#spfpp puerto rican woman
SPFPP 275: Trust Yourself to Trust Others
Our guest this episode is a 34 year old Puerto Rican woman who, you’ll be able to hear as the episode goes on is rather shy at first but really opens up and leans into the experience sharing her story utilizing her diagnosis as a powerful connection tool to deepen the intimacy of her relationships. Now, we speak in episode 274 about relationships and intimacy in the platonic sense and I think this episode really adds value to that, so if you’re hearing this without hearing the other, I strongly encourage you to listen to both of these close together. As our guest shares, you’ll get some insights to how our cultural upbringing can and does sometimes shape our response to something like a herpes diagnosis. There’s an initial misplaced trust that eventually, through her herpes diagnosis, our guest was able to re-establish a more solid self-trust to herself after seeing how sharing her status with supportive friends was something that was ongoing validation that nothing about who she is changes per those people she put her trust in. This reciprocal trust cycle continues to perpetuate and reinforce itself within us. That said, you should be able to trust yourself to trust who you confide in.
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