#spicy evan peters tarot
theloverscardtarot · 2 months
Spicy Evan Reading #2 July 20, 2024
I did some research and also just studied the cards for this. Of course it's just all in good fun!
Ace of Wands: This is of course a phallic symbol. It can also represent a new and fiery partner. Could mean introducing new things into the bedroom. I think Evan is very passionate indeed.
The Magician: This card can indicate experimenting with, ahem, yourself, maybe with the aide of a good spicy book or some porn 🤭. It also means there could be a lot of communication about sex with your partner. Sexting, telephone sex, naughty notes or emails. I think we have seen this before in one of Peanuts readings.
3 of Cups Side: I saw this card fall and was immediately like "well, well, well..." This card symbolizes a ..third party of sorts. A little threesome may have been had at one time or another. It fell on its side, so I can imagine maybe he struggled with giving in to this at first. I get the feeling it might not have been his idea. Maybe it wasn't on his radar. But, then he agreed to it.
The Devil: this card can indicate that our Evvie likes to get a little kinky here and there. The man and woman are tied up. When I looked the card up, it suggested there might be some bondage or BDSM in the mix. It can also indicate heavy passion and being a bit obsessed. Maybe some sexual addiction. Oh, Evan you little devil.
The Fool: This can represent losing your virginity (I mean duh) But, I wonder if Evan has come across this with any of his exes. Maybe this is telling me his first time was his partner's first time too? This can also represent taking your partner to new levels of sexuality. Oh, my. Giving out O's like Oprah over here. New excitement into existing sex life. Trying to spice it up a bit with his partners. Trying new things.
Judgement: Well, other than meaning being attracted to beautiful women, this suggests "finding lovers at a wedding" I mean, all these weddings he's gone to, there had to be a couple hookups.
Temperance: Um well, this suggests seeing sex as a higher or spiritual experience. Maybe some tantric sex? But, this also goes along with one of the oracle cards I recently shuffled that suggest he likes to make home movies "filming sex". This also is another card that suggests bringing in a third party. Or maybe even hooking up with someone while on vacation.
2 of Wands Rev: The two of wands can indicate willpower, but being reversed I think it means Evan does not have willpower when it comes to sex. I think he may have a hard time saying no. I mean hes a guy, so..
Page of Pents: This indicates spoiling his partner rotten. Calling her pet names like princess. Being gentle and tender. "Servicing partner". Pampering. Doting Fondling. Oh my!
2 of Cups: I asked if he likes to cuddle during sex and this card fell out. It suggests a deep connection. Kissing is a turn on. Bonding with your partner. Soulmates. Marriage, lovers, together, companionship. I would say this means he likes to have that physicality with cuddling and possibly kissing a lot after sex.
7 of Cups: Wow, ok. This card literally says it represents having many choices due to possible fame and chosing wisely. I also think this means he isn't sleeping with all those dates. He's choosy. This mentions name recognition and daydreaming about this person.
10 of Cups: Indicates sex makes him feel joyful. Also might mean he wants to start a family some day. Experience a symphony of emotions. I mean, he seems to be emotional and I think sex deepens most of his feelings and connections with his partners. Can you imagine him crying during sex? I'm 🫠
3 of Swords: This card can indictate hes a heartthrob. Well, of course. But it can also mean he's breaking some hearts. It might also suggest loneliness. Which, I think makes sense. He doesn't seem to like being single for long.
** I had to search to find some meanings on the internet for tarot and sex. So, please take this lightly. It was fun and some cards seemed to make perfect sense!**
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solarspringg · 1 month
More of My Marauders Headcanons —Part 2
• James talks to himself a lot. He will have full-on conversations with himself when he’s alone. He’ll also laugh to himself when he thinks of a joke. His friends used to think it was super weird when they first met each other but they got used to it.
• Peter can’t whistle. He’s tried to learn so many times but he just can’t do it.
• Lily is extremely good at chess. It’s insane how good she is. The only one that’s gotten close to beating her was Remus, but she still remains undefeated.
• Both Sirius and Regulus cannot handle spicy food. Sirius pretends he can and acts all tough, but ten seconds later he’s cursing up a storm about how hot the food is. Regulus on the other hand will freeze and then chug a bunch of milk, suffering silently.
• Remus doesn’t use bookmarks when he reads. He’ll either dog-ear the pages or just lays the book down on the page he’s on. He also loves to annotate, but it’s nothing inspiring, mostly stuff like “Damn that sucks” or “Fuck you [character name].”
• Marlene cuts her own hair and bleaches/dyes it all the time. Every week she dyes the ends a different color. Mary has begged her to go to a real salon since it’s so choppy and fried but Marlene refuses.
• James is tone deaf but will still sing his heart out despite it. He loves karaoke and his go to song is Fernando by ABBA. Sirius loves to sing along with him.
• Mary talks fast and uses her hands while she does so. Sometimes she has to be told to slow down because she gets really fast when she’s excited.
• Sirius is a great artist. He sketches when he’s bored in class, either on himself or on his homework. He draws his friends all the time in his sketchbook. James, Remus, and Peter also allow him to draw on them whenever he wants.
• Pandora loves anything that has to do with fortune telling. She always have tarot cards on her person and will give out free tarot readings to anyone who asks, or she’ll randomly grab someone’s hand and read their palms.
• Dorcas loves fashion and has the most killer fashion sense ever. Every outfit she puts on looks like she just stepped out of the cover of Vogue. She’s also a god at the sewing machine and makes a lot of her clothes.
• Marlene learned how to sew because she’s always tearing her clothes, mostly by playing sports, and didn’t want to buy new ones. Dorcas taught her.
• Barty is excellent at mental math. Bro is literally a walking calculator and it’s insane.
• Evan is ambidextrous (can use both his left and right hands equally). However, once he somehow forgot the actual name of the condition and said “My hands are bisexual.”
• Remus has the worst back issues ever. He has to sleep on his back and do a bunch of stretches for prevention. And when his back is in pain, he has to take a bunch of pain relief and taught his friends how to help stretch his back properly whenever it acts up.
• Regulus has glasses but refuses to wear them in public, having his contacts in 24/7. The only times he wears his glasses is when he’s alone or in his dorm with his friends.
• Dorcas is a clean freak and a bit of a germaphobe. Her dorm is always clean and organized and she has hand sanitizer on her 24/7.
• Mary constantly takes photos. She has a bunch of different cameras, from Polaroid to digital, and always takes the most aesthetic pics you’ve ever seen.
• Lily used to have a nasty habit of chewing on her hair and nails when she was anxious/nervous/stressed/etc. She now carries gum with her everywhere and chews on that instead.
• Peter will lie about the most random shit ever. Someone on the street asking him for his name? He’ll say it’s John or something. When he orders food sometimes he puts on a fake accent. Australian is his current favorite. He’ll even make up random fun facts, and then when someone asks if that’s true, he’s like: “No just made it up.”
• Pandora can be super blunt. She’ll just say whatever she’s thinking and has no filter. However, over the years she’s been learning to control it as she’s hurt a few people’s feelings because of it.
• Evan hates food that is super sweet. He has the exact opposite of a sweet tooth; every time he eats something really sweet he feels like he just gained a million cavities. He prefers savory.
• Barty actually has super light brown hair (almost looks blond) but dyes it black. The first time he did it he used fabric dye because it was the only thing around and his friends made fun of him for weeks because of how bad it looked.
• Regulus was forced into playing piano as a child. At at first he hated it but grew to love it. Whenever there’s a piano, Regulus will sit down and play something. When he’s stressed or anxious he’ll tap his fingers as if he’s playing piano as it soothes him.
• Sirius hates tea. Always hated it when he was a kid and his parents would make him drink it constantly. Even smelling the aroma of certain teas gives him emotional whiplash. He much prefers coffee and likes it black with sugar.
Here’s another list of my marauders headcanons! Ahh I love making these so MUCH. They’re so much fun :))
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theloverscardtarot · 3 months
Spicy Evan Ovary Destroyer Reading#1
I said fuck it and wanted to do something fun. I used mostly oracle cards and it was, uh, interesting...
Better not keep @shamrock313 waiting 😉
What is Evan's general Energy in the bedroom? Hold onto your panties ladies.
Message in a Bottle: "Spirit hears you and the reply is favorable" Communication. Partner is seen and heard. In a sea of fish you find a bottle with a message in it. A treasure. I feel like he treasures intimacy like it's a sacred thing.
Come to the Edge: Edging, perhaps? Yowza! On the card a feminine figure is spreading rose petals as she walks across a small piece of land and to the edge of a cliff. I feel like he likes women to take the lead and seduce him. To lure him. The card suggests allowing oneself to be truly seen and intimate with their partner. Taking risks and communicating what is wanted.
Yin: Feminine receptivity. This card describes someone that lets others take the lead. This has been said before, but Evan may like his partner to be the dominant one. Is Evan shy and timid about sex? I would not guess that at all! 😉
Exchanging Gifts: This card basically represents taking and receiving. Hello! Need I say more. Use your tongue on him and he'll do the same. 🥵
Peace: This card represents freedom from attachment. A lot of casual sex? Some one nighters? It also represents connecting through sex. Being on the same page. Harmony and balance between two people. Like finely tuned instruments. Screaming in the dark together....ok I need an ice bath...
Blessed: (Yea no shit, Id feel blessed too): Unearned and unexpected gifts. This suggests Evan likes spontaneous sex. Loves his partner to surprise him with an..act. This can also lead to deeper intimacy with his partner.
Regeneration: Rebirth, second chances. Failing but coming back stronger. For me, this makes me think he looks at what may have gone wrong or didn't work out for his partner. And then he works on perfecting it. ✅✅✅
Tick Tock: This one had me shaking my head. Like could it say more? This card is all about timing. Yes, that timing. This man takes his time with you, has stamina, and knows when to time his...finale.
Unfinished Symphony: "Make sure to finish a project before you start/finish another one". 😳 Dare I say he's a pleaser? 😫 (That's my O face)
Happy, Happy: Yep. Desires being fulfilled. Joy and contentment. Or, in other words @shamrock313 's six of wands card. (😘)
New Life: Gonna keep this one short and sweet. The man is fertile.
(I can't make this shit up. The last three cards came out in sequence)
Overall: Death: Meaningful, spiritual transformation. Letting go, release. I fell like sex is a release for him.
Evan POV: Hold on tight to those panties ladies.
Page of Pents: Loyal, ambitious and attentive to needs. 🫠 He watches and learns and is very passionate. Energy is slow and steady. Do not rush. Have patience. He uses strategy and cleverness. Someone who engages with sensorial and tactile sensations. Ow, there goes an ovary.
Partner's POV:
Three of Pents: Craft, talent, collaboration. Hello. Talents and gifts intensify when working together and it, ahem, pays off. Are you allowing someone else to do the work? Again, pleaser.
What turns Evan on the most?
Ace of Pents:(I would like to note that the pathway depicted on my card looks like a squiggly penis. I'm not even kidding you. No, I am not insinuating Evan has a squiggly penis). Possession, physicality. "Flowers burst in a fertile garden. The garden represents safety and security" I honestly think this means he gets turned on feeling safe and secure with someone so he can let himself be submissive.
I asked for some more info and I, uh, got it....
7 of Pents: This card depicts a farmer gazing at his crops. He understands the cycles and growth. He is a hooded figure reflecting extra protection from matters at hand. Know when to move forward or..pull out, I mean back 🤭. Yea, I think this card is trying to say Evan is careful.
5 of Wands Rev.: This card represents avoiding conflict or fighting and making up. Which just means his make up sex is 🔥.
Hope you enjoyed ladies, and that your poor, defenseless ovaries survived 😘
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theloverscardtarot · 2 months
So, I did a quick reading for the spicy request anon. And I'm a little shocked by the screenshot one. 🫠 Uhhhh, but a little turned on. And the clout hungry one suggests he will dirty talk. Queen rising says "Praised". Oh, my. And "Too Busy Winning" well, I hope he lets his partners win too 😂😂
I will try some other cards too!!
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