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hirodraga · 1 month ago
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be careful walking out there in the woods... the keepers doesnt like visitors
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farsight-the-char · 4 months ago
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My New Girlfriend is not Human?
Benefits of Spider-Lady is Many Arms To Hold.
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hexogallery · 2 months ago
Maria reference
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What a lovely mother
Her children concepts
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Doodles with Giordano
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"you look weird to be a spider"
"uhh genetics..."
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rookzer0 · 7 months ago
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Anadi Warlock/paladin in their hybrid form.
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amaiguri · 2 months ago
Yssaia World Guide (p140-147)
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bugpysforge · 2 months ago
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Surskit has an intrinsic capacity to skate across the frozen waters. He is skilled at acrobatics and has trained to move swiftly.
Race: Arachne Class: Monk Subclass: Way of the Intercepting Fist Location: Snowbelle Alignment: Neutral Good
View the pokedex of all dungeon pokemon on the Bugpy's Forge website.
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moldrata · 13 days ago
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Finally my boys have character sheets!
And they were roommates... but in a way that one annoys the hell out of the second one Follow for more bozos
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pasteldustart · 2 years ago
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something a little different and exerimental I no longer play DND but i really wanted to have a shot at redoing my first character as well as a new Teifling design
I used poses from pinterest and the designs i did on Hero Forge this was purely for fun and to experiment with a few things such as shading,brushes and art styles
The spiderfolk is nicknamed "silk",A silent menace who tends to stay silent and over analyze the situation
The Teifling is Parrid,a fucker who isnt a clown but the complete damn circus
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emeraldsoulsblog · 1 year ago
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Neznac usually wears very elegant and not at all discreet clothes with those blue colors, but hey! it's his favorite color.
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veinsfullofstars · 1 year ago
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Spookies and Scaries!
(ID: A compilation of some of my favorite entries from my Drawlloween/OC-tober 2020 challenge, featuring my various monster or monster-adjacent OCs. END ID.)
It occurred to me that I never shared these on the old account, so I figured I'd plop 'em down here for archival reasons. Gotta say, I still really love how a couple of these came out. It was my first time doing a whole month-long challenge, and I was pretty proud of what I'd managed to accomplish in such a short time span... even if it was stressful as all get-out, and I basically burned myself out for several years after, haha... eh... You'd think I would've learned.
Also, man... I used to draw way more femme characters than I do now, huh.
Started 09/08/20, finished 10/23/20, updated fro color correction 11/02/24.
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leluxiboi · 11 months ago
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Hey so this drawing may be pretty old and not be completely representative of my current art, I want to post this just to like, get it out there what my avatar/sona looks like.
This is me, if you even care.
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phantomoniium · 2 years ago
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oh my god spide
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farsight-the-char · 4 months ago
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My New Girlfriend Is Not Human?
Chapter 25
Local Man Absolutely Loves Monster, and She Loves Him.
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kroashent · 1 month ago
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Faebruary '25 #10 - Antoinette the Gwiader
"Lady Enora! I've done the laundry, cleaned the ceilings, washed the windows and am on my way to warm up the bed! Please, please, please tell me about the tournament! "
Faebruary: I am very excited to share this monthlong project with you all! Regular viewers of this channel will know that a lot of my creative focus goes into Kroashent, my ongoing fantasy series. There's a ton of background lore for the series, so I thought it might be fun and helpful to run a little project to introduce to viewers new and old, to the characters and creatures of Kroashent, with a twist!
For the month of February (or rather "Faebruary!" I will be posting drawings of the characters of Kroashent as different creatures from Alvez, their world. To begin, these creatures will be the "Tuath", the sapient, social creatures of the world (think the playable species of D&D). (We'll address the beasties and things that go bump in the night in a future project)
Antoinette Beaumoulin/Annaig Milinmad: Antoinette is the thirddaughter of a family of wealthy textile merchants in the Lethan city of Gwitreg. Seeking to use their wealth to enter the high society of the nobility, her parents sent her to work as a lady-in-waiting for a number of Gallian noblewomen, each ending in disaster as Antoinette's active imagination, prone to daydreaming and flights of fancy, made her ill-suited for the role. This changed when she was taken into the service of Enora de Chinon, the Golden Tower of Anjev. Seeing Enora as the perfect embodiment of chivalrous virtue, Antoinette has declared herself to be Enora's squire as well as her lady-in-waiting.
Gwiader: The Gwiader , also known as Weavers, are magically powerful spiderfolk Sidhe, with their bottom halves taken up by arachnid bodies. They are incredibly capable of weaving the intangible magical threads of the world into complex castings. With a complex social structure, most live in hermetic communes to meditate for spiritual awakening, but some live among other Tuath, often taking roles as tailors and seamstresses.
Val's Notes: Oh Antoinette. She's so much fun. Originally, Antoinette was created mostly to give Enora someone to talk to and to have at least 1 character who dressed like she actually lived in Brittany, the inspirational region that Letha is drawn from. Then, Antoinette showed up and took on a life of her own, a non-stop bundle of energy and wide-eyed excitement. For her character, Antoinette draws heavily on Don Quixote, a dreamer with ideas of chivalry that don't always match up with reality.
If you are interested in supporting Kroashent and projects like this one, considering showing your support on my Patreon! Patron's will get an exclusive nude version of most of the Faeburary pictures, including this one!
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amaiguri · 1 year ago
Hello again and happy WBW! \(^v^)/
What do the family units of the Sha Hir’za look like? How big are they typically and if anyone who is usually the “head” of the family?
Thank you in advance! d(^.^)b
@grimcoordinater I would love your opinion on this as well! I think we discussed it briefly but I don't remember, so I'm just trying to logic it out.
Anyway, for those of you who don't know... The the Sha Hirza are my Spidey Bois N Girls! They are below the cut, in case you dislike Spideys, but my arachnophobic friends have GENERALLY said they don't look spidery enough to give them the ick. But your arachnophobia may differe
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WEEE! Look at how cute! Okay, so without wanting to dig into GRATUITOUS SPIDER SEX, Sha Hirza Ni eggs are made by female Sha Hirza, fertilized by male Sha Hirza, and then carefully woven into eggs and tended by the community. I imagine they have multiple spidey babies at one time usually but they're bigger than normal spiders so I double they have thousands of kids at once. Maybe like 2 to 4? I remember something about twins being important.
However, they'll absolutely live with their parents' parents and extended families so it's whole tribes raising spiderlings together.
They probably track their lineage by who wove them (i.e. usually mom but they don't have gender like we do because they can assign their own sexes when they hit puberty through metamorphosis.) and so they don't usually weave more spiderlings with people who are too related to their weavers.
So, basically, family units are on the larger end! It ends up being that your whole Tribe is kinda your family.
Thanks for asking!
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bugpysforge · 10 months ago
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Spidops swiftly navigates the city using his silky webs to assist people who are in need. He also used webs to ensnare foes and invaders.
Race: Arachne Class: Rogue Subclass: Spider Rogues Guild Location: Hau'oli Emergency Services Alignment: Lawful Neutral
View the pokedex of all dungeon pokemon by following the link in the menu.
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