#spm sages
camprell-art · 2 years
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I can’t arrange the images like in the original :’)
But anyway, the 4 Sages are done!
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lizadale · 1 year
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sageisnice · 10 months
Prompt 13: using an anatomy base for once..
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Dont mind the grape Gyatt coming from the dot portal, be happy it's size accurate at least, probably..
If you wondering why I did Mr spot guy it cuz you can see the skeleton anatomy base thing or whatever it's called, so I could actually show it cuz you usually get rid of it after your done I think... But yeah this looks awesome, I'll try and use this technique more tbh..
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mochilorddrakeinferno · 8 months
SPM Theory: Merloo is Merlee's Ancestor (and possibly Bestovius's as well):
Argument 1: Merloo's window in the Mirror Hall features a representation of the Sun, and Merlee's Japanese name and magic are both drawn from the Sun. This same symbol is also seen on the doors of Merlee and Merluvlee's locations in Flip/Flopside. Argument 2: In Merlee's Mansion, one of the pictures seen in the hallway depicts an eye symbol also seen in Merloo's window, providing another symbological connection between the two figures. Argument 3: Merluvlee possesses the ability to see into the future, something which Merloo was also capable of. Merlee also mentions that her ancestors have prophesied supplementary details to the Light Prognosticus regarding the four heroes. Argument 4: Also pictured in Merlee's Mansion are Merluvlee, who is known to be a relative of hers, and Bestovius. This may suggest that Merlee and Bestovius share an ancestor. Bestovius is noted as a master of dimensional magic, an area of expertise that Merloo shares, so if they do share an ancestor, that ancestor being Merloo would explain those parallels. Argument 5: In the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials, a presumed ancestor of Merlee who was trusted to guard the Yellow Pure Heart is depicted. As this Merlee ancestor who lived contemporary to Merlimbis is very similar in appearance to the Merlee of the current day, the likely candidate for the other ancestor would be the one who closest resembles her. Merloo, whose hair style and color are the closest to Merlee's among the Sages, fits best in this regard. Graphic created by the fantastic General Donitsky:
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artgletic · 10 months
Mimi hot takes
So Mimi is most certainly an enigmatic character in SPM, but is unfortunately overshadowed by the more mysterious Dimentio when it comes to lore discussion. I think there’s plenty to look into when it comes to her however, and I intend to do so here! Discussion under the cut
So really all we have to go off of for Mimi lore is what Carson proposes, which is that she’s either a failed pixl experiment, or the unintended creation of a witch researching shapeshifting potions. I will be real with you, when I first read this I immediately discredited the witch theory due to how out-of-left-field it is. However, I do have a couple things to say on it, but we will have to talk about it later. Let’s investigate the failed-pixl theory. So what do we know about pixls?
Other than the 12 pixls we see ingame, the only bout of pixl lore we get is again from Carson. Here he talks about the pixl war, led by the pixl queen who mind controlled the many pixls to do her bidding and aid in her revolution against the ancients, their creators. During the uprising, the pixl queen successfully overthrew and enslaved the ancients. It’s revealed later on in Carson’s story that the pixl queen was likely the product of the master magician, creator of the 12 original pixls. He created her in an attempt to bring his daughter back to life by placing her soul in the body of a pixl. The pixl queen was so appalled by her fathers actions (that is, robbing pixls of their deaths just to be put into tools to be used), that she wanted to stop it from ever happening again.
The pixl queen was later “vanquished” by one of the master magician’s apprentices, and is heavily implied to be Shadoo, the boss of the flopside pit of 100 trials (see my Dimentio lore post for more on that; I discuss Shadoo in detail there). I suppose the best question to ask would be: what does “vanquish” even mean?
Well, we know that Shadoo is nothing but a cloud of shadow, somewhat reminiscent of a shayde in the Underwhere. If Shadoo is the soul of the pixl queen, what happened to the pixl vessel?
Well, we know that the pixl queen was to be created as a vessel for an ancient’s child. We see many depictions of ancients and ancients’ descendents in-game, one of which is Nastasia. In ‘Of bats and men’, Carson describes the story of a man looking for his lost love saving a bat and the bat transforming into ‘one of his people’ to be with him. This story is all-but-said to be about Nastasia and Count Bleck, a member of the tribe of darkness, which itself is an offshoot of the tribe of ancients. Nastasia has a notably blocky head, thin limbs and beady black eyes (see XXX for Nastasia’s eyes). This is reminiscent of Flipside’s citizens, most notably the children/teenagers,
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All of which rather look like Mimi (aside from the noses, but we see Nastasia, a member of the tribe of darkness and as such a more ‘pure-blooded’ ancient, has no nose. None of the sage murals of direct descendants of the ancients have visible noses either. Same argument can be made for these children having no arms and Nastasia having them). It would make sense, considering the pixl vessel was made to house the spirit of the master magician’s daughter who died young. Mimi is clearly an automaton at the very least, as evidenced by the otherwise random gears churning in her head in her spider form. Perhaps her ‘true form’ is what the pixl queen looked like.
Approaching from another angle, the Pixl queen was said to have ‘illusionary powers’ that she used to hide. In my Dimentio post I compared this to Dimentio’s invisibility which he uses to eavesdrop on people, but upon second glance I think this illusionary power would be more akin to turning into something else to hide. Shadoo has no physical form, and their entire boss fight is spent taking on the shape of our four main heroes, Mimi’s most notable power.
I think Mimi doesn’t know this about herself. I think she was probably a vessel that wasn’t supposed to ever wake up, thrown in the garbage along with the other pixls after the events of the pixl uprising, but did. Now she fumbles around in the world trying to find meaning and personhood despite being a vessel for a person who isn’t there. Carson’s information on her states that “Mimi has the ability to mimic any person she wants to... She's so good at it I hear she even sometimes forgets who she is…”. I think it goes deeper than this. I don’t think she has a ‘who’ whatsoever. She just copies what people would expect from her, a teenage girl, hence her almost comical obsession with boys and gems, and forced crush on the count (at least it feels forced to me).
With this in mind, I quite like that Mimi’s first appearance is her imprisoning and usurping the domain of an ancient (or an ancient’s descendant rather), as well as enslaving a population into doing her bidding (the prisoners of Merlee’s mansion), just as the pixl queen did. She’s obviously not aware of this, but from a meta perspective I find it very interesting.
Perhaps Mimi WAS the witch experimenting with shapeshifting? Carson’s theory certainly never said that the witch and her creation were separate entities. Maybe this is what caused the thousand-year delay between the master magician putting his daughter’s soul into a pixl, and the pixl queen’s uprising (stated to be 3,000 and 2,000 years ago respectively). The daughter attempted to be able to unlock shapeshifting, and the product of that skill was the pixl uprising, which led to Mimi. There’s also the fact that Mimi inflicts a curse on Merlee’s mansion, which to me has always felt a little strange given Mimi’s powers and overall vibes. But in this light, ‘cursing’ is definitely a witchy thing to do! Maybe this word choice was meant to evoke the witch idea.
This is more of a linguistic choice and I’m only familiar with the english translation so take it with a grain of salt, but I found it quite odd that the pixl queen was first described as having the “demonic” spirit placed in the pixl vessel. “Demon” just felt like an odd choice of words, especially when there are actual demon characters in the game (D-men in the Underwhere). This connection may be a bit of a stretch, however in the Merlee trivia game at the end of chapter 2, Mimi can be asked a myriad of questions that are likely her honest answers (aside from a couple, like her saying mario is “her type of guy”. This is clearly buttering up the crowd). The answer I’m talking about specifically is one in which she says her favourite animal is a demon. I don’t see how this would convince Mario that she’s the real Merlee, and is likely her just being honest. This is the only other time “demon” is mentioned in the game outside of chapter 7. On a thematic level, it’s interesting to think of what her referring to a demon as a pet could mean. When she was a ‘demon’, she was a pixl. Did ancients treat the pixls like pets? Maybe similar to how we treat roombas (a tool-pet combo)? Mimi likely isn’t aware of this connection and just said the first thing that came to her mind, unaware of its grim origins.
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spewpurr · 3 years
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Kitsunetsuki (the state of being possessed by a fox)
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jezatalks · 3 years
J'ai rdv avec la sage femme mardi pro. Et je pense que je vais enlever mon stérilet.
Ce qui me fait douter, c'est que mes douleurs sont aléatoires. Maintenant j'ai mal lors de l'ovulation au point de prendre un anti douleur. J'ai l'impression d'avoir 2x des spms, et mes douleurs lors des règles varient à chaque cycle. Un coup je fois prendre 2 à 3 antadys par jour, l'autre juste un seul ou aucun. La durée varie de 5 jours à 8, le flux est également aléatoire. Ce que je supporte de moins en moins aussi, c'est sentir le sang couler. J'aimerai bien revenir à la cup, mais avec le stérilet je flippe. En plus, elle est dans je ne sais quel carton entassé dans le garage.
J'ai essayé de voir si la nourriture influence mes douleurs MAIS C'EST PAREIL totalement variable. Là j'ai mes règles, donc j'ai mangé gras, sucré, salé pas mal de nourriture transformée à cause des fêtes, et : aucune douleur hormis un doliprane J1. Le cycle précédent : 4jours sur 5 de douleurs atroces, alors qu'on a plein de légumes et oeufs du jardin, et la viande est locale. On a beaucoup cuisiné hormis les gâteaux pour les goûters. Donc je ne sais pas ce qui peut causer les douleurs.
Ce qui est sûr c'est que je ne veux pas revenir aux hormones. Je vais me renseigner pour diaphragmes/cape cervicale avec spermicides. Et retourner aux préservatifs pour le moment (moi je sens aucune différence donc c'est pas ça qui me dérange). Tout mon entourage me dit d'enlever mon DIU, et mon copain est prêt à payer les futures protections quelles qu'elles soient.
J'ai encore une semaine pour réfléchir. Je vais en rediscuter avec mon copain. (Puis on va pas dire que notre vie sexuelle soit épanouie à vivre chez ses parents + murs fins + horaires peu compatibles)
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Keep in mind that this is an ongoing project, so the timeline may change to suit the story’s needs.
This timeline also CONTAINS SPOILERS as it shares a brief breakdown of all the Super Mario stories I intend to write.
Part 2
Super Mario Disaster Master Page
- Paper Mario TTYD
Princess Peach visits Rogue Port, one of the biggest shipping stations between the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland, to address some issues with the rich merchants who live there.
Between diplomatic calls, she hears some troubling rumors and acquires an equally troubling map. As her concerns mount, she writes to Mario, asking him to join her, but not soon enough. By the time he arrives, the trouble has already caught up with her.
This game is one of the shakier ones, story-wise. I know I want to include it, but I’m not sure how to use it yet. I do know I’ll start lining things up for SPM here. I also know that the Shadow Queen is important, but I don’t know why.
I’ll gather more details as the Mario Disaster gets closer to these events.
- Luigi’s Adventure
This takes place at the same time as TTYD.
Soon after Mario leaves for Rogue Port, Luigi receives a letter from another kingdom asking for Mario’s help. After a lot of hesitation, he answers the call himself, plunging himself neck-deep into the mess his mother fled from almost three decades before.
Blinded by the request for help, Luigi rebuilds the compass his mother worked so hard to destroy. For a moment, he feels like a hero, appreciated by both the team he builds and the people he’s trying to “save,” only to realize last minute that he’s been manipulated. Luigi flees the Waffle Kingdom and destroys the compass again, scattering its pieces among his shaken companions to hide.
With the confidence he’s built since Super Star Saga shattered, he returns to the Mushroom Kingdom and buries his feelings in work, bustling for the professor and managing his business.
(We learn a lot about the bro’s mother through this adventure: who she was, the situation she fled from, etc. We also learn more about how “magic” works in the Mushroom World, get our first taste of real politics, and acquire a feel for the bigger world beyond the Mushroom Kingdom.)
- Event of Note
Mario has gotten along swimmingly since moving to the Mushroom Kingdom. The toads love him, his renown as a hero has spread over most of the continent, and his relationship with Peach is thriving. He’s having the time of his life, but Luigi is horribly lonely.
Despite his involvement in recent adventures, Luigi’s quiet demeanor can’t compete with Mario’s natural radiance. People know of him, but he’s so overshadowed by Mario’s personality that most people don’t even know his name. Even within the Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi struggles to find a place for himself, and many of the toads don’t seem to like him for reasons he can’t understand.
Up to this point, Luigi had managed to cope, but the recent incident in the Waffle Kingdom has left his confidence shattered. He had secretly hoped he’d find a friend like Peach in Princess Eclair, only to be led on, manipulated, and humiliated. He feels like an idiot and a failure.
In an attempt to raise his spirits, Peach and Mario play matchmaker. Next time Princess Daisy visits the castle, they make sure Luigi is there to meet her and... nudge things in the right direction. Luigi nearly dies of embarrassment, but he and Daisy bond anyway. In her, he finds a life-long friend.
- Inside Story
No longer afraid for Luigi’s safety on adventures, Mario badgers him to join every little excursion he goes on, and grudgingly, Luigi complies. This puts them both at a certain meeting at Peach’s castle, discussing a sudden and serious illness infecting the toads. Bowser’s Inside Story ensues.
This game once again delves into the world of magical items, deepening the bro’s understanding of them and getting them more familiar with the concept of “sages.” It’s also their first exposure to genuine “dark magic,” and its consuming nature towards those who use it, (again lining up the events of SPM). It also introduces key characters such as Starlow (who brings to a head a lot of the issues Luigi has faced lately), and re-introduces Fawful, who becomes very important later on.
- Super Princess Peach
Ego aching from his defeat after the dark star incident, Bowser launches a full-scale attack on Peach's castle. With the help of the "vibe scepter," it goes better than he dared hope, and finally, he gets his hands on the bros.
At first, he intends to maul them, pay them back for every time they’ve defeated him before. But when it comes down to it, he finds that he can’t. In the end, he just waits for Peach to come and take the boys home.
This marks the beginning of a swing in his relationship with Mario, Luigi, and Peach. The story also explores how much of a power house Peach actually is. We see hints of it before, but in this story, it slaps you across the face. We also see more buildup for SPM and more directly, Dream Team.
Part 2
Super Mario Disaster Master Page
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wiadomosciprasowe · 6 years
Ny 18V børsteløs bajonettsag gir 40 % mer kraft og lengre driftstid!
Ny 18V børsteløs bajonettsag gir 40 % mer kraft og lengre driftstid!
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Ryobi 18V Bajonettsag R18RS7 kan med sin børsteløse motor oppnå 40% mer kraft og driftstid enn andre klassiske 18V bajonettsager fra Ryobi®. Dato: 12-09-2018 08:00 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Ny 18V børsteløs bajonettsag gir 40 % mer kraft og lengre driftstid! Kategori: , Arbeidsliv Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Entreprenørskap Bygg, eiendom Industri, produksjon
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Som den første børsteløse bajonettsagen på forbrukermarkedet leverer dette kraftige 18 V-verktøyet en ytelse som vanligvis er forbundet med elektriske sager. Den børsteløse teknologien omfatter en kraftig motor, intelligent elektronikk og Lithium+ batteriteknologi som gir mer kraft og økt driftstid!
Takket være den friksjonsfrie og børsteløse motoren, kan denne 18 V trådløse bajonettsagen oppnå imponerende hastigheter på 3200 slag i minuttet. Sammen med en saglengde på 30 mm, som er ledende i klassen, er sagen i stand til å levere rask kutteytelse i tre, metall og plast, noe som gjør dette til et perfekt verktøy for krevende rivingsoppgaver.
Den børsteløse motoren har intelligent elektronikk som kan kommunisere med alle Ryobi® 18 V Lithium+ batterier. Under bruk registrerer motoren og batteriet hvor mye strøm som trengs og vil automatisk levere optimal effekt. Denne effektive børsteløse teknologien har resultert i en imponerende økt driftstid på 40 % sammenlignet med Ryobis bajonettsag med børstemotor.
18 V børsteløs bajonettsag – R18RS7
«Børsteløs teknologi har gjort det mulig for oss å legge til innovative funksjoner i våre verktøy. Den nye 18V bajonettsagen har en orbitalmodus, som man normalt bare finner hos elektriske sager. Når den er aktivert, kutter bladet i en elliptisk bevegelse for å yte imponerende 40 % mer effekt enn noen av de andre Ryobi®-bajonettsagene med børstemotor, og slår dermed også Ryobi®s elektroniske sag på 1200 W,» sier Marcus Fritz, Product Manager hos Ryobi.
Selv med all denne kraften kan brukerne kutte med nøyaktighet og komfort, ettersom det innovative Anti-Vibe™ -håndtaket bidrar til å redusere vibrasjoner. En variabel hastighetsutløser gir deg også full kontroll når du skal kutte forskjellige materialer. Dette bidrar til å få begynt på kuttet før sagen yter full kraft for raskt å kutte gjennom tre, metall eller plast.
Brukersikkerhet er ytterst viktig ved kraftige rivingverktøy. Derfor har Ryobi® inkludert en sikkerhetsbryter som forhindrer utilsiktet oppstart.
Som med alle bajonettsager, er det viktig å bruke rett blad for det materialet du skal kutte. En verktøyfri bladbytte på R18RS7 gjør det raskt og enkelt å bytte blad mellom oppgavene. Andre funksjoner hos sagen inkluderer, LED-lys som lyser opp arbeidsområdet og en justerbar sagfot som lar deg velge hvor stor del av sagbladet som skal brukes. Dette forlenger levetiden til bladet ved å sikre at hele bladet blir brukt i stedet for bare én del.
Den børsteløse bajonettsagen er det nyeste tilskuddet i ONE+ systemet – der ett batteri leverer kraft til over 70 hage- og elverktøy. Sammen med Ryobis ONE+ 5.0Ah Lithium+ batteri, har denne sagen enestående kraft og driftstid, som gjør at du kan foreta opptil 260 kutt i 45×90 mm tømmer. Det er mer enn nok kutt for å fullføre et gjør det selv-prosjekt!
For mer informasjon om Ryobis 18 V børsteløse bajonettsag, besøk vennligst Ryobitools.no
Strømforsyning 18 V Slaglengde (mm): 30 Ubelastet hastighet (spm) 3200 Maks kuttekapasitet tre | metall (mm) 210 | 20 Vekt (uten batteri) (kg) 3,0 Artikkelnummer 5133003809 EAN-kode 4892210158673
Kilde: Pressekontor Techtronic Industries Nordic AS – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #Arbeidsliv Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Entreprenørskap Bygg, eiendom Industri, produksjon verktøy kvalitetsverktøy sage bajonettsager nedrivningsoppgaver nedrivningsverktøy Børsteløs Bajonettsag RYOBI kompakt one+ powertools elverktøy batterier 18v børsteløs bajonettsag
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lizadale · 2 years
can i also plz point out this really cool detail i love about the sages (because the SPM game devs really didn’t need to go this hard but man they did)
here’s an unblocked picture of the wall in the chamber you find Merlumina’s ghost in, right? (photo courtesy of smallmariofindings in this post)
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...and this is the stained glass lineup in between Flip/Flopside
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ok so the tree structure from Merloo, the plants from Merlight, and the shooting stars from Merlimbus’ frames are all present along with Merlumina’s top symbol and i just
have i mentioned i love this game 
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albertinedavis · 4 years
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Metabolic synthesis In humans, DHA is either acquired inside the diet or might be converted inside the percentage from eicosapentaenoic acidity (Environmental protection agency, 20:5, ?-3) via docosapentaenoic acidity (DPA, 22:5 ?-3) just as one intermediate. This synthesis are actually considered to occur by permitting an elongation step adopted by the act of ?è4-desaturase.[6] It's considered much more likely that DHA is biosynthesized acquiring a C24 intermediate adopted by beta oxidation in peroxisomes. Thus, Environmental protection agency is 2 occasions elongated, yielding 24:5 ?-3, then desaturated to 24:6 ?-3, then shortened to DHA (22:6 ?-3) via beta oxidation. This path is called "Sprecher's shunt".
Echemi DHA: Fat extracted from seaweed
In microorganisms for example microalgae, mosses and fungi, biosynthesis of DHA usually occurs as much desaturation and elongation reactions, catalyzed while using the consecutive action of desaturase and elongase enzymes. One known road to these microorganisms involves:
a desaturation inside the sixth carbon of alpha-linolenic acidity acquiring desaturase to create stearidonic acidity,
elongation within the stearidonic acidity acquiring elongase to create to eicosatetraenoic acidity,
desaturation inside the fifth carbon of eicosatetraenoic acidity acquiring desaturase to create eicosapentaenoic acidity,
elongation of eicosapentaenoic acidity acquiring elongase to create docosapentaenoic acidity, and
desaturation inside the 4th carbon of docosapentaenoic acidity acquiring desaturase to create DHA.
Metabolic process
DHA may be metabolized into DHA-derived specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), DHA epoxides, electrophilic oxo-derivatives (EFOX) of DHA, neuroprostanes, ethanolamines, acylglycerols, docosahexaenoyl amides of proteins or neurotransmitters, and branched DHA esters of hydroxy efa's, amongst others. Omega?3 efa's, also called Omega-3 oils, ω?3 efa's or n?3 efa's, are polyunsaturated efa's (PUFAs) characterised by the existence of a dual bond three atoms within the terminal methyl group in their chemical structure. They're broadly distributed anyway, being important constituents of animal fat metabolism, and they also play a vital role in the diet plus human physiology. The 3 kinds of omega?3 efa's connected with human physiology are α-linolenic acidity (ALA), found in plant oils, and eicosapentaenoic acidity (Environmental protection agency) and docosahexaenoic acidity (DHA), both generally found in marine oils. Marine algae and phytoplankton are primary causes of omega?3 efa's. Common causes of plant oils containing ALA include walnut, edible seeds, clary sage seed oil, algal oil, flaxseed oil, Sacha Inchi oil, Echium oil, and hemp oil, while causes of animal omega?3 efa's Environmental protection agency and DHA include fish, fish oils, eggs from chickens given Environmental protection agency and DHA,[citation needed] squid oils and krill oil.
Mammals can't synthesize the fundamental omega?3 essential fatty acid ALA and may only realize it through diet. However, they might use ALA, when available, to create Environmental protection agency and DHA, by creating additional double bonds along its carbon chain (desaturation) and growing it (elongation). Namely, ALA (18 carbons and three double bonds) enables you to create Environmental protection agency (20 carbons and 5 double bonds), that's then acquainted with make DHA (22 carbons and 6 double bonds). The opportunity to make longer-chain omega?3 efa's from ALA might be impaired in aging. In foods uncovered to air, unsaturated efa's are more likely to oxidation and rancidity. Nutritional using omega?3 efa's doesn't seem to affect the chance of dying, cancer or heart disease. Furthermore, omega-3 efa's supplement research has unsuccessful to help claims of stopping stroke or strokes or any vascular disease outcomes.
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techlovemedi · 4 years
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#Techlove wireless waist massager  #Supported by New Design Biotechnology
Wireles s control, relax the wai s t anytime and anywhere, s imple operation, light and comfortable, not extra burden to your wai s t l Gentle mas sage mode, quiet and comfortable. l Use with moxa bag for better soothing effect. l Bronze high-grade PU leather, practical and useful for gifts .
https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Pangao-Portable-Cordless-Intelligent-Waist-Therapy_60821264385.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.0.0.f3d326f60dJ4Ja&s=p https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/brand-new-waist-wireless-abdominal-massage_62479332642.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.0.0.f3d326f60dJ4Ja
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kendrickavant · 4 years
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Look. I am what I am. 😜 *proud AF* 3.) Grateful I have enough sage for the week! Maaaaan, I don't ALWAYS use it but when I do, shit gets BETTER. 💯 2.) Updated my resume yesterday and BOY was it easier than I thought. Whew, what a relief! 👨🏾‍💻👨🏾‍💻 1.) I absolutely mean to brag about having TWO cold, BIG bottles of water. Yuuuuuup, bet I get my water on ALL day like a straight G. 💦💦💦 #SPM = Stay Positive Muthafugga #EffMS and the symptoms it rode in on BUT put some #Gratitude on it https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8iPujpeYr/?igshid=5emad23red69
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Clary Sage (Amaro) - Fitoestrógenos naturales apoyando a las mujeres
Clary Sage (Amaro) – Fitoestrógenos naturales apoyando a las mujeres
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El aceite esencial de Clary Sage (Amaro) ha sido utilizado por siglos para ayudar a la mente y al cuerpo femeninos. Apoya una actitud saludable durante los síntomas del Síndrome PreMenstrual (SPM) y puede llegar a ser un gran apoyo para la menopausia debido a su naturaleza equilibrante emocional.
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Contiene Esclareol que es un componente raramente cencontrado en la destilación de aceites.
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fullmoonfireball · 7 years
… here’s a list of all the NPCs i have in Miitopia so far. this’ll probably be updated as more are encountered
Dark Lord: DickCheney
Carefree Guide: Robbie Rotten
Cheery Granny: Toriel
Sassy Child: Sirica
Worried Mother: Garlude
 Lovey-Dovey Couple: Pearl and Rose Quartz
Sarcastic Guy: Sonic
Dubious Mayor: Wario 
Roving Photogapher: Tera (an original character from my cousin’s playthrough)
Quizmaster: The Riddler
Prodigious Postman: Postman Pat
Roaming Gourmet: Gourmet Guy
Nintendo Fan: Petch
Serious Soldier: Callie (Splatoon)
Lax Soldier: Marie (Splatoon)
Royal Support (Right): Papyrus
Royal Support (Left): Sans
King: Dedede
Princess: Kirby
Prince from a Nearby Land: Marx
Besmirched Noble’s Son: Knuckle Joe
Great Sage: Sapphire
Genie of the Lamp: Galactic NOVA
Dancing Guide: Meloetta (Pirouette form)
Rambling Old Man: Old man (LoZ)
Shady Merchant Daughter: Susie
Shady Merchant Father: Haltmann
Worried Explorer: Bandanna Dee
Prickly Husband: Sir Ebrum
Prickly Wife: Lady Like
Desert Celebrity: Mimi (SPM)
Youngest Fab Fairy: Elline
Middlest Fab Fairy: Ribbon
Eldest Fab Fairy: Queen Ripple
Injured Elf: Button (all of the elves are fairy OCs, I’ll draw them later)
Fab Fairies Fan 1: Denim
Fab Fairies Fan 2: Thimble
Fab Fairies Fan 3: Canvas
Scaredy-Cat: Gossamer
Green-Eyed Lady: Linen
Lazybones: Flannel
Mischievous Witch: Rayon
Town Guide: Toucan Dan
Traveler’s Hub Cleric: Taranza
Traveler’s Hub Thief: Shadeleine
Kidnapped Friend: Shadow Kirby
Traveler’s Hub Chef: Muffet
Traveler’s Hub Mage: Drawcia
Friend from Nimbus: Paintra
Traveler’s Hub Cat: Vanilla
Traveler's Hub Vampire: Meta Knight
Traveler’s Hub Scientist: Dr. Alphys
Traveler’s Hub Cat 2: Ratbaby
Traveler’s Hub Chef 2: Totinos (now part of the party)
Scholarly Pioneer: Scarfy
Traveler’s Hub Cat 3: Nago
Traveler’s Hub Flower: Snoozroot (now part of the party)
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Comment je me prépare à l’accouchement ?
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                                                        35 SA
Il y a plus de 3 mois je vous présentais les 10 indispensables qui m’ont épaulé pendant ma grossesse. Je suis maintenant à 38 SA, soit plus qu’à quelques semaines (ou jours ?) de mon accouchement, et je tiens à vous dévoiler ce qui me sert à me préparer en cette fin de grossesse.
Il y a mille et une façon de se préparer à un accouchement et je pense qu’aucune n’est mauvaise, certaines femmes se contenteront d’absolument rien et de se laisser porter, moi je suis du genre à tout organiser et tout anticiper, j’ai besoin d’avoir une prise sur les choses et de me sentir actrice et non victime de mon accouchement (surtout sur quelque chose qui comporte déjà beaucoup d’inconnues, on ne sait pas quand ça arrivera ni comment ça se déroulera). De plus étant en arrêt depuis déjà plusieurs mois, et maintenant en congé maternité, j’ai eu le temps de me préparer au mieux, et je dirais même que ça a été salutaire pour occuper mes journées.
S’informer et se préparer psychologiquement
Je vous le disais dans mon article sur mes indispensables, j’ai potassé ces derniers mois quelques bouquins sur la grossesse, l’accouchement et l’allaitement, j’y ai appris quelques trucs, j’ai pris des notes que Rémy a lu par la suite (le futur père fait lui aussi partie intégrante de l’accouchement, et il était très important pour nous qu’il s’y prépare également, j’y reviendrais peut-être plus tard dans un article dédié). Si vous souhaitez allaiter je ne peux que vous recommander chaudement de bien vous informer à ce sujet en amont par des lectures et des cours avec une sage-femme conseillère en lactation, les personnels des maternités françaises (contrairement à d’autres pays davantage pro-allaitement) ne sont pas toujours bien formés à l’allaitement et ne seront pas toujours de bon conseil sur ce sujet (ou pire on risque de vous donner des conseils contradictoires), ce qui fait parfois échouer l’allaitement avant même qu’il n’ait démarré.
À côté de ça nous avons également suivi nos 7 cours de préparation à l’accouchement avec une sage-femme libérale spécialisée en lactation et portage. Il existe tout un tas de cours différents, basés sur la sophrologie, l’haptonomie, le chant prénatal et compagnie, à vous de voir ce qui vous convient le mieux. Les cours permettent de savoir comment se déroule un accouchement et d’apprendre à gérer la douleur (par des postures, des méthodes de respiration, de la visualisation). J’ai aussi pris part à une séance de sophrologie à la maternité et j’ai suivi quelques vidéos à la maison également mais je ne suis pas 100% réceptive à cette technique, même si je pense que cela m’a aidé à me détendre.
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                                                       32 SA
En dehors du fait de me renseigner au maximum, je n’ai pas vraiment poussé la préparation psychologique, car je n’ai jusque là pas ressenti de peur de l’accouchement. Si c’est votre cas, il peut être bien de prendre le temps d’explorer cette peur avec un thérapeute, un sophrologue ou d’autres spécialistes pour ne pas risquer d’être submergée par la panique le jour J. Une autre astuce peut être de prendre le temps de visualiser, les yeux fermés, les différents types d’accouchement auxquels vous pourriez être confrontée : un accouchement physiologique par voie basse, une césarienne d’urgence, un déclenchement, l’utilisation de ventouse ou de forceps, etc. Il faut envisager toutes les éventualités pour ne pas se retrouver démunie et paniquée. Bien sûr on ne peut jamais se préparer à 100% et on ne saura jamais à l’avance à quoi ressemblera notre accouchement, mais si vous en avez besoin, préparez-vous mentalement !
Préparer son corps
La moitié des cours de prépa que nous avons eu étaient consacrés aux positions physiologiques aidant au travail et à l’accouchement. Sur les conseils de la sage-femme nous les avons reproduites de temps à autre chez nous avec mon ballon de yoga (un fidèle ami pour la femme enceinte !) et mon coussin d’allaitement, pour les avoir bien en tête pour le jour J.
J’ai aussi démarré certains "rituels" naturels à quelques semaines du terme, non pas pour accoucher plus vite, ce n’est pas du tout mon but, je crois fermement que le bébé arrive quand il l’a décidé et si jamais je n’accouche pas avant mon terme c’est qu’elle avait besoin de rester dans mon ventre pour prendre du poids et des forces avant la naissance. Mais ces petites aides pourraient être utiles le jour de l’accouchement pour que le travail soit plus rapide, efficace et peut-être même légèrement moins douloureux.
Dès 36 SA j’ai démarré le massage du périnée tous les jours avec l’huile Weleda. Ça paraît un peu barbare comme ça mais ce petit geste réalisé quotidiennement jusqu’à l’accouchement aide le périnée à devenir plus élastique et moins fragile, et diminue les risques de déchirures ou d’épisiotomie le jour J. J’en ai entendu de bons retours mais il ne faut pas s’attendre à des miracles non plus, ceci dit ça ne coûte rien d’essayer ! De plus, il est toujours bon de prendre un peu mieux connaissance de son corps, cela peut aussi aider le jour de l’accouchement. Pour savoir comment masser son périnée, on retrouve toutes les indications sur le guide de massage Maman de Weleda, téléchargeable ici. Je me suis également basé sur cette vidéo.
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À partir de 38 SA (donc il y a quelques jours seulement) je suis passée à l’offensive en ajoutant de nouveaux gestes à mon quotidien :
- je bois une tisane de feuilles de framboisiers chaque jour, cela prépare le col en douceur et devrait rendre les contractions plus efficaces. On peut en boire davantage, jusqu’à 3-4 tasses par jour.
- je prends de l’homéopathie. J’avais noté que pour se préparer au mieux le cocktail gagnant est le suivant : Arnica 9CH, Gelsemium 9CH et Caulophyllum 9CH, 3 granules de chaque matin et soir (il vaut mieux toutefois vérifier avec un homéopathe, les dosages peuvent être différents d’une personne à l’autre). Chez moi j’avais déjà un tube d’Arnica (qui datait de la préparation de mon deuxième tatouage, l’an dernier) et un peu la flemme de prendre autant de petites billes je l’avoue donc je me contente de terminer mon tube, c’est l’occasion ! Si vous êtes branchée homéopathie, on trouve sur Internet d’autres combinaisons utiles pendant le travail et aussi après l’accouchement, pour récupérer.
- je prends des gélules d’onagre trois fois par jour. Je suis une grande adepte de l’huile d’onagre, j’ai commencé à en prendre il y a 5 ans chaque mois avant mes règles (3 fois par jour les 10 jours précédents) car je souffre d’un syndrome prémenstruel (SPM) très intense avec notamment un gros sentiment dépressif. Petit à petit cela a gommé ces symptômes et les mois passant mon SPM a totalement disparu, j’ai aussi eu le plaisir de voir que ça m’a permis de beaucoup moins souffrir pendant mes règles. L’onagre serait également d’un grand soulagement pour les femmes souffrant d’endométriose, et il permettrait même... de tomber enceinte plus facilement ! Bref cette petite huile a mille vertus pour les femmes, mais en l’occurrence celle qui nous intéresse maintenant c’est qu’elle permet dans les dernières semaines de grossesse de ramollir et préparer le col de l’utérus.
- sur conseils de ma sage-femme, on peut, si l’on souhaite allaiter, exprimer du colostrum tous les jours à partir de 38 SA. Cela aide au démarrage de l’allaitement de plusieurs façons, pour favoriser la montée de lait tout d’abord, mais aussi pour se familiariser avec l’expression du lait (ce qui peut s’avérer utile si le bébé a du mal à téter les premiers jours, ou s’il n’est pas possible de faire la tétée de bienvenue dans les 2 heures après la naissance, en cas de césarienne par exemple). De plus, cette stimulation quotidienne permet également de produire de l’ocytocine, l’hormone de l’accouchement !
Dans les derniers jours précédents le terme, si je n’ai toujours pas accouché, je pourrais également me préparer à l’aide d’huiles essentielles : me masser l’intérieur des poignets avec de l’huile essentielle de petit grain bigarade mélangé à une huile végétale neutre (abricot ou amande par exemple) pour être plus sereine, et me masser le sacrum avec de l’huile essentielle de palmarosa, elle aussi diluée dans une huile végétale, pour rendre les contractions plus efficaces. On peut également faire ces massages (ou plutôt se les faire faire par son conjoint) pendant le travail.
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Autres moyens de préparer son corps dans les derniers moments : l’ostéopathie et l’acupuncture. J’ai vu une ostéo il y a peu, non pas pour préparer mon corps à l’accouchement, mais parce que j’avais très mal au dos. Ceci dit elle en a profité pour manipuler également mon bassin et vérifier qu’il n’était pas bloqué, et qu’il serait opérationnel pour le jour J. Pour l’acupuncture je n’ai pas testé mais il paraît que cela peut aider aussi (c’est même pratiqué par certaines sages-femmes en maternité pendant le travail pour accélérer la dilatation et réduire la douleur).
Et bien sûr rester active : marcher tous les jours et faire des « ronds » avec son bassin sur le ballon de yoga si vous en avez un (en plus ça soulage pas mal les tensions dans le dos). Mais aussi se reposer (et c’est généralement dur dans les dernières semaines, personnellement je dors très mal et je me sens complètement à plat), il faut bien doser ses journées entre activité et repos, pour ne pas que nos muscles fondent mais tout en se ménageant pour ne pas arriver épuisée le jour J... pas simple !
Je ne suis pas convaincue que tout cela m’aidera, et je ne base pas trop d’espoirs là-dessus, mais je me dis que ça vaut le coup de tenter et ça me permet de me sentir « active » et utile dans les dernières semaines qu’il me reste. Je pourrais vous dire dans quelques semaines si je pense que toute cette préparation aura été utile !
Avez-vous testé certaines de ces astuces ? En avez-vous d’autres à conseiller ?
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