#spider son whump
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ivvyela · 7 months ago
thinking about that theory where peter parker is the mcu's anchor being. and like. the possibilities of it. imagine learning your entire universe's anchor being, the person who pretty much controls the fate of the universe, is some guy who just doesn't exist??? not even dropped off the face of the earth, but there is no proof of this person even existing in the first place???? and maybe strange or the fantastic four or whoever feels responsible for/is tasked with finding and protecting this anchor being but that's kinda hard to do when you have Absolutely Nothing to go off of.
or alternatively, peter himself learning that the entire universe is basically relying on him staying alive, and he already has a lot on his shoulders but this??? having lost everything and everyone and now learning that the weight of the world is literally on his shoulders and fuck!!! he just wanted to be a friendly neighborhood spider-man but that's parker luck for you!!
and like. there's so many ways to take it and i haven't seen anyone considering this and guys. guys. consider it. take it and run with it or what have you. fuck it and throw doctor doom in the mix for the irondad girlies because surely that will be fun.
and i know i know the theory doesn't fully go hand in hand with the mcu cannon but. fuck the cannon. let me scream into the void about this. let me shove it in your faces and hope someone does something with it. let me have my silly where's waldo peter parker anchor being au.
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sadiecoocoo · 1 year ago
You guys should watch Ultimate Spider-Man. They give Peter so many boyfriends. Also it deserves more recognition and fan content that I don’t wanna make rn and literally cannot make since I don’t have access to my computer rn
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years ago
Irondad fic ideas #134
Fic where everything in the current MCU has happened
...for Peter.
In fact, Mysterio captured Peter right after Endgame. Everything that happened since -- Europe, his identity, May -- has been an illusion.
Mysterio even altered Peter's memory of the battle against Thanos to torture him. He doesn't remember the rush to get Tony to a hospital. He doesn't remember being kidnapped. He believes Tony died on the battlefield
Which is why, when he's suddenly in a cell and Iron Man bursts in, frantic and alive, Peter has a hard time telling what's real.
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revengewitch · 1 year ago
You like dark Iron Dad?
Maybe you also like the forced adoption trope?
Are you a sucker for overprotective Tony?
Do you like a good whump? :3 Then I invite you to my AO3 page~ ^.^
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marvelvillian23 · 7 months ago
Hey does anyone have any bio Irondad fics, the ones where Peter is found throw fingerprints in the system or blood test after being kidnapped as a baby?
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thewritingcaptain · 5 days ago
Captive Audience: Chapter 3
“Bad news,” Doc announced as he swung around the side of Tony’s bars, leaning against the metal too casually. “Those few vials of blood aren't going to be enough. I’m going to need more.”
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
Tony waited until the door closed behind them before turning back to Peter, looking him over. The kid had closed his eyes and was taking unsteady breaths, clearly trying to keep himself together. Tony exhaled a frustrated breath, wishing he was better with comfort, or that he knew anything about the kid that he could use to make him feel better. Why hadn’t he contacted him when he had the chance?
“Peter.” He worked to keep his voice from conveying any of the mix of emotions in his chest, focusing solely on doing what he could for him. “Hey, kid, you’re alright. Is it bad?”
“It hurts,” he admitted quietly, wiping his eyes with his hand. They’d left the arm with the line in it free, apparently trusting that he didn’t want to go through that again badly enough that he wouldn’t try anything. “Getting one was never comfortable, but I haven’t… it’s been a while since the last time. I was younger, and I more remember sensations than conscious memories.” He took a steadying breath, looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stark.”
“You are not apologizing to me right now. There’s nothing to be sorry for.” He paused. “If anything, I’m sorry. That I can’t do more, that we’re stuck in this hellhole. The other Avengers will get us out. I promise you that.”
Peter just sighed, still not meeting his eyes. He knew the kid didn’t believe him, but he was going to keep saying it anyway. It was true, he was certain of it; he just couldn’t guarantee how long it would take.
“Don’t be sorry, Mr. Stark,” he murmured, his voice pulling him out of his thoughts. “Just… keep doing what you’re doing, I guess.”
Tony nodded. “Does talking help?” he asked, keeping his tone as light and gentle as he could.
Peter swallowed thickly, resting his head on the back of the chair. “Sort of. I like the distraction, but I’m afraid… of, you know, saying too much.”
Tony nodded again, hissing a soft breath through his teeth. Okay, so yes to talking, but he was going to have to steer the conversation, or else Doc might learn something about the kid that he didn’t want him to know.
“Right. So robotics. You said you quit – why?”
“Just… just had too much going on, Mr. Stark. Decathlon, school, Spider-Man, robotics, band, work… My aunt, she works a lot, but even she was starting to realize I was *never* home. Course, she still thinks… thought I was doing it all. I quit robotics and cut my work hours way back to make more time for Spider-Man while still, y'know, having the excuse.” He shrugged, though his cheeks flushed a bit as he admitted to the lies. “It seemed more important than anything else, at the time.”
She thought. At the time.
Tony had a feeling Peter wouldn’t have admitted to half of what he just had if he thought he had any chance of making it out of here alive. Yet somehow he was still ashamed of the lie.
“So what's left? School, decathlon, and Spider-Man?”
“And some freelance work. I'm— well, I don't think it's that impressive but I'm pretty good with coding and basic IT stuff. I do odds and end jobs for one of the corner bodegas, too, and he pays me in cash. And he lets me pet his cat. Which is nice, y’know, because we don't have any pets. I used to be allergic. Before the… before I became Spider-Man. And I couldn't be around them then so my aunt can't know I can be around them now.”
That was the second time Peter had mentioned an aunt. No uncle, no parents, no grandparents, but an aunt. It would explain a lot. It also unfortunately helped them… not at all.
The kid was still rambling, and Tony was really, really trying to listen, but it wasn't going to be long before they ran out of safe things to talk about and he needed a way to get them out of here before that happened, preferably.
Peter being strapped to the chair with one arm loose was an infinitely better position than a few hours ago, and yet, getting Peter to do anything about it was going to be a challenge. The kid was scared shitless and there was no way for Tony to communicate to him that he had a weapon without also risking giving it away to the crazy doctor. But Peter was too afraid of the doctor hurting him to risk blindly following Tony into an escape attempt because of some hero complex—
Pot, meet kettle, he could almost hear Pepper drawling, and he stifled a sigh. Even when she wasn't here, she was still right.
Tony wasn't used to being the one being saved. Not anymore. And he hated feeling so… helpless.
Peter stopped talking and turned back toward the door a second before it opened again. Tony scowled, annoyed that the boy had just started to relax and open up to him and this asshole had to go and ruin it. Why was he back so soon, anyway?
“Bad news,” Doc announced as he swung around the side of Tony’s bars, leaning against the metal too casually. “Those few vials of blood aren't going to be enough. I’m going to need more.”
Something about the way he proclaimed this as bad news made Tony’s skin crawl, and he realized why when the elder man held up a plastic tub.
“What is that?” Tony found himself pulling against the ropes again as the doctor approached the kid with the tub, placing it on the arm of the chair underneath the arm that was still restrained, the chain looped over the metal bars close by, keeping it elevated above Peter’s head. “You can't take that much blood. You'll kill him.”
“We’ll find out, won't we?” Doc picked up a little sponge and cracked the handle, watching as the contents of the handle soaked the cotton end and the smell of antiseptic filled the room again. He scrubbed Peter’s forearm with it vigorously enough to make the boy wince.
“Come on, you can't be serious! What if you do accidentally kill him? You'll ruin all your fun.”
“Nonsense. An autopsy would still reveal plenty. Besides, Stark, you're missing the point.” He cleaned the whole front of Peter’s arm with the tool before he tossed it into a nearby waste bin, fanning Peter’s arm to dry it. “I want to see how much I can take. Peter will pass out long before it would kill him. And with his healing factor, I might even have to cut him multiple times to fill it.”
“Cut him��” Tony stopped as Doc flashed a scalp at him in the light, and he saw the boy swallow hard, though he'd said nothing since the doctor entered and seemed to have no inclination to anytime soon. “You can't be serious. Isn't that what the IV-thing is for?”
“If I draw too much blood from that vein, I risk blowing it. Which would mean starting over with a new one.” Doc didn't even look at him, though he did offer a little half-smirk directed at Peter. “I trust you'd prefer this to that.”
The kid nodded his head yes. Which was literally insane. But then… The line had obviously hurt him a lot, and the scalpel was sharp. It actually might hurt less this way, though that didn't mean Tony had to like it.
“Right then.” Doc twirled the scalpel in his fingers. “Here we go.”
Tony could only watch in horrified fascination as the doctor sliced straight down the teen’s arm, a long cut from just below the major veins in his wrist to right above the crook in his elbow. Blood poured from the wound, dripping in fat red droplets into the plastic pan below.
At least, it did for maybe a solid minute. The flow of blood slowed over the course of the next few minutes into nothing more than a trickle as the boy’s skin tried to knit itself back together right in front of them. Turning white and then pink at the edges until it progressed into nothing but a faint line with blood welling just under the surface. It wouldn't take much to reopen it, but…
“Fascinating,” the doctor breathed, and Tony hated that his own thoughts echoed the word. He wasn't sure even Steve Rogers healed with that kind of efficiency.
It was obvious that that kind of healing didn't come easy to the kid, though. Peter’s head was still resting against the back of the chair, and his jaw was clenched tightly, his discomfort apparent. His eyes flickered gently, not quite unfocused, but not as alert as he was just a few minutes before, either.
Without a word, Doc split the cut open again. Peter hissed out a pained breath for the first time, squeezing his eyes shut as the blood poured from the wound.
It went on like that for longer than Tony would have liked. The wound took longer to close every time Doc reopened it, and gradually, the color drained from Peter’s face, until he was boneless, slumped in the chair. The way his eyes were flickering made it clear that he was barely holding on to consciousness.
“Mr. Stark…” The words were slow, a whisper, hard for him to get out. Raising his voice seemed impossible.
“I'm right here, kid.” And growing increasingly anxious with every minute, but he didn't say so. The doctor wouldn't really bleed the kid to death in front of him, would he?
“Gonna pass out now, I think.” He was shivering now, too. “I’m… sorry.”
“Don't be,” Tony was quick to assure. “Rest, kid. I'll be here when you wake up.”
You will wake up. I promise.
But he couldn't promise that, so he left it unspoken.
Only once Peter’s eyes were finally closed and his breathing was deep, even though it wasn't quite steady, did Tony turn back to the doctor. “Would you fucking stop?”
“Last time,” Doc answered, almost absently, eyes on the wound on Peter’s arm, which seemed to be struggling to close itself this time. The tub under his arm was almost full. It had to be at least two liters worth of blood.
“What the hell are you going to do with all that blood anyway?” Tony snapped, shifting his weight uncomfortably in his bonds.
“Test it, of course. Surely a scientist such as yourself knows the rules of 2s. Double what you think you'll need, and do all the tests twice to be certain of correct results.”
“That's not what I meant. Whatever you're planning – it doesn't require you to know the ins and outs of Peter’s DNA. If it did you wouldn't have kidnapped us both at the same time. This is personal, isn't it?”
“I wouldn't call it personal, Mr. Stark. The same way I don't hold you in the highest regard – or the lowest, but I needed you out of the way all the same. It's a matter of business.” Doc shrugged.
“Business. Right. So someone is paying you to cut the kid apart.” Tony didn't try to hide his distaste, even as his mind spun, trying to figure out who it could be. But he didn't know enough about Peter or Spider-Man to know who all his potential enemies could be.
“That's putting it a bit strongly, but yes. I have an… old friend, you could say, who is quite interested in how Mr. Parker got his powers. And to just what extent they work for him.”
The bleeding finally slowed enough that Doc grabbed a pack of gauze, pressing one end of it right over the cut and earning a small whimper from the unconscious boy. Tony gritted his teeth, watching as he wrapped the gauze around Peter’s arm.
“So you share your evil plot with close associates–” presumably to warn them to get out of the city, if the scale of what he'd been warning them about was to be believed, “ –and one of them propositions you to experiment on Peter while you have him. Why?”
“Why not? Don't you find it fascinating? Imagine the breakthroughs science could have if they tested on an enhanced individual, someone who wasn't so easy to accidentally kill.”
“Oh, and I suppose you think yourself a visionary for being willing to sacrifice a kid to do that?” The doctor didn’t bite, so he continued pushing. “I don't see you performing any legitimate trials on the kid. There's no world in which bloodletting someone becomes a useful medical treatment.”
Infuriatingly, Doc just chuckled. He was unbothered by Tony’s words as he lifted the tub of Peter’s blood onto his rolling cart nearby. “We’re just getting started, Stark. Careful what you wish for.” He set it down and looked at Tony directly for what might have been the first time, studying him. “Isn't this the time you should be begging me to spare the boy’s life instead of critiquing a scientific method you don't understand?”
Tony pressed his lips together. It annoyed him how blaise the other man was being about this whole thing. He knew begging wouldn't do either of them any good, not with the utter lack of humanity this doctor had already shown. “You already know I would do anything to protect him if you would let me. But I also know you have no intention of letting me.”
“I can't let you interfere with my plans so severely, I’m afraid. But you should know, Mr. Stark, that the boy doesn't have to die.” He started wheeling the cart toward the door.
“What?” Tony’s head whipped toward him, eyes tracking every step the doctor took away. “Then why would you say–”
“To keep him compliant. Why else?” Doc laughed, not manically, but not in any manner that sounded sane, either. As if the question was funny to him. “Besides, I can't promise he won't. Not with the tests we intend to do. But I haven't been paid to kill him. In fact I know quite a few people that might find more use for him alive when all of this is over. He’d fetch a pretty penny in some circles.”
The words sent fury sweeping through Tony again, followed closely by fear, cold and heavy in his chest. He could only imagine the kind of people who’d be willing to pay for an enhanced teenager, with whoever was paying the Doc to pick him apart being the least of his worries. “You son of a–”
“Careful, Stark. Pop off too much and I won't give you the opportunity to put in your own bid.”
Tony's jaw snapped shut at the words. It took him a moment to understand the full impact of them, but when he did, it made his stomach twist.
This asshole was offering him the opportunity to buy Peter from him. As if he was some insane billionaire with a reason to buy a teenager on the black market–
But what if he did? What if he offered him more money than anyone else ever could? There was no telling whether the guy meant it or how Peter would react to finding that out. But if it saved him from a terrible fate…
He couldn't believe he was saying this, but–
“How much?” He ground the words out, eyes narrowed as he stared down the doctor from across the room.
“How much is his life worth to you?” Doc smirked, stopping just before he left Tony’s peripheral vision. Before he could answer, Doc added, “Don't answer now. Just think about it. Oh, and you'd be smart not to mention any of this to the kid. I'm sure he wouldn't like to hear that his hero would even consider such a thing. And it would be a shame to put the idea into his head that you would hurt him, say… by making you participate in his next test.” Doc started walking again. “Try to rest, Stark. You'll need it.”
Tony strained against the ropes again as the doctor walked away, too calmly, cursing under his breath in the sudden quiet of the room.
The door closed behind Doc, leaving Tony alone with the unconscious Peter Parker and his racing thoughts as he waited for the boy to wake up.
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tonystarchive · 2 years ago
Would anyone be interested in me making a masterlist of Irondad whump? Because, let me tell you I am stocked.
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sireforest · 1 year ago
A call to Pepper and a rescue.
Chapter 2 is finally out!
First of all, SO SORRY for posting this over the weekend and then not announcing it until now, and even more sorry that it took me a month to write this. Some very "this is on par for a ao3 author" shit happened and I have unfortunately not gotten myself to write until Friday night, where I went into what can only be described as Irondad fueled mania and finished this chapter.
Considering either uploading the first chapter of Peter's POV (which has been a WIP since longer than the idea of this fic has even existed) or adding a small little filler chapter of Pepper explaining what the fuck is going on to Morgan.
Also, who was going to tell me there was an entire awards thing for Irondad and Spiderson fics and other media? Or was I just supposed to find out on my own? Because I have now and oh my god, every single fic from all 3 years is on my reading list. I'm gonna be busy the next few months with all of this, XD.
As always, comments and kudos mean the absolute WORLD to me and I would so love if you guys read the fic. I'm putting a lot into it. ❤❤
Love you guys.
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fooligancity · 2 years ago
also what the hell is with fans wanting Anyone except aunt may or uncle ben to be peter parkers actual parents. that is not how found family works OR how peter parker works
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that-agender-from-pluto · 1 year ago
I just read the best Peter parker whump fics ever
And I fell in love with a new authors writing style
So a good time all around
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builder051 · 1 month ago
Here’s your weekly fic from the archives! It’s been a fan favorite with over 500 notes. I hope you enjoy!
hi there! i’ve been scrolling through your spider-man fics and I was wondering if you could do one where peter thinks he’s just hot or his adrenaline rush faded while on patrol and doesn’t realize he’s sick until he blacks out (maybe with tony or may in there?) if you can’t get to it no biggie im just in the mood for peter whump
I have a headache and a half as I’m writing this, so it may or may not be absolute crap…
This is a banger of a prompt!
“You ok, kid?”
“Huh?  What?”  Peter hurriedly straightens up, lifting his chin from his hands and blinking at Mr. Stark through the eyes of his mask.
“You alright?” Tony repeats.
“Oh, yeah, of course,” Peter says, fighting vertigo from his sudden movement.  “I’m good.  I’m fine.”  He looks around at the lunchtime commuters populating the subway car.  Everyone’s minding their own business for the time being, but Peter can’t shake a feeling of paranoia.  “You don’t have to ride with me.  I can take care of myself on the subway.”
“I know you can,” Tony says, retracting his faceplate so Peter can see the sincere, if not slightly exasperated, look on his face.  “But you’re spun up.  You’re shaky.  I want to make sure you get home ok.”
“I’m not…” Peter protests, clamping his hands between his knees to hide the obvious tremor.  “I’m fine.”
“You know, you keep saying that, and I keep not quite believing you.”
Peter starts to contradict him again, but Tony cuts him off.  “It’s nothing against you.  But if you get hurt during internship activities, then I could be held liable, and I don’t want that kind of mark on my reputation.  The company really doesn’t need any more legal troubles.”
“Oh.”  Peter senses a story there, and he’s tempted to ask Mr. Stark to elaborate.  A wave of dizzying rises in his chest, though, and Peter drops his forehead back into his palms.  He wonders if he’s going to throw up.
“See, this is why I’m worried,” Tony sighs, patting Peter on the shoulder.  The coolness of his metal glove feels good. “You’ve got some serious sweat stains going.  You look sick.  What’s up?”
“We just finished a mission,” Peter mutters.  “I’m hot.  I have…adrenaline… or whatever.”
“Alright, I’ll back off,” Tony says, holding up his hands.  “But you’d tell me if something was wrong?  You know I have issues with anxiety, right?”
“Yeah, Mr. Stark.”  Peter swallows hard.  “Of course.”  The train slows to a stop, and Peter uses the pole in front of him to haul himself to his feet.  It’s a five-minute walk from the station up to his apartment; he hopes he can make it inside before he…
Peter peels his eyes open and immediately regrets it.  Flourescent subway lights make his eyes burn.  He starts to sit up, but the force of nausea and a strong hand on his shoulder push him back to the ground.  “Stay down.  You’re not getting up and falling over again, you hear me?”
“Ugh.  Yeah,” Peter groans.
“You should’ve told me you felt sick.”  Tony leans over him, his mouth set in a frown and concern lining his eyes.
“I’m ok, I just…” Peter mumbles, rubbing his eyes through the mask.  He can feel sweat collecting on his temples as his throat tightens up.
“No, you’re not.  I’m in charge now, like I should’ve been from the beginning.”  Tony shakes his head.  “You’re gonna sit still until I can get you something to perk your blood sugar back up.  And you need to be honest with me.  Like, always.”
“Mr. Stark,” Peter breathes.  “I think I’m gonna throw up.”  He gags and fights to get his quivering fingers under the bottom of his mask.
“Oh geez.  Ok,” Tony says, cringing.  “But, good.  Communication.  That’s the key.”
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rvenzr · 10 days ago
just posted a oneshot!!
id love if you guys could check it out! :D
its an irondad + spiderson fic
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month ago
I survived my trip to Gotham
by GGBubbles I guess have read more Peter Parker and Dc universe crossovers Peter Parker as Bruce Wayne biological son Read to know more? Words: 2163, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), DC Universe Online, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Jason Todd, Original Characters, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake (DCU), Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Banner, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Joker (DCU), Duke Thomas, Clark Kent, Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Uncle Ben Parker (Marvel), Richard Parker (Marvel), Mary Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Peter Parker & Damian Wayne, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Marvel Cinematic Crossover Exchange, DC Comics References, Kid Peter Parker, Fluff and Angst, Father-Son Relationship, Brothers, Family Fluff, Batfamily (DCU), Bruce Wayne is Batman, Hurt Peter Parker, Dead Uncle Ben Parker (Marvel), Dead Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Damian Wayne is Robin, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Protective Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker Wears Glasses, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions via https://ift.tt/qYZm70X
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revengewitch · 1 year ago
In the bustling city, Peter Parker is on the brink of a bright future, having secured a spot in one of the region's top universities.
However, when he shares the joyous news with his mentor and father figure, Tony Stark, an unexpected turn of events shrouds Peter's excitement in mystery.
An unforeseen illness linked to his spider DNA forces Peter into Mr. Stark's care, the man does everything he can to heal but Peter's condition just keeps getting worse.
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marvelvillian23 · 2 years ago
Does anyone know where I can found a fic called How To Change A Person? It was a Winterspider BuckyxPeter and Irondad (no incest). It was on AO3 by an author Jennypin99 until it was turn Anonymous, now it’s deleted. I would really appreciate if someone will let me know if there’s anyway I can find this fic.
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 2 months ago
We Are TroubleD – “Try to Forget Him” (Pre-capture)
Written as a part of whumperofworlds' WoW's Birthday Whump Event! 2024
Day 7 and 12 (my chosen prompts are bolded) - Bloodied knuckles / Wounded / "Is that blood?!", Magic exhaustion / Collapsed / "So tired..." / Alternate prompt: Poison
Event page | My event participation masterpost | “We Are TroubleD” Masterpost | Previous | Next
Content warnings: Alcohol, blood, drinking, emotional whump, heartache from breakups, injuries, jealousy, off-screen homophobia mention, pining after unrequited love, self-loathing, smoking, swearing
                Tonight was going to be hard. There was no other choice though, Tristan had to do it. Only about a week had passed since his latest boyfriend, Spencer, had broken up with him, and Tristan needed help to move on. When Darius had first suggested the night out at Dorothy’s, Tristan wasn’t too sure… he hadn’t visited the LGBTQ+ nightclub in months, but Darius insisted that getting back out into the scene would be healthy and good for him.
                “It’ll bolster your confidence!” Darius had said. “You need to be reminded that you’re one hot son of a bitch. One stupid boy can’t take that away from you.”
                “And what if no one there wants me?”
                “Then you’ll still have a great night hanging out with me, and that’s worth something, right?”
                Tristan had mulled it over a bit, but Darius was right; he normally had pretty good intuition about these things. What was the worst that could happen? Maybe there was someone new and better out there for him. Either way, he was relieved that Darius committed to go with him. Tristan felt fragile, emotional, and raw, and having his best friend by his side would surely help to ease his aching heart.
                The night of the outing arrived, and Tristan found himself fretting over his outfit in his bedroom mirror. He was sporting a teal Hawaiian shirt with a tasteful tropical leaf pattern on it, chartreuse shorts, and brightly colored socks sticking out of red high-top converse. He wasn’t going to win a “best dressed” competition by any means, but for him it was a lot of effort.
                He had never been a super fashionable guy—that was definitely Darius’ realm— but he hoped that he looked alright for the evening. It was as much peacocking as he could bring himself to do. The outfit hopefully said “Hey, I’m a fun guy! Super chill and laid back, just like someone on a tropical beach vacation! Please talk to me!”.
                The trick was figuring out how risqué he wanted to be. For him, such a decision came in the form of an obscenely scandalous choice of either buttoning up the top button of his shirt or leaving it open to expose some of his chest. He did and undid the thing several times, but simply couldn’t decide on the look. With a sigh, he gave up. It’s not like it’d make much of a difference, anyway.
                Tristan glanced down at his watch and made a noise of discontentment; it was later than he wanted it to be. Hastily he decided on leaving the shirt buttoned, then headed off down the hall toward their bathroom to collect Darius.
                Something small, circular, and black startled him on the floor, and he flinched back in surprise thinking that it was a spider. Quickly he realized that it was nothing more than one of Darius’ many elastic hair ties. Once his heart stopped racing, Tristan bent down and scooped it up. He figured he’d just toss it into the drawer by the bathroom sink, but something stopped him.
                He twirled the little band between his fingers and was reminded of the time that he had come back from class completely exhausted and down in the dumps. Things really hadn’t gone his way that day- he had multiple projects due that week, one of his professors had added onto that heap by giving him yet another tough assignment, and things in his personal life… weren’t great.
                He had flopped down on the living room couch and given up on the world for the night when something small hit and bounced off his shoulder- a hair tie. Across the room was Darius, leaning against the doorframe trying to play it cool and appear innocent.
                “You looked sad.” Darius observed. Tristan vented the situation to him, and Darius patiently listened, but after the fact he shot another hair tie at him. And another. And another. Apparently, he had squirreled away an entire handful.
                At first Tristan was irritated, and he almost snapped at Darius until he saw the playful smirk creeping across his friend’s face. Darius was playing with him, trying to get him to loosen up a bit and blow off steam. Tristan relented… Laughter was pretty good medicine.
                It wasn’t long before they were engaged in a full-on war in their apartment, complete with furniture flipped over to hide behind as shields as they flung elastic hair ties and rubber bands at each other. It was stupid, but it was fun, and it did in fact melt away Tristan’s stress, making it easier for him to later focus and buckle down to get through that hellish week of work.   
                He needed that now- extra strength to get through the night. It sucked to be on your own again. It’s not like he had dated Spencer for long, and he wasn’t really vibing with him much anyway, but it was the thought of being alone that scared Tristan. He wanted that safety. That stress relief. That companionship…
                Tristan slipped the hair tie around his wrist and quietly decided that it was a good luck charm for the night… A simple reminder that it was okay to let loose and have fun, even when things seemed hard. He was glad that Darius took the time to assure him of things like that.
                … Plus, Darius had a million hair ties anyway. He wouldn’t miss this one. Tristan could probably collect a whole sleeve of them if he picked up every one he randomly found around their house.
                The bathroom door was still shut. Really? Darius was still getting ready? They were going to the club, not the Met Gala. Tristan knocked.
                “Almost done!” Darius called.
                “Hurry up!” Tristan barked.
                The door lazily creaked open, revealing Darius messing with his eyeliner in the mirror.
                “Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know. Being beautiful takes time.”
                Tristan cocked his head to the side. Darius was hopeless. “The universe has given you all the time you needed and then some.” he said, and he meant it, especially when Darius turned around with a flattered twinkle in his eye.
                “Awww, thanks!” he chirped. He probably thought that Tristan was just being nice, but really, truly, Tristan thought that Darius Astor was one of the most beautiful boys he had ever laid eyes on.
                Tonight Darius looked like he would fit in at any goth-themed event in town, which really wasn’t too far from his normal MO aside from looking a little more rave-ready. He wore a cropped black tanktop that hugged his chest in all the right ways and showed off where defined abs would be if he exercised more. Fishnet sleeves trailed down his arms and ended at his black-painted nails. Tripp pants made for a striking silhouette that Darius didn’t often flaunt (he tended to be a skinny jeans guy most of the time), especially with all the bits and bobs dangling down. Those pants always cracked Tristan up- they were so over the top with their straps and chains. On the bright side, with all the resulting jingling, Darius would be hard to lose in a crowd.
                Darius really had nailed the look, right down to his accessories- a matching studded belt and bracelet, a spiked choker, a face full of tastefully spooky makeup, and of course his signature platform leather boots.
                As per usual, he was a vision. A gorgeous sight to behold. Every inch of him was flawless.
                Tristan stared. Man, maybe his stiffest competition for the night would be Darius. With looks like that, everyone would fall for him. After all, he certainly had Tristan’s attention.
                … Wait— O-oh… no… No. Not like that.
                Not again…
                Tristan tossed his head, physically shaking the thought away as if he hadn’t considered it a million times before. Fuck. No. He shouldn’t think about Darius that way. He shouldn’t.
                Luckily he was interrupted by Darius studying his look.
                “Ooh, tropical? That’s fun.” he said. “I love it, but why so conservative?”
                Darius tapped at his sternum, indicating the top button of Tristan’s shirt.
                Tristan shifted. “I wasn’t sure if I should open it or not. What do you think?”
                “Definitely unbutton it. Show off a little!”
                There really wasn’t much to show off, but Tristan didn’t need to be told twice. If Darius thought that was the better style, he’d listen. He undid his top, and the two were off.
                Even before getting inside, Tristan could tell that Dorothy’s was hopping. It was to be expected though, as almost any club on a Saturday night would be bustling. All the same, it really had been a while since Tristan had been there… he had forgotten just how crazy the crowds could be. Thankfully he knew that soon things would settle down as the masses split up either to sit and watch the drag show downstairs, or to head up to the club’s second story to dance. He and Darius hadn’t even gotten to the front door when he heard someone calling their names.
                “Tristan! Darius! Hey!!” he perked up at the sound of the familiar voice. Was that—?            
                A girl about Darius’ age bounded up to them, and the boys recognized her immediately: Cici, one of their closest friends, and Darius’ ex-girlfriend. Her long brilliant red hair popped against her sparkly lavender crop top and y2k-chic denim bellbottoms adorned with a stenciled-on star pattern.              
                “Oh hey!” Darius’ eyes lit up at the sight of her and he reached out and pulled her into a hello hug, then kissed her on the cheek in greeting. It was just a quick little peck, but all the same, Tristan pretended not to notice. Despite the two having broken up from their romantic relationship not too long ago, Darius and Cici were still close. Very close. That was fine… But like… did he have to kiss her?
                Cici didn’t seem to mind. She laughed and gave Darius a gentle shove back in response.
                “Careful,” she warned, though her tone was sarcastic and playful. “If you act like that then people will think we’re still together... Or worse: straight.”
                Darius flashed a cheeky grin, a mischievous look that could get him into trouble just as easily as it could get him out of it.
                “That’s bi-erasure.” he joked, and Cici shook her head fondly. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
                “Same as you, Lover Boy.” Cici replied. “I’m looking for my rebound. You can’t distract me. I’m the pan with a plan.” They both snickered.
                “Me? Looking for a rebound?” Darius scoffed. “Babe, there’s simply no replacing you.”
                Ah. They were flirting. They were broken up, yet they were still flirting with each other…
                Tristan instantly felt like a third wheel. His shoulders sank and he stared at the two of them, though he didn’t mean to watch so intently.
                Cici was a beautiful, loving girl, and he never was surprised that Darius had fallen so hard for her. She had only been a positive influence on him, and Lord did Darius need that when she first came into their lives. By some miracle, she had managed to mostly calm him down from his rebellious streak and really bring him out of his shell in a way that Tristan had never fully been able to. She was a bright light in Darius’ weird—and at the time, morose—world, and undoubtedly she had changed him for the better.
                Their relationship had been solid for ages, but over time cracks began to form. Small issues compounded, and after a while it became clear that they both had aspects of themselves that they wanted to improve upon or explore. Darius still didn’t fully have a handle on some of his self-destructive habits, and Cici began to realize just how much she was attracted to other women.
                There was no falling out or blowup that ended things, the two just decided that it was best to go at it alone for a while as they figured themselves out and grew up a bit. Maybe once they had lived a little more, they would find their way back together, but only time would tell.
                Despite the split being mutual, it wound up being a lot harder on Darius than he anticipated. Cici had been his longest romantic partner to date, lasting a few years. He missed her company in that respect but was thankful to still have her friendship and support. It was a relief that they were still so close, because Tristan figured that things would get super weird and awkward in the friend group if one or both of them suddenly decided to leave. Cici had been the one to bring them together in the first place; it wouldn’t be right to have her or Darius duck out over personal issues.  
                But again, did he have to kiss her?
                Tristan’s ears felt hot, and he finally came to his senses enough to realize that he was still looking at the pair. He snapped back to reality just in time, because Cici turned her attention to him and stepped around Darius to give Tristan a hug as well. She always wanted to make sure that everyone felt welcome and seen.
                As he hugged her back and said his hellos, he prayed that she missed how flustered he was. And like… why? It made no sense for him to be so out of sorts, especially around her, but tonight he felt caught off guard by her presence. He really hoped it would just be him and Darius, but… the more the merrier he supposed…?
                The three of them headed inside, and it wasn’t long before they decided to go upstairs to check out the bar and dance area. Cici came and went, occasionally striking up chats with lonely-looking girls, but she and Darius kept meeting back up and getting lost in conversation. It was bugging Tristan, and he couldn’t figure out why. Maybe it was how he felt like he disappeared when the two started talking, as if the wall swallowed him up and he was nothing more than a decoration in the background- ever present, but ultimately ignored. He really didn’t need that tonight.
                Eventually he gave up, resigned to the fact that Darius had been lost to the land of the ex. Whatever, they could catch up if they wanted to. Tristan had nothing against Cici, but he had his own priorities tonight and really didn’t feel like hanging around her. He hoped he wasn’t being rude when he excused himself to go grab a drink from the bar.
                “What would you like?” The bartender asked him.
                “A White Russian.” Tristan said bitterly, and the irony wasn’t lost on him. Frankly he also would have enjoyed Sex on the Beach. 
                Stop it, Tris. Stop it.
                The server slid his drink over. Maybe Tristan was going a little hard right out of the gate, but he didn’t care.
                As he sipped the cocktail, he scoped out the other clubgoers. There were plenty of cute guys around, but no one really struck his fancy or seemed like they were open to talking. To be honest, Tristan didn’t really know if he was, either.
                His vision kept finding its way back over to Cici and Darius, who were standing close together by the stairwell. Cici beamed and played with her hair while Darius busted up laughing at whatever she had just said.
                Tristan had seen them like that a thousand times before. Afterall, they had been together for years. Why, why, why then was it simply eating him alive tonight? It was so much easier to keep his feelings in check when Darius and Cici were dating, but Darius didn’t belong to her anymore.
                He didn’t belong to anybody.
                That was the problem.
                A song started playing from the DJ booth- something with an industrial sound as heavy as the thoughts pounding in Tristan’s mind.
                I don't wanna share this space                 I don't wanna force a smile                 This one girl taps my insecurities                 Don't know if it's real or if I'm spiraling
                Charlie XCX. Great music, great album. Horrible time for that particular song to play. Tristan forced himself to tear away his gaze and took a large swig of his drink. He needed to forget it. All of it. He needed to forget about the relationship that he so desperately wanted. He needed to forget how lonely he was. He really needed to forget—
                “Hey bud, how you doing?”
                Darius. While Tristan was lost in thought, he must have come over. The boy hopped up on the stool beside him, his eyes gleaming with that mischievous sparkle that implied that he had just said something cheeky and maybe a pinch irreverent. He must have sent Cici off with some smart aleck remark or groan-worthy pun. He was alone now, though.
                Tristan couldn’t look at him. “I’m fine.” he replied, not peering up from the glass in his hand.
                “Are you?” God, Darius was good. It was hard to hide anything from him. That was to be expected from your best friend, though, especially when Tristan was so horrible at masking. Darius leaned in a bit, studying him a little more intensely.
                Tristan ran his hand down his face hoping to wipe his expression clear of any sort of outward turmoil, then turned to look at him finally.
                “Yeah, I just…” he wasn’t quite sure where he was going with that sentence, trailing off and ending it with a sigh.
                Darius softened and gave him an understanding look. “Hey, I’m sorry.”
                What was he apologizing for? There was no way he could know that Tristan was thinking about—
                “But screw Spencer. You don’t need him.” 
                Right… Spencer… That was who Tristan was supposed to be upset about tonight. That was who he was supposed to be mourning. That was who he was supposed to want. It was so stupid and fake. So disingenuous…
                He took another sip of his drink, then nodded halfheartedly.
                “You’re right.” Tristan said “I don’t need him. I don’t— I dunno what I need.”
                'Cause I couldn't even be her if I tried                 I'm opposite, I'm on the other side                 I feel all these feelings I can't control                 Oh no, don't know why
                Darius reached out and lightly tapped the back of his knuckle against Tristan’s free hand, sending a tingling spark through him.
                “You can start with a friend.” Darius said, a gentle smile touching his lips.
                Fuck that smile. Fuck that confidence. Fuck that tenderness. It just made Tristan want him more.
                All this sympathy is just a knife                 Why I can't even grit my teeth and lie?                 I feel all these feelings I can't control                 Oh no, don't know
                Tristan was transfixed by Darius’ gaze. Those warm chocolate eyes held him captive, silently telling him that everything was going to be okay… or at least that’s what Tristan wanted to believe.
                “Y-yeah.” Tristan said at last, breaking eye contact. “Thanks.” he chugged the rest of his drink and set the glass down on the counter with a clink.
                “Any time, Tris. I’m here for you.”
                The two sat in silence for a minute or two, Darius peoplewatching and Tristan waiting for some sort of buzz. The song switched to something bouncier and fun, and Tristan noticed Darius nodding along to it absentmindedly.
                Fuck it. He’d shoot his shot.
                “Do you wanna dance?” Tristan asked timidly.
                Darius swiveled back around and regarded him fondly. He wasn’t much one for dancing on his own, but he’d indulge almost any of Tristan’s requests if he asked. He’d do a lot of things for Tristan that he wouldn’t do for anyone else.
                “You coming with me?” he asked.
                “Of course!” Tristan hopped up from his seat and reached out for Darius. His friend took hold of his hands and slid down after him, then they made their way over to the dance floor.
                The crowd’s energy was vivacious and undeniably electric- beautiful people were throwing their arms up in the air and shaking their cares away. It would be impossible to be sad in such company.
                The boys squeezed through the sea of dancers and made their way back to a corner of the room near the video screens. Tristan had intentionally led Darius away from the view of the bar and lounge area, so they’d be relatively hidden and hard to spot.
                Every thump of the bass from the speakers shook Tristan right through his chest, consuming his very being. It didn’t take long at all for him to lose himself in the beat, and his other senses were quickly hijacked as well between the lights spinning dizzyingly overhead, the fog machines, the blinking colors on the ground, the videos on the wall, the disco ball hanging from the ceiling…
                It was overwhelming. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t process anything. He couldn’t feel.
                It was perfect. Maybe he didn’t need that drink after all. Maybe he just needed to be here.
                A blast of the delicately scented fog belched from one of the machines and momentarily swallowed Tristan’s vision. The rest of the club disappeared entirely aside from the flashing colors in the mist. He was alone, but only for a second. Darius emerged, positioned right before him. He grinned as he shimmied back and forth to the music, an expectant look on his face waiting for Tristan to join him.
                Together they jumped, rocked, and hopped from side-to-side to the club classics being spun. During a more trancey song Darius closed his eyes and blissfully brought his head back, clearly enchanted by the rhythm. He was fully relaxed, something he rarely tended to ever be in public spaces. It was a lovely, dreamy scene.
                Another puff of fog hissed from the machine, enveloping the area where the boys were dancing. Once more the rest of the crowd faded away as a song that Tristan recognized came on. He had heard it once before and remembered liking it enough to Shazam it. He tried to recall the title. “Jenny” by… gosh, what was the band… “Studio Killers” or something?  
                Jenny darling, you’re my best friend                 But there’s a few things that you don’t know of                 Why I borrow your lipstick so often                 I’m using your shirt as a pillowcase
                Darius had opened his eyes and was peering at Tristan now, swaying back and forth and bobbing his shoulders up and down to the beat. Did he know the song, too? Their vision connected, and Darius took that as an invitation to move closer. He danced his way up to Tristan with a goofy expression clearly meant to make him laugh, especially when paired with his silly, exaggerated dance moves. It worked, Tristan cracked up during the chorus, entirely missing the words as he twirled in a circle and made his own wacky motions, trying to get Darius to laugh back.
                Jenny, darling, you're my best friend                 I've been doing bad things that you don't know about                 Stealing your stuff now and then                 Nothing you'd miss, but it means the world to me
                During the second verse they were so wrapped up in their lighthearted dance battle that neither was fully aware of just how close they were getting. Before they knew it, they were touching each other. It started with Darius making a very serious expression, grabbing Tristan’s hand and lacing his fingers through his, bringing it up, and staring deeply into his eyes.
                “Dance with me, Lyubimyy.” he purred in a deep, overly dramatic tone. In the blink of an eye Darius’ other hand was on the small of Tristan’s back, and he dipped him backwards like they were entangled in a passionate tango. Tristan yelped in surprise but trusted that Darius wouldn’t drop him. They both were laughing as Darius hauled him back up. The boy was ridiculous.
                Another blast of fog hid the rest of the club from view. It was just the two of them again, or so it seemed. Tristan and Darius. The only two people in the club. The only two people in the entire world.
                Tristan answered Darius’ moves by grabbing his hips and pulling him in close. Darius’ face lit up with a playful glee, and he took the hint, wrapping his arms around the back of Tristan’s neck. They swayed and grinded against each other as the chorus played once again.
                I wanna ruin our friendship                 We should be lovers instead                 I don’t know how to say this                 ‘Cause you’re really my dearest friend
                Tristan heard the words that time, and his eyes went wide. Oh shit. That was why he remembered liking this song. Darius didn’t seem to notice his panic though- his eyes slipped shut and he pressed his forehead against Tristan’s to catch his breath, knowing that he wouldn’t mind.
                Darius was hot and sweaty, but he was right; Tristan didn’t mind. Not one bit.
                Gingerly Tristan raised a hand up and cupped the side of Darius’ face in a gentle action that he could have easily played off as a caring caress to comfort his winded friend. Darius leaned into the touch with a pleasant grin.
                The blonde held his breath. He wanted to kiss him so badly.
                Jenny, take my hand                 'Cause we are more than friends                 I will follow you until the end                 Jenny, take my hand                 I cannot pretend                 Why I never like your new boyfriends                 Oh, your love for them won’t last long
                Darius’ arms had returned to his sides, and Tristan grabbed one of his hands, then brought it up to spin Darius out and away from him. Darius followed the motion, fully into their continued masquerade game.
                Forget those amigos                 Oh, your love for them won't last long
                Darius wound himself back in and spun into Tristan’s embrace.
                Forget those amigos                 Forget those amigos
                The beat picked up again and Tristan let go, then the two fully broke apart and gave each other some space again, jumping and going all out for the end of the song.
                I wanna ruin our friendship                 We should be lovers instead                 I don't know how to say this                 'Cause you're really my dearest friend                 Oh, your love for them won't last long                 We should be lovers instead                 Oh, your love for them won't last long                 'Cause you really are my dearest friend
                The song faded out and blended into Chappell Roan’s “Good Luck, Babe!”, a welcome break from the higher BPM stuff the DJ had been blasting for the last 10 or 15 minutes. Darius fanned himself with his palms and took a step back, that wonderful blissful look still plastered on his face.
                “Phew! Thanks Tris, that was fun! I think I need a breather, though.” He pulled a water bottle from one of his deep cargo pockets and guzzled it down, then checked his text messages. “Cici’s outside. I’m gonna join her to cool off. You wanna come?”
                Of course she was. Of course he’d be going to see her. Back to reality.
                “You go ahead, I’ll be there in a bit.” Tristan answered. “I’ve just gotta…” he pointed to the bathroom, and Darius nodded in understanding and gave him a friendly pat on the back.
                “Okay man, see you out there.”
                Darius turned and made his way to the stairs and once again Tristan caught himself staring, watching him leave as if he hadn’t seen him walk away a thousand times before.
                You can kiss a hundred boys in bars                 Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling                 You can say it's just the way you are                 Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
                There was a pang in his heart, and he felt like such a damn fool. He hated himself. He really did. He finally broke from his trance and made his way to the bathroom, silently cursing the Midwest Princess’ words as he blinked hard, trying to force back the tears that were welling up in his eyes. He couldn’t keep doing this. Something eventually had to give.
                Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe                 (well, good luck)                 You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
                Tristan descended the staircase down to the main floor and shuffled outside, figuring that Darius and Cici were most likely on the patio. As he rounded the corner, he spotted them, Darius lounging on one of the railings and Cici seated beside him at a table.
                The two were engaged in a conversation with one of the club’s drag performers, Steeple Towers- a very tall queen decked out in a gorgeous sparkly hot pink number, complete with a comically oversized bow on the back of her dress. Her cotton candy-esque wig was so poofy and enormous that it probably should have had a blinking light on top to warn airplanes to steer clear. 
                For a second, Tristan was too shy to approach. He had met several of the local drag performers before when they were their normal selves. Darius knew some of them from school and had even invited them over for dinner a time or two. They were all very kind, sweet guys and loved trading makeup tips and tricks. But man, when they put on their drag personas it was like they were different people. Fierce, confident, scary… not frightening, just scary in how incredible and otherworldly they were. It blew Tristan away how someone could be so well put together and perfect that they were intimidating.
                How cool it would be to have even a shred of that fun, unapologetically outgoing personality…
                He took a step forward but spotted something that he really didn’t like- between Darius’ fingers was a lit cigarette. With utter disdain, Tristan watched as the smoke curled up toward the sky. Ugh. Darius hadn’t indulged in that vice for quite a while.
                Cici had an equally disapproving look on her face, watching judgmentally as Darius took a long drag of it. She had been the one to spearhead the campaign to make him quit, and all of their friends had joined in the journey to help him along the path.
                Darius saw her staring and grinned innocently with the stupid object between his teeth.
                “I love you!” He tried, but Cici shook her head. He withdrew the cigarette and blew the smoke straight up into the air like a chimney, then snuffed the thing out on the railing without it even being half spent. “Fine, fine. Don’t give me that look…”
                Cici’s face melted into a satisfied expression, but she turned to Steeple and crossed her arms.
                “I told you not to enable him, damnit!” she chided. Steeple threw her hands up as if being accosted by a cop, but she was still playing her saucy character.
                “Arrest me then, officer! I’m only guilty of giving this cutie pie what he wants.”
                It was a funny scene. Tristan should have wanted to join in and play along. He should have wanted to take a seat and chat with them in the nice evening air. He should have been enjoying himself tonight… but he couldn’t get up the nerve to go over.
                He felt that same pang in his heart and tried to figure out why. Was it the pain of seeing Darius hurt himself again by smoking? Or was it once again seeing him with her…?
                ‘I love you!’ Darius had said in that cutesy voice that begged “Don’t be mad at me!”. He said stuff like that all the time to get out of trouble.
                But he had said it to Cici, and once, he did love her.
                … God, was he ever gonna stop?
                Tristan clenched his fists. This wasn’t healthy. He shouldn’t be thinking about Cici like that, like she was “the other woman” or something. Competition. She wasn’t.
                No… he wasn’t.
                There wasn’t a contest. He wasn’t in the running. He never had been in the running. Darius had been hers for years. Tristan had been fine with it then. Why was it now that he was suddenly so…
                … so fucking jealous?
                With a frustrated noise in the back of his throat he spun on his heel, turning and making his way back inside. He had to get out of there. He didn’t want to hate Cici. He didn’t hate her. He couldn’t. He hated himself. He hated himself and his stupid fucking crush and how he couldn’t ever, ever let it go. Why was it flaring up so badly tonight?! Jesus!!
                As he reentered the building, he heard that “Mr. Brightside” was playing. Of course it was. Tristan wished that it all would fucking end.
                If Darius could indulge in one of his unhealthy vices, Tristan would, too. He plopped down at the bar and ordered two Skittle shots. At least that was one surefire way to taste the rainbow tonight. He slammed the drinks back and shuddered at the vodka's sting, then took a long deep inhale through his nose and buried his face in his hands, trying to get a grip on himself.
                “Boyfriend trouble, eh?”
                Tristan peeked out and over to where the voice came from, a little way down the bar. A man sat there, a big burly guy jacked to all smithereens with close cropped salt-and-pepper hair and a sort of military look going: a tank top, camo pants, and big heavy combat boots. Man, what did this random older guy care? … But Tristan supposed he could chat with a stranger for a bit anyway. Maybe it’d help him calm down.
                “Something like that.” Tristan said miserably. “He’s not my boyfriend, though, just—” he sighed and lowered his head again, eyeing the menu on the table in search of his next drink selection.
                “Ya wish he was.” The man said knowingly.
                Tristan sat silently, now staring at nothing, but eventually he nodded smally.
                “Hey, it’s rough.” The man said. He had a country drawl that somehow disarmed Tristan. The guy could be spewing pure bullshit, but with an accent like that, it was hard to believe that he would be capable of saying anything unkind. “Some guys ain’t worth the heartache.”
                “I feel like he is.” Tristan picked at the hair tie on his wrist. “It’s stupid, but I’d go to the ends of the Earth for him if he needed me to.” He took a beat, his dewy-eyed expression dissolving back into full on sorrow. “Love is stupid. It’s so fucking stupid and unfair. I hate it.”
                “You should stay away from him.”
                “What?” Tristan couldn’t help but look back up at the guy. That advice felt like it came out of left field.
                “You're only gonna get hurt if ya don’t.” The man said.
                Tristan frowned. “He wouldn’t do that intentionally.”
                “Of course not. But is he tryin' to hurt you now?”
                “… Well, no…”
                “And are ya feelin' hurt anyway?”
                Tristan dropped his gaze.
                “Trust me kid, cut ties now for your own good. It’ll be a lot easier on you that way when he’s not around anymore.”
                ‘When he’s not around anymore’? Geez, that was pessimistic. The drawl didn’t cover up bleak sounding things after all. This dude must have seriously been burned by past relationships to instantly assume that someone would leave, not could. Darius wouldn’t just up and disappear someday… right? Their friendship was solid. Even if things got awkward, they could work it out.
                Perhaps the guy meant something else though… Darius not being around in the future… it hurt to think about, but they were nearing the end of college. Despite both being from the same town, they probably would have to part ways eventually for their careers. That didn’t mean the friendship needed to end, but things weren’t going to be the same once they moved out and were no longer roommates.
                ‘When he’s not around anymore’… Ugh… How would Tristan handle that? It would be a sad goodbye, that’s for sure. He hoped that they’d keep in touch and maybe see each other a few times a year if they were lucky.
                Tristan scrunched up his nose, not wanting to think about it anymore. Hopefully that was a long way off in the future still… No need to dwell on it now. Darius wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. They’d just have to make the most of whatever time they had left together… to live it up while they still could.  
                The man seemed to notice Tristan wrestling with that idea; his face gave it away.
                “Look, you're an innocent, nice fella.” The guy said. “You don’t deserve to be hurt.”
                Tristan lightly chuckled at that. This stranger didn’t know him at all, but it was nice that he still wanted the best for him.
                “Thanks.” Tristan said quietly. He had no intention of cutting Darius out of his life, but hey, free advice was free advice, even if he wasn’t going to follow it. The guy only seemed to mean well.
                The man tipped his head and went back to nursing his beer. Tristan sat quietly and stewed in thought.
                Suddenly there was a commotion from outside: a high-pitched shriek, a loud and angry yell, the sound of a scuffle, then more shouting and screaming. Tristan sat up and craned his neck to get a look, moving to hop off the barstool when Darius stormed through the front door clutching his face with one hand and waving Cici and Steeple off dismissively with the other.
                “Are you fucking insane?!” Steeple shrieked, her heels clicking loudly against the wood floor as she followed him. “You could’ve been killed!”
                “I got your fucking bow back, didn’t I?!” Darius snapped.
                “He was an asshole, Dair! Just some fucking loser! I much rather would have preferred for him to walk off with it than for you to get hurt! How could you be so stupid?!”
                Cici ran over to the counter and frantically asked the bartender for a first aid kit.
                “What’s going on?!” Tristan exclaimed. Cici turned and relief flooded her face when she noticed him.
                “Tris! Oh, thank God! Darius, he… Stupid idiot! There was this guy—”
                “Is that blood?!” Darius had finally gotten close enough for Tristan to see him in the dim light. His roommate blew past on the way to the bathroom, too distracted to see him.
                “Some jerk on the street was harassing us… Darius went after him and there was a fight, and, and—” Cici was tearing up, the fright suddenly catching up to her. “I didn’t know what to do! It all happened so fast, I—”
                Tristan caressed her upper arms and tried to calm her down.
                “Hey, shh, hey, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay, Cici. I’ll go help him.”
                Cici threw her arms around him, and Tristan felt like a complete idiot. All night he had been vilifying her and feeling horribly jealous as if she wasn’t like a sister to him. She loved and trusted him, and now she was vulnerable and scared and chose to come to him for comfort.
                How could he have been so heartless?
                She was trembling. Tristan returned her embrace and gently rubbed her back, lingering in the hug for longer than he originally intended, hoping that she’d feel better. She needed this. Maybe he did, too.
                Cici straightened with a sniffle and handed him the first aid kit that the bartender had slid over.
                “Thanks Tris… You know how he is… I just—”
                She worried. So did he. They had this conversation before as two of the people who knew Darius the best. The guy could be bullheaded and impulsive, rushing into almost anything—even something dangerous—to help someone that he thought needed it. A self-sacrificing dumbass who occasionally leaped before he looked.
                Again, Tristan felt so foolish. He had shared many late nights with Cici where they had deep, heartfelt talks, even without Darius around. She was one of his closest friends, too; that was how he knew exactly what she was feeling and thinking in the moment. Boy did he feel terrible.
                “It has to be you. I can’t go in there.” Cici sobbed. Almost on cue, Darius shut the men’s room door behind him.
                Tristan stood and the world swayed. Fuck, the shots! Not now… not now! What a horrible time for them to kick in! He steadied himself against the barstool and flashed Cici as confident of a smile as he could muster, praying that he looked sober enough that she wouldn’t worry. He focused extra hard on walking straight and hoped that he was nailing it.
                In the bathroom Darius sat on the sink counter looking pissed off and ill-tempered as Steeple patted at his wounds with a wet paper towel. Darius shoved her hand away.
                “Knock it off! I’m fine. You’re gonna get blood on your outfit.” he complained.
                “I don’t give a shit, Darius. Shut up and let me help you.” she pulled the bloody paper towel away and tossed it in the trashcan.
                “I’ve got a first aid kit.” Tristan announced, holding up the supplies. Steeple gave him the same look of relief that Cici had. Darius must have been giving her a rough time.
                “Oh, thank God! I think it looks worse than it actually is, but still, let’s get him cleaned up.” Long manicured nails be damned, the queen dug into the box and ripped open a hand wipe, then reached for Darius’ face again, dabbing at a cut. Darius flinched away.   
                “Fucking stop it! That hurts!”
                Steeple looked exasperated and opened her mouth to snap back at him, but her thought was cut off by a tinkling melodic alarm.
                “Shit!” She reached between her fake bosoms and pulled out a cellphone, then shut off the alarm and checked the time.
                “The show’s about to start. I’ve gotta run… will you be okay?”
                Darius looked terrifying with the streams of red trickling down his face, even more so when he fixed Steeple with a deathly serious stare.
                “Get out there and be fabulous.” It was a threat. An encouraging one, but hostile all the same. “Do it for me.”
                Tristan gave the queen a proper answer. “I’ve got him. Thanks Steeple.”
                “Thank you Tristan.” Steeple turned and punched Darius lightly in the arm. “Don’t. be. stupid! And don’t be mean to this nice boy! He loves you just as much as I do! We’re your friends, you dick!” She rinsed her hands and grabbed her bow.
                Tristan’s throat bobbed. Just as much as Steeple loved him? Oh, no. No. Tristan loved him more. Far, far more.
                “Good luck. He’s still riled up.” Steeple whispered to Tristan, then set off to head backstage.
                Once she was gone, Darius deflated and bent forward, his defensive walls tumbling down. It was just him and Tristan now. He didn’t have to act tough and put up a brave front anymore.
                “Motherfucker…” he groaned. “Fuck, that hurt.”
                Tristan put a comforting hand on Darius’ knee.
                “Are you okay?” he asked softly.
                Darius peered up at Tristan, his face ragged and tired, though he forced a wry smile.
                “You should see the other guy.” He laughed darkly.
                Tristan scoffed, then took a moment to assess Darius’ condition. He was pretty roughed up. Blood trickled down his face and cemented clumps of his flowing black mane to his temple. Gently Tristan swept those out of the way, but the strands flopped back down again.
                “Here,” Tristan said, slipping the hair tie from his wrist. “put your hair up.”
                “My friend the Boy Scout.” Darius teased, taking the elastic and pulling his hair into a ponytail. “Always prepared…”
                “Shut up.” Tristan lifted a towelette, then carefully reached up to go over the cuts on Darius’ face and hands. Judging by the injuries, it seemed like he had been forced to the ground either from being pushed or punched.
                “What happened anyway?” Tristan asked.
                “We were sitting outside talking and some homophobic asshole came by and started slinging slurs.” Darius sucked in a sharp hiss with the sting of the wipe, but didn’t pull away. “He ripped Steeple’s bow off and started running, and I went after him. I don’t know who threw the first punch. It’s kind of a blur…”
                Tristan finished cleaning Darius’ wounds and pulled out a few band-aids. Luckily Steeple had been right: he wasn’t as bad as he looked, head wounds just tended to bleed a lot and look really dramatic.
                Darius watched Tristan studying him when he took a step back.
                “Is it bad?” Darius asked warily.
                Tristan tsked, his voice gentle.
                “I think you’ll live, idiot.”
                ‘Idiot’. He didn’t have to say anything more. The corners of Darius’ mouth pulled up slightly in a tiny, knowing smile. That one word expressed everything that Tristan was feeling regarding the whole situation. Darius knew him well enough to figure that out. ‘Idiot’, meaning something more along the lines of ‘How could you be so reckless? You care too much. You shouldn’t have put yourself in harm’s way, even if it was the noble thing to do for a friend.’
                Tristan was slow with bandaging up Darius’ hands, his movements a little unsteady. Darius took notice, especially when Tristan started swaying.
                “Are you okay?” he asked.
                “Yeah, I just… alcohol…” Tristan admitted. The multiple drinks were finally fully hitting him.
                Darius’ thick dark brows pulled into a frown. “How much more did you have?”
                “Two more shots… I’m fine…”
                “Yeah, okay. Come up here and have a seat with me.”
                The blonde finished dressing the wounds and sloppily tucked the remaining supplies back into the first aid kit. Clumsily he hopped onto the countertop next to Darius.
                “Thanks Tris.” Darius said, a pinch of embarrassment in his otherwise grateful tone.
                Tristan nodded heavily. “I agree with Steeple.” he replied. “Don’t be stupid.”
                Darius chuckled. “I try not to be as a general rule.” but they both knew that wasn’t always the case.
                Without looking at him, Darius leaned over wearily and rested his head on Tristan’s shoulder in an appreciative gesture. He must have been crashing from the adrenaline rush. Tristan tried to keep cool and bite his tongue, but the liquid courage in his system was making him… well, courageous.
                What would he even say in a moment like this? 'I love you, don’t you ever scare me like that again!'? 'Hey, could you stop flirting with your ex? You’re kind of killing me.'? 'Please promise you won’t ever leave me.'?
                Instead, he pressed his lips together and simply rested his head on top of Darius’. The two of them sat there for a moment in silence to recover from the chaos.
                The moment lingered on.
                And on…
                It was weirdly peaceful.
        ��       “You know we can’t stay like this forever…” Darius finally mumbled.
                Tristan didn’t realize that he had closed his eyes until they were open again. Had he just taken a three second nap? His heart beat faster, his half-asleep, alcohol impaired mind trying to figure out what Darius meant. They couldn’t stay like this forever? What was he saying? Darius must be about to dump him as a friend. That was the only explanation. The guy at the bar was right. Tristan was convinced. In the span of a millisecond, Tristan spiraled. It was over. Their entire friendship was over. It had to be.
                “I’m not staying the night in a dirty club bathroom.”
                The flurry of paranoia swirling in Tristan’s brain stopped on a dime and his panic dissolved. Darius was right, this place wasn’t fit for them to stay in at all.
                “Mm…” Tristan nodded in agreement and groggily sat back up.
                “I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve had enough clubbing for tonight. You wanna head home?” Darius asked.
                “Uh huh.” Tristan was woozy. It was a nice buzz, and his heart wasn’t aching as badly, but he was definitely done with the evening. Darius hopped off the counter, then helped him down, supporting him until he could stand better. Tristan collected the first aid kit and they moved toward the bathroom door.
                “You’ve gotta tell Cici you’re ok.” Tristan uttered. “She was really worried about you.”
                Darius' face fell. “Yeah… Well, that’s partially why she left me... Too scrappy. I sure did a great job of proving her point tonight.” His tone was bitter as he reflected on his own actions. Perhaps the breakup hadn’t been as mutual as Tristan initially thought.
                “You still love each other.” Tristan said. It was a statement, not a question.
                “Yeah, as friends.” Darius answered.
                “You mean you’re not trying to get back together?”
                “No. Of course not. What makes you think—”
                “Flirting.” Tristan blurted out. “You’ve been flirting with her all night.”
                Darius looked perplexed. “I’ve been flirting with everyone all night. Even you.”
                What little shred of sanity Tristan had left broke at those words, and temporarily he was speechless. His dumbstruck expression must have read, because Darius gave him a weird look. 
                Tristan wanted to ask a thousand questions- ‘How seriously were you flirting?’, ‘Was it just for fun, or are you actually romantically interested in me?’, ‘Is this a joke to you?’, ‘Are you trying to lead me on?’, ‘Do you know how badly something like that could destroy me?’ but all that came out was one simple word:
                Darius shrugged.
                “Because I love you, Tris.” he said it so nonchalantly, like it was simply a matter of fact. There was no sense of gravity to the thought. It was light. Airy. Easy.
                Tristan was silent. Dead freaking silent.
                As a friend. Darius didn’t say it, but somehow, Tristan knew that was what he meant. Darius loved him as a friend. Nothing more. Clearly, he was still completely clueless as to how Tristan felt. He had to be. He wouldn’t just speak that sentiment so casually otherwise.
                All the same, Tristan’s insides felt warm.
                ‘I want to be with you.’, ‘I need you to know just how much I care about you.’, ‘I don’t ever want to leave your side.’, ‘I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead.’
                … Careful, Tris.
                “I love you, too, Dair.” Not even Tristan knew what level of intensity he was putting behind those words. He would never force something on Darius like that, no matter how badly he wanted it. It felt nice just to voice the thought out loud either way… to officially release it into the universe. 
                They loved each other. It didn’t matter in what capacity. At least now they both knew. 
                Darius beamed and wrapped an arm around Tristan’s shoulders to keep him steady.
                “I’m glad. Now let’s go home.”
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Thank you as always to risahraun for beta-reading! <3
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