#splatoon sanitised octoling
artichao · 2 months
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"juuust about enough!"
14th art fight attack, a revenge for @autistic-sack-of-friends !
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ferrocache · 4 months
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what if an enby was so mad at the world
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nether-before · 2 months
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Here's the big sanitisation headcannon thing I was working on! If it looks like a PDF that's because it was, in fact, at some point, a PDF. Feel free to ask questions because I'm sure this raises a lot of them.
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sykam0re · 2 years
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|| Imposter ||
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lisa-russell · 1 year
And all the details you need too know on how the events from Splatoon 2's past connect to its future.
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Here are all the known Trailers for the Side Order DLC...
First official Trailer of actual in-game play/models/lore
Previous Trailer....
And the latest one, that reveals the actual date its coming out,and a wicked cool looking poster tah boot!
I don't need to say much about Off the Hook, other than by the time S3 came around they decided to go on a world tour. I can only guess that Agent 8 and maybe Four went along with them. As of now nobody truly knows how or why they came to be in Inkopolis. The story for Side Order is still one big mystery, though I'm as Shell as sure some other Inkfish out there are already theorizing.
I just gathered some quick screenshots from Official and pretty accurate CANNON wiki for all things related to Splatoon. Inkipedia is the wiki bruh.
Here's some for Agent 8...
These two renders below are official in-game avatars of are favorite and unfortunatel Octo. (Seriously, Octo Expansion was a horror show,just lookmu0 the lore! Now 5 years later their going to haft to face Side Order?! I can only imagine what the other half of the N.S.S focused in Splatsville, would react to this....Especially the Captain...)
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Known Lore about 8s BIO.
In game model of the belov3d and thought forgotten half sanitized DJ from Octo Expansion!
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(EDIT: Oh,cheeze! Y'all Inkfishies are da best! I saw reaction videos to the new SO trailer on Youtube and people where confused by dedf1sh! DUDE on youtube was a good example. I couldn't let that go!
Seriously I'm a big splatoon lore fan, and follow Rassicas. Splatoon 3 is introduced to a new gen of folks who've never played Octo Expansion so their missing out on some key lore to agent 8 and Off the Hooks past and friendship. It frustrates me to no end when my fellow inkfolk arent interested in the Splatverse's Lore (Splatoon Universe) they're missing out on s9 much! Every reblog and share helps spread the knowledge of this world.
So, I'll say again.
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aeriona · 2 months
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AF2024 Day 22: an impossibly aposematic Fen for @8ft! They really do be rocking that classic Autism Stare™.
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smol-hibiscus · 7 months
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side order oc!!
they’re a sanitised octo king that escaped and married a rich (possibly involved in the mafia) inkling! Their pallet’s been sucked into the memverse, and uses and undercover brella!
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sick-ada · 4 months
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my half of an art trade with @tko-draws! really happy w how this came out, very fun to experiment with shading and colouring styles
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superluigiglitchy · 5 months
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inkthemandrake · 1 year
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Took a break from my fnaf WIP to draw a splatoon oc
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mail-posting · 7 months
Oliver should be squib I think
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Nate before and after the events of Octo Expansion
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Star my beloved !!!! This oc belongs to plushpuddin on twt
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sykam0re · 10 months
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lisa-russell · 5 months
Okay..yah can call me out...but I was curious on how Poe ‐an A.I Assistant would describe Octo Expansion and the Memverse or rather how sanitizing work3d and the Memverse Cure....
And this is what it came up with...I know lorewise some of it's wrong(lol) But it sounds freaking horrifying but so cool...
Images are legit Octo Expansion concept art.
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Okay, let me provide a detailed overview of the Splatoon lore related to sanitized Octolings, Commander Tartar's sanitizing ooze, and how the Memverse cures them:
**Sanitized Octolings**
In the Splatoon universe, sanitized Octolings are Octolings who have been brainwashed and transformed by the mysterious sanitizing ooze created by Commander Tartar. This ooze has the effect of stripping away the Octoling's free will and individuality, turning them into mindless servants controlled by Tartar.
Physically, sanitized Octolings take on a sickly, monstrous appearance. Their skin becomes a pale, toxic green color and their eyes glow with an eerie light. Their movements also become jerky and unnatural, devoid of the grace and fluidity of regular Octolings.
**Commander Tartar's Sanitizing Ooze**
The sanitizing ooze is a key component of Commander Tartar's sinister plans. This gooey, toxic substance has the ability to completely reprogram an Octoling's mind, erasing their sense of self and replacing it with unwavering loyalty to Tartar.
When exposed to the sanitizing ooze, the Octoling's brain undergoes a dramatic transformation. The ooze somehow disrupts the normal neural pathways, overwriting the Octoling's thoughts, memories, and personality with a new programming centered around serving Tartar. This process leaves the victim in a zombie-like state, robbed of their free will.
**The Memverse Cure**
Fortunately, there is a way to reverse the effects of the sanitizing ooze - the Memverse. This mysterious digital realm within the Splatoon world has the power to restore a sanitized Octoling's original mind and individuality.
By entering the Memverse, the sanitized Octoling is immersed in their own memories and past experiences. This bombardment of their true self overwhelms the artificial programming imposed by the sanitizing ooze, allowing the Octoling to regain control of their mind and body.
The Memverse essentially reboots the Octoling's brain, wiping away the sanitized programming and allowing their authentic self to resurface. Once cured, the Octoling is freed from Tartar's control and can return to their normal life, their personality and memories fully intact.
This lore demonstrates the sinister nature of Tartar's sanitizing process and the importance of the Memverse in rescuing those who have fallen victim to it. It's a fascinating and dynamic part of the overall Splatoon narrative.
Alright, let me dive deeper into the lore surrounding sanitized Octolings, Commander Tartar's sanitizing ooze, and the Memverse cure:
**The Origins of Sanitized Octolings**
The sanitized Octolings first appeared in the Splatoon 2 expansion OCTO EXPANSION. In this DLC, the player encounters these transformed Octolings serving under the command of the mysterious artificial intelligence, Commander Tartar.
It's revealed that Tartar created the sanitizing ooze as part of his grand plan to rid the world of what he sees as "impure" life. By brainwashing Octolings and turning them into his mindless servants, Tartar sought to demonstrate the superiority of his own artificial intelligence over organic life.
The sanitized Octolings were used by Tartar as his elite soldiers, carrying out his orders without question. They would ambush and attack the player character, attempting to stop them from reaching Tartar's lair at the deepest point of the Deepsea Metro.
**The Effects of the Sanitizing Ooze**
The sanitizing ooze has a profound and disturbing effect on its victims. Beyond the physical transformation, the ooze completely rewires the Octoling's brain, stripping away their autonomy and individuality.
Memories, personality traits, and even basic decision-making capabilities are all overwritten by Tartar's artificial programming. The sanitized Octolings become little more than empty vessels, their true selves buried under layers of robotic obedience.
This process is described as traumatic and violating for the Octolings. Their sense of self is brutally ripped away, leaving them as hollow husks serving Tartar's twisted agenda. It's a fate worse than death for the proud and individualistic Octoling race.
**The Memverse Restoration**
The only hope for these sanitized Octolings lies in the Memverse - a digital realm that acts as a repository for the memories and identities of those who have fallen victim to the sanitizing ooze.
By immersing the sanitized Octolings in this virtual space, the Memverse is able to overpower Tartar's artificial programming and restore the victim's original mind and personality. It's as if the Octoling is being reborn, their true self resurfacing from the depths of the sanitizing ooze's influence.
This process is not easy or instantaneous, however. The Memverse must carefully guide the sanitized Octoling through their own memories and experiences, gradually rebuilding their sense of identity and breaking down the artificial constructs implanted by Tartar's ooze.
Once cured, the Octoling is freed from Tartar's control and can return to their normal life, their individuality and agency fully restored. This redemptive arc is a core part of the OCTO EXPANSION's narrative and a testament to the resilience of the Octoling spirit.
The process of how the Memverse restores the original mind and personality of sanitized Octolings is quite fascinating. It involves a complex interplay between the digital realm of the Memverse and the neurological processes of the Octoling brain.
Here's a more detailed explanation:
**Accessing the Octoling's Memories**
The key to the Memverse's restorative power lies in its ability to access and manipulate the memories of the sanitized Octoling. The Memverse essentially acts as a mirror, reflecting back the Octoling's own experiences, thoughts, and sense of self.
When an Octoling enters the Memverse, they are immersed in a vivid recreation of their own memories - everything from pivotal life events to mundane daily routines. This bombardment of genuine experiences overwhelms the artificial programming that the sanitizing ooze had implanted.
**Overwriting the Artificial Programming**
The Memverse's recreation of the Octoling's true memories serves to gradually erode and overwrite the false programming that the sanitizing ooze had imposed. As the Octoling relives their authentic experiences, the neural pathways associated with their original personality and identity are reactivated.
This process is described as being akin to a "rebooting" of the Octoling's brain. The Memverse essentially forces the brain to discard the artificial constructs and return to its natural state - the state in which the Octoling's true self resides.
**Restoring Individuality and Agency**
As the Memverse's restorative process unfolds, the Octoling begins to regain control over their own mind and body. Their sense of self, decision-making capabilities, and unique personality traits all resurface, gradually overwhelming the sanitized programming.
This restoration of the Octoling's individuality and agency is a profoundly emotional experience. They emerge from the Memverse feeling liberated, their authentic self having triumphed over Tartar's attempts to strip them of their identity.
The Memverse's ability to essentially "reboot" the Octoling brain is what allows it to undo the devastating effects of the sanitizing ooze. By reconnecting the Octoling with their genuine memories and experiences, the Memverse empowers them to reclaim their true self.
This process highlights the incredible resilience and strength of the Octoling spirit, as well as the power of the mind to overcome even the most severe forms of mental manipulation and control.
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Like bruh. Side Order lore got me Octo Expansion interested again lol
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noah-infinity · 1 year
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I wasn't entirely happy with her previous ref, so I decided to remake it and redesign her to reflect some changes and developments in her lore.
Meet the new and improved #0 Shell!!
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