sunsage · 2 years
@sxnburst​ liked for a starter (monkey to monkey)!
The King’s track record with dragons might be kind of a mixed bag (to put it lightly) but this doesn’t stop him from taking a tour of the Forest King’s castle when it’s offered to him. Hey, if he's stuck in this place for the time being, he might as well get some sightseeing (and a free dinner!) in.
(It’s not as if he’s planning to steal anything from here. Probably. Not unless he has to.)
Either way, for now he’s more than content with just walking the halls with a small group. They seem like a normal bunch of mortals so he barely pays attention to any of them, at least until he catches sight of something yellow and fluffy swaying in the air. Now that’s interesting. Humming lightly, he falls to the back to walk alongside the kid... demon, maybe?
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“Hey, bud. Nice tail you got there.” He bumps it with his own lightly in a friendly gesture.
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scarletwinds · 2 years
🍁 @caliburn​
Though this island and its people were fairly new to him, the trees and their pixies reminded him so strongly of Inazuma and the bake-danuki that Kazuha was unexpectedly drawn to any event the pixies might host... Which was how he found himself currently deep in the woods with a teacup pig. While he was used to foraging for food, the idea of working with a trained pig was a new and welcome one, as he was more accustomed to boars charging him if he forgot himself and wandered too close.
When the little animal dashed through a thicket, presumably having sensed something Kazuha could not, he was happy to follow. Entering the clearing, he found his pig snout-to-snout with another over a golden truffle they seemed to both have found at the same time. Near the other pig was a young blonde woman who stood with a noble air and beheld the scene with the eyes of a fighter.
“I see this prize is contested.” Personally, Kazuha saw no reason to fight over the truffle when there were most likely more around and hoped the young lady felt the same - though he did appreciate the spirited attitude of the little pigs.
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“If you find it agreeable, I propose you take this one and I will collect the next one we find. If we work together, surely we will find another truffle twice as fast."
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lightblume · 2 years
MAZE BY PIXIE LIGHT ( @porteurdereve​ )
Owing to the recent information told to her by Thancred which may or may not be true, Tsuru has found herself...indecisive on where she stands. Long has she wished for idle daydreams to become a reality, in varying measures but this one feels as though she's on thin ice. G'raha's feelings have always been an enigma to her, or perhaps they have always been noticeable and she simply never stopped to think about whether or not her own could ever be mutual. Plus, it wasn't as if she ever had the time to analyze their interactions, nor has she ever given any deep thought to his constant skittish behavior when around her as she believed that was owed to his admiration.
Now, however, it's hard not to second guess every exchange they've shared, each grazes of the skin, every time they'd shared more than just a passing look. While Tsuru has tried to be subtle with her affections, she wonders now if she's been as tenuous as she previously thought herself. That, and she wonders if Thancred is actually right. Because G'raha has given her pause on more than a few occasions now with some of his reactions. His stuttering, constantly flushed face, and overall bashful demeanor is put into a new perspective. One that she'd like to explore...from a cautious distance.
So, it seemed to her that from now on would be as good of a time as any to try to traverse the various complications that may or may not concern their relationship. Or at least try to. And in her first attempt, what better way to set the mood than to invite him to something that was supposed to be for couples? Thankfully, she'd taken the liberty of inviting him earlier to which he'd heartily accepted as she knew he would. The summer festival activities had been well underway in Cotes Ward, and plenty of people were still out and about even though the sun was setting and the night was beginning to set in.
Tsuru waits at the entrance to the hedge maze lights bouncing to and fro keeping adequate lighting, straightening out her summer dress as she waits. Finally, after some time, she sees G'raha looking just a little bit lost, but he manages to find his way to her after she waves to him. "I was starting to think you stood me up. Though I wouldn't blame you if so, I'm sure there are books that want for studying." She says, smiling at him. "Are you ready? The prize for this is simply splendid. And I've been hoping to try but haven't had the chance to."
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"Oh, right. The prize is a crystal flower that is...traditionally exchanged between pixies who promise themselves to one another. And it signifies their promise to remain at each other's side forevermore. Romantic, isn't it?" Of course, she bats her eyelashes after saying so all the while studying G'raha's reaction.
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starmaginoubi · 2 years
This is, THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!” Riku shouted with pure excitement in her voice as she looked at all the glittering lights and people skating around the rink in Fibonacci, trails of light following them along as well. She had dragged Badou out to see some of the festival activities going on in Spirale City, but she never expected something like this! Sure skating rinks were nothing special back home but this, this was super awesome!
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“Come on come on! Let’s get some skates and go!”
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eternalrecurrxnce · 2 years
Of all the creatures he expected to find in a petting zoo full of oddities, an ordinary dog was not one of them.
And for some particular reason, it seemed to be quite fond of Richter; standing before him with its tail wagging happily, staring right up into his eyes. Perhaps any other person would be enamoured by such a sight, but for the half-elf, it seemed more like a bother; his brow twitching as he narrowly tried to keep his gaze pointed in the opposite direction. Each time he took a step, the dog was eagerly taking a one right in front of him; practically cornering the man as he stood, unsure of what to do. Even if he wasn’t fond of dogs, it wasn’t as if it was an enemy, so fighting it was out of the question.. but..
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“If you’re wearing clothing like that, surely you have an owner. Leave me be and find them instead.” 
                                                              –   ☼☽;   ( @crimsonoyoroi​​​​​ )      
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darknessfoundlove · 2 years
Somewhere in the city, an overworked, underslept professor was about to be dragged to a festival by an android for the second time this month. Unfortunately for the professor, this android was much bigger but only slightly less petulant than the one he might call his ‘sister.’
“I can’t believe you brought Curi to the fair and neither of you invited me!” Ai pouted, stamping his feet a little louder than necessary as he walked. 
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“This is just like all the times the other Ignis would have work meetings and they never invited me!” Never mind the fact that the reason they stopped inviting him was because he never did any work in the first place... Ai quickly filed that memory away before it started to sting.
“Now we get to do what Ai want to do! Just be grateful I picked something we’ll both like. C’mon, let’s go before the boat leaves without us!”
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crimsonoyoroi · 2 years
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dusting off this blog after ages. if you’d like a spiralefes starter with thoma, please toss a like! CAPPING AT THREE, just for starting out to not overwhelm myself!
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flyingspinkicks · 2 years
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“It’s simple!“ 
You begin, hand gesturing to the folding table in front of you. Situated in multiple plastic bins are various fruits such as apples, mangos, bananas, oranges, and even heftier fruits like watermelons and cantaloupes.  A banner written in marker hangs over the edge of the table reading Fruit Fighter: Cut fruits wins prizes! With a rudimentary stick leaning next it which upon closer inspection looks like a wooden sword. 
“You take the stick, I throw these nearly rotten fruit at you. You attempt to cut them before they hit you and if you do you’ll win points. Achieve five points and you get a free drink courtesy of the Dancing Dragon! And don’t worry about food waste, all of these are going in the compost later.” 
You then gesture to the wall next to you as a plastic film covers part of it and the floor below, creating an easy to clean spot to cut some fruit. 
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mystictechbo · 2 years
@floraversed liked for a SummerFES starter (a while ago)!
It’s nice to chill in a real waterpark for a change, not like the one he and his brothers made up down in the sewers. Still, as he floats in a tube in the pleasantly cool and clear pool that smells nothing like people’s bodily fluids, something feels... off. It takes him a moment to realize that it’s the banter of his brothers that is missing from the picture.
It is actually starting to get to him, to the point where when he spots another person his age at the edge of the pool, he, completely out of character, tries to strike a conversation.
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“Hey, do you wanna do something kinda neat?”
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porteurdereve · 2 years
“We’re gonna be so chaotic, even WE won’t know what we’re doing.”
G’raha Tia’s heart reverberates in his ears as his dearest friend drags him by the hand towards the skating rink. He has never seen people glide upon the floor with wheels, and the whole ritual seems perplexing yet entertaining all at once. Regardless of his ignorance, he trusts Tsuru with all his soul. He follows her lead, allowing her to tug him wherever she desires, and he will never stray from her side. Although, he cannot deny the reservations that he has for the imminent chaos. 
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“I can attest that I have zero notion for the antics that we will soon partake,” G’raha admits, his fingers curling around her hand. Suddenly, he accelerates and passes Tsuru, becoming the one to lead her. “Nevertheless, I accept this chaos you speak! Towards the fantastical arena where we shall glide as if we soar amongst the clouds!”
Unfortunately, the night concludes with several cuts and bruises as G’raha was unable to learn how to skate proper.
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solecean · 2 years
Seldom has she ever had time for herself when attending to the duties of Watatsumi, but here, Kokomi has found that she has far too much time to herself. And that meant more time left alone with her thoughts. The festival had been a welcome distraction, one that she'd spent time enjoying to the fullest extent. As she stands along the back of the pier, a box of sparklers in hand, she lights one up as the grander display unfolds above in the skies.
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As she watches the display, sparkler in hand, she notices the curious gaze of an onlooker focused on the object in her hands. Smiling, she turns to them and offers the box in her free hand. "Would you like one? They're quite fun."
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sunsage · 2 years
@forsakenpumpkin​ (hey there mountain buddy!)​
This place is still a little disorienting, but if there is one thing The Monkey King is sure of, it’s that regardless of where he is... Fireworks are still the coolest thing humans have ever invented. He already found a good spot to watch the show, where the sand of the beach met the stone of the sidewalk. As soon as the first flowers of fire bloom over the sky, he jumps up, cheering and hollering. And in a fit of excitement, he grabs the nearest person and spins them around, little body clasped in his two fingered hold.
Of course, his head clears after a moment and he lowers the guy to the ground, trying to look both at him and the continuing fireworks at the same time, tail still thrashing in excitement.
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“Sorry, little guy. Fireworks always get me excited.”
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lightfallsword · 2 years
One would think that taking part in the festivities would be a fun, good-spirited time. For most people, it was. For Eula, however, she found it both tedious and bothersome. The cash prize had been most enticing as it'd provide some much-needed monetary cushion that she was in need of. What she lacked was a partner and though one wasn't needed for the treasure hunt, she'd been advised to take someone with her in case she found herself lost in the forest, never to be found again.
That's where the trouble started. Everyone around her had already coupled up, leaving her with nothing but a teacup pig in her hands along with the bitter taste of being the odd one out once again. It's only thanks to one pixie's timely intervention and hard push that she's finally able to find someone, but not before embarrassing herself. As one can surmise, pixies are often good for nothing but mischief and this time, Eula had been the target. A large gust of wind shoves her forward and tumbling into the side of the unassuming target intended.
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"Ugh. Seriously? I knew none of them could be trusted. But this is just unforgivable." She says in a huff, already dusting off her clothes as her teacup pig sniffs around the ground around her and the stranger who had just been forcefully toppled over. As soon as Eula gathers her bearings, she addresses the other woman "...It would seem that they saw that both of us were without partners and saw fit to pair us, albeit unconventional." Granted, it's a bit awkward now considering that Eula had effectively knocked this woman onto the ground, but to that, she offers a hand to raise her.
"Come. If you still have the will to search, we will win."
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heclingmuzik · 2 years
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And the last one. She’s sent out too many. For Kyrie, for her sister Yaira, for the guys that had been slain by the hands of Yamazaki...She didn’t even know their names. 
“I hope where ever you guys are, it’s  much better on the other side and you’re living your life.” 
I miss you guys. She misses Yaira and Kyrie SO much. She finds herself recently often thinking about what could have been if Kyrie and Yaira had gotten out of that facility safely. How life would have turned out. 
She finds herself thinking about how things would have turned out differently if she had already been strong enough to hold her ground against that man. Those guys wouldn’t have had to meet such an unfateful event. They’d still be alive. 
“I hope you guys are at peace....Where ever you are.”
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scarletwinds · 2 years
The samurai had been content to watch the colorful array of fireflies for a few hours, waves peacefully lapping at the sand near his feet... but something about the way the fireflies twinkled in front of his eyes spoke to him. 
Perhaps it was simply the wind whispering in his ear, but he felt as if the softly blinking lights were pleading with him. He was overcome with a sudden desire to grant these slow-moving friends a greater freedom of movement on this windless night.
Kazuha raised his bandaged palm, summoning a small whirlwind composed carefully of gentle breezes and the little lights flocked to it. Soon, the ronin had a large gathering of fireflies, changing colors in a dizzying show as they rode the gentle currents.
Watching these swirls of lights, a haiku sprang into the samurai’s mind and flowed through his lips unbidden.
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“‘Beneath midnight sky
Drifted drops of astral light
Transform as firefly.’”
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starmaginoubi · 2 years
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[Like this for an event starter with Riku! Its summer time and she’s ready to party like its 2008!
She’ll definitely be in A ROARIN’ BOREALIS SKATING RINK,  NERF JOUSTING , YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE YOUR EYES, and HOT GRILL SUMMER and anywhere that’s fun or has food
The cap will be at 5!]
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