#spfpp relition
SPFPP 292: Rejection is the Risk for the Reward of Connection
Our guest this week reached out on Mother’s Day and it happened to work out for us both to conduct this interview. This is arguably another “Spiritual significance” episode that touches on how our herpes diagnosis can challenge our faith in addition to our relationship with our sexuality and self. Our guest shares about her experience with having gotten herpes from only her third relationship AND HE KNEW ABOUT IT AND DIDN'T tell her, it was his sister. This man had her sign an NDA saying she couldn’t talk about it for 2 years ya’ll and he gave her hush money.
One thing I appreciate about our guest this episode is that her experience is synonymous to the growth and development of SPFPP and myself. There was some brushing up on relationships’ evolution with age and maturity as well. We speak to the quality of intimacy carrying more weight than a high quantity of what may represent the illusion of intimacy, sex. Looking at it from the perspective of a shared and prepared meal, vs something you may get from a drive through or microwave. Something about that analogy sticks with me and I find it to be very supportive in my own ideology of the more you do and practice a thing, the better you get at it. Our guest exemplifies that with her experience being pursued as well.
One piece of wisdom I’d like to leave from my great grandma that I got today was instead of looking for a partner, seek God and let him bring your person to you. I attempt to lay that out for us in a way that allows for anyone to participate in that philosophy, and I invite a Yoga perspective into it in a more digestible way.
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