waiting on the porch for you to tell them how it was. As soon as they see you coming closer, they run into the house ashamed and laughing, making your cheeks burn when Coco notices what is going on.
“Sorry, they're like children…” You say hastily, stopping your steps and placing yourself in front of him.
“It's okay, ma'. My… friends are waiting too”.
Between the two of you gets installed an uncomfortable silence for some seconds, until he sees you holding your bag, looking for something inside it. He breaks into loud laughs when his healthy eyes focus on the heart shaped lollipop, that you're offering him.
“I heard you the day you visited the hospital, so… there's your reward for being a good boy”.
Coco takes it, shaking his head and showing you a funny smile, before catching you between his arms. Embracing you tightly, he places a kiss on your cheek. A lovely one. Pulling himself away, he opens the candy to tuck it into his mouth.
“The best one”. He says tasting the strawberry flavor of it.
“Okay, ah… I have three kids to take care of”. You joke about your friends, pointing at your house for a second. “I had so much fun today…”
“Yeah, me too… We can repe—”.
“I'm free tomorrow”.
Hearing you interrupt him, after realizing that he wants to have another date with you. Taking off the lollipop from his mouth, he leans forward to press your lips with his, shortening the distance between both. Feeling your fingers getting tangled in his shirt give him some pleasant chills, ending up pecking your lips gently.
“What about breakfast? I know a place with the best pancakes”. He proposes then, giving you an eskimo kiss.
“I like it”. You nod, kissing his lips a last time.
“Pick you up at ten?”
“Pick me up at ten”.
“Have a good night, mami”.
“You too, pirate”. Puckering your lips, he laughs again. “Enjoy it, you're gonna see again in a couple months”.
He frowns a little confused, drawing slowly a huge smile on his lips.
“Spoiler of your next doctor appointment”.
“Is tha' why you told me tha' I could teach you?”
Walking backwards to your house, he sees you happily nodding.
“'Am gonna marry you one day, you know'et?”
These words may have been somewhat precipitate, or at least that's what he's thinking until seeing you nod again.
“I hope it”.
“Shit”, he thinks to himself, licking again the lollipop; not leaving your hood until you're inside your house.
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Bachie thoughts? Also I'm so excited because the trailer for the Australian Bachelorette just dropped this morning and it I'm so excited.
Anon, SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED. Including, but not limited to, the greatest moment in Bachelor history which was James asking Aaron to leave Paradise with him and then Aaron RUNNING across the beach to break up with Tia. Amazing. 10/10. Tia's reaction was also 10/10.
Below the cut for spoilers since I just finished up the entire THREE HOUR FINALE but I don’t think it’s finished airing on the west coast
I was really surprised by Becca & Thomas breaking up because it was pretty clear on social media that they were together? I guess they got back together after. Which is good cause I really liked them.
Ed trying to convince Mykenna to fuck him in the fantasy suites was painful, but he took the rejection well (she was so clearly not into him lmao). Who else left? I can't remember.
The ones who stayed?
Kenny/Mari: into them, I hope they make it. Engaged ✅
Riley/Maurissa: goddamn I love Riley. "When I see you I see Sunday morning"?? Are you kidding me Riley??? They're the FUCKING CUTEST I cannot. "Show it off one more time. I did that! I did that!" Engaged ✅
Serena/Joe: cute, obviously. Happy for them. Kendall coming back sucked. I absolutely called it that she was only coming back to "give her blessing". Fuck off, honestly. The proposal was so fucking cute, I may have actually squealed. "My family's gonna kill me!" "I'm sure they'll kill me first." Engaged ✅
If you watch nothing else of this season of parsdise, watch that end montage 😂😭
Aussie anon, I wish you Bachelorette goodness, I hope it airs soon 💕
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ponreviews · 3 years
The Circle US Season 3: Alliances Run Deep
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Category: Reality TV, Competition
Overall Rating: 5/10
The Circle is back with new faces (real or otherwise)!! Watch these lovable (debatable) characters compete for $100k by building relationships, forming alliances and taking each other down all while being locked in their apartment. From an MIT techie to a 52 year old southern belle, this group of Circle contestants really know how to bring the heat in competition.
WOO This is a long one! I needed some time to get my thoughts in order, and as you can tell by my rating, I have very mixed feelings about this season. First impressions are always important, especially in this literal popularity contest. It was really easy to pick out who I liked and disliked from the start, much more so than the previous two seasons. Kai, Ruksana, and Michelle were my top 3 hopefuls from the first batch of players. They are genuine souls who really wanted nothing other than to be themselves in the game. The one player that left the worst impression on me from Day 1 was Nick... I know. People are going to be mad at me for that. Nick is probably the most popular player this season among fans, but I have my reasons.
To start off, he was a computer science major from MIT. Before everyone gets mad at me for pointing that out first, I also graduated college majoring in computer science. My experience with men who are computer science majors is not great. Many I worked with (not all of course) came off as arrogant and look down at people who might not get the concepts as fast as they do. I also was a fan of Shubham who didn't need to hide the fact that he's a tech nerd. There are exceptions to what I experienced, but Nick's introduction fit that description to the T. He does a good job at hiding that level of arrogance in the Circle, but that doesn't make me want to root for him. I also wasn't a fan of his hyper fixation on the girls in the game. First there was Ashley, then Ava, then Isabella, and even when Jacki came in he was thirsting so hard.
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I could go on about how I don't like Nick, but that doesn't mean I don't respect his game. He did well to focus on his strong bonds and he definitely deserved to be in the top 5 because of that. He solidified a strong alliance and kept close tabs on strong players he wasn't as close to. That being said, it's the same for my girl Kai. Nick and Kai were two sides of the same coin this season. Both had strong alliances and overall great relationships with the other players. Their overwhelming popularity ended up costing them in the final rankings, as Nick and Kai ranked 5th and 4th respectively.
Before we get into the Top 3, I should probably talk about how the events led up to the dramatic finale. This season really knew how to piss me off by doing Michelle dirty like that. Granted it was Ava and Chanel who chose to be Michelle, but you can't blame them either since it was their only way to stay in the game. Unfortunately, I did find Ava and Chanel kind of annoying, so insult to injury when the real Michelle got blocked. There had been a lot of criticism against Michelle for choosing to go see the fake Michelle, but how would seeing anyone else benefit her? She lost and just wanted answers. The viewers want things to be interesting, but she just wanted to leave knowing who was behind fake Michelle. I know if I was in her position I would want to do the same thing.
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Ava and Chanel didn't make it far after Michelle, just as she predicted. Honestly, they weren't all that interesting aside from the whole Michelle situation anyway. It makes sense for them to be the ones out fast. The surprising player to me was Calvin. He didn't give me a good first impression. He gave me a similar vibe as Nick, but the difference between him and Nick is that Calvin wasn't as strategic as Nick. As his relationship with Kai grew, we really see how vulnerable he really let himself be at this point in the game. He took more things to heart than a lot of people in the game, but he stayed loyal to the ones he kept close. Yes he had strategy, but all he really wanted was to make it far with his friends. I was disappointed that he chose Nick for the burner profile but I was more upset that he was gone so soon.
Calvin was the one link between the alliances with Nick and with Kai. With him gone, the divide was clear as day. Nick, Ashley (Matthew), Isabella (Sophia), and Jackson (Rachel) against Kai, Ruksana, Daniel and James. The next blocking would be one that no one is happy with. Jackson/Rachel getting blocked made the most sense to me. Even with James having less time with the other players, Rachel couldn't really solidify her bond with the others, and the most crucial player she needed was Daniel. Ruksana getting blocked also made sense (much to my dismay...). Nick's biggest threat is Kai, but if he got rid of Kai, Ruksana can raise hell in the Circle. His alliance is unified against Ruksana but only because of Kai. If Kai went out this time around, Ashley and Isabella could potentially be swayed towards Ruksana. The double blocking kept the alliances balanced, but introducing Jacki tipped the balances.
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Jacki had the biggest disadvantage being the last person in the game. Being new was the only thing keeping her from getting blocked as soon as she moved in. The only real advantage of keeping Jacki strategically is that she is malleable. James was the first one to get a good impression on Jacki, so even if she wasn't exempt, I'm pretty sure James would've saved her. It's easy to criticize James for not fighting for Daniel since the alliances were so clear, but in the end he did have a deeper connection with Ashley/Matthew. Daniel's choice to visit Isabella/Sophia was an interesting choice. If the pattern was gonna be the same I would've assumed he would've went to James and demanded answers, but because of the attention towards Isabella being a catfish, who could blame him for wanting to find out? Their meeting ended up being really wholesome anyway. They were on opposing sides, but in the end it's every player for themselves. He got along with Sophia when they actually met and he chose to give her support (and tea).
After that blocking, Jacki's blocking doesn't seem worth mentioning because it's so obvious with James and Nick as the secret influencers and the fact that she had so little time, so let's talk about the top 5! I was honestly worried about Nick winning the whole thing until everyone gave their thoughts in the final rating. In the end, everyone's ratings were strategic because I was surprised to see Kai and Nick rated the absolute lowest out of the 5. By the final ratings, I was honestly hoping Ashley/Matthew would win. Don't get me wrong! I was still hoping that Kai would win, but the way that everyone was talking......... That win for Kai was gone.
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Now the most controversial part of the season: James won. Throughout his time in the Circle, he was the funny one, the one with no filter, and he genuinely left a great first impression on the other players (through to the end). However, him giving up Daniel and Jacki brought him a lot of hate from viewers, and initially I felt the same. Does him winning piss me off? No. It makes sense. I'd like to think this is my Libra moon coming out because I can understand why he made those decisions and why the other players would rate James so high. Literally, Isabella/Sophia is the only one I would imagine rating James low due to the persistent catfish suspicion and the betrayal for Daniel. Kai, Nick, and Ashley/Matthew all had positive experiences with James.
I do give this season a 5 though because it's not as wholesome as Season 1 nor is it as dramatic as Season 2. James winning was a disappointing one to many. He folded to Nick so fast and that angered a lot of viewers. It definitely wasn't what I hoped for considering I was rooting for Kai and Matthew at this point, but at the same time, I was really just hoping that Nick didn't win because of my own bias against him. Because of that, I'm fine with the end result. I wasn't excited about his win like I was about Joey in Season 1 or Deleesa in Season 2. You could feel how much love the other contestants had for the winners for their respective seasons, but with James it felt more obligatory from the others. This may be because he wasn't there in the beginning. Players like Michelle and sisters Ava and Chanel didn't even know him since they were eliminated before he came in. The season may have been too polarizing in the sense that the eliminations became predictable and disappointing. The only really satisfying thing to me was seeing Nick disappointed in the finale. Again, my bias against him is speaking here, but I could not help but laugh my ass off when he saw Sophia.
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To sum it all up, it was very easy to pick favorites at the start, but once Calvin left, it gets muddy from there. I still have strong opinions about certain players, but they all played a strategic game. If you say even one person wasn't strategic (with the exception of Michelle) you are lying!!!! The players that made it to the end had very understandable reasons for playing the way that they did, but doing that doesn't make everyone happy. The finale kind of proved that. In no way did I feel as excited for James to win as I did Deleesa or Joey. Honestly, the only person I would be excited for in that top 5 would be Kai. I did however find it sweet that James could finally propose to his girlfriend of 12 years. I'm not mad at how things ended, but it's definitely not my favorite.
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purplerose244 · 6 years
It actually surprised me the building of the serie, I thought the into the darkness part was going to come later... IT WORRIES ME
Okay, Garmy is being a jerk, and it's hilarious and hurt my heart at the same time 😂😭
"I can't believe I have to babysit my father"
The ninja babysat your uncle since he was an infant and you never heard them complaining!... they really couldn't, being in another, realm, but whatever 😅
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I keep thing about The Green Ninja from season 1, when Kai was the only one that really minded. Now that Mr. Bad Guy REALLY made a mess, not even his son can really justify him
Yang proposal still up! But if everything goes bad, I don't there's gonna be a good mood for asking her...
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And this is why you're still single, Dirtclod I'm kidding please don't kill me
Is Garmy the manifestation of an adult's always present look over two poor lovebirds? 😅 Honestly with his ribs evident dripping in purple, I can't blame Jay too much for having a heart attack
Oh how I missed my flame babe ❤❤❤
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The "I'm watching you" gesture I'm sure all of us long time fan recognized, and the "Kai if you really wanna be the cool one, STOP TALKING"... I STILL LOVE HIM WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE 😚
As I said, I didn't expect them getting into the darkness so soon, I thought by the time everyone else would be gone. Aaaaand I really thought Garmy was rebelling again, but apparently he just wanted the powah. Really like this detail by the way, it goes well with him being a warlord (mostly like the one in the movie)
LLOYD ALMOST SUFFOCATING THAT GAVE ME A HARD TIME 😱😱😱 I legit had the same reactions the ninja had (it warms my heart to see how worried they are)
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(The little moments between Pix e Zane are adorable, they are too precious and I'm super proud of mah girl, she evolved since the beginning and became a strong indipendent girl. GO PIX!!!)
Can I also say I kinda like this situation between Lloyd and Garmy? It's really heavy, Lloyd doesn't trust him, Garmadon is all evil, so their interactions are unpredictable
The smile part 😂
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I don't trust you either Garmy, but I do love whatever you do 😂
Gale is there?? Are we getting more Dareth/Gale?? IS FAITH OKAY?? IS SKYLOR?? I NEED TO KNOW MY GIRLS ARE FINE!!!
At the end, I'll be honest, I'm good at English, but that oni talking was really hard 😅 Hopefully there will be more fighting than talking, let's see where this brings us
I really need them, ALL OF THEM, to be safe and sound by the end of this. Really
So, good episode, from this season I especially appreciate the little comebacks that you know only if you are a fan that remember the entire serie 👍
The fact that Faith still needs to wake up and explain gives me some weird vibes, is there more about the situation?
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(Sorry but the Realm Crystal looks like a freaking chocolate fountain 🤣 The oni's design is pretty cool though)
Thank you for reading my blabbering! I'm enjoying this season, but I wish we entered the climax moment soon! The waiting is killing me!!
See ya around! Byee!!
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fraudulence-paradox · 4 years
“Jesus christ, it seems like the only time I update this thing is when I’m talking about a girl”
Buckle up, fuckers.
This past semester I’ve become more active in [college]’s Philosophy Club. It’s been a really good experience so far. I’ve been doing a fair amount of the media for the club by way of making fliers and so forth. The meetings mostly consist of someone presenting a philosophical topic, and the group having a Socratic discussion about it. Somehow, and I really have no idea how, I was nominated for the position of vice president, and by an even stranger turn of events, I won. As a result, I began attending more events only tangentially related to the club’s activities: outreach, advertising and so forth. The other newly elected members did as well, which is where I met A-----.
Because I’ve spent the last twelve or so weeks debating various philosophical concepts with a group that included her, I have a pretty decent understanding of where she stands on most major issues. The weird thing is, despite how polar opposite we are in terms of beliefs, it seems like we have a genuine connection. I should preface this by saying I’m being optimistic. In this situation, it can only go one of two ways. It could go turn out that our differences are too great, and we’ve just overlooked them in the midst of the fog that is early relationship fodder. She is after all, very conservative. She’s Catholic, doesn’t use drugs, and seems very innocent. On the other hand, she’s fascinating. She’s going to school to be a criminal psychologist (who isn’t, but she seems really passionate about it after a year of it), as a result she has a fascination with serial killers. She’s also this odd straight-edge punk rock chick. I’ve met people like her before who I always crushed on, but she’s the first one who showed any interest. She likes local music, arts, and seems far more cultured than I. The alternative, that I hope ends up being the case, is we can make it work, based only on how much we like each other as people.
I don’t want to get ahead of myself. We’ve been on two “dates” that we didn’t call dates, but for all intents and purposes, were dates. We’ve really only known each other for a few weeks, but she definitely has a crush on me. She’s so innocent and young though. She doesn’t know about all the shit I’ve done. She has no idea what a horrible person I am, or at least, what a horrible person I think I am. I’m worried if she gets to know me she’ll entirely lose interest, but I also don’t want to lie to her. Bojack Horseman said it best, “Do you ever get the feeling that to know you more is to love you less?” I do.
So I find myself in this predicament. I can allow something to come of this, or I can cut it off before it’s too late and we all get hurt. I’m not sure what to do. On the one hand, as one who is more or less addicted to being in a relationship, I miss the rush that comes with a girl laughing and touching your shoulder like a junkie misses the needle. On the other hand, if I do pursue this, and something bad happens, the one group of friends I actually met organically, and enjoy being around, the Philosophy Club, becomes a weird place where I have to face an ex.
I should be more optimistic, but I’ve just done this too many times in the past. Good things never last, and bad things always remain, you can just forget about them for a little while.
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