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cass1e-novak · 2 years ago
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HĂĄ 18 anos estreava uma das melhores sĂ©ries de ficção cientĂ­fica do mundol!! Feliz Supernatural day, Hunters 💙
Ig: @cass1e_novak
⚠| Se repostar dĂȘ os crĂ©ditos, plagio Ă© crime!!
💙| @mishacollins
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franki3w · 8 months ago
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#HuntingSpiration #20 I swore I was done hunting, for good
 ~ S.W. ~
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dahliawolfe · 1 year ago
Benefits pt. 2
Benefits pt 2
                Fuck, he had forgotten. Sam had forgotten that Ridley didn’t wear bras. The only time she wore one was when she was working out. At all other times, she was braless. Which was hell on Sam in his teen years. Now, she was sitting across from him at a shitty greasy-spoon diner, head rested on her hand, sleepy eyes falling shut. And her nipples were standing out, tenting her worn black t-shirt slightly. Sam gulped. It was five days since
since Jess. And the group had been travelling non-stop. Ridley had stayed up with Sam every night. And Sam could see what it was doing to her. Dean slung a lazy arm over the back of the booth she was sitting in and leaned back.
“I say we get a room for the night and start fresh in the morning,” the eldest commented.
“I second that,” Sam replied. “What about you, Rid?”
“Hmm?” she hummed, looking up at him. She gave him a soft smile. “Yeah, sounds good to me.”

“Rid, Baby, wake up,” Dean whispered around 3 a.m. He had seen how tired she was. How emotionally strained she was from giving Sam everything she had. And he knew that she was headed for burnout. And he knew exactly what he could do to help her. She woke up with a slight jolt and gave him a sleepy smile.
“Come with me, Baby.” He held his hand out to her. She took it and climbed out of the bed and padded barefoot after him. He opened the door as silently as possible and led her to the Impala. He opened the door and ushered her inside. He slid in after her, smiling wolfishly. “Daddy is going to make you feel good, Babygirl. You’ve been so good for me, and you deserve a reward.”
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Ridely smiled up at him, placing her hands on his biceps. Dean tapped her hip, signaling her to lift up. She did, and he slid the black cotton panties down her hips, over her thighs, and off of her legs. Then Dean positioned himself, sliding his shoulders under her knees. He kissed his way from her navel down, placing a soft kiss on her clit. She mewled, her hips bucking slightly.
Sam woke up with a start and reached for Ridley. Only, Ridley wasn’t there. His heart began to hammer wildly. No, not again! Not Ridley!
“Ridley!” he yelped, jumping from the bed to begin to scour the room, ripping the bathroom door open, spinning to facet the kitchenette. Her clothes lay next to the bed where she had left them the night before. Her bag, her phone, and her shoes were all still there. Where the hell was Ridley? They had taken her too.
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Ridley was almost there. Just on the cusp of a quiet, but powerful orgasm, when she heard Sam screech her name. “Fuck,” she hissed, reaching in tandem with Dean for her underwear. Between the two of them, they got them in place, and rushed out of the car, running for the room, Dean with a gun drawn. The door hadn’t closed all the way behind them, so Ridley could see inside. Sam was in the middle of the room, hands pulling at his hair in distress. She threw the door open and hurried in. “Sammy?!” she demanded. At the sound of her voice, Sam spun, snatched her off of the ground, and crushed her to his body. The air left her lungs in a woosh, and Ridley fought the panic that comes with being completely restricted. “Hey, it’s ok. What happened?” She rested her head in the crook of his neck as best she could.
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I couldn’t find you. Thought
thought they had
” he gulped, tightening his hand in the back of her head.
“Shit. I’m sorry, Sammy. Dean and I stepped outside. It was a nice night, and we couldn’t sleep, so we were sitting in the Impala talking. I’m ok.” The lie tasted bitter. But she couldn’t exactly tell the truth, could she?
Sam growled. “You were letting him fuck you again.” For a few seconds, everything went completely still.
” Dean began.
Sam abruptly put Ridley on her feet. “No! I expected this kind of behavior from you, Dean, but Ridley, 
 I didn’t think you were a slut.” Her stomach dropped.
“Sammy! Don’t you ever say that!” Dean demanded, grabbing Sam by his collar and shaking him. “The hell is wrong with you?!”
“Dean, let him go,” Ridley urged, trying to keep it together.
All at once, at the sound of Ridley, his best friend, still defending him, despite his nasty words against her; Sam’s anger washed away, leaving him sick. How the fuck could he have said that? He didn’t mean it. This was Ridley. She was perfect. She wasn’t a
 a slut. She was his best friend. The most beautiful girl in the world. Damn near his idol. “Rid, I
” he began, reaching out to her.
Ridley shook her head. “Sunrise is in a few hours. I’m going to sleep in Dean’s bed for the rest of the night and we can talk tomorrow after everybody has calmed down.” With that, she made her way into the bathroom, where she slid down, sitting against the door and sobbed silently.

The air in the car was intense the next morning.  Dean pulled into a coffeehouse and killed the engine, sliding out of the car and holding the door open for Ridley, giving her a brittle smile. She squeezed his hand. Despite what Sam thought, she wasn’t ashamed of her relationship with Dean. And she refused to be. And if Sam had a problem with that, then he wouldn’t have to work on that himself. She had had a lot of time to think about everything as she lay awake waiting for the sun to rise, and she had come to the conclusion that she had been called a lot worse that a slut, and while it had never come from someone she loved, she had grown a pretty thick skin, so she would learn to cope.

Sam looked across the table at Ridley, who was doing her best to not look at him, and it broke his heart. He had crossed a line. He had been incredibly selfish, and he hated himself for it.
“Ridley, I
 I want to say I’m sorry. Well, I’m sorry to you both, actually,” he said quietly.
Ridley looked up at him with tired eyes. “Sam, what you said was uncalled for. What Dean and I do, who we’re with, that’s our business. I love Dean. And I love you. And I’ve chosen to have this relationship with Dean for as long as he will have me. And I’m sorry, Sammy, but you’re going to have to get used to it.” Sam nodded.
“Sammy, what you said last night was probably the shittiest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth. If nobody else did, I damn well raised you better than that. Ridley has laid her life on the line for you and hundreds of other people since she was old enough to carry a gun. And she deserves to be happy. And by some fucking miracle, I make her happy. And I won’t let anyone, even you, take that away from her.” Steeling himself and taking a deep breath, Dean turned to Ridley. “And Ridley, Baby, we ain’t fooling nobody. It’s been only you for me for a long time. I know we’re no strings, but Darlin’, I want those strings. I want all those strings. So can we quit fucking around? Can I call you my girl?”
Ridley smiled and leaned into Dean’s neck, resting her forehead there. “I’ve been your girl for a long time, Dean Winchester.”
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Dean smirked and kissed her temple.
Sam gulped, feeling like he was intruding. “I want you both to be happy even if
” he cut himself off. His emotions were swarming him. And he didn’t want to give more away than he should.
“Even if what, Sammy?” Ridley asked, turning her head from the crook of Dean’s neck to look at the younger Winchester. Sam shook his head.
“Nothing. I just want you guys to be happy.” Dean’s eyes narrowed.
“Sammy, spill it.”
“It’s nothing. Just missing Jess, I guess,” he lied. Dean and Ridley read through his bullshit, both crossing their arms and looking at him with narrowed eyes.
“Sam, if there’s something you’re not telling us, it’s only going to fuck us over later.”
“Fine! The thing is, I think I might be in love with you too!”
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deanwinchestersgirl87 · 1 year ago
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NEW PHOTO of Jensen BTS of the SupeJuice beer shoot at @familybusinessbeerco đŸș via @costhebrewer on IG #fbbeer #fbbc #familybusinessbeer
#supernatural #spnfamily #spn #spnfam #teamdean #spnforever #winchesters #deanwinchester #spnfandom #jensen #ackles #winchesterbrothers #ackleholics #spnfans #spnlove #akf #jensenackles #supernaturalfamily #teamdean #spnforever #deangirl #soldierboy #theboys #theboystv #beauarlen #bigskyabc #radiocompany
Jensen Ackles | Supernatural | Dean Winchester | SPN | beer
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janicho88 · 2 years ago
Could I please be added to your tag list? I can’t wait to start reading “I Got You” along with your other amazing stories? đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ©·
You can absolutely be tagged. Right now I just have one Jake/Hangman story, I Got You. There is a tag list for that series, I also have taglists for SPNForevers, that includes Supernatural stories with Dean and Jensen. Which would you like to be on?
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maximumkillshot · 2 years ago
My Everything
Warnings: Everything in the A/N... ITS DIRTY I CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ELSE
Pairing:Sam x Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Y/N
A/N:  Anonymous asked (and I mean a long fucking time ago!: Can you write a Sam/Reader where he catches the reader having a wet dream and for the next few days is even more awkward than usual. Then he has a wet dream. Sam and the reader hate each other, and the dreams lead to hate sex?
“All I Could Do” Masterlist- CLICK HERE
Overall Masterlist- Click Here
“When You Call” Masterlist- Click Here
“The Situation” Masterlist- Click Here
Disposable Masterlist- Click Here
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Read "The Zeppelin Shirt" Here
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Sam POV:
“If I look at this book anymore I swear my eyes are going to melt out of my skull” Dean droned for the fortieth time. It’s almost 4 am in a dingy hotel room with my brother and
We were friends as kids but as we got older we grew apart, sometimes I wondered if I ever really liked her or just tolerated her for Bobby’s sake. She was always arrogant and cocky, kind of like my brother in that way. She is also very headstrong and dominating, which is partially why I think I can’t stand her so much. I like girls that like to take the seat next to me, but allow me to take the reins, not because I think I’m better or stronger than them. Believe me, nothing is sexier than a capable woman, but I want her to want to do that, to want to give me that kind of control. Y/N is not that kind of girl
 which is why we clash so much.
She, also a lot like Dean, hates research, which is why as soon as she and Dean came back from the bar, she collapsed onto my bed, which only made me more angry. I hate sharing a bed with her, she always tosses and turns, I can never get sleep. Come to think of it
. 9 times out of 10 she picks me as the sleeping partner for the night. Maybe that’s why I’m so tense. 
All of this doesn’t mean that she’s not a great hunter, because she is. She’s one of the best Dean and I have seen in a while, she's deadly accurate with most weapons, light on her feet, and a straight up brawler when she needs to be, which makes her valuable in tough situations. Though, given, she is the one making those situations tough in the first place.
I heard Dean grunt again and I had enough, he barely made it through one article when I blew through fifteen already, “Look, Dean. Take a shower and head to bed. It's already 4am. I can’t deal with your whining anymore.”
“Someone’s cranky,” Dean quipped as I looked up from my file, “What’s gotten into you? Ever since we teamed up with Y/N you’ve been more angsty than a goth teen in highschool.”
I took a calming breath, “Nothing Dean, just a lot to go through, and it’s not like I’m getting sleep tonight with her in my bed
” I groaned as I looked to the bed that was now rustled sufficiently with Y/N layed out in an X position.
“How can someone so tiny take up that much space?” Dean asked absent mindedly as he went to grab his toiletries and pajamas, “and the woman sleeps like a rock. Sometimes I wanna poke her with a stick, see if she’s still breathing.” He chuckled. 
I let out a huff and said, “Yeah it’s funny for you but not for me. I get no sleep at all. She’s always kicking, tossing, turning, it never ends with her.”
“You two are cute, you know.” Dean said absentmindedly

“I’m sorry?”
“That whole ‘angry sexual tension’ thing you two got going on
 it’s cute.” He threw the comment behind his shoulder.
 Dean I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole, she isn’t my type.” I scoffed and Dean turned around, halfway across the room.
“The type that takes control, the wreckless,mysterious, sarcastic type. Also known as the sexiest type of woman known to man? You know
” Dean turned back to his regular course, “You would see a confident woman and be threatened.”
“I am not threatened.” I said plainly.
“Oh really Sammy? Then why do you try to compete with her? Hmm?” Dean waited for an answer at the door of the bathroom and I had none so he just said, “that’s what I thought,” and closed the door behind him.
I didn’t think much of it until I heard a moan come from Y/N’s mouth. I looked over to see if she was okay and I noticed her cheeks were flushed.
One minute I’m running from a turnip that turned into a werewolf and the next I hear a stab, I turn around and Sam’s behind me with the werewolf dead on the ground.
“You do know werewolves run about three times as fast as you do.” He said with a smug look on his face as he took the blade out of the carcass.
“Yes, and you do know that I had that kill myself and you stole it?!” I seethed
 I did not have that kill, I had no knife, no escape, Sammy just saved my ass and he can never know about it, “I was just playing with it before I finished it off.”
“Suuure you were, and you were going to stab it with what exactly, a well timed insult?” Sam sheathed the knife as he walked up to me.
. I was working on it
 Where’s Dean?” I asked as I looked around him. He had a look on his face, hungry and almost obscene, I have never seen him look at me like this.
“Dean’s getting food.” He said placidly.
“On a hunt?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” He asked. Then when I looked around the carcass was gone and we were alone in the bunker’s library.
“Huh” I sighed, “I could’ve swore we were-” I was interrupted by Sam.
“I could’ve swore you weren’t this sexy.” Sam looked at me up and down and my stomach twisted
 in a flattered, excited way.
“What has gotten into you?” I asked as he approached me.
“Nothing, I always felt that way really, always wanted you.” He said as he gripped my hips and brought me closer to him, so close that I could smell his cologne, feel his breath on my face
 it was so
 arousing? No no something’s wrong. 
 I don’t”
“You don’t what?” He said as he pushed me against a table and lifted me onto it, “feel the same way?”
“Well..” I thought long and hard at this
 It’s not that I hate him, I just hate that he is the way he is constantly criticizing me and challenging me. Not to mention the way he tries to take control like he is now
 but why do I
 why do I not mind it this time? “I don’t hate you
” I looked into his eyes..
“That’s a start,” He chuckled, “But do you feel the same way that I do?” He asked as he gently pulled me closer and let me feel him
 His weight, his
 fuck he is strong and big
 in more ways than one. “What do you want right now?” He asked me

“You,” I said. I couldn’t help the sentence from coming from my mouth. 
It was then that he kissed me slowly, I could feel every little touch every little movement, it set every part of me on fire, “Sam
“Please fuck me, I need it.” I said as the next minute we were in my bed completely naked. He was on top of me and absolutely wrecking me in all the best ways. 
. Was that Sammy?
“Y/N! Wake up! Y/N/N! Get up!”
I looked into Sam’s eyes and then I woke up

As things came into focus I realized that it was a dream, all of it was a dream
 I could feel a wetness between my thighs and the cool breeze that said that it must've soaked through. Then I realized, the covers were ripped off and
. Sam was right over top of me

Sam looked almost confused as he said, “What were you dreaming about?” It was then that he looked lower and saw what had happened
. A wet spot
 right on my pants
 If I could disappear that’d be great, or perhaps a random sinkhole to appear, that’d be delightful because the dawning of realization that hit him made me want to stop existing entirely.
“Oh.. oh God Ew Y/N!” Sam said as he threw the covers over my lower section, “About me?”
“What are you talking about?” I tried to act like I was still tired but we both knew
 oh we both knew I was painfully aware of the situation. 
“You were moaning my name and ‘please’ and  something about fucking you
 oah gahd Y/N/N, really?” Sam said awfully disgusted.
I decided to give up the act, it wasn’t going anywhere,“Believe me when I say I am more disgusted than you ever will be.” I spat.
“Oh please Ms. Independent, you wish you could bag someone like me.”
I laughed wholeheartedly, “You? The sweaty Moose of this trio? Really? Out of the suave bad boy and the nerdy sweaty lumberjack looking motherfucker you think I’d pick you? Hah you must be delusional.”
Sam laughed and said, “And you think I’d ever choose an entitled brat like you. The one that needs to cause trouble and needs to be in the middle of it all the time? Please I’m interested in ACTUAL WOMEN, not you, your similarities to other females start and stop at looks, on a good day.”
It felt like a knife went through me at that, “Fuck you Sam, like I can control what I dream about. Believe me if I did, you would be in my worst nightmares.”
I then heard Dean come out of the shower, “What’d I miss?”
Sam looked at Dean and said plainly, “Y/N was moaning while she was sleeping, I heard things and I saw things that I shouldn't have and now I want to burn out my eyes and sew my ears shut.” Sam spat as he sat down at the little table in the motel.
Dean looked confused for a second, formed a giant ‘O’ with his mouth then said, “Ohhh, someone had a dream?”
I nodded yes.
“You.. you had a dream that,” He motioned to Sam and then myself, “
 and you...” Dean tried to get me to say it but I refused.
I nodded again

“In your sleep?” Dean tried to reiterate, shocked

“Can we please act like adults about this for 5 seconds!” I screamed in frustration, “My god you people act like I did this on purpose.”
Sam went to go off but Dean stopped him, “She’s right, Sammy. No more talking about it. No nothing
” Sam looked shocked.
“Not a peep, Sam.” Dean then turned to me, “The shower’s open, plenty of hot water, go and shower, change, do whatever you need to
 it happens, okay? Especially after high stress situations, Sammy knows that. He’s a bit on edge too.”
“I am not sleeping in that bed with her!” Sam said, almost accusatory and disgusted.
Dean looked to him and said, “Then take my bed yah Baby! Acting like she’s got cooties or something. Grow up.” He waved Sam off as he grabbed my bag and handed it off to me. 
Sam POV:
 As soon as the shower started so did I, “Dean it was disgusting.”
Dean rolled his eyes and said, “No you’re disgusting. I heard what you said to her and I thought you were raised better than that, ” he looked at me sternly.
“You don’t understand how much I hate this woman,” I huffed.
“And you don’t seem to understand basic psychology,” Dean spat. 
“What is that supposed to mean, Dean?” I asked.
“It means you’re really smart and really stupid at the same time,” Dean continued, “you were both fine with eachother until you were teenagers, Sam. You became hostile towards her for just being herself, and that made her hate what you do to her, but not you.. Sometimes you can be so dense it’s painful.” 
“Dean that’s not.” I tried to save face.
“Oh what Sammy? Not true? Really. Because y’all were inseparable when you were kids, I’d know, I was there. I had to pull you away from her every time Dad forced us back on the road. Or did you blissfully forget that? Or is it just convenient to forget? Ever since she became independent, you became a different person.”
“You know what Dean, just shut up. I need sleep.” I turned and went to bed.
After a few minutes of just lying in bed motionless I heard the bathroom door open and Y/N crawl into bed with Dean
 I heard her whisper, “I didn’t mean to,” and sniffled. I pretended that I was asleep and turned slightly with my eyes cracked. 
I saw Dean holding her, “It’s okay, just surprised him is all, Princess. Go to sleep, it’s okay.” 
She looked so small sitting up in bed, when Dean laid back with her, she continued to quake as she held onto his sleep shirt.
It only made me seethe more. He didn’t understand what it’s like to have a friend who grew up with you one way then all of a sudden changes on you. He didn’t know what it’s like to have a partner in crime one day, and the next a
 a person who wants to do their own shit, whether or not it included you.
I turned back around and everything went black for a second
I was in a park, walking alone, it seemed. It had a huge lake in the middle with a little gazebo overlooking the water. I felt like I had to go there. I remember feeling nervous and almost out of place as I watched some kids run by with a dog. When I started to approach the gazebo I saw a woman looking out, she had the prettiest sky blue sundress, her hair out and flowing in the wind
 She was facing the water so I couldn’t see who she was, but I knew I was there for her. 
The minute I walked into the gazebo she said, “I'd know you anywhere,” and turned around
 It was Y/N? Why am I not angry? Why is she smiling at me?
“What’s going on?” I asked out loud.
“You tell me, Sammy.” She said as I looked confused. “You started pulling away first
 so you tell me.” She looked inquisitive yet heart broken, my heart sank seeing her like that.
I sat at the gazebo with her and tried to come up with excuses, “Time changes people.”
“Only if they want to change,” She uttered.
“If you weren’t so stubborn
” I murmured.
“I have to be, to protect myself, you do the same thing,” She looked as tears began to well.
“We could’ve been,” the words caught in my throat before I could form them. I started looking into her eyes, “Why don’t you trust me?” 
“You never gave me a reason to trust you. Trust makes you vulnerable and I can’t trust you with my vulnerability, Sam.” She looked hurt, “I can trust you with many things, my friendship, my anger, my life
 but never my vulnerability.” Her voice broke as she swallowed hard, “It would leave me exposed  if you had just decided one day to up and leave...” She huffed, “looks like I was right too.” 
“You knew I was always insecure about me being a tomboy and not being enough and yet you threw it in my face knowing I couldn’t control myself when I’m sleeping.” The tears started falling from her face, “you never gave me a reason, even though I wanted to give you everything.” 
“What?” I was confused.
“You hated me in high school because I was becoming myself and you just wanted to stay sheltered in your books, then you left to Stanford
” She said.
“I needed to get out,” I said plainly.
“Then you wound up with her
 my opposite, then after all of that when you come back you still despise me and I don’t...”  She turned away, looking at the water. I watched her tears fall into the lake.
I rubbed her arms as I stood behind her, “I don’t despise you. I never despised you.”
“You don’t need to lie to me,” She spat as she went to walk away. By the time I turned around the gazebo was empty and walking out led me to a dark forest, where I heard a scream.
I ran in the direction of the yell and I found Y/N. Fear flared in me.
She was lying face down in a clearing, fang marks on her neck, pale as the moon, drained....
I ran to her and flipped her over. I heard her distantly say, “tell the truth.”
I cried and closed my eyes as I said, “I need you.” 
Her body disappeared and the forest was gone. I looked around myself and saw my room, Y/N sitting on my bed as I stood there in the center. 
She looked at me and said, “I need you too,” as she walked up to me and kissed me. I was so confused yet it all made sense. I felt a fire light in my chest as I kissed her back. The relief I felt made tears well up in my eyes as I held her close to me. I felt her heartbeat, heard her whimper, she was there and alive and with me.
She started taking off my clothes as I watched her, the smile she had plastered on her face so promising and daring. I blinked and we were together on the bed, her on top of me, riding me. It was a beautiful sight, the ways she moaned and gripped onto my chest for support
 If I could I’d hold out forever, make this moment last but she is so tight and feels so good, “Y/N fuck I’m not gonna last, can I come inside you?”
“Do it
 let go, Baby come inside me.” “Fucking hypocrite.”
I heard my brother, “Y/N? Calm down
 just like you said he can’t control it.”
 This is bad.
“Stay with me.” She said as she bent down to kiss me.
It was then that I opened up my eyes to see a furious Y/N.
Dean had his hands up. “Y/N..”
She glared daggers into him and she barked, “LET ME GUESS,” she walked over to my bed and threw back the sheets
 there it was, clear as day. A wet spot not only staining my pajamas but the sheets too.
“Well that’s one way to get up.” I groaned as I swung my legs over the bed.
“That’s all you have to say for yourself, really? I cried myself to sleep last night, having nightmares every two seconds yet you not only have a wet dream of me
” She made a gagging noise, “YOU COME INSIDE DREAM ME?! As if I’d let you that close. I hate it when you nudge me in the Impala yet you think on some subconscious level that I’d let you come inside me?”
Dean intervened as I got up, “Look, I know this looks bad.”
” she huffed and paced, “No, Dean. A train wreck looks bad. A global catastrophe? Not a good look
Dean came in with, “I know I know
 just let’s get you out of here before you kill him.” 
She looked to Dean then to me and said, “You are lucky there’s someone saving your ass
 YET AGAIN!” and she stormed out.
Dean looked to me, “Sam, I don’t know how you’re gonna save this, but when I bring her back
 you better have an idea, and a good one at that.”
I looked stunned, “Why does it have to be me?”
Dean’s face turned hard, “Because you started this you jackass! You made her feel like shit in an already embarrassing situation, she even had nightmares of you leaving her in a pit dying alone! YOU Sam, YOU made her hate you! And now, it’s time to man up and fix it!” He looked at his watch then back to me, “You have until tonight, 8pm, I think she’ll be cooled off by then. My bag is packed and I have another room. You two are gonna hash this out before we leave this town, no ifs, ands, or buts
 got it?”
“Got it.” was all I could say as he stormed out

This is just great. How in the hell am I going to go about this? 
Most of the day was spent nervously tidying up the room and doing some research, just waiting out the clock. Periodically Dean would text me, asking about my progress and all I said was that I was working on it. The truth is, I can’t make a plan if I don’t know her mood. Therefore, I’m gonna have to wing it. 
Finally 8pm hit and I was dressed in my regular clothes. I set out two beers at the small table in the room and waited. Pretty soon I heard the roar of the Impala and minutes later Y/N came in with Dean. 
Dean looked at both of us, “Whatever is happening here, it’s been here for years
 You are my best friend, and you are my brother
 figure this shit out. I’m going to my room,” with that Dean left the room.
As soon as the door closed Y/N stood there with her arms crossed, eyeing me cautiously.
“I have a beer for you, and a seat, if you want it that is,” I almost bit out.
Her nostrils flared and a fire started in her eyes, “I’m only tolerating you for Dean.”
“Sure whatever you say,” I spat.
She looked at me and said, “What is your problem with me? Huh? What have I ever done to you except support and deal with your fucked up self?!”
I felt anger boil as I looked at her, “I’m not the fucked up one here!” I got up and walked to her. She scoffed as I said, “I’m not the one that decided to shut down all those years ago and act like my shit doesn’t stink!”
She looked at me, “I grew into who I am today, Sam! I’m sorry that’s such a personal offense to you. That doesn’t give you a right to keep on challenging me and act like I am not only a stranger but a stranger you hate at that!”
I glared, “Oh please, as if you didn’t push me away!” I screamed.
“You were the one who left to Stanford
 No goodbye,” she started listing on her hands, “no explanation, no ‘see you later’ or ‘see ya never’, no confirmation that you were alive or dead, no nothing, Sam. So tell me who pushed who away!?” Her eyes burned with hurt, hate, and something else. 
“Don’t,” I growled, “it wasn’t that simple.” The truth is the whole time I packed the only person I thought about was her. If I’d ever see her again, hold her, if I could convince her to come with me. In the end though, fear of not only Bobby but of Dad finding me to try to hash it out made me go on without her. I still have nightmares of that night but not of the fight, but of me not being able to get to her. 
She advanced on me, “Wasn’t that simple?” she breathed
 “Who helped put you back together? Huh? All those breakups and all those times you were bullied in school, who did EVERYTHING to try to get through to you?” She scoffed, “Hell, you almost killed me when you were on demon blood just for shits and giggles and did I leave your sorry ass behind? NO... Dean had to PEEL me from you and drop me off somewhere saying it was for my own good but dammit Sammy I NEVER LEFT YOU. YOU
 ME!” She screamed as tears were welling in her eyes as she looked at me

“Why is it that every time I try to talk to you it turns into a Y/N pity party?” I screamed, frustrated, especially at her last statement. The whole time she was with me when I was on demon blood, I can’t even go into it. Tears stung my eyes as my hate not only for her, but for myself reached a boiling point. 
“I never asked for pity and I never wanted pity,” she spat out as I got closer to her, “I wanted you to see me and see that I gave a damn about you, you asshole!” She yelled as she tried to hit me. I caught her hands and pinned her against the wall.
The air was tense, heavy, angering, and frustrated. I could see her struggle against me as I looked at her, the fire in her now a full on inferno, searing into me, devouring me. She started to glare at me as she spat, “What now, Sam. I can’t move! Are you happy now?”
I gathered her hands into one of mine as I said, “I hate you.”
“Right back at you.”
“You’re stubborn, arrogant, wreckless, and you get on my nerves like no one else,” I growled, practically nose to nose with her.
“What are you going to do about it?” She glared at me. That was it, my restraint snapped as I crashed my lips into hers. Her whole body tensed and then relaxed as she wordlessly jumped and wrapped her legs around my hips. 
We were fighting for dominance as I pressed her against that wall, she was biting at my lips, trying to show who was in control but I wasn’t having it. I pulled away and looked at her. I watched her chest heave as I wrapped my hand around her tiny neck, just letting her know that I’m in control. “You look pretty like this,” I glared at her.
“Wait until you see me on top,” She spat.
“As if, I make the rules,” I pulled her towards me and threw her on the bed, she let out a devilish laugh as I pawed at her clothing, trying to get it off as quickly as possible.
“Rules are meant to be broken Sammy,” She quipped as she used my weight against me and pinned me to the bed, “Now be a good boy and stay still.”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s the plan, Winchester.” She threw off her shirt and bra as she said that.
I immediately latched onto her chest as I started taking off my shirt. I could feel her grinding on top of me, when I heard her moan I pinned her again
 “You don’t get to come until I let you.” I nipped her hard on the neck as she tried to grind into me.
She laughed, “You’re funny, thinking that you can even make me come.” 
I started unbuttoning and unzipping her pants, “we’ll see what you think about that in a second.” As soon as I was able to fit my hand into her pants I licked my fingers and started fingering her. I pushed and pulled slowly at first, feeling her clench, watching her trying to look unphased. I see those pupils, the way her lips are parted, she’s struggling.
She looked at me in defiance when I brushed that little bundle of nerves with my thumb and her hips jumped, I quirked an eyebrow, “oh I can make you come,” I said with confidence as I picked up the pace, watching her writhe and moan while I nipped and sucked at her breasts. The more I’m fucking her the more I wonder if I ever hated her in the first place. As soon as I felt her walls tighten slightly I pulled away.
“Damn it Sam!”
“You’re gonna come many times tonight
 but the first
” I wrapped a hand around her neck, “The first time you’re coming is on my tongue.”
For the first time ever
 I think she was speechless. I pulled her pants off and nestled myself between her legs, “Now don't come until I tell you to.” She was quiet and still as I began teasing her. She was so sweet and also something all her own, it just made me harder for her, I could hear her moaning despite herself, eventually grabbing my hair and directing me to where she wanted me. Not too long after I could hear her breath hitching, feel  her grip on my hair tighten, her legs starting to shake
 oho she needed to come.
“I’m not done don’t you dare...” I growled into her as I continued my feast, I don’t really think I can get enough of this girl. Finally when I was done with her I looked into her eyes and nodded, giving permission.
With that she exploded on my tongue, sounding like a porn star as she did. She was so lost in it that I needed some relief. I found myself kicking off my jeans and underwear while I was getting her through the first of many orgasms tonight. By the time she was done I was hard enough to cut glass. 
I kissed up her body and whispered, “taste yourself”, as I kissed her with everything I had. She whined at her own flavor. Then I flipped her over, in any other position she can flip our positions, but not in this one. “I need to make sure you don’t surprise me.”
“Just fuck me Sam
 please.” She bit out.
“So polite,” I mentioned to her as I slid in and caged her with my torso, after biting her shoulder at the feeling of her clench I said, “Keep being nice and maybe I’ll let you ride me.”
The whole night went like that, small breaks, fucking, then more breaks
 By the time it was daylight we went from hating each other to smiling like two idiots at one another. 
In between breaks we talked, found that we don’t hate each other, we actually kinda love each other and maybe, just maybe we should pursue this. By the next morning we were joking with each other, flirting, and well, just being together.
When the sun peaked out of the blinds and I watched her settle in for a nap, I said something so natural that it felt like breathing, “I love you. I always have, just wanted you to need me.”
Y/N looked at me and gently grabbed my face, “I always needed you, just promise, you won’t leave like before
 because I love you too and I can’t take not having you around.”
I looked at her and said, “I would never dream of it.” as I kissed her.
I got a text from Dean asking if we were alive and I let him know we hashed it out and are actually seeing each other now. Dean called and well as he said “IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME!”
After he hung up I settled with Y/N on my chest, sleeping peacefully. As for me, I went to bed knowing
 She’s everything. My everything. 
@mamaredd123 , @impala-dreamer , @impalaimagining , @jotink78 , @nichelle-my-belle , , @scorpiongirl1​ , @ilostmyshoe-79​ , @teamfreewillimagines-blog​ , @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​ , @chelsea072498​ , @brickwall035​ , @maui137 , @mogaruke​ , @jayankles​ , @butiaintgonnaloveem​ , @kawaiilivkitty , @naviwhite , @emoryhemsworth​ ,              
@cole-winchester , @nanie5 , @emoryhemsworth , @carribear31 , @death-unbecomes-you, @clarinette07, @curlyhairedblueeyedangel, @deansbabygirl01, @anathewierdo , @atc74 , @kickasscas67-blog, @mannls, @adoptdontshoppets, @meganywinchester, @xalgaliareptx , @healojane, @wolfiebucky, @rayvenrider, @screechingartisancashbailiff , @superlockedtimelord, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @beltzboys2015-blog, @animegirlgeeky​, @paintballkid711​, @dolphincliffs​, @hawaiianohana15, @flamencodiva​, @sea040561​, @goddessofmischiefs ,@gublergirls , @noneedtoknow789, @supraveng ,@paryl, @stephthepeach,@prettysourabbie, @lyarr244, @malindacath, @melannie77 , @440mxs-wife
Jared/Sam Peoples!:
Wanna join the tag army? Shoot me an ask and consider it done!
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jensenacklesfanx · 3 years ago
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Season 1
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debs95love · 3 years ago
Happy mail this morning.
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cass1e-novak · 2 years ago
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💙| Esse seu sorriso sempre me salva de um dia ruim e ouvir sua voz Ă© minha Ășnica terapia đŸ„șđŸ„°
💚| @mishacollins
📾| Siga me no insta para mais: @cass1e_novak
⚠| Se repostar dĂȘ os crĂ©ditos, plagio Ă© crime!!
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supernatural-gif-patrol · 4 years ago
For those who dread the very last episode of the show.
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I know I need one.
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srsly-stark · 5 years ago
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Dean Winchester icons
Some wholesome Dean icons to kick off the new year!
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all-or-nothing-baby · 5 years ago
Me, watching new Netflix show "Locke and Key": *liking new show*
"Locke and Key", s01e02: *Supernatural's Rufus Turner (Steven Williams) shows up as school principal*
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ahaml3t · 4 years ago
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Like how?! 
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multifan-dot-xdits · 4 years ago
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A Sam Winchester aesthetic I made for my Instagram
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pharlapcartoonist · 4 years ago
I am still sad and kinda angry about the ending of SPN. But I don't want to abandon the show because of the ending. The boys, the story, all that love and care everyone putted into it doesn't deserve to be thrown away just because of stupid ending. That show made so much for everyone who watched it even for a short time. They just don't deserve that...
I feel like I kinda owe them. For making me happy when I was depressed. For always being there for me when I needed it. For being my best friend and family when I needed some. For making me laugh and cry and all things in between. And I know I am not the only one feeling this way.
This show was here for 15 years and there is plenty episodes to watch. So rather than think about the ending as dying friend with whom we will never make new memories again, we should think about it as a little farewell before we meet again.
And before that time comes, we can rewatch the series! Because the show is still here, we are alive and we have plenty memories to make!
Make your family, best friend or your partner watch the show with you! Make yourself a happy little Supernatural movie night with popcorn and cozy blankets! There is still so much jokes you can laugh again and details you haven't notice before. Draw a bingo card and fill it watching the episode! Or just come back and watch your favorite episodes after hard day.
Because show ending isn't it's death. It's still here for us. For those who love it. For those who stopped watching and would like to watch it again. For all those who never saw it but would like to.
Don't bury the show, please. Make it live and pass it on. It can still bring so much happiness to your life and life of people around you.
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honestchick · 5 years ago
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(Repost from my Instagram)
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