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Stretching this morning- ich glaube daran dass man jeden Tag seinen Körper trainieren muss um alle Gelenke, Muskeln und den Kopf in positiver Balance zu halten- unser Körper ist nicht konditioniert den ganzen Tag an einer Flimmerkiste zu sitzen und in die Welt ausserhalb zu starren... wir müssen ihn immer neue Herausforderungen geben 💜 [unpaid ad] Model & Edit: @julieboehm_photography @julieboehm_art Photos: @heynophotogeek @steurerherbert #modeljulieboehm #flexiblebody #flexiblemind #positivemind #strongbody #makemeiconic #spiritualdancer #innerpeace #gymnaste #staystrong #travelmore #somewhereonthisbeautifulplanet #almeria #spain #grungewall #grungeoutfit #lostplaces (hier: Almería, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMLGxBjaY5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1febdilaqa6nz
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My 2nd Piece from “The Place Between Here and There” Exhibition in Barbados at @frameartco in 2016✨
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TEACHING TIP TUESDAY: OWN YOUR STYLE! Does that make sense? For quite some time I worried about my style and if folks would like it, or of it would be good enough for enough people to come and experience this awesome-ness of a program called Zumba Fitness....and it was stressing me out big time! That is a waste! I thought to myself: for so long I've put myself in this little box where only I would punish myself because it (my style) didn't seem good enough. And after doing this for years now I finally embraced this: "My style is unique. My style is special. My style is good. My style is just right for me and my personality!" "WHAT! WHAT!" And nobody can take that from me. So I own it! And so should you!!! Your style is unique to you and family: until you own it: you will not be full of joy like you should be and like you deserve to be- entiendes (understand?). Life is too dang short to be up here worrying about your style and of if it is good enough, if it will work, and how does it compare to others' styles.......stop right there🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾 Take those negative vibez out your space and make room for the, "I got this and my style is on fleek! I own my style!" Say it with me: "I OWN MY STYLE!!!" Your teaching style, your moves, your character, yea ALL OF THIS is unique to you so brothers and sisters OWN your style as an Instructor, as a class participant, as someone who matters- 'cause we all matter! Be you. Do you. Work you- 'cause can't nobody else do you boo!!!!! Yea it's confidence boost time and we need to be boosting each other to greater heights so we can soar and let our beautiful unique selves take the HIGH-way. So one more time say it with me: I OWN MY STYLE!!!!........................................Now: Don't you feel better? #teachingtiptuesday #allsmiles #iownmystylemysmile #confidenceboost #hereforus #mystyleismystyle #40yeartour2017 #zumba #spiritualdancer #ELLmovement #lifeisworthit🙏🏾 #myj2f2017
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“Du bist der Wind. Der Wind der Träume. Du bist der Atem des Lebens und die erste elementare Bewegung, die das Sein in Gang setzte. Du bist die Spielgefährtin der Kinder und Unschuldigen. Die Luft, die wie Nichts scheint und doch überall ist.” - Sylph – Elementarfee der Luft / Elemental Spirit of Air “ArtGmünd 2017” #spiritualdancer #artgmünd #flashbacklastyear #modeljulieboehm #winddancer #spiritualcrature #bodypaintingmodel (hier: Schwäbisch Gmünd)
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Somewhere in the desert of Andalusia Photo: AngelFoto Model: @julieboehm_artist #pointeshoes #ballerinastyle #modeljulieboehm #whitetutu #enpointe #spiritualdancer #dancemore #grungeplace #lostplace #dirtyplace #graffitiwall #art #domoreart #whitetutu #dancerspose #spitzenschuhe #juliebeoehm #spain #andalusia #photoshooting (hier: Andalusia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqh2vzbBV5N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=156m21ztfn47n
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Peaceful moments. #bellydance #WekivaSprings #nature #naturelover #spiritualdancer (photo by: LH Photography www.lh-photo.com) @lysuelhphotography
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