#spn advent 2024
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archervale · 4 months ago
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Hello! Me and @wormstacheangel were talking about having a little Advent event for Supernatural this year and so we came up with some prompts! We would love it if you join us in participating, as the more, the merrier! ✨
You can participate by drawing fanart, writing fanfic, making edits, or any other creative endeavor you would like!
Rules: Absolutely no AI. Be civil with one another, this event is to have fun, not to spread hate. Keep it Supernatural related as it is a Supernatural Advent. If your post is NSFW, please tag accordingly. We are open to most ships, however, we will not accept incest or pedo ships as it makes us both deeply uncomfortable.
You can use the #spnadvent2024 in order to share you work with others! We will be reblogging your works as well!
**text list below**
Family Reunion
Stocking Stuffers
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day sixteen. rated G.
"Hey, you have to kiss!" Jack calls, pointing at them excitedly.
"What?" Dean asks, freezing like a deer in the headlights, eyes flicking to Cas'; the thing between them was barely a week old - well, officially anyway - and they'd kept it to themselves, needing a little time to figure things out first.
How does Jack know?
"The mistletoe!" Jack replies with an air of exasperation. "You and Cas are standing under it."
"Oh," Dean breathes, only semi-relieved.
He'd put it up as a joke, not expecting anyone to take it seriously, but Jack had been diligent about making everyone kiss; Dean had never pecked so many cheeks in his life, but this was the first time he'd been under it with Cas.
He turns to Cas, who raises an eyebrow and shrugs.
"Fuck it," Dean mutters and pulls Cas close, kissing him hard on the mouth for all to see.
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saywhatjessie · 4 months ago
Strike Up The Band
Back at it again with an Advent Calendar! Just writing for whatever fandom or pairing feels right at the moment. Using this list by @raven-cincaide-words Day 1: First Snow | Newcomer | Forced Friendliness  Fandom: Supernatural - Pairing: DeanCas 1.1k[Ao3]
Dean could barely see the field through the cloud of his breath. “Cas, I’m freezing my tits off out here.”
Cas hummed, bringing his arm around Dean’s waist. “They’re on next and then we can go sit in the car.”
“That’ll be like another half hour,” Dean whined, turning his body closer into Cas’s. “I can feel the bleacher in my asshole.”
“I told you to bring your seat cushion.”
“I’m not fucking geriatric!”
“No, you’re cold.”
Dean grumbled, burying his hands in the bottom of Cas’s jacket. Cas didn’t even flinch.
It was starting to snow. The first of the year so it probably wouldn’t stick but it was still an unpleasant new obstacle to the day. Not only were they cold, they were about to be wet and cold.
“At least the season is almost over,” Cas reassured him. “And if they make championships, I think it’s in Florida.”
“Ugh, but Florida sucks. I hate driving in Florida.”
“But it’s warm.”
Dean grumbled again, his thigh pressed all the way up Cas’s. Cas laid his head on Dean’s shoulder.
Dean knew Jack wasn’t gonna be an athlete. That’s okay – Dean hadn’t been an athlete in high school either. Dean wasn’t gonna be able to help him throw a ball or shoot a hoop or whatever. He was expecting Jack to do a bunch of nerd shit: build robots for science club or a math decathlon or some shit. He was ready to help with those.
But Jack joined fucking marching band. So Dean had to go to competitions for entire weekends and freeze his ass off on the bleachers only to see his kid perform for fifteen minutes.
“Have you talked to him about indoor?” Cas asked.
Dean groaned. “There’s more?”
Cas hummed. “Another winter season. It goes until May. But they only have percussion and colorguard.”
“Jack plays the trombone,” Dean pointed out.
“He was thinking he might want to do colorguard.”
Dean laughed. “With that kid’s coordination? Is he serious?”
Cas smiled, opening his mouth to respond, when they were interrupted by another parent carrying a truly insane amount of blankets..
“Hi!” The mother said, brightly. “You’re here with Rock Hills, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Dean said, looking between her and her and the field. The band was still setting up.
“Oh, fabulous!” She said, taking the section of bench next to Cas. She put some blankets under her to sit on, hiked another over her shoulders, and wrapped yet another one around her legs. “I have been finding it so hard to get good watch buddies. My son just transferred!”
“Oh, nice,” Dean said, smiling for her. “What’s he play?”
“Oh, trumpet, of course!” She waved a hand like that was a given. “My boy always needs to be the star.”
“I don’t see how a trumpet is inherently more star-like than any other instrument,” Cas said, frowning.
“Oh, you both must be new to this!” The woman said, smiling in a condescendingly sympathetic way. “I was in band in my time. Everyone knows that if a marching band were like The Rolling Stones, the trumpets would be Mick Jagger.”
“So you were a trumpet?” Dean asked.
“Oh, heavens no! Far too masculine, can you imagine? No, I was a flute. Obviously.”
“So… Brian Jones?” Dean asked. Cas chuckled which made Dean grin brighter.
“Who? No, listen, the flutes are clearly the star of the woodwinds. Which are inherently more delicate and feminine.”
“These sound like very convoluted gender politics,” Cas said. Dean didn’t disagree, but he still elbowed Cas a bit. They still had to sit outside for twenty minutes with this woman.
“Oh, you’re just silly men,” she said, waving them off with a laugh. “Probably played sports in high school. I suppose I can’t expect you to understand.”
“Right,” Dean said, turning back to the field. He was so grateful it was rude to speak during a performance so he could ignore this woman for the next ten minutes.
Except even after the drum major gave their salute, this woman kept trying to engage them. Sure, this band wasn’t their band, but she could have still shown some respect. Dean kept shooting her polite smiles hoping she’d take the hint and shut the fuck up but she never did. She just kept prattling through the whole program.
After the drum major gave her parting salute and Dean and Cas had finished clapping, Cas turned to the woman. “That was extremely rude.”
She sputtered, clearly indignant.
“For someone who claims to be so familiar with the culture surrounding marching band, your lack of awareness surrounding the expected  etiquette during competition performances is frankly upsetting. I’m sure I’ll meet your son as he’s a part of the brass section, along with our son, but I’m not sure I’ll welcome you to watch with us again. It’s no wonder you haven’t found anyone to sit with if you’re this intolerable of company.”
“Cas,” Dean warned. He winced an apology at the woman. She wasn’t even looking at him, her jaw dropped.
“‘Our’ son? Like both of yours? You’re gay?”
Dean forced a laugh. “I mean where else do you expect to find friends of Dorothy than in Kansas, right?”
“Well, then I guess it’s good I’m such intolerable company to you, because I have found that you’re equally intolerable to me,” she said, grabbing her purse and an armful of blankets. “Now if you excuse me.”
“Wait, are we intolerable because Cas yelled at you or the queer thing.Lady, was it Cas or the queer thing?!”
She didn’t answer him even as he called after her so he just shrugged and turned back to Cas.
Cas held up one of her blankets. Dean wasn’t sure if she dropped it or if he snagged it from her, but he was delighted either way.
“Oh, nice!” he said, taking the blanket and wrapping it around both of their shoulders. He kissed Cas on the nose. “You gotta stop scaring the other parents away, sweetheart.”
Cas rolled his eyes, snaking his hand across his lap to join Dean’s. “She was insipid and shallow. She didn’t even get your Rolling Stones joke.”
“I know! He was the sax player! That’s a woodwind! That was the perfect joke.”
“And you know the saxophone is a woodwind,” Cas complimented, leaning into him. “You’re learning.”
Dean winked, tapping his temple. “Not just a hat rack.”
Cas laughed and the announcer introduced Jack’s school and Dean and Cas lost the next fifteen minutes to hooting and hollering and being generally embarrassing as was their god given right as gay fathers.
And if they snuggled in the impala, heaters on full blast, all the way until awards that evening, than that was between Dean and his babies.
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diminuel · 4 months ago
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Sam and kid!Jack~
Day 01 of my 2024 advent calendar!
The prompt was "Dad!Sam and Son!Jack cuddling or doing a forehead press"
(Do I still remember how to draw SPN characters? We'll find out *lol*)
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thestarsmakemedream-art · 4 months ago
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Basically for a year now one of my favourite fanfiction is a life in your shape by averysoftno. I can only gush about how fantastically it's written and how amazing the characters are and overall the building of the story. I never thought I will love the romance of air traffic controllers, but, well... here we are. And I can't recommend it enough to everyone. Really, read it.
As a christmas treat (for myself) I choose to draw one particular stolen moment of the boys during Bobby's christmas party. (With two small changes from the actual scene).
Thank you @purgaytorysupremacy for the beautiful story. It made my day every time you posted a new chapter, can't wait to read what happens next.
You can find here the fic, a life in your shape
spnadvent2024, letsdrawcastiel @letsdrawcastiel
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desaletushki · 5 years ago
Debt Collection Solution Market- Regional Analysis by Top Manufacturer, Product Segments, Key Regions and Applications 2024: Collect Tech, Case Master, Decca Software, SPN tech, Comtech Systems
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Global Debt Collection Solution Market” has been released with new data and figure for better understating of Debt Collection Solution market condition. Report also focus on Debt Collection Solution industry trend, growth rate, investment strategy, competitor analysis, opportunity and forecasts to 2024. Get Sample Report or PDF Copy @ https://www.qurateresearch.com/report/sample/BnF/global-debt-collection-solution-industry/QBI-MR-BnF-522043/ The Global Debt Collection Solution Market is highly competitive and fragmented. Product portfolio expansion through new product development is the prime strategy adopted by the vendors in the market. Ideally, merchants compete on the basis of product features, innovation, performance, and cost. In addition, manufacturers are increasingly focusing on strengthening their distribution network and hence the reach. This will consequently enable retailers to push different Debt Collection Solution into the market. The advent of e-commerce has further encouraged manufacturers to strengthen their distribution network. Major Manufacturer Covered in This Report are: Collect Tech Case Master Decca Software SPN tech Comtech Systems Comtronic Systems TrioSoft SeikoSoft Totality Software Quantrax Corp Lariat Software JST Cuisb CODIX Experian Codewell Software ICCO Adtec Software CDS Software LegalSoft Click Notices Kuhlekt Indigo Cloud Collect MORE Pamar Systems Product-Types Covered in This Report are: On-Premise Cloud-Based Segment-Types Covered in This Report are: Collection Agencies Finance Companies Retail Firms Law Firms & Government Departments Others This report entails decisive details regarding regional as well as domestic market scenarios. This mainly includes analysis as well as diligent study of the various nations included in the different regions including North America, Europe, South America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa and Rest of the world. This part of the Debt Collection Solution Market report enlists information and insights regarding factors such as market share, most contributing countries, key economic indicators, regulatory decisions, changes in investment policies, recent developments, significant contributions, deals, market share, past performance, growth driving influencers, expected performance and more. Direct Purchase Full Report@ https://www.qurateresearch.com/report/buy/BnF/global-debt-collection-solution-industry/QBI-MR-BnF-522043/ To continue shifting its focus from one key component to other, the Debt Collection Solution Market report shares information regarding competition dashboard in its next chapter. Here it incorporates distinguished insights as well as details regarding top performing companies of the industry which are considered to be key contributors to revenue growth. This includes those of the manufacturers which have attained higher market share in past than their other competitors. The Debt Collection Solution Market report concludes with sharing vital report findings with readers. Here on the basis of study of historical data, examination of the current scenarios overserved in various markets including regional and domestic and trends recorded, it delivers forecast of the market. This includes segmental forecast, regional market forecast, market size forecast, consumption forecast. Do You Have Any Query? Ask to Our Industry Expert@ https://www.qurateresearch.com/report/enquiry/BnF/global-debt-collection-solution-industry/QBI-MR-BnF-522043/ Contact Us: Web:www.qurateresearch.com E-mail:[email protected] Ph: US - +13393375221 Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day fifteen. rated G.
"Lotta food for one person," Carly teases as she rings up Dean's groceries, her festive earrings jingling merrily. "Don't tell me you finally have company for Christmas?"
Dean grins back at her, feeling a little giddy all of a sudden; he has company for Christmas in more ways than one this year, and he can't freaking wait.
"Yeah, actually," he says, packing his shopping and trying to ignore the blush creeping up his cheeks. "Me and my, uh, boyfriend, are hosting Sam and Eileen."
"Oh, Dean," Carly says, seeming genuinely pleased for him. "That's wonderful. You been seeing each other long?"
Dean almost laughs.
"Longer than we both realised, I think."
"Ah," she smiles knowingly. "Well you bring him by some time, you hear? I'd like to meet the handsome man that's swept you off your feet."
Dean does laugh then.
"Yeah, I will."
"Well, season's greetings, sugar."
"You too."
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day nineteen. rated G.
"You're about a week early there, bud," Dean says, a wide grin splitting his face as Cas stomps into the room dressed in a familiar red and white suit.
"Very funny, Dean," Cas says, rolling his eyes fondly.
"Jody picking you up tomorrow?
"Yes, at eleven." He looks down at himself, seeming a little shy. "Do I look convincing?"
"The kids are gonna love you," Dean says, grinning as he steps close, sliding his arms around Cas' belted waist. He leans in to kiss him, the fake beard scratching at his skin.
"Is it weird that this is kinda doing it for me?" he asks, and Cas smirks before leaning in close, his breath tickling across Dean's ear.
"Have you been good this year, Dean?" he asks, and Dean barely holds in a whine as his mouth goes dry. "Or do I need to put you on my naughty list?"
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day seventeen. rated G.
"You not cold yet, Jack?" Dean asks, trying to hide the way his own teeth desperately want to chatter against the wintery December evening.
"No!" Jack says chirpily, turning to grin at him. "Plus I want to watch until the end. See all the floats."
He frowns.
"Unless you're cold? We can go if you're cold?"
"Nah, I'm good," Dean lies, grinning back at him; he wasn't gonna be the one to ruin the evening Jack had been so looking forward to, even if Christmas parades weren't really his thing.
Jack smiles and turns back to the parade, just as Cas leans in close to murmur in Dean's ear.
"Dean, I can hear you grinding your teeth from here," he says, fond exasperation in his tone as he squeezes Dean's hand lightly.
Dean feels his grace flowing through him, warming him from the inside out and he grins.
"Thanks, sunshine."
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day twelve. rated T.
"It's not Christmas yet," Dean says, glancing at the present Cas is holding out to him.
"I don't think anyone will judge us for being" -he looks at his watch and then back at Dean with a gentle smirk- "eight minutes early."
He steps a little closer.
"Besides, it might be something you want to utilise right away," he adds, voice low in a way that makes Dean's mouth go dry.
"Uh, yeah, okay," he says, taking the gift and unwrapping it carefully as Cas watches.
"Oh," he breathes as the paper falls open to reveal soft green lace, the scalloped edges cut with a festive red.
"Merry Christmas, Dean," Cas says, looking at Dean with heat in his gaze. "I hope you like them."
Dean lifts the panties out, his breath catching at the feel of the delicate lace beneath his fingers.
"Yeah," he says, swallowing thickly. "I do."
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day eleven. rated G.
"Why does it sound like freaking Santa's workshop in here?" Dean asks, frowning as he enters the library, looking for the source of the incessant jingling.
Cas turns to greet him with a smile, looking incredibly pleased with himself.
"Do you like it?" he asks and Dean stares at him in confusion, not entirely sure what he's looking at.
Cas is wearing what looks to be the equivalent of an entire Christmas store, a knitted, tinseled monstrosity of a sweater that's got lights and bells on it; Dean can feel a headache brewing just looking at it, but Cas looks so happy he can't bear to burst his bubble.
"Wow, that is… something," he says, forcing a smile.
Cas grins even harder as he steps towards him, tinsel rustling and bells jangling.
"I wanted my first Christmas sweater to be particularly festive."
Dean's smile softens.
"Well, it's definitely that."
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent 2024, day eighteen. rated G
"Dean, we're going to the store," Jack says, grabbing his coat from the hook by the back door.
Dean pulls his head out of the pantry with a frown, his search for garlic temporarily forgotten.
"What for?"
"More tinsel."
"More?" Dean says, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Jack, the house already looks like an explosion in a Christmas factory."
"I'd like some more for my room."
"There's also a patch in the living room that needs filling out," Cas adds, swooping into the room and placing a soft kiss to Dean's cheek. "Plus our bedroom."
"No!" Dean replies, pointing at him. "Not in our bedroom."
Cas raises an eyebrow, a look which normally makes Dean a little weak at the knees.
"I'm serious," Dean says, standing his ground this time. "It gets freaking everywhere."
"Okay, Dean," Cas says, and Dean suspects he'll soon be picking tinsel out of his pillow anyway.
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day thirteen. rated G.
"Why did Sammy have to move anyway?" Dean grumbles as the Impala crawls to yet another stop, a sea of brake lights ahead of them, red in the Christmas Eve darkness.
Cas turns to him, eyebrow gently raised.
"Because he and Eileen didn't want to raise their child in an underground bunker?"
Dean knows that - it was the same reason he and Cas had moved out with Jack, after all - and yet he grumbles anyway; hunting had by its very nature meant they'd rarely got caught in anything resembling traffic - rogue cattle notwithstanding - but since they'd all moved it felt like he spent half his days in the Impala, crawling through gridlocked streets.
It's late by the time they get home, pulling into the driveway just as the dashboard clock ticks over to midnight.
"Oh," Cas says, pointing at it before kissing Dean softly on the cheek. "Merry Christmas, Dean."
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fake-mouthstatic · 4 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day eight. rated T.
"Man, I could get used to this," Dean says, popping the top on his beer as he collapses onto the couch.
Cas arches a disbelieving eyebrow.
"What, being snowed in?"
"Kinda," Dean shrugs, a wide grin on his face. "It's wintery outside and I get to be all cosy in a cabin and have a beer by the fire with my sweetheart. It's cheesier than a damn Christmas movie."
He pats the couch next to him as Cas rolls his eyes fondly.
"Come on."
Cas eyes him for a moment before climbing into his lap instead, leaning forward to nuzzle at his neck, soft lips tickling at his throat.
"That works too," Dean breathes, putting his beer down so he can slide his hands under Cas' shirt.
They collapse back against the couch some time later, spent and panting, and Cas smirks.
"I think I see the appeal after all."
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fake-mouthstatic · 4 months ago
stocking stuffers
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day seven. rated G.
"Dean, I don't understand," Cas says, and Dean fights the urge to roll his eyes.
"What's not to understand?"
"You want to fill socks with pointless gifts and give them to each other?"
"No," Dean says, shaking his head defensively. "Well, yeah actually, but they're not pointless and it's not a sock. It's a stocking."
Cas only stares at him, head tilting in the way that Dean had always found so endearingly human.
"I fail to see the difference."
"It's…" As much as he hates to admit it, he can't deny Cas kinda has a point there. "Look, the difference doesn't matter, it's just a thing people do, okay? It's fun."
Cas frowns.
"What would I even get you?"
"Anything," Dean shrugs, grinning. "I got Sammy a reindeer that pooped chocolate last year, it doesn't have to be serious. And you know me, I'm easy."
Cas smirks.
"That I know."
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fake-mouthstatic · 3 months ago
holidays with the winchesters | spn advent, day fourteen. rated G.
"But it's tradition at Christmas," Cas says, employing his biggest, bluest puppy dog eyes.
"Okay, fine," Dean relents after all of two seconds, "if you and Jack wanna make a fruitcake, go wild."
Cas immediately grins and he can already picture Jack smiling just as brightly when Cas tells him that Dean said yes.
"But," Dean says, holding up a finger, "I maintain that fruitcake is an abomination to the name of cake."
Cas opens his mouth but Dean cuts him off.
"And I don't care who made it. It could be the best damn fruitcake in the world but I ain't putting it anywhere near these lips."
He points at his mouth for emphasis and Cas raises an amused eyebrow.
"If you say so."
"And don't mess up my kitchen."
"We won't," Cas says with a smile, kissing him on the cheek as he passes him. "Thank you, Dean."
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