alexa-santi-author · 5 months
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Specifically for @spikewriter and @catsteinbooks
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earlgreytea68 · 7 years
spikewriter replied to your post “OMG it’s my EBOOK BIRTHDAY!!!! (Actually, it was yesterday, pretend I...”
Yay! Can we hope an ebook version will make it's appearance in the US once it's been released?
Yes! I think so! It’s sold to a U.S. publisher, we’re just waiting to hear back from them on dates! But then there should be a U.S. ebook version! I will keep you posted!
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spikewriter · 7 years
I’m currently going through my LJ to shut it down. I could just delete the account, but I’d prefer to have private entries and family stuff deleted, rather than letting it hang around for 30 days before they’d purge. Everything is backed up on Dreamwidth -- this is just the last sweep to make sure I’ve got the entries. I’m spikewriter over there as well, so stop by and say hello. I’ve got an entry you can check in on so I can add you to the list
Almost 17 years worth of stuff to sort through. It’s pretty damn depressing letting this piece go.
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pippytmi · 8 years
i was tagged by the amazing, stunning, showstopping  @friggassons
Name: bianca
Nickname: none tbh but i like "family disappointment" it has a nice ring to it
Gender: female
Star sign(s): im a libra i think
Height: 5′4...but i look shorter i hate it
Sexual orientation: im bisexual as fuck, my dudes
Primary Hogwarts House: im not into harry potter ill never know i guess
Secondary Hogwarts House: Primary Ilvermorny House: Secondary Ilvermorny House:
Cats or dogs?: DOGS bc if u know me u know cats freak me tf out
Dream trip: nowhere i hate traveling adfghjkl 
Dream job: i want to be a copy editor someday but like,,,who knows anymore
How many blogs do you follow?: like 91 i think
Fandoms you’re in: too many but im here for all gay stuff ok
Favorite animal: turtles...theyre so cute
Last thing you ate: chilaquiles this morning
# of blankets you sleep with: lots. my room is ice cold
Book you’re currently reading: none im so bad all i read are fics
Favorite season? Why?: look im saying fall bc halloween but any temperature under 80 degrees is not for me
OTP(s)?: again...too many, ill never have 1 that is my ride or die bc they are ALL my kids i cant choose
tagging @florairmatylee @spikewriter @me-cerealkiller bc you’re all awesome even if you don’t do this. also shoutout again to friggassons bc she’s just too sweet i cry
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spikewrites · 9 years
The Wolf of Belnorde
19 Vairmoon 1684 NH
Lord Vaulker sees to pressing business... personally.
Vardeau hobbled along the dark slicked streets of Belnorde, his cloak clutched tightly around his broad shoulders. He’d been forced to close up late due to a surprise visit from a Council member; while the commission paid a great deal, it stranded him in the rain late at night. Oh, how he longed for the fire of his hearth! It was only another block until he’d reach his home and family, and all the comforts both would provide.
The carved granite steps led up to a large door of mahogany, set into the marble walls of his estate. Goldsmithing was a profitable business indeed, doubly so in the largest aeroport in western Fordemas, and as such it afforded the D’Armani family fittingly lavish accommodations. A calloused hand reached for and turned the tarnished handle, then retracted quite suddenly.
The door to Vardeau’s home was already unlocked, and ajar at that. Chills colder than the rains upon his back rushed up his spine.
Wringing out his cloak just outside the doorway, Vardeau cautiously meandered into the common room. The hearth was lit, its warmth only a partial comfort at present, but there were no lights on in the adjacent corridors or dining room. He’d had no need of it before, but Vardeau didn’t spare a second thought to pull the flintlock out from the compartment on the mantle. Three soft clicks echoed through the dark, empty halls as his thumb pulled back the hammer.
Vardeau’s calls into the darkened hallways were met with silence. A light at the end of the corridor beckoned him; his study. Each footstep seemed to thunder throughout the home in the black silence; at last, the door! Vardeau pointed his pistol into the room, and followed the door as it creaked open. Seeming empty, he stepped inside, and nearly pulled the trigger when the door slammed shut behind him.
Two armed muscular men--an olive-skinned khazu and a hulking Geld--stood beside the door, their eyes daring Vardeau to fire. And he had a mind to, were it not for the voice from his chair; refined, yet subtly venomous, and worst of all, a voice Vardeau knew.
“Master D’Armani. You’re twenty minutes late.”
“Lord Vaulker!” Vardeau disengaged the hammer, stuffing his flintlock into his belt. “I was soon to come to you about the debt, I swear!”
“Excuses do not become you, my friend. Do not try and wield them against me.” Vaulker swung about in the high-backed chair behind Vardeau’s desk, fingers peaked before a cold glare. The raghan-ka’s gaunt, scarred face was framed by thick locks of bristly black fur, his ears pointed forward and his long nose scrunched. A moment of met eyes between Vardeau and Vaulker froze the courven’s veins, and he could feel his face pale.
“I am honest, sir. First thing tomorrow morning, I swear, I was to come to the cathedral with recompense! Please, forgive my delay!”
“I did forgive it, the first two times you pleaded for an extension. My patience is as thin as I assume your wallet must be, if you have taken this long to pay me back. Thus, I decided I’d come to you this time.”
“Please, milord, have mercy!”
“I possess naught else.” Vaulker moved only his eyes, spying a framed family portrait upon the wall. Vardeau chilled further as a thin smile curled behind the raghan’s fingers. “Nice family you have.”
“No! No, no please, leave them out of this!”
“I am afraid that airship has left port, Master D’Armani. Rest assured, your wife and children are quite safe. And they will remain so, if you can repay your debt. Now.”
“I...” Vardeau’s eyes darted around the room, searching for an answer that obviously wasn’t present. He’d hoped Vaulker would have forgotten about the loan; it was a whole year and a half ago when he’d taken it! Alas, it was Vardeau who had forgotten, and now he was presented with a harsh reminder.
“Yes, Master D’Armani? Were you about to say something?” Vaulker waited for a response; none came. “Very well; allow me to present to you my final mercy. You have precisely twenty-four hours to come up with my money. You will deliver it to the Western Aeroport by this time tomorrow evening. By the way, there is interest; with as long as it has been, I believe thirty percent is fair? That’s including the prior interest, from your last appeal.”
“Thirty percent?! Along with the rest? I cannot possibly--”
“We can resolve this now, if you wish. Urglak and Jarlam would be happy to oblige.” Vaulker snapped his fingers, and Vardeau flinched in anticipation of what would soon follow.
“No! No, I--I’ll have the money, Lord Vaulker! Tomorrow night, Western Aeroport! You have my word!”
“That is precisely why I am not convinced.” Vaulker stood up swiftly from Vardeau’s desk, striding to the door with a perfect gait. Urglak and Jarlam followed, snickering darkly and shutting the door to the study behind them.
Vardeau fell to his knees only when he was sure his visitors had left, breathing hard with wide eyes staring at the floor. With the added interest, the total was now well above ten thousand rigals; a king’s ransom and then some. Tears flowed freely into his braided beard, clouding his view of his family’s portrait.
Truly, he was doomed.
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alexa-santi-author · 9 months
@spikewriter, Tor Books says you’ll want to read this.
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spikewrites · 9 years
Change of Plans
2 Guinmoon
In some unknown, remote location, dark forces conspire in light of recent events.
“Arith, I--”
“Ssejinw, Reuben! Word has reached our ears already of your failure.”
The word stung, leaving a horrible taste in the vampire’s mouth. It only served to fuel his existing hatred and anger.
“It was no failure! Merely a disruption. The spice has been perfected; everything is proceeding as planned.”
“Is it? You abandoned your operation. You have left interlopers with vital clues. You have left witnesses--alive. So very unlike you, Reuben. You’ve grown plythu in your complacency.”
“I am NOT weak! Far from it!”
“Then explain how easily you were bested! How you allowed them to even challenge you. Your arrogance shall be your undoing, hemata.”
Reuben had no retort. His master shifted his weight on his throne, his voice growing icy.
“Heed us, Reuben. Further failure shall not be tolerated. Fortunately for you, this is a minor setback. Make contact with Zadazonta, and begin transporting the pescis. You shall then wait for our command. Do nothing until we command it. Do we make ourselves clear?”
“Axun, arith.”
“Bensvelk. We dismiss you from our court.”
Reuben’s flight eastwards was bittersweet, and consumed with thoughts of revenge. Nobody insults Reuben von Kireger and lives for very long.
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