#spn heartstopper crossover
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fandomstuff67 · 5 months ago
New Beginnings
Calling all SPN and Heartstopper fans! I wrote a little crossover! Dean was dreading his eight a.m. Psychology class on the first day back after Christmas break, but when a study abroad student sits down next to him and they bond about their respective boyfriends, an early class suddenly doesn't seem so bad. Or Dean Winchester meets Nick Nelson and then Dean, Cas, Nick, and Charlie become fast friends. Read below or on ao3 wc: 3k
Dean sat down in Psychology 201, rubbing at his eyes and wishing it wasn’t eight a.m. Who even allowed classes to begin at eight in the morning? It should be illegal. He slumped in his seat, yawning and tried to will his eyes not to fall shut. Class was gonna begin soon and he really needed to actually try to pay attention, if he wanted a psychology degree by the end of his four years in Hell adjacent. 
He was jolted out of his near-sleep when someone sat down next to him, which was kinda odd because the lecture hall wasn’t full yet, and he didn’t really have any friends in his major, so why the hell was someone choosing to sit next to him? He looked over at the guy, but he just gave Dean a half smile. It was warm, the kind of smile that makes you forget your problems for a few seconds. The boy had ginger hair and a freckled face and Dean noticed that he was kinda built like a linebacker. 
“Uh, hey,” Dean said, tentatively, pushing himself up more in his seat. 
The guy’s smile touched his eyes in a way that seemed to light up his whole face. “Hi.”
Dean was surprised to find that he was British. “Are you a freshman?” 
The guy shook his head. “No, I’m not a first year. I’m just studying abroad for the semester.” 
“Oh, cool,” Dean replied. “I’m a Sophomore.” 
“I suppose you’d call me that, too.” 
“I’m Dean.” 
The guy smiled again and held out his hand. Dean took it. “Nick.” 
“So, Nick, are you studying Psychology?”
Nick nodded. “Yeah. My boyfriend kinda inspired me, actually.” 
Dean felt his body react to the word boyfriend, and Nick must’ve noticed his shift because his friendly expression seemed to drop into one of wariness. Come on, why did everyone think he was homophobic? Apparently, he was bad at expressing excitement when finding out someone was queer. He quickly threw on a smile. “That’s awesome, dude. I was just lucky that I managed to convince my boyfriend to come to the same college as me.” 
Nick instantly relaxed. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, the nerd wanted to go to an Ivy League or something– not that he wouldn’t have gotten in, he’s like crazy smart– but I started waxing poetic about how we wouldn’t see each other and got him to settle for the slightly prestigious state school that you see before you.” 
A sad expression came over Nick’s face, but he quickly shoved it aside. Dean knew that trick, he used it all the damn time. “You really are lucky.” 
He felt the need to explain a little more, he didn’t actually want to come across as a dick who forced his boyfriend to attend the same school. “I mean, hey, he didn’t give up a dream or anything for me. I’d never have made him come to the same school as me. It just worked out. He’s studying Biology; he’ll probably cure cancer by the end of his time here.”
“What’s his name?” Nick asked. 
Dean couldn’t help but smile. “Cas. What about yours?”
Nick seemed to match Dean’s smile. “Charlie.” 
“Hey, that’s my best friend's name. Except she’s a girl, and a raging lesbian.”
Nick laughed. “Sounds like she’d fit in with some of my mates back home.” 
The professor finally entered the hall and Dean opened up his notebook, digging for a pencil in his backpack. “So, what made you wanna study abroad?” he asked, lowering his voice to a whisper. 
“Well, Charlie wanted to come here and I thought it might be fun to go with him.”
“Dude, your boyfriend is here?” 
Nick nodded, his mouth in that half-smile again. “Yeah. Sorry, did I not mention that?”
Dean shoved at him. “No, you didn’t. You’ve just roped yourself into lunch with me and Cas, now that I have this new information.”  
“Alright then,” Nick agreed. “I’ll tell Charlie.”
Nick pulled out his phone, shot off a quick text, and Dean watched his entire face light up when his phone buzzed not a second later with what must’ve been Charlie’s response. A moment later, the professor called the class together and Dean forced himself to try to actively take notes.
Dean met up with Cas right outside the Hampshire Dining hall, easily sliding his hand into Cas’. “Hey,” he said, grinning.
“Hello,” Cas replied. “You’re in a good mood.” 
Dean held open the door for him. “Yeah, I guess I am.” 
“Well, I’m going to assume this new friend of yours is responsible for this. I can’t wait to meet him.”
“I think you’ll like him,” Dean said as he tugged Cas into the line for the grill. He really wanted a burger and fries. 
Cas dropped his hand, though, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m going to get sushi.” 
“Lame,” Dean muttered. Cas just glared at him through narrowed eyes, shaking his head, and then walked away. 
Once he had his burger, he found a table and kept an eye out for Nick. Cas joined a minute later and then Dean spotted Nick, hand in hand with a boy a little shorter than him. He had dark curly hair and he was laughing at something Nick said. Dean waved, trying to catch his attention; Nick saw him and waved back. 
“That’s them,” Dean nodded in their direction.
Cas followed his gaze and offered a wave of his own. Nick pulled Charlie towards them and then stopped in front of the table. “Hi,” Nick said. 
“Hey,” Dean replied. “Uh, Cas, this is Nick, and I’m gonna guess you’re Charlie.”
“Yeah, that’s me,” Charlie said.
“Nice to meet you, both,” Cas said. 
“You too,” Nick replied. “We’re gonna go get some food, then be right back. Right, Char?” 
Charlie picked at his fingers, fidgeting. “Yeah, I guess.” 
Nick caught Charlie’s eye, ducking his head into his boyfriend’s space. “Charlie-” 
“It’s fine,” Charlie said, and then he walked away. 
Nick gave Dean and Cas a pinched smile. “I’ll just- we’ll be right back.”
“Wonder what that was about,” Dean said as he picked up his burger. 
“Not our business,” Cas replied evenly, popping a sushi roll in his mouth. 
Dean shrugged, chewing as he watched Nick catch up to Charlie. Nick said something that had Charlie pushing his way into Nick’s arms. Nick kissed the top of his head and then took his hand and led him off to one of the food stations. 
When they returned, Dean was already almost done with his burger. Nick had some chicken dish and Charlie had a small bowl of salad. Cas began the conversation, his curiosity clearly piqued in the way he’d tilted his head to the side to scrutinize the poor guys. “So, what do you think about the college so far?”
“It’s pretty cool,” Nick replied, cutting into his chicken. 
“Yeah, I mean we haven’t gotten to explore much yet but it seems really nice,” Charlie added. 
“Well, me and Cas can totally give you a tour later if you want,” Dean offered.
“That would be great!” Charlie replied. “I was wondering about the Literature buildings.” 
“Char’s majoring in Classic Literature,” Nick explained. “I think meeting Jack Maddox really had an impact.”
“Shut up,” Charlie said, playfully shoving at Nick. 
“You’ve met Jack Maddox!?” Cas burst out, shocked. 
“Yeah, are you a fan?” Charlie asked. 
“Cas never shuts up about the guy,” Dean replied. 
“Charlie’s the same,” Nick said. “Honestly, after meeting him I sort of got why.” Nick blushed just slightly while Charlie and Cas began an in depth conversation about classical literature that Dean couldn’t be bothered to listen in on. 
Cas was minoring in Classic Lit, not that it would really help him in his biology degree, but the guy was taking so many courses anyway just for fun, that he was already compiling multiple subjects he could minor in. “So, Nick,” Dean said, “what kind of things are you into?”
“Well, I play rugby back home.” 
“Awesome. I’ve never played it, but we do have teams here,” Dean replied, shoving a fry in his mouth. “I’m not really a sports guy; I could never do all that running.”
“Yeah, I’m going to be playing on the school team. But I’m really not that fast, not like Charlie,” Nick said. “You know, I roped him into joining the rugby team back home ‘cause he was a fast runner.” 
Charlie jumped in, cutting off his conversation with Cas, “That’s why he said he wanted me on the team, but he really just had a crush on me.”
“Oh, like you didn’t have a crush on me, too?” Nick fired back. 
“You guys are adorable,” Dean said. 
Nick and Charlie blushed, but they wore matching smiles. “How did you two meet?” Charlie asked. 
“High school,” Dean replied. “We were lab partners in chemistry, which sounds really cliche but… yeah. I mean, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was feeling for Cas for a while, but I got there in the end.” He smiled at Cas, tugging him in to kiss the top of his head. 
“Yes, Dean went through quite a bit of gay panic-”
“Bi panic,” Dean corrected. 
“Yes, apologies,” Cas huffed fondly.
“I know that feeling,” Nick said. “I had a proper crisis about it. But Charlie really helped me through it and I was finally comfortable enough to come out as bi.” 
“That’s awesome. Cas and I had a lot of fights about being a couple at school,” Dean admitted. “It wasn’t exactly smooth sailing until maybe sophomore year. I had to leave my house; my Dad wasn’t exactly supportive, but Cas’ family let me stay with them.” 
Charlie and Nick looked like someone had gutted them open. “I’m so sorry,” Nick said. 
Charlie nodded in agreement. “We both got lucky that our parents were supportive.”
“Well, my Dad was more confused than he was supportive but I don’t have to see him more than twice a year,” Nick said. “And my brother was a right prick about it.”
“My Mom eventually kicked my Dad out,” Dean explained. “She wasn’t all that thrilled with my Dad’s attitude, and my younger brother threatened to leave the house too.” 
Cas reached for Dean’s hand, squeezing gently. “But we’re here now.”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, and my Dad is trying to be less of a dick. He’s not very good at it, though.” 
“Being out is hard,” Charlie sympathized. “I was forced out at school and it was really bad for a while.”
Dean winced. “That sucks.” 
“Yeah, no one should be forced out before they’re ready,” Cas said. 
Nick smiled at Charlie. “I don’t think I’d have had the courage to do it without Charlie.” 
“Yeah, me too, with Cas,” Dean agreed. “I dunno, I think I just lucked out with my extremely awesome boyfriend.” 
Nick leaned across the table, conspiratorially. “Did you also cry at an am i gay quiz?” 
Dean laughed. “Dude, so many times. I took that test like twenty times ‘cause I hoped the results would change, but they never did.” 
Nick and Charlie were very easy to talk to, it was like they’d known each other for years. But Dean noticed that Nick also kept shooting glances at Charlie’s salad bowl every few minutes. Charlie was eating it slowly and Dean saw Nick’s hand tighten around Charlie’s in a silent encouragement. 
“What do you guys think of the food?” Dean asked. “UMass Amherst is actually one of the best colleges in the country for food.” 
“It’s really good,” Nick said. 
“Yeah,” Charlie echoed, still poking at his salad. 
Nick changed the subject, his posture turning a bit defensive. “What other classes are you guys taking?”
“I have a behavioral analysis class after lunch,” Dean replied. 
“And I have a Lit class,” Cas answered. 
“I have Lit after this too,” Charlie said, seeming to come back to the conversation. 
“With Professor Russel?” Cas asked.
“Great, we can walk there together,” Cas offered. 
“It’ll be nice to know someone in class,” Charlie beamed. 
“I’m glad you’ll have Cas,” Nick said. 
Cas glanced at the time on his phone. “We should actually get going.” 
“Okay,” Charlie replied. He turned to give Nick a kiss. “I’ll see you after class.”
“Yeah, bye,” Nick said, smiling. 
Dean pulled Cas in for a kiss of their own. “See you at the library later?”
“Of course, Dean.”
Charlie and Cas walked off and Dean leaned back in his chair. “I guess it’s just you and me. You know, I think our boyfriends are about to become best friends.” 
“I think you’re right.” 
Dean gathered up his plate and stood, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. Nick did the same a little slower. “So, uh, sorry if I’m like stepping over a line here or anything, but is Charlie okay? He seemed a little down, ‘course I don’t know him or anything so maybe that’s just how he is.” Nick froze and Dean quickly tried for damage control, “Sorry, I wasn’t- forget I said anything.”
“No, uh, it’s fine,” Nick said. “He’s just a little anxious about being in a new country.” 
Dean could see the lie, but he didn’t call Nick out on it. “Yeah, I get that. It’s gotta be stressful.” 
“Would you and Cas want to come hang out tonight?” Nick asked as they moved away from their table. 
“Yeah, absolutely.” 
“Great. Charlie and I are in Brooks Hall, room 217.” 
“We’ll come by after dinner,” Dean promised. 
Dean only realized that he didn’t actually have Nick’s phone number when he and Cas were standing outside the residence hall. Luckily, someone was just leaving and they managed to slip inside. When they came upon room 217, Dean heard mild shouting coming from inside. 
“I’m fine, Nick!” 
“No, you’re not! We talked about this, you have to tell me when things are bad. I don’t want you to relapse again.” 
There was silence and Dean heard Charlie sigh heavily. “I’m sorry.” 
“Char,” Nick’s voice was a warning. 
Charlie laughed, it sounded a little watery. “I can say the S word when it’s about something like this.”
“No, actually, you can’t. I make the rules about the S word. Come here… I’m just worried about you. If it’s too much we can go home.”
“No, no, I want to be here. I’m glad we’re here. Together. I promise I’ll try to be better about eating.” 
Dean exchanged a glance with Cas, not sure if they should leave or not. Cas made the decision for him by knocking on the door. A moment later, Nick opened the door. His eyes were a bit red rimmed, but he still smiled. “Hi.” 
“Hey, you guys okay?” Dean asked. 
Charlie came up behind Nick, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. “Yeah, we’re good.” 
“Sorry, we kinda overheard you arguing a bit,” Dean said as they stepped aside to let them in. 
Charlie’s face dropped a bit. “Oh.” 
“It’s not our business,” Cas added. “But it did sound serious.”
“We’re okay,” Nick replied. “We don’t really argue all that often, but when we do it doesn’t last long.”
“Wow, you guys sound healthy,” Dean commented. “Me and Cas stay mad at each other for weeks before we actually talk.” 
Nick stared at him like he’d grown a second head. “Why wouldn’t you want to address a problem immediately? How else would you fix it?” 
“Because Dean’s allergic to emotions,” Cas replied, deadpan. 
“Hey!” Dean protested. “You once ignored me for three days because I didn’t say I love you back when I was drunk !” 
“I wasn’t mad at you for that,” Cas replied. “You’d also told people we were ‘just friends’ at that party.”
Dean ducked his head, guilty. “I said sorry for that.”
“I know,” Cas pulled Dean into his side, kissing his temple. “And I guess I forgive you, but only because you announced our relationship to the whole school over the loudspeaker.”
“I couldn’t imagine not being honest about what I’m feeling,” Nick said.
“I’m not that great at it,” Charlie admitted. “But Nick helps me.”
“Yeah, we really should work on our communication, shouldn’t we?” Dean replied.
“It is a fairly important part of any relationship,” Cas agreed. 
“I’m working on it,” Dean muttered. It wasn’t his fault that his father passed on his emotionally stunted personality to Dean. 
“Do you guys like Mario Kart?” Charlie asked, moving over to turn on the TV, effectively ending their conversation. 
“Hell yeah,” Dean said. “Not to brag, but I’m pretty good.” 
“Charlie beats everyone ,” Nick said as he grabbed the controllers. “He won’t even let me win!” 
“If I let you win, how would you learn how to beat me on your own?” Charlie quipped. 
“Shut up,” Nick laughed. 
The four of them settled on the floor and the game started up. Nick had been right, Charlie was good. Dean managed to squeak by in second place, leaving Nick to get third and Cas last. 
“I’ve never been good at these things,” Cas sighed. 
“It’s the one thing he’s not good at, actually,” Dean said playfully. 
“Nick’s good at everything, it’s kind of annoying,” Charlie pouted. 
“Clearly not, ‘cause you still beat me at Mario Kart!” Nick replied, shoving at him. 
The night passed in friendly conversation and a lot of Mario Kart (of which Charlie won every game). Dean found himself relaxing into the little moments, leaning up against Cas as they talked about dealing with homophobia and bullying. It was nice to finally have a pair of friends whose experiences were similar to his own, Cas’ too. Nick and Charlie seemed to think so too, and Dean was certain they were going to be good friends throughout their stay in the states. 
When they said goodnight, Dean leaned into Cas as they walked back to their own dorm. “So, if we’re gonna try communication, then I’ve got a few things to bring up,” he said tentatively. 
Cas blinked at him. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah, but we can talk about it tomorrow.” 
Cas chuckled, wrapping his arm around Dean. “Okay, Dean.”
Dean smiled, content. He was pretty sure this was going to be his best semester at college yet.
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I guess maybe I'm back on Tumblr after all. Thank you Neil Gaiman (and muskrat for making the bird so insufferable; tangentially).
Just wanted to say hello to new friends and old; I'm Irena - this used to be a strictly SPN blog but I think at this point it's safe to say it's multi fandom. I still love our 15 year show (all of it; there's no hate here please). I'm a deancoded deangirlie and I ship destiel but I don't care if you do or don't (I stay in my lane and enjoy things and have no problem with others doing the same!). I'm also a fan of Good Omens (currently hyperfixating), Our Flag Means Death, What We Do In The Shadows, Lucifer, The Magicians, The Bear, Gotham Knights (aside from the SPN pipeline, Batman is my favorite super hero so give me anything Batman, really), The Winchesters, Heartstopper, Walker Independence, OUAT, Bridgewater and all Lauren Shippen projects (The Bright Sessions is my favorite), LOTR, 12 Monkeys (the show);
I like travel, reading (queer romance and fantasy romps are my favorite but I'll take a good thriller or poetry collection any day, too), cooking/food, running, SPN cons, Taylor Swift (I love music period but Taylor deserves her own category), jumping rope, and friendship.
I write - poems and fic (destiel mostly but there are some crossovers) and my ao3 is linked in my bio if you'd like to take a gander. I like kind people who thrive in chaos; anyone who isn't a dick to other people is welcome in this house. I love recommendations on things to watch, see, read, eat. Drop some in the asks!
My favorite movie is Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I've seen it 15 times. I am a strong proponent of purse cheese. I have one child, one partner, and one dog. I'm horrid at geography. Nice meeting you all (again or for the very first time). I've missed being here!
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churrotowns · 3 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
supernatural: the queerbaiting saga continues (bisexuality edition feat former bisexual misha collins)
4K notes · View notes
theflagscene · 3 years ago
As per usual I wasn’t tagged in shit, I make my own fun! Seriously tho, there’s like only 25 of you, tag me if you want, I’ll always play, I’m a lonely little otter.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
SeanWhiteConnectionVerse (Not Me)
FighterTutor Coda Scene (WRU)
SPN/The Void Crossover (kinda says the fandoms on the tin right there)
First Time - comic compliant (Heartstopper)
KimChay (KinnPorsche)
No Idea??? (SPN)
I have no idea (SPN)
Thinking About Things That Are Deadly (SPN)
I also have a bunch of WIPs for bangs that I had to drop out of this round due to family/personal reasons putting too much of a time constraint on the deadlines, but because I’d still like to use them in the bangs next round they’re not listed above.
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