#spinel wants Sarah DEAD
sonasnowdrop · 1 year
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Su movie screenshot redraw!!! I had alot of fun with this :]]
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mysteryideasgroup · 1 year
MSA x WnG: AMoLaD AU: Discovered and Revealing Cases Comic
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Stormy Night
Arturo with Spinel's Wallet, he with his friends got to Spinel's Mansion. They go to the inside entrance and see the light bottom of the door.
Sarah: Arturo, better to go.
Arturo knocks on the door before being interrupted by a flash lightning thunder lightning flash with Shadowy figures Fashions. They are shocked to see upstairs.
Sarah: What?
Arturo: It’s upstairs
Sapphire: Wait...
Laura: Let’s check out
They have confused about shadowy figures. They are shocked and turn to look at the door to see upstairs. They slowly go upstairs and go to the bedroom in shock and fear, revealing that 12 Fashions wore Bakers Chefs Hats and Aprons.
Sarah: Oh my God... Creepy, I’m realizing that Dead Bakers!
Samantha: ! Not good, Bakers have to murdered and deaths.
Arturo: Wait, guys, I noticed that 13 not having a baker's hat, apron, 13 not had.
They are looking at 13 Fashion not having baker hat, apron, 13 not had. They are noticing that Diary Book.
Arturo: Guys, I think it's Diary.
Sarah: I’m thinking that bakers?
Laura: Sure, I’ll look inside...
Arturo put Spinel's Wallet on Hampton Mandi's Vanity table. They darted their eyes back and forth with caution to ensure no one was watching, Arturo and Sarah slowly opened the book while the others looked over their shoulders. Inside, there were pictures of Spinel with some Bakers. The Gangs noticed a number (1) on the photo, there was a picture of Spinel with a man in a Baker’s hat and baking uniform clothes, apron. The label underneath read ‘Edward Anderson’; someone had drawn a big Red Cross X over the baker man’s face and looked to the number (1) of the Fashion Dummy that matched it.
Sarah and Arturo: Wait a minute...
They turned the page to see Baker 2 with Spinel. His name was Joseph Cullen (a Baker), and he too had a Red Cross X drawn over his face.
Sarah and Arturo noticed something familiar with each photo. Page after page showed pictures of Spinel with Bakers, Gilly Clarkson (3), Remy Denton (4), Jake Branson (5), Lou Gibson (6), Harvey Harrison (7), Nando Jensen (8), Scotty Fallon (9), Neddy Maddock (10), Huey Thompson (11) all crossed out Xs. They saw pictures of her with other Bakers. They all had a red X over them. But they saw 12 pics, it was Alex Parker. They are gasping and surprised. They are recognition Baker 12 was Alex Parker.
Sarah: It's Alex Parker.
Sapphire: Those red Xs means she must've been the murderer.
They turned the picture and next to Baker was Lionel. They are very horrified and fearful.
Sarah: Oh no!
Arturo: She's going to kill Lionel!
The flash frame is Lightning Thunder frame 13 fashion dummy. They are shocked backward accident bump knocked out all Fashions Dummies.
Sarah: Oh my God!
Arturo is shocked and frightened
Arturo: Oops
They hear the door open downstairs.
Sapphire: We need to hide!
Samantha: We gotta hide!
Laura: We’ll get the racks up as fast as we can.
Arturo: Better get back to stand up fast.
Later, Spinel enters her room and found the racks still intact.
Spinel turn light on and found racks still standing
Spinel: Huh? Funny. I’m sure I heard something. Oh, there it is. (closed her diary and found her wallet)
Spinel closed the mirror door. Arturo hung on a chandelier as the two went to bed, but Gangs have hidden the other closets not wanting to be noticed. Spinel and Judy don’t know that Arturo is hanging from the chandelier.
Judy is awake and frightened from mistreatment at the hands of her friend.
2 of
Stormy Night, Arturo with Rest Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs Bakers, Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs, Mystery Skulls Teams/Groups/Gangs, Sarah with Dog/Kitsune, Polter Dog/Kitsune and Laura with Polter Cat going to Spinel's Mansion. Arturo holding Spinel's Wallet and they seeing light bottom of door.
Sarah: Arturo, better to go.
Arturo knock door before interrupted by flash lightning thunder lightning flash with Shadowy figures Fashions. They are shocked to see upstairs.
Sarah: What?
Arturo: It’s upstairs
Sapphire: Wait...
Laura: Let’s check out
They have confused that shadowy figures. They are shocked turn look at door to seeing upstairs. They are slowly up to upstairs and going to bedroom in shocking and frightened that reveals that full of 12 Fashions wore Bakers Chefs Hats and Aprons.
Sarah: Oh my God... Creepy, I’m realizing that Dead Bakers!
Samantha: ! Not good, Bakers have to murdered and deaths.
Arturo: Wait, guys, I noticed that 13 not having baker hat, apron, 13 not had.
They are looking at 13 Fashion not having baker hat, apron, 13 not had. They are noticing that Diary Book.
Arturo: Guys, I think it's Diary.
Sarah: I’m thinking that bakers?
Laura: Sure, I’ll look inside...
Arturo put Spinel's Wallet on Hampton Mandi Vanity table. They darting their eyes back and forth with caution to make sure no one was watching, Arturo and Sarah slowly opened the book while the others looked over their shoulders. Inside, there were pictures of Spinel with some Bakers. The Gangs noticed a number (1) on the photo, there was a picture of Spinel with a man in a Baker’s hat and baking uniform clothes, apron. The label underneath read ‘Edward Anderson’ and someone had drawn a big Red Cross X over the baker man’s face and looked to the number (1) of the Fashion Dummy that matched with it.
Sarah and Arturo: Wait a minute...
They turned the page to see baker 2 with Spinel. His name was Joseph Cullen (a Baker), and he too had a Red Cross X drawn over his face.
Sarah and Arturo noticed something familiar with each photo. Page after page showed pictures of Spinel with Bakers, Gilly Clarkson (3), Remy Denton (4), Jake Branson (5), Lou Gibson (6), Harvey Harrison (7), Nando Jensen (8), Scotty Fallon (9), Neddy Maddock (10), Huey Thompson (11) all crossed out Xs. They saw pictures of her with other Bakers. They all had a red X over them. But they saw 12 pics, it was Alex Parker. They are gasping and surprised. They are recognition Baker 12 was Alex Parker.
Sarah: It's Alex Parker.
Sapphire: Those red Xs means she must've been the murderer.
They turned the picture and next Baker was Lionel. They are very horrified and fearful.
Sarah: Oh no!
Arturo: She's going to kill Lionel!
Flash frame is Lightning thunder frame 13 fashion dummy. They are shocked backward accident bumped knocked out all Fashions Dummies.
Sarah: Oh my God!
Arturo is shocked and frightened
Arturo: Oops
They hear the door open downstairs.
Sapphire: We need to hide!
Samantha: We gotta hide!
Laura: We’ll get the racks up as fast as we can.
Arturo: Better get back to stand up fast.
Later, Spinel enters her room and found the racks still intact.
Spinel turn light on and found racks still standing
Spinel: Huh? Funny. I’m sure I heard something. Oh, there it is. (closed her diary and found her wallet)
Spinel closed mirror door. Arturo hanged on a chandelier as the two went to bed, but Gangs have hidden the other closets not wanting noticed. Spinel and Judy don’t know that Arturo is hanging from the chandelier.
Judy is awake and frightened from mistreatment at the hands of her friend.
For @laurasanchez36
All belongs to my msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews, Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews, and The Greatest Bakers Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Teams/Groups/Gangs
All belongs to her msa ocs sonas
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mandareeboo · 2 years
For the Top 5 thing: top five of your favorite moments in Steven Universe
5.) Lars Fucking Dies
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I will never be over SU literally showing us a dead body. And HOW Lars died. My man was in an explosion. He probably broke his back/ribs hitting that wall. He slammed a couple more times on the way down. Something went through his goddamn eye. Like FUCK.
I still hold that Lars dying was the most fucked thing Steven saw. And Steven saw a LOT.
4.) Steven accepting Rose's choices
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Rose's Room is such a good character study. Steven wanting so desperately for Rose to be a good mom. But he never knew her, and he can't replicate her properly. And he cries. He decides he has to make up for the things she's done. It's sad, and hard. Least he got pizza after.
3.) Steven's Fucking Traumatized
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I know SUF is pretty mixed bag, but I love this episode. Having Dr. Maheswaran gently sit Steven down and realize just how fucked his childhood was. How it's made life hard for him as a young adult. How it'll always haunt him because, hey ho, trauma is a bitch.
2.) Drift Away
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Sarah Stiles has my heart and soul. She was SO good as Spinel. She put so much emotion and pain into this Gem. And Drift Away can still bring tears to my eyes. "Isn't that lovely? Isn't it cool? And isn't it cruel? And aren't I fool?" STILL MAKES MY INSIDES WILD
1.) You'd stay for HER.
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Amethyst's relationship with Rose is very rarely touched upon in the show or the comics, but the bits we do see are damning. Rose was the closest thing Amethyst had to a mom. She was the Gem of her "type" (or so she thought) to compare herself to. She brought Amethyst home after thousands of years of isolation. And though she likes Greg, she was so bitter about him taking her away for a long time.
And shapeshifting into Rose? Jesus fuck. That scene still fucks with me. The lighting. The close-up on Steven's face. The way Greg cowers but still says he wants to hang with her again. The non-resolution ending. FUCK.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 30: Be-All, Cure-All (originally published on October 18, 2021)
AN: Only three chapters left everyone. This one, Love Like You and finally The Future. I can't believe how much of a journey this has been for me as both a Steven Universe fan and a writer, but the destination can be just as satisfying as they say. It all started with proposing ideas for this in a Lapidot Discord server I'm on during a conversation about how Cartoon Network's grip on the show made certain things feel wasted, but now I feel like I'm close to fulfilling all of them. Once again, I just want to thank you all for sticking by me for almost an entire year.
Synopsis: The Gems have got Steven back, but now they need to know how to fix him as Steven fights with his inner self.
Zach Callison as Steven
Ron Perlman as Negative Steven
Estelle as Garnet/Sitcom Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst/Sitcom Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl/Sitcom Pearl, Volleyball
Tom Scharpling as Greg/Sitcom Greg
Grace Rolek as Connie
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Susan Egan as Rosemary DeMayo, Rose Quartz, Pink Diamond
Lin-Manuel Miranda as President Eduardo Suarez
GZA as Major General Wade Grant
Wendie Malick as Vice-President Theresa Maxwell
Tim Curry as General Lloyd Waller
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Aparna Nancherla as Lemon Jade
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
We're a normal family,
In a normal neighborhood
Starring Steven DeMayo
No lies or betrayal here,
Everything is all good
With Greg DeMayo
Yes, everything is nice and friendly here
No time to shed a tear
And Rosemary DeMayo
How long can we keep it together?
A little Mayo's all we need!
"A Little Mayo's All We Need was filmed before a live studio audience." An offscreen voice announced as Steven woke up one morning to discover that something didn't seem right. This didn't seem like his bedroom, but it did at the same time.
"What am I doing here?" Steven asked himself just as the door opened.
"What are you doing here? That's a silly question!" Greg declared as he stepped into Steven's bedroom, eliciting cheers from the audience. "Morning Scthu-Ball, wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" The audience then started laughing.
"Dad, I had the weirdest dream last night." Steven said. "My mom was an alien war criminal who started a war that nearly destroyed the Earth, and now I was forced to make up for all the horrible things she did as her half-alien son."
"Wow, guess we should stop having chili for dinner so often with dreams like that." Greg remarked, causing the audience to laugh again, much to Steven's confusion. "Come on down, Mom's making breakfast."
"Wait, Mom?!" Steven exclaimed while getting out of bed. "But, she's dead! She gave up her physical form to give birth to me!"
"Well, she's bound to do that at some point when you're older." Greg shrugged with a grin. More laughter, which made Steven even more creeped out. "Now up and at 'em, don't wanna be late for school!"
"School?" Steven muttered as Greg left the bedroom before pulling up his shirt, revealing a belly button where his gem should be. "Wait, am I human?!"
"Indeed." Steven's inner voice boomed and took the form of his shadow. "This is what you always wanted, correct? Living a normal human life as a normal human boy in a world where Gems never existed. Well, I gave you your wish."
"Well, what about everyone else?" Steven asked his silhouette.
"Don't fret, they're still outside fighting your body, but your mind is perfectly safe here." The shadow purred before it slowly took the form of the more muscular Steven from when he fought Jasper. "My advice, just give in to the dream world you always wanted."
"I, uh…" Steven stuttered before the shadow returned to normal, and he finally decided to go downstairs for breakfast. However, he was in for a big surprise in the kitchen.
"Good morning my little starlight!" Steven's mother, who bore a striking resemblance to Rose Quartz, greeted her son with a big hug and a kiss, eliciting aww's from the audience. "How did my rosebud sleep last night?"
"Like a log!" Steven robotically said like a script was being forced into his head.
"Well, all little logs need a healthy breakfast to start their day." The fake version of Rose stated before handing him a plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs. To Steven's surprise, the scrambled eggs spelled out a message saying "GIVE IN STEVEN."
"Uh, Mom, Dad, have you ever had those times where a voice inside of you tells you to give in to something?" Steven asked his parents while eating breakfast.
"Well, a voice certainly told me I made the right choice marrying your mom." Greg smiled. "Right Rosemary?"
"Of course, Greg." Rosemary smiled back and the parents kissed.
"Okay, this is starting to get a little sappy." Steven muttered to himself. "Mom, do you remember anything about the Diamonds? The Crystal Gems? Anything?"
"Yeah, he's had this dream last night where you were an alien who forced all this trauma onto him after your death." Greg explained to his wife. "Maybe tonight we should have meatloaf for dinner."
"Oh, I would never do that to you!" Rose gasped. "I only want the best for my little boy."
"Yeah, the best." Steven laughed nervously. "Well, guess I should get ready for school. Can I be excused?"
"Sure you can kiddo." Greg agreed and let Steven leave the table.
"This is only a dream; this is only a dream." Steven muttered to himself on his way back to his imaginary bedroom. "A dream taking the form of a sitcom, of all things."
"But is it still a fantasy?" the Negative Steven pondered while suddenly appearing in a family picture featuring Steven as a toddler. "Or could it be real life?"
Steven let out a yell as he stumbled back, catching the attention of his imaginary parents. "Steven, you alright up there sport?"
"Never better Pops!" Steven once again said automatically before he covered his mouth. "It's like this world is taking me over."
After getting changed for the day, Steven was dropped off by his mom at Beach City High School, where the students either resembled his human friends, or human versions of the Gems he had met throughout his life. And much to his delight, some familiar faces immediately caught his eye.
"Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl!" Steven cried happily while racing towards human versions of the Crystal Gems. Garnet had a big letterman jacket on, Amethyst was squatting on the ground & looked like a juvenile delinquent, and Pearl was dressed as a head cheerleader while looking at her phone. "Oh good, am I glad to see you!"
"Hey, got any cheese?" Amethyst asked with a goofy grin, causing more laughter.
"Steven, you have to wake up!" Garnet urged Steven. "We've been created by your damaged psyche to try and break you out of this dream world, but we need you to work with us!"
"Please come back to us Steven!" Pearl began to sob. "To all of us."
Before Steven can respond to his three guardians, the dream world began to activate some sort of defense mechanism. "Why do you three always have to pick on me every day?" he asked, once again talking like he read a script. "There are tons of other students in this school, yet you always go after me!"
"We're too late, the dream world is starting to take over!" Garnet exclaimed while watching Steven walk to his first class. "Our real-world selves have to act fast!"
"I think not Crystal Gems." Negative Steven growled as he suddenly appeared behind the three and prepared to attack.
In the real world, the Steven monster had returned to Beach City after fleeing from Black Rutile and gazed at his reflection in the ocean below him, amongst the deceased Watermelon Stevens and the wreckage of their ship. He kept having a splitting headache, as if something was trying to take over from the inside. Suddenly, he began to hear footsteps from behind him.
"Steven, it's us!" Yellow Diamond called for the son of their deceased sister. Steven's head perked up and he let out a beastly shriek before lunging at Yellow, pinning her to the ground. "We know you're still in there, you have to fight it!"
"White, hold him steady!" Blue yelled while grabbing one of the monster's arms, and White did the same with the other, releasing Yellow and giving her the chance to grab the beast by the neck.
"Who would've guessed it would be us left to save the Earth from her?" White Diamond grinned. "After all these years spent wanting it destroyed?"
"Helping first, irony later!" Yellow struggled while Steven kept on waving his arms around, trying to break free from the ex-monarchs' confinement. "Don't fight it, Steven, this is for your own good!"
Suddenly, a Warp Pad activated from inside the temple, and out the house came the Crystal Gems, the president and the military ready to assist. "There he is men!" Wade Grant shouted. "Fire, keep him down!"
Firing the anti-Gem weapons previously used on the Crystal Gems, the military shocked Steven repeatedly until he could barely even stand, and he fell to the ground unconscious. Almost immediately afterward, other military personnel began getting to work on investigating Steven's condition and trying to find a way to cure him.
"Good work, all of you." Garnet declared. "Now, let's get him back to normal."
"Hey, don't forget about us!" Spinel cried as she, White Topaz, and Lemon Jade arrived just in time to help out. However, White Topaz's appearance wasn't as well-received as she thought.
"You!" Jasper yelled at the Topaz. "What are you doing here?"
"Don't get suspicious everyone." Yellow Diamond stated. "White Topaz is on our side now. She just fell in with a really bad crowd."
"Wait, you serious?" Amethyst asked.
"Yeah, the Diamonds helped me learn that I should find better friends while they were held captive by Black Rutile." White Topaz explained. "She was planning to shatter them all with this Breaking Point gizmo and frame Steven for it, but those hopes were dashed when I finally decided to stand up to her."
Although the Gems were a bit unsure, ultimately they had no choice but to accept it. "Welcome to the club White Topaz." Lapis said, the first to step forward and welcome Black Rutile's former bodyguard. "We're gonna need all the help we can get to save Steven."
"Wait, what club?" White Topaz wondered.
"The club of people who tried to kill Steven before changing themselves for the better." Peridot stated. "You may call me president of the club since I was among the first that Steven reached out to."
"I was kinda here before Peridot." Lapis remarked.
"Wait, another Breaking Point?" Bismuth gasped upon hearing the name of her old anti-Diamond weapon. "Oh wait, she got the idea from her interviews with us, right?"
"Yeppers." White Topaz nodded cheerfully.
As the conversation between the four Gems went on, Jasper helped the Crystal Gems fasten a helmet with a satellite dish attached to it onto Steven's head, and it began delivering footage to a nearby console that Eduardo, Wade, Theresa, and Lloyd were watching.
"With this state-of-the-art technology," Lloyd grinned. "we'll be able to reach out to Steven from within his deepest, most sensitive of thoughts. All we need to do is find the right frequency."
"Okay, just need to turn the knob a few times." Eduardo muttered while operating the video equipment that was transmitting Steven's thoughts from his mind. As he finally found the right frequency, the president was in for a shock. "My goodness. Uh, everyone, you're gonna need to come over here."
The Crystal Gems began to gather around the console and started watching what the president had seen, and what they saw was Steven living a whole other life inside his head.
"Is that Steven in some cheesy sitcom?!" Greg exclaimed. "What's going on, and why a sitcom?"
"I don't know, but I think I might need some popcorn." Theresa said with interest in the program.
"Steven did say he wanted to live a life as a normal human free from Gems." Garnet analyzed the situation. "Perhaps this is what he meant."
"But the question is," Jasper declared. "how much longer can he hold out?"
"Wow, I can't believe it!" Steven declared in his dream sitcom world. "I got all this homework to do, those three keep telling me I'm living a dream, and the prom's tomorrow!"
"Yes, a prom." Negative Steven declared. "A perfectly normal human event in this perfectly real human world. You won't ever get that in your silly alien dream."
"Yeah, who'd ever want to live in a world as horrible as that one?" Steven replied with a laugh. "Three guardians constantly putting your life in danger, a negligent father, a whole town's worth of ungrateful friends." However, that was when he began to realize something. "Wait, would I ever really say that?"
"It was only a matter of time." Negative Steven boomed while the colorful television world began to get a little darker. "Everyone has already turned their backs on you. Now it's about time you did the same to them."
"No, this can't be real, this is only a dream!" Steven exclaimed and soon tried to run. "I have to get out of here!"
"NOOOO!" Negative Steven roared as some nearby flowers suddenly came to life and tied Steven up, long enough for Negative Steven to reveal himself as essentially an evil version of Steven with much darker colors, menacing red eyes, and a more muscular build. "Why leave when you can just give in?!"
"You!" Steven yelled at his darker self. "You're the one who keeps making me do all these horrible things! Just what are you anyways?!"
"Pardon me for being so rude Steven." Negative Steven stated. "I am the thorn in your side that is everything bad about you personified. Your immaturity, your refusal to accept that you're not the center of the universe, your unwillingness to let everyone move on without you. I am all of that taken physical form."
"If you're like the evil me, why is this place so happy?" Steven asked. "I mean, what's the point of trapping me in my own dreams if it isn't anything I recognize?"
"I had it custom-made especially for you." Negative Steven smiled evilly. "This neighborhood, these people, all to satisfy your dreams of living like a normal boy. If only you'd give in and let go of your atrocious old life!" He began gesturing to the imaginary townsfolk conjured specifically for Steven. "Here, everyone loves you and that's all there is to them. Like so." With a snap of Negative Steven's fingers, some of the side characters began coming to life as an example.
"Howdy neighbor, what's the haps?" a well-meaning but overly nosy next-door neighbor resembling Ronaldo asked.
"I'm your long-lost relative, and I'm here for a very special episode about terminal diseases!" a self-proclaimed relative resembling Andy proclaimed.
"Be sure to keep studying, because learning rocks!" a teacher who looked like a dead ringer for Mr. Smiley exclaimed.
"But these all look like my friends. My REAL friends." Steven growled at his darker half.
"Oh please, enough with the excuses." Negative Steven rolled his eyes in disgust. "If they were your friends, then you wouldn't get your nose in everyone's business under the foolish belief you can fix absolutely everything because of your hideous savior complex! Admit it, you're no hero! You're just like your mother." He then began to smirk. "In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you, just like how you hate her despite every good thing she's done."
Being compared to his mother set Steven off, and he let out a feral roar while summoning his shield to break free from the flowers and knock Negative Steven down. "I am nothing like my mom, and I never will be!"
"If you hate her so much, surely you wouldn't mind if I burned a few bridges to her?" Negative Steven waved his arm and brought forth the dream versions of the Crystal Gems, trying to wriggle free from shadowy bonds. "Your choice child, return to that accursed real world or stay here and live with them forever."
"I don't care what happens, I won't let you hurt anyone I love!" Steven yelled defiantly.
"If you say so." Negative Steven shrugged and with a snap of his fingers, the three burst into flames screaming as they were disintegrated into ashes right before his good half's eyes. "Oh, did I strike a nerve? You still hold affections for those three?"
Steven said nothing. He was still processing the gruesome deaths of the human versions of Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl before he decided to turn and run.
"Stop him!" Negative Steven commanded the sitcom characters, who gave chase while he led them in pursuing Steven.
Meanwhile, Rosemary stepped forward, apparently not a pawn of Negative Steven, and she glared at Steven's dark side with righteous fury.
"I feel like something's not right here." Theresa observed the screens depicting Steven's thoughts. However, even though Steven looked very distressed on the outside, the screen seemed to imply nothing was going wrong in his head. "He's not looking too hot, yet things are shown to be perfectly fine here. What gives?"
"The mind is a complex thing to read." Garnet informed. "Steven's is no different, especially recently. Whatever he's thinking, it looks like he's trying to cover it up."
"Yeah, kinda like how I covered up all the terrible things Black Rutile did to me." White Topaz concurred. "I really thought she was my best friend, but the last good while has proven she doesn't feel the same at all."
"Same." Jasper declared. "I thought I finally got my Diamond back, but then I got turned down just as quickly as I got her back. If you ask me, I know what it's like to be betrayed by someone you thought you cared for."
"Wow, really?" White Topaz said to Jasper while blushing. "I thought I was the only one. I mean, who knows, maybe we could become each other's real friends."
"I'll try anything once." Jasper blushed back at the thought of a new bond. "I guess my Diamond, er, Steven would be proud of me if he were still here."
"Wow, good on you." Lapis grinned at Jasper. "Making your first friend."
"Who would've thought?" Jasper mused when she got an idea. "Wait here, I got some inner demons to settle."
Strolling away, Jasper walked back into the beach house and into the bathroom, where she gazed at herself in the mirror. "Hello again, old me." She greeted her reflection. "If you don't mind, I'm getting the help of the Crystal Gems to get my Diamond back, and I believe you can't follow me from here on out."
"You fool!" Jasper's reflection, taking the form of when she first arrived on Earth, bellowed to her present self. "They are weak without that imposter, and this is your chance for revenge! They humiliated us, forced us to fuse with that flying brat, and then let us get corrupted after saving you!"
"My body has been corrupted before," the present Jasper stated. "but I won't let my mind do the same again."
"Is that humility I see?!" the past Jasper roared. "That's the same humility the boy failed in using to brainwash you, and now he succeeded. What are you waiting for?! Shatter everyone who has ever wronged you now and join Black Rutile! She is the only one who can respect you now!"
"And let my own past haunt me again?" Jasper argued with her reflection. "Black Rutile is stuck in the past, but the Gems are living in the here and now. And it's time we do the same. We may have failed Pink Diamond, but I'd rather be a Crystal Gem than fail her son."
This rebuttal quickly caused the past Jasper's expression to soften, as if she had reached an understanding with her current self, and she sighed. "If you insist on being weak just to keep Pink alive, then I see no reason to care about what you do anymore. The Crystal Gems shall live."
As the reflection faded away, signifying Jasper coming to terms with her past actions and how Pink Diamond had partially influenced them, she heard a voice cry out for her. "Hey, Jasper!"
"What?!" Jasper yelled back.
"I think we made a breakthrough, you gotta come and see!" Greg exclaimed from outside. Jasper raced back to the beach as Steven began tossing and turning in the sand, causing the console in front of him to go crazy with activity.
"What seems to be happening?" Volleyball exclaimed while the screens only showed static.
"We seem to be getting through to him!" Pearl declared. "Okay, who wants to reach out to him first?"
"I'll go." Connie stepped forward with determination. "I'm Steven's best friend, it's only natural I go first."
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Lemon Jade said while Connie was fitted with a headset by the president.
"This is it, Connie, you could be the key to saving him." Eduardo encouraged the girl.
"Thank you, future predecessor." Connie smiled before she began adjusting the headset and began speaking into the mic. "Steven, can you hear me? It's Connie. Can you hear me?"
"It's Connie. Can you hear me?"
His friend's soothing voice was able to calm Steven down as he kept running through his dream world, searching for a way out. Just as Steven was about to call out to Connie, Negative Steven had other plans.
"Don't listen to her!" Negative Steven bellowed while conjuring up a bad memory to toss at Steven. "That girl is just as bad as the rest of them!" He then tossed the memory at Steven, and it took the form of Connie leaving him after the first visit to Homeworld. "Remember, you had given your life to protect your friends from Homeworld, and this is how she thanked you! That ungrateful little shrew!"
"No, she was mad because I got them all worried sick! I could've died on Homeworld!" Steven argued, causing the memory to dissipate before he started running again. "Any more bad memories you want to throw at me?!"
"As a matter of fact, I do!" Negative Steven roared while conjuring up another bad memory, this time of Lapis nearly getting him sucked out of the moon base. "Lapis never cared one bit for anyone but herself, and this was no different! How come you keep her around when she has done the most horrible things?!"
"It was an accident!" Steven yelled, once again causing the memory to vanish. "Are you just going to use all the horrible things my friends did to me just to break me?"
"I'm not sure, let's give it a shot." Negative Steven grinned at the idea before raising his hands to the sky and gathering bad memories from all over to form a massive sphere above him. Some of them were real experiences Steven had, but others were no doubt false ones created to give Negative Steven more power. A fake one that Steven could easily identify was Amethyst & Pearl teasing him for proposing that he play a song in battle.
"Pearl would never do that." Steven muttered as the fake memory zipped past him. "Amethyst, maybe, but not Pearl."
"Once these memories crush you, your mind will finally submit to the dream." Negative Steven bellowed as his orb finished charging and prepared to throw it. "SAY GOODBYE TO THE WORLD YOU KNEW!"
As Steven summoned his shield to protect himself from the bad memories, Negative Steven saw fit to gloat one last time before obliterating his good half. "This all could've been avoided if you had listened to me more." He stated. "If you hadn't been such a goody goody-two-shoes, things could've, no, should've been different."
"You forced me to act out!" Steven yelled while bracing himself and trying to push the bad memory orb back.
"You are right, but it was just the thing you needed to grow a spine." Negative Steven said solemnly with a salute. "Adios my friend. Have fun at prom."
Suddenly, Rosemary stepped in-between the two Stevens and pushed the bad memories back one-handed, all with a calm but furious stare at Negative Steven.
"Mom?!" Steven exclaimed. "Dream Mom?!"
"No, it cannot be!" Negative Steven roared in shock.
"Yes, it is." Rosemary declared fiercely before she closed her eyes and began to glow. Rosemary began splitting herself in half, one half of her was stockier and had a pink circular gem, while the other was taller with her gem upside down. However, one trait they both shared was that they both had pink, curly hair.
"No, this isn't possible." Steven began to cry at the sight of both Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond standing before him. "This is just another dream!" His tears of shock quickly turned into tears of anger as he charged at the two and began fruitlessly trying to hit them. "This is all your fault, everything is your fault!" Steven began sobbing. "You're a monster, you ruined everything for everyone! It's because of you that everyone is suffering, because of me!"
"Oh, poor dear." Rose sadly shook her head and turned to her other identity. "He's been through so much."
"I think you and I know what he really needs." Pink replied before she decided to take the struggling Steven in her arms. "Come here, Steven." She said and gave her son a hug, which started to calm him down.
"What are you doing?" Steven said, still letting out some tears. "You both never cared for anyone."
"We just thought you really needed a hug." Rose answered as she joined Pink in giving her son the hug he so desperately needed. "We've put you through so much. It's all our fault for this."
"Are you kidding me?" Negative Steven growled while his eye began to twitch. "You're letting them hug you? Go on, keep fighting! They said it's all their fault!"
"You stay out of this." Rose firmly said to Negative Steven while forming a rose-colored barrier to keep him out.
"No, don't listen to a word they say!" Negative Steven hollered while pounding on the dome.
"If I had learned to behave myself back in the day and were as sweet & gentle as you are," Pink stated. "I would've saved everyone centuries of my tantrums."
"And I wish I didn't have to give the Diamonds such a scare by faking my shattering," Rose added. "but in the end, it was for the sake of Earth."
"I guess I really am as bad as you guys are." Steven realized. "I've done a lot of nasty stuff over the years. I keep making myself the center of everything, I forced the Diamonds to change their ways and allowed a megalomaniac warlord to almost take control, and I even shattered Jasper."
"Shattered?!" the two larger Gems exclaimed.
"You've got to be joking, right?" Pink asked.
"I'm not, but it wasn't my fault." Steven answered. "She was training me to control these Diamond powers that keep messing things up for me, but then I went mad with power and shattered her. I put Jasper back together, but now she's so sad because of me."
"I think I remember a Jasper under my command, don't think I ever got to know her super personally though." Pink claimed.
"I remember her more though, we fought a lot during the Rebellion." Rose responded.
"Yeah, and now it's because of me she's stuck on a planet she hates so much." Steven said glumly.
"Oh, stop beating yourself up so much, Steven." Rose said to Steven. "You have done so many remarkable things too. You helped so many people, both human and Gem alike. Heck, I don't even think anyone could've reached out to the Diamonds quite like you did!"
"Yeah, I did do some pretty great stuff!" Steven declared, his spirits brightening as the darkness around them gave way to a hot pink landscape. "Sure, I may have done some pretty bad stuff too, but I shouldn't let them outweigh the good!"
"NO! NOOOO!" Negative Steven screamed abruptly, breaking through the dome and charging straight at both versions of Steven's mom. "You've listened to them long enough Steven!"
"Stay away from them!" Steven yelled back, summoning his shield once more to protect Rose & Pink from Negative Steven. "You've been a thorn in my side for too long! I won't let you make me hurt the people I love ever again!"
"He's right!" Rose added defiantly. "Nobody's perfect!"
"And you shouldn't let bad deeds outweigh the good either!" Pink stated.
"So that's how it is." Negative Steven panted and stood up straight against his kinder self and the two sides of their mother. "It all comes down to this!" Negative Steven then slowly began to transform into a beastly gargoyle-like creature, simulating Steven's transformation in the waking world. "Once I had killed all three of you, this body shall be mine to control!"
"Bring it!" Steven, Pink Diamond, and Rose Quartz replied, standing united against the monstrous personification of Steven's inner demons in a battle to literally save Steven from himself.
"Did that work?" Greg asked Connie in the real world. "I mean, I don't hear an answer."
"I'm not sure either." Connie replied, just as the pink monster before them slowly opened his eyes. "Wait, look! I think we got through to him!"
However, what Connie got wasn't a sign Steven was still in there. Steven let out a roar as he stood up and tore off the satellite dish strapped to his head, the roar causing everyone to fall down and Garnet being forcibly un-fused into Ruby & Sapphire.
"I guess not!" Pearl exclaimed as a familiar silhouette soared above them. "Oh no, it's-"
"FINALLY!" Black Rutile screamed as Bluebird Azurite dropped her to the ground. Compared to when the Crystal Gems last saw her, Black Rutile was frothing at the mouth in rage and her green visor was gone, everyone taking both as a sign that she had finally cracked. "I'VE BEEN FOLLOWING YOU ALL, AND FOR TOO LONG I WATCHED AS YOU TRIED TO RUIN MY LIFE'S WORK!" The Rutile drew her sword from her gem and made the blade widen across the guard. "YOU'VE ALREADY DONE ENOUGH TO RUIN EVERYTHING! NOW PREPARE TO DIE!"
Standing before the psychopathic Rutile, however, the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds prepared for one last battle against her and her two surviving allies. Meanwhile, White Topaz held tightly onto Jasper's hand as she glared at her former boss.
At long last, the final battle can begin! Will the Crystal Gems be able to save Steven and the world? Has Black Rutile truly gone insane? Will Rose Quartz & Pink Diamond help Steven escape this WandaVision-esque reality of his own creation? How many more characters can get involved in this epic finale? Find out in next week's penultimate chapter of Steven Universe: Alternate Future!
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prospitdaydreamer · 4 years
For u anon <3
HOOOOOOO ok i’m trying to gather all my thoughts
Ok so fair warning, a lot of these stories stem from like... 5th grade and some are revamped to not be as bad, but others I’m STILL working on so... it’s gonna be a littlw rough and they’re all rlly a little WIP (especially since I never finished Naruto.... so like a lot of the characters backstory might clash with the lore. But tbh these character’s entire existence clashes with the lore in the first place so rlly?? W/e i guess)
Ok ok here we go, i’m gonna put it under a readmore so I’m not assaulting everyone’s dash.
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Maku - (This is my most developed oc out of all, mostly because she’s my fave lmao) So, Maku is a runaway from her clan (I don’t have a clan name yet, but it’s gonna do smthn with cats lmao). Maku is the daughter of the head of the clan, so she was raised as a princess and the heir to the throne. However, her parents are not... great :/ They put a lot of responsibility and pressure on her, while her younger sister got to get off shinobi training early and hang with her friends. Despite this, she didn’t hold resentment for her sister and loved her very much, but she grew distant from her parents. Not long before her coronation, she actually ended up running away after having a breakdown from the pressure. She had no plan where to go or any money, but she felt finally free. Until she met Miyuka, who tried to sacrifice her to Jashin. She was able to make a deal that if she let her live, she’d help her find sacrifices. Somehow they became friends through that. They joined the Akatsuki together. I’ll definitely post more about her soon I’m sure!
Her Akatsuki partner is Miyuka, of course.
She got paired with Kakuzu. Their relationship is a very quiet one, but she doesn’t mind. She’s not like Miyuka, who is very touchy-feely. She just wants a relationship built on mutual respect. She treasures the nights where she’s curled up and warm next to him, while he reads whatever book he’s reading.
Special abilities and weapons: She inherited her clan’s kekkei Genkai. She’s able to transform into any species of feline, but the bigger the species, the more chakra it uses. As long as she’s able to maintain the form of the feline, she also gets it’s abilities ( e.g. if she’s a cheetah, she gets speed, lion gets far leaps, etc). Bonus fact: if she had stayed in her clan and became the leader, she would have been granted the ability to summon a catlike creature, much like the Sannin’s animals. However, since she dipped out, her sister got this connection instead. She doesn’t use weapons very often, her claws usually do the trick.
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Miyuka: I don’t have much down about Miyuka, but she was an orphan who was taken in by Jashinists, so of course she grew up to be one too. She met Maku while finding sacrifices and made a deal with her that if she’d help her get sacrifices, she’d be allowed to live. She actually grew fond of Maku because she was always respectful of her religion and practices. It was actually her idea to join the Akatsuki. Much like Hidan, she figured it’s a great opportunity to get sacrifices. She’s definitely hot, but don’t get too close unless you’re into knifeplay ;)
Her Akatsuki partner is Maku, of course.
She’s paired with Hidan, obv. They’re definitely under the impression that Jashin destined them together and they have NO problem showing that off to the world (Much to Kakuzu, Maku, and everyone’s disdain.)
Special abilities and weapons: Before meeting Hidan, she actually hadn’t unlocked her immortality. Hidan helped her unlock it and now they share that ability. Instead of a skeletal form, though, her form is more ghostly. She uses two sickles as her weapons.
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Gashiyo: Gashiyo actually wasn’t technically a shinobi, but her grandfather was and he taught her everything she knows about fighting. She lived on his farm her whole life, and she was very close with one of the cows, Yumi. She grew up with Yumi since she was a little calf. Because of her, Gashiyo grew fond of cows, and they’re her favorite animals. When she was 17, she met a boy who came to work on her grandpa’s farm, and they fell in love. They became attached at the hip, and spent a whole summer together. One fateful night, she awoke to ruckus. When she went outside she found her grandfather dead and Yumi too. Standing over Yumi’s body was the boy she had fallen in love with. Turns out he had been working for a local gang that her grandpa owed money to. She ended up killing him for what he’d done. Ever since, her heart grew cold and she became a very angry person. She joined the Akatsuki, since she had nowhere to go and she needed money. 
Her Akatsuki partner is Koki.
She got paired with Deidara. She found him extremely annoying at first, but he wormed his way into her heart. Because of her past experiences with love, it was very difficult for her to open up to him. She’s pretty waspy, but she’s grown softer since. He even made her a little clay cow (It was very difficult for him to resist the urge to blow it up, but he managed.)
Special abilities and weapons: Her stampede jutsu causes a stampede of bulls made of chakra to charge toward her opponents. She also has brass knuckles with bull horns on them.
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Koki: I honestly don’t have a backstory for her yet. I can tell you what she was like before I revamped her though. She literally just looked like Kisame, but a gorl lol. They were from the same village ig. Also she was a princess too excerpt it made no sense. I just wanted a princess (this was actually before i changed Maku’s story. She wasn’t originally a princess.) character i think. 
BUT i swear she’s waayyyy better now
Her Akatsuki partner is Gashiyo
She was paired with Kisame. If ever she had a weakness, it’s muscles. She saw him with his cloak off and it was OVER. Koki is anything but shy, and i think Kisame appreciated that. She doesn’t just like muscles on her men, she loves them on herself too! They often work out together.
Special abilities and weapons: She’s a puppet master, but her puppets are rather unusual. They’re more like little spider robots she’s infused with her chakra to do her bidding. She’s very fond of them, despite everyone finding them creepy. She usually uses small ones but she has them in all sorts of sizes.
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Shiitake: Shiitake used to be one of Orochimaru’s experiments. Because of this, she has amnesia and doesn;t remember much from before her time with him. She somehow got away and joined the Akatsuki to, hopefully, gain protection from him. In all honesty, she doesn’t really want to be there. Her heart was never one for murder or crime, but she doesn’t really have a choice. She’s very quiet and rarely speaks unless spoken to.
Her Akatsuki partner is Anara.
She’s paired with Itachi. When he found out she used to be one of Orochimaru’s experiments, they bonded over their experiences with him. He told her about how he was targeted to be one of Orochimaru’s bodies. Though they know they don’t have a lot of time together due to Itachi’s sickness, they still try to make the best of the time they have. ANd until then, he promised he wouldn’t let Orochimaru anywhere near her. He felt it’s the least good he could do for someone.
Special abilities and weapons: WIP, i literally have no idea yet. 
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Anara: I actually never came up with a backstory for her until like…. A year ago. Funny enough, her back story was inspired by Spinel’s from Steven Universe ( I kind of even want her to be voiced by Sarah Stiles too, but I suppose that’d be too on the nose! Still, that’s how I hear her voice). Anara never really knew what love was really like, considering her mother never cared for her much. Her mother never wanted to be a mom, but she met a man she really loved and he wanted a family. However, before Anara was born, her father died. Left as a husk from the depression of losing her lover and having a baby she never really wanted, her mom became very cold and distant. She kept her daughter alive, but that was about it. Anara tried very hard to make her mother happy, or really make her feel any emotion at all, but nothing worked. One day, her mother told Anara to stay home, and that she’d be back later. She left, and never came back, silently hoping maybe her daughter would just die. Well, she didn’t die. She eventually came to the realization her mother was never coming back for her, and she left that house and found her way to the nearest town where she was taken into the orphanage. She joined the academy to become a shinobi, but her heart was also in the arts. She performed plays for the other orphans, and loved the attention she received, the attention she craved. When she became older, she was both a shinobi and a theatre performer. Unfortunately, she still never really felt what it was like to be truly loved by someone. One day, she cracked from remembering the trauma of her mother and feeling like she may never receive the love she craved dearly, and ran away from the village, becoming a missing-nin. Tobi found her, and she became enamored with the mysterious masked man. She agreed to join the Akatsuki, hoping that he could fill the void in her heart. A chance to find a place where she belongs, whisked on an adventure by a mysterious masked man who promised to give her all she wanted? What else could a theatre girl want, lmao.
Her Akatsuki partner is Shiitake
She’s paired with Tobi, but it’s not clear if he feels the same or if he’s just using her. Doesn’t really seem to matter to her either way, she’s just happy to feel some sort of love.
Special abilities and weapons: WIP as well, lmao
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Kimako: Kimako isn’t a shinobi, but she is the daughter of one. She’s the only one who has a definite village right now, she’s from Sunagakure. Her story is the one that's probably the dumbest but I have a very strong attachment to it for some reason, so w/e. 
She has no partner.
She’s paired with Sasori. They’ve known eachother since they were little, as she lived close to him and their parents were friends. Her heart broke for him when he found out his parents weren’t coming home. She always had a crush on him, and he was ok with her, since she was always kind to him. When he became a shinobi, she stayed by his side to encourage him. She’d always been proud of him. Before he lost interest in emotions or w/e, he cared for her in his own little way. He even gave her a ring and promised to be hers. Her love for him was very strong, and when he ran away, she vowed to find him, no matter what it took. When she found out he had joined the Akatsuki, she did everything she could to find a way to join and get close to him again. She somehow succeeded, and she pleaded to join, despite having no fighting abilities. She said she’d do anything, and they took pity on her, and found SOME use for her (though i haven’t figured out what that is yet… wip). Once she was accepted and finally reunited with her love, she was devastated to find out he no longer had any feelings for her. All those years, wasted. Not only that, but she now was in debt to the Akatsuki and had to do work for them. Anara did her best to comfort her, so they kind of became friends, so that’s something. DOes Sasori ever regain his feelings? Maybe, maybe not. Guess we’ll have to see ;) Though I do think, for him, she’d agree to become a puppet too. If that was his price or smthn.
Special abilities and weapons: None, just one sad little broken heart.
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yeeawwriting · 3 years
Abstract Guardian AU
Many years ago, on the small planet of Ceres, there was a kingdom, ruled by the young Papyrus, King of Passion, protected by Fire.
He had six guardians, each protected by something.
Spinel, Guardian of Youth, protected by Cartoons.
Projectionist, Guardian of Light, protected by Film.
Funtime, Guardian of Destruction, protected by Death.
Duke, Guardian of Creativity, protected by Intrusive Thoughts.
Errabbit, Guardian of Song, protected by Auroras
Malhare, Guardian of Agony, protected by Technology.
After a fatal coup aimed to overthrow the king, each Abstract Guardian's jewel was lost in space, never to be found again.
Until now.
The young homeless woman Storm Rosacea, a scrappy woman with bright pink hair put up in ponytails, bright hazel eyes, and a pale face dotted with freckles had been coming to her tent to try and find her younger sister, Sarah. There was no sign of her, or any of the other homeless people around.
She checked everywhere; alleys, roadsides, even The Bridge, a sort of uptown for the homeless.
All she found was a mirror, which showed her something she didnt want to see.
Short cropped red hair, a mischievous grin, it was herself, back when her name was Silas.
"Silas" tells her that her sister was the root of all her problems, that it was Sarah's fault theif mother died and their father abandoned them. At first, it starts to make sense to Storm, but then he offers to give her everything she wants.
"Family. Food. A warm place to sleep. Thats all you ever wanted, wasnt it?" Mirror-Silas taunted.
Realizing this is a trap, she turns to get away from him, only for a largr chandelier to materialize above her and crush her.
She closes her eyes, waiting for the inevitable. Only it never comes.
When she opens them again, she's in what looks like an overgrown garden, out in space. Standing before her is a woman dressed in pink cartoonish clothes, holding a nail bat in her rubberhose hand.
"Its time." -???
"Who are you?" -Storm
"I think you know." ??? hands her a hair tie embellished with a pink spinel gem. "After all these years, you're still the Guardian of Youth. We're still the Guardian of Youth."
Storm takes the hair tie, and in a brilliantly pink transformation, she becomes Spinel, protected by Cartoon, Guardian of Youth.
A devastating Cartoon Beatdown destroys the mirror, and with it, the spirit that was "Silas".
On the other side of town, Norman Lawrence, aspirinv mechanic, was investigating a new museum that had opened up. Inside was a mirror the workers tell him reveal his true dreams.
But when he looks in the mirror and hears his ten year old self promising to give him back his sight, he knows something is up.
In a fit of rage, the spirit becomes a massive ink creature and chases him down.
He could hear the beast's snarling. Feel its large claws circling his neck.
Right as he thought he was as good as dead, things change. He could smell ink now. Hear the rattling of a projector.
"Who's there?" -Norman
"You are." -???
"I know that, but who are you?" -Norman
"Protected by Film, Guardian of Light. I'm you." -???
A small hair clip in the shape of a film reel is put in his hair.
"Dont forget who you are." -???
With a bright light, Norman becomes the Projectionist, protected by film, guardian of light.
All it takes is a Light Lash to dispel the inky creature.
Matthew Trappe-Afton and his older brother, Lewis Afton, had been taking a walk when they spotted a group of kids stuck on a tower. Out of the good of their hearts, they go up to investigate.
Of course they were spirits disguised as kids.
Thinking Lewis is the real Malhare due to the rings he has on, they attempt to shove Matt of the tower to distract him, so they can move in for the kill.
"I got you, Matt. Its ok." Those were Lewis's last words as the large stone the spirits formed fell on top of him, killing him instantly.
In his shock, Matt lets go of his limp hand and plummets to the floor below.
But when he wakes up, he's in what looks like an 80s pizzaria.
"Get up." -???
"What?" -Matt
"Get up. You cant die like this. You're protected by tech, guardian of agony." -???
The stranger who looks oddly like him hands him the same rings Lewis wore.
"...is Lewis dead?" -Matt
"Not in the way you think." The stranger steps aside to reveal three small dolls. "These are Panic, Nummies, and Joy. They are a condensation of your worst emotions."
Each doll bows in respect.
"We are honored to serve our new master." -Panic
A stunning and dark transformation not only brings the three dolls into the real world, but also makes Matt into Malhare.
First, Matt destroys the killing stone, then unleashes a powerful Darkest Desire with the help of his three companions.
Once finished, Malhare goes to his brother's body, holding him close.
"They thought you were me." -Malhare
But the spirit of the original Malhare was right. In a flash of light, Lewis becomes Manic, the fourth doll belonging to the Guardian of Agony.
Ill add on with reblogs!
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animationhabitue · 5 years
God I just cannot stop thinking about how absolutely heartbreaking Spinel’s backstory is. It just hurts so badly, which is a real testament to the crew’s portrayal of it, and Sarah Stiles performance. Every little thing from the moment she arrived to enact her plan:
- She’s heard the story over and over again, likely replaying the message sent out again and again in her head. - How much vitriol is behind her calling the gems Pink’s other friends, and how much she wants to meet them and beat them in a game. - How hurt she is that none of them except Pearl even know who she is, which tells her Pink never even talked about her. - Even reverted back, the minute Steven seems to be about to leave her behind she snaps a bit. - Steven disappears fusing with Greg and Spinel panics just as much as Pearl does over Greg. - Starting to remember, the first place she runs to is a warp pad and the garden. - Fuck, the whole garden scene and her song... she so wanted to be a good friend, she did just what Pink said... she waited, and waited, and waited, and when she finally hears news from outside her little world... the person she cared about is gone, never coming back. Props to Stiles because you can just feel the ache when she sings about Pink being gone, and the lyric ‘survived by her son’ alludes to Rose/Pink being dead and gone more than really anything has before. It’s always felt different than death, but for me this one line in this one song drove home more than anything else that she is gone in that way. I really felt the sadness and abandonment Spinel was feeling, and the loss. - It didn’t even feel quite right when Steven convinced her to come back from the garden to stop the injector honestly. I know he was being sincere and trying to help her, but something about how she was reacting felt like it wasn’t quite right. And I don’t think she had the right idea when she accused Steven of planning to ditch her once she stopped the injector. I feel like she got scared again because it seemed like with that job done, maybe Steven would be done with her too. And I can absolutely understand that anxiety. - Her attacking anew, and dipping even further into her pain by getting to the point that she said she doesn’t want to play anymore was so telling. She knew it wasn’t a game anymore, the games were done, games could hurt, she didn’t want to hurt anymore. Now it was just pain driving her, no pretense of anything else to hide it. - She attacked Steven physically, and mentally as well. She claimed to want to kill him even more after having met him. Speaking more from hurt than ever, more withdrawn into this feeling of abandonment she’d experienced, then projected on others who tried to get close to her. Because what if they were going to abandon her too? - She fights against Steven trying to relate to her, she believes there’s no way he could understand how she feels. She’s pushing back so hard against his claims that she can change her way out of this anger and pain and sadness. - Until finally she has her outburst and we hear why. She acknowledges that Steven has changed for the better, having seen how powerless he was and how good he became. But she was happy and good and now sees herself as having changed to be so much worse, even if it was out of hurt. She questions if Steven every really liked her, why she wants to hurt him so badly... she was supposed to be his friend, and she still wants to be.
Even after everything, even after being hurt, Spinel just wanted friendship. She was happy when she had a friend, then her friend hurt her deeply and she thought lashing out would make her feel better. She thought it would let her win. But in the end she realized that it wouldn’t really help anything. Her friend was a bad friend, and now she was gone... but she could still be happy if she let herself work past that hurt and move to better things. Because she deserved better.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 28: Fusion Frenzy (originally published on October 4, 2021)
AN: It's fusion time everyone! Last time, Black Rutile initiated Phase 2 of her new plan to eradicate her enemies by interrupting the President's emergency address and now, she's on her way to Beach City as we speak to begin Phase 3. Can the Crystal Gems stop this monster and save both Steven & the Earth? Find out today on Steven Universe Alternate Future!
Synopsis: Bluebird Azurite, Black Rutile & White Topaz return to capture Steven.
Zach Callison as Monster Steven, Watermelon Stevens
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Volleyball, Mega Pearl
Grace Rolek as Connie/Future Connie
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Shelby Rabara as Peridot/Future Peridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth/Future Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Noël Wells as Black Rutile/Future Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Aparna Nancherla as Lemon Jade
Erica Luttrell as Future Sapphire
Lin-Manuel Miranda as President Eduardo Suarez
Wendie Malick as Vice President Theresa Maxwell
GZA as Major General Wade Grant
Aimee Mann as Opal
Billie Eilish as Turquoise
Esme Bianco as Malachite
Catherine Tate as Lepidolite
Toks Olagundoye as Nanafua
Closed off from the chaos outside, Jasper remained curled up in the bathtub, sobbing quietly over being rejected by her Diamond, over how nothing seemed to go right for her on Earth, and how she'd rather have gone back to Homeworld with the Diamonds rather than stay with all the other healed Gems. However, her misery wouldn't last any longer.
"Can you keep it down?! I'm trying to mope!" Jasper bellowed before she finally burst from the bathroom and marched on outside as she heard roaring from the beach. However, what she saw was a shocking sight. "What is that?"
"Is that you Jasper?" Lapis exclaimed as she hovered over to her orange frenemy. "Where have you been this whole time, you'd be pretty useful here but it seems like you don't want to!"
"I was busy being depressed, brat." Jasper snarled at Lapis. "Depressed over how my Diamond left me again. Now where is he? I want to give him a piece of my mind!"
"Funny you should mention that," Peridot replied loudly. "That monster thing is Steven!"
"You're kidding!" Jasper replied before she began sounding more insecure. "Please tell me you're kidding and that this isn't all my fault because he shattered me, I'm begging you guys!"
"Are you okay?" Pearl asked the big Quartz as Lapis brought Jasper over to the Gems. "You're sounding a bit more frantic than usual."
"Sorry," Jasper began, cringing at the thought of apologizing for something she did. "I just think this might be my fault, since because of me he went mad with power and shattered me."
"It's not your fault Jasper," Garnet said comfortingly. "I think we all might be to blame here. But it could be worse." The fusion followed up by kissing Jasper on the forehead, much to her disgust.
"Ew, what did you do to me?!" Jasper yelped in disgust as she harshly rubbed at her forehead before her vision began to distort. "Wait, what's-"
What Jasper then saw was not a beautiful seaside where a monster stormed about, but the remnants of Little Homeworld, now reduced to ruins in the middle of a desolate wasteland. As far as she could see, no life could be seen for miles, all except for a ragtag band of survivors finding their way in this apocalyptic future.
"Any sign of He Who Must Not Be Named yet?" the possible future version of Peridot, easily distinguished from her regular self through wearing Pearl's blazer, asked a young adult version of Connie.
"No, thankfully." Connie said as she looked through the skies with her binoculars. "But we gotta move at some point, he could be here at any moment now!"
"No, I say we stay and fight!" Bismuth declared. "I don't care if that's still Steven, you all seen what he did to our friends!" she added despondently. "Ruby, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, they're all gone now, all thanks to him!"
"Bismuth, you're being irrational." Sapphire calmed the blacksmith down. "But I do agree, there's no future I see where we calm Steven down and rebuild society."
"Well, let him come." Peridot stated tiredly. "Anything to be with Lapis again. I'm just so tired of fighting."
As the surviving Crystal Gems bowed their heads in shame of how powerless they were to save their loved ones, a hoarse, piercing laugh rang out, causing the four to take up arms against whatever foe crossed their path. That foe in question turned out to be Black Rutile, now without her cape and her visor showed many visible cracks.
"Ah, yes." Black Rutile said as her laughing turned into smirking. "Tired of something you barely even did to begin with. Maybe if you two weren't tossed to the side after the Cluster and reduced to a comic relief role, that little witch could've stood a better chance."
"Be very careful with what you say next." Connie threatened the Rutile by pointing her sword straight at her gem.
"Oh come now Mama-Say-Mama-Sah-Warren, I've lost people too." Black Rutile grinned while lowering the sword. "I've lost people too. Heck, you saw how Steven killed my old gang, and now he's after me too for all I've done."
"Well frankly, you had it coming for all that." Bismuth responded before turning her finger into a spike. "Now pipe down while I smash you to pieces."
"Bismuth, stop." Connie advised Bismuth. "I think she might be our best chance at surviving yet."
"Are you serious?!" Peridot shrieked in defiance. "It's all because of her that Steven went nuts, shattered Jasper, and then started rampaging across the planet and maybe beyond! All our friends and family are dead because of Black Rutile, and you think she might help us?!"
"We kept you around despite being a Homeworld loyalist." Sapphire told Peridot.
"So anyways, you might be our best chance at stopping Steven." Connie said to Black Rutile before sticking her hand out. "You in?"
"I'm going to assume that if I don't play by your rules, I'll pay with my life?" Black Rutile asked as she shook the human's hand.
"You bet." Connie answered. "When I found White Topaz before Steven shattered her, she begged me, with her last words that when I'd kill you, and make no mistake I will kill you, I'll give you the slowest and most painful death I can offer. And if you try and run away, I'm going to honor that promise."
As the handshake broke, Black Rutile was left completely speechless at both Connie's death threat and her late bodyguard having the audacity to wish death upon her. Before long, her silence was broken by another bout of maniacal laughter at Connie's expense. "Honor? Really kid?" Black Rutile declared. "You know we live in a society, or at least what's left of one, where honor is but a distant memory."
"You talk too much, you know that?" Sapphire snarked before she received another future vision, one that might spell their doom. "My stars, he's coming!"
While Connie, Peridot, Bismuth, and Sapphire prepared for the fight of their lives, Black Rutile looked up at the pink-colored sonic boom in the sky and laughed as a pink glowing figure landed on the ground in front of the rebels, the resulting impact causing more destruction to Little Homeworld.
Connie pointed her sword at their opponent, and her face softened upon discovering who it was. A pink, gargoyle-like monster whose size was equal to Bismuth's with massive horns on his head, scars on his chest forming a star, and a pink gem on his stomach.
"So all that could've happened, because of me?" Jasper despaired as she was returned to the present day before dropping to her knees. "You were right, I am nothing but trouble."
"Okay, maybe you are, but you can still change." Amethyst rejected Jasper's notion. "And you can start by helping us stop him!" She then pointed to the pink monster, who took one look at Jasper and began to run away from her, no doubt the Steven inside it afraid to see Jasper again after killing her.
"Hey, get back here!" Jasper yelled as Steven tried to run straight towards Beach City.
"It's gonna smash Beach City!" Amethyst yelled. "We gotta stop him!" Without even a chance to be asked, Lapis summoned a water rope that she used to lasso Steven and drag him away from Beach City.
"So, is there any way to fix him?" Jasper asked.
"None that we know of so far." Garnet replied. "Not even the Diamonds could solve this problem."
"And now, I don't think there's anything we can do." Pearl declared.
"Anything, except surrender." Black Rutile declared as she, White Topaz, Aquamarine, and Eyeball dropped down from and stood before the group with an army of robots behind them. "Oh look, everyone is here! We got the insipid oppressors, their mindless sheep, and the sorry excuses for monarchs!"
"What's your game Black Rutile?" White Diamond angrily asked her former subordinate.
"It's quite simple really." Black Rutile replied. "Thanks to yours truly, all of you are now enemies of humanity for allowing this to happen!" She pointed at Steven. "And not just your little monster problem, but for all the horrible things you've done to this planet! And all while you were too busy crying like babies for the brat."
"Yeesh, someone likes to talk." Spinel murmured.
"Zip it, playmate!" Aquamarine declared. "Once all of you are out of the way, our master shall claim this galaxy as her own!"
"And maybe become one of the great Universal Lords!" Eyeball added.
All across the world, riots began breaking out over Black Rutile's broadcast. Picket signs were made, effigies were burned, and calls were made to eliminate the Crystal Gems' threat to humanity, even though not a single one of them knew of their existence before today.
In Washington, Theresa was showing Suarez a livestream on her phone of a group of people in Russia cursing in their native language of how the Gems deprived them of their ancestors' native land, leaving the president more depressed over the incident just as Wade strolled into the Oval Office.
"I just got off the phone with Prime Minister Sorayama." Major General Grant said. "He's saying the cabinet of Japan is ready to launch everything they've got against the monster and the Crystal Gems. They just need you to give the okay."
"No, we are not nuking anything!" Eduardo screamed, making the vice president and the major general jump a bit. "I know the Gems are good, kind people, but is it really true they're responsible for all that? And who's this Pink Diamond anyway?"
"I know they're your friends Mr. President, but what friends places the world in danger so many times, the only one to address that is another member of their species?" Grant asked. "It's your choice, sir. Your friends or your country?"
"He raises a pretty good point, sir." Theresa stated. "What's it gonna be?"
After wiping a few tears from his eyes, Eduardo turned to face the window behind him and made his decision. "Major General, tell Japan to call off the attack. Because we're doing it ourselves."
Back in Beach City, Black Rutile continued her speech to the Gems. "Look at all of this." She declared. "This is the chaos I've wanted to engender for so long. I wanted to build a new Homeworld order where you failed, but you chose Steven over your own people just because he's family." As Black Rutile continued speaking, she could feel her sanity begin to teeter off the edge more and more. "My purpose was to fight for the Gems, that is the sole purpose I was given. And now, I barely have any people left. That is what you have taken from me. That is what you have taken from EVERYONE!"
"That is where you're wrong!" Pearl boasted in reply. "You may think you're a misunderstood hero, but you're not! You're nothing more than a sociopathic, bloviating monster who only thinks that she's doing what's best for everyone! As actual heroes, we'll fight to stop you till our last breath, because we are the Crystal Gems and we'll always save the day!"
With that, Pearl took Amethyst's hand and the two merged into Opal, who pulled out her bow and fired an arrow at Black Rutile, who only moved her head an inch to the right to dodge it.
"Oh, fusions, eh?" Black Rutile snickered. "I guess we should even the odds then." She then turned to White Topaz. "Topaz, to me!"
"Right away my Rutile." White Topaz sadly complied and fused with Black Rutile to once again form Lepidolite.
"Oh geez, she can fuse too?" Lapis snarled before turning to Jasper. "Hey Jasper, wanna join in?"
"Whatever." Jasper said and the two formed into the turquoise and gold-colored Malachite.
"Well, you know what to do Eyeball." Aquamarine said as she took the Ruby's hand and twirled in place before they formed Bluebird Azurite and unsheathed her ice cutlass & a flaming saber.
"Gems, now!" Garnet gave the order to attack and led the charge against the four rebels. However, Greg was feeling a little left out.
"Uh, what about me?" Greg asked as the battle began. "If only I could still make Steg." However, Greg quickly saw Lion rising beneath him and making the father ride on his back. "Oh, well that should suffice." Greg smiled before he made Lion gallop into combat. "WOLVERINES!"
Lepidolite roared as she threw a punch at Malachite, who caught it in one of her hands and fought back by launching a geyser at Lepidolite's face, sending her flying towards Peridot, who sent Bismuth soaring before the rainbow Gem smacked Lepidolite into the sand with her hammer.
"Feeling a little outmatched?" Malachite boasted with her arms folded.
"Child's play!" Lepidolite growled while summoning her claws and slashing Malachite in the torso. However, Malachite quickly grabbed Lepidolite by the arms and summoned Jasper's crash helmet to give her a nasty headbutt. "Topaz, what are you doing?" the Black Rutile half of Lepidolite asked. "Pull your weight and help me here!"
"But it's the four of us against all the Crystal Gems, the Diamonds, and even a Spinel!" the White Topaz half replied as Malachite began punching Lepidolite at rapid speed. "We're so outmatched here, let's just un-fuse and surrender so we won't have to risk our lives against such an unfair numbers advantage."
"Oh shut up!" Black Rutile yelled before Lepidolite received another punch to the face. However, Lepidolite just as quickly stabbed Malachite with her claws and slowly dragged them up her torso up to her face, hitting both Lapis & Jasper's gems and causing them to un-fuse.
"I got you guys!" Greg shouted as Lion leaped up and he caught the two Gems on his back. Lion then followed up with a roar aimed straight at Bluebird while she was fighting Opal, who was sent flying towards Spinel.
"Comin' at ya!" Spinel exclaimed before she began dribbling Bluebird like a basketball and flung her at some of Black Rutile's robot minions, who were firing at the Diamonds.
"Well, at least we tried with Malachite." Lapis said while getting up before she turned to Peridot. "Hey Peridot, wanna give it a shot!"
"Gladly!" Peridot exclaimed and raced over to her bestie.
"Wait, what?" Jasper asked as she watched her former cohorts fuse into Turquoise. "Since when can you do that?!"
"Don't ask, just fight!" Turquoise declared while forming a set of three swords out of liquid metal from the air to use, two in her hands and one between her teeth.
"Right." Jasper agreed as she prepared to charge. "Let's kill her properly this time."
Amid the chaos, Volleyball and Lemon Jade were left trying to escape harm with no idea what to do in battle, as they had never engaged in combat before.
"What are we going to do?!" Lemon Jade yelled while shaking Pink Pearl in her hands.
"I have no idea!" Volleyball replied. "I did fuse before, but it wasn't really for fighting an enemy." That was when she got an idea. "Wait, hold on!"
Volleyball ran towards Opal, who was busy shooting down Black Rutile's robots with her arrows when she felt something pulling down at her drape. "Oh, do you need something Volleyball?"
"Can I fuse with you Pearl so I can protect Jade?" Volleyball asked Opal.
"In the middle of something, but that's a definite possibility." Opal replied, unaware of the robot that was now hovering behind her.
"TARGET OPAL CONFIRMED. COMMENCE UN-FUSING." The robot droned and sent out an electric shock that forced Opal back into Pearl & Amethyst.
"Well ain't that a coincidence." Amethyst snarked as the two Pearls fused into Mega Pearl. "It's like she planned for this!"
"She planned for everything Amethyst." Mega Pearl responded before slashing away at robots that were cornering Lemon Jade.
Meanwhile, Turquoise was engaged in a swordfight against Bluebird Azurite, her metal katanas against Bluebird's ice and fire swords. "This is what you get for taking Steven and causing Lapis to leave me!" Turquoise yelled as she tried to stab Bluebird in any opening she could find.
"Oh, did kidnapping Steven hurt you that much?" Bluebird snickered. "I wouldn't have guessed judging by how you never show up." The smaller fusion quickly disarmed Turquoise and prepared to go in for the kill, but she had another thing coming.
"Got this from a manga." Turquoise grinned cheekily while cupping all four of her hands to her side and sticking them out, launching a torrent of water at Bluebird's face.
As for the Diamonds, they were busy protecting Steven from the robots by swatting them away. "These things are multiplying by the second!" Blue said while smashing drones to the ground so that the surviving Watermelon Stevens could dismantle them. "We have to get Steven somewhere safe so we can calm him down!"
"Everyone's trying their hardest, but Black Rutile just keeps coming back up." Yellow replied.
"Don't despair, we can win this!" White added, confident that they could still win the day somehow when she spotted something in the distance. "Wait, what are those?”
"Get a move on everyone, we're wasting daylight here!" Wade Grant barked to his men from his Humvee as the US Army advanced towards Beach City. As their goal was only to capture the Crystal Gems, they didn't need massive tanks, only jeeps, armored vans, and helicopters to get the job done. As the seaside town grew closer and closer, some of the army men felt the need to converse among themselves.
"So, do you think it might be sexist to capture a bunch of alien women?" one of the soldiers driving an armored van asked his companion.
"I'm not sure." The other soldier replied. "From what I've heard, they only look like women. They kinda don't have any gender since they're like, holograms projected by rocks. Holograms that happen to look female."
"Yeah but are there male Gems out there somewhere?" the first soldier continued. "How do they even procreate, if possible?"
"Beats me, they don't look like they have the goods, if you catch my drift." The second soldier wiggled his eyebrows. "Y'know, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more!"
"Yes, I catch your drift, no need to reference old-timey British comedy." The first soldier groaned before turning on the radio. "Sir, we're nearing Beach City. Permission to be the first to step out?"
"Permission granted Private Eric." Wade accepted over the radio as the two soldiers' van rolled up to Beach City, where its citizens were already evacuating.
"Excuse me, we'd like a word with the mayor of this town." Private Eric said as he and his partner stepped out.
"That's me, Mayor Pizza." Nanafua declared as she walked up to the pair. "Now what brings the military here?"
"We're on official business here Mayor Pizza." Eric stated. "Are you aware you have been housing aliens that have been threatening your planet regularly?"
"Oh, the Gems? They're pretty harmless." Nanafua laughed. "Though that giant monster is a bit concerning."
"Everyone step aside, Black Rutile has convinced us those Gems need to be placed under arrest." Wade stepped forward and prepared a special anti-Gem weapon made from the remains of the Destiny Destroyer. "We won't use lethal force against you all, but we strongly urge you to let us through if you want your planet to live."
The armed forces began marching towards the pink monster menacing Beach City as the townsfolk nervously stepped aside to allow them to pass. Though they treasured the Gems, they couldn't bear to be victims of yet another incident relating to them.
"Get back here!" Lepidolite roared as she chased Connie around and clashed her claws with the girl's sword. "Don't think you've won yet just because you've trained with that rotten Pearl!"
"That's what you think!" Connie yelled before she slashed at Lepidolite's arm, causing the fusion to yell.
"How can we be hurt just like that?!" the Black Rutile half of Lepidolite muttered before looking accusingly at no one in particular while beginning to destabilize. "Seriously Topaz, why can't you contribute?!"
"Seriously, can't you read my lips?!" White Topaz yelled. "I want out!" Suddenly, the two Gems split apart and fell to the ground. Black Rutile fell face-first and spat out some sand before glaring daggers at her bodyguard.
"Does it look like I care?" Black Rutile said. "Besides, we should be getting some back up real soon."
"Wait, back up?" Mega Pearl wondered before she got shot down by a weapon resembling a Gem Destabilizer and forced back into Pearl & Volleyball.
"Fan out, take down anything with a star!" Wade Grant gave out orders while his men zapped the Crystal Gems with their Destabilizer-like weapons, managing to take down Turquoise, Garnet, Amethyst, Bismuth, and Jasper before forcing them into a truck.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Jasper roared as she was herded like cattle into the truck with the other Gems.
"You're finally getting the Earth justice you deserve." Black Rutile declared smugly. "When this planet's government learned of your exploits, the leader tried to make an address that I hacked into and used to expose you to the world. Hope you enjoy confinement!"
"You won't get away with this!" Pearl yelled rebelliously before she, Volleyball, and one of the Watermelon Stevens were forced into the truck as two of the soldiers looked up at Steven and the Diamonds.
"What do we do with them?" Private Eric wondered.
"No need, I got this." Black Rutile bragged, taking Aquamarine's wand and using it to imprison the three Diamonds in a forcefield.
"Hey, you let them go!" Spinel yelled before she found herself getting trapped in the bubble as well, along with Lemon Jade.
"Uh, what is going on?" Greg asked before the major general walked up to him.
"There is no need to panic sir, we are simply following orders." Wade answered calmly. "Alright, move out! We're bringing them to Area 42!"
"Area 42?!" Connie exclaimed. "What are you going to do with them there?!"
"Just gonna ask some questions followed by deciding their fates, no big." Wade responded as he hopped into his Humvee and drove off while turning on his radio. "Gems have been captured, I repeat, Gems have been captured. Requesting a lift to Area 42 in Calivada, over."
As the military drove away with the Gems in tow, Bluebird Azurite picked up Black Rutile & White Topaz before she flew them away from the beach, the combined weight of the Diamonds, Steven, Spinel, and Lemon Jade in the bubble having no effect on her.
"So Crystal Gems," Black Rutile laughed evilly. "Who are you going to believe in now?!"
With the Crystal Gems in government custody, Black Rutile is just a few steps closer to victory. But what plans does she have in store for the Diamonds, what fate shall await the Crystal Gems at Area 42, and do White Topaz's loyalties still lie with Black Rutile? You're just gonna have to wait and see.
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