moocowmoocow · 4 years
If you’re still doing Angst prompts.... Drummer/Naomi — “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?” or “That’s not going to happen.” Or both. :)
Drummer/Naomi — “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
Once Naomi returned to the Sol System, she set her plan to find Marco and Filip in motion. It helped that Alex and Amos had business on their respective planets, that way she only had to convince Jim to let her go alone. He didn’t want to. It hurt him deeply to see his family break up and spread across the system. But she let him know that either he let her go and she would return or he try to stop her and she wouldn’t return.
She contacted Drummer to help her get off of Tycho undetected. Drummer had her own ship now but still knew every bolt and duct of the station. She knew Naomi’s history with Marco, too. But most of all, she was a Belter and she understood things in her bones that there was no way to explain to the Inners on the Roci, no matter how much she loved them.
They were on their way to Ceres, where Naomi would be able to purchase a rock hopper anonymously. She and Drummer were in the mess of her ship, eating lentil bars, as Naomi told her stories about Ilus in order to distract herself.
“Still think planets are bad ideas,” Drummer said after Naomi finished the story about her escape from Ilus. “Glad you got away.”
Naomi shrugged. “Can’t stop people, Camina. UN couldn’t. Mars couldn’t. You can’t.”
Drummer made a sour face. “Inners. Glad I have nothing to do with them anymore. Done with politics.”
“Glad you’re happy.” Naomi paused. “Glad you’re helping me.”
Drummer nodded. “Of course.”
Drummer looked at the table and was silent for awhile. Naomi could almost see the battle in her head and was about to change the topic when Drummer spoke. “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
The depth of emotion in Drummer’s eyes took Naomi’s breath away. She reached across the table and took Drummer’s hand in her own. “Guess I always know. Why now?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Ya.” Drummer swallowed hard. “This time real chance you don’t come back. Marco’s dangerous. Probably killed Ashford.”
Naomi stood up, went around the table and sat next to Drummer. “Marco expecting the girl I was. Not who I am now.”
Drummer looked up and lifted the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were hard. “Not wise to underestimate Naomi Nagata.”
“Pashang ya,” Naomi replied with artificial bluster. She brought her hand to Drummer’s face and felt her lean against it. “Love you, too.” Naomi leaned in and kissed Drummer.
After a few moments, Drummer pulled away. “Long way to Ceres. Let’s move somewhere more comfortable.”
Naomi grinned and followed Drummer to her quarters.
Naomi x Drummer - “That’s not going to happen.”
Drummer convinced the medic to let her have one last night in her captain’s quarters before having surgery the next day. Whatever day and night meant in this fucked up area of space. She suspected that the only reason the medical personnel agreed is because they were exhausted and she wasn’t going to bled out on them.
“Can I come in?” Naomi appeared at the entrance of her quarters.
“Surprised you still here. Thought you’d be with your Inners.” Drummer looked around. She hadn’t quite figured out how she’d get out of her walking frame and get herself into her bunk.
Naomi held up the screwdriver she had in her hands. “I wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself.” She moved to start loosening the joints of the apparatus so Drummer could pull herself out of it using the handhold scattered around the room that the Mormons installed in case of loss of gravity.
And Drummer hated that her body needed Naomi’s pity at this time. She was happy that Naomi had saved her life, but her pride was wounded in how fast Holden pulled Naomi away from her. Once she and Naomi had gotten her into her bunk, Drummer reached behind her head and grabbed a bottle. Naomi looked at her disapprovingly. “No painkillers, remember?” Drummer said.
Naomi sighed. “How are you, Camina?”
Drummer took a slug out of the bottle. “I hurt everywhere I can feel. Almost died again. And I assume you’re here to tell me you’re leaving.”
Naomi nodded.
“Fine. I’ll see you again when you need something from me.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
Drummer looked at her, unable to keep her anger, hurt and sadness out of her eyes. “Oh?”
Naomi sighed and perched on Drummer’s bunk. “I need to go back to the Roci. That’s my family. I love them.”
“I thought you loved me.” Drummer hated that she sounded like a sullen child, but after the last 72 hours had no energy to stop herself.
“I do.”
“But you love him more.”
“It’s not like that. The Roci is my home. It’s where I feel like I fit the universe. But it doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It doesn’t mean you won’t see me again. It just means - it won’t be like this.”
Drummer was exhausted and unable to cope with the multitude of emotions swirling in her. So she remained silent.
“Some day, I hope you find the place where you fit the universe.” Naomi kissed Drummer’s forehead. “I’ll send you a message tomorrow. I hope you’ll let me know how your surgery goes.”
After Naomi left, Drummer felt like destroying something but her body was stuck in her bunk. So she drank and tried to sleep.
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amantewrites · 7 years
Loved your Antiope/Menalippe fic! Any chance that we'll find out the details about how she got the scar on her shoulder? :) And a prompt for the two of them in or near the sea, if you please. Thanks!
Thank you!! Yes you will ;) I'm working on another fic and hope to finish it this weekend!Cool I'll see what I can do :) x
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the-roci · 4 years
@spettro280 said:  Sure, Drummer is in love with Naomi, BUT she should also have friends with benefits all over the Belt for when she wants company.
Let’s be real, drummer can get it. Name ONE person whose turn-ons don’t include walking yourself to a medic after you’ve been shot and doing upside down pull-ups in 0g. 
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themyscirangeneral · 7 years
VII. “Come with me.”   XVII. “It matters not.”  XIX. “May I…?”
((Request by Spettro280. Hope it is to your liking.))
You sat, brooding on a cliff near the military training grounds.  Something was wrong.  Despite the beauty of Paradise Island your bones ached with anticipation.  Anitope was an old training partner of yours, and as such was in tune to any shifts of mood.  Her voice breaks the fragile serenity of your innermost thoughts.
“You were absent today.”
“I arrived at the appointed hour, per habit.”
“Yes, but you seemed distracted...May I?”
Looking up you see her gesture to the blank patch of grass nearby.  You nod and continue to gaze.
“What troubles you?”
“It matters not…”
“Y/n, give voice to concern and see them fall on reassuring ears.”
Eyes closed, vivid images replay in your mind’s eye.  Themyscira razed to the ground, flame leaving a scar on the crust of Gaia’s creation.  Hatred radiates from the landscape as charred remains of Amazons writhe on the ground like so many flies plucked of their wings.  
“…There’s a sinister feeling as of late.  I can’t shake it.”
“You see images at night…robbing you of rest.”
By now your head was craned in her direction, relief awash on your brow.  At least this meant you weren’t crazy.  Antiope stands, offering you a hand.
“Come with me.”
Pensive you grab her hand and follow.  The sun was nearly set by the time you reached the secluded beach.  An outcropping of rock loomed overhead, creating a rough arch that echoed the sound of the sea beautifully.   For once your breaths aren’t ragged with anxiety. Wading out knee deep your mind clears as the ocean spray glitters your skin.   Antiope follows you in, silently taking in the sight of your mirth.   Feeling her hand on your shoulder you turn and close the gap between you.  
“Is your mind still?”
In silent thanks, you lightly ghost a thumb across her lips, pulling her into a kiss.   Her arms wrap around your waist, providing warmth against the cool ocean water.  Instinctively your head rests in the crook of her neck and for the briefest of moments, all was well.
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moocowmoocow · 4 years
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If I knew anything about fashion/dressing people, I’d write a story where Chrisjen needs Bobbie to be arm candy for something so she takes her to a fancy boutique and sips on champagne while Bobbie grows increasingly frustrated at having to model different outfits for her.
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moocowmoocow · 4 years
spettro280 replied to your post “spettro280: moocowmoocow: I was bored at work, so here you go,...”
Bobbie, Anna, and Chrisjen made perfect sense to me. Nice to know about the others. I still think Taurasi is the protomolecule, though.
Either her or Breanna Stewart.
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tiny-kylo-ren · 7 years
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Thanks for the chalk requests! <3
1. Unfortunately, Kylo decided to do a mean picture of Hux instead. 2. The Finalizer in purple 3. She’s stabbing some unfortunate passerby 4. Kylo <3′s his grandpa 5. He wants Anakin’s lightsaber the most!
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tiny-kylo-ren · 7 years
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@spettro280 Tiny Phasma hasn’t gotten the chance yet! She’s really upset about it, she’s been absolutely begging to see it. But I think I have a bit of extra time next week that I can take her to go see it, we might even have a girls-only movie day and leave the boys at home!
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moiridiios-blog · 7 years
spettro280 replied to your post: i love that that meme was like ‘my muse has to...
The lyre is just as revealing as her words…..
:’) i know right, what a nerd
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